Status of the "Android Integration" app #5165
Replies: 1 comment
Posted at 2021-12-06 by @gfwilliams I'll try and keep up to date The Android integration app works ok with messages, music and health reporting, but there seems to be an issue with Gadgetbridge that stop either of the apps working with calls. I'd recommend you use Android Integration Posted at 2021-12-06 by jgDev Okay thanks! Yeah messages worked fine for me with Gadgetbridge (bangle) but calls never showed up, makes sense if the issue is with Gadgetbridge (android app). If you have a more specific TODO list I can try to implement some things. Posted at 2021-12-06 by @gfwilliams Thanks! The best source right now is probably but I'd be very interested in specific things that don't work that need sorting out. Posted at 2022-02-03 by Cthulhu I don't want to cause any stress or seem impatient, as I fully understand that you're a one-man-army drowning in support requests already. Nevertheless, I would like to know if it is possible to get a short update on the status on the Bangle.js-specific Gadgetbridge version for Android? Posted at 2022-02-03 by @gfwilliams Well, Gadgetbridge has just merged in some support for multiple builds, so it's in a good state for us to start a new build of Gadgetbridge now (which I'm trying to set up) - but I'm afraid there's nothing available right now. Sorting out the Bangles has taken up basically all my time the last few months, but things are starting to look up now. Last week I've had a lot more time for sorting things out (like the Run app, tools and firmware improvements) so hopefully I'll be able to start on the app pretty soon. Posted at 2022-03-14 by Cthulhu My shiny new Bangle.js is sadly still collecting dust on a table. Posted at 2022-03-15 by @gfwilliams Hi - no news yet I'm afraid. I wanted to check with Gadgetbridge's author that he was happy with some things before we went live, but I haven't heard back from him in a while. I've just prodded him again. Posted at 2022-04-19 by Cthulhu Any updates to this? Is there anything we (as a community) can do to help with this? Posted at 2022-04-19 by Alessandro
This PR has been merged and there there is this open issue. In one comment on Codeberg Gordon said
so release should be close. Posted at 2022-04-20 by @gfwilliams Hi - I was away last week so things have got a bit stalled, but I am hoping to have something ready soon. Probably not with loads of extra features immediately (just the HTTP + app loader) but either way I guess it'd work for you @cthulhu Posted at 2022-04-20 by Cthulhu Thank you both for the updates. :-) Posted at 2022-04-27 by @gfwilliams I'm just in the process of pushing the app to the Play Store (which is a nightmare by the way!), but right now it's not reviewed so isn't public. If you'd like to test it, please send me a PM and I'll add your email address to the list of testers and give you a link. Click that and you should then get it to appear in your account's Play Store. Posted at 2022-04-27 by Cthulhu Thank you again for the heads up and for all your hard work. :-) I have succesfully installed the app, but I don't have my Bangle.js on me ATM, but I will test it during the weekend and report back (if time allows it). Posted at 2022-04-27 by @gfwilliams
Great! Well that's one big hurdle out the way. Once it's installed I'm reasonably optimistic :) Posted at 2022-04-28 by fanoushs-punching-bag Hey @gfwilliams, Posted at 2022-04-29 by nicoboss being just curious, why not F-droid rather than google playstore ? Posted at 2022-04-29 by @gfwilliams @andiohn just added (using the email you registered with the forum) - you can then go to to enroll.
Because @cthulhu has been bugging me :) His phone is locked down so he can only update via the Play Store. For everyone else you can at least get 'normal' Gadgetbridge from the play store, and this one doesn't add a great deal - but he's not been able to use Gadgetbridge at all. Longer term, yes, it'll be on F-droid. But hopefully I'll get everything merged upstream and then F-droid can do builds direct from the main Bangle.js Gadgetbridge repo. Right now not all the changes I have are pushed upstream. Posted at 2022-04-29 by Alessandro Thanks for the invite! Unfortunately, it doesn't install on my phone :-( I have a POCO X3 NFC running Android 11 with the latest updates available. I already rebooted the phone. Any ideas? Attachments: Posted at 2022-04-29 by nicoboss Haha, thank you :) Posted at 2022-05-02 by MoeMoep
Yay! 🎊 Posted at 2022-05-03 by @gfwilliams Hi @alessandro sorry I'm not sure. Any way you can find any debug info about why the install failed? Posted at 2022-05-10 by fanoushs-punching-bag @gfwilliams, doesn't install for me either. I sent the notice that the Google Play console sent. I'm assuming it's because I have gadgetbridge already installed? Also, is there a way to get caller ID on the watch? Posted at 2022-05-10 by Alessandro Sorry, I didn't notice your message. I didn't found any logs :-/ Posted at 2022-05-10 by @thyttan If you haven't already, try uninstalling the standard Gadgetbridge app before installing the bangl.js flavor! (Like @andiohn suggested) That did it for me. I had the same problem with no install before doing that. Posted at 2022-05-11 by Alessandro
I feel very stupid for not having already tried this.. It works! Thank you! Posted at 2022-05-11 by @gfwilliams That's great! However it is a bit surprising - it'd be great to figure out why it's conflicting though as they should be able to run concurrently. Posted at 2022-05-11 by Alessandro If I remember correctly only one Pebble module can be installed - Could the issue have something to do with it? I noticed that the new app does not recognize installed apps (in Notifications->application list there are not WhatsApp, Protonmail, Calendar, Telegram... etc.) so all notifications are handled as generic message. Does it happen to others too? Permissions seem to be ok. Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-11 by @gfwilliams
Well, I was pretty sure we had that one covered: It would conflict with the Posted at 2022-05-11 by @thyttan Installed apps are recognized for me! Posted at 2022-05-11 by fanoushs-punching-bag The App is working good for me, I really like not having to disconnect to use the app loader. That was annoying but now it's fixed. Posted at 2022-05-12 by Alessandro :-/ I unistalled and reinstalled - same issue: none of the apps I have installed are on the Notifications -> Applications list :-( Posted at 2022-05-12 by @gfwilliams @alessandro you know when Gadgetbridge starts you have to give it permission for all of the different things it needs? Is there a chance you didn't give it permission for accessing notifications? Posted at 2022-05-12 by Alessandro @gfwilliams I have give it all the permissions, notifications included. Notifications work but only as generic "Message" notifications. Posted at 2022-05-12 by fanoushs-punching-bag My app needed to clear storage to get notifications working after I pressed something and they stopped working. Now that it's working, I feel like the watch is getting really close to being something that is nice to use. I have swipe to clock enabled, which allows a right swipe to go to the clock all of the time and it's excellent. Then I have quick launch to open music from a swipe down, messages from a swipe up, timer or auth watch swipe right and launcher swipe left. Posted at 2022-05-13 by Alessandro I don't know why but WhatsApp now appears in the application list... My other installed apps (Telegram, Protonmail, etc.) not yet. Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-13 by @gfwilliams I think there's a setting for 'reset database' that you could try? I guess maybe the database got confused - I hope it's not sharing it with the normal gadgetbridge app, but if it is I made some changes for notifications to add a checkbox that allows you to add 'local' notifications (so you can push google maps through) Posted at 2022-05-13 by @gfwilliams Also quick update on this - it's been rejected by the app store because of security concerns. It's still available to testers thouh. So I have to spend a while rewording a 'privacy policy' document, app description, and adding a popup at app start before I'll be able to get it publically usable by everyone. Yay :) Posted at 2022-05-13 by Alessandro
I reset the app from the phone Settings, I also reinstalled the app, nothing :-/ Permissions are ok. After the reinstall I lost WhatsApp :-(
I already deleted the normal GB app and in the internal memory nor microsd there is a GB folder. Weird issue. Posted at 2022-05-13 by _pasi I just installed the banglejs version from the Playstore and i have the same Issue as @alessandro Posted at 2022-05-14 by user143850 Will new gadgetbridge be listening to http requests ? Example: Posted at 2022-05-14 by Poolitzer The app alone cant offer that, you need access to a domain which the app continuesly queries to. Or maybe the app can integrate the push notification api, which either means you rely on googles api or some 3rd party to make the API call to your phone Posted at 2022-05-14 by iii Can I get into beta-testing too? By the way, gadgetbridge has has a "device actions" settings; at least for amazfit bit. Basically, when you press a button, gadgetbridge sends an intent. This intent can be then read by another app. Would it be possible to have something similar for bangle.js? That would allow an easy way of connecting bangle.js to homeassistant.
I know there's a raspberry pi + ble setup for integration. But a) it relies on BLE range; doesn't work for me from a different room b) it's nice to have a serverless solution. Posted at 2022-05-15 by user143850 Yes there are multiple ways to implement this solution:
Application can have configuration for above in settings. At the end of the day ideally this application should be bridge between pc/mobie/watch. and it is not just for comfort, PC servers could open up lots of possibilities for development. Structure:
Posted at 2022-05-16 by @gfwilliams @iii Can you drop me a PM with the email address you use for your Google account and I'll add you?
Do you have a link? This is definitely something I'd have thought we could enable - and the more preexisting Gadgetbridge stuff we can lean on the better. @user143850 if there were a way to integrate with an existing app (Tasker?) that does what you need already, I think that'd be preferable to just reimplementing everything - I just don't have the time available to implement (and maintain!) something scratch-built. Posted at 2022-05-16 by Poolitzer
So I went down a rabbit hole. Apparently, the way push notification works is the same boring long polling implementation one would suspect. The idea is just that it would be very resource consuming if every apps implements their own long polling service, so one uses the google api. This means its all routed through their servers where just one connection needs to be made to. And then then android takes care of relying the new push from that api to the correct app. If we dont want to (soley) use googles api, one can also apparently implement, in tandem with a distributor like Not sure if there is a big need of writing simpler over head code, looks to me like one guide would be enough. Once the API is implemented in the app of course. Posted at 2022-05-16 by iii
Button actions and device actions. I think button actions are a bit more general. But e.g., play pause music didn't work for me, I think it's android-version dependent. But broadcasts should work in any case. Posted at 2022-05-18 by @gfwilliams @iii Thanks! I just dug into this and it seems handled by Looking at the code, sending intents seems really easy, so I just added the ability to send intents direct from Bangle.js using @Poolitzer honestly if it's just polling, it feels like we might as well have the current system of just letting Bangle.js itself do an HTTP request? I'm not sure the extra effort of trying to configure notification sources is really going to help... Posted at 2022-05-18 by Poolitzer
Yes, sure, that will be enough, especially for the beginning. If the notification generating process is not on a server, one can always use ntfy, with "just" http requests/websocket. What you can do with Bangle/the app though is to make sure it supports long polling/make that easy to access. It will be a bit more of a strain on the users data limit/phone battery ofc. I can always think about integrating the better version with Firebase, which should use less additional data/battery since your phone has already a connection to firebase. Posted at 2022-05-18 by @gfwilliams Just an update - I pushed a new release. This one has the ability to send Android Intents directly from Bangle.js (see above) and it also has settings to allow this and internet access (both off by default). It also allows you to keep the MTU at the default value (slower, but more reliable if your bluetooth is flakey). And... you can now turn on 'text to bitmap' which converts any text that Bangle.js can't display to an image on the phone :) Posted at 2022-05-18 by Alessandro
Great, thank you! Just enabled & tested and with accents it works like a charm! Are emojis supported? I received an emoji but the output is weird :-D Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-18 by Poolitzer Thats kind of the ultimate flex to not implement Unicode, respect. Posted at 2022-05-19 by @gfwilliams
A little. So it seems Gadgetbridge often converts smiley -> I don't know if it's possible to get them to render in black and white only - I haven't seen that - or I guess we could send over a color image for them if we detect something that's not just black and white - but that is more work... PRs welcome ;) Posted at 2022-05-19 by Raik Is there a way we could get the apk files via Github -> releases? Posted at 2022-05-19 by rullen I often encounter reconnect issues with both the "old" Gadgetbridge app, as well as the new one. My Bangle.js 2 does not reconnect. Neither in background or if I manually triggers it in the app or from the "notification". Actually, my clock is more disconnected then connected to my phone. Attached log file Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-19 by @gfwilliams @rullen just a thought, but what if you remove your Bangle from Gadgetbridge and re-add it without pairing (click @raik well I hope that soon I'll get it on the main Play store - I'm just fighting with Google's review process at the moment Posted at 2022-05-19 by johan_m_o @gfwilliams I'm seeing a few issues with the new app. Sometimes I have trouble when connecting to the app store. It complains about an invalid json, and even when I manage to connect and update an app on the watch it shows an error about "t" not being defined in a json (or something along those lines). I'm thinking it's one of the apps I have installed, maybe... But I haven't seen this when connecting to the App Loader in a browser. Have done a completely clean install of the new GB app and also wiped my watch, but same thing. If I simply can't get the App Loader in Gadgetbridge to connect it has helped to force close the GB app and let it connect again. The app doesn't always release the Bluetooth connection to the watch. Even if I disconnect the BT widget shows it's connected and I can't reach it from other devices. In this case I have to kill the GB app for the watch to disconnect, even though GB itself shows that it's no longer connected to the watch. I have not seen this on previous installs of the regular Gadgetbridge app. The bitmap rendering of unknown characters and emojis is not working at all for me. The attached screenshot is me sending a test notification containing At one point when listing to music and starting a video on a web page (which automatically paused the music) there was a small toast informing me that the Gadgetbridge app isn't installed on my Bangle.js. Felt weird since it's deprecated... One really nice thing is that I finally can update the watch through the App Loader (ref later parts of: espruino/BangleApps#1069)! Might be the slowed down transfer speed that did it, so I'll try again with high MTU enabled later. Lastly a small feature request. It would be nice to be able to specify the development App Loader as the default. Love having a dedicated Bangle.js app though and not having to disconnect to use the App Loader. Edit: almost forgot... Incoming call notification doesn't work either, but maybe it's not supposed to since this is based on GB 0.66 (I didn't have time to compare the commit history). Edit 2: I did try to get some debug logs from the app, but couldn't get it to save any. Could be a permissions thing... Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-20 by rullen @gfwilliams I actually already did that. My Bangle is not paired, I have selected "Don't pair" when I add it. I also disabled all battery saving functions for the Bangle.js app. After the night when I disabled flight mode on my phone, it did not reconnect, but this time it worked with reconnecting from the notification bar. It is very unstable for some reason Posted at 2022-05-20 by @gfwilliams @johan_m_o did you choose the 'Pair' option when connecting, or was it not paired. I've seen when you pair sometimes the OS does seem to hang onto the bluetooth connection, especially if you enabled HID.
What happens if you go to the 'my apps' tab and refresh?
That's odd - I think what's happening is some of those are getting converted to stuff like There's currently an issue where some characters in the bitmap get converted to UTF8 by Gadgetbridge, and it all gets garbled. I think that's what you're seeing here - it still works most of the time. I plan to try and get it fixed soon but I thought I'd attempt to just get something out.
Yes. Right now anything that's not char code 0...255 is converted (assuming that the fonts support ISO8859-1 correctly). å is char code 229 though. It seems to be in the 12x20 and 6x8 fonts, but maybe not in the 6x15 one? What size to you think the font was that's not getting rendered right? It could be a Bangle.js issue.
I really need debug info from Gadgetbridge for that, but the @rullen there is an option in Gadgetbridge settings to enable auto-reconnect. Is that on? I think the default is for it to be off? This version of Gadgetbridge, apart from a few additions like the app manager, font conversion and internet access, is pretty much identical to the normal Gadgetbridge that everyone's been using for the past year or so. The Bluetooth connection handling is identical, so if you had issues with the original Gadgetbridge, this one will be no different. Honestly I'm just stretched too thin trying to support everyone on every different platform with random watch configurations at the moment. I'll try and sort out the UTF-8 issue and get the word splitting better but really I need a bit of help on the Gadgetbridge side of things. Posted at 2022-05-20 by youphyun So I am on the other side. I have a LineageOS device (Android 11) without Google play store and Google play services. I am using Gotify-UP for push notifications. And of course F-Droid for the apps. I am waiting for the official Gadgetbridge 0.67 update to get the call notifications working. Or is there another fork / special version of Gadgetbridge for the bangle.js 2? Posted at 2022-05-20 by Poolitzer
Haha, another one who would like to have UnifiedPush integrated.
Gordon is developing a close fork, as he stated above. There wouldn't be fixes like call notifications in there though you wouldn't get in the normal app. The main reason behind the fork is to enable internet access. Posted at 2022-05-21 by Alessandro
Which repository should be used? I didn't find the Gadgetbridge one in espruino. Posted at 2022-05-21 by Poolitzer It is at Posted at 2022-05-22 by johan_m_o
Yes, I do use "Pair" when connecting. The only reason I brought this up is because I haven't seen this happen with the regular Gadgetbridge app for a very long time...
If I get that json error when connecting to the App Loader through GB it doesn't matter what I do, refreshing from the "My apps" tab gives the same error. Force closing and reloading the GB app has worked in getting things working so far.
So, apparently this is a Messages app thing. I did some testing and noticed that the characters only render wrongly in the main messages window. If I click the message and read the whole thing they render just fine. See attached images.
Like I said I have not been able to get any logs from the app so far. I only have the Android integration app on the watch, nothing Gadgetbrigde. Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-23 by rullen
@gfwilliams Yes, it is default off, but this was the first thing I enabled after installing the app. I have now removed the device and used "Pair" instead, let's see if that makes it reconnect smoother. Posted at 2022-05-23 by @gfwilliams Thanks - ok so that looks like a font issue, at least for that character. I'll see if I can rebuild the fonts. edit: if you use the latest cutting-edge build, the is the repo I'm working on at the moment.
@johan_m_o @rullen actually I'd advise you to not pair. I'm not sure, but I felt like I experienced more issues when the Bangle was paired. Posted at 2022-05-23 by youphyun I still was not able to figure out how to get the latest cutting-edge build, especially the Bangle.js specific release of Gadgetbridge. Should I install it from the Gadgetbridge Nightly repo: or download and install an apk file manually? Latest seems not to be the best approach? Posted at 2022-05-23 by Poolitzer Currently, you can only get the build APK if gordon invites you to the pre release "beta" of the app on the play store. As he stated above, he is
so if you wait a couple days, Google Play Store will be the way to go, even without the beta. The latest latest cutting-edge build is also obtainable by cloning the repo from GitHub, opening it in Android Studio, and building it there for your device. Posted at 2022-05-24 by uname @gfwilliams is it possible to get the apk? Thanks! Posted at 2022-05-24 by @gfwilliams Right now, the best bet is just to build it yourself - there are no automatic builds so anything I post will be out of date in a few days - it's actually not hard at all to install Android Studio and clone the repo. It's just decent size download :) As @Poolitzer says I'm currently trying to get it in the Play Store, but it's needing a bit of back and forth and changes. It should be there soon though Posted at 2022-05-24 by Poolitzer I can dive into Github Actions and set one up to run on each commit on the master branch to build an apk if you like that. If I remember correctly, as long as you have a Github account, you can see the actions tab, select the last action and download the apk then. Posted at 2022-05-24 by johan_m_o @gfwilliams FYI, your update of the 6x15 font fixed my issue with Swedish characters. Posted at 2022-05-24 by Raik Just wondering: is there an actual list of things to be done in the Gadgetbridge app? This pages is not very specific with features to be implemented. Posted at 2022-05-25 by rigrig @gfwilliams: have you looked into getting the Bangle version onto F-Droid yet?
Posted at 2022-05-25 by @gfwilliams @Poolitzer if you can get that set up, it might be really handy. However I'd hope that soon the app will be live! @johan_m_o glad that fixed it! @raik no, there isn't anything at the moment. I've just enabled issues for so you could put stuff in there. @rigrig not yet, no. I'm wondering whether it's actually worth trying to get Gadgetbridge themselves to build the Bangle.js variant (since it looks like somehow nightlies are handled). HOWEVER right now I don't think that's worthwhile. I'm developing on and deploying to the app store and when I'm happy I'm pushing it to upstream Gadgetbridge - so if you were to do an F-droid build from upstream it'd likely be too out of date to be useful. I feel like there are really two sides to this:
GitHub actions could a help with the latter, but it's not helpful for me to get a bunch of comments saying "I tried GitHub commit X and it's not working, I don't know why and I have no log files". There's not much I can do about it without a way to debug... Posted at 2022-05-25 by Poolitzer
Should be easy enough to avoid when we write down specific steps on how to report bugs and collect the logs for that.
Will have a look. Posted at 2022-05-25 by rigrig Well, what I really want is to get a 'Gadgetbridge for Bangle.js' app in the F-Droid store, so I get automatic updates without relying on the proprietary Play Store.
Well, the idea is that F-Droid builds it ;-) Would you mind if I tried to get it added? The plan would be to open a merge request and ask the nice people at F-Froid for the best way to go about it. (I'm hoping for now we can just point it at your GitHub repo and mark it as "beta".) Posted at 2022-05-26 by @gfwilliams
No, not at all. If you're doing that, I (and I imagine the Gadgetbridge folks too) would prefer you actually just built it from the main Gadgetbridge repo though. Especially when development slows I expect the two to stay pretty much in sync anyway. Posted at 2022-05-26 by @gfwilliams The app has been approved enough for 'Open Testing'So you no longer need your email address added! Just go to and click the button, then you can get it on Google Play! Posted at 2022-05-26 by Sir_Indy Well done Gordon! You're not the first I've heard say Google Play is a... let's say 'challenge'. Posted at 2022-05-26 by Alessandro Great, thank you! Posted at 2022-05-26 by PeerDavid Wow thank you so much, just installed and it works great for me. I really love the app store integration :D Only one minor thing to mention for others (sry could be that I missed this): To connect with the tiny weather app the package name (com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs) must be set in the settings of the weather app (settings->gadgetbridge support -> package name). Now this sync also works fine :D Posted at 2022-05-26 by youphyun I also vote for the F-Droid distribution. I am trying to build it from
I also created a file pointing to the Android SDK.
What could be wrong? But thanks for the Google Play Store version. I extracted it and installed it through adb instead on my phone without Google:
I am also having issues with the Notification settings > Applications list. It is showing only system apps, none of my installed apps. But maybe it is better to start a new topic for these issues? This topic is getting quite big with a lot of different issues being discussed. Posted at 2022-05-30 by rullen I have tested with "paired" a week, and my experience is that it is working much better. I can't recall any connectivity issue after this. Posted at 2022-05-30 by rullen Can someone point me in the right direction of how to make my first HTTP request from my Bangle now when I have the new Gadgetbridge app installed? I looked through the Espurino docs and found the HTTP module, but all I got was "Uncaught Error: Module http not found" when I tested. Edit: I checked the new Gadgetbridge code and found out how to do, here is my first successful attempt! :) Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-30 by Ocim I have installed it and I noticed that it has the 0.67 fixes. So it should allow incoming call notifications. But I don't get them. Is there any additional configuration required for the incoming call notifications to work? Posted at 2022-05-30 by johan_m_o Working fine here.... Check the app permissions (phone). @gfwilliams I've noticed that the app doesn't ask for the needed permissions and I've needed to enable them manually. Posted at 2022-05-31 by Ocim I have done the same but no luck here. I get a missed call notification, but not the call itself.... Posted at 2022-05-31 by Alessandro Have you set up an allow application list? If yes, the phone/caller app is in the allow list? Attachments: Posted at 2022-05-31 by Ocim I did a factory reset on the watch and now it started working. Posted at 2022-06-01 by cephos This is great news, thanks Gordon for the work in Gadgetbridge! So I tried via Intents and an Android-App called "Broadcast to MQTT" but I only get one out of 10 messages arriving in this app. My watch is in 10-20 cm distance to my phone. Can anyone guess what could be the problem? Or is BLE in general as unreliable as I'm experiencing, so I would have to build a repeat-function on the bangle and then merge duplicates together on nodered? Or is there a possibility for a Callback (seems like global.GB = (event) => .. is currently not called with intents) to verify that gadgetbridge has recieved the message. Below my test-code for my bangle2 :
Posted at 2022-06-01 by cephos Have done some more tests and it seems I always recieve the first intent after a pause of around 60 seconds. Is there a limitation in BLE/Gadgetbridge or the Android intent system? Also activated Big MTU in Gadgetbridge, but no change in behaviour. Posted at 2022-06-01 by bzzz thanks for your example.. you can set a rate limit in the broadcast settings of the app. I've set mine to zero, and it is working really fine now. Posted at 2022-06-01 by rigrig Well, finally got round to opening a merge request on F-droid. There are still issues to be worked out, but I did get it to build on my PC. Posted at 2022-06-01 by cephos thanks for the solution, it works now. had to set the rate limit in Broadcast to MQTT to 0 Posted at 2022-06-01 by bzzz's in the Broadcast to MQTT-App, not in Gadgetbridge. Sorry for being unclear here... Attachments: Posted at 2022-06-01 by cephos just edited my reply. Thanks for the clarification. Posted at 2022-06-01 by cephos If someone's interested: just written a draft for direct mqtt-support in gadgetbridge. This way no other app would be required and no detour via intents would be necessary. This is not tested, runnable and even eventually not compileable. First have to setup a project in an Java-IDE to compile and test it. gfwilliams/Gadgetbridge@master...cephos:master For the devs among you, what do you think of the concept? Posted at 2022-06-02 by rigrig @gfwilliams F-Droid managed to build the (I know you're on holiday, just @ mentioning you so it gets added to the list and you'll get to it eventually ;-) Posted at 2022-06-04 by Yoss This might be a bit off topic for this discussion but does the new bangle app support the new http requests? And if so could you please provide a sample to understand the implementation. I'm having zero issues with the app now. Posted at 2022-06-04 by bzzz While tinkering with the http example posted before, I've stumbled over my Android-version not allowing unencrypted communication. When I try to access my NodeRed-Instance: Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"http", url:"" })); I get: CleartextHTTP traffic to not permitted. While this is sensible in internet-communications, it complicates my internal setup and would also need t:https, I suppose. Quick searching shows this as default in Android 8+ and only being avoidable by changing the Manifest of the app. Any chance, this might happen, or any workarounds for this? Posted at 2022-06-05 by JWadden So what's the best way to get updates on the app? I've been checking these forums occasionally, but generally only when I do an update of my watch, which I only do every few weeks due to the hassle of closing Gatgetbridge, enabling Chrome (I normally use Firefox,) going through the update routine, disabling Chrome and then re-enabling Gadgetbridge. Is there any way that people could sign up to receive an e-mail or something when the first stable version of the Android app is available for download? Posted at 2022-06-07 by cephos For those who asked for example code, I pulled it out of the gadgetbridge Java-Code: // to create an intent for other android-apps to react to: // to make a http-call: Posted at 2022-06-07 by @gfwilliams I'm finding it a bit hard to keep track of everything that happened in the last week, and if I try and go through and follow up in one big message it'll be a total mess. I've tried to add some info to the Gadgetbridge page on but if you have anything extra to add (examples, etc) then a PR would be great. So if you still have an issue, please can you file it on Even better, if you can fix it, send a PR :) Posted at 2022-06-10 by iii Hi @gfwilliams, I hope it's the right place to report Gadgetbridge issues. Just installed gadgetbridge beta from google play store. I'm trying to configure which apps are causing phone notification, and most of the apps are missing from the app list. Notification settings -> Per app settings -> Application list Apps like whatsapp/signal/calendar are totally missing. Previously I was using vanilla gadgetbridge and these apps were there. Any suggestions? Posted at 2022-06-10 by @gfwilliams As I'd mentioned above, it's best to report on now I think - I'm just getting swamped with issues on this thread and can't keep track. But if you look back in the thread history I think others have had similar issues. It might have been a permissions thing? Posted at 2022-06-10 by _pasi I just created a new conversation for the Topic with the app not correct listed: also i opend a github issue: Posted at 2022-06-16 by ingo I tried Bangle.js GadgetBridge and encountered a problem. I use the Android app "Kleine Wettervorschau Deutschland" (F-Droid) to get weather data on the watch. It works with the original GadgetBridge app, but not with the Bangle.js GadgetBridge version. Posted at 2022-06-16 by PeerDavid "com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs" works fine for me :) Posted at 2022-06-16 by @gfwilliams I'll add this to - if there are other gotchas, maybe you could help to contribute some changes to that page? the source is on Posted at 2022-06-16 by ingo @peerdavid, thank you very much, this works great. Posted at 2022-06-16 by @gfwilliams
Yes, I think it has to be this way really, because otherwise people who have the original Gadgetbridge and the Bangle.js one could find conflicts. However I guess we could listen out for those particular Gadgetbridge intents anyway. Personally I think now the Bangle.js Gadgetbridge app can access the internet, it'd be nice to build the weather support into it. PRs welcome ;) Posted at 2022-06-16 by nicoboss Hello,
when trying to install it from AuroraStore on a GS9 with /e/os Does it mean I should remove GadgetBridge first ? I d like to keep both apps though, but if it s impossible, i ll try Gordon's later as I still need the original GB. Thanks for any feedback Posted at 2022-06-17 by @gfwilliams Thanks for the detailed error message, that really helps! Do you have any way of knowing what app version you're trying to install? Because that could have happened with earlier Bangle.js Gadgetbridge builds but I was pretty sure that the current ones are fine, because of this line: ... but maybe the 'release' build type overwrites the 'banglejs' flavor Posted at 2022-06-17 by nicoboss Hi and thanks for the reply Gordon On Aurora store (that is supposed to be a google's clone with more privacy concern) the version shown is : Bangle.js Gadgetbridge Espruino 0.67.1b-banglejs (216) with installation of the following files : com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs.216.apk. (4MB) It also says those files were updated on June 15 2022 Probably worth waiting for a few days more for it shows the latest one with the corrected lines
I'll retry after the weekend and I'll let you kow Posted at 2022-06-17 by @gfwilliams
Thanks! Well, I'm afraid that is the latest one, so it should have those lines in already. If you're able to build your own it'd be interesting to see if you have any success changing build.gradle I wonder if there's a way to statically analyse the apk, so I can be sure pebble_content_provider is set correctly. Posted at 2022-06-17 by nicoboss
I'm afraid I don't have this talent Posted at 2022-09-06 by rullen I have issues with the http request function. I have created an issue here gfwilliams/Gadgetbridge#7. Not sure that this is the right place @gfwilliams? Posted at 2022-09-06 by ingo @rullen, this is certainly the error that is described here: Posted at 2022-09-06 by rullen Thank you @ingo. It was the same issue and the suggested fix did solve the issue |
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Posted at 2021-12-06 by jgDev
What is the status of the Android Integration app? The description still says BETA, so I have been using the Gadgetbridge widget.
What is currently implemented and functioning properly and what still needs work?
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