ESP8266 firmware update using espruino pico #5179
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Posted at 2015-09-07 by @gfwilliams Hi Ben, Does testing the firmware version work with the ESP8266 as it is normally? If it doesn't, it may be some wiring problem.
When pasting the code to Espruino, did you press 'enter' after pasting the code in? The last command will need to be executed as well, and it may not be if it is just pasted in. Posted at 2015-09-07 by badben Hi Gordon,
If I try to print the version with wifi.getVersion I get errors. Maybe I already bricked the ESP ;-) I have another pico and another ESP. I will try them, but this needs some soldering.
Then I've done it right. The blue led blinked exactly once. Of course, I did press enter. Regards, Posted at 2015-09-08 by badben One more question. Does the revision of esptool matter? I used the latest master from 2.9.15 Posted at 2015-09-08 by @gfwilliams With 'Does testing the firmware version work with the ESP8266 as it is normally?', I mean does running this command work:
And then:
The revision of esptool shouldn't matter - but I have to admit I haven't tried with the absolute latest version (although I don't think there are major changes). Posted at 2015-09-08 by badben With 9600 baud it prints "AT+GMR\r\r\n0018000902-AI03\r\n\r\nOK\r\n" and it prints garbage with 57600 and 115200 baud, which seems to be expected with this old firmware. Correct? I tested 7 revisions of esptool back to a commit in January. As expected, no change. The next step would be to solder my other espruino with another wifi module. Posted at 2015-09-09 by @gfwilliams
Yes... So that sounds like everything is connected right. I've just tried this here and it works for me with 1v80. However, if I didn't reset the ESP8266 right (with GPIO0+RST) I get exactly the error you described.
Posted at 2015-09-26 by tom.gidden For what it's worth, I failed to get Getting the shimmed ESP8266 from the Pico Kickstarter flashed was a bit of a chore, but after some tweaking, I managed it. Getting three more ESPs I bought from Amazon was another matter: it turned out two of them had dud firmware anyway, so getting a version string was impossible; however, they did go into Flash mode automatically, so once I realised that, I managed to flash them. The third had on it and required some baud rate tweaking before I could flash that. I also had quite a bit of trouble with the reset line floating and so forth, so used a pull-up 10K, and ended up building a jig on veroboard. Finally, shortening the wires between Espruino and the ESP8266 helped, I think... by that time I was trying just about anything. Posted at 2015-09-26 by Kolban Just in case it helps ... there is a whole ESP8266 community of support staff at your disposal ... see: The forums are active and friendly and there is a ton of historic information about all things ESP8266. Flashing the ESP8266 is a story that has to be done all the time for those who like to play with ESP8266 by itself so you will likely find a ton of useful posts, tips and tools present there. Posted at 2015-09-27 by @gfwilliams Hmm... interesting about the reset line float... Maybe later ESP8266 modules 'cost-cut' by removing the pullups? What was the error from Posted at 2015-09-27 by tom.gidden I was just about to put it all away in the loft when I got this message notification. Lucky! I'm fairly sure it was a Of course, typically now I try a Posted at 2015-09-27 by @gfwilliams Hmm... strange. So does it look like you'll be able to update the KickStarter one via the Pico? It's classic cheap chinese module stuff - happened with the NRF24. You get good quality modules that work fine, they get popular, and then the manufacturers see what bits they can leave off to drive the price down :) ... of course that may not actually be what's happened, it's just likely. Posted at 2015-09-27 by tom.gidden I've updated all of them successfully now via the Raspberry Pi. The first one was a KS module using the shim included with the KS five-pack, but still needed to be via Raspbian rather than Mac. The next three were from Amazon, done using the veroboard jig. This one I just successfully tested on the Mac (albeit just So, basically no useful information there at all :) However, if someone is having trouble using Oh, one thing I forgot to mention... I didn't have any luck flashing it on Mac using an FTDI232 USB/TTL board instead of the Pico either. EDIT: Ah, just noticed that the ESP8266 (actually ESP-01) modules didn't come with the KS Picos after all. I got the five-pack, Dad got another reward, and gave me one of his shims and an ESP8266. I hadn't realised he'd bought the ESP8266s elsewhere. So, basically even less useful information to deduce a pattern! I'll shut up now. Posted at 2015-09-27 by tve I know that the esp-01 fits the shim, but I'd highly recommend moving to the esp-12 (best the new esp-12f version) because they have 10dB better RF, that makes a huge difference! Posted at 2015-09-27 by @gfwilliams
Actually you could add them to the order after the KickStarter, so he might have got some? Interesting about signal strength of ESP-12. (Is 12f different?) I've done some adaptors for ESP-12: Still waiting to get some boards back from the PCB manufacturer so I can test them though. Posted at 2015-12-09 by gleb.svechnikov Hi everybody, I'm having same problem(A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266), may be someone could give a hint.
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266 OK, after that using same /dev/tty.usbmodem1441 I've connected Esprino and tested connection as it was written in reply #5:
gives "AT+GMR\r\r\n0018000902-AI03\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
gives "\x00" Also I don't quite understand instruction from(" If you don't have the Pico's new ESP8266 shim, you'll need to boot the ESP8266 into bootloader mode manually. Take 2 wires and connect one side of each to GND. Connect the first to GPIO0, while connecting and releasing the second to RST (see the diagram under 'Wiring Up' to find which pins are which)." Current situation with ESP8266 it blinks twice with blue when I connect and lights red all the time. Posted at 2015-12-10 by @gfwilliams Hi, What you're doing with the The Shim v2 has an angled edge on it, whereas the v1 has only 90 degrees edges. The difference is that the v2 shim has other Espruino Pins used up that mean the Pico can put the ESP8266 into bootloader mode rather than you having to mess around with wires. The problem you've having is almost certainly that the ESP8266 isn't in bootloader mode. Since you have the v1 you'll have to do what those instructions say about connecting the wires. When you do it, the blue LED should flash once (red light on is expected) It really not that hard once you figure out which 2 pins to connect, but it's hard to explain. I'll see if I can do a video on it. Posted at 2015-12-10 by @gfwilliams Video here - hopefully it clears it up a bit: Posted at 2015-12-14 by gleb.svechnikov Thank you very much Gordon, now everything clear and it works :) |
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Posted at 2015-09-04 by badben
I try to update the firmware of the ESP8266 like described here using the espruino pico:
I am using 1.80 on the espruino pico. My ESP8622 is soldered. I think I understood the description, but I always get "Failed to connect" with esptool. Since I am not a native speaker this is a litle bit hard to understand:
When I do it like I understand a blue LED on the ESP8622 flashes shortly while releasing the wire from RST. Is this correct?
Here is the output of esptool and I am using OSX, if that matters.
Best regards,
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