I can't get started. Flashing seems OK, Espruino Web IDE not connecting. #6438
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Posted at 2018-10-07 by Robin Sat 2018.10.06 Hello @user94635, I have limited experience with the ESP8266 but thought I'd pass along the following. I know how frustrating it may be at times and having at least someone acknowledge that their post was read makes the going a little more tolerable. Have you checked out these similar posts?
Have you verified the baud rate both at the terminal end and the IDE under Settings >> Communication? May be a bit off putting, but have you tried an earlier version and what if any error appears? When I have encountered this error with the Pico, the only recovery was to disconnect the IDE, close the IDE then power down the device. Performing the reverse, then re-uploading code or in this case re-flashing may be the only option. Have been battling this for over a month now, although frequency is down to once every three days or so. Which IDE native, Chrome or Web and what version? As persuaded by staff have recently upgraded to native 0.70.4 and have my fingers crossed. Hasn't happened yet. What PC and OS is being used? Posted at 2018-10-07 by hygy Try to connect firs from terminal. Eg minicom in linux Posted at 2018-10-07 by Neptune443 I am using Windows 10 and tried a serial connection in putty every time as well after flashing the device. Yes I verified the baud rate both in the Espruino web ide and in putty. Posted at 2018-10-07 by Neptune443 It is an AI Thinker ESP-12F (ESP8266) device. Do the flashing addresses match this device? How can I find out what the addresses should be? Posted at 2018-10-07 by hungryforcodes Please provide us with your exact flashing procedure, step by step, including esptool command lines with parameters. If that looks ok, it could be a board problem or a communications issue. Posted at 2018-10-07 by Neptune443 I use the CH340 USB to serial driver (COM5:) I've installed python and esptool.py. I've used this to flash ESP8266 boards for microPython and that works fine.
From putty I am trying to connect to the board directly with 115200 baud and then I power cycle it and try again. After that I attempt the Espruino Web IDE with 115200 baud. I have also tried this esptool.py line:
which flashes the board, also tried this one:
but that one says: Detected overlap at address: 0x7c000 for file ... I have tried these versions, in order, with both working esptool.py lines above:
Still no console in putty or the Web IDE Posted at 2018-10-07 by Neptune443 Finally got it!!! YiiiiiHaaaa!!!!
Posted at 2018-10-08 by hungryforcodes Congratulations! :) Any ideas what it was? I see you changed a few things in the end. Posted at 2018-10-08 by @MaBecker Use --flash_size 4MB-c1 for all 4MB board features Posted at 2018-10-08 by @MaBecker Details can be find here http://www.espruino.com/EspruinoESP8266 in section Build Content Posted at 2018-10-08 by hungryforcodes @MaBecker Thats why I'm kind of curious. That setting is one that didn't work for him. The changes he made in his working final flashing seemed to be "--flash_size=detect" and "--baud 460800" and "espruino_1v99_esp8266_4mb_combined_4096.bin", which I assume elimited the wrong address (" 0x7c000 for file ...") problem. So maybe it was the the removal of the addresses, and the use of the combined file that did it. I'm just wondering what the working change was. For me I always use the standard from the README file and has never been a problem for me. Nice page btw: http://www.espruino.com/EspruinoESP8266 -- I see its been updated :) Posted at 2018-10-08 by @allObjects Great thanks to @MaBecker (and @gfwilliams and many others... even though not very active anymore, like @tve and @Kolban and ... all the others I miss in this list) to keep this free-be 8266 ESP thing in good health! Posted at 2018-12-19 by CrashingDutchman I am having a similar problem with a NodeMCU. I tried the line in (post 8) that helped the topic starter, but to no avail.
When I click the connect button in Espruino and choose the COM port, then I see the following in the IDE:
Here is my line that I use for flashing:
And here are the flash results:
I can upload any Arduino sketch that I have to this module (NodeMCU from Amica), and they all work as expected. So, I think the module is fine. I don't have any others to try right now. Any help is appreciated Posted at 2018-12-19 by @gfwilliams If you get the garbage text in the IDE, is your baud rate set correctly? Also, did you reset the board out of bootloader mode? If the board itself is unstable it's possible it's just a broken board. If the power supply is dodgy (bad capacitor) the ESP8266 can just reset itself as soon as it tries to initialise WiFi. Posted at 2018-12-19 by CrashingDutchman Baudrate is set to 115200. I always do a power cycle after flashing, so that should qualify as a reset, correct? Tonight I will try to power it from an external supply and see if I can connect. Thank you for the hints @gfwilliams Posted at 2018-12-19 by CrashingDutchman Oh, @gfwilliams do you happen to know which capacitor I should look at? Posted at 2018-12-19 by @gfwilliams Honestly, no idea - probably the big ones! If you have an oscilloscope then try looking at the 3.3v rail and see if the voltage fluctuates at all. At the end of the day though, if you spent £5 on a board there's probably a limit to how much time and money you want to spent trying to fix it :) Posted at 2018-12-19 by CrashingDutchman You are probably correct about that... although, it can give some satisfaction if you solve an issue like this. Thanks again! Posted at 2019-02-25 by Bubastic
I have the same problem on the same ESP8266 V2 (NodeMCU from Amica) board. Under the esplorer and ardiono IDE board works great. I have been using ESP32s (dev kit1) with ESPriino for a long time and have not seen such problems. port speed: 115200 (I tried different 9600-115200) *** To flash a 4MB esp8266 (e.g. esp-12) using the serial port use:
*** To flash a 4MB eps866 with Flash map 4MB:1024/1024 (BOARD=ESP8266_4MB)
*** http://forum.espruino.com/comments/14448403/
Attachments: Posted at 2019-02-25 by Bubastic what I see Putty is working ... I do not understand Attachments: Posted at 2019-02-25 by @allObjects What about baud rate in IDE? ...and on your Putty port? What in between 9600-115200? - Some flip the baud rate in boot process... (Where is the 1st line shown in putty coming from?) Posted at 2019-02-25 by Bubastic In IDE espruino tried everything in speed options - does not work. Posted at 2019-02-25 by Bubastic I don `t know " where is the 1st line shown in putty coming from" Attachments: Posted at 2019-02-26 by @MaBecker Please check post #10 and add this option to the flash command. Posted at 2019-02-26 by Bubastic
I tried
Posted at 2019-02-26 by @MaBecker Hm, are you connected to your local network and are without internet access? If yes disconnect and try the WebIDE again. Posted at 2019-08-13 by seometis I have the same problem and spent 2 days for solve it, but no results at all.
but have the same results.
Posted at 2019-08-13 by Robin Tue 2019.08.13 Hi @seometis, as you are seeing the 'Espruino' splash banner, it appears you are connected, as that text is clearly visible. What are the results of
Just to confirm so we all are on the same page, what is the baud rate? WebIDE >> Settings >> Baud Rate What PC and OS ver are your running? Win10/Mac/Linux
What is the error message? "boot_v1.6.bin" missing from flash command. Was the source in the correct location? Posted at 2019-08-13 by @MaBecker WebIde baudrate must be 115200 change dio to qio As chip is 4016 use 4MB firmware Posted at 2019-08-13 by seometis Hi @robin and @MaBecker! I use Windows 8.1 based laptop.
Success. Then I runed command:
According esptool everything is fine and flashing success and verifying is also success. After reset the board, i connected via putty and runed commands: Now I've tried to connect using WebIde and see the same error: In settings => communication, Baud Rate is 115200. Posted at 2019-08-13 by Robin Tue 2019.08.13 I'm glad our suggestions assisted in finding a solution that worked. Thank you for posting the baud rate confirmation.
I'll agree that is an area to review. I did the test on a WiFi:
Maybe that setup script still needs an argument change? I'm not able to offer a solution as I'm not an ESP32 user. To others, the amount of free mem does appear suspicious. Is anyone able to post their output for comparison please. > 'Now I've tried to connect using WebIde and see the same error:' I believe you have a different situation and not the same error. How is it being determined that the error is the same? I see the board detail just isn't returned. I have occasionally run into that scenario. Have you attempted to just restart the WebIDE? I see the Com port is recognized. More detail might be obtained by reviewing the WebIDE error console. Posted at 2019-08-14 by maze1980 Flash is ok.
Restarting the Web IDE and reconnecting the board should fix the serial connection. Posted at 2019-08-14 by maze1980 Did you compile your own version, having Flash and Storage and in your build? Storage isn't included in the ESP8266 build, or at least it wasn't in the past. Posted at 2019-08-14 by Robin Wed 2019.09.14 Thank you for posting that test @maze1980, so it appears for the ESP8266 build that process.env does in fact return a '0' value.
It appears this is going to take a bit of study, as I don't see how these apply when they don't agree. (WiFi board here though)
Not intending to muddy this thread with another issue, just posting an observation for @seometis to test and observe. Posted at 2019-08-14 by AkosLukacs AFAIK the The ESP8266 has all kinds of funky flash parts, I think that's the reason there are multiple free flash regions. For STM32 and nRF parts, the free flash area is continuous. Posted at 2019-08-16 by seometis I've found a good solution to my problem. Just flash ESP8266 to standard ROM and put it into the garbage box. And then I've taken ESP-32 board and have no problem. Now I can make my first Espruino project. :) Posted at 2019-08-16 by @allObjects ...a bit unfair to this little, cute guy: Espruino on ESP8266 ESP-09 - 1 powerful cm2 As engineers wisely respond: "It all depends..." Posted at 2019-08-16 by Ollie
Absolutely. ESP8266 was a game changer. It's almost a pity that TLS is the norm nowadays - for that is its Achilles heel. Posted at 2019-08-16 by Ollie Did you try Flasher.js? It's been quite bomb proof for me Posted at 2019-09-27 by FloSax I have the same issue, I can flashbut and connect with putty with 115200 but the IDE thinks its not connected because of the trash before the ASCII art Espruino at the start of the response.
Posted at 2019-09-27 by @MaBecker @flosax Use the 4MB image for your ESP8266 because chip is 0x4016. Posted at 2019-09-27 by FloSax thank you for this info. now i tried the other flasher tool, with the following command:
it went to 100% without complaining. but in this state the device only returns garbage. Posted at 2019-10-03 by FloSax I recieved a different board ... but its also an ESP8266EX where i get the same issue: Anyone got a working EX version?
here the boot output from baud 76800
Posted at 2019-10-03 by FloSax output of both my devices: NODEMCU Amica
WiFi ESP8266+ 32M flash
hope my ESP32 will arrive soon Posted at 2019-10-03 by @MaBecker output shows ‘dio’ for spi mode use --flash_mode qio check README_flash.txt for proper flash commands. Posted at 2019-10-03 by FloSax I finally got it to work on both ESP8266EXFlash with the command:
DO NOT RESET OR DISCONNECT IT BEFORE THE NEXT STEPS In Espruino Web IDE make sure baut is set to 115200 Connected to the COM port of the device, it complains, just press connection button in the IDE to dis- and reconnect.
Save some "known to be working" javascript:
Write the interpreter space of the device with:
Now power-off the device or use the hardware reset button, the LED should be blinking again. The working state was now stable, also when deleting the saved JS code with a reset(); Posted at 2019-10-03 by DamianMontero @flosax I think you'll agree then that the post I did last month should be pinned to the top so you would have be able to play with your 8266 without waiting for weeks to get it working: http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/337674/#comment14873571 Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó Which version can i use for 0x6014 chip? Attachments: Posted at 2020-06-03 by @MaBecker Looks like you didn't switch baud rate from 9600 to 115200 in settings which is mandatory for unsupported ESPs devices Attachments: Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó Baud rate was the first thing i have changed. Posted at 2020-06-03 by @MaBecker Ok, so maybe another process is blocking the serial port. Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó Here is the console message. Attachments: Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó Seems to be that the console show that connectioninfo undefined but show the usb serial adapter in the device list. Posted at 2020-06-03 by @MaBecker Have you tried the same with the online WEB IDE https://www.espruino.com/ide/ I am running Chrome App, v0.73.7 without any problems. Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó NO PORTS FOUND :( Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó I try app version 0.72.1. Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó Uhhhh...this problem come from ubuntu permissions.
to enable serial port read and write. Posted at 2020-06-03 by Lackó It's works well :) Thank you, thank you :) Posted at 2020-06-04 by @fanoush
or add your user to dialout group Posted at 2020-06-08 by Lackó yes, working both solution Posted at 2020-06-13 by user113794 I tried all the appropriate commands in flashing and properly set the baud rate to 115200 but didnt connect on windows 10 seems like i did setup using kali linux image using VM inside windows 10 , it worked like a charm and did connect without any problems then i uploaded this code
take a note of the ip address from left console ( check attached image ) then i setup espruino web ide to use over TCP for programming 1.Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen. 4.Now click on the Plug icon on the top left corner of the screen. Select the TCP/IP option. Got it working on windows now... So , web ide wont connect on windows 10 using serial , use linux Attachments: Posted at 2020-06-18 by opichals For my d1-mini clone boards I discovered I have to disable the Posted at 2021-06-19 by user130486 This saved my ass. Thanks. |
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Posted at 2018-10-06 by Neptune443
Hi, I am brand new at this.
I can't get started. Flashing seems OK, well from esptool.py point of view.
My board says ESP-12F and ESP8266MOD on the chip.
I have tried all flashing versions of the readme file in both espruino_1v99_esp8266.tgz and espruino_1v99_esp8266_4mb.tgz. I just do not know what more to try.
The Espruino Web IDE says everytime I've flashed and tried connecting (using 115200 baud):
Unable to retrieve board information. Connection Error?
Connected to COM5 (No response from board)
What else can I do?
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