Bangle.js 2 button stuck #7248
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Posted at 2022-04-20 by @gfwilliams Ok, that's an odd one - do you still have the issue? You could try pushing the button down and wobbling it around in circles to see if that helps. Just in case you could try leaving it to completely flatted - which i guess won't take too long - and see if that helps - but it definitely sounds like a hardware problem. Posted at 2022-04-20 by rigrig Yups, it's still broken. I already flattened it a few times between retries and wobbling didn't help either :-( Posted at 2022-04-21 by @gfwilliams Ok, that's a shame - I'll ask Christine to drop you an email about swapping yours Posted at 2022-10-16 by bendunc I'm having this same issue. The watch just keeps rebooting over and over again. Have you found any fix to this? Attachments: Posted at 2022-10-17 by @gfwilliams Sorry to hear that - please could you try just moving the button around side to side with your finger? It's possible that'll free it, but if not, I'll have to arrange a replacement Posted at 2022-10-17 by bendunc I've tried that with no success. The button presses and depresses just fine but it's as though it's shorted out. Not sure. Posted at 2022-10-18 by @gfwilliams Ok, I'll ask Christine to get in touch about a replacement. Posted at 2022-10-19 by hedgeling I'm also having this problem, since about a week ago, having used my Bangle2 since it arrived around Feb/March this year. I've tried wiggling the button around as suggested here, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Posted at 2022-10-20 by @gfwilliams Do you're saying it's totally stuck down rather than just unpressable? And there's still a 'click' when you press it? That does remind me though - has either you or @bendunc submerged your Bangle recently for more than a second or two? I did hear of some people having this when their Bangles got wet, and after drying out they started working fine again Posted at 2022-10-26 by hedgeling
No, it's pressable and it clicks, but wiggling it around as suggested here does not make it become unstuck.
Ever since I got mine I have worn it in the shower without any problem. I did fall (shallow) in a couple of lakes recently, but looking at my calendar and reflecting on when the watch stopped booting properly, I can't figure out if that happened before or after the watch got stuck in a boot loop. When I fell in I did get out immediately, so the watch should not have been below 1m and should not have been in the water for more than a minute or two. Posted at 2022-10-27 by @gfwilliams @hedgeling well that would sound like a likely cause then - maybe there was a little bit of water got in - just enough to get into the button. Taking the Bangle in the shower definitely isn't something I'd recommend - you'd hope it would be ok, but at the same time that's on the limit of what it is designed to handle. Maybe could you leave the Bangle somewhere warm for a week or so (off charge) and see if after that time the button has dried out enough and has started working? Posted at 2022-11-02 by hedgeling @gfwilliams I'll give it another week and then try again. I guess I was a naive buyer to think that IP67 would be adequate for these use cases. I hope the next iteration will be IP68 again. Posted at 2022-11-03 by bendunc @gfwilliams I haven't gone swimming or bathing with mine but I did quickly run it under the tap after working out several times. Honestly, I was under the impression that it was much more water proof than IP67. Maybe I was mistaken but I remember looking up the water proof rating that was on a card in the original package and being impressed that it could withstand pressure several meters into water, according to its rating. I've left the broken bangle out in my room (dry western US air) for several weeks and it still has this problem. Like hedgeling said, the button will press and depress and can wiggle it around but the board itself is registering the button as held. Posted at 2022-11-04 by @gfwilliams @bendunc I looked back and I'm pretty sure the original cards (and in fact the current ones) say "IP67 waterproof" - while technically true (according to the manufacturer at least) I'll admit that saying "waterproof" is somewhat misleading and I've been trying to replace that with "water resistant" whenever I see it (I'll get the next batch of cards changed). IP67 spec does say "protected against short periods of immersion in water while under pressure between 15cm and 1m." but that's clean, cold water, and in reality when moving under water the pressure almost certainly exceeds 1m's worth. If you google 'can I bath/shower/swim with IP67' the advice is pretty clearly against it...
I honestly can't see a problem with doing that - and it could well be that the button issue in your case is unrelated... Posted at 2023-05-27 by markcra I'm also having trouble with the button on my Bangle.js 2. It has been living on the charger on my desk for some time now and I thought I'd wear it out tonight so I connected it, updated to the latest firmware, even added a few apps but then suddenly the button doesn't have the tactile click to it and I can't get the screen to unlock. The button is springy, I've tried wobbling it around a bit to see if I can 'unstick' it but to no avail. There's no audible or tactile click and the device behaves as if it's not been pressed. No chance of water damage as it has been stored on the stand for the last few months. Fingers crossed it frees up but judging by this and other posts I've found it doesn't sound terribly likely. Posted at 2023-06-03 by fritzfritz nevermind Posted at 2023-06-04 by markcra My watch no longer powers up, it doesn't appear to be charging any more and without a button to press I have no way to nudge it into doing anything. @fritzfritz did you manage to repair yours yourself? Curious if I can do the same. Posted at 2023-06-04 by fritzfritz I bought mine through Adafruit. They said they would replace it, and I filled out the RMA work(yesterday), but I haven't received the replacement yet(hopefully this week). Posted at 2023-06-04 by markcra Ah fair enough, I backed the kickstarter so I doubt there's any warranty on my watch. Posted at 2023-06-05 by @gfwilliams Sorry to hear this - there was a 1 year warranty on the KickStarter watches but I'm afraid we're way past that now. You my be able to fix it if you're up for a bit of a challenge - you need to warm up the front glass (but not past 100 degrees C or it'll kill the LCD) and then the glue loosens and you can pull it off with a suction cup. It's been suggested the easiest method is to use the heated bed of a 3D printer if you have one or have access to one. After that, it might just be that the button PCB has pushed up, and you can just push it back down - or I just received a few replacement button PCBs here that you might be able to use. Unfortunately doing that will almost certainly break the waterproofing on your Bangle... The other option is when folks have had problems with an out of warranty Bangle, I've been offering a brand new one at half price - so we could do that if you wanted. @fritzfritz sorry you had troubles - you removed your original post so I don't know what the issue was, but generally it's helpful if you can give us a chance to try and help fix your problems before contacting the distributor. Posted at 2023-06-06 by fritzfritz sorry for the added noise, I deleted the post to reduce the noise.... and well. My watch is only a few months old. Starting last week the button stopped registering. It feels soft, instead of clicky. I guess I responded to the wrong thread, there was one that discussed the button dislocating. These symptoms fit with what I encountered. The only options I saw were to repair it (risk overheating and losing waterproofing) or try and see if there was a warranty. That's why I contacted the distributor. I apologize for not following through here first. I was in a rush to try and get it working again. Posted at 2023-06-06 by @gfwilliams No problem - thanks for explaining! Just for others - it's extremely rare that we'd repair a watch for you, we usually just send a new watch body if there's something wrong. Sorry you had issues with it so soon though - after the initial KickStarter batch of watches the buttons have tended to be pretty good. Hopefully Adafruit get it sorted for you quickly! Posted at 2023-06-13 by markcra I'm definitely up for repairing it and will have a go at removing the front glass with my printer's heated bed. Thanks Gordon. Posted at 2023-06-14 by @gfwilliams @markcra great! Just to say that if you do get it to bits and you find the button PCB is damaged (rather than just moved out of the way) then I have now managed to get hold of a handful of replacement button PCBs, so I can post one to you. Posted at 2023-06-16 by markcra Thanks @gfwilliams but that isn't necessary, I managed to open the watch (in the end used hot air as my heated bed wasn't doing the job and I didn't want to push the printer any higher) and although the button PCB didn't look out of place I pulled it out and put it back in and all seems to be well again. I just need to find a suitable adhesive for closing the screen back up. (attached photo taken before I removed the button PCB) I wonder if you might put a page on the bangle.js website with instructions on disassembly, I struggled to find any advice on a few attempts to find it then I struck gold with some posts here, namely Attachments: Posted at 2023-06-19 by @gfwilliams
Thanks - just done! It's processing now. Posted at 2023-06-19 by @halemmerich Nice, very useful. Was this the first opening of this particular watch? If so I need to get me a hotplate :) Mine fought back A LOT more using hot air. Posted at 2023-06-20 by @gfwilliams
It was! It actually surprised me how easily that one came apart. I had a bit of bad luck and it took a few attempts before that took a whole lot more work to get the front off - the camera got low battery, the SD card ran out of space, someone came to the door - and it just happened that that particular video made it to the end (although I forgot to mention using a 3D printer heated bed!). Some of them did require me to use the scalpel to get between the glass and the plastic and lever slightly, but I did manage to do that without any obvious damage to the watch. I think something like a stanley knife blade probably would be too thick though. Posted at 2023-06-24 by Oscar155835 H I Gordon, we have 2 kickstarter Bangle Js2 watches, form one of these, the most used blue version the button stops working. I only see the text "Hold button to reload. Posted at 2023-06-26 by @gfwilliams I'm afraid I can't replace the watch for free - it's now over 18 months old, and while I have been replacing them up to a year (even though it seems most companies only do 6 months) I just can't afford to keep doing it past then, especially on something like the KickStarter where the profit margins aren't very good in the first place. What I have been saying though is if someone bought a watch and it broke, regardless of how old it is I can give you a code for the shop to buy a new one half price which is pretty much at cost for me. Although it is possible that by pushing the button gently and moving your finger around in circles you can bring it back to life, or you can connect with the Web IDE and type Posted at 2023-06-27 by Oscar155835 Thanks Gordon, I will order a new watch in the shop Best regards, Oscar Posted at 2023-10-09 by Raik This problem hit me today, my Bangle2 is in a bootloop now as well. I was wearing it in the morning, than it set on my desk. When I returned in the afternoon it was doing the bootloop. The button does not feel physically stuck and is still clicking. The watch never saw any water except maybe a raindrop today. I also could quickly perform a
which returned true. Not sure what is going on, but this is now the 3rd watch (original + 2 replacements) that died for me for some reason or another. I'm not being mad at anyone, just a bit frustrated. :-( I will let it run down the battery and see if this cures itself. Attachments: Posted at 2023-10-10 by @gfwilliams Hi - sorry to hear that - it does seem you've been very unlucky with these! To be fair we did replace both free of charge as far as I can tell? and I think you got the original watch around 2 years ago now? It's a very odd failure if the button is still clicking - normally I'd put that down to a bit of water getting in around the button and subsequent corrosion, but as you say it's not been near any water recently. I guess it might not be one big event but just a bunch of small times that added up - it may well be that just putting it somewhere warm for a few days will dry up inside if it had got very slightly humid in there and it might start working again. It's a frustrating issue as probably the button is still fine. Posted at 2023-10-10 by Raik
Yes indeed and I am very grateful for you to be so fourthcoming! What's strange indeed is that the looping will stop eventually, than I can connect to the watch via BT normally. I did the I'll let it sit for while, lets see. Lets suppose I would try to open it, how or what could I check and/or repair inside? Posted at 2023-10-11 by @gfwilliams Ok, yes, the lowered resistance sounds like it then :(
There's a little button on a flex PCB - and either you could just give it a clean under distilled water, or I do have a handful of new ones here and I could send you one of those. edit: Just to say that it is possible to stop the button resetting the watch ( so even if the button stayed stuck down sometimes, you could almost certainly still use the Bangle for something even if not having the button available made it not that good as a watch. Posted at 2023-10-11 by Raik
I just was about to ask. I'll give this a try. Posted at 2023-12-17 by Rarder44 Sorry if I reopen an "old" post, but I have the exact same problem: Posted at 2023-12-18 by @gfwilliams That's a pain - does the board look corroded in any way? It could be that some moisture got in and has caused a lower resistance between some pins. I'd maybe consider going over it with a brush and distilled water or isopropyl alcohol and see if that helps at all - especially near the connector and up around the main microcontroller chip. Posted at 2023-12-18 by Rarder44
the last time it worked, I used it in a cold environment but considering that it was always worn and under the jacket, I don't think it ever went below 10°C. I only noticed one thing, in the part "circled" in red, there seems to be 2 soldering points but there is no component. Attachments: Posted at 2023-12-19 by @gfwilliams I just checked a board here and that missing component is expected. The board looks pretty good as you say, no signs of issues - although just where the button PCB plug is, at the top edge of it (by the How old is the watch? The button itself shorts the wire to ground, with it being pulled up to 3.3v via an internal pullup in the chip itself (the value of which can't be changed). If it were possible to add an external pullup resistor with a stronger value that'd likely fix it, but I'm afraid I can't see any easy way to attach one as I can't find a testpoint for the button There is a vanishingly small chance that the unpopulated component you found could be an optional pullup resistor, but I doubt it - and i'm afraid I don't have a PCB schematic so I can't check Posted at 2023-12-19 by @gfwilliams I should add that as in the post above, you can effectively disable the button in software so assuming you can upload the code fast enough after boot up you can make the watch semi-usable, and then it would be possible to make the accelerometer 'tap' call the handlers for when the button is pressed. Posted at 2023-12-19 by Rarder44
from another angle/light it is actually clean. I'll try to clean it anyway.
1 year
this is the strange thing, reading the value between GND and the button pin with a tester I detect a voltage of only 0.09V (no it's not a typo)
I look at this here:, it seems that the component is also missing.
yes, I've already tried, it works but I'm trying to understand if I can get it to work again without using the "tap" trick Posted at 2023-12-19 by @gfwilliams
Ok, well that's interesting then - it almost sounds like a short. What happens if you connect by Bluetooth and then do Posted at 2023-12-19 by Rarder44 always 0.09V Posted at 2023-12-19 by Rarder44 Posted at 2023-12-19 by Rarder44 Posted at 2023-12-19 by @gfwilliams Ok, thanks! very interesting! Well, 2.7v isn't the 3.3v I think the chip is powered from, so there must still be quite a serious resistance across the pin. Even if you were to counteract that with a big resistor, it'd kill your battery life so you'd really have to find out what was causing it. I guess it could be a short against a nearby pin, but even so it's hard to see how that could have just started Posted at 2023-12-22 by Rarder44 I cleaned the whole board but nothing, same problem. Posted at 2024-01-15 by user156160 Hey Rarder44, Is there any update to your quest? I'm suffering from both, lost bluetooth and now bootloop aswell and wanted to check if there is a magic cure to this. Posted at 2024-01-15 by Rarder44 sadly, nope. in the next few days I'll try the hot air again, I'll dare a little more with the heat, until it holds up. Posted at 2024-01-16 by user156160 The interesting thing is, that it sometimes stops the bootloop, when I unattach the button. but it will restart the instance I reattach it. i'll keep it sitting on the heating for a few more days and then i will probably give it a blast with the heatgun aswell. Posted at 2024-01-17 by @gfwilliams
Someone had this issue as well - I forget who it was. Do you have a way of measuring the resistance across the contacts on the button PCB? I'd imagine there was some water ingress and the button got corroded so the resistance decreased to the point where it thinks it is always pressed. If that's the case (the resistance is non-open) then we could get you a new button PCB Posted at 2024-04-02 by thejevans @gfwilliams I just got this bootloop problem today. My button feels clicky even though it is registering as pressed and I saw it start happening in front of me as it was right when I got a notification. I've worn it while riding my bike in the rain a couple times, but it's been weeks since the last time, and I don't get it wet any other way. I got the watch for Christmas '23. The screen backlight is also flickering a bit. It definitely wasn't doing that before this started. Posted at 2024-04-02 by @gfwilliams Sorry to hear that - so it's actually only a few months old? I'll drop you an email. It's odd about the screen flickering too - that and the button pressed in sounds very much like a water ingress issue, but I wouldn't expect any issues from riding a bike in heavy rain a few times. Posted at 2024-04-03 by user157887 @gfwilliams Is there an official channel for submitting these warranty claims? I've also got a <1yr old Bangle.JS 2 that has had the button stuck boot loop issue for a while now (since 2-3 months ago), but I'd given up on it until stumbling on a few of these threads. The button is still clicky and feels normal. I only ever used it for getting message alerts while at my desk working with headphones on, so I'm struggling to think of a way the watch might've gotten wet. I'd love to have a working Bangle.JS 2 again though, if there's any way to get it repaired/replaced under warranty. Posted at 2024-04-04 by @gfwilliams
Just before that - have you tried 'massaging' the button? so run your finger in a circle around the button, pushing it in different directions, both pressing lightly and hard enough to depress the button. It might fix it - it's worth a try. The best bet is if you could send an email to and provide a link to this post. Generally for warranty it's 6 months on any failure unless it's due to abuse, 12 months if it's not related to wear and tear, and outside that we can do you a new one for half price. In this case it sounds like even though you're outside 6 months the watch has had a pretty easy life and would definitely be covered. Posted at 2024-04-04 by TimGent I have a similar problem with a JS2 I bought early last year. The button appears to be stuck and sends the watch into a continious reboot loop. Bangle.setOptions({btnLoadTimeout:0}); // disable app reload I also tried using Bangle.setUI to set swiping to replace the use of the button. But I couldn't get that to work for some reason. Posted at 2024-04-09 by @gfwilliams Sorry this happened to you, but I'm glad you're finding some ways around it! For the swipe->click idea, if overloading Bangle.setUI wasn't working for some reason, you could try adding this:
It's very hacky, but it basically piggy-backs on the the existing setWatch to just call whatever functions were set to be called when BTN changes. I'd also be interested in whether if you run the following code:
the button itself changes what's printed from Posted at 2024-05-12 by TimGent Sorry, just getting back to this. The code below when pasted in the IDE returns 'false' normally but then does detect a button press and issue 'true'. Posted at 2024-05-13 by @gfwilliams Ok, thanks for the update. If you update with a cutting edge build now, you should now be able to do:
This will do the fix I posted above automatically - so long-pressing the button to go back to apps (and even reboot) should work, and it even overrides the IRQ so the button should work in apps (although it works by polling so won't be as snappy/reliable as before). Posted at 2024-06-17 by Chriz
Just for information. I had to call
and then it was working. Posted at 2024-10-23 by flurl I managed to get my button working again by cleaning the PCB in an ultrasonic cleaner. Then I bathed it in IPA, then in Contact Cleaner and finally I dried it with a hot-air gun. But I'm not sure how long lasting that will be, so I'm gonna write to support to see, if there's any spare PCB left over. Posted at 2024-12-06 by fanoushs-punching-bag Ugh, mine just did this. It's interesting though, I had a LOT of issues with apps right before this, it would disconnect from bluetooth and a bunch of stuff, and it showed a lot of garbage in the settings but I didn't do anything. Suddenly like an hour later, it's boot looping as if the button is being pressed. Makes me think it's something other than the button. This makes me sad because now I have to figure out what to do to get my bangle fun. I'll try the wiggle. I tried to replace my pebble again with the bangle for the last week and it was starting to get to a place to be a replacement but alas, I hope I can figure it out. If I need to get a replacement, is there a rugged clone that we can flash the software on? Do we have one with 4 buttons we could try to rig something up? I'm interested in the clones, and I think @gfwilliams should too, it would be cool even if all he did was drop ship 'known goods', so we can at least give him some dollars for the pass through? Posted at 2024-12-06 by fanoushs-punching-bag Funny thing, I had just updated the nightly...I wonder if that's something Posted at 2024-12-09 by @gfwilliams The boot looping could just be a failed firmware update? Maybe see if you can hold the button to get it into the bootloader mode, and then update via the DFU Android/iOS app (not the App Loader). Info at But if you're still having trouble, maybe take a video and post it up so we can see? Posted at 2024-12-09 by fanoushs-punching-bag Sounds good, I'll charge it back up and see if I can flash it in dfu. I seem to remember the bootloader saying release the button to boot but I'll have to video it. Posted at 2024-12-09 by fanoushs-punching-bag Looks like the button is stuck down, but I'm down for trying something. I tried what other people posted here. Attachments: Posted at 2024-12-09 by @gfwilliams Thanks for the video - Yes, you're right, looks like it's stuck down. There's a small period of time before it reboots, so maybe you could try and connect with the Web IDE at and paste in this code in the left-hand side of the Web IDE before it disconnects:
It might take a few tries before you manage it, but once it's done, that will stop the reboots (but it'll also stop you changing apps). You could then try running:
And then try ... but there is the question of why it happens. I'm afraid usually it's because of water ingress around the switch area causing the switch to get corroded and its resistance to get lower. Posted at 2024-12-10 by fanoushs-punching-bag Yeah it's barely been worn and never wet. Pretty sensitive. :/ Posted at 2024-12-10 by @gfwilliams Wow, really sorry about that. It's kind of surprising - how long have you had it? Did the fixes work at all? |
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Posted at 2022-04-13 by rigrig
My Bangle.js 2 keeps rebooting, it very much looks like the button is stuck.
Monday morning everything was fine, but a few hours later I noticed it constantly rebooting, the
bar filling up, and the process repeating itself every 6 seconds or so. I tried draining the battery, but that didn't help.I even managed to briefly connect the IDE between reboots, which seems to confirm my suspicion:
Pressing the button feels fine, except that it doesn't have any effect.
The last time it even came near water was when I wore it in the rain a few weeks back, so I'd be surprised if that caused it.
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