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BB-9610: Add at least one space after heading slashas to all markdown…
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- Add at least one space after heading slashas to all markdown files
- remove extra space from code examples (it was added by regexp)
- update FeatureToggleBundle doc
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anyt authored and Vladyslav Byndych committed May 25, 2017
1 parent a91e335 commit 00a4fbf
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Showing 51 changed files with 360 additions and 359 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
UPGRADE FROM 1.10.0 to 1.10.1

#### EntityExtendBundle
- `Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\EntityMetadataHelper`
- `getEntityClassByTableName` deprecated, use `getEntityClassesByTableName` instead
- removed property `tableToClassMap` in favour of `tableToClassesMap`
Expand Down
62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
UPGRADE FROM 1.3 to 1.4

#### DashboardBundle:
- In `Entity\Repository\DashboardRepository` method `findDefaultDashboard` currently required mandatory parameter `Organization`
- `Model\Manger` now use `Organization` in `find Dashboard` methods (`findUserActiveDashboard`, `findDefaultDashboard`)

#### DataGridBundle:
- `Extension\Pager\PagerInterface` no longer has `getLinks` method for implementation
- `Orm/OrmDatasource\OrmDatasource`:
- now implement and `ParameterBinderAwareInterface`
- methods `getParameterBinder` and `bindParameters` have been added
- `EventListener\BaseOrmRelationDatagridListener` has been deprecated

#### EmailBundle:
- `Builder\EmailEntityBatchInterface` currently has mandatory method `getChanges` for implementation
- `Entity\Email`:
- Added new method `hasFolder`
Expand All @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ UPGRADE FROM 1.3 to 1.4
- Method `getIsActive` has been renamed into `isActive`
- `Sync\KnownEmailAddressChecker` now has method `preLoadEmailAddresses`, which can performs pre-loading of the given email addresses

#### EmbeddedFormBundle:
- New events `oro_embedded_form.form_submit.after` and `oro_embedded_form.form_submit.before` have been added
- `Entity\EmbeddedForm` now is extendable

#### EntityConfigBundle:
- Command `oro:entity-config:init` has been removed
- `Config\ConfigManager` added new method `getConfigs` whereby you can get configuration data for all configurable entities, or or all configurable fields of the given
- `Entity\Repository\OptionSetRelationRepository` has been deprecated
Expand All @@ -39,79 +39,79 @@ UPGRADE FROM 1.3 to 1.4
- `EventListener\OptionSetListener` has been deprecated
- `oro:entity-config:debug` command has been changed to get a different kind of configuration data as well as add/remove/update configuration of entities.

#### EntityExtendBundle:
- `EntityConfig\ExtendScope` constants `STATE_UPDATED` and `STATE_DELETED` have been deprecated

#### FilterBundle:
- `Datasource\FilterDatasourceAdapterInterface` now has mandatory method `getFieldByAlias`

#### FormBundle:
- `Utils\FormUtils` new static method `appendClass` has been added

#### ImapBundle:
- `Connector\ImapConnector` now has `getCapability` method to get capabilities of IMAP server
- `Connector\ImapMessageIterator` and `Manager\ImapEmailIterator` add new methods `setBatchSize` which determine how many messages can be loaded at once and `setBatchCallback`, sets a callback function which is called when a batch is loaded
- Class `Mail\Storage\Folder` now can guess folder by type based on it is flags by `guessFolderType()`
- `Manager\DTO\Email` now is extended by `Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Model\EmailHeader`
- In `Manager\ImapEmailManager` new method `hasCapability` has been added

#### ImportExportBundle:
- Added console command `oro:import:csv` to perform import from CSV file using CLI

#### InstallerBundle:
- New option `symlink` has been added into `Command\InstallCommand` and `Command\PlatformUpdateCommand`

#### IntegrationBundle:
- New attribute `editMode` and three constants has been added into `Entity\Channel` which determine it status `EDIT_MODE_ALLOW`, `EDIT_MODE_RESTRICTED` and `EDIT_MODE_DISALLOW`. `EDIT_MODE_ALLOW` is by default.
- Class `Form\Type\IntegrationSelectType` with command `oro_integration_select` has been added
- Method `getAvailableIntegrationTypesDetailedChoiceList` has been renamed to `getAvailableIntegrationTypesDetailedData` in `Manager\TypesRegistry`

#### NavigationBundle:
- Into `Entity\NavigationHistoryItem` new attributes have been added: `organization`, `route`, `routeParameters`, `entityId`

#### OrganizationBundle:
- `Entity\Organization` now is extendable and implement `\Serializable`
- In `Entity\Repository\BusinessUnitRepository` new method `getOrganizationBusinessUnitsTree` has been added

#### PlatformBundle:
- Some doctrine listeners can be disabled for console commands, see command `oro.platform.optional_listeners` for
full list of optional listeners, listener manager `Manager/OptionalListenerManager` and console listener
`EventListener/Console/OptionalListenersListener` for implementation

#### QueryDesignerBundle:
- In `QueryDesigner\JoinIdentifierHelper` new methods `isUnidirectionalJoinWithCondition` and `getUnidirectionalJoinEntityName` have been added

#### SearchBundle:
- Class `Command\AddFulltextIndexesCommand` that was defined `oro:search:create-index` command has been removed
- Commands `oro:search:index` and `oro:search:reindex`currently have a new argument `class`
- Two methods have been added `truncateIndex`, `getItemsForEntities` into `Entity\Repository\SearchIndexRepository`
- Deprecated method `getLinks` in `Extension\Pager\IndexerPager` has been removed

#### SecurityBundle:
- New method `setConfigProvider` has been added into `Acl\Voter\AclVoter`
- New method `setClass` has been added into `Annotation\Acl`
- New listener `EventListener\ConsoleContextListener` that allows to specify current user and organization in
console commands

#### SoapBundle:
- New argument `$filters` in `Controller\Api\Rest\RestApiReadInterface` method `handleGetListRequest` has been added
- New argument `$criteria` in `Controller\Api\Soap\SoapApiReadInterface` method `handleGetListRequest` has been added after argument `$limit`
- New events `Event\FindAfter` with name `oro_api.request.find.after` and `Event\GetListBefore` with name `oro_api.request.get_list.before` has been added

#### TranslationBunle:
- Added debug translator that highlights translated and not translated strings on UI, see "Configuration" section of
`TranslationBundle` documentation for more details

#### UIBundle:
- In `Tools\ArrayUtils` new method `arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct` has been added

#### UserBundle:
- `Entity\Role` attribute `owner` has been removed
- `Entity\RoleSoap` attribute `owner` has been removed
- `Entity\UserManager` method `getApi` has been added
- `Security\AdvancedApiUserInterface` has been changed method name from `getApiKey` to `getApiKeys`
- `Security\WsseAuthProvider` new method `authenticate` has been added

#### WorkflowBundle:
- `Acl\Voter\WorkflowEntityVoter` now extends from `Acl\Voter\AbstractEntityVoter`
- Workflow transitions might have custom templates, see transition options `dialog_template` and `page_template`
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
UPGRADE FROM 1.4 to 1.5

####General changes
#### General changes
- FOSRestBundle updated from 0.12.* to 1.5.0-RC2 [FOSRestBundle Upgrading](
fos_rest section in config.yml must be updated prior to new version of bundle.

Expand All @@ -25,24 +25,24 @@ fos_rest:
default_format: json

#### OroAddressBundle:
- `PhoneProvider` class has been added to help getting phone number(s) from object.

#### OroCalendarBundle:
- Added calendar providers. Calendar Provider gives developers a way to add a different kind of items on a calendar. As example developer can use calendar provider to show emails as "Calendar Events" into Calendar.
- Changed REST API for CalendarConnections. Before Developer send Calendar ID of logged user and Calendar ID that connected with calendar of logged user. In current version he should send "CalendarProperty" ID into PUT and DELETE REST methods.
- Added "context menu" for calendar, based on menu from NavigationBundle. "Context menu" can be extend in any other bundle

#### OroConfigBundle:
- `oro_config_entity` twig function was removed (deprecated since **1.3**)

#### OroDataAuditBundle
- REST `Oro\Bundle\DataAuditBundle\Controller\Api\Rest\AuditController` was refactored to be based on `Oro\Bundle\SoapBundle\Controller\Api\Rest\RestGetController`
- REST data representation was changed for resource `audit`, keys `object_class` and `object_name` was deprecated in favor of new camel case keys name.
- REST added possibility to paginate and filter collection for resource `audit`. Possible filtering by: `loggedAt`, `action`, `user`, `objectClass`.
- SOAP `Oro\Bundle\DataAuditBundle\Controller\Api\Soap\AuditController` was refactored to be based on `Oro\Bundle\SoapBundle\Controller\Api\Soap\SoapGetController`.

#### OroEntityExtendBundle:
- `Tools\ExtendConfigDumper` constant `ENTITY` has been deprecated
- Naming of proxy classes for extended entities has been changed to fix naming conflicts
- Adding of extended fields to form has been changed. From now `form.additional` is not available in TWIG template, because extended fields are added to main form and have `extra_field` flag. The following statement can be used to loop through extended fields in TWIG template: `{% for child in form.children if child.vars.extra_field is defined and child.vars.extra_field %}`.
Expand All @@ -53,23 +53,23 @@ fos_rest:
This is useful when auto-generated strategy fails due to duplication of short class names in the hierarchy.
- Removed not used anymore `is_inverse` config node from `extend` scope in **entity config**

#### OroEntityConfigBundle:
- Added additional property to entity config class metadata `routeCreate` that should be used for **CRUD** routes configuration
as well as already existing `routeName` and `routeView` properties

#### OroIntegrationBundle:
- `Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Channel#getEnabled` deprecated in favor of `isEnabled` of the same class

#### OroFormBundle:
- Added `oro_simple_color_picker` Symfony2 form type based on `hidden` and using [jquery.simplecolorpicker]( by Tanguy Krotoff and [jquery.minicolors]( by Cory LaViska.
- Added `oro_simple_color_choice` Symfony2 form type based on `choice` and using [jquery.simplecolorpicker]( by Tanguy Krotoff.
- Added `oro_color_table` Symfony2 form type intended to edit any color in a list and using [jquery.simplecolorpicker]( by Tanguy Krotoff and [jquery.minicolors]( by Cory LaViska.

#### OroNavigationBundle
- Added support of [System Aware Resolver](/src/Oro/Component/Config/Resources/doc/ in navigation.yml
- Added possibility to hide **pin** and **add to favorites** buttons on pages that does not support this kind of functionality.

#### OroSoapBundle
- Refactored `Oro\Bundle\SoapBundle\Controller\Api\Rest\RestGetController` added possibility to filter input parameters using **filter objects** as well as closures
- Added `Oro\Bundle\SoapBundle\Request\Parameters\Filter\ParameterFilterInterface` that could be implemented in order to filter/transform input parameters for REST APIs
- Added `Oro\Bundle\SoapBundle\Request\Parameters\Filter\HttpEntityNameParameterFilter` - filter that transforms underscore separated class name into valid namespace class name with backslashes
Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ fos_rest:
`Oro\Bundle\SoapBundle\Request\Handler\IncludeHandlerInterface` and registered as service with tag `oro_soap.include_handler` with `alias` option that should correspond
to requested info that it handles

#### OroUIBundle:
- Added [jquery.simplecolorpicker]( by Tanguy Krotoff.
- Added [jquery.minicolors]( by Cory LaViska.
- Added context provider(`oro_ui.provider.widget_context`) that allows to customize application behavior based depends on current context.
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It contains reference on instance `\Oro\Bundle\UIBundle\ContentProvider\ContentProviderManager`.
- `show_pin_button_on_start_page` config node is node used anymore. Please use ability to hide navigation elements in `navigation.yml`

#### OroSearchBundle:
- Added possibility to search within hierarchy of entities using parent search alias. `mode` parameter was added to configuration.

#### OroWorkflowBundle:
- Added `multiple` option for `entity` attribute to allow use many-to-many relations in workflows. Example of usage of Multi-Select type (in this example it is supposed that Opportunity entity has `Multi-Select` field named `interested_in` and `enum_code` of this type is `opportunity_interested_in`):

``` yaml
Expand All @@ -144,20 +144,20 @@ workflows:
expanded: true

#### OroUserBundle:
- Added user search handler that return users that was assigned to current organization and limit by search string excluding current user.
Autocomplite alias for this handler is `organization_users`.

#### OroTrackingBundle:
- Entities `TrackingWebsite` and `TrackingEvent` were made extendable

#### OroBatchBundle:
- Added possibility to disable debug logging for integration/import/export processes(were placed in `app/logs/batch/`)
on application level under `oro_batch.log_batch` node. Default value is `disabled`
- Added cleanup job for DB tables of entities from `AkeneoBatchBundle`. It performs by cron every day in 1 am, and also
it's possible to run manually using `oro:cron:batch:cleanup` command. By default log records lifetime is `1 month`, but this
option is configurable on application level under `oro_batch.cleanup_interval` node. For manual run it's possible to pass
interval directly as command argument `[-i|--interval[="..."]]`

#### OroDistributionBundle:
- Added possibility to access precise bundle in case of bundle inheritance by adding "!" sign before bundle name.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
UPGRADE FROM 1.5 to 1.6

#### OroEntityBundle:

- `setVirtualRelationProvider` was added
Expand All @@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ UPGRADE FROM 1.5 to 1.6
`ClassMetadataInfo $metadata` => `ClassMetadata $metadata`
- `getUnidirectionalRelations` method signature changed
`EntityManager $em` removed
#### OroOrganizationBundle:
- Removed Twig/OrganizationExtension as organization selector has been removed from login screen

#### OroSearchBundle:
- `Oro\Bundle\SearchBundle\Query\Result\Item` entity field `recordText` marked as deprecated and will be removed in 1.7 version.
- `Oro\Bundle\SearchBundle\Engine\Orm\BaseDriver::search` return an array filled with array representation of `Oro\Bundle\SearchBundle\Entity\Item`

#### OroUIBundle:
- "oroui/js/loading-mask" module marked as deprecated and will be removed in 1.8 version. Use "oroui/js/app/views/loading-mask-view" module instead.

#### BatchBundle:
- `Oro\Bundle\BatchBundle\ORM\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilderTools` method signature changed
`prepareFieldAliases($selects)` to `prepareFieldAliases(array $selects)`
`__construct(array $selects = null, $joins = null)` to `__construct(array $selects = null, array $joins = null)`

#### OroUserBundle:
- Added `oro_user_organization_acl_select` form type which selects users by assigned organizations, not by owned organization.
- Added `oro_user_organization_acl_multiselect` multi select form type which selects users by assigned organizations, not by owned organization.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
UPGRADE FROM 1.6 to 1.7

#### OroEmbeddedFormBundle:
- The `Oro\Bundle\EmbeddedFormBundle\Form\Type\CustomLayoutFormInterface` interface and `Oro\Bundle\EmbeddedFormBundle\Manager\EmbeddedFormManager::getCustomFormLayoutByFormType` method are marked deprecated in favor of using new layout update mechanism introduced by the **OroLayoutBundle**.

#### OroIntegrationBundle:
- `Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Channel::getStatusesForConnector` method marked as deprecated in favor of new `Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Repository\ChannelRepository::getLastStatusForConnector` method because of performance impact.
- `Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Command\AbstractSyncCronCommand::SYNC_PROCESSOR` constant removed
- `Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\SyncProcessor::processIntegrationConnector` - removed last parameter $saveStatus
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- `Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ConnectorContextMediator` - added public method `getInitializedTransport(Integration $integration, $markReadOnly = false)`
- Integration import processors may be tagged with `oro_integration.sync_processor` DIC tag with `integration` name. During integration import appropriate processor will be used if registered.

#### OroDistributionBundle:
- Error handler for Errors and Recoverable Fatal Errors added `Oro\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Error\ErrorHandler::handleError`.
It will throw \ErrorException for all such errors and now there is a possibility to catch it using try-catch construction.
- `Oro\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Error\ErrorHandler::handleWarning` - marked as deprecated and will be changed to protected in 1.9

####Composer dependencies:
#### Composer dependencies:
- Removed abandoned package `guzzle/http` in favor of `guzzle/guzzle`.

#### OroEntityExtendBundle:
- Added parameter `DoctrineHelper $doctrineHelper` to constructor of `Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Form\Extension\DynamicFieldsExtension` class

#### OroReminderBundle:
- Added parameter `NameFormatter $nameFormatter` to constructor of `Oro\Bundle\ReminderBundle\Model\Email\EmailNotification`
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
UPGRADE FROM 1.8.2 to 1.8.3

#### EmailBundle
- Command `oro:email:body-sync` was marked as deprecated
- Command `oro:cron:email-body-sync` was added

#### ImportExportBundle
- The signature of `Oro\Bundle\ImportExportBundle\Converter\ConfigurableTableDataConverter::getRelatedEntityRulesAndBackendHeaders` method changed. Before: `getRelatedEntityRulesAndBackendHeaders($entityName, $fullData, $singleRelationDeepLevel, $multipleRelationDeepLevel, $field, $fieldHeader, $fieldOrder, $isIdentifier = false)`. After: `getRelatedEntityRulesAndBackendHeaders($entityName, $singleRelationDeepLevel, $multipleRelationDeepLevel, $field, $fieldHeader, $fieldOrder)`. This can bring a `backward compatibility break` if you have classes inherited from `Oro\Bundle\ImportExportBundle\Converter\ConfigurableTableDataConverter`.

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