Python library implementing asyncio-based distributed mutex on top of different providers.
Mutex is a synchronization primitive used to ensure that only one worker can do the given job. It can be used for safe access to a shared resource or for distributing tasks among multiple workers.
Currently, the only implemented provider is GCS (Google Cloud Storage). The implementation is based on the algorithm described in article A robust distributed locking algorithm based on Google Cloud Storage (see also Ruby implementation).
- Asynchronous.
- Type-safe.
- Atomic.
- Expiration mechanism to ensure that a single worker won't hold the lock forever.
- Supports emulators.
python3 -m pip install dimutex
import dimutex
async def do_something():
lock = dimutex.GCS(bucket='bucket-name', name='lock-name')
# context manager makes sure to close aiohttp session
async with lock:
await lock.acquire()
except dimutex.AlreadyAcquiredError:
return 'already acquired'
# do something with the shared resource
# update expiration if you need more time
await lock.refresh()
await lock.release()