AddressFinder is a widget you can use to look up addresses in Australia and New Zealand. See for more information.
This code is a wrapper around their widget (see
I built this with the following commands:
vue init webpack addressfinder
cd addressfinder/
npm install
npm run dev
... and chose the Airbnb eslint scheme.
I added the following files to the project:
- src/components/AddressFinderInput.vue
- src/utils/addressfinder.js
- src/utils/eventbus.js
I edited HelloWorld.vue, replacing most of the template code with this:
label="Start typing an address"
and changed the script so that it looks like this:
import AddressFinderInput from './AddressFinderInput';
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
components: {
data() {
return {
msg: 'AddressFinder / Vue.js demo',
Finally, src/main.js now contains the following lines:
import addressfinder from './utils/addressfinder';
I don't know if this is the best way to do these things, so please let me know if you have a better idea.