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osc-logs constantly fetch API call logs from Outscale to easily consult and keep them.


osc-logs fetch API call logs every few seconds and only print logs from program's start date.

By default logs are printed as Line-delimited JSON to standard output. See format documentation for more details.

We recommend using jq utility for additional filtering and formating.


    -w, --write      Write all traces inside a file instead of writing to standard output
    -c, --count      Exit after <count> logs
    -i, --interval   Wait a duration defined by <wait> (in seconds) between two calls to Outscale API (default: 10)
    -p, --profile    Use a specific profile name ("default" is the default profile )
    -I, --ignore     Ignore one or more specific API calls. Values are separated by commas e.g. "--ignore=ReadApiLogs,ReadVms"
    -v, --version    Print version to standard output and exit


Download latest binary in Release page.

Alternatively, you can run (or update) osc-logs with this command:

go install


osc-logs reads ~/.osc/config.json file to get its credentials and region details.

Example of config.json:

    "default": {
        "access_key": "MyAccessKey",
        "secret_key": "MySecretKey",
        "region": "eu-west-2"

Usage example

Example of storing all logs in a file except ReadApiLogs call itself:

osc-logs --ignore=ReadApiLogs -w logs.json

Once logs are recording to logs.json, you can separatly work on them.

You can live-view them using tail -f logs.json or use more advanced tools like jq to query json documents.

Example of showing only calls date, name and status code with tab-separated values:

jq -s -r '(.[] | [.QueryDate, .QueryCallName, .ResponseStatusCode]) | @tsv' logs.json
2022-06-17T12:14:28.378111Z	ReadVolumes	200
2022-06-17T12:14:28.378111Z	ReadVolumes	200
2022-06-17T12:14:30.379899Z	CreateVms	200


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