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ModelRocket 1.2

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@jlandon jlandon released this 27 Oct 02:52
· 23 commits to master since this release


  • hasValue and hasKey to JSON (replaces isNil). The behavior of isNil was not always clear, in cases where the JSON contained a valid key but a null value. hasValue and hasKey clears this up.
let json: JSON = [
   "string" : NSNull()

json["string"].hasValue   // false
json["string"].hasKey     // true


  • Issue where subclassing a Model subclass resulted in broken JSONTransformable conformance.
let json: JSON = [
    "cars" : [
            "model" : "BMW",
            "year" : 2015,
            "number_of_doors" : 4

class Vehicle: Model, JSONTransformable {
    let model = Property<String>(key: "model")
    let year = Property<Int>(key: "year")

class Car: Vehicle {
    let numberOfDoors = Property<Int>(key: "number_of_doors")

class Garage: Model {
    let cars = PropertyArray<Car>(key: "cars")

let garage = Garage(json: json)

// previously   // nil

// now   // valid Car object