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Minutes of the LB NM, 23rd August 2015

Peter Tran-Jørgensen edited this page Aug 23, 2015 · 6 revisions

Present: AH, KP, NB, PJ, TO. Apologies from MV, SH, SS . Minutes by PJ.

The meeting started at 11:05.

1. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held at the 12th July 2015 were reviewed and accepted.

2. Status of open actions

No actions to address.

3. Discussion of open RMs and issues raised

#27 "Pure" operations called in functions

Nick has been working hard on implementing the new "pure operations" feature in VDMJ and Overture and prototype builds have been made available for testing. People have been testing the new feature but until now only minor issues have been reported -- all of which have been fixed.

In addition, PGL has been looking into converting the standard examples to VDM10 specifications that use the "pure operations" feature. Initial feedback on this work has led us to think about whether the introduction of the "pure operations" feature requires us to update some of the operations of the standard library to be pure. As a starting point we'll not change the operations in the standard library to be pure. In consequence we prohibit calls to the standard library operations from functions and pure operations.

We'll wait and ask for PGL's feedback on converting the standard examples into the new version of VDM10 to see if the current approach causes some unforeseen problems.

When the "pure operations" feature is ready to be released PGL has kindly offered to update the LRM.

This RM is executing.

4. Discussion


5. Other Business


6. Open actions

  • 23/8.1 KP to ask PGL for his feedback on converting the standard examples to VDM10 specifications that use the "pure operations" feature.
Meeting closed 11:52 - 47 minutes.
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