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2. Supported Devices

papamac edited this page Sep 24, 2023 · 4 revisions

The following table lists all devices and plugins currently supported by the Virtual Garage Door plugin v1.1.1. Live links will take you to web pages providing additional details.

or Developer
Function mDev
deviceTypeId Description
*AaronLionsheep's Plugins Relay ar shelly-1, et al ShellyMQTT plugin
AB's Plugins Contact Sensor cs, os alarmZone AD2USB Alarm Interface plugin
Aeotec Contact Sensor cs, os zwOnOffSensorType Door / Window Sensor Gen5 (ZW120)
*Aeotec Contact Sensor cs, os zwOnOffSensorType Door / Window Sensor 7 (ZWA011)
*Aeotec Contact Sensor
Tilt Sensor
cs, os zwOnOffSensorType Door / Window Sensor 7 Pro (ZWA012)
Aeotec Relay ar zwDimmerType Nano Shutter (ZW141)
Aeotec Vibration Sensor vs zwOnOffSensorType MultiSensor 6 (ZW100)
Ecolink Tilt Sensor cs, os zwOnOffSensorType Z-Wave Plus Garage Door Tilt Sensor
*Flying Diver Virtual Sensor cs, os masqSensor Masquerade plugin
*FortrezZ Digital Input
cs, os
MIMOlite, MIMO2+
Indigo Domotics Digital Input
cs, os
easyDaq16r8io, et al EasyDAQ Relay Card plugin
Indigo Domotics Digital Input
cs, os
pseudoRelay Virtual Devices Interface
Indigo Domotics Timer tt timer Timers and Pesters plugin
Karl's plugins Relay ar shelly1, et al shellyDirect plugin
papamac's plugins Digital Input
Dig Output
cs, os
Pi GPIO plugin coming soon to the Indigo Pugin Store
*Zooz Digital Input
cs, os
Universal Relay (Zen17)

Items marked with an * have not been tested with the plugin. The specs for these devices and plugins have been reviewed by papamac and they seem to be suitable for the functions listed. Their deviceTypeIds are included in the plugin so they will be available in device selection, but they are not guaranteed to work. If you use any of these with the plugin please share experience (positive or negative) on papamac's Virtual Garage Door user forum. If you report successful use, the * can be removed from the table.

If you don't see your favorite device or plugin in the table, post a request on the user forum (along with the deviceTypeId) and the table/plugin can be updated in future releases.

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