This is a cookiecutter template for use with Hovercraft!. It is fairly minimal and results in typical slideshow presentation with left to right movement. I think this is an extremely easy way to create a pretty, engaging presentation quickly.
This was developed on Ubuntu 20.04. The following programs are required to make it run in its development environment.
- cookiecutter
- poetry to manage python dependencies
- make to orchestrate the build
- plantuml to help with diagrams
- pandoc to create a PDF
- libsvgbin to convert svg images to png (for PDF output)
- wget to download web assets for offline viewing
- pdfjam to put more than 1 slide per page
- gs reduce size of final PDF output
cookiecutter gh:pappasam/cookiecutter-hovercraft
There will be an echoed message instructing you to perform additional steps.
Samuel Roeca