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mozbattue is a command line tool which help finding the root cause of intermittents bugs for mozilla.

The word battue is a french word use to define a kind of hunt where people encircle the animal until they kill him.

This is an analogy - mozbattue helps in eradicating a bug by triggering builds on different revisions, starting from the oldest known intermittent.


For now:

pip install git+

Quick start

1. Retrieve intermittent bug data locally.

To get the latest known intermittents bugs from Bugzilla:

mozbattue update
2. Investigate the current bugs and choose one that you want to investigate.

You can list the intermittents bugs with the command:

mozbattue list

To get detailed information about a bug:

mozbattue info <bugid>

Full list of intermmitent occurences:

mozbattue info -f <bugid>

3. Trigger builds a certain number of times at different revisions to try to find the root cause.

To run the same build as the oldest intermittent 20 times:

mozbattue trigger <bugid> 0 --times 20

To run the same build on the 30th revision before the oldest intermittent:

mozbattue trigger <bugid> -30 --times 20


You can generate the default configuration with the command:

mozbattue generate-conf

This will write a mozbattue.ini file in the current folder that you can use to change some default values.