If you built forms with Symfony before, you'll really only need to check out the proposed conventions. Otherwise, you'll want to read through Symfony's documentation first.
To keep things concise and clear, the following conventions should be applied in your project:
- create your forms in
, - have your forms end in
), - create your form fields in
, - have your form fields end in
), - create your form constraints in
, - have your form fields end in
), - create your form validators in
, - have your form fields end in
), - always register your forms as services.
This will significantly increase brevity for others. Especially, new developers.
First, let's see how a form can be built. For the sake of a relatable example, we'll focus on a registration form.
namespace App\Form;
use Passioneight\PimcoreForms\Form\Field\Checkbox\ConsentField;
use Passioneight\PimcoreForms\Form\Field\Text\EmailField;
use Passioneight\PimcoreForms\Form\Field\Text\RepeatedField\RepeatedPasswordField;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
class RegistrationForm extends AbstractType
const OPTION_TAC_HREF = 'tac-href';
const FIELD_EMAIL = 'email';
const FIELD_PASSWORD = 'password';
const FIELD_ACCOUNT_CONSENT = 'account_consent';
* @inheritDoc
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add(self::FIELD_EMAIL, EmailField::class)
->add(self::FIELD_PASSWORD, RepeatedPasswordField::class)
->add(self::FIELD_ACCOUNT_CONSENT, ConsentField::class, [
'label_translation_parameters' => [
'{{ href }}' => $options[self::OPTION_TAC_HREF],
'{{ href-class }}' => 'text-primary-hover'
->add('submit', SubmitType::class, [
'label_format' => 'form.registration.submit'
* @inheritDoc
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
The RegistrationForm
will have a single email field, a repeated password field, a checkbox for the user to agree
to the terms and conditions of your service, and a submit button.
Note that the
is provided by Symfony itself. So, you can still use Symfony's types as you would usually.
The form will also require the developer to pass a URL for the terms and conditions when building the form.
Since the form is now implemented, it is ready to be used. For this, we'll have to create a controller with an action, which will handle the form's submission.
use App\Form\RegistrationForm;
use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Pimcore\DataObject\Customer;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
class AuthenticationController extends FrontendController
public function registrationAction(Request $request)
$options = [
RegistrationForm::OPTION_TAC_HREF => "/some/url/to/the/TACs"
$registrationForm = $this
->createForm(RegistrationForm::class, new Customer(), $options)
if ($registrationForm->isSubmitted()) {
if($registrationForm->isValid()) {
/** @var Customer $customer */
$customer = $registrationForm->getData();
// Omitted for brevity: handling the account consent
$customer->save(['versionNote' => 'Customer registered']);
// Omitted for brevity: sending confirmation mail(s)
return $this->renderTemplate('authentication/registration.html.twig', [
'registration_form' => $registrationForm->createView()
The getData
method will return the submitted data, mapped to the fields. If mapping was disabled for a field (i.e.,
'mapped' => false
), the field has to be handled explicitly because the data is not available in the getData
The most common use case for this is any kind of consent.