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The Principles of Containment applies.
I wrote a blog entry too: Principles of Containment in the DOM - Aug 12, 2022.
- 100% ABI needed for secure operations. For now that's a one-line JQuery operations passed to eval(). JQuery is MIT license. If it were 1989, I'd say ARexx was the best Inter-Process-Communication tech.
- Toolbar buttons should pop an overlay that has a sandboxed iFrame that deals via window.postMessage(..)
- All served from SAME ORIGIN, yet constrained per #1
- All statically hosted - no server components for now. No persistence of the shape alignments needed while testing the operations on the SVG canvas
- For enhancements to this prototype, we walk a skeleton. Thin vertical slices and all that.
- Small/Medium/Large tests after POC.
- Pen tests needed to show nascent fill-color-changer can't bust out of iFrame (is actually contained), and would be too for multiple alternate JavaScript techs - Vue, Ng, React, Olde-Worlde JQuery.
There's two toolbar widgets:
- Fill (all) shapes with a color - via a color picker (see JsColor - GPL)
- Change (all) shapes outer lines - either bigger or smaller than they are already - plain JavaScript.
Both of those have no dependencies.
The "server" side (the window with the SVG canvas) has 17 lines of JQuery-using JavaScript, that is mostly the communication between with the toolbar widgets in sandboxed iframes.