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StackExchange Filter Notifications

Paul Hammant edited this page Apr 17, 2016 · 1 revision

In the StackOverflow/StackExchange web interface you'll need to setup a notification filter. Do that to the dedicated email address (#1 above), and remember to confirm you filter changes, by clicking in a confirmation email (that SE/SO does't explicitly inform you about in the web interface). If you want, you can choose the every-15-mins varient of SO/SE notifications.

If you're going to do the every-15-mins varient of SO/SE notifications run this python script every 15 mins or less so you're never too far behind.

Go to to see/setup your filters.

Note if you filter on just one tag, this digester will not work (it won't recognize the subject line of the incoming emails. Therefore have AT LEAST TWO - like so

You must configure (copy it from to set the filters you similarly configured inside StackExchange, that it notifies you in respect of.