[21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Checking login status [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] App becomes active [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Checking backend URL [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Derive URL: + -> [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Checking API status was not 200 but 404 [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Checking backend URL [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Derive URL: + -> [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Checking API status was not 200 but 404 [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Checking backend URL [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Derive URL: + -> [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Attempting login with url [21/5/2024, 23:27] [General] Derive URL: + -> [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Initializing ApiRepository with connection [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Getting backend versions [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Backend version info: API version: 5, backend version: 2.8.6 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Initializing ApiRepository with connection [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Getting backend versions [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Getting document sequence for filter [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Backend version info: API version: 5, backend version: 2.8.6 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Initializing ApiRepository with connection [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Getting backend versions [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Getting document sequence for filter [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Backend version info: API version: 5, backend version: 2.8.6 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Getting document sequence for filter [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Downloading document [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] App becomes inactive [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] App becomes active [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Caught error fetching https://example.com/paperless/api/documents/1/download/: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "cancelled" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://example.com/api/documents/1/download/, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://example.com/api/documents/1/download/, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask <4A636FF7-A856-44CD-9576-193EA858886B>.<32>" ), _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <4A636FF7-A856-44CD-9576-193EA858886B>.<32>, NSLocalizedDescription=cancelled} [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Error downloading document: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=} [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Document API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Downloading document [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetching additional documents [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetching additional documents [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetching additional documents [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetching additional documents [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Downloading document [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:28] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:28] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Get thumbnail for document 1 [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Get thumbnail for document 4 [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Get thumbnail for document 2 [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Get thumbnail for document 3 [21/5/2024, 23:29] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:29] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:29] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:29] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:29] [General] App becomes inactive [21/5/2024, 23:29] [General] App becomes active [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store request [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] SavedView API sequence fetch was empty [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] DocumentType API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Tag API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Correspondent API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] StoragePath API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] User API sequence has reached end (nextPage is nil) [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Fetch all store complete [21/5/2024, 23:30] [API] Creating document [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Requesting log export [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Requesting log export [21/5/2024, 23:30] [General] Requesting log export