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paullang committed Feb 29, 2012
1 parent 6b1c3f7 commit 6000269
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Showing 42 changed files with 1,649 additions and 1 deletion.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions app/controllers/users_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
class UsersController < ApplicationController

def new
@title = "Sign up"

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions app/helpers/users_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
module UsersHelper
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions app/views/layouts/_footer.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<nav class="round">
<li><%= link_to "About", about_path %></li>
<li><%= link_to "Contact", contact_path %></li>
<li><a href="">News</a></li>
<li><a href="">Rails Tutorial</a></li>
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<% logo = image_tag("logo.png", :alt => "Sample App", :class => "round") %>
<%= link_to logo, root_path %>
<nav class="round">
<li><%= link_to "Home", root_path %></li>
<li><%= link_to "Help", help_path %></li>
<li><%= link_to "Sign in", '#' %></li>
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions app/views/layouts/_stylesheets.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'blueprint/screen', :media => 'screen' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'blueprint/print', :media => 'print' %>
<!--[if lt IE 8]><%= stylesheet_link_tag 'blueprint/ie' %><![endif]-->
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'custom', :media => 'screen' %>
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/views/pages/home.html.erb
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
sample application.

<%= link_to "Sign up now!", '#', :class => "signup_button round" %>
<%= link_to "Sign up now!", signup_path, :class => "signup_button round" %>
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions app/views/users/new.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<p>Find me in app/views/users/new.html.erb</p>
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions config/routes.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
SampleApp::Application.routes.draw do
get "users/new"

match '/signup', :to => 'users#new'
match '/contact', :to => 'pages#contact'
match '/about', :to => 'pages#about'
match '/help', :to => 'pages#help'
Expand Down
Binary file added public/images/logo.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/ie.css
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Blueprint CSS Framework 1.0.1
* Copyright (c) 2007-Present. See LICENSE for more info.
* See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
* For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
* This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ie.css */
body {text-align:center;}
.container {text-align:left;}
* html .column, * html .span-1, * html .span-2, * html .span-3, * html .span-4, * html .span-5, * html .span-6, * html .span-7, * html .span-8, * html .span-9, * html .span-10, * html .span-11, * html .span-12, * html .span-13, * html .span-14, * html .span-15, * html .span-16, * html .span-17, * html .span-18, * html .span-19, * html .span-20, * html .span-21, * html .span-22, * html .span-23, * html .span-24 {display:inline;overflow-x:hidden;}
* html legend {margin:0px -8px 16px 0;padding:0;}
sup {vertical-align:text-top;}
sub {vertical-align:text-bottom;}
html>body p code {*white-space:normal;}
hr {margin:-8px auto 11px;}
img {-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;}
.clearfix, .container {display:inline-block;}
* html .clearfix, * html .container {height:1%;}
fieldset {padding-top:0;}
legend {margin-top:-0.2em;margin-bottom:1em;margin-left:-0.5em;}
textarea {overflow:auto;}
label {vertical-align:middle;position:relative;top:-0.25em;}
input.text, input.title, textarea {background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #bbb;}
input.text:focus, input.title:focus {border-color:#666;}
input.text, input.title, textarea, select {margin:0.5em 0;}
input.checkbox, {position:relative;top:.25em;}
form.inline div, form.inline p {vertical-align:middle;}
form.inline input.checkbox, form.inline, form.inline input.button, form.inline button {margin:0.5em 0;}
button, input.button {position:relative;top:0.25em;}
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/buttons/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

* Gives you great looking CSS buttons, for both <a> and <button>.
* Demo:


* Created by Kevin Hale []
* Adapted for Blueprint by Olav Bjorkoy []


1) Add this plugin to lib/settings.yml.
See compress.rb for instructions.

2) Use the following HTML code to place the buttons on your site:

<button type="submit" class="button positive">
<img src="css/blueprint/plugins/buttons/icons/tick.png" alt=""/> Save

<a class="button" href="/password/reset/">
<img src="css/blueprint/plugins/buttons/icons/key.png" alt=""/> Change Password

<a href="#" class="button negative">
<img src="css/blueprint/plugins/buttons/icons/cross.png" alt=""/> Cancel
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/buttons/screen.css
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Gives you some great CSS-only buttons.
Created by Kevin Hale []
See Readme.txt in this folder for instructions.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

a.button, button {
margin: 0.7em 0.5em 0.7em 0;
padding:5px 10px 5px 7px; /* Links */

border:1px solid #dedede;
border-top:1px solid #eee;
border-left:1px solid #eee;

font-family:"Lucida Grande", Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
button {
padding:4px 10px 3px 7px; /* IE6 */
button[type] {
padding:4px 10px 4px 7px; /* Firefox */
line-height:17px; /* Safari */
*:first-child+html button[type] {
padding:4px 10px 3px 7px; /* IE7 */
button img, a.button img{
margin:0 3px -3px 0 !important;

/* Button colors
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Standard */
button:hover, a.button:hover{
border:1px solid #c2e1ef;
border:1px solid #6299c5;

/* Positive */
body .positive {
a.positive:hover, button.positive:hover {
border:1px solid #C6D880;
a.positive:active {
border:1px solid #529214;

/* Negative */
body .negative {
a.negative:hover, button.negative:hover {
border:1px solid #fbc2c4;
a.negative:active {
border:1px solid #d12f19;
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Fancy Type

* Gives you classes to use if you'd like some
extra fancy typography.

Credits and instructions are specified above each class
in the fancy-type.css file in this directory.


1) Add this plugin to lib/settings.yml.
See compress.rb for instructions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/screen.css
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Lots of pretty advanced classes for manipulating text.
See the Readme file in this folder for additional instructions.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Indentation instead of line shifts for sibling paragraphs. */
p + p { text-indent:2em; margin-top:-1.5em; }
form p + p { text-indent: 0; } /* Don't want this in forms. */

/* For great looking type, use this code instead of asdf:
<span class="alt">asdf</span>
Best used on prepositions and ampersands. */

.alt {
color: #666;
font-family: "Warnock Pro", "Goudy Old Style","Palatino","Book Antiqua", Georgia, serif;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: normal;

/* For great looking quote marks in titles, replace "asdf" with:
<span class="dquo">&#8220;</span>asdf&#8221;
(That is, when the title starts with a quote mark).
(You may have to change this value depending on your font size). */

.dquo { margin-left: -.5em; }

/* Reduced size type with incremental leading
This could be used for side notes. For smaller type, you don't necessarily want to
follow the 1.5x vertical rhythm -- the line-height is too much.
Using this class, it reduces your font size and line-height so that for
every four lines of normal sized type, there is five lines of the sidenote. eg:
New type size in em's:
10px (wanted side note size) / 12px (existing base size) = 0.8333 (new type size in ems)
New line-height value:
12px x 1.5 = 18px (old line-height)
18px x 4 = 72px
72px / 5 = 14.4px (new line height)
14.4px / 10px = 1.44 (new line height in em's) */

p.incr, .incr p {
font-size: 10px;
line-height: 1.44em;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;

/* Surround uppercase words and abbreviations with this class.
Based on work by Jørgen Arnor Gårdsø Lom [] */

.caps {
font-variant: small-caps;
letter-spacing: 1px;
text-transform: lowercase;
padding:0 2px;
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/link-icons/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Link Icons
* Icons for links based on protocol or file type.

This is not supported in IE versions < 7.


* Marc Morgan
* Olav Bjorkoy []


1) Add this line to your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/blueprint/plugins/link-icons/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection">
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/link-icons/screen.css
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Icons for links based on protocol or file type.
See the Readme file in this folder for additional instructions.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Use this class if a link gets an icon when it shouldn't. */
body a.noicon {
background:transparent none !important;
padding:0 !important;
margin:0 !important;

/* Make sure the icons are not cut */
a[href^="http:"], a[href^="https:"],
a[href^="http:"]:visited, a[href^="https:"]:visited,
a[href^="mailto:"], a[href$=".pdf"], a[href$=".doc"], a[href$=".xls"],
a[href$=".rss"], a[href$=".rdf"], a[href^="aim:"] {
padding:2px 22px 2px 0;
margin:-2px 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right center;

/* External links */
a[href^="http:"] { background-image: url(icons/external.png); }
a[href^="https:"] { background-image: url(icons/lock.png); }
a[href^="mailto:"] { background-image: url(icons/email.png); }
a[href^="http:"]:visited { background-image: url(icons/visited.png); }

/* Files */
a[href$=".pdf"] { background-image: url(icons/pdf.png); }
a[href$=".doc"] { background-image: url(icons/doc.png); }
a[href$=".xls"] { background-image: url(icons/xls.png); }

/* Misc */
a[href$=".rdf"] { background-image: url(icons/feed.png); }
a[href^="aim:"] { background-image: url(icons/im.png); }
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions public/stylesheets/blueprint/plugins/rtl/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Mirrors Blueprint, so it can be used with Right-to-Left languages.

By Ran Yaniv Hartstein,


1) Add this line to your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/blueprint/plugins/rtl/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection">

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