diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a85d5ce..e65de11 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -45,4 +45,34 @@ In progress: - TODO: make Sumo Logic, Datadog, and TLS certs optional at build time +## Inputs + +| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | +|------|-------------|:----:|:-----:|:-----:| +| ami\_id | AMI ID to launch the Vault auto scaling group with | string | n/a | yes | +| cluster\_name | Name of the Vault cluster | string | `"vault"` | no | +| domain\_name | Domain name of DNS entry to create | string | n/a | yes | +| dynamodb\_read\_capacity | Read capacity for Vault's DynamoDB high availability backend | string | `"5"` | no | +| dynamodb\_write\_capacity | Write capacity for Vault's DynamoDB high availability backend | string | `"5"` | no | +| enable\_termination\_protection | Enable EC2 instance termination protection | string | `"true"` | no | +| instance\_type | EC2 instance type for Vault instances | string | `"t2.medium"` | no | +| internal\_lb | Whether to make the Vault load balancer internal | string | `"true"` | no | +| max\_instances | Maximum number of Vault instances in the auto scaling group | string | `"3"` | no | +| min\_instances | Minimum number of Vault instances in the auto scaling group | string | `"3"` | no | +| ssh\_key\_name | Name of the SSH keypair to use for the Vault EC2 instances | string | n/a | yes | +| subnet\_ids | List of subnet IDs to launch the Vault auto scaling group in | list | n/a | yes | +| tags | Extra tags to add to all resources created by this module | map | `{}` | no | +| vpc\_id | ID of the AWS VPC to create the Vault cluster in | string | n/a | yes | +| zone\_id | Route53 hosted zone ID to create the DNS entry in | string | n/a | yes | + +## Outputs + +| Name | Description | +|------|-------------| +| kms\_key\_id | ID of the KMS key that Vault uses for Auto-Unseal, S3 encryption, and SSM parameters | +| vault\_client\_sg\_id | ID of the security group used by clients to connect to Vault | +| vault\_cluster\_fqdn | Fully qualified domain name for the Vault cluster | +| vault\_cluster\_role\_arn | ARN of the AWS IAM role that Vault runs as | +| vault\_cluster\_role\_name | Name of the AWS IAM role that Vault runs as | +