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Terraform Module: AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

This is a Terraform module to create an AWS ALB Ingress Controller. This module is opinionated in that it forces your ingress controller to be scoped to the namespace it is deployed into. Uses the Kubernetes provider for Terraform.


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_name_prefix Prefix to add to ALB resources (11 alphanumeric characters or less) string `` no
app_label Kubernetes app label to apply to resources created by this module string alb-ingress-controller no
cluster_name Kubernetes cluster name string - yes
container_image Container image to pull string no
container_name Name to give to ALB ingress controller container within K8s pod string server no
dns_policy Set DNS policy for containers within the pod string ClusterFirst no
ingress_class Ingress class name to respect for the annotation string alb no
max_retries Maximum number of times to retry the aws calls string 10 no
max_surge The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. Can be absolute (ex. 5) or percentage (ex. 10%) string 1 no
max_unavailable The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. Can be absolute (ex. 5) or percentage (ex. 10%) string 1 no
name Name to give the ALB ingress controller string alb-ingress-controller no
namespace Kubernetes namespace the ALB ingress controller will be scoped to string - yes
region AWS region string - yes
replicas Number of desired pods string 1 no
service_account_name Service account name to use for Kubernetes RBAC string alb-ingress no
target_type Default target type to use for target groups, must be instance or ip string instance no
vpc_id AWS VPC ID string - yes