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Conflict of Interest Checking using CLOSET and EasyChair


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Conflict-of-Interest Detection using CLOSET and EasyChair

Handling conflicts of interest (CoI) is an integral part of the reviewing process for journal and conference submissions. CoI can be detected automatically using the CLOSET tool. The scripts in this repository support this CoI detection process for conferences that

  • have a large number of submissions and PC members that render manual checking difficult,
  • use a double-blind reviewing policy,
  • allow the PC members to delegate some submissions to subreviewers, and
  • use EasyChair for the conference management.

CoI checking in this scenario is difficult, since authors generally cannot declare CoI with subreviewers at submission time as the subreviewers may not be known before the reviewing process begins. On the other hand, the PC members cannot check for CoI between the authors of a submission and the subreviewers as they must not know the author names. This issue is resolved by delegating the CoI checking to CLOSET. In particular, the workflow is as follows.

  1. The conference chair assigns submissions to PC members for review as usual.
  2. The PC members may select one or more potential subreviewers for their assigned submissions.
  3. Using CLOSET, CoI between the authors of the submissions and their assigned subreviewers are detected.
  4. PC members receive feedback on whether a subreviewer has a CoI with the authors of an assigned submission or not. The PC members may then proceed to request reviews from subreviewers without a CoI.

Each step of this workflow is described in detail in the following.


For running the scripts, a Python 3 installation is required. Furthermore, the xlsxwriter package must be installed. This can be achieved using the following command:

pip install xlsxwriter --user


Before starting the process that is described in the following, make sure that the submissions have been assigned to the PC members for review.

Collect subreviewer candidates from PC members

Each PC member may select one or more potential subreviewers per submission. In order to streamline this process, the script may be used. It generates a personalized Excel table for each PC member that already contains all submissions that have been assigned to the respective PC member. This table also contains the columns that need to be filled in by the PC member, namely the name, email address, and DBLP page of the potential subreviewers.

The script requires the following input files which can be obtained from EasyChair. Note that downloading these files requires that you are logged in as the conference chair.

  1. The list of reviewers. In the EasyChair menu bar, select "Assignment", "Download in CSV". Then, from the table, download reviewer.csv.
  2. In the same table, download assignment.csv.
  3. In the menu bar, select "Submissions". Then, choose "Submissions in Excel" from the top right menu. Open the downloaded file in Excel and then save it as a CSV file (using File > Save as ... and then choose *.csv as file type in the save dialog).

After obtaining these files, the script can be invoked using the following command (you may need to adapt the filenames or paths depending on where you have saved the files):

python reviewer.csv assignment.csv submissions.csv

This will generate an Excel table for each PC member with the columns "submission ID", "title", "first name", "last name", "email address", and "dblp page". You may now distribute these tables to the PC members. Note that a PC member can propose multiple subreviewers for a single submission by duplicating the row of the respective submission.

Checking for CoI using CLOSET

If you have received the subreviewer proposals from the PC members, the next step is preparing the data for CoI checking with CLOSET. For this, two steps are required.

  1. Convert the (partially) filled subreviewer tables into CSV format using Excel and put them into a designated directory, e.g., named subreviewers.

  2. Use the script to combine the subreviewer tables and to convert them into the format required by CLOSET.

    python subreviewers/*.csv

    This will generate two files. The file subreviewers.xlsx contains the list of all proposed subreviewers, and assignment.xlsx defines the assignment of subreviewers to submissions. In case a subreviewer has been proposed multiple times, the script will check whether the provided data is consistent over all entries.

Finally, download the conference data (in Excel format) in EasyChair by selecting "Premium" and then "Conference data download" from the menu. You may now send off the conference data Excel file, the subreviewers.xlsx file, and the assignment.xlsx file for CoI checking using CLOSET.

Provide feedback to PC members

After CoI checking using CLOSET, you should have received at least two Excel files, one containing authorship conflicts (named CoiPC-*.xlsx) and another containing institutional conflicts (named CoiInst-*.xlsx). Convert the Excel files into CSV format using Excel and save them as CoiPC.csv and CoiInst.csv, respectively.

Using the script, the filled subreviewer tables obtained from the PC members can now be annotated with the results of the CoI check. Assuming the subreviewer tables in CSV format are still contained in the subreviewers directory, execute the following command:

python CoiPC.csv CoiInst.csv subreviewers/*.csv

This will generate a new Excel table for each PC member containing one additional new column named "conflict of interest". You may now distribute these tables to the PC members.

Note that some conflicts are caused by a co-authorship of the subreviewer and the submission authors from more than 2 years ago. These are marked separately.

If some of the entries of the CoI results could not be matched with any row in the subreviewer tables, the script will issue a warning. This is usually caused by, e.g., accents or umlauts in the author names and may be fixed by either amending the result tables or the subreviewer tables.

Schema information

This section lists the schema of each data file consumed by the scripts. The scripts do not perform any schema validation. If you encounter errors or unexpected output, please check if your input data has the right format.


    • reviewer.csv (separator: ,): PC member ID, name, mail address, role
    • assignment.csv (separator: ,): PC member ID, submission ID
    • submissions.csv (separator: ;): submission ID, authors, title, ...

    • subreviewer table (separator: ;): submission ID, title, first name, last name, email address, dblp page

    • CoiPC.csv (separator: ;): author, (meta)reviewers, submission ID, history
    • CoiInst.csv (separator: ;): submission ID, authors, (meta)reviewers


Conflict of Interest Checking using CLOSET and EasyChair





