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Event Monitoring

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This application is a command-line interface for interacting with the Event Monitoring capabilities of Salesforce.

This application is in a very early state and is limited in it's functionality. Additionally, it may eat your babies if you leave it alone in the same room with them. You have been warned.


The application is installed via npm

npm -g install sfdc-eventmonitoring


Basic usage is to run the eventmonitoring command with a --help to see all of the available commands. You will need to make sure you provide your authentication information to login to your org.


This can be provided in a couple of ways


The simplest way to do it is to provide username, password and token as command-line parameters

eventmonitoring --username --password donthackme --token 123abc


  • --interval [interval] - hourly, daily - The interval to use for the data
  • --latest=[true,false] - If we should get the latest (single) log
  • --date [date] - The date
  • --start [datetime] - The start date/time
  • --end [datetime] - The end date/time



  • --debug - Enables debug logging
  • --logformat=[console,bunyan] - The log format to use
  • --logfile=[pathtofile] - The logfile to output to. Only used with --logformat=bunyan

If you want to be able to produce debug logs and still be able to pipe the output from the command-line into another process, use --logformat=bunyan and --logfile options. This will produce a log file that you can use with the bunyan executable.


The application support usage of Solenopsis style configuration files and locations.

For example you can create the following credentials files in $HOME/.solenopsis/credentials/

Then run the application using the env and solenopsis flags

eventmonitoring --env prod --solenopsis

Configuration File

You can also store these values in the $HOME/.eventmonitoring config file

  "username": "",
  "password": "donthackme",
  "token": "123abc"
  "env": "prod",
  "solenopsis": true


You can enable caching by adding the --cache /path/to/cache/folder or adding the following to your config file

"cache": "/path/to/cache/folder"


This sub command interacts with the cache. If you do not have a cache set up in the config or command line flag, this will not work.


Shows cache stats

eventmonitoring cache stats
Total Size Usage: 90.5 MB
      JSON Usage: 46.4 MB
       CSV Usage: 44.1 MB

║ Date       │ Usage   ║
║ 2018-07-18 │ 90.5 MB ║


Clears the cache

Clear all the cache

eventmonitoring cache clear

Clear a specific date's cache

eventmonitoring cache clear --date 2018-07-18

Clear a date range's cache

eventmonitoring cache clear --start 2018-07-18T00:00:00.000Z --end 2018-07-18T02:00:00.000Z


This sub command dumps all the data to stdout or disk


  • --format [format] - json, csv - The format the output should be displayed in
  • --type [type] - The event type to dump
  • --split - Split the files based on event type
  • --file [filename] - The filename to save the data to
eventmonitoring dump --type ApexSoap --type Login --type API --file events.json --split
# ls


This sub command shows users doing things


  • --api - Only show API users
  • --format [format] - json, table - The format the output should be displayed in
  • --asc - Sort the data in ascending order
  • --sort [field1,field2] - The fields to sort the data by. This will vary from type to type.
  • --limit [limit] - The number of results to limit to
  • --subsort [field1,field2] - The fields to sort the secondary data by. This will vary from type to type.
  • --sublimit [limit] - The number of results for secondary data to limit to.
  • --userid [id] - The user id to return. This can be stacked to return multiple users

API Usage

Data around users and API usage

The summary mode can be useful for getting an idea of the overal usage of your API

eventmonitoring show apiusage --summary
║ Name                 │ Username                                     │ Id              │ Count  ║
║ Integration User     │                  │ 005A000000abcde │ 238084 ║
║ Utility User         │                      │ 005A000000abcdf │ 11081  ║
║ Script Kiddie        │                     │ 005A000000abcdg │ 7168   ║
║ Another User         │            │ 005A000000abcdh │ 2037   ║

For more information you can get a breakdown per user per endpoint

eventmonitoring show apiusage --limit 3 --sublimit 4
User: Integration User - - 005A000000abcde
Total API Calls: 43,289
║ Endpoint                         │ Count ║
║ CaseAPI.listAttachments          │ 10814 ║
║ AccountAPI.getContactsForAccount │ 10152 ║
║ CaseAPI.getCase                  │ 10109 ║
║ AccountAPI.getAccount            │ 10099 ║

User: Utility User - - 005A000000abcdf
Total API Calls: 19,974
║ Endpoint                         │ Count ║
║ CaseAPI.getCase                  │ 2137  ║
║ CaseAPI.listAttachments          │ 1930  ║
║ ContactAPI.getContact            │ 1840  ║
║ AccountAPI.getContactsForAccount │ 1738  ║

User: Script Kiddie - - 005A000000abcdg
Total API Calls: 2,084
║ Endpoint                        │ Count ║
║ ProductAPI.listVersions         │ 2046  ║
║ ProductAPI.listEntitledProducts │ 20    ║
║ InternalAPI.upsertCaseComment   │ 10    ║
║ ProductAPI.listProducts         │ 8     ║


Data around user logins

eventmonitoring show logins
Username: (005A00000010LgN)
Total Logins: 20249
Total Logouts: 209       Explicit: 0         Implicit: 209

Username: (005A0000001qLI1)
Total Logins: 1827
Total Logouts: 0         Explicit: 0         Implicit: 0

Username: (005A0000008PItw)
Total Logins: 1554
Total Logouts: 42        Explicit: 0         Implicit: 42


This sub command is used around Login data


  • --format [format] - json, table - The format the output should be displayed in
  • --asc - Sort the data in ascending order
  • --sort - The field to sort the data by. This will vary from report type to report type.
  • --limit [limit] - The number of results to limit to
  • --maxversion - The max API version. Only used with apiversion
  • --summary - Summerize the results. Only used with apiversion


Report based on the API Version.

The summary mode is useful to see if you have API clients using older versions of the API

eventmonitoring login apiversion --summary
║ Version │ Count ║
║ 8       │ 60    ║
║ 19      │ 228   ║
║ 29      │ 61    ║
║ 30      │ 11    ║
║ 32      │ 74    ║
║ 33      │ 1     ║
║ 35      │ 5     ║
║ 37      │ 11    ║
║ 39      │ 35    ║
║ 40      │ 20    ║

Without the summary flag, it will group by username. Most likely, you'll want to apply the max version flag to limit it to only older versions of the API to "blame" users

eventmonitoring login apiversion --maxversion 30
║ Version │ Username                                     │ Count ║
║ 8       │                      │ 60    ║
║ 19      │                   │ 228   ║
║ 29      │                 │ 60    ║
║ 29      │            │ 1     ║

Failed Login

Report based on failed logins

eventmonitoring login failed
║ Username            │ Count │ Error Message                ║
║   │ 1     │ Failed: InResponseTo Invalid ║
║   │ 1     │ Failed: InResponseTo Invalid ║


This sub command is used to report on Event Monitoring data


  • --format [format] - json, table - The format the output should be displayed in
  • --asc - Sort the data in ascending order
  • --sort - The field to sort the data by. This will vary from report type to report type.
  • --limit [limit] - The number of results to limit to

Apex Callouts

Reporting based on ApexCallout data

eventmonitoring report apexcallout
║ Name                                                                 │ Count │ Request Size │ Response Size │ Total Time ║
║ REST.GET               │ 368   │ -1 B         │ 85 B          │ 370ms      ║
║ REST.GET              │ 368   │ -1 B         │ 89 B          │ 410ms      ║
║ REST.POST                │ 3     │ -1 B         │ 195 B         │ 764ms      ║

Sort Fields

  • name - The Apex callout name
  • count - The number of times the callout was called
  • request - The average request size
  • response - The average response size
  • time - The average execution time

Apex Execution

Reporting based on ApexExecution data

eventmonitoring report apexexecution
║ Entry Point                                  │ Count │ CPU Time │ Run Time │ Execution Time │ DB Total Time │ Callout Time │ SOQL Count ║
║ common.apex.soap.impl.ApexObjectDeserializer │ 43616 │ 2ms      │ 3ms      │ 1ms            │ 0ms           │ 0ms          │ 0          ║
║ VFRemote- CaseViewV2 invoke(fetchCase)       │ 6094  │ 237ms    │ 322ms    │ 58ms           │ 1ms           │ 0ms          │ 8          ║
║ VF- /apex/CaseTag                            │ 2553  │ 232ms    │ 293ms    │ 212ms          │ 1ms           │ 0ms          │ 2.13       ║
║ TEPAPI.runBatchJob                           │ 2461  │ 67ms     │ 503ms    │ 28ms           │ 1ms           │ 123ms        │ 3.86       ║
║ VFRemote- CaseViewV2 invoke(caseUpdateList)  │ 1632  │ 374ms    │ 593ms    │ 72ms           │ 1ms           │ 0ms          │ 12.49      ║

Sort Fields

  • name - The Apex entry
  • count - The number of times the entry was called
  • cpu - The average time spent on the CPU
  • run - The average run time
  • exec - The average execution time
  • dbtotal - The average total database CPU time
  • callout - The average callout time
  • soql - The average number of SOQL calls

Apex Soap

Reporting based on ApexSoap data

eventmonitoring report apexsoap
║ Name                             │ Count │ CPU Time │ Run Time │ Usage Percent Limit │ DB Total Time ║
║ CaseAPI.listAttachments          │ 8525  │ 179ms    │ 261ms    │ 45.13%              │ 57ms          ║
║ CaseAPI.getCase                  │ 8404  │ 359ms    │ 521ms    │ 45.12%              │ 102ms         ║
║ AccountAPI.getContactsForAccount │ 7777  │ 195ms    │ 289ms    │ 45.13%              │ 53ms          ║
║ AccountAPI.getAccount            │ 7609  │ 152ms    │ 224ms    │ 45.13%              │ 42ms          ║
║ ProductAPI.listVersions          │ 2787  │ 68ms     │ 113ms    │ 45.25%              │ 29ms          ║

Sort Fields

  • name - The name of the SOAP endpoint
  • count - The number of times the endpoint was called
  • cpu - The average time spent on the CPU
  • run - The average run time
  • limit - The average percentage of SOAP calls made against the org limit (probably not all that useful)
  • dbtotal - The average total database CPU time

Apex Trigger

Reporting based on ApexTrigger data

eventmonitoring report apextrigger
║ Name                          │ Count │ Execution Time ║
║ CaseAfter.AfterUpdate         │ 2761  │ 342ms          ║
║ CaseBefore.BeforeUpdate       │ 2761  │ 195ms          ║
║ Outgoing_Message.AfterInsert  │ 1990  │ 3ms            ║
║ Outgoing_Message.BeforeInsert │ 1990  │ 11ms           ║
║ CaseHistory.AfterInsert       │ 1262  │ 218ms          ║

Sort Fields

  • name - The name of the trigger
  • count - The number of times the trigger was called
  • exec - The average execution time


Reporting based on Report data

eventmonitoring report report --limit 5 --sort cpu
║ Name                       │ Id              │ Count │ CPU Time │ Run Time │ DB Time  │ DB CPU Time │ Row Count ║
║ DELETE FROM YOUR DASHBOARD │ 00OA0000004abcd │ 1     │ 1.9s     │ 12s      │ 10.9s    │ 10.7s       │ 1243006   ║
║ Case Comment Report        │ 00OA0000006abcd │ 1     │ 643ms    │ 29.8s    │ 29.2s    │ 1.4s        │ 4394      ║
║ 00OA0000006efgh            │ 00OA0000006efgh │ 1     │ 539ms    │ 8s       │ 7.5s     │ 970ms       │ 4613      ║
║ 00OA0000006ijkl            │ 00OA0000006ijkl │ 1     │ 503ms    │ 7.9s     │ 7.5s     │ 1.6s        │ 16624     ║
║ 00OA0000006mnop            │ 00OA0000006mnop │ 3     │ 487ms    │ 2m 25.9s │ 2m 24.9s │ 2m 22.7s    │ NaN       ║

Sort Fields

  • name - The name of the report
  • id - The id of the report
  • count - The number of times the endpoint was called
  • cpu - The average time spent on the CPU
  • run - The average run time
  • dbcpu - The average database CPU time
  • dbtotal - The average total database CPU time
  • rowcount - The average number of rows returned in the report


Reporting based on Visualforce data

eventmonitoring report visualforce
║ URI                                     │ Count │ CPU Time │ Run Time │ View State Size │ Response Size │ DB CPU Time │ DB Total Time ║
║ /apex/CaseTag                           │ 2951  │ 229ms    │ 286ms    │ 20.5 kB         │ 65.5 kB       │ 18ms        │ 35ms          ║
║ /apex/Chat_Hidden                       │ 1739  │ 11ms     │ 25ms     │ 0 B             │ 105 B         │ 3ms         │ 11ms          ║
║ /apex/Case_View                         │ 1529  │ 901ms    │ 1.7s     │ 39.8 kB         │ 241 kB        │ 179ms       │ 415ms         ║
║ /apex/NegotiatedEntitlementProcess_View │ 216   │ 177ms    │ 467ms    │ 8.03 kB         │ 22.1 kB       │ 165ms       │ 270ms         ║
║ /apex/Case_Edit                         │ 172   │ 649ms    │ 1.3s     │ 7.16 kB         │ 63.1 kB       │ 330ms       │ 580ms         ║

Sort Fields

  • name - The URI of the Visualforce page
  • count - The number of times the page was accessed
  • cpu - The average time spent on CPU
  • run - The average run time
  • view - The average view state size
  • response - The average response state size
  • dbcpu - The average database CPU time
  • dbtotal - The average total database CPU time

Advanced Usage


Currently only supported by the report command

The --helper flag allows you to pass in a javascript file and provide your own formatter and filterer.

eventmonitoring report visualforce --sort cpu --helper /path/to/helper.js
* Format incoming data
* @param {string} field_name The field name being outputted
* @param {object} data The data to be formatted
* @return {string} The formatted data
* @throws An error if it's not a field we're formatting
var formatter = function (field_name, data) {
    if (field_name !== 'count') {
        throw new Error('Unhandled field');

    return 'Custom ' + data;

* Returns true if the data should be included
* @param {object} data The data to check
* @returns {boolean} If the data should be included
var filter = function (data) {
    if (data.view < 80) {
        return false;

    return true;

module.exports = {
    formatter: formatter,
    filter: filter
║ URI                                 │ Count      │ CPU Time │ Run Time │ View State Size │ Response Size │ DB CPU Time │ DB Total Time ║
║ /apex/Account_View                  │ Custom 4   │ 995ms    │ 2.9s     │ 52.1 kB         │ 475 kB        │ 368ms       │ 1.6s          ║
║ /apex/Case_View                     │ Custom 811 │ 868ms    │ 1.5s     │ 39.2 kB         │ 241 kB        │ 160ms       │ 352ms         ║
║ /apex/Case_Edit                     │ Custom 45  │ 696ms    │ 1.3s     │ 7.98 kB         │ 70.2 kB       │ 333ms       │ 540ms         ║
║ /apex/Escalation_View               │ Custom 19  │ 315ms    │ 479ms    │ 15.3 kB         │ 102 kB        │ 68ms        │ 144ms         ║
║ /apex/casetag                       │ Custom 3   │ 298ms    │ 470ms    │ 13.9 kB         │ 44.2 kB       │ 104ms       │ 140ms         ║


Command line tools surrounding event monitoring



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