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@hhrutter hhrutter released this 06 May 21:04
· 278 commits to master since this release

A Release About Cutting PDF Pages

There are three new commands that will cut your PDF page in one way or another:

  1. Cut
pdfcpu cut [-p(ages) selectedPages] -- description inFile outDir [outFileName]

A low level command for fine grained custom page cutting.
Apply any number of horizontal or vertical page cuts:


➡️ Documentation and examples

  1. N-down
pdfcpu ndown [-p(ages) selectedPages] -- [description] n inFile outDir [outFileName]

Cut selected page into n pages symmetrically.
Think the inverse operation of n-up:


➡️ Documentation and examples

  1. Poster
pdfcpu poster [-p(ages) selectedPages] -- description inFile outDir [outFileName]

Create a poster with full control over scaling and tile size and more:


➡️ Documentation and examples


A notable API change is an additional parameter for AddBookmarks.
The replace flag enforces deleting any old bookmarks that may be present in the input file:
AddBookmarksFile(inFile, outFile string, bms []pdf.Bookmark, replace bool, conf *model.Configuration)

As always 🙏 to all bug reporters and PRs.
pdfcpu is getting better & better every day 💚
Have fun fiddling around with your PDFs!

.. Ohh, and before jumping right in please do me a favor and click here
