A simple plugin to give poll capabilities to backbone collections and models that uses a refresh rate to actively fetch data and keep the collection or model updated. In other words, it gives a backbone collection or model the ability to periodically query a data source. Useful for fetching dynamic data for monitoring.
Development: backbone-polling.js
Production: backbone-polling.min.js
This plugin uses backbone (v1.0.0 or above) , jQuery (v1.10.2 or above) and underscore (version 1.3.3 or above).
One possible usage is to create a backbone collection (or model) and add the plugin as a mixin.
- Example without AMD
var ProcessCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/processes',
// Add backbone polling mixin
_.extend(ProcessCollection.prototype, BackbonePolling);
- Example with AMD
], function (Backbone, _, BackbonePolling) {
'use strict';
var ProcessCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/processes',
// Add backbone polling mixin
_.extend(ProcessCollection.prototype, BackbonePolling);
return ProcessCollection;
Simply Instantiate and start fetching:
var processCollection = new ProcessCollection();
Or pass in some options first:
var pollOptions = { refresh: 2000 };
var processCollection = new ProcessCollection();
// Specify custom options for the plugin.
// You can also call this function inside the collection's initialize function and pass the
// options for the plugin when instantiating a new collection.
An object can be used to customize the plugin’s behavior. All configurations are optional.
var options = {
refresh: 1000, // rate at which the plugin fetches data
fetchOptions: {}, // options for the fetch request
retryRequestOnFetchFail: true // automatically retry request on fetch failure
- refresh: refresh rate in milliseconds. Default value is 1000 milliseconds.
- fetchOptions: to be passed in the collection.fetch() request (same options as the backbone collection’s fetch method).
- retryRequestOnFetchFail: specify if the plugin should retry the request if fails or if it should simply stop fetching data.
- refresh:loaded: is triggered every time a fetch/refresh finishes successfully.
- refresh:fail: is triggered every time a fetch request fails.
- refresh:always: is triggered every time a fetch request finishes.
- configure(options): specify custom options for the plugin
- startFetching: starts polling data from the server.
- stopFetching: stops fetching data from the server.
- isFetching: returns true if the collection is fetching data and false otherwise.
The code in this repository can be used under the MIT License.