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runtime: performance tuning for module Packing
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pelzlpj committed Jul 25, 2014
1 parent a0bf407 commit c3bda2d
Showing 1 changed file with 173 additions and 64 deletions.
237 changes: 173 additions & 64 deletions src/runtime/
Expand Up @@ -56,17 +56,76 @@ and pack_loop_bytes ~input ~ofs ~buf =
let output_buf = Bytes.create 9 in
let tag_byte = ref 0 in
let output_count = ref 1 in
for bit = 0 to 7 do
let c = input.[ofs + bit] in
if c = '\x00' then
else begin
let () = Bytes.set output_buf !output_count c in
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor (1 lsl bit);

(* This is a hot loop. Unrolling is good for ~20% speedup. *)

let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input ofs in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x1;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () = Bytes.set output_buf 0 (Char.of_int_exn !tag_byte) in
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 1) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x2;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 2) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x4;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 3) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x8;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 4) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x10;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 5) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x20;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 6) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x40;
output_count := !output_count + 1
let () =
let c = String.unsafe_get input (ofs + 7) in
if c <> '\x00' then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf !output_count c;
tag_byte := !tag_byte lor 0x80;
output_count := !output_count + 1

let () = Bytes.unsafe_set output_buf 0 (Char.unsafe_of_int !tag_byte) in
let () = Buffer.add_substring buf
(Bytes.unsafe_to_string output_buf) 0 !output_count
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,70 +216,120 @@ let rec unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
FragmentBuffer.unremove packed unconsumed_bytes

and unpack_zeros ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs =
(* Tag byte is followed by a count byte specifying number of zero words - 1 *)
let required_byte_count = 2 in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count then
let zero_word_count = 1 + (Char.to_int buf.[ofs + 1]) in
let zeros = String.make (zero_word_count * 8) '\x00' in
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked zeros in
unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs:(ofs + 2)
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs

and unpack_literal_bytes ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs =
(* Tag byte is followed by 8 literal bytes, followed by count byte *)
let required_byte_count = 10 in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count then
(* The count byte specifies number of literal words to copy *)
let extra_bytes_required = 8 * (Char.to_int buf.[ofs + 9]) in
let required_byte_count' = required_byte_count + extra_bytes_required in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count' then
let first_literal_word =
Util.str_slice ~start:(ofs + 1) ~stop:(ofs + 9) buf
let other_literal_words =
Util.str_slice ~start:(ofs + 10)
~stop:(ofs + 10 + extra_bytes_required) buf
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked first_literal_word in
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked other_literal_words in
unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs:(ofs + 10 + extra_bytes_required)
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs

and unpack_mixed_bytes ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs ~tag =
(* Tag byte is followed by one literal byte for every bit set *)
let c_int = Char.to_int tag in
let literal_bytes_required = bits_set c_int in
let required_byte_count = 1 + literal_bytes_required in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count then begin
let src_ofs = ref (ofs + 1) in
let output_word = Bytes.make 8 '\x00' in

(* This is the dual of the hot loop in [pack_loop_bytes]. *)

if (c_int land 0x1) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 0 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x2) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 1 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x4) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 2 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x8) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 3 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x10) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 4 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x20) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 5 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x40) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 6 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
if (c_int land 0x80) <> 0 then begin
let c = String.unsafe_get buf !src_ofs in
Bytes.unsafe_set output_word 7 c;
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1

let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked
(Bytes.unsafe_to_string output_word)
unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs:!src_ofs
end else
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs

(* Decode a tag byte and then attempt to decode all the bytes that are
associated with the tag. *)
and unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs =
if ofs = String.length buf then
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs ~required_byte_count:1
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
match buf.[ofs] with
| '\x00' ->
(* Followed by a count byte specifying number of zero words - 1 *)
let required_byte_count = 2 in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count then
let zero_word_count = 1 + (Char.to_int buf.[ofs + 1]) in
let zeros = String.make (zero_word_count * 8) '\x00' in
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked zeros in
unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs:(ofs + 2)
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
unpack_zeros ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
| '\xff' ->
(* Followed by 8 literal bytes, followed by count byte *)
let required_byte_count = 10 in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count then
(* The count byte specifies number of literal words to copy *)
let extra_bytes_required = 8 * (Char.to_int buf.[ofs + 9]) in
let required_byte_count' = required_byte_count + extra_bytes_required in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count' then
let first_literal_word =
Util.str_slice ~start:(ofs + 1) ~stop:(ofs + 9) buf
let other_literal_words =
Util.str_slice ~start:(ofs + 10)
~stop:(ofs + 10 + extra_bytes_required) buf
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked first_literal_word in
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked other_literal_words in
unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs:(ofs + 10 + extra_bytes_required)
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
unpack_literal_bytes ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
| c ->
(* Followed by one literal byte for every bit set *)
let c_int = Char.to_int c in
let literal_bytes_required = bits_set c_int in
let required_byte_count = 1 + literal_bytes_required in
if String.length buf - ofs >= required_byte_count then begin
let src_ofs = ref (ofs + 1) in
let output_word = Bytes.create 8 in
for i = 0 to 7 do
if (c_int land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 then begin
Bytes.set output_word i buf.[!src_ofs];
src_ofs := !src_ofs + 1
end else
Bytes.set output_word i '\x00'
let () = FragmentBuffer.add_fragment unpacked
(Bytes.unsafe_to_string output_word)
unpack_decode_tag ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs:!src_ofs
end else
unpack_coalesce_buffer_and_retry ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs
unpack_mixed_bytes ~packed ~unpacked ~buf ~ofs ~tag:c

(** Unpack as much data as possible from the packed fragment buffer.
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