[00:00:02]: System Memory: Memory Load: 34% Available Physical Memory: 10644m/16324m Available Page File: 17047m/26324m Available Virtual Memory: 3901m/4095m Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m [00:00:02]: Process Memory: Peak Working Set Size: 40m Working Set Size: 40m Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 308k Quota Page Pool Usage: 286k Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:27k Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 26k Page File Usage: 12m Peak Page File Usage: 12m [00:00:02]: Starting up [00:00:02]: Don't Starve: 429404 WIN32_STEAM Branch: release Build Date: 802 [00:00:02]: SteamID: 76561198137339628 [00:00:02]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (10404) [00:00:02]: HttpClient::ClientThread::Main() [00:00:02]: SteamApps()->BIsSubscribedApp( 282470 ) -- Subscribed! [00:00:02]: SteamApps()->BIsDlcInstalled( 282470 ) -- Installed! [00:00:02]: SteamApps()->BIsSubscribedApp( 393010 ) -- Subscribed! [00:00:02]: SteamApps()->BIsDlcInstalled( 393010 ) -- Installed! [00:00:02]: SteamApps()->BIsSubscribedApp( 712640 ) -- Subscribed! [00:00:02]: SteamApps()->BIsDlcInstalled( 712640 ) -- Installed! [00:00:02]: Dynamic loading level: 0 [00:00:02]: Cloud enabled: true [00:00:02]: Enabled app: true Enabled account: true [00:00:02]: Num files: 25 [00:00:02]: Quota used: 0.650 Mbytes / 200.000 Mbytes [00:00:02]: HardwareStats: OS name Microsoft Windows 10 Home version 10.0.19041 architecture 64-bit platformSpecific SP 0.0 CPU numCores 4 features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX name Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz manufacturer GenuineIntel clockSpeed 3201 RAM megsOfRam 16384 GPU name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti driverDate 20201106000000.000000-000 megsOfRam 4095 refreshRate 59 videoModeDescription 1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors driverVersion [00:00:02]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread [00:00:02]: WindowManager::Initialize [00:00:02]: WindowManager::SetFullscreen(0, 1680, 1050, 60) [00:00:03]: GLInfo [00:00:03]: ~~~~~~ [00:00:03]: GL_VENDOR: Google Inc. [00:00:03]: GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti) [00:00:03]: GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE [00:00:03]: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00 (ANGLE [00:00:03]: OpenGL extensions (19, 19): [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_depth_texture [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_texture_usage [00:00:03]: GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source [00:00:03]: GL_EXT_read_format_bgra [00:00:03]: GL_EXT_robustness [00:00:03]: GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 [00:00:03]: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 [00:00:03]: GL_EXT_texture_storage [00:00:03]: GL_OES_get_program_binary [00:00:03]: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil [00:00:03]: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 [00:00:03]: GL_OES_standard_derivatives [00:00:03]: GL_OES_texture_npot [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 16 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 16384 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384, 16384 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 10 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 16 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 254 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 4 [00:00:03]: GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 221 [00:00:03]: 4 compressed texture formats [00:00:03]: texture format 0x83f0 [00:00:03]: texture format 0x83f1 [00:00:03]: texture format 0x83f2 [00:00:03]: texture format 0x83f3 [00:00:03]: FMOD VERSION: 00044464 (00044464) [00:00:03]: THREAD - started 'WindowsInputManager' (13812) [00:00:04]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize() [00:00:04]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:04]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(668,1) loaded profile [00:00:04]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:00:05]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:00:05]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:00:05]: scripts/main.lua(234,1) running main.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) Sim Seed = 5000 [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-1172725923 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-220511926 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-323996352 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-609651550 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-758756707 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-928939144 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1172725923 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1172725923 (Camera Tweaks) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1608490902 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1803281169 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1803281169 (Auto Stack and Pick Up) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1839189419 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1839189419 (Realistic Placement (fixed)) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1840116964 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1930794331 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1930794331 (ActionQueue Reborn) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1982884692 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-1982884692 (Display Food Values 2.0) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2015098515 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2081254154 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-220511926 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-220511926 (Damage Indicators) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-254465969 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-277517714 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-277517714 (Backpack and Amulet Slots) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-323996352 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-323996352 (Wormhole Marks) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356043883 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-436788068 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-436788068 (Long-range Research) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-574636989 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-574636989 (Combined Status) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-609651550 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-609651550 (No Warning) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-662872357 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-662872357 (Craft Pot) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758756707 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) [00:00:05]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-928939144 [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-928939144 (Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)) [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-662872357 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-662872357 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-662872357 (Craft Pot) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-928939144 (Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-928939144 (Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-928939144 (Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-323996352 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-323996352 (Wormhole Marks) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-323996352 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-277517714 (Backpack and Amulet Slots) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-277517714 (Backpack and Amulet Slots) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-277517714 (Backpack and Amulet Slots) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-436788068 (Long-range Research) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-436788068 (Long-range Research) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-436788068 (Long-range Research) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-609651550 (No Warning) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-609651550 (No Warning) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-609651550 (No Warning) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-574636989 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-574636989 (Combined Status) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-574636989 (Combined Status) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-220511926 (Damage Indicators) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-220511926 (Damage Indicators) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-220511926 (Damage Indicators) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1172725923 (Camera Tweaks) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1172725923 (Camera Tweaks) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1172725923 (Camera Tweaks) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1803281169 (Auto Stack and Pick Up) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1803281169 (Auto Stack and Pick Up) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1803281169 (Auto Stack and Pick Up) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) Mod had no modmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1930794331 (ActionQueue Reborn) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1930794331 (ActionQueue Reborn) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1930794331 (ActionQueue Reborn) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1982884692 (Display Food Values 2.0) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1982884692 (Display Food Values 2.0) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1982884692 (Display Food Values 2.0) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1839189419 (Realistic Placement (fixed)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-1839189419 (Realistic Placement (fixed)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-1839189419 (Realistic Placement (fixed)) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:00:05]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modmain.lua [00:00:07]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:08]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F398, 1, 60, 0x075DF670) [00:00:08]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 60 (60 total) [00:00:09]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(79,1) PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 1043 [00:00:09]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(668,1) loaded profile [00:00:09]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(739,1) bloom_enabled true [00:00:09]: DEVICE CAP 1607972321 [00:00:09]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex [00:00:09]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex [00:00:09]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1630,1) OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:09]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1619,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:09]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(139,1) Unload BE [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2478ab1d (fish_farm) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1f8f0a0d (fish_farm_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4374c56c (yellowstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfef6177c (seatrap) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1541c9cc (armorruins) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x378bda50 (wall_wood_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7b1dec48 (sprinkler) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbc46422 (sprinkler_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe2bfa46 (tophat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f46d7c0 (batbat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfa6bf685 (shelves_pipe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x311f34a5 (shelves_pipe_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xccacaece (basefan_construction) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86ac2c1c (basefan_construction_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40e27925 (deco_plantholder_terrarium) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x407b4a05 (deco_plantholder_terrarium_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6fe6ac8 (sprinkler_construction) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x363945a2 (sprinkler_construction_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a81add (buoy) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95f72a4d (buoy_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x875750ea (turf_road) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1fa88e62 (firesuppressor_construction) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xab014f88 (firesuppressor_construction_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x57f9c25e (lightning_rod_construction) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbc44548c (lightning_rod_construction_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9260274c (nubbin) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5f86634a (interior_wall_plain_ds) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86860bc2 (boomerang) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x31b2a87 (deco_wallornament_black_cat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x88ee6423 (deco_wallornament_black_cat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x55b903ec (armorcactus) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x145a3f68 (clawpalmtree_sapling) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaa5f8902 (clawpalmtree_sapling_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa3a1ee36 (wildborehouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe66562b4 (wildborehouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7677c6fe (pig_guard_tower) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcc1c67ec (pig_guard_tower_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe53542f5 (rug_rubbermat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xee98ac35 (rug_rubbermat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f5176c5 (firepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8a462465 (firepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33e02f01 (turf_deeprainforest_nocanopy) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x75370b6 (papyrus) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4cadd294 (rug_rectangle) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4367c2d6 (rug_rectangle_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x24a03726 (shelves_cinderblocks) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9c7bbdc4 (shelves_cinderblocks_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x97abca38 (shelves_wallmount) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xacffea32 (shelves_wallmount_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbd48db8a (tar_extractor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb29b8860 (tar_extractor_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc4b5f6a (reno_tab_ornaments) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe959cf1c (reno_tab_floors) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29d05021 (spear_obsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbea16a01 (hambat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a837 (lawnornament_6) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x48dcda73 (lawnornament_6_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd63f401a (reno_tab_tables) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc33f1a26 (reno_tab_lamps) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f5c62a4 (reno_tab_rugs) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d44bbad (cookpot) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x30d2f57d (cookpot_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xed5d266e (reno_tab_windows) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcb2db4cf (rug_porcupuss) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa72757db (rug_porcupuss_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3039ac10 (reno_tab_doors) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7103 (researchlab5) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cbbb6a7 (researchlab5_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x196d6994 (interior_wall_peagawk) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe832ee7d (raft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x897caead (raft_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe474f23c (armormarble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b46d47 (obsidiancoconade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5e849cb (clothsail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3abd354a (rug_octagon) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf4383ea0 (rug_octagon_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5956e2a2 (piratehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x116cb80c (city_lamp) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaf74ef5e (city_lamp_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x432d01a6 (demolition_permit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6805555d (deco_table_chess) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5784fcd (deco_table_chess_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5f361ea0 (reno_tab_hanginglamps) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb79e025 (player_house_brick_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2b15c7cd (reno_tab_wallpaper) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9598d664 (deco_lamp_fringe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd9326b06 (deco_lamp_fringe_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4522c948 (reno_tab_columns) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8b2b80a8 (antmaskhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa879cca2 (deco_wallornament_cape) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4d690148 (deco_wallornament_cape_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec43b9f4 (sewing_kit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ab9ead1 (reno_tab_plantholders) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92cca233 (reno_tab_shelves) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7653bb29 (pig_shop_florist) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ce44f01 (pig_shop_florist_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x761a1799 (gunpowder) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1a6c6f45 (blubbersuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x879e93b8 (palmleaf_hut) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x71f5c0b2 (palmleaf_hut_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x184306e3 (pillar_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x172368c7 (pillar_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xea66d887 (deco_lamp_rightangles) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfbb33623 (deco_lamp_rightangles_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5023377f (round_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x575f892b (round_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a99c7b7 (armorgrass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd1f48e57 (plate_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3bf2ac53 (plate_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca4cdf49 (swinging_light_rope_2) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbe062e1 (swinging_light_rope_2_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c72b303 (shelves_aframe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfad6f4a7 (shelves_aframe_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x47611d71 (sweatervest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x85181f7c (minerhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca81b902 (organic_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfe20bce8 (organic_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4ed979d1 (mussel_bed) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda31de05 (deco_table_raw) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda566d25 (deco_table_raw_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcc95e765 (window_small_peaked) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9cd4cbc5 (window_small_peaked_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x12703c90 (swinging_light_floral_bulb) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb87811da (swinging_light_floral_bulb_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8e7c0e4a (deco_lamp_orb) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcca525a0 (deco_lamp_orb_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3671c87 (rainhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e264dbc (blowdart_pipe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58a82c9c (corkchest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5df876ce (corkchest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb566170f (armor_metalplate) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe9ed9582 (sail_stick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x64bce688 (stone_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x52a759e2 (stone_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf40f6b80 (wood_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xba006ea (wood_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf47fa6c (ballpein_hammer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x41ba89b5 (nightmarefuel) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f5eb004 (swinging_light_derby) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa2e76966 (swinging_light_derby_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa9bd39bd (beeswax) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfbaefa0e (rainometer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeea990dc (rainometer_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd46d9ffd (goldpan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8531957d (deco_plantholder_orchid) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3f247ad (deco_plantholder_orchid_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf821d10a (swinging_light_tophat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x69b832e0 (swinging_light_tophat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x31816529 (armor_weevole) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1d722e29 (swinging_light_floral_bloomer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbd1f1c01 (swinging_light_floral_bloomer_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fcb037d (greenstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4bc6e82b (swinging_light_floral_scallop) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8313457f (swinging_light_floral_scallop_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8587f3e (swinging_light_pendant_cherries) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfe6a1fac (swinging_light_pendant_cherries_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf295861a (brush) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcebbb0da (armorobsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x56a6da5b (curtain_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1bcc274f (curtain_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x743a74c2 (basefan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x10849128 (basefan_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c935451 (eyeturret_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd2383281 (deco_lamp_2embroidered) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd7b531a9 (deco_lamp_2embroidered_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfeae0283 (armorvortexcloak) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa7a5c984 (swinging_light_chandalier_candles) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca14efe6 (swinging_light_chandalier_candles_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92b93b1f (deco_wallornament_axe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb6ddd8b (deco_wallornament_axe_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcba65752 (amulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe16c07d0 (ruinshat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd2c60301 (dragonflychest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa72c4129 (dragonflychest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1591875 (greenamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdac7fbf5 (birdcage) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe1f9b335 (birdcage_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8bbc7f55 (beemine) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37648fbe (swinging_light_basic_bulb) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x852ef2c (swinging_light_basic_bulb_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1431df71 (interior_wall_upholstered) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2c158f7c (torch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc7431d07 (interior_floor_herringbone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadc75aed (interior_wall_mayorsoffice) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8651fd0 (saddle_war) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x71177e57 (player_house_cottage_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1daa5ab7 (turf_carpetfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5fe0843d (interior_wall_circles) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1407dd34 (deco_plantholder_basic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd58e5036 (deco_plantholder_basic_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc6a3122e (interior_wall_checkered) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x31c5155c (cargoboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc36de0e (cargoboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x30d2b33d (primeapebarrel) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x807939ed (primeapebarrel_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9e592914 (deco_plantholder_bonsai) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe78bcc56 (deco_plantholder_bonsai_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec3d47af (interior_wall_plain_rog) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x74138451 (reno_tab_homekits) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7102 (researchlab4) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x79aa04e8 (researchlab4_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21d35341 (interior_wall_sunflower) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdfb37276 (telestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcad65074 (pig_shop_bank) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5e858cf6 (pig_shop_bank_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36a9e4a5 (corkboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2517fe85 (corkboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xea8922ec (window_greenhouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa6d8c7e (window_greenhouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87dd9e1a (interior_wall_floral) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xea0bfd91 (deco_chair_rocking) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcdd10a47 (chair_rocking_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb8b134f8 (interior_wall_rope) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f6c9ebb (diviningrod) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa1524873 (interior_wall_wood) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe10be592 (antler) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa6b98890 (beargervest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbcbb751d (turf_foundation) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5936c6a (firestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x34fb4f82 (pitchfork) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc1fc7553 (obsidianaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xea2e4664 (interior_floor_hoof_curvy) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1b39011e (interior_floor_hexagon) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x544a99a4 (ballphinhouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbf1257c6 (ballphinhouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3d4d1dc6 (bedroll_straw) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c5f9d7 (interior_wall_fullwall_moulding) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a66a945 (fabric) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x341774ab (ice) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8298457d (tarlamp) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x485bddbf (deco_wood) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdc9b826 (deco_wood_cornerbeam_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x46e700fe (interior_floor_woodpanels) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95baf92a (hogusporkusator) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeddb42c0 (hogusporkusator_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x11fc68a2 (interior_floor_transitional) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa14b3e59 (fence_gate_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4740cff7 (tent) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4d742b3 (tent_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3d22578d (interior_floor_shag_carpet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4116c653 (raincoat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92d69ec6 (interior_floor_geometrictiles) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa1e54a85 (goldenaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc95db85c (hedge_layered_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcc3af58e (interior_floor_gardenstone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4058bc0 (molehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda17c8e8 (armorslurper) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbf4d3ccf (interior_floor_plaid_tile) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc85be77 (thunderhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe2b3e4f0 (window_large_square) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x30bd117a (window_large_square_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc2a00ca (waterchest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x70979320 (waterchest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3a84ed7 (shelves_pallet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe1a7cbd3 (shelves_pallet_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2a65def (deco_marble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x733e6056 (deco_marble_cornerbeam_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca16846d (boards) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x99a30df8 (pighouse_city) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda133672 (pighouse_city_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6e24d18f (interior_floor_wood) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfa14dec6 (birdtrap) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x52f1204e (candlehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c11af2 (treasurechest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd411bef8 (treasurechest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5bbb16dc (deco_round) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf833ec3 (deco_round_cornerbeam_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa7fbb995 (shelves_hutch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x394fcd95 (shelves_hutch_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfadcd8c3 (deco_wallornament_photo) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x11e2dee7 (deco_wallornament_photo_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x703741a0 (bottlelantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29e69bcb (disarming_kit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4dfa7cd9 (deco_millinery) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdcb10240 (deco_millinery_cornerbeam_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaff818f (window_tall_curtain) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2bffdb1b (window_tall_curtain_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x67e2ab44 (armor_windbreaker) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8f0787a3 (window_large_square_curtain) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5d843807 (window_large_square_curtain_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1eee0485 (transistor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcedf16ae (pig_shop_antiquities) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x89f98c3c (pig_shop_antiquities_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x15c5371d (armor_snakeskin) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadce2aa0 (armorseashell) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1883478c (bundlewrap) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5389d606 (interior_floor_check) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xff7a976 (staff_tornado) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa83d1e15 (deco_lamp_bellshade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcd164915 (deco_lamp_bellshade_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc22935e4 (icepack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe3296018 (window_small_peaked_curtain) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68329c52 (window_small_peaked_curtain_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c42203 (bell) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdd889b55 (deco_antiquities_beefalo) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd341fbd5 (deco_antiquities_beefalo_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe55c027f (piratihatitator) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6c19fe2b (piratihatitator_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3ede96f8 (nightstick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x41a7dded (deco_antiquities_wallfish) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x57b7c33d (deco_antiquities_wallfish_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb760043d (deco_wallornament_no_smoking) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf9e9a8ed (deco_wallornament_no_smoking_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcb43e37 (pig_shop_tinker) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe770c473 (pig_shop_tinker_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5c641039 (deco_plantholder_draceana) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x23f3d5f1 (deco_plantholder_draceana_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x739fbe3c (homesign) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33fdbd2e (homesign_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdec7e899 (deco_wallornament_mosaic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf36ca591 (deco_wallornament_mosaic_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb6201ac9 (onemanband) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x144395a5 (trawlnet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x18319439 (deco_wallornament_gears_art) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1e8d51f1 (deco_wallornament_gears_art_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbb50fc53 (deco_chair_massager) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1e0e9b29 (chair_massager_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xacbea762 (fertilizer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3949a42 (meatrack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x56340ba8 (meatrack_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6e5c26ec (metalplatehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcfd45dd4 (feathersail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3827e512 (swinging_light_basic_metal) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcea2acd8 (swinging_light_basic_metal_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x62386bc8 (shipwrecked_exit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b1756a (shipwrecked_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3cb06493 (healingsalve) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfcf46a5a (deco_wallornament_wreath) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbd28e590 (deco_wallornament_wreath_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37c31aa6 (lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86bcbe6a (player_house_tudor_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc3e68c44 (pig_shop_cityhall_player) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb911372e (pig_shop_cityhall_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa4bc1dde (deco_wallornament_embroidery_hoop) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf60a190c (deco_wallornament_embroidery_hoop_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9bc8df4c (deco_table_banker) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfc99781e (deco_table_banker_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd35506f1 (deco_table_diy) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6892139 (deco_table_diy_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x24bb7bad (quackendrill) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37523f00 (deco_table_crate) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfa37536a (deco_table_crate_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb06a926b (deco_table_round) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd0258b3f (deco_table_round_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa1e0baa2 (deco_plantholder_winterfeasttree) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x59c29348 (deco_plantholder_winterfeasttree_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x695f98d6 (turf_lawn) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc9fbff24 (deco_chair_bench) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa0c50f4 (chair_bench_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd21d2fd2 (tarsuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3a18ed11 (deco_lamp_hoofspa) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xccedf319 (deco_lamp_hoofspa_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9987d2bb (turf_beard_hair) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xac91eba0 (deco_plantholder_pitchers) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd1b3beca (deco_plantholder_pitchers_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7a9c42b2 (player_house_villa_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf13a0c1 (ruins_bat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1153dbb9 (pottedfern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2102a71 (pottedfern_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d60ee3a (coldfire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe72d29b0 (coldfire_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x263bc4d5 (slow_farmplot) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x321f7255 (slow_farmplot_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcfae714a (telescope) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc3bf310c (blueamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4742feaa (saddlehorn) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6d331947 (deco_lamp_2fringes) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x579c4563 (deco_lamp_2fringes_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2eb15fb5 (deco_plantholder_fern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbad2df75 (deco_plantholder_fern_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb20fa95 (heatrock) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd33f491a (deco_lamp_spool) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6dc7d6d0 (deco_lamp_spool_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c7d61e1 (deco_plantholder_fernstand) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfc74ea49 (deco_plantholder_fernstand_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdeb59676 (saddle_basic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3bc68d2e (pig_shop_hoofspa) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x321975bc (pig_shop_hoofspa_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36768a92 (orangestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x94cf6c04 (goldenpickaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x171194ba (deco_plantholder_zz) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5397e330 (deco_plantholder_zz_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8cc766ef (pumpkin_lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdcabd86 (earmuffshat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdf747ac (deco_plantholder_palm) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x61c3b7be (deco_plantholder_palm_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a838 (lawnornament_7) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xebee8c32 (lawnornament_7_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcceee6c3 (cutstone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaf34ecc0 (trunkvest_winter) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd6fd3291 (rug_braid) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcccb4d99 (rug_braid_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeb510d2f (turf_cobbleroad) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x14894bd9 (deco_wallornament_periodic_table) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1b94f251 (deco_wallornament_periodic_table_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4aeb6641 (armordragonfly) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcd7669e5 (nightsword) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8b25abc (wall_ruins_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xefa57cea (bandage) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xde4bc7e7 (wall_hay_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe51acd32 (lightning_rod) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x947bfcb8 (lightning_rod_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x89ee4ae9 (deco_plantholder_dishgarden) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa6594f41 (deco_plantholder_dishgarden_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1fa364d (pickaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d1b62d7 (deco_plantholder_marble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5357b7d3 (deco_plantholder_marble_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40826784 (deco_plantholder_wip) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xddecd1e6 (deco_plantholder_wip_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x72436f38 (doydoynest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92390532 (doydoynest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8cf67e3 (reno_tab_chairs) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb06405b9 (pig_shop_hatshop) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x96298071 (pig_shop_hatshop_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe87e06c0 (icebox) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2bd1baa (icebox_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3a9c75e (deco_lamp_2upturns) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdd0d0f8c (deco_lamp_2upturns_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5da2328d (deco_lamp_upturn) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca9f869d (deco_lamp_upturn_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x44734d2 (deco_lamp_crystals) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4be2ed18 (deco_lamp_crystals_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x14df947c (window_round_burlap) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa000d6ee (window_round_burlap_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdcd8b64b (deco_lamp_gothic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1f002f5f (deco_lamp_gothic_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68370bd6 (trap_teeth) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbc2b637 (wall_limestone_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c48b877 (campfire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdfe3a33 (campfire_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeb646050 (icehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x57303000 (deco_lamp_candelabra) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x356f226a (deco_lamp_candelabra_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x10473739 (spear) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa89f04ce (deco_plantholder_plantpet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe3f0561c (deco_plantholder_plantpet_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe32eba07 (deco_lamp_glass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x453df4a3 (deco_lamp_glass_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x89c20b1b (telebase) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x868a468f (telebase_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5097886f (tropicalfan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40ba8b03 (turf_fields) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9d92cce (purpleamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdae22a1 (deco_lamp_ceramic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x11d97989 (deco_lamp_ceramic_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcf1626 (rabbithouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1aa31ec4 (rabbithouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33a7f0a1 (lograft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcca82b89 (lograft_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3ccdbe75 (icestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7101 (researchlab3) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd6985329 (researchlab3_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a833 (lawnornament_2) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbc961377 (lawnornament_2_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x655f6246 (rug_catcoon) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x550e0aa4 (rug_catcoon_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8438ac46 (deco_chair_lounge) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x63822d76 (chair_lounge_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x71b5890c (deco_lamp_stainglass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbf49de5e (deco_lamp_stainglass_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xba5b4823 (interior_floor_octagon) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1b91a956 (blowdart_poison) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68c8d9d7 (captainhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x45338a (rug_tiles) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdb93060 (rug_tiles_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21bf03b1 (thulecite) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x539e9e8a (trunkvest_summer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1ede0e97 (rug_crime) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x54159c13 (rug_crime_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a834 (lawnornament_3) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5fa7c536 (lawnornament_3_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x70660d69 (boatrepairkit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4a5c1770 (rug_nailbed) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaca53efa (rug_nailbed_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc8123fa5 (seasack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc2924a42 (gashat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x79ad5092 (monkeyball) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7a2d9b15 (rug_beard) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f08c15 (rug_beard_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xee887b2f (deco_plantholder_birdcage) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1769b97b (deco_plantholder_birdcage_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8561ebe (waxpaper) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9af31602 (deco_wallornament_hunt) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x11021fe8 (deco_wallornament_hunt_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe649db6f (armouredboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc87cc93b (armouredboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6e9fd28c (rug_metal) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd06834de (rug_metal_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5486a5b9 (rug_web) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9c9ee071 (rug_web_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1386e9b5 (hedge_cone_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x474b8c6e (spear_poison) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf5e62834 (rug_hoofprint) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7434536 (rug_hoofprint_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4f936b6 (rug_hedgehog) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8024fa34 (rug_hedgehog_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf9183b8a (armor_lifejacket) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4c37a228 (rug_fur) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3892f642 (rug_fur_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8f381a1 (turf_checkerfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x64495a28 (g_house) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa6033e42 (g_house_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc78d9876 (siestahut) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb22fa874 (siestahut_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x63ae5c3d (shelves_floating) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8b3550ed (shelves_floating_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x80cb1e18 (featherhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d14c757 (cutlass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f0f89cb (reflectivevest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ca456a0 (orangeamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb8e3be7 (deco_chair_stuffed) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc0cd0271 (chair_stuffed_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc39269bf (interior_floor_marble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x12eae4dc (bonestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1ddc3722 (shelves_hattree) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7ff8f6c8 (shelves_hattree_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeeb5180e (snakeskinsail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xee8c5e98 (rug_square) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbf84fdd2 (rug_square_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x191be39c (shelves_fridge) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cd4ffce (shelves_fridge_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6a3f3187 (shelves_crates) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdca69d23 (shelves_crates_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f97e925 (iron_door) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c49da05 (iron_door_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8735fa3 (shelves_midcentury) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdd526007 (shelves_midcentury_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4715747a (sea_chiminea) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xefef9370 (sea_chiminea_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc4c93c5d (boatcannon) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1521e52e (deco_chair_ottoman) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x70b9656a (chair_ottoman_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa715d03d (boat_torch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3667634 (shelves_marble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2deb7736 (shelves_marble_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6d712297 (shelves_basic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf8a58813 (shelves_basic_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcae56360 (shelves_adjustable) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5b85d70a (shelves_adjustable_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdc8dfd70 (shelves_industrial) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x85e5d8fa (shelves_industrial_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x54acc701 (blunderbuss) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc609cc7e (pig_shop_arcane) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfd5c026c (pig_shop_arcane_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x15ad0ae7 (boat_lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21319e8c (coconade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x430f0884 (shelves_wood) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb129f0e6 (shelves_wood_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x940ce7b3 (rug_round) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6501f3f7 (rug_round_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe1c483c0 (deco_plantholder_philodendron) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf7c15eaa (deco_plantholder_philodendron_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x46094f1b (beefalohat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9ff0b48e (deco_chair_horned) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb452232e (chair_horned_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadeaec54 (deco_plantholder_winterfeasttreeofsadness) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x48bb916 (deco_plantholder_winterfeasttreeofsadness_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeee6ebd (encrustedboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x574d9e6d (encrustedboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3112ce61 (deco_chair_corner) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa0a14a9b (chair_corner_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfb180669 (blowdart_sleep) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcda99af6 (winterhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1d6cb58e (player_house_turret_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe3844d0e (quackeringram) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x828a79b4 (player_house_gothic_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x265d1455 (turf_woodfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a836 (lawnornament_5) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa5cb28b4 (lawnornament_5_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa818ae4d (shark_teethhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a0ed246 (yellowamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x14e47079 (turf_snakeskinfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca1efe0f (sandbagsmall_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a835 (lawnornament_4) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2b976f5 (lawnornament_4_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa94020c5 (thatchpack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77689fa0 (deco_lamp_downbridge) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8e580aca (deco_lamp_downbridge_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8da1a832 (lawnornament_1) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x198461b8 (lawnornament_1_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xce5a342e (firesuppressor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbba0ebc (firesuppressor_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x464b13a4 (rug_swirl) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbc75dc6 (rug_swirl_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a6718eb (resurrectionstatue) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6b0c64bf (resurrectionstatue_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcad92460 (flowerhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3c23856 (goldnugget) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6d4b616b (playerhouse_city) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe9fefc3f (playerhouse_city_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec9c9d00 (shipwrecked_entrance) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b1756a (shipwrecked_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x71aa5092 (securitycontract) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcafd929d (deco_lamp_edison) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2047428d (deco_lamp_edison_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2eb713f (pig_shop_weapons) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40705f6b (pig_shop_weapons_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x57d3b656 (gasmaskhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x621669c0 (messagebottleempty) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x32cfc7d9 (shelves_ladder) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa9e77651 (shelves_ladder_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3849f48 (pig_shop_produce) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9526f122 (pig_shop_produce_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x14df8f50 (pig_shop_general) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x407d8f1a (pig_shop_general_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x310f6e91 (armorlimestone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb04412f0 (limestone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf4eb0943 (shovel) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x18f754c1 (fence_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4ec429fd (deco_plantholder_xerographica) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xed7b932d (deco_plantholder_xerographica_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdce6bc11 (deco_chaise) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4f9a6419 (deco_chaise_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7100 (researchlab2) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3386a16a (researchlab2_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa125dcf0 (wind_conch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadfdb7ae (armor_sanity) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x823b34c6 (bathat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf8e41fa9 (bedroll_furry) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ce426c4 (blowdart_fire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x702d3d1e (deco_lamp_adjustable) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc94ba9cc (deco_lamp_adjustable_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8959b28a (sea_yard) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xded2f160 (sea_yard_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf02cfe22 (obsidianmachete) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xac737a0e (pithhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3059686e (volcanostaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc4101586 (hammer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8a2d55ba (catcoonhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe2fc99b0 (ironwind) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x62a5e7fe (nightlight) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x185806ec (nightlight_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdab5b6e (rug_wormhole) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x80a9977c (rug_wormhole_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x16bcbff1 (sail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x303bfdce (axe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe6af29d2 (compass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5df2c8ef (roottrunk_child) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x213b7bbb (roottrunk_child_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92ccc001 (coldfirepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21e04429 (coldfirepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a4001b3 (sand_castle) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f43364e (sandcastle_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7ca101d3 (dragoonden) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6db191d7 (dragoonden_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86cb11ef (bugrepellent) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5e02cffb (saltlick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ddc09af (saltlick_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x19c004b2 (pighouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x469fe538 (pighouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4e674c6 (hawaiianshirt) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa801bd29 (saddle_race) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xba3ae90 (featherpencil) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbaaaea3 (interior_wall_marble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca4cdf48 (swinging_light_rope_1) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ceb122 (swinging_light_rope_1_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2403ccde (magnifying_glass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xef21c9f2 (rope) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95e2439a (rowboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77133c50 (rowboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x60fc588a (chiminea) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3bf2cb60 (chiminea_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb981ecda (fast_farmplot) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6c77c310 (fast_farmplot_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x387c2e29 (construction_permit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbcfca634 (strawhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa4aea8db (cork_bat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xee6923bf (hedge_block_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x111db7ae (footballhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cd9e60e (razor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb806e145 (shelves_glass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9ac319e5 (shelves_glass_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd74b6154 (goldenmachete) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbc429ef3 (bushhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x651e3e9e (eyebrellahat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2a492c1d (aerodynamichat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29da2f76 (pig_shop_deli) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4bb5174 (pig_shop_deli_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd8067599 (beehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf20956c9 (double_umbrellahat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x59755992 (porkland_entrance) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x71791858 (porkland_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8c452ac (deco_plantholder_traps) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1059ecbe (deco_plantholder_traps_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x15220700 (backpack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x506a0f05 (interior_floor_sheet_metal) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7ad2b6dc (window_tall) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x338bdc8e (window_tall_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5201c09 (beebox) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x753b7621 (beebox_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb918c5fd (fishingrod) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf4762b9d (machete) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x76466fb2 (oxhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5a59f5cc (goldenshovel) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3532833e (minisign_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4d9a964d (trap) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4685284 (umbrella) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda1f7edf (winterometer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x955229cb (winterometer_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbb660aa6 (spear_launcher) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe86f4f8f (supertelescope) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x42b57cc8 (living_artifact) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6dda899f (watermelonhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x12c13ebb (antivenom) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xabf27d93 (brainjellyhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x76d26529 (bugnet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fceff10 (featherfan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x39311b4d (grass_umbrella) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4d41beb9 (wall_enforcedlimestone_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x11c3f528 (halberd) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cc95f01 (player_house_manor_craft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3edae42e (multitool_axe_pickaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f2d088c (armorwood) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfd6ec64e (deco_chair_footrest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4599d86e (chair_footrest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb0ab3235 (interior_wall_harlequin) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xea45c78 (deco_lamp_elizabethan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc3d347f2 (deco_lamp_elizabethan_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7034a4d (rug_oval) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1f3bfedd (rug_oval_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc484206 (deco_chair_classic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xee20292 (chair_classic_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x43f6355e (snakeskinhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x195c9f72 (shears) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95072a74 (antsuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c79100b (hybrid_banana_seeds) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3e63128a (ox_flute) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x38967bb2 (researchlab) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77e9ae38 (researchlab_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xae0991e0 (mussel_stick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x362da119 (icemaker) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3d61cd11 (icemaker_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x22ec3802 (wall_stone_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3b08494a (obsidianfirepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x69102aa0 (obsidianfirepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x811c1db3 (palmleaf_umbrella) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5071541 (nightmare_timepiece) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e54b535 (cane) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ae7e3b3 (purplegem) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8b6ef695 (venomgland) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf0330963 (panflute) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6f21e747 (piggyback) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4cd43780 (smelter) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d9094fa (smetler_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdeb59676 (saddle_basic) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf02cfe22 (obsidianmachete) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36768a92 (orangestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92ccc001 (coldfirepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21e04429 (coldfirepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8cc766ef (pumpkin_lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdcabd86 (earmuffshat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f46d7c0 (batbat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a99c7b7 (armorgrass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa801bd29 (saddle_race) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd8067599 (beehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec9c9d00 (shipwrecked_entrance) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b1756a (shipwrecked_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x47611d71 (sweatervest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x875750ea (turf_road) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8f381a1 (turf_checkerfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5201c09 (beebox) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x753b7621 (beebox_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3059686e (volcanostaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa125dcf0 (wind_conch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b46d47 (obsidiancoconade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d60ee3a (coldfire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe72d29b0 (coldfire_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f0f89cb (reflectivevest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ca456a0 (orangeamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe9ed9582 (sail_stick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcda99af6 (winterhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4374c56c (yellowstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc1fc7553 (obsidianaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda17c8e8 (armorslurper) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a66a945 (fabric) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf8e41fa9 (bedroll_furry) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf13a0c1 (ruins_bat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1541c9cc (armorruins) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe16c07d0 (ruinshat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29d05021 (spear_obsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37c31aa6 (lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeb646050 (icehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fcb037d (greenstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3edae42e (multitool_axe_pickaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1a6c6f45 (blubbersuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf295861a (brush) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcebbb0da (armorobsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6dda899f (watermelonhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8b25abc (wall_ruins_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c935451 (eyeturret_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4742feaa (saddlehorn) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcf1626 (rabbithouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1aa31ec4 (rabbithouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe474f23c (armormarble) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaf34ecc0 (trunkvest_winter) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1daa5ab7 (turf_carpetfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5e02cffb (saltlick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ddc09af (saltlick_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x19c004b2 (pighouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x469fe538 (pighouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1591875 (greenamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1153dbb9 (pottedfern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2102a71 (pottedfern_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7102 (researchlab4) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x79aa04e8 (researchlab4_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x46094f1b (beefalohat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5071541 (nightmare_timepiece) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e54b535 (cane) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21bf03b1 (thulecite) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x539e9e8a (trunkvest_summer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8651fd0 (saddle_war) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb20fa95 (heatrock) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a0ed246 (yellowamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4e674c6 (hawaiianshirt) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x39311b4d (grass_umbrella) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92ccc001 (coldfirepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21e04429 (coldfirepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeb646050 (icehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8a2d55ba (catcoonhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4116c653 (raincoat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fceff10 (featherfan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xff7a976 (staff_tornado) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd8067599 (beehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc22935e4 (icepack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4058bc0 (molehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c42203 (bell) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4aeb6641 (armordragonfly) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3ede96f8 (nightstick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5201c09 (beebox) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x753b7621 (beebox_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd2c60301 (dragonflychest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa72c4129 (dragonflychest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3671c87 (rainhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d60ee3a (coldfire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe72d29b0 (coldfire_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x651e3e9e (eyebrellahat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa6b98890 (beargervest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f0f89cb (reflectivevest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1a6c6f45 (blubbersuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6dda899f (watermelonhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec9c9d00 (shipwrecked_entrance) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b1756a (shipwrecked_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb20fa95 (heatrock) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a66a945 (fabric) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2478ab1d (fish_farm) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1f8f0a0d (fish_farm_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca1efe0f (sandbagsmall_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfef6177c (seatrap) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa94020c5 (thatchpack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92ccc001 (coldfirepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21e04429 (coldfirepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a4001b3 (sand_castle) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f43364e (sandcastle_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2a492c1d (aerodynamichat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec9c9d00 (shipwrecked_entrance) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b1756a (shipwrecked_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a81add (buoy) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95f72a4d (buoy_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x875750ea (turf_road) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x621669c0 (messagebottleempty) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x55b903ec (armorcactus) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb04412f0 (limestone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa3a1ee36 (wildborehouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe66562b4 (wildborehouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc1fc7553 (obsidianaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x72436f38 (doydoynest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92390532 (doydoynest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x544a99a4 (ballphinhouse) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbf1257c6 (ballphinhouse_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a66a945 (fabric) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x341774ab (ice) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8298457d (tarlamp) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe9ed9582 (sail_stick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbc2b637 (wall_limestone_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xabf27d93 (brainjellyhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x879e93b8 (palmleaf_hut) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x71f5c0b2 (palmleaf_hut_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b46d47 (obsidiancoconade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa125dcf0 (wind_conch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcebbb0da (armorobsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x76466fb2 (oxhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3059686e (volcanostaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5097886f (tropicalfan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x60fc588a (chiminea) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3bf2cb60 (chiminea_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7103 (researchlab5) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cbbb6a7 (researchlab5_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29d05021 (spear_obsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe832ee7d (raft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x897caead (raft_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33a7f0a1 (lograft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcca82b89 (lograft_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7ca101d3 (dragoonden) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6db191d7 (dragoonden_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc2a00ca (waterchest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x70979320 (waterchest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf02cfe22 (obsidianmachete) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5956e2a2 (piratehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8959b28a (sea_yard) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xded2f160 (sea_yard_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbd48db8a (tar_extractor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb29b8860 (tar_extractor_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeb646050 (icehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1b91a956 (blowdart_poison) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68c8d9d7 (captainhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf9183b8a (armor_lifejacket) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x811c1db3 (palmleaf_umbrella) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4e674c6 (hawaiianshirt) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcfae714a (telescope) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x703741a0 (bottlelantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x70660d69 (boatrepairkit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf13a0c1 (ruins_bat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc8123fa5 (seasack) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x67e2ab44 (armor_windbreaker) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21319e8c (coconade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1a6c6f45 (blubbersuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc4c93c5d (boatcannon) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe2fc99b0 (ironwind) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadce2aa0 (armorseashell) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe649db6f (armouredboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc87cc93b (armouredboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcfd45dd4 (feathersail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1591875 (greenamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd8067599 (beehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x474b8c6e (spear_poison) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5e849cb (clothsail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x16bcbff1 (sail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3b08494a (obsidianfirepit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x69102aa0 (obsidianfirepit_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4ed979d1 (mussel_bed) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeee6ebd (encrustedboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x574d9e6d (encrustedboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5201c09 (beebox) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x753b7621 (beebox_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x31c5155c (cargoboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc36de0e (cargoboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95e2439a (rowboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77133c50 (rowboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c935451 (eyeturret_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d14c757 (cutlass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f0f89cb (reflectivevest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ca456a0 (orangeamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x144395a5 (trawlnet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1541c9cc (armorruins) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbb660aa6 (spear_launcher) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe86f4f8f (supertelescope) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeeb5180e (snakeskinsail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6dda899f (watermelonhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fcb037d (greenstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4374c56c (yellowstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x62386bc8 (shipwrecked_exit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b1756a (shipwrecked_entrance_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3e63128a (ox_flute) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4715747a (sea_chiminea) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xefef9370 (sea_chiminea_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4d41beb9 (wall_enforcedlimestone_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36768a92 (orangestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa715d03d (boat_torch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3edae42e (multitool_axe_pickaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x12c13ebb (antivenom) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe55c027f (piratihatitator) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6c19fe2b (piratihatitator_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x24bb7bad (quackendrill) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8b25abc (wall_ruins_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21bf03b1 (thulecite) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x15ad0ae7 (boat_lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x43f6355e (snakeskinhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc2924a42 (gashat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd21d2fd2 (tarsuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf20956c9 (double_umbrellahat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x14e47079 (turf_snakeskinfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe16c07d0 (ruinshat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xae0991e0 (mussel_stick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x362da119 (icemaker) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3d61cd11 (icemaker_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x79ad5092 (monkeyball) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d60ee3a (coldfire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe72d29b0 (coldfire_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x30d2b33d (primeapebarrel) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x807939ed (primeapebarrel_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5071541 (nightmare_timepiece) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe3844d0e (quackeringram) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa818ae4d (shark_teethhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9260274c (nubbin) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x310f6e91 (armorlimestone) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb20fa95 (heatrock) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a0ed246 (yellowamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4374c56c (yellowstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf02cfe22 (obsidianmachete) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1541c9cc (armorruins) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7b1dec48 (sprinkler) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbc46422 (sprinkler_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86cb11ef (bugrepellent) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3c23856 (goldnugget) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36a9e4a5 (corkboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2517fe85 (corkboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x875750ea (turf_road) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x57d3b656 (gasmaskhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8b25abc (wall_ruins_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe10be592 (antler) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95072a74 (antsuit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc1fc7553 (obsidianaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x823b34c6 (bathat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95baf92a (hogusporkusator) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeddb42c0 (hogusporkusator_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xac737a0e (pithhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3059686e (volcanostaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa125dcf0 (wind_conch) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40ba8b03 (turf_fields) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x95e2439a (rowboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77133c50 (rowboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa4aea8db (cork_bat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x52f1204e (candlehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2403ccde (magnifying_glass) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21bf03b1 (thulecite) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8b2b80a8 (antmaskhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x70660d69 (boatrepairkit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4cd43780 (smelter) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d9094fa (smetler_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c42203 (bell) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8f381a1 (turf_checkerfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36768a92 (orangestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58a82c9c (corkchest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5df876ce (corkchest_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ca456a0 (orangeamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe9ed9582 (sail_stick) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29e69bcb (disarming_kit) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x12eae4dc (bonestaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf47fa6c (ballpein_hammer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeeb5180e (snakeskinsail) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6e5c26ec (metalplatehat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5b46d47 (obsidiancoconade) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc85be77 (thunderhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd46d9ffd (goldpan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x31816529 (armor_weevole) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x29d05021 (spear_obsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33e02f01 (turf_deeprainforest_nocanopy) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f46d7c0 (batbat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fcb037d (greenstaff) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3edae42e (multitool_axe_pickaxe) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfeae0283 (armorvortexcloak) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fceff10 (featherfan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcebbb0da (armorobsidian) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x54acc701 (blunderbuss) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x31c5155c (cargoboat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc36de0e (cargoboat_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c935451 (eyeturret_item) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x695f98d6 (turf_lawn) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x195c9f72 (shears) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1daa5ab7 (turf_carpetfloor) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x743a74c2 (basefan) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x10849128 (basefan_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9987d2bb (turf_beard_hair) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe16c07d0 (ruinshat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33a7f0a1 (lograft) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcca82b89 (lograft_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1591875 (greenamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x145a3f68 (clawpalmtree_sapling) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaa5f8902 (clawpalmtree_sapling_placer) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb566170f (armor_metalplate) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf13a0c1 (ruins_bat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5071541 (nightmare_timepiece) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x42b57cc8 (living_artifact) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37c31aa6 (lantern) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8b6ef695 (venomgland) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x43f6355e (snakeskinhat) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x11c3f528 (halberd) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a0ed246 (yellowamulet) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33ab6997 (hud) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3364203d (forest) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e5cb72d (cave) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40b82ff2 (maxwell) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbddda476 (fire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1078732c (character_fire) [00:00:09]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x427b5b39 (shatter) [00:00:09]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(142,1) Unload BE done [00:00:09]: scripts/dlcsupport.lua(27,1) Load scripts/DLC001_prefab_files [00:00:09]: scripts/dlcsupport.lua(27,1) Load scripts/DLC002_prefab_files [00:00:09]: scripts/dlcsupport.lua(27,1) Load scripts/DLC003_prefab_files [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-662872357 (Craft Pot) Registering prefabs [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-662872357 (Craft Pot) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-928939144 (Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)) Registering prefabs [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-928939144 (Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-323996352 (Wormhole Marks) Registering prefabs [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-323996352 (Wormhole Marks) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-277517714 (Backpack and Amulet Slots) Registering prefabs [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-277517714 (Backpack and Amulet Slots) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Registering prefabs [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Registering prefab file: prefabs/g_house [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) g_house [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) g_house_placer [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Registering prefab file: prefabs/hybrid_banana_seeds [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) hybrid_banana_seeds [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) hybrid_banana_seeds_placer [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Registering prefab file: prefabs/hybrid_banana_tree [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) hybrid_banana_tree [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Registering prefab file: prefabs/hybrid_banana [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) hybrid_banana [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) hybrid_banana_cooked [00:00:35]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-254465969 (Advanced Farming) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-436788068 (Long-range Research) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-436788068 (Long-range Research) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-609651550 (No Warning) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-609651550 (No Warning) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-574636989 (Combined Status) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-574636989 (Combined Status) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dug_cave_banana_tree [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_cave_banana_tree [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_cave_banana_tree_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dug_lichen [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_lichen [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_lichen_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dug_cactus [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_cactus [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_cactus_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dug_flower_cave [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_flower_cave [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_flower_cave_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_flower_cave_double [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_flower_cave_double_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_flower_cave_triple [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_flower_cave_triple_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dug_reeds [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_reeds [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_reeds_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dug_shrooms [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_red_mushroom [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_red_mushroom_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_green_mushroom [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_green_mushroom_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_blue_mushroom [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) dug_blue_mushroom_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-758756707 (Adshovel) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-220511926 (Damage Indicators) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-220511926 (Damage Indicators) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1172725923 (Camera Tweaks) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1172725923 (Camera Tweaks) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) Registering prefab file: prefabs/dychealthbar [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) dyc_damagedisplay [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) dyc_healthbarchild [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) dyc_healthbar [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1608490902 ( Simple Health Bar) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1803281169 (Auto Stack and Pick Up) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1803281169 (Auto Stack and Pick Up) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1840116964 (What Am I Crafting?) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1930794331 (ActionQueue Reborn) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1930794331 (ActionQueue Reborn) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1982884692 (Display Food Values 2.0) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1982884692 (Display Food Values 2.0) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Registering prefabs [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Registering prefab file: prefabs/range [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) range_indicator [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) range_indicator2 [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Registering prefab file: prefabs/machine_constructions [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) basefan_construction [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) firesuppressor_construction [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) lightning_rod_construction [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) sprinkler_construction [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) basefan_construction_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) firesuppressor_construction_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) lightning_rod_construction_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) sprinkler_construction_placer [00:00:36]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-2015098515 (Machine Range Indicator) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-1839189419 (Realistic Placement (fixed)) Registering prefabs [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-1839189419 (Realistic Placement (fixed)) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) Registering prefabs [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) Registering prefab file: prefabs/buildgridplacer [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) buildgridplacer [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-356043883 (Geometric Placement) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefabs [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefab file: prefabs/insight_range_indicator [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) insight_range_indicator [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefab file: prefabs/insight_map_marker [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) insight_map_marker [00:00:37]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering default mod prefab [00:00:38]: ../mods/workshop-277517714/images/newslots.tex is 340x68 but compressed textures must have power of 2 dimensions. [00:00:38]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(154,1) Load FE [00:00:39]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(158,1) Load FE: done [00:00:39]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer() [00:00:39]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F4EA, 1, 2048, 0x075DF670) [00:00:39]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 2048 (2048 total) [00:00:39]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:39]: Reset() returning [00:00:39]: QueryServerComplete no callback [00:00:39]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F398, 1, 60, 0x075DF670) [00:00:39]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 60 (60 total) [00:00:39]: QueryServerComplete no callback [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-1172725923 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-220511926 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-323996352 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-609651550 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-758756707 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-928939144 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:43]: GetCachedUGCCount 0 [00:00:43]: EnumerateUserSubscribedFiles(0) [00:00:43]: OnEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResult [00:00:43]: EResult 1, results 21/21 [00:00:43]: Enum complete. Found 21 mods. [00:00:43]: DeleteUnsubscribedFiles [../mods] [00:00:43]: GetPublishedFileDetails(0) [00:00:43]: Getting mod details... [00:00:45]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:45]: EResult 1, 1803281169 [00:00:45]: 245850, 219740, [Auto Stack and Pick Up], 1656724636763640097, 785233007824393735, 76561198008781092, 1563078310, 1606136022, 0, 0, [environment,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,version:0.1.7,worldgen], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 33726, 61497, [], 0 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1803281169 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:45]: GetPublishedFileDetails(1) [00:00:45]: Getting mod details... [00:00:45]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:45]: EResult 1, 436788068 [00:00:45]: 245850, 219740, [Long-range Research], 799864258471688160, 541899370564660088, 76561198008781092, 1430673520, 1557888247, 0, 0, [tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,version:0.2.4], 178, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 34315, 71470, [], 0 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-436788068 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:45]: GetPublishedFileDetails(2) [00:00:45]: Getting mod details... [00:00:45]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:45]: EResult 1, 1840116964 [00:00:45]: 245850, 219740, [What Am I Crafting?], 781867237763831480, 785236219272877120, 76561198008781092, 1566276190, 1574542196, 0, 0, [Interface,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.1,Shipwrecked Compatible], 178, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 1041655, 56358, [], 0 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1840116964 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:45]: GetPublishedFileDetails(3) [00:00:45]: Getting mod details... [00:00:45]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:45]: EResult 1, 1839189419 [00:00:45]: 245850, 219740, [Realistic Placement (fixed)], 781867415044868074, 785236219268103053, 76561198008781092, 1566184828, 1574617617, 0, 0, [tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.7,Shipwrecked Compatible], 178, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 6468, 6240, [], 0 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1839189419 [00:00:45]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:45]: GetPublishedFileDetails(4) [00:00:45]: Getting mod details... [00:00:46]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:46]: EResult 1, 928939144 [00:00:46]: 245850, 219740, [Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)], 952966790421052655, 781784168978233855, 76561198077525902, 1495235265, 1539112038, 0, 0, [utility,Interface,tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.3,Shipwrecked Compatible], 178, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 10117, 28408, [], 0 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-928939144 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:46]: GetPublishedFileDetails(5) [00:00:46]: Getting mod details... [00:00:46]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:46]: EResult 1, 1608490902 [00:00:46]: 245850, 219740, [Simple Health Bar], 1618439669947813383, 942841208004281583, 76561198098319132, 1546199141, 1601915628, 0, 0, [Interface,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,utility,version:2.20], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 183977, 84849, [], 0 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1608490902 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:46]: GetPublishedFileDetails(6) [00:00:46]: Getting mod details... [00:00:46]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:46]: EResult 1, 220511926 [00:00:46]: 245850, 219740, [Damage Indicators], 1660102961718296018, 52118875341581288, 76561198008918951, 1390639148, 1606685954, 0, 0, [Interface,Other,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,utility,version:0.5], 178, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 4116, 16086, [], 0 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-220511926 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:46]: GetPublishedFileDetails(7) [00:00:46]: Getting mod details... [00:00:46]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:46]: EResult 1, 2081254154 [00:00:46]: 245850, 219740, [Insight (Show Me but DS)], 1661230059057628896, 1017194907475454215, 76561198277438128, 1588385511, 1607878597, 0, 0, [Interface,item,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,tweak,utility,version:2.8.4], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 3284435, 19210, [], 0 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-2081254154 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:46]: GetPublishedFileDetails(8) [00:00:46]: Getting mod details... [00:00:46]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:46]: EResult 1, 323996352 [00:00:46]: 245850, 219740, [Wormhole Marks], 609474841941678598, 35227289354721911, 76561198027077262, 1412788013, 1450904438, 0, 0, [utility,tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.2.3], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 107504, 32008, [], 0 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-323996352 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:46]: GetPublishedFileDetails(9) [00:00:46]: Getting mod details... [00:00:46]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:46]: EResult 1, 609651550 [00:00:46]: 245850, 219740, [No Warning (SW compatible)], 541924111320289322, 541924111320223045, 76561198110747808, 1453909282, 1453910680, 0, 0, [utility,tweak,version:2.3], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 20231, 59177, [], 0 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-609651550 [00:00:46]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:46]: GetPublishedFileDetails(10) [00:00:46]: Getting mod details... [00:00:47]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:47]: EResult 1, 2015098515 [00:00:47]: 245850, 219740, [Machine Range Indicator x Improved Flingomatic], 1016066851342994285, 787506300208129276, 76561198067011816, 1583502586, 1586312291, 0, 0, [utility,Interface,tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.6.3,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 339550, 556522, [], 0 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-2015098515 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:47]: GetPublishedFileDetails(11) [00:00:47]: Getting mod details... [00:00:47]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:47]: EResult 1, 356043883 [00:00:47]: 245850, 219740, [Geometric Placement], 1020573369067942971, 278474310944194293, 76561198025931302, 1418560911, 1589221520, 0, 0, [utility,Interface,tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,version:2.4.15], 178, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 96778, 1066286, [], 0 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-356043883 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:47]: GetPublishedFileDetails(12) [00:00:47]: Getting mod details... [00:00:47]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:47]: EResult 1, 662872357 [00:00:47]: 245850, 219740, [Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, HAM, DST]], 780744507996441542, 285225308520472968, 76561197981642997, 1460294012, 1577526734, 0, 0, [utility,Interface,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,version:0.12.2], 1, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 219531, 74258, [], 0 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-662872357 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:47]: GetPublishedFileDetails(13) [00:00:47]: Getting mod details... [00:00:47]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:47]: EResult 1, 574636989 [00:00:47]: 245850, 219740, [Combined Status], 781870201523288479, 403434072387554230, 76561198025931302, 1449993746, 1577306541, 0, 0, [Interface,tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.7.8,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 395735, 118758, [], 0 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-574636989 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:47]: GetPublishedFileDetails(14) [00:00:47]: Getting mod details... [00:00:47]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:47]: EResult 1, 254465969 [00:00:47]: 245850, 219740, [Advanced Farming], 806619657910048978, 487823204857812691, 76561197989646930, 1398773833, 1557960358, 0, 0, [item,utility,environment,Art,tweak,Scenario,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:3.0,Other,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 1054453, 321882, [], 0 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-254465969 [00:00:47]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:47]: GetPublishedFileDetails(15) [00:00:47]: Getting mod details... [00:00:48]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:48]: EResult 1, 250583758 [00:00:48]: 245850, 219740, [Beefalo Milk], 1007059784970383403, 579023770827342621, 76561198084611080, 1397848925, 1586442965, 0, 0, [item,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:0.3.7,Other,Shipwrecked Compatible,Art], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 267423, 55316, [], 0 [00:00:48]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-250583758 [00:00:48]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:48]: GetPublishedFileDetails(16) [00:00:48]: Getting mod details... [00:00:48]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:48]: EResult 1, 277517714 [00:00:48]: 245850, 219740, [Backpack and Amulet Slots], 806619761205855390, 486701738914002363, 76561197989646930, 1403951105, 1558133897, 0, 0, [character,item,utility,Interface,worldgen,tweak,Scenario,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.5,Other,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 18054, 29176, [], 0 [00:00:48]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-277517714 [00:00:48]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:48]: GetPublishedFileDetails(17) [00:00:48]: Getting mod details... [00:00:48]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:48]: EResult 1, 758756707 [00:00:48]: 245850, 219740, [Adshovel], 83718997492349339, 253713388299606355, 76561198081341219, 1473104473, 1488592720, 0, 0, [utility,tweak,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.7,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 305114, 100557, [], 0 [00:00:48]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-758756707 [00:00:48]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:48]: GetPublishedFileDetails(18) [00:00:48]: Getting mod details... [00:00:49]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:49]: EResult 1, 1982884692 [00:00:49]: 245850, 219740, [Display Food Values 2], 787506300207523995, 786378723750404675, 76561198067011816, 1580313597, 1583655609, 0, 0, [utility,Interface,tweak,language,Reign of Giants Compatible,version:2.0.2,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 271665, 966862, [], 0 [00:00:49]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1982884692 [00:00:49]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:49]: GetPublishedFileDetails(19) [00:00:49]: Getting mod details... [00:00:49]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:49]: EResult 1, 1172725923 [00:00:49]: 245850, 219740, [Camera Tweaks], 776229876098855637, 910156163260262798, 76561198032277590, 1508297291, 1567021793, 0, 0, [Reign of Giants Compatible,version:1.011,Shipwrecked Compatible], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 114783, 89480, [], 0 [00:00:49]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1172725923 [00:00:49]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:49]: GetPublishedFileDetails(20) [00:00:49]: Getting mod details... [00:00:50]: OnPublishedFileDetailsResult [00:00:50]: EResult 1, 1930794331 [00:00:50]: 245850, 219740, [ActionQueue Reborn], 1549759232555664500, 796505121820934957, 76561198077525902, 1575726526, 1601408219, 0, 0, [Interface,Reign of Giants Compatible,Shipwrecked Compatible,utility,version:1.049+myxal_7], 12, [mod_publish_data_file.zip], 36964, 14163, [], 0 [00:00:50]: scripts/mods.lua(19,1) mod_name workshop-1930794331 [00:00:50]: scripts/mods.lua(21,1) table: 133434F8 [00:00:50]: Mod listing complete. [00:00:50]: DownloadPublishedFile(0) [00:00:50]: SteamModWorkshop::OnError: DownloadPublishedFile attempted to download non-existent mod. [00:00:50]: SteamModWorkshop::CompleteCallback (failure, DownloadPublishedFile attempted to download non-existent mod.) set [00:00:50]: SimLuaProxy::OnUpdateWorkshopModsComplete(failed, DownloadPublishedFile attempted to download non-existent mod.) [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-1172725923 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-220511926 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-323996352 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-609651550 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-758756707 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-928939144 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:00:50]: scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(916,1) Reloading Mod Info Prefabs [00:00:50]: scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(903,1) Loading Mod Info Prefabs [00:00:50]: scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(908,1) Unloading Mod Info Prefabs [00:00:50]: ../mods/workshop-250583758/beefalomilk.tex is 200x200 but compressed textures must have power of 2 dimensions. [00:00:50]: ../mods/workshop-323996352/wormhole_marks.tex is 200x200 but compressed textures must have power of 2 dimensions. [00:01:08]: scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(908,1) Unloading Mod Info Prefabs [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-662872357 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-928939144 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-323996352 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-277517714 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-254465969 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-436788068 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-609651550 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-574636989 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-758756707 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-220511926 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1172725923 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1608490902 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1803281169 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1840116964 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1930794331 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1982884692 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-2015098515 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-1839189419 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-356043883 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-2081254154 [00:01:08]: Collecting garbage... [00:01:08]: lua_gc took 0.03 seconds [00:01:08]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:01:08]: lua_close took 0.05 seconds [00:01:08]: ReleaseAll [00:01:08]: ReleaseAll Finished [00:01:08]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:01:08]: LOADING LUA [00:01:08]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:01:08]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:01:08]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(668,1) loaded profile [00:01:08]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:01:08]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:01:08]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:01:08]: scripts/main.lua(234,1) running main.lua [00:01:08]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) Sim Seed = 69000 [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-1172725923 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-220511926 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-323996352 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-609651550 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-758756707 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-928939144 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:08]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2081254154 [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:01:08]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modmain.lua [00:01:08]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:01:08]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(79,1) PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 1043 [00:01:08]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(668,1) loaded profile [00:01:08]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(739,1) bloom_enabled true [00:01:08]: DEVICE CAP 1607972380 [00:01:08]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex [00:01:08]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex [00:01:08]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1630,1) OnFilesLoaded() [00:01:08]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1619,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:01:08]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(133,1) FE assets already loaded [00:01:09]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefabs [00:01:09]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefab file: prefabs/insight_range_indicator [00:01:09]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) insight_range_indicator [00:01:09]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefab file: prefabs/insight_map_marker [00:01:09]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) insight_map_marker [00:01:09]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering default mod prefab [00:01:10]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer() [00:01:10]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F4EA, 1, 2048, 0x075DF670) [00:01:10]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 2048 (2048 total) [00:01:10]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:01:10]: Reset() returning [00:01:10]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F398, 1, 60, 0x075DF670) [00:01:10]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 60 (60 total) [00:01:10]: QueryServerComplete no callback [00:01:16]: scripts/screens/slotdetailsscreen.lua(65,1) Loading slot 1 details my DLC is RoG = false Capy = false Pork = false [00:01:17]: scripts/fileutil.lua(35,1) Erasing survival_1 [00:01:18]: scripts/screens/newgamescreen.lua(29,1) Loading slot 1 for new game [00:01:22]: scripts/screens/newgamescreen.lua(181,1) GETTING CUSTOM OPTIONS FOR 0 [00:01:23]: scripts/saveindex.lua(1431,1) SaveIndex:StartSurvivalMode!: ROG false SW false HAM false [00:01:23]: scripts/mods.lua(331,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_workshop-2081254154 [00:01:23]: Collecting garbage... [00:01:23]: lua_gc took 0.02 seconds [00:01:23]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:01:23]: lua_close took 0.02 seconds [00:01:23]: ReleaseAll [00:01:23]: ReleaseAll Finished [00:01:23]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:01:23]: LOADING LUA [00:01:23]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:01:23]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:01:23]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(668,1) loaded profile [00:01:23]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:01:23]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:01:23]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true [00:01:23]: scripts/main.lua(234,1) running main.lua [00:01:23]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) Sim Seed = 84000 [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-1172725923 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-220511926 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-323996352 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-609651550 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-758756707 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: workshop-928939144 does not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly. [00:01:23]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2081254154 [00:01:23]: scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) [00:01:23]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:01:23]: scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:01:23]: scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modmain.lua [00:01:24]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:01:24]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(79,1) PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 1043 [00:01:24]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(668,1) loaded profile [00:01:24]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(739,1) bloom_enabled true [00:01:24]: DEVICE CAP 1607972396 [00:01:24]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex [00:01:24]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex [00:01:24]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1181,1) OnFilesLoaded() [00:01:24]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1170,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:01:24]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() [00:01:24]: ABOUT TO INSTALL STACKTRACE [00:01:24]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua [00:01:24]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua [00:01:24]: INSTALLED STACKTRACE [00:01:24]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete [00:01:24]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (668) [00:01:24]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() [00:01:24]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua [00:01:24]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua [00:01:24]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:01:24]: Reset() returning [00:01:24]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/dlcsupport_worldgen.lua(26,1) DLC(RoG) enabled : false [00:01:24]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/dlcsupport_worldgen.lua(27,1) DLC(Shipwrecked) enabled : false [00:01:24]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Loading mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) [00:01:24]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/mods.lua(206,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Loading modworldgenmain.lua [00:01:24]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/mods.lua(214,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping. [00:01:24]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(105,1) running worldgen_main.lua [00:01:24]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(107,1) SEED = 1607972396 [00:01:24]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(485,1) WORLDGEN PRESET: SURVIVAL_DEFAULT [00:01:24]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(493,1) WORLDGEN LEVEL ID: 1 [00:01:24]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(500,1) ####### # # Generating Normal Mode Default Level # ####### [00:01:25]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(221,1) Creating story... [00:01:25]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/storygen.lua(414,1) LinkNodesByKeys [00:01:25]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(259,1) Baking map... 350 [00:01:26]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(284,1) Map Baked! [00:01:26]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(315,1) Encoding... [00:01:26]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(319,1) Encoding... DONE [00:01:26]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(374,1) Checking Tags [00:01:26]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(487,1) Populating voronoi... [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for Dev Graveyard in node Beeeees!:0:FlowerPatch [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for TeleportatoBaseLayout in node The hunters:6:BGGrass [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for tallbird_rocks in node Dig that rock:7:Rocky [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(527,1) PANIC: missing required prefab! teleportato_base [00:01:28]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(554,1) An error occured during world gen we will retry! [ 1 of 5 ] [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(221,1) Creating story... [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/storygen.lua(414,1) LinkNodesByKeys [00:01:28]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(259,1) Baking map... 350 [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(284,1) Map Baked! [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(315,1) Encoding... [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(319,1) Encoding... DONE [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(374,1) Checking Tags [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(487,1) Populating voronoi... [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for Dev Graveyard in node Beeeees!:0:FlowerPatch [00:01:29]: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(622,1) Done forest map gen! [00:01:29]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(273,1) Checking map... [00:01:29]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(627,1) Generation complete [00:01:29]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete [00:01:33]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(151,1) Unload FE [00:01:33]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(153,1) Unload FE done [00:01:38]: scripts/mods.lua(296,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefabs [00:01:38]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefab file: prefabs/insight_range_indicator [00:01:38]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) insight_range_indicator [00:01:38]: scripts/mods.lua(302,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering prefab file: prefabs/insight_map_marker [00:01:38]: scripts/mods.lua(306,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) insight_map_marker [00:01:38]: scripts/mods.lua(319,1) Mod: workshop-2081254154 (Insight) Registering default mod prefab [00:01:38]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(167,1) LOAD BE [00:01:41]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x350a87f2 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:41]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x350a87f2 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:41]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x350a87f2 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xf0533cd6 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x5f41a1f4 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x7ec8eb53 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x5bb6aaea (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x223749c9 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xe3941c2c (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xf20f2548 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x92464c8a (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x8b7cefce (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:43]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xfa7e8231 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:44]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland) [00:01:44]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked) [00:01:44]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel) [00:01:45]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xaf0f7120 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:45]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xed95c616 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:45]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x97f0225e (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:45]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x22010b52 (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:45]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x995e7e0a (OUTOFSPACE) [00:01:46]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(175,1) LOAD BE: done [00:01:46]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(minimap/minimap_data.xml) [00:01:46]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(../mods/workshop-2081254154/images/minimap/minimap.xml) [00:01:46]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(158,1) LOADING SCREEN FLASH [00:01:46]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(160,1) USE SETTING FILE 1 [00:01:47]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Insight replica update loop has begun [00:01:47]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Added Insight component for 100030 - wilson [00:01:47]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: loadlocalplayer 100030 - wilson [00:01:47]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: CALLED FOR CONFIG GEN [00:01:47]: scripts/modindex.lua(405,1) Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2081254154 [00:01:47]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: DS config generation [00:01:47]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(479,1) World info: [00:01:47]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(481,1) build_version 429404 [00:01:47]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(481,1) level_id SURVIVAL_DEFAULT [00:01:47]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(481,1) build_date 802 [00:01:47]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(481,1) seed 1607972396 [00:01:47]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(481,1) build_time 15:38:39 [00:01:48]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(502,1) Loading Nav Grid [00:01:50]: scripts/savegamepatcher.lua(13,1) No sunken_boat in this world, adding one... [00:01:50]: scripts/savegamepatcher.lua(52,1) Spawned the sunken_boat. [00:01:50]: FMOD Error: Can't play event dontstarve/creatures/teasertheparrot/wreckage: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found. [00:01:50]: FMOD Error: Can't play event dontstarve/creatures/teasertheparrot/wreckage: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found. [00:01:50]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Failed to load old menu button position: [00:01:50]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Hunter has been hooked [00:01:50]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'images/inventoryimages_2.xml', did you remember to load the asset? [00:01:50]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'images/inventoryimages_2.xml', did you remember to load the asset? [00:01:50]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F398, 1, 60, 0x075DF670) [00:01:50]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 60 (60 total) [00:01:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [OUTOFSPACE] [00:01:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [OUTOFSPACE] [00:01:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [OUTOFSPACE] [00:01:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [OUTOFSPACE] [00:01:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [OUTOFSPACE] [00:01:50]: QueryServerComplete no callback [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: loadlocalplayer 100030 - wilson [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: LOCALPLAYER FOUND [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Processing initializers with [5] remaining. [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Processing initializers with [4] remaining. [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Processing initializers with [3] remaining. [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Processing initializers with [2] remaining. [00:01:52]: [workshop-2081254154 (Insight)]: Processing initializers with [1] remaining. [00:01:52]: ...s/workshop-2081254154/scripts/descriptors/hunger.lua:36: attempt to compare number with string LUA ERROR stack traceback: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/descriptors/hunger.lua:36 in (local) descriptor (Lua) <29-78> self = hurtrate = 1.25 current = 150 max = 150 hungerrate = 0.15625 period = 1 burnrate = 1 inst = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) task = PERIODIC 100030: 1.000000 burning = true context = table: 3A302130 inst = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) verbosity = undefined description = nil hunger_str = nil burn_str = nil E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/modmain.lua:673 in (global) GetEntityInformation (Lua) <634-757> item = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) player = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) params = table: 3A302568 assembled = table: 3A3023B0 player_context = table: 3A302130 isForge = false components = table: 1303D8F0 chunks = table: 3A302748 name = hunger component = table: 16142890 descriptor = function - @E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/descriptors/hunger.lua:29 E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/modmain.lua:795 in (global) RequestEntityInformation (Lua) <760-848> item = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) player = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) params = table: 3A302568 insight = table: 1C648C58 E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/components/insight_replica.lua:680 in (method) RequestInformation (Lua) <663-740> self = world_data = table: 3A300C18 entity_count = 0 queue_tracker = table: 1C648E60 entity_debounces = table: 1C649360 pipspook_queue = table: 1C649248 indicators = table: 1C649770 menus = table: 1C648F78 queue = table: 1C648E88 queue_flushing = false tracked_entities = table: 1C6494F0 inst = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) performance_ratings = false entity_data = table: 1C648F00 pipspook_toys = table: 1C6491D0 queue_pop_count = 4 is_client = true item = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) params = table: 3A302568 params = table: 3A302568 E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/components/insight_replica.lua:839 in (method) Update (Lua) <827-868> self = world_data = table: 3A300C18 entity_count = 0 queue_tracker = table: 1C648E60 entity_debounces = table: 1C649360 pipspook_queue = table: 1C649248 indicators = table: 1C649770 menus = table: 1C648F78 queue = table: 1C648E88 queue_flushing = false tracked_entities = table: 1C6494F0 inst = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) performance_ratings = false entity_data = table: 1C648F00 pipspook_toys = table: 1C6491D0 queue_pop_count = 4 is_client = true HUD = HUD E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/components/insight_replica.lua:824 in (method) MaintainMenu (Lua) <822-825> self = world_data = table: 3A300C18 entity_count = 0 queue_tracker = table: 1C648E60 entity_debounces = table: 1C649360 pipspook_queue = table: 1C649248 indicators = table: 1C649770 menus = table: 1C648F78 queue = table: 1C648E88 queue_flushing = false tracked_entities = table: 1C6494F0 inst = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) performance_ratings = false entity_data = table: 1C648F00 pipspook_toys = table: 1C6491D0 queue_pop_count = 4 is_client = true insight_menu = Menu E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/uioverrides.lua:84 in () ? (Lua) <83-85> insight = table: 1C648C58 E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/clientmodmain.lua:329 in (field) fn (Lua) <313-356> player = 100030 - wilson (valid:true) x = 0 E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/scheduler.lua:195 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <169-226> self = running = table: 1C7E29A0 waitingfortick = table: 1C7E29C8 tasks = table: 1C7E2540 waking = table: 3ACF6B70 attime = table: 1C7E25B8 hibernating = table: 1C7E2590 tick = 282 k = PERIODIC 100030: 0.033333 v = true already_dead = false E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/scheduler.lua:402 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <400-408> tick = 282 E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/update.lua:105 in () ? (Lua) <90-191> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 282 i = 282 [00:01:52]: Last called Lua: None [00:01:52]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(960,1) LUA ERROR stack traceback: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/mainfunctions.lua(960,1) [00:01:52]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(961,1) ...s/workshop-2081254154/scripts/descriptors/hunger.lua:36: attempt to compare number with string LUA ERROR stack traceback: E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/descriptors/hunger.lua:36 in (local) descriptor (Lua) <29-78> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/modmain.lua:673 in (global) GetEntityInformation (Lua) <634-757> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/modmain.lua:795 in (global) RequestEntityInformation (Lua) <760-848> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/components/insight_replica.lua:680 in (method) RequestInformation (Lua) <663-740> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/components/insight_replica.lua:839 in (method) Update (Lua) <827-868> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/components/insight_replica.lua:824 in (method) MaintainMenu (Lua) <822-825> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/uioverrides.lua:84 in () ? (Lua) <83-85> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/workshop-2081254154/scripts/clientmodmain.lua:329 in (field) fn (Lua) <313-356> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/scheduler.lua:195 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <169-226> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/scheduler.lua:402 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <400-408> E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/update.lua:105 in () ? (Lua) <90-191> [00:01:52]: scripts/frontend.lua(773,1) SCRIPT ERROR! Showing error screen [00:01:52]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x04C1F3A1, 1, 78, 0x075DF670) [00:01:52]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 78 (78 total) [00:01:52]: QueryServerComplete no callback [00:02:03]: Force aborting...