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Build Status pdfcombiner

This is an HTTP endpoint that downloads a list of PDFs from Amazon S3, combines and uploads the combined file to S3, and POSTs the job status to a provided callback URL. The format of the request to / should look like:

  "bucket_name": "somebucket",
  "doc_list": [
      "key": "s3/path/to/file.pdf",
      "title": "name of pdf"
      "key": "s3/path/to/other/file.pdf",
      "name": "name of pdf"
  "callback": "",
  "combined_key": "path/to/upload/combined/file.pdf",
  "title": "Combined Doc for Some Applicant"

The server will immediately respond either with:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
{"response":"invalid params"}

When work is complete, the provided callback URL will recieve a POST with a JSON body similar to:

  "success": true,
  "errors": {},
  "callback": "",
  "perf_stats": {
      "606/docs/1068.pdf": {
      "s3/path/to/file.pdf": {
          "Filename": "s3/path/to/file.pdf",
          "Size": 1234,
          "PageCount": 5,
          "DlTime": 622469262
      "s3/path/to/other/file.pdf": {
          "Filename": "s3/path/to/other/file.pdf",
          "Size": 3456,
          "PageCount": 3,
          "DlTime": 622469262

"success" is true if at least one file downloaded successfully.

This application requires authentication, please put a file in ~/.pdfcombiner.json with content like:


You can also combine files in standalone mode from the command line. Use ./pdfcombiner -help to get a list of options.