A very specific kind of migrating Swallow that carries files and maybe coconuts across the LAN.
You are with a bunch of friends in some random place. There might or might not be WiFi. The presence of a USB drive is unlikely. There are a multitude of operating systems. You want to transfer a file.
I have been in this situation way too often.
The only thing that kind of works is nc -l 9090
No more!
This tool aims to easily and reliably transfer a file to the person sitting next to you.
There are 2 modes of operation:
The ideal case, a swallow-to-swallow transfer, initiated via Bonjour.
- One user selects a file to share.
- The file is broadcast via Bonjour.
- It appears in the menu for other users.
- Other users download the file.
A swallow-to-browser or browser-to-swallow transfer with optional internet based discovery.
- Gierzwaluw announces its private IP on a public website.
- Other users see nodes with the same public IP.
- Click through to Gierzwaluw web interface.
- Download file shared by the host.
- Offer files to the host.
For now just install the requirements and run python gui.py
or python cli.py
Application bundles are desirable at some point, but a pain to generate.
Very much work in progress.
Thanks to @Sidnicious and @myf for talking me into this.