With a normal tile layer, the user can't interact to find out more about a location, since it is a static image. With this plugin, you can find out what features are underneath the current mouse position, for example when the user clicks the map.
This is done using Mapbox Vector Tiles, that are queried for features in a way that is both fast and reasonably bandwidth efficient.
Version 3.0 and up of Leaflet Underneath is only compatible with Leaflet 1.0; earlier versions only work with Leaflet 0.7.
Download the code. Include the pre-built Leaflet Underneath script in your project:
<script src="leaflet-underneath/dist/leaflet-underneath.js"></script>
or, even better, use Browserify or similar and install from npm:
npm install --save leaflet-underneath
var L = require('leaflet');
// Leaflet Underneath will be available as L.underneath
For a complete example on how to use Leaflet Underneath, see basic Leaflet Underneath example.
Leaflet Underneath can be queried for features from a location.
Factory | Description |
L.underneath(<String> tileUrl, <Map> map, < UnderneathOptions `> options?) |
Instantiates a new Leaflet Underneath layer |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
minZoom |
Number |
0 |
Minimum zoom level in the tile set |
maxZoom |
Number |
22 |
Maximum zoom level in the tile set |
subdomains |
Array |
['a', 'b', 'c'] |
Available subdomains |
layers |
String[] |
[] |
Names of layers to include in search |
defaultRadius |
Number |
20 |
Default number of pixels search radius |
featureId |
Function |
Function that returns a unique feature id; used to filter out duplicates. Default returns a features osm_id property |
zoomIn |
Number |
0 |
Zoom in relative to the map's current zoom level when making a query; used to get more or less detailed results than current zoom would give |
joinFeatures |
Boolean |
false |
For features with same id, should geometries be joined (true ), or should they be ignored (false ) |
Method | Returns | Description |
query(< L.LatLng > latLng, <Function> callback, <Object> context, < QueryOptions > options?)` |
this |
Asynchronously queries for features near latLng ; callback will be called with features within radius pixels of the coordinate |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
radius |
Number |
Take from layer options | Number of pixels search radius |
onlyInside |
Boolean |
false |
Only return features (polygons) that the queried location is inside |