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perlpilot committed Dec 7, 2011
1 parent 414260d commit 1d6964b
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 1 deletion.
122 changes: 121 additions & 1 deletion lib/Dancer/Plugin/
@@ -1,6 +1,126 @@
package Dancer::Plugin::TTHelpers;
# ABSTRACT: write something clever here
# ABSTRACT: Useful routines in Template Toolkit views

use strict; use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Try::Tiny;

sub make_attribute_string {
return defined $_[0]
? join " ", map { $_ . '="' . $_[0]->{$_} . '"' } keys %{$_[0]}
: "";

sub process_attributes {
for my $i (0..$#_) {
if (ref $_[$i] eq 'HASH') {
my $attrs = splice @_, $i, 1;
return make_attribute_string($attrs);
return "";

sub compute_idx {
my $obj = shift;
my $idx = try { $obj->can('id') && "[" . ($obj->id // "") . "]" } catch { "[]" };
return $idx;

hook 'before_template' => sub {
my $tokens = shift;

$tokens->{css} = sub {
my $attributes = &process_attributes;
my ( $uri, $ie_cond ) = @_;
$uri .= '.css' unless $uri =~ /\.css$/;
($ie_cond ? "<!--[if $ie_cond]>" : '')
. qq(<link rel='stylesheet' href=')
. request->uri_base . "/css/$uri"
. qq(' type='text/css' $attributes />)
. ($ie_cond ? "<![endif]-->" : '');

$tokens->{js} = sub {
my ( $uri, $ie_cond ) = @_;
$uri .= '.js' unless $uri =~ /\.js$/;
($ie_cond ? "<!--[if $ie_cond]>" : '')
. qq(<script languages='javascript' src=')
. request->uri_base . "/js/$uri"
. qq(' type='text/javascript'></script>)
. ($ie_cond ? "<![endif]-->" : '');

$tokens->{radio} = sub {
my $attributes = &process_attributes;
my ($obj, $name, $values, $sep) = @_;
$sep ||= '';
my ($i, @ret) = 0;
my $on = do { try { $obj->$name } } // @{$values}[0];
my $idx = compute_idx($obj);
while ($i < @$values) {
my ($val,$disp) = @{$values}[$i, $i+1];
my $checked = $on eq $val ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
push @ret, qq(<input type="radio" name="$name$idx" value="$val" $checked $attributes />$disp);
} continue { $i+=2 }
return ref $sep eq 'ARRAY' ? @ret : join $sep,@ret;

$tokens->{text} = sub {
my $attributes = &process_attributes;
my ($obj, $name, $value) = @_;
my $idx = compute_idx($obj);
my $val = do { try { $obj->$name } } // $value // "";
return qq(<input type="text" name="$name$idx" value="$val" $attributes />);

$tokens->{select} = sub {
my $attributes = &process_attributes;
my ($obj, $name, $options, $key, $value) = @_;
my $idx = compute_idx($obj);
my $str = $name ? qq(<select name="$name$idx" $attributes>) : "<select>";
my $on = $obj && $name ? ($obj->$name // "") : "";
for my $o (@$options) {
my ($disp, $val);
if ($key && $value) {
$disp = do { try { $o->$value } catch { $o->{$value} } } // "";
$val = do { try { $o->$key } catch { $o->{$key} } } // "";
} else {
$disp = $val = $o;
my $selected = $on eq $val ? " selected" : "";
$str .= qq(<option value="$val"$selected>$disp</option>);
$str .= "</select>";
return $str;

$tokens->{button} = sub {
my ($value, $attrs) = @_;
my $attributes = make_attribute_string($attrs);
return qq(<input type="button" value="$value" $attributes />);

$tokens->{hidden} = sub {
my ($obj,$name,$value, $attrs) = @_;
my $idx = compute_idx($obj);
my $attributes = make_attribute_string($attrs);
return qq(<input type="hidden" name="$name$idx" value="$value" $attributes />);

$tokens->{checkbox} = sub {
my ($obj, $name, $checked, $attrs) = @_;
my $idx = compute_idx($obj);
my $attributes = make_attribute_string($attrs);
$checked = try { $obj->$name } catch { $checked // 1 };
$attributes .= " checked" if $checked;
return qq(<input type="checkbox" name="$name$idx" value="1" $attributes />);



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