Examples can be found in this Colab notebook.
Amongst those distributions that satisfy some given constraints on moments and/or other expectations, we want to find the distribution that maximises entropy. (If you are not sure why, check out Wikipedia or Brian Keng's introduction.)
That is, for (not necessarily finite (a<b)) we want to maximise the entropy [S(̱̱p)=-\int_a^b p(x)\ln(p(x))dx,] subject to (\int_a^b p(x)dx=1) and (\int_a^b f_i(x)p(x)dx=c_i) for some finite number of constraints ((f_i,c_i)). This is accomplished by pretending that (dx>0) is some very small number, approximating the integral with a finite sum, ending up with only a finite number of variables (p(x)), and solving the resulting problem with Lagrange multipliers, i.e.:
- We have to find ((p,\lambda)) (a tuple of real vectors) such that the gradient of the Lagrangian [\mathcal L(p,\lambda)=S(p)-\lambda_0\left(1-\int_a^bp(x)dx\right)-\sum_i \lambda_i\left(c_i-\int_a^b f_i(x)p(x)dx\right)]
- (The one condition that's always here is that (\int_a^bp(x)dx=1), giving the multiplier corresponding to (\lambda_0).)
- Taking partial derivatives w.r.t. (p(y)) (for any (y\in[a,b])) and setting them to 0 formally gives [\ln(p(y))=-1-\lambda_0-\sum_i \lambda_if_i(y).]
- Hence we may simply assume that [p(y)={1\over Z_\lambda}e^{-\sum_i\lambda_if_i(y)},] with (Z_\lambda) such that (p) induces a probability measure, i.e. [Z_\lambda=\int_a^b e^{-\sum_i\lambda_if_i(x)}dx.]
- It remains to make the gradient with respect to (\lambda) equal to 0; note that the partial derivatives are given by [{\partial\over\partial\lambda_i}\mathcal L(p,\lambda)=c_i-\int_a^bf_i(x)p(x)dx,]
leaving us with the requirement that (\lambda) must satisfy the system of equations
[c_i={1\over Z_\lambda}\int_a^b f_i(x)e^{-\sum_i\lambda_if_i(x)}dx,]
which are solved with SciPy's
here. Given such a (\lambda), we have found the max-entropy distribution.
Roughly in order of importance (i.e. my personal interest):
- Implement a Minimal Cross-Entropy Distribution class,
- Find & fix some (presumably) numerical issues arising with the log-normal distribution.
- Allow for inequality constraints, i.e. not only (\int f_i(x)p(x)dx=c_i), but also (\int f_i(x)p(x)dx\leq c_i).
- Use automatic differentiation to speed up the minimisation process.
- Try to integrate this with Metaculus/Guesstimate/Elicit/…
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_entropy_probability_distribution
- https://bjlkeng.github.io/posts/maximum-entropy-distributions/ : A great exposition for those with no statistical mechanics background.
- https://fragile-credences.github.io/quantiles/ (app: https://makedistribution.com/). Lists alternatives to this approach, mostly by prescribing quantiles and finding the closest (in some sense) member of a given family of distributions such as normal/log-normal/metalog to the given requirements.