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petigura committed Jul 14, 2012
2 parents 70abe3f + f260a15 commit eb34a5c
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Showing 2 changed files with 62 additions and 90 deletions.
95 changes: 43 additions & 52 deletions
@@ -1,57 +1,48 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
import FFA_cy as FFA
from matplotlib.pylab import *

def seg(X,P0):
XW = FFA.XWrap2(X,P0,pow2=True)
M = XW.shape[0] # number of rows

idCol = np.arange(P0,dtype=int) # id of each column
idRow = np.arange(M,dtype=int) # id of each row
P = P0 + idRow.astype(float) / (M - 1)
def FFABench():
def seg(X,P0):
XW = FFA.XWrap2(X,P0,pow2=True)
M = XW.shape[0] # number of rows

idCol = np.arange(P0,dtype=int) # id of each column
idRow = np.arange(M,dtype=int) # id of each row
P = P0 + idRow.astype(float) / (M - 1)

data = XW.filled()
mask = (~XW.mask).astype(int)

sumF = FFA.FFA(data) # Sum of array elements folded on P0, P0 + i/(1-M)
countF = FFA.FFA(mask) # Number of valid data points
meanF = sumF/countF

names = ['mean','count','s2n','P']
dtype = zip(names,[float]*len(names) )
rep = np.empty(M,dtype=dtype)

# Take maximum epoch
idColMa = meanF.argmax(axis=1)
rep['mean'] = meanF[idRow,idColMa]
rep['count'] = countF[idRow,idColMa]
rep['s2n'] = rep['mean']*np.sqrt(rep['count'])
rep['P'] = P

return rep

X = np.load('pulse_train_data.npy')
Xmask = np.load('pulse_train_mask.npy')
X = ma.masked_array(X,Xmask,fill_value=0)

X = X[:10000] # Modify this to change execution time.

Pmin,Pmax = 250,2500
PGrid = np.arange(Pmin,Pmax)

func = lambda P0: seg(X,P0)
rep = map(func,PGrid)
rep = np.hstack(rep)
return rep

data = XW.filled()
mask = (~XW.mask).astype(int)

sumF = FFA.FFA(data) # Sum of array elements folded on P0, P0 + i/(1-M)
countF = FFA.FFA(mask) # Number of valid data points
meanF = sumF/countF

names = ['mean','count','s2n','P']
dtype = zip(names,[float]*len(names) )
rep = np.empty(M,dtype=dtype)

# Take maximum epoch
idColMa = meanF.argmax(axis=1)
rep['mean'] = meanF[idRow,idColMa]
rep['count'] = countF[idRow,idColMa]
rep['s2n'] = rep['mean']*np.sqrt(rep['count'])
rep['P'] = P

return rep

X = np.load('pulse_train_data.npy')
Xmask = np.load('pulse_train_mask.npy')
X = ma.masked_array(X,Xmask,fill_value=0)

X = X[:10000] # Modify this to change execution time.

Pmin,Pmax = 250,2500
PGrid = np.arange(Pmin,Pmax)

func = lambda P0: seg(X,P0)
rep = map(func,PGrid)
rep = np.hstack(rep)

fig,axL = subplots(nrows=2)
axL[0].plot(X,label='Time Series')

57 changes: 19 additions & 38 deletions FFA_cy.pyx
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
# filename: FFA_cy.pyx

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma

# cython: profile=True
# cython: cdivision=True
cimport cython
cimport numpy as cnp
# cython: cdivision = True

def FFA(XW):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,9 +52,9 @@ def FFA(XW):
assert np.allclose(nStage,np.round(nStage)),"nRow must be power of 2"
nStage = int(nStage)

XWFS = XW.copy().astype(float)
XWFS = XW.copy()
for stage in range(1,nStage+1):
XWFS = FFAShiftAdd(XWFS,stage)
XWFS = FFAShiftAdd(XWFS.astype(float),stage)
return XWFS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,11 +90,12 @@ def FFAButterfly(stage):
def FFAGroupShiftAdd(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2,mode='c'] group0,
cnp.ndarray[cnp.int64_t, ndim=1] Arow,
cnp.ndarray[cnp.int64_t, ndim=1] Brow,
cnp.ndarray[cnp.int64_t, ndim=1] Bshft):
cnp.ndarray[cnp.int64_t, ndim=1] Bshft,
FFA Shift and Add
Expand All @@ -108,28 +107,14 @@ def FFAGroupShiftAdd(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2,mode='c'] group0,
group0 : Initial group before shuffling and adding.
shape(group0) = (M,P0) where M is a power of 2.
Modifications for speed
Adding along rows should be faster with fortran layout.
>>> : XW.shape
>>> : (64, 1000)
>>> : timeit[0] +[50]
100000 loops, best of 3: 7.12 us per loop
>>> : XWfc = np.asfortranarray(XW)
>>> : timeit[0] +[50]
1000000 loops, best of 3: 382 ns per loop

cdef int iRow,iCol,iA,iB,Bs,iBCol

maxShft = max(Bshft)
cdef int iRow,iCol,iA,iB,Bs
cdef int nRowGroup = group0.shape[0]
cdef int nColGroup = group0.shape[1]
cdef cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2] group = np.zeros((nRowGroup,nColGroup),dtype=float)

cdef cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2] group = np.zeros((nRowGroup,nColGroup))

# Grow group by the maximum shift value
# Loop over rows in group
Expand All @@ -139,16 +124,13 @@ def FFAGroupShiftAdd(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2,mode='c'] group0,
Bs = Bshft[iRow]
# Loop over the columns in the group
for iCol in range(nColGroup):
iBCol = (iCol + Bs + nColGroup) % nColGroup
group[iRow,iCol] += group0[iA,iCol]
iBCol = (iCol - Bs + nColGroup) % nColGroup
group[iRow,iCol] += group0[iB,iBCol]

return group

def FFAShiftAdd(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2,mode='c'] XW0,
def FFAShiftAdd(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2] XW0,
int stage):
FFA Shift and Add
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,21 +158,20 @@ def FFAShiftAdd(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2,mode='c'] XW0,
[ 0., 0., 1., 1.],
[ 0., 0., 2., 0.]])
cdef int nRow,nRowGroup,nGroup,iGroup
cdef int nRow,nCol,nGroup,nRowGroup,iGroup,start,stop
cdef cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2] XW

nRow = XW0.shape[0]
nCol = XW0.shape[1]
nRow = XW0.shape[0]
nCol = XW0.shape[1]
nRowGroup = 2**stage
nGroup = nRow/nRowGroup
cdef cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64_t, ndim=2] XW = np.zeros((nRow,nCol),dtype=float)
XW = np.zeros((nRow,nCol),dtype=float)

Arow,Brow,Bshft = FFAButterfly(stage)
for iGroup in range(nGroup):
start = iGroup*nRowGroup
stop = (iGroup+1)*nRowGroup
sG = slice(start,stop)
temp = XW0[sG].astype(float)
XW[sG] = FFAGroupShiftAdd(temp,Arow,Brow,Bshft)
XW[start:stop] = FFAGroupShiftAdd(XW0[start:stop],Arow,Brow,Bshft)

return XW

Expand Down

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