Render this, for instance, like:


This run had these parameters:

Here are the number of windows per chromsome, and the computed MDS coordinates, colored by chromosome:

## HiC_scaffold_29 HiC_scaffold_30 HiC_scaffold_31 HiC_scaffold_32 
##            1296            1363            1107             997
pairs( mds.coords[,mds.cols], pch=20, col=adjustcolor(chrom.cols,0.75) )

plot of chunk mds_pairplot

if (do.pdfs) { pdf_copy() }
## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/mds_pairplot-1.pdf
## Error in device(...): cannot open file 'figure/run_summary/mds_pairplot-1.pdf'

Here are the extreme windows in the MDS plot:

mds.corners <- corners( mds.coords[,mds.cols[1:2]], prop=.05 )
# set up colors and pchs for corners
corner.cols <- brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")
corner.pch <- c(15,17,19)
ccols <- rep("black",nrow(mds.coords))
cpch <- rep(20,nrow(mds.coords))
for (k in 1:ncol(mds.corners)) {
    ccols[ mds.corners[,k] ] <- corner.cols[k]
    cpch[ mds.corners[,k] ] <- corner.pch[k]
# centroids of the corners in MDS space
corner.mds <-, lapply(1:ncol(mds.corners), 
                function (ii){
                } ) )
# plot corners and MDS along the chromosome
spacing <- 1
opar <- par(mar=c(4,4,2,1)+.1,mgp=c(2.5,0.8,0))
        widths=c(1,2), heights=layout_heights(length(mds.cols),dl=spacing,ncol=2))
plot( mds.coords[,mds.cols[1:2]], pch=cpch, 
     col=adjustcolor(ccols,0.75),  asp=1,
     xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
     xlab="MDS coordinate 1", ylab="MDS coordinate 2" )
points( corner.mds, pch=20, cex=5,
text( corner.mds, labels=seq_len(nrow(corner.mds)), 
        col=corner.cols, cex=2, lwd=2 )
opar2 <- par(mar=c(par("mar"),spacing/2)[c(5,2,3,4)])
for (k in mds.cols) {
    lastone <- (k==mds.cols[length(mds.cols)])
    if (lastone) { par(mar=c(par("mar"),opar2$mar[1])[c(5,2,3,4)]) }
    chrom.plot( mds.coords[,k], pch=20, 
            xlab=if (lastone) { "Position (Mb)"} else { "" }, # main=paste("MDS coordinate",match(k,mds.cols)),
            col=adjustcolor(ccols,0.75) )
    # do this for all but first

plot of chunk plot_corners

if (do.pdfs) { pdf_copy() }
## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corners-1.pdf
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Now, we’ll look at PCA plots from the extracted corners. (this is done without a ton of memory by accumulating the covariance matrix in running_cov):

corner.npc <- 4
corner.regions <- vector(mode='list', length=ncol(mds.corners))
for (k in seq_along(corner.regions)) {
    corner.regions[[k]] <- regions[ mds.corners[,k],]
corner.covmats <- vector(mode='list', length=ncol(mds.corners))
for (k in seq_along(corner.covmats)) {
    reg <- regions[ mds.corners[,k], ]
    qfun <- multi_vcf_query_fn( chrom.list=chroms, file=bcf.files, regions=reg )
    corner.covmats[[k]] <- running_cov(qfun,1:nrow(reg), normalize.rows=TRUE)
corner.pca <- vector(mode='list', length=ncol(mds.corners))
for (k in seq_along(corner.pca)) {
    corner.pca[[k]] <- cov_pca(covmat=corner.covmats[[k]], k=corner.npc, w=opt$weights)

Here is the color scheme:

pop.names <- levels(samps$population)
pop.cols <- rainbow_hcl(nlevels(samps$population))
pop.pch <- seq_len(nlevels(samps$population))
plot( rep(1,length(pop.names)), seq_along(pop.names), 
       cex=4, pch=pop.pch, col=pop.cols, xlim=c(0,length(pop.names)),
       xlab='', ylab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n' )
text( rep(1,length(pop.names)), seq_along(pop.names), labels=pop.names, pos=4 )

plot of chunk pop_colors

Here are all pairwise plots of the first 4 PCs for each of the three corners:

for (i in 1:(corner.npc-1)) {
    for (j in (i+1):corner.npc) {
        for (k in 1:ncol(mds.corners)) {
            vectors <- matrix( corner.pca[[k]][-(1:(1+corner.npc))], ncol=corner.npc )[,c(i,j)]
            colnames(vectors) <- paste("PC", c(i,j))
            par(mgp=c(0.7,0.7,0), mar=c(2,2,2,0)+.1)
            plot(vectors, pch=pop.pch[samps$population], 
                    xaxt='n', yaxt='n' )
            if (i==1 && j==2) {
        if (do.pdfs) { pdf_copy(,j,sep="_")) }

plot of chunk plot_corner_pca

## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corner_pca-1_1_2.pdf

plot of chunk plot_corner_pca

## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corner_pca-1_1_3.pdf

plot of chunk plot_corner_pca

## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corner_pca-1_1_4.pdf

plot of chunk plot_corner_pca

## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corner_pca-1_2_3.pdf

plot of chunk plot_corner_pca

## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corner_pca-1_2_4.pdf

plot of chunk plot_corner_pca

## pdf version at: figure/run_summary/plot_corner_pca-1_3_4.pdf