A simple chess engine written in python3. You can play on the terminal or on a web interface. The chess engine is quite complete. Still missing are: Fifty-move rule and the threefold repetition.
The web interface has two dependecies:
- flask | Micro web framework, used also as webserver
- simplejson | Writing/Reading JSON
Calling web/web.py
starts the webserver with the chess engine on port 5000.
Till now three different AIs are implemented (https://github.com/petres/chess/blob/master/player/ki.py):
The simplest one. Does randomly draw a move from all possible moves.
Also a quite simple KI. Captures if possible, if not draw a random move.
Capture if opposite piece has lower value or isn't guarded. Check if possible (only on non guarded fields). Do randomly draw a move.