Music recommendation engine and REST API. Uses Play framework and postgresql database for persistence.
- Install play framework from
- Run
createdb musicmatch
to create new postgresql database - Run
play run
in the project root directory - Application is accessible under
Authorization is performed with OAuth2 protocol.
POST /oauth2/authorize
"grant_type": "password',
"username": "",
"password": "password",
"client_id": "clientid"
"client_secret": "clientseret"
All request requiring authorization must be performed with Authorization: Bearer token
Register new user
POST /api/registrations
"email": "",
"password": "password",
"password_confirmation": "password"
Fetch information about currently authenticated user
GET /api/me
Fetch list of songs, optionally filtered.
GET /api/songs?filter=bohemian+rhapsody
Fetch a list of most played songs.
GET /api/me/songs/statistics
Fetch a list of most played artists.
GET /api/me/artists/statistics
Create a scrobble
POST /api/me/scrobbles
song_id: 1
Fetch user's total, weekly and monthly listening statistics
GET /api/me/scrobbles/statistics
Fetch user's song recommendations
GET /api/me/recommendations
Schedule a recommendations update
POST /api/me/recommendations