quagga_ospfd_raw Services/Quagga OSPFd /usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.inc pkg_edit.php?xml=quagga_ospfd_raw.xml&id=0 OSPF Modify Quagga RAW Config.
quagga_ospfd.xml /pkg_edit.php?xml=quagga_ospfd.xml&id=0
Global Settings pkg_edit.php?xml=quagga_ospfd.xml&id=0 Interface Settings pkg.php?xml=quagga_ospfd_interfaces.xml Raw Config pkg_edit.php?xml=quagga_ospfd_raw.xml&id=0 Status /status_ospfd.php Quagga OSPFd quagga.sh ospfd Quagga BGPd quagga.sh bgpd Quagga Zebra quagga.sh zebra Set source (HW and CARP adddress) and destination for each BGP peering and specify md5 password. bgpdpeers rowhelper Source address (this FW) bgpdsourceaddr input 25 Peer address bgpdpeeraddr input 25 MD5 password bgpdmd5pw input 64 SAVED bgpd.conf bgpd Note: Once you click "Save" below, the configuration will be overridden with whatever you type here.
Changes made via "vtysh" and contained in "/var/etc/quagga/bgpd.conf" are displayed in the "RUNNING" section below.
To disable BGP, clear both BGP fields and click "Save".

textarea base64 30 65
RUNNING bgpd.conf bgpdrunning var bgpd = document.getElementById('bgpd'); var bgpdrunning = document.getElementById('bgpdrunning'); function onCopyClick(elem1, elem2) { elem1.value = elem2.value; configCheck(elem1, elem2); } function configCheck(elem1,elem2) { if (elem1.value == elem2.value ) { elem1.style.backgroundColor = elem2.style.backgroundColor = 'limegreen'; } else { elem1.style.backgroundColor = elem2.style.backgroundColor = 'darkorange'; } } window.onload = configCheck(bgpd, bgpdrunning); bgpd.addEventListener('keyup', function() { configCheck(bgpd, bgpdrunning)}); bgpdrunning.addEventListener('keyup', function() { configCheck(bgpd, bgpdrunning) }); ]]> Note: This is the CURRENT RUNNING CONFIG from "/var/etc/quagga/bgpd.conf".
Copy this text block to the "SAVED" block above to ensure configuration is saved.
When finished copying, click "Save" at the bottom of the form.

textarea base64 30 65
SAVED ospfd.conf ospfd To get back the assisted config save this form below once with both empty input fields. ]]> textarea base64 30 65 RUNNING ospfd.conf ospfdrunning var ospfd = document.getElementById('ospfd'); var ospfdrunning = document.getElementById('ospfdrunning'); window.onload = configCheck(ospfd, ospfdrunning); ospfd.addEventListener('keyup', function() { configCheck(ospfd, ospfdrunning)}); ospfdrunning.addEventListener('keyup', function() { configCheck(ospfd, ospfdrunning) }); ]]> Note: This is the CURRENT RUNNING CONFIG from "/var/etc/quagga/ospfd.conf".
Copy this text block to the "SAVED" block above to ensure configuration is saved.
When finished copying, click "Save" at the bottom of the form.

textarea base64 30 65
SAVED zebra.conf zebra To get back the assisted config save this form below once with both empty input fields. ]]> textarea base64 30 65 RUNNING zebra.conf zebrarunning var zebra = document.getElementById('zebra'); var zebrarunning = document.getElementById('zebrarunning'); window.onload = configCheck(zebra, zebrarunning); zebra.addEventListener('keyup', function() { configCheck(zebra, zebrarunning)}); zebrarunning.addEventListener('keyup', function() { configCheck(zebra, zebrarunning) }); ]]> Note: This is the CURRENT RUNNING CONFIG from "/var/etc/quagga/zebra.conf".
Copy this text block to the "SAVED" block above to ensure configuration is saved.
When finished copying, click "Save" at the bottom of the form.

textarea base64 30 65