--------- beginning of crash 11-22 02:54:16.612 2951 3681 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 3681 (RenderThread), pid 2951 (android.camera2) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/treble_arm64_bvS/tdgsi_arm64_ab:14/UP1A.231105.003/231117:userdebug/test-keys' 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64' 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-11-22 02:54:16.708287703+0900 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : Process uptime: 112s 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : Cmdline: com.android.camera2 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : pid: 2951, tid: 3681, name: RenderThread >>> com.android.camera2 <<< 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : uid: 10089 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr -------- 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'frameworks/base/libs/hwui/AutoBackendTextureRelease.cpp Invalid GrBackendTexture. Width==1440, height==1080, protected==0' 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 0000000000000e61 x2 0000000000000006 x3 000000738e214f60 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x4 532d666d606b2d60 x5 532d666d606b2d60 x6 532d666d606b2d60 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x8 00000000000000f0 x9 0000007656c26250 x10 0000000000000001 x11 0000007656c79460 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x12 00000000000069ee x13 00000000eef31c5c x14 001d26de0535ee80 x15 0000000026762762 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x16 0000007656ce6d08 x17 0000007656cbb290 x18 000000738bf1e000 x19 0000000000000b87 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x20 0000000000000e61 x21 00000000ffffffff x22 000000738e216000 x23 0000000000000000 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x24 00000073af216000 x25 b4000074f54239b0 x26 000000738e216000 x27 b40000755542d910 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : x28 00000000000fe000 x29 000000738e214fe0 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : lr 0000007656c6adc0 sp 000000738e214f40 pc 0000007656c6adec pst 0000000000000000 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : 12 total frames 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : backtrace: 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000066dec /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+164) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000062315c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+1472) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00000000000417d0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::SetAborter(std::__1::function&&)::$_0::__invoke(char const*)+80) (BuildId: 86bef7ce19ab410597d5aa825f150404) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0000000000011ec8 /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+308) (BuildId: 89df7bea7a0c4aafd4ef1135f5c7cdfa) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000002a4ec0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::AutoBackendTextureRelease::AutoBackendTextureRelease(GrDirectContext*, AHardwareBuffer*)+344) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000002a5f2c /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::DeferredLayerUpdater::apply()+968) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000000000028f3ec /system/lib64/libhwui.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()() (.__uniq.264041412789356548918088680803242235290.c303f2d2360db58ed70a2d0ac7ed911b)+636) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000027eca4 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process()+600) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00000000002a01c0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop()+404) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000000000014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00000000000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 02:54:17.002 3989 3989 F DEBUG : #11 pc 0000000000068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) --------- beginning of system 11-22 02:54:53.174 1345 1362 V WindowManager: info={id=12 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{b4e08c1 Task{1921f1d #10 type=standard A=10094:org.chromium.webview_shell}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=10)/@0x9db59cb sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{35a4ebb Task{5932bd7 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x68c48bd sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 02:54:53.177 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@7977a7d: {id=12 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f8b687a} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=10)/@0xb15aa0f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@8cd82b} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x8a42a9c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 02:54:53.177 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#12)android.os.BinderProxy@7977a7d@0 11-22 02:54:53.178 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@1dce9cd 11-22 02:54:53.178 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for #12 to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@2264179, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@ed2eebe, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 11-22 02:54:53.179 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 11-22 02:54:53.194 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.248 1345 1962 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10094. pid: 4126 11-22 02:54:53.299 1345 1374 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.307 1345 1374 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4150:com.android.webview:webview_service/u0a93 for service {com.android.webview/org.chromium.android_webview.services.VariationsSeedServer} 11-22 02:54:53.319 1345 3348 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.328 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 99000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.329 1345 1374 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10094; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.332 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.333 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.337 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.342 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.343 1345 1535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.343 1345 1374 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4167:com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0/u0ai9000 for {org.chromium.webview_shell/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0} 11-22 02:54:53.397 1345 3335 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 99000. pid: 4167 11-22 02:54:53.411 1345 1964 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10093. pid: 4150 11-22 02:54:53.428 1345 1964 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.436 1345 1964 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.437 1345 1964 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.437 1345 1964 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.447 1345 1535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.448 1345 1374 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:54:53.458 1345 1374 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4209:com.android.webview:webview_apk/u0a93 for service {com.android.webview/org.chromium.android_webview.nonembedded.AwComponentUpdateService} 11-22 02:54:53.527 1345 1964 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10093. pid: 4209 11-22 02:54:53.630 1345 3348 D CoreBackPreview: Window{5542c96 u0 org.chromium.webview_shell/org.chromium.webview_shell.WebViewBrowserActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@af76188, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:54:53.713 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#12)android.os.BinderProxy@7977a7d@0 11-22 02:54:53.715 1345 1362 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #12: created at 11-22 02:54:53.108 collect-started=0.194ms request-sent=13.238ms started=25.985ms ready=60.085ms sent=64.436ms finished=606.993ms 11-22 02:54:53.718 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 11-22 02:54:53.718 1875 1936 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 11-22 02:54:53.833 1345 3335 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:54:53.839 1345 3348 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 9 11-22 02:54:54.211 1345 1962 D CoreBackPreview: Window{72f858e u0 Splash Screen org.chromium.webview_shell EXITING}: Setting back callback null 11-22 02:54:55.387 1345 1544 D ActivityManager: freezing 2979 com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module 11-22 02:54:56.141 1345 2861 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 11-22 02:54:56.890 1345 1544 D ActivityManager: freezing 3059 com.android.imsserviceentitlement 11-22 02:54:56.950 1345 1544 D ActivityManager: freezing 3215 com.android.statementservice 11-22 02:54:57.046 1345 1544 D ActivityManager: freezing 3168 com.android.rkpdapp 11-22 02:55:00.302 1345 1964 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:00.303 1345 1964 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{f557ada system/1000 BFgs #662} whose proc state 4 is better than process ProcessState{6e01f62 com.android.inputmethod.latin/10092 pkg=com.android.inputmethod.latin} proc state 6 (1 skipped) 11-22 02:55:00.366 1345 3348 D CoreBackPreview: Window{5542c96 u0 org.chromium.webview_shell/org.chromium.webview_shell.WebViewBrowserActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6b7a800, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:01.898 1875 4292 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 02:55:04.636 1345 1544 D ActivityManager: freezing 4209 com.android.webview:webview_apk 11-22 02:55:08.140 1345 3348 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:08.161 1345 3348 D CoreBackPreview: Window{5542c96 u0 org.chromium.webview_shell/org.chromium.webview_shell.WebViewBrowserActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@8d35f56, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:08.508 1345 1963 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:13.463 1345 1544 D ActivityManager: freezing 1882 com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:55:14.484 1403 1414 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 1414 (RenderEngine), pid 1403 (surfaceflinger) 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/treble_arm64_bvS/tdgsi_arm64_ab:14/UP1A.231105.003/231117:userdebug/test-keys' 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64' 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-11-22 02:55:14.567385162+0900 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : Process uptime: 189s 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : Cmdline: /system/bin/surfaceflinger 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : pid: 1403, tid: 1414, name: RenderEngine >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<< 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : uid: 1000 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr -------- 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'Failed to create a valid texture. [0xb4000074b1236e70]:[1280,768] isProtected:0 isWriteable:0 format:21' 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 0000000000000586 x2 0000000000000006 x3 000000733de042b0 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x4 647174737764731f x5 647174737764731f x6 647174737764731f x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x8 00000000000000f0 x9 00000075e223b250 x10 0000000000000001 x11 00000075e228e460 11-22 02:55:14.773 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x12 000000733de04270 x13 0000000000000068 x14 000000733de04440 x15 0000000026762762 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x16 00000075e22fbd08 x17 00000075e22d0290 x18 000000733d966000 x19 000000000000057b 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x20 0000000000000586 x21 00000000ffffffff x22 0000000000000000 x23 0000000000000000 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x24 000000733de05000 x25 0000000000000933 x26 000000733de048e0 x27 b40000751120d460 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : x28 b4000074b1236e70 x29 000000733de04330 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : lr 00000075e227fdc0 sp 000000733de04290 pc 00000075e227fdec pst 0000000000001000 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : 10 total frames 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : backtrace: 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000066dec /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+164) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000011328 /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_default_aborter+12) (BuildId: 89df7bea7a0c4aafd4ef1135f5c7cdfa) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000000000011ec8 /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+308) (BuildId: 89df7bea7a0c4aafd4ef1135f5c7cdfa) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00000000002d79ac /system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::renderengine::skia::AutoBackendTexture::AutoBackendTexture(GrDirectContext*, AHardwareBuffer*, bool, android::renderengine::skia::AutoBackendTexture::CleanupManager&)+400) (BuildId: caab4b26f0fc10b2aa29bbb7898be40c) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000002cbd88 /system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::renderengine::skia::SkiaRenderEngine::mapExternalTextureBuffer(android::sp const&, bool)+1324) (BuildId: caab4b26f0fc10b2aa29bbb7898be40c) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000002c9878 /system/bin/surfaceflinger (std::__1::__function::__func const&, bool)::$_0, std::__1::allocator const&, bool)::$_0>, void (android::renderengine::RenderEngine&)>::operator()(android::renderengine::RenderEngine&) (.__uniq.64102821644698991011622682901256404626.53141f7952de80891599b9bb347c943d)+56) (BuildId: caab4b26f0fc10b2aa29bbb7898be40c) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00000000002c675c /system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::renderengine::threaded::RenderEngineThreaded::threadMain(std::__1::function > ()>)+932) (BuildId: caab4b26f0fc10b2aa29bbb7898be40c) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00000000002c8c6c /system/bin/surfaceflinger (void* std::__1::__thread_proxy >, void (android::renderengine::threaded::RenderEngineThreaded::*)(std::__1::function > ()>), android::renderengine::threaded::RenderEngineThreaded*, std::__1::function > ()> > >(void*)+164) (BuildId: caab4b26f0fc10b2aa29bbb7898be40c) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00000000000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 02:55:14.774 4367 4367 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000000000068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 02:55:14.808 1345 2026 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 1403 11-22 02:55:14.810 1345 1538 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone's UID (1000) not an app, ignoring 11-22 02:55:14.813 1345 1538 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_01 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 11-22 02:55:14.814 1345 1538 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x6 11-22 02:55:14.837 1345 1538 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone's UID (1000) not an app, ignoring 11-22 02:55:14.840 1345 1538 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO_WITH_HEADERS isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4 11-22 02:55:16.196 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Dead callback removed from list 11-22 02:55:16.196 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Dead callback removed from list 11-22 02:55:16.196 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Dead callback removed from list 11-22 02:55:16.196 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Dead callback removed from list 11-22 02:55:16.236 354 354 D vold : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/44/abort 11-22 02:55:16.236 354 354 W vold : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/44/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument 11-22 02:55:16.600 4393 4393 I wificond: wificond is starting up... 11-22 02:55:16.605 4393 4393 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default 11-22 02:55:16.926 4386 4386 V Zygote32Timing: PostZygoteInitGC took to complete: 81ms 11-22 02:55:16.926 4386 4386 V Zygote32Timing: ZygoteInit took to complete: 81ms 11-22 02:55:17.015 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: BeginPreload took to complete: 116ms 11-22 02:55:17.136 4480 4495 D BootAnimation: BootAnimationShownTiming start time: 211017ms 11-22 02:55:17.874 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: PreloadClasses took to complete: 858ms 11-22 02:55:17.880 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: CacheNonBootClasspathClassLoaders took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:17.898 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: PreloadResources took to complete: 18ms 11-22 02:55:17.948 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: ZygotePreload took to complete: 1048ms 11-22 02:55:18.051 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: PostZygoteInitGC took to complete: 103ms 11-22 02:55:18.051 4387 4387 V Zygote64Timing: ZygoteInit took to complete: 1152ms 11-22 02:55:18.227 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InitBeforeStartServices 11-22 02:55:18.229 4522 4522 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server! 11-22 02:55:18.366 4522 4522 I SystemServerInitThreadPool: Creating instance with 8 threads 11-22 02:55:18.472 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InitBeforeStartServices took to complete: 245ms 11-22 02:55:18.472 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartServices 11-22 02:55:18.472 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startBootstrapServices 11-22 02:55:18.472 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ArtModuleServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:18.472 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ArtModuleServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.472 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWatchdog 11-22 02:55:18.479 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWatchdog took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:18.479 4522 4522 I SystemServer: Reading configuration... 11-22 02:55:18.479 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ReadingSystemConfig 11-22 02:55:18.480 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ReadingSystemConfig took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.480 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: PlatformCompat 11-22 02:55:18.480 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/documents-ui-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.481 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@60bdbc0 11-22 02:55:18.481 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/contacts-provider-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.482 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:ReadingSystemConfig 11-22 02:55:18.482 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing ReadingSystemConfig 11-22 02:55:18.482 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/calendar-provider-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.483 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/initial-package-stopped-states.xml 11-22 02:55:18.483 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5b2f3ec 11-22 02:55:18.483 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/framework-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.484 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-asl-files.xml 11-22 02:55:18.484 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/com.android.deskclock_whitelist.xml 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9551631 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform.xml 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e39116 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@41daa97 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@265d484 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e33e46d 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4ffa8a2 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5885933 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6adb4f0 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6b75a69 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@fd3acee 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9e5558f 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@251301c 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ae23425 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7d1a9fa 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@76bbbab 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d4f3208 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@626eda1 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6806bc6 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6a86787 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ea966b4 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ea3c2dd 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5077e52 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@219f523 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9d03a20 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@41eafd9 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@57b2d9e 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@38cc07f 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6ced84c 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2c17095 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4e885aa 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b36e59b 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1372d38 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5958111 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2215276 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c944077 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9cde4e4 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4c01d4d 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5482002 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d026d13 11-22 02:55:18.485 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6f66b50 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b7e4149 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@41c3a4e 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1cc76f 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@fdeec7c 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1e0a905 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f05ad5a 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@dd86b8b 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e6c5468 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@647d081 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2e14526 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e603567 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3e64f14 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@29ff3bd 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b8c8db2 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7b0c103 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c634880 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@95d0eb9 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@331d2fe 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@8f46a5f 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@cf46cac 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@636dd75 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a54210a 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f9f4d7b 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@891a798 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ea4dbf1 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@49b43d6 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@24b4657 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7c5a544 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e1a462d 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@65fc762 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d53f0f3 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f19d1b0 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a021829 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ef6f7ae 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d32a94f 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4258dc 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@97b0de5 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@bbee0ba 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@29a8b6b 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@20a26c8 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@cd3a361 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@fea4e86 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c547347 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@afee774 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c6149d 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d0ccd12 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2dafce3 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@add06e0 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9745d99 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@866a85e 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1b6843f 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ebbb10c 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1243a55 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@8f0ec6a 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a99255b 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@bf8d1f8 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6bb26d1 11-22 02:55:18.486 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a296536 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e3abc37 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@de515a4 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7fa5f0d 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f9e9ec2 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6f4e4d3 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@22fe810 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@37adf09 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@53be50e 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@11efb2f 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@13753c 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e6962c5 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@855441a 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d2a1b4b 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@640a928 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a026641 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@57387e6 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@77d2127 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b8b2fd4 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4ce257d 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6e03c72 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e557540 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@39c9c79 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ff1adbe 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@bcb0e1f 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ebca56c 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e418735 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@116e7ca 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@19c6d3b 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f84ac58 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c1061b1 11-22 02:55:18.487 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/TeleService-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@55aa217 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9c43604 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c1867ed 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@45ca622 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@65d48b3 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f50ae70 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/services-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.488 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-full-base.xml 11-22 02:55:18.489 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7c3026e 11-22 02:55:18.489 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7d9bd0f 11-22 02:55:18.489 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7ea419c 11-22 02:55:18.489 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@963a7a5 11-22 02:55:18.489 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b20d77a 11-22 02:55:18.489 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ff1b2b 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@527db88 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a0c1921 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@754f146 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2d23f07 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9232834 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@670265d 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@25edbd2 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@fc9c4a3 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@be493a0 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@30dcb59 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@aae31e 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@12a07ff 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b8f49cc 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@446c415 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f1e132a 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@621251b 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@34d36b8 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@8dc8c91 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1e237f6 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@8a2f7f7 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4fb0664 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2c60cd 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3f1dd82 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4051c93 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@19424d0 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@82b3cc9 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3644fce 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@95aeeef 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@c5ebdfc 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f21dc85 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6799ada 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d918b0b 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4d7bde8 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@528bc01 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5668aa6 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d4bcce7 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@35ed094 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@964173d 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4e0ab32 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@27e5083 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4a26200 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@effea39 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d6a487e 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7cb71df 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@fcb9e2c 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5ebf0f5 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b5e6e8a 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@59f4cfb 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@36a7118 11-22 02:55:18.490 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@357a771 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3bce956 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@50bbdd7 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@52186c4 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5ee49ad 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9b644e2 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@4646073 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@124b30 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1d2d3a9 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f7cd2e 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@99a90cf 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e08ea5c 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5c0165 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@8b78e3a 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@e596aeb 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7685048 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@f904ee1 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@b805406 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1e1cac7 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5d628f4 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d61f81d 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@fbdaa92 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ca64c63 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@5a6e060 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@aaaf919 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@507ddde 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1a74bbf 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@209a28c 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@1e90dd5 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@a2ff9ea 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@98ee4db 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7f45b78 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@db9b251 11-22 02:55:18.491 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/etc/compatconfig/icu4j-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.492 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/framework-sysconfig.xml 11-22 02:55:18.492 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@bcfb724 11-22 02:55:18.492 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /system/system_ext/etc/compatconfig/settings-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.492 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-com.android.providers.media.module.xml 11-22 02:55:18.493 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7f31453 11-22 02:55:18.493 4522 4522 D ApexManagerTiming: getActiveApexInfos_noCache 11-22 02:55:18.493 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-generic-system.xml 11-22 02:55:18.494 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml 11-22 02:55:18.494 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-handheld-system.xml 11-22 02:55:18.495 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.providers.media.module.xml 11-22 02:55:18.500 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.adservices.sdksandbox.xml 11-22 02:55:18.500 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.test.mock.xml 11-22 02:55:18.501 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.test.base.xml 11-22 02:55:18.501 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.fingerprint.xml 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: Got exception parsing permissions. 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: No start tag found 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemConfig.readPermissionsFromXml(SystemConfig.java:744) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemConfig.readPermissions(SystemConfig.java:707) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemConfig.readAllPermissions(SystemConfig.java:579) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemConfig.(SystemConfig.java:564) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemConfig.getInstance(SystemConfig.java:366) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemServer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.lambda$submitTask$0(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:107) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.$r8$lambda$iar571g8isa6ZrPZMHj1USmyX48(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:0) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: at com.android.internal.util.ConcurrentUtils$1$1.run(ConcurrentUtils.java:65) 11-22 02:55:18.502 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-me.phh.treble.app.xml 11-22 02:55:18.503 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/javax.obex.xml 11-22 02:55:18.503 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.intentresolver.xml 11-22 02:55:18.504 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.software.controls.xml 11-22 02:55:18.504 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml 11-22 02:55:18.505 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.nfc_extras.xml 11-22 02:55:18.505 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.adservices.api.xml 11-22 02:55:18.505 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.software.live_wallpaper.xml 11-22 02:55:18.506 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.bluetooth.xml 11-22 02:55:18.506 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.networkstack.xml 11-22 02:55:18.507 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.host.xml 11-22 02:55:18.507 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.mediadrm.signer.xml 11-22 02:55:18.507 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.test.runner.xml 11-22 02:55:18.508 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.location.provider.xml 11-22 02:55:18.508 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-platform.xml 11-22 02:55:18.511 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.future.usb.accessory.xml 11-22 02:55:18.512 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.software.webview.xml 11-22 02:55:18.512 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.media.remotedisplay.xml 11-22 02:55:18.512 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/com.android.documentsui.xml 11-22 02:55:18.513 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/org.apache.http.legacy.xml 11-22 02:55:18.513 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.ims.xml 11-22 02:55:18.514 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.software.window_magnification.xml 11-22 02:55:18.514 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.software.secure_lock_screen.xml 11-22 02:55:18.514 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/interfaces.xml 11-22 02:55:18.515 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.bluetooth_le.xml 11-22 02:55:18.515 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml 11-22 02:55:18.517 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.bluetooth_le.xml 11-22 02:55:18.517 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.broadcastradio.xml 11-22 02:55:18.518 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.camera.flash-autofocus.xml 11-22 02:55:18.518 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.camera.front.xml 11-22 02:55:18.519 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.hardware_keystore.xml 11-22 02:55:18.519 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.location.gps.xml 11-22 02:55:18.520 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.opengles.aep.xml 11-22 02:55:18.520 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.reboot_escrow.xml 11-22 02:55:18.520 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.se.omapi.uicc.xml 11-22 02:55:18.521 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer.xml 11-22 02:55:18.521 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.light.xml 11-22 02:55:18.521 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.proximity.xml 11-22 02:55:18.521 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter.xml 11-22 02:55:18.522 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.sensor.stepdetector.xml 11-22 02:55:18.522 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.cdma.xml 11-22 02:55:18.522 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml 11-22 02:55:18.523 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.ims.xml 11-22 02:55:18.523 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.distinct.xml 11-22 02:55:18.523 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.touchscreen.xml 11-22 02:55:18.523 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml 11-22 02:55:18.524 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.host.xml 11-22 02:55:18.524 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.vulkan.compute-0.xml 11-22 02:55:18.524 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.vulkan.level-0.xml 11-22 02:55:18.525 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.vulkan.level-1.xml 11-22 02:55:18.525 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.vulkan.version-1_1.xml 11-22 02:55:18.525 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.direct.xml 11-22 02:55:18.526 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.passpoint.xml 11-22 02:55:18.526 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.xml 11-22 02:55:18.526 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.controls.xml 11-22 02:55:18.526 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.cts.xml 11-22 02:55:18.527 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.ipsec_tunnels.xml 11-22 02:55:18.527 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.managed_users.xml 11-22 02:55:18.527 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.midi.xml 11-22 02:55:18.528 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.opengles.deqp.level-2021-03-01.xml 11-22 02:55:18.528 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.secure_lock_screen.xml 11-22 02:55:18.528 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.verified_boot.xml 11-22 02:55:18.528 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/android.software.vulkan.deqp.level-2021-03-01.xml 11-22 02:55:18.529 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /vendor/etc/permissions/handheld_core_hardware.xml 11-22 02:55:18.530 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-aosp-product.xml 11-22 02:55:18.530 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/initial-package-stopped-states-aosp.xml 11-22 02:55:18.531 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-overlays.xml 11-22 02:55:18.532 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-handheld-product.xml 11-22 02:55:18.532 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/sysconfig/preinstalled-packages-platform-telephony-product.xml 11-22 02:55:18.533 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/permissions/com.android.dialer.xml 11-22 02:55:18.533 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/permissions/com.android.contacts.xml 11-22 02:55:18.534 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/permissions/com.android.imsserviceentitlement.xml 11-22 02:55:18.534 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /product/etc/permissions/com.android.settings.intelligence.xml 11-22 02:55:18.535 4522 4546 W SystemConfig: No directory /system_ext/etc/sysconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.535 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.provision.xml 11-22 02:55:18.535 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.launcher3.xml 11-22 02:55:18.536 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/androidx.window.extensions.xml 11-22 02:55:18.536 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.carrierconfig.xml 11-22 02:55:18.537 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.emergency.xml 11-22 02:55:18.537 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions_com.android.telephony.qns.xml 11-22 02:55:18.538 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.storagemanager.xml 11-22 02:55:18.538 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.settings.xml 11-22 02:55:18.539 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.android.systemui.xml 11-22 02:55:18.539 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /system_ext/etc/permissions/com.google.android.iwlan.xml 11-22 02:55:18.540 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.mediaprovider/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.providers.media.module.xml 11-22 02:55:18.541 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module.xml 11-22 02:55:18.542 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.cellbroadcastservice.xml 11-22 02:55:18.542 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.adservices/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.adservices.api.xml 11-22 02:55:18.543 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.extservices/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_android.ext.services.xml 11-22 02:55:18.544 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.ipsec/etc/permissions/android.net.ipsec.ike.xml 11-22 02:55:18.545 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.permission/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.permissioncontroller.xml 11-22 02:55:18.546 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.btservices/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.bluetooth.xml 11-22 02:55:18.547 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.devicelock/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.devicelockcontroller.xml 11-22 02:55:18.548 4522 4522 V ApexManagerTiming: getActiveApexInfos_noCache took to complete: 55ms 11-22 02:55:18.548 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.virt/etc/permissions/features_com.android.virt.xml 11-22 02:55:18.548 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.runtime/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.548 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.tethering/etc/compatconfig/connectivity-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.548 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.tethering/etc/permissions/permissions.xml 11-22 02:55:18.548 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d99c7c3 11-22 02:55:18.549 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@929a840 11-22 02:55:18.549 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9805379 11-22 02:55:18.549 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@da898be 11-22 02:55:18.549 4522 4546 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from /apex/com.android.healthfitness/etc/permissions/privapp_allowlist_com.android.healthconnect.controller.xml 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v32/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.sdkext/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.media.swcodec/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v29/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.tzdata/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v33/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.ipsec/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.btservices/etc/compatconfig/bluetoothapk-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4546 V SystemConfig: readAllPermissions took to complete: 68ms 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing ReadingSystemConfig 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:ReadingSystemConfig took to complete: 68ms 11-22 02:55:18.550 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ad182ca 11-22 02:55:18.551 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.btservices/etc/compatconfig/bluetooth-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.551 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@44c3f58 11-22 02:55:18.552 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.btservices/etc/compatconfig/framework-bluetooth-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.552 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@aed0196 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.devicelock/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.configinfrastructure/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.extservices/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.os.statsd/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.neuralnetworks/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.scheduling/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.553 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.wifi/etc/compatconfig/wifi-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ef1f904 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3fe6eed 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@16fa122 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v34/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v28/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.554 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v30/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.adservices/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.resolv/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.mediaprovider/etc/compatconfig/media-provider-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@d17a170 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2e00ce9 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@28aad6e 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6f78c0f 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@6ad649c 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@9238ea5 11-22 02:55:18.555 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@238327a 11-22 02:55:18.556 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.adbd/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.556 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Found a config file: /apex/com.android.art/etc/compatconfig/libcore-platform-compat-config.xml 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7a2e88 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3637021 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@806fc46 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ffaee07 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@2c7ab34 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@365ed5d 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@3a696d2 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@84e63a3 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@ece46a0 11-22 02:55:18.557 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: Adding: com.android.server.compat.config.Change@7190259 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.permission/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.vndk.v31/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.virt/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.healthfitness/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.rkpd/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.ondevicepersonalization/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.appsearch/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.i18n/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.conscrypt/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.compos/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.media/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.558 4522 4522 D CompatConfig: No directory /apex/com.android.uwb/etc/compatconfig, skipping 11-22 02:55:18.560 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: PlatformCompat took to complete: 80ms 11-22 02:55:18.560 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartFileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:18.560 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:18.561 4522 4522 E FileIntegrityService: Invalid certificate, ignored: java.security.cert.CertificateException: com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory$ParsingException: com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory$ParsingException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error:0c00006d:ASN.1 encoding routines:OPENSSL_internal:DECODE_ERROR 11-22 02:55:18.562 4522 4522 E FileIntegrityService: Invalid certificate, ignored: java.security.cert.CertificateException: com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory$ParsingException: com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory$ParsingException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error:0c00006d:ASN.1 encoding routines:OPENSSL_internal:DECODE_ERROR 11-22 02:55:18.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartFileIntegrityService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:18.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartInstaller 11-22 02:55:18.563 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:18.567 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartInstaller took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:18.567 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:18.567 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:18.568 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.568 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: UriGrantsManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.568 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.569 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: UriGrantsManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.569 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:18.569 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:18.571 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPowerStatsService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:18.571 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartIStatsService 11-22 02:55:18.573 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartIStatsService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:18.573 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MemtrackProxyService 11-22 02:55:18.574 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MemtrackProxyService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.574 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:18.574 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:18.575 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAccessCheckingService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.575 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManager 11-22 02:55:18.575 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.577 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.579 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 256 11-22 02:55:18.580 4522 4554 I Binder : Setting heavy hitter watcher config: false, 0, 0.0 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W PowerProfile: screen.on is deprecated! Use screen.on.display0 instead. 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W PowerProfile: screen.full is deprecated! Use screen.full.display0 instead. 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x0, drain:SLEEP,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x10000000, drain:IDLE,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x20000000, drain:RX,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x30000000, drain:TX,level:0,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x31000000, drain:TX,level:1,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x32000000, drain:TX,level:2,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x33000000, drain:TX,level:3,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.589 4522 4522 W ModemPowerProfile: getAverageBatteryDrainMaH called with unexpected key: 0x34000000, drain:TX,level:4,RAT:DEFAULT 11-22 02:55:18.593 4522 4522 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml 11-22 02:55:18.600 4522 4561 I KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader: mPerClusterTimesAvailable=false 11-22 02:55:18.614 4522 4561 W KernelMemoryBandwidthStats: No kernel memory bandwidth stats available 11-22 02:55:18.651 4522 4522 I LegacyAppOpsServiceInterfaceImpl: No existing app ops /data/system/appops.xml; starting empty 11-22 02:55:18.653 4522 4522 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0) 11-22 02:55:18.655 4522 4522 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:18.681 4522 4522 D AppOps : AppOpsService published 11-22 02:55:18.682 4522 4551 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing ActivityManager; assuming 1047 does not hold android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES 11-22 02:55:18.683 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManager took to complete: 108ms 11-22 02:55:18.683 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.683 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.684 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.684 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartIncrementalService 11-22 02:55:18.689 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartIncrementalService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:18.689 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPowerManager 11-22 02:55:18.689 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.699 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPowerManager took to complete: 10ms 11-22 02:55:18.699 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartThermalManager 11-22 02:55:18.699 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.700 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartThermalManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.700 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartHintManager 11-22 02:55:18.700 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.702 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartHintManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:18.702 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement 11-22 02:55:18.703 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:18.703 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartRecoverySystemService 11-22 02:55:18.704 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.705 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartRecoverySystemService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:18.705 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: added new observer 11-22 02:55:18.705 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.705 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Cancelling state sync, nothing to sync 11-22 02:55:18.706 4522 4553 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 11-22 02:55:18.706 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLightsService 11-22 02:55:18.706 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLightsService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayOffloadService 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayOffloadService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSidekickService 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSidekickService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayManager 11-22 02:55:18.708 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayManager took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: WaitForDisplay 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:18.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:21.828 4522 4542 E LocalDisplayAdapter: Can't find display mode with id -1 11-22 02:55:21.828 4522 4542 W LocalDisplayAdapter: DisplayModeSpecs base mode no longer available, using currently active mode. 11-22 02:55:21.834 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1200 x 2000, modeId 1, renderFrameRate 57.999996, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1200, height=2000, fps=57.999996, alternativeRefreshRates=[], supportedHdrTypes=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0, mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false, gameContentTypeSupported false, density 280, 225.777 x 233.027 dpi, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 17241380, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0}, deviceProductInfo DeviceProductInfo{name=, manufacturerPnpId=, productId=, modelYear=0, manufactureDate=null, connectionToSinkType=0}, state UNKNOWN, committedState UNKNOWN, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.39763778, hdrSdrRatio NaN, FLAG_ALLOWED_TO_BE_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, FLAG_TRUSTED, installOrientation 0, displayShape DisplayShape{ spec=-1159814459 displayWidth=1200 displayHeight=2000 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0 scale=1.0}} 11-22 02:55:21.837 4522 4542 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Applying layout: [{dispId: 0(ON), displayGroupName: , addr: {port=0}, mThermalBrightnessThrottlingMapId: null, mRefreshRateZoneId: null, mLeadDisplayId: -1, mThermalRefreshRateThrottlingMapId: null}], Previous layout: null 11-22 02:55:21.840 4522 4542 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Setting new display group 0 for display 0, from previous group: null 11-22 02:55:21.842 4522 4542 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Adding new display: 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", displayId 0, displayGroupId 0, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, FLAG_TRUSTED, real 1200 x 2000, largest app 1200 x 2000, smallest app 1200 x 2000, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 17241380, mode 157.999996, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1200, height=2000, fps=57.999996, alternativeRefreshRates=[], supportedHdrTypes=[]}], hdrCapabilities HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0, mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, userDisabledHdrTypes [], minimalPostProcessingSupported false, rotation 0, state UNKNOWN, committedState UNKNOWN, type INTERNAL, uniqueId "local:0", app 1200 x 2000, density 280 (225.777 x 233.027) dpi, layerStack 0, colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], address {port=0}, deviceProductInfo DeviceProductInfo{name=, manufacturerPnpId=, productId=, modelYear=0, manufactureDate=null, connectionToSinkType=0}, removeMode 0, refreshRateOverride 0.0, brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.39763778, installOrientation ROTATION_0, layoutLimitedRefreshRate null, hdrSdrRatio not_available, thermalRefreshRateThrottling {}, thermalBrightnessThrottlingDataId default} 11-22 02:55:21.845 4522 4542 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.READ_DEVICE_CONFIG 11-22 02:55:21.859 4522 4522 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took 3146 ms in onBootPhase 11-22 02:55:21.859 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 3146ms 11-22 02:55:21.859 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100 took to complete: 3146ms 11-22 02:55:21.859 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: WaitForDisplay took to complete: 3146ms 11-22 02:55:21.859 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:21.860 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDomainVerificationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:21.860 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPackageManagerService 11-22 02:55:21.860 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main thread for reason: packagemanagermain. Pause count: 1 11-22 02:55:21.862 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: create package manager 11-22 02:55:21.865 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: createSubComponents 11-22 02:55:21.887 4522 4522 I UserManagerService: Upgrading users from userVersion 11 to 11 11-22 02:55:21.898 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: createSubComponents took to complete: 33ms 11-22 02:55:21.898 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: addSharedUsers 11-22 02:55:21.898 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: addSharedUsers took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:21.900 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: get system config 11-22 02:55:21.900 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: get system config took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:21.902 4522 4522 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /system/etc/selinux/plat_mac_permissions.xml 11-22 02:55:21.904 4522 4522 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /system_ext/etc/selinux/system_ext_mac_permissions.xml 11-22 02:55:21.904 4522 4522 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /vendor/etc/selinux/vendor_mac_permissions.xml 11-22 02:55:21.904 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: loadFallbacks 11-22 02:55:21.905 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: loadFallbacks took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:21.906 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: read user settings --------- beginning of kernel 11-22 02:55:21.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.978 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.980 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.980 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.988 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.988 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.991 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:21.991 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:21.991 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:21.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.996 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.996 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:21.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:21.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.003 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.013 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.017 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.017 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.022 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.configinfrastructure 11-22 02:55:22.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.024 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.appsearch 11-22 02:55:22.022 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.022 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.030 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.adservices 11-22 02:55:22.029 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.029 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.033 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.scheduling 11-22 02:55:22.034 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.permission 11-22 02:55:22.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.038 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.041 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.art 11-22 02:55:22.040 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.040 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.044 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.uwb 11-22 02:55:22.044 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:22.046 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.btservices 11-22 02:55:22.046 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.media.swcodec 11-22 02:55:22.043 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.043 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.048 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.conscrypt 11-22 02:55:22.047 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.047 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:22.047 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.054 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.adbd 11-22 02:55:22.054 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.i18n 11-22 02:55:22.054 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.rkpd 11-22 02:55:22.054 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.virt 11-22 02:55:22.054 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:22.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.056 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.runtime 11-22 02:55:22.056 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.devicelock 11-22 02:55:22.058 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.apex.cts.shim 11-22 02:55:22.058 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.compos 11-22 02:55:22.060 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.neuralnetworks 11-22 02:55:22.063 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.healthfitness 11-22 02:55:22.068 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.resolv 11-22 02:55:22.068 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.sdkext 11-22 02:55:22.068 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.tzdata 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v28 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v29 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v30 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v31 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v32 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v33 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.vndk.v34 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.os.statsd 11-22 02:55:22.071 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.extservices 11-22 02:55:22.072 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.cellbroadcast 11-22 02:55:22.074 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.ipsec 11-22 02:55:22.074 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.media 11-22 02:55:22.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.080 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.mediaprovider 11-22 02:55:22.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.084 4522 4522 W PackageManager: No package known for package restrictions com.android.ondevicepersonalization 11-22 02:55:22.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.089 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.100 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.107 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.107 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.113 4522 4522 V SLog : static_init took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutout on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.uwb.resources on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.telephony.lte on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.virtualmachine.res on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutoutGSI on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.114 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.mtkims_telephony on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.htmlviewer on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.highpriomisc on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product__ on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.tethering on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.cafims_telephony on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.slsiims_telephony on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.safetycenter.resources on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.connectivity.resources on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.compos.payload on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.dreams.basic on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.systemui.falselocks on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package android.ext.shared on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.hwims_telephony on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.wifi.resources on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.cameraextensions on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.systemui.gsi.overlay on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.116 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.transparent on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.nightmode on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.role.notes.enabled on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.navbar on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.bookmarkprovider on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.misc.aod_systemui on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.flossims_telephony on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.117 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.118 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.118 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.118 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for package me.phh.treble.overlay.sprdims_telephony on user 0 11-22 02:55:22.118 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for shared user: android.uid.log 11-22 02:55:22.119 4522 4522 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for shared user: android.uid.uwb 11-22 02:55:22.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.120 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: read user settings took to complete: 214ms 11-22 02:55:22.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.134 4522 4522 D PackageManager: Directories scanned as system partitions: [/system:0, /vendor:524288, /odm:4194304, /oem:262144, /system/product:1048576, /system/system_ext:2097152, /apex/com.android.runtime:41943040, /apex/com.android.tethering:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v32:41943040, /apex/com.android.sdkext:41943040, /apex/com.android.media.swcodec:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v29:41943040, /apex/com.android.tzdata:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v33:41943040, /apex/com.android.ipsec:41943040, /apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim:41943040, /apex/com.android.btservices:41943040, /apex/com.android.devicelock:41943040, /apex/com.android.configinfrastructure:41943040, /apex/com.android.extservices:41943040, /apex/com.android.os.statsd:41943040, /apex/com.android.neuralnetworks:41943040, /apex/com.android.scheduling:41943040, /apex/com.android.wifi:41943040, /apex/com.android.cellbroadcast:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v34:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v28:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v30:41943040, /apex/com.android.adservices:41943040, /apex/com.android.resolv:41943040, /apex/com.android.mediaprovider:41943040, /apex/com.android.adbd:41943040, /apex/com.android.art:41943040, /apex/com.android.permission:41943040, /apex/com.android.vndk.v31:41943040, /apex/com.android.virt:41943040, /apex/com.android.healthfitness:41943040, /apex/com.android.rkpd:41943040, /apex/com.android.ondevicepersonalization:41943040, /apex/com.android.appsearch:41943040, /apex/com.android.i18n:41943040, /apex/com.android.conscrypt:41943040, /apex/com.android.compos:41943040, /apex/com.android.media:41943040, /apex/com.android.uwb:41943040] 11-22 02:55:22.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.135 4522 4522 D PackageManager: Keeping known cache 0e6c000f6229d0c1b0056ed91a2ed0205308103d 11-22 02:55:22.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.137 4548 4548 I apexd : getAllPackages received by ApexService 11-22 02:55:22.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.159 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.appsearch@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.167 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.167 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:22.167 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.169 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143539591; UID -1; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:22.169 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168782947; UID -1; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:22.171 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.appsearch@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.171 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.appsearch@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.168 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.169 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.169 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.173 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adservices@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.176 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adservices@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.176 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adservices@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.178 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adbd@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.181 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adbd@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.181 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adbd@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.182 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.185 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168782947; UID -1; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:22.185 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.187 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.art@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.190 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.art@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.190 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.art@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.192 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.btservices.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.195 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.btservices.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.197 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.cellbroadcast@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.200 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.cellbroadcast@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.200 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.cellbroadcast@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.202 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.configinfrastructure@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.205 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.configinfrastructure@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.205 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.configinfrastructure@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.203 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.203 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.207 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.conscrypt@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.210 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.conscrypt@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.210 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.conscrypt@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.212 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.extservices@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.215 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.extservices@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.215 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.extservices@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.217 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.devicelock.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.220 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.devicelock.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.221 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.compos.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.219 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.219 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.224 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.compos.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.226 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.i18n.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.223 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.223 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:22.223 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.229 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.i18n.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.230 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media.swcodec@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.234 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media.swcodec@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.234 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media.swcodec@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.232 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.232 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.235 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.healthfitness.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.238 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.healthfitness.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.240 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ipsec@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.243 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ipsec@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.243 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ipsec@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.245 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.249 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.249 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.250 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.mediaprovider@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.254 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.mediaprovider@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.254 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.mediaprovider@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.255 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.permission@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.256 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.256 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.256 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.259 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.permission@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.259 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.permission@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.260 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.neuralnetworks@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.264 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.neuralnetworks@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.264 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.neuralnetworks@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.265 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ondevicepersonalization@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.268 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ondevicepersonalization@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.268 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ondevicepersonalization@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.269 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.resolv@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.273 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.resolv@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.273 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.resolv@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.274 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.os.statsd.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.277 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.os.statsd.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.279 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.rkpd.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.276 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.276 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.279 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.279 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.282 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.rkpd.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.284 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.scheduling@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.287 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.scheduling@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.284 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.287 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.scheduling@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.284 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.287 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.287 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.288 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.runtime.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.292 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.runtime.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.293 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.sdkext.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.296 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.sdkext.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.298 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.tethering@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.300 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.tethering@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.301 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.tethering@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.302 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.tzdata.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.305 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.tzdata.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.306 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v28.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.309 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v28.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.311 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.uwb@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.314 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.uwb@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.314 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.uwb@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.316 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.virt.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.316 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.316 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.319 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.virt.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.321 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v30.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.324 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v30.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.325 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v29.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.326 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.326 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.329 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v29.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.329 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.331 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v33.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.329 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.334 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v33.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.335 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.335 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:22.335 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.336 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v31.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.339 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v31.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.340 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v32.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.341 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.341 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.342 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.344 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v32.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.346 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.wifi@340090000.decompressed.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.349 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.wifi@340090000.decompressed.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.350 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Unrecognized code path /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.wifi@340090000.decompressed.apex - using /data 11-22 02:55:22.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.351 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/apex/com.android.vndk.current.apex changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.355 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Odd, /system/apex/com.android.vndk.current.apex doesn't look like an APK 11-22 02:55:22.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.358 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/system_ext/overlay/config: Missing base APK in /system/system_ext/overlay/config 11-22 02:55:22.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.362 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-alldocube-xneo.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +iWaylink/MC401/MC401_GWL* 11-22 02:55:22.362 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-rogphone.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_Z01QD_1* 11-22 02:55:22.363 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_X00QD* 11-22 02:55:22.363 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5-10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: ASUS_X00QD 11-22 02:55:22.364 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: ASUS_I006D 11-22 02:55:22.359 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.359 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.364 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.364 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.364 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5z.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_Z01R* 11-22 02:55:22.364 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonelivel1za550kl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_X00R_2* 11-22 02:55:22.364 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-blackview-bv6900.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Blackview/BV6900* 11-22 02:55:22.364 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonemaxm2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_X01A_1* 11-22 02:55:22.365 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-bq-jeice.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +bq/jeice* 11-22 02:55:22.365 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-blackview-bv9500plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Blackview/BV9500Plus* 11-22 02:55:22.365 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonemaxshot.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_A001D* 11-22 02:55:22.365 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-devinputjack.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.devinputjack with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.366 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-caf-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.caf with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.366 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin3ultra.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor_dlkm.model with value: QIN3ULTRA 11-22 02:55:22.366 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin3ultra-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor_dlkm.model with value: QIN3ULTRA 11-22 02:55:22.366 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin2pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Qin/s9863a1h10_Natv/s9863a1h10* 11-22 02:55:22.366 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-essential-ph_1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +essential/mata/mata* 11-22 02:55:22.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.367 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qinf21pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Qin/full_k61v1_64_gms* 11-22 02:55:22.367 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-htc-u12plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +htc/ime* 11-22 02:55:22.367 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-fairphone-fp3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Fairphone/FP3* 11-22 02:55:22.367 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-htc-exodus1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +htc/exo* 11-22 02:55:22.368 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ARE.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +*ARE* 11-22 02:55:22.368 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ANE.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +ANE* 11-22 02:55:22.370 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ATU.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +ATU* 11-22 02:55:22.370 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-AUM.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +AUM* 11-22 02:55:22.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.370 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-BKL.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +BKL* 11-22 02:55:22.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.372 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-BND.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +BND* 11-22 02:55:22.373 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-CLT.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +CLT* 11-22 02:55:22.373 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-COL.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +COL* 11-22 02:55:22.374 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-COR.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +COR* 11-22 02:55:22.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-rogphone.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-rogphone.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_Z01QD_1* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-alldocube-xneo.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-alldocube-xneo.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +iWaylink/MC401/MC401_GWL* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_X00QD* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5-10.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5-10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: ASUS_X00QD 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: ASUS_I006D 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5z.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfone5z.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_Z01R* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonelivel1za550kl.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonelivel1za550kl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_X00R_2* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-blackview-bv6900.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-blackview-bv6900.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Blackview/BV6900* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonemaxm2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonemaxm2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_X01A_1* 11-22 02:55:22.375 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-DUK.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +DUK* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-bq-jeice.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-bq-jeice.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +bq/jeice* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-blackview-bv9500plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-blackview-bv9500plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Blackview/BV9500Plus* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonemaxshot.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-asus-zenfonemaxshot.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ASUS_A001D* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-devinputjack.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-devinputjack.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.devinputjack with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-caf-ims.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-caf-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.caf with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin3ultra.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin3ultra.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor_dlkm.model with value: QIN3ULTRA 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin3ultra-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin3ultra-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor_dlkm.model with value: QIN3ULTRA 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-essential-ph_1.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-essential-ph_1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +essential/mata/mata* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-EML.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +EML* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-FIG.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +FIG* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin2pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qin2pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Qin/s9863a1h10_Natv/s9863a1h10* 11-22 02:55:22.376 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-JKM.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +JKM* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-MAR.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +MAR* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qinf21pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-duoqin-qinf21pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Qin/full_k61v1_64_gms* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-htc-u12plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-htc-u12plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +htc/ime* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ANE.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ANE.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +ANE* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-htc-exodus1.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-htc-exodus1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +htc/exo* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ARE.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ARE.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +*ARE* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-fairphone-fp3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-fairphone-fp3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Fairphone/FP3* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ATU.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-ATU.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +ATU* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-BND.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-BND.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +BND* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-LLD.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +LLD* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-PRA.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +PRA* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-BKL.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-BKL.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +BKL* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-AUM.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-AUM.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +AUM* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-CLT.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-CLT.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +CLT* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-COR.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-COR.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +COR* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-COL.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-COL.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +COL* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-DUK.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-DUK.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +DUK* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-FIG.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-FIG.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +FIG* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-EML.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-EML.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +EML* 11-22 02:55:22.377 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-POT.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +POT* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-JKM.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-JKM.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +JKM* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-MAR.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-MAR.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +MAR* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-PRA.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-PRA.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +PRA* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-LLD.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-LLD.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +LLD* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-POT.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-POT.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +POT* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-PIC.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +PIC* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-RNE.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +RNE* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-RNE.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-RNE.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +RNE* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-PIC.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-PIC.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +PIC* 11-22 02:55:22.378 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-SHT.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +SHT* 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-STF.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +STF* 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-SHT.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-SHT.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +SHT* 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-VTR.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +VTR* 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-STF.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-STF.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +STF* 11-22 02:55:22.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-VTR.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-VTR.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +VTR* 11-22 02:55:22.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-WAS.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +WAS* 11-22 02:55:22.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X693-GL/Infinix-X693* 11-22 02:55:22.379 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note10.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X693-GL/Infinix-X693* 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-hw-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.hw with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-WAS.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei-WAS.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.hw.oemName with value: +WAS* 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.huawei with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-hw-ims.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-hw-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.hw with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X695*/Infinix-X695* 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note10pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X695*/Infinix-X695* 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-huawei.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.huawei with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.380 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X692-GL/Infinix-X692* 11-22 02:55:22.381 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X692-GL/Infinix-X692* 11-22 02:55:22.381 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/H633/Infinix-X604_sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.381 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X690B-GL/Infinix-X690B* 11-22 02:55:22.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.381 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/H633/Infinix-X604_sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.381 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note7.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-note7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X690B-GL/Infinix-X690B* 11-22 02:55:22.382 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-zeroxpro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X6811*/Infinix-X6811* 11-22 02:55:22.382 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-zeroxpro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-zeroxpro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/X6811*/Infinix-X6811* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-zero6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*Infinix/Q6361A/Infinix-X620* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-Y70.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/halo/halo* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-s4.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/H624/Infinix-X626* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-Q706F.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/LenovoTB-Q706F/Q706F* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-zero6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-zero6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*Infinix/Q6361A/Infinix-X620* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-Y70.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-Y70.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/halo/halo* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-Q706F.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-Q706F.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/LenovoTB-Q706F/Q706F* 11-22 02:55:22.383 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-s4.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-infinix-s4.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Infinix/H624/Infinix-X626* 11-22 02:55:22.384 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-k5pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/kunlun/kunlun* 11-22 02:55:22.384 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-k5pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-k5pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/kunlun/kunlun* 11-22 02:55:22.384 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-p11_pro_plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: p11_pro_plus 11-22 02:55:22.384 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-s5pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/sprout/sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.384 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-s5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/seoul/seoul* 11-22 02:55:22.385 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-p11_pro_plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-p11_pro_plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: p11_pro_plus 11-22 02:55:22.385 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-s5pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-s5pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/sprout/sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.385 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-tabv7-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +PB-6505* 11-22 02:55:22.385 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-tabv7-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-tabv7-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +PB-6505* 11-22 02:55:22.385 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-s5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-s5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/seoul/seoul* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-g7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/judyln* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-tabv7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +PB-6505* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-z5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/jd2018* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-g7.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-g7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/judyln* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-tabv7.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-tabv7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +PB-6505* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-z5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lenovo-z5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Lenovo/jd2018* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-v40.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/judypn* 11-22 02:55:22.386 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-v40.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-v40.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/judypn* 11-22 02:55:22.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.387 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-phoenix_lao_com-phoenix_sprout.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/phoenix_lao_com/phoenix_sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.387 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-mfh505glm-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(mfh505glm|fh50lm) 11-22 02:55:22.387 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-lm_v500n.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/flashlmdd_lao_com/flashlmdd* 11-22 02:55:22.387 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-mfh505glm-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-mfh505glm-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(mfh505glm|fh50lm) 11-22 02:55:22.387 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-phoenix_lao_com-phoenix_sprout.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-phoenix_lao_com-phoenix_sprout.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/phoenix_lao_com/phoenix_sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.387 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-lm_v500n.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-lm_v500n.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/flashlmdd_lao_com/flashlmdd* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-velvet.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/caymanlm* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-timelm.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/timelm* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-velvet.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lg-velvet.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/caymanlm* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-timelm.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-timelm.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +lge/timelm* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mbi-s10-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +MBIPhone/S10* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-mfh505glm.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(mfh505glm|fh50lm) 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mbi-s10-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mbi-s10-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +MBIPhone/S10* 11-22 02:55:22.388 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-mfh505glm.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-lge-mfh505glm.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(mfh505glm|fh50lm) 11-22 02:55:22.389 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-meizu-m2181-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*eizu/meizu_18* 11-22 02:55:22.389 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-meizu-m2181-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-meizu-m2181-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*eizu/meizu_18* 11-22 02:55:22.389 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mbi-s10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +MBIPhone/S10* 11-22 02:55:22.389 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-aod.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.aod with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.389 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-meizu-m2181.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*eizu/meizu_18* 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-spen-pointer.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.spen_pointer with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-dt2w.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.dt2w with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-minimal-brightness.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.minimal_brightness with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mbi-s10.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mbi-s10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +MBIPhone/S10* 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-aod.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-aod.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.aod with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-meizu-m2181.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-meizu-m2181.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*eizu/meizu_18* 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-spen-pointer.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-spen-pointer.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.spen_pointer with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.390 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-dt2w.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-dt2w.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.dt2w with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.391 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.391 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:22.391 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.391 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-transparent-pointer.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.trans_pointer with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.391 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: nora_row 11-22 02:55:22.391 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: nora_row 11-22 02:55:22.391 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-minimal-brightness.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-minimal-brightness.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.minimal_brightness with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.392 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-transparent-pointer.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-misc-transparent-pointer.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.trans_pointer with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.392 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +motorola/cofud* 11-22 02:55:22.392 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e5plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: +*hannah_retail 11-22 02:55:22.392 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g31.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +motorola/cofud* 11-22 02:55:22.392 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: ali_retail 11-22 02:55:22.392 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e5plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e5plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: +*hannah_retail 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: ali_retail 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6play.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: +*jeter* 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e6plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*pokerp* 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6play.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6play.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: +*jeter* 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: evert_retail 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g7power.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.device with value: ocean 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e6plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-e6plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*pokerp* 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g7play.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.device with value: channel 11-22 02:55:22.393 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g7power.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g7power.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.device with value: ocean 11-22 02:55:22.394 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g6plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: evert_retail 11-22 02:55:22.394 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g7play.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g7play.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.device with value: channel 11-22 02:55:22.394 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: +*doha_* 11-22 02:55:22.394 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: +*doha_* 11-22 02:55:22.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.395 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-hiphi-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(hiphi|hiphic) 11-22 02:55:22.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.395 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*otorola/rav* 11-22 02:55:22.395 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-hiphi-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-hiphi-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(hiphi|hiphic) 11-22 02:55:22.395 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*otorola/rav* 11-22 02:55:22.396 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8power.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: +*sofia* 11-22 02:55:22.396 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8power.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-g8power.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: +*sofia* 11-22 02:55:22.396 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-gpure.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +motorola/ellis* 11-22 02:55:22.396 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-hiphi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(hiphi|hiphic) 11-22 02:55:22.396 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-gpure.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-gpure.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +motorola/ellis* 11-22 02:55:22.396 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-hiphi.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-hiphi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(hiphi|hiphic) 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusion-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: astro 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusion-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusion-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: astro 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-one.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: deen 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-nio.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*otorola/nio* 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-one-action.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: troika_sprout 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-one.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-one.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: deen 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-nio.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-nio.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*otorola/nio* 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusion.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: astro 11-22 02:55:22.397 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusion.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusion.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: astro 11-22 02:55:22.398 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-one-action.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-one-action.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: troika_sprout 11-22 02:55:22.398 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-razr.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: +*olson_retail 11-22 02:55:22.398 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusionplus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: liber 11-22 02:55:22.398 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-razr.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-razr.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.product.name with value: +*olson_retail 11-22 02:55:22.398 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusionplus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onefusionplus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: liber 11-22 02:55:22.398 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onehyper.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: +*def_* 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-rhodep.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: rhodep 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-rhodep.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-rhodep.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: rhodep 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onehyper.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-onehyper.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.name with value: +*def_* 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-rhodep-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: rhodep 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tesla-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tesla 11-22 02:55:22.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-rhodep-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-rhodep-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: rhodep 11-22 02:55:22.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tesla-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tesla-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tesla 11-22 02:55:22.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tesla.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tesla 11-22 02:55:22.399 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tesla.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tesla.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tesla 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-b2n-7plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Onyx* 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tundra.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tundra 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mtk-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.mtk with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-b2n-7plus.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-b2n-7plus.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Onyx* 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tundra.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tundra.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tundra 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tundra-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tundra 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mtk-ims.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-mtk-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.mtk with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.400 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-ctl-7-1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Crystal* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-ctl-7-1.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-ctl-7-1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Crystal* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tundra-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-moto-tundra-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: tundra 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_4_2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Panther_00WW/PAN_sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_4_2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_4_2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Panther_00WW/PAN_sprout* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-drg-6.1plus-x6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Dragon* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_3_2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Deadpool_00WW* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-drg-6.1plus-x6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-drg-6.1plus-x6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Dragon* 11-22 02:55:22.401 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_3_2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_3_2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Deadpool_00WW* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_7_2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Daredevil* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_7_2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_7_2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Daredevil* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pnx-8.1-x7-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Phoenix* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_7_2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Daredevil* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pnx-8.1-x7-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pnx-8.1-x7-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Phoenix* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pl2-6.1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Plate2* 11-22 02:55:22.402 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pda_sprout-5.1plus-x5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Panda_00WW* 11-22 02:55:22.403 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pl2-6.1.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pl2-6.1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Plate2* 11-22 02:55:22.403 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_7_2-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-nokia_7_2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Daredevil* 11-22 02:55:22.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.403 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pda_sprout-5.1plus-x5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pda_sprout-5.1plus-x5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Panda_00WW* 11-22 02:55:22.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.403 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pnx-8.1-x7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Phoenix* 11-22 02:55:22.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.403 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pnx-8.1-x7.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nokia-pnx-8.1-x7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Nokia/Phoenix* 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22803|22881) 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22803|22881) 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-redmagic6series.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ubia/NX669* 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-redmagic3s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ubia/NX629J* 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-redmagic6series.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-redmagic6series.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ubia/NX669* 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22803|22881) 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-z18mini.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ubia/NX611J* 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22803|22881) 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-z18mini.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-z18mini.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ubia/NX611J* 11-22 02:55:22.404 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-redmagic3s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-nubia-redmagic3s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*ubia/NX629J* 11-22 02:55:22.405 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2v.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21871|22823) 11-22 02:55:22.405 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2v-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21871|22823) 11-22 02:55:22.405 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2v.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2v.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21871|22823) 11-22 02:55:22.405 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2v-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-ace2v-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21871|22823) 11-22 02:55:22.405 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-acepro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21841|21842) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-acepro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-acepro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21841|21842) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n10-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN10/OnePlusN10* 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n10-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n10-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN10/OnePlusN10* 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-acepro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21841|21842) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-acepro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-acepro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21841|21842) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20827|20831|21881|21882) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN10/OnePlusN10* 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20827|20831|21881|21882) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20827|20831|21881|21882) 11-22 02:55:22.406 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n10.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN10/OnePlusN10* 11-22 02:55:22.407 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n2-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20827|20831|21881|21882) 11-22 02:55:22.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.407 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20825|20826) 11-22 02:55:22.407 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n20.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20825|20826) 11-22 02:55:22.407 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n200-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN200* 11-22 02:55:22.407 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nord-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: Nord 11-22 02:55:22.407 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nord-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nord-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: Nord 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n200-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n200-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN200* 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n20-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20825|20826) 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n200.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN200* 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nordce-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusNordCE* 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nord.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: Nord 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n20-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n20-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20825|20826) 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nordce-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nordce-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusNordCE* 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nord.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nord.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: Nord 11-22 02:55:22.408 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n200.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-n200.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusN200* 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op10pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20846|20847|2084A|22811|22861) 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nordce.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusNordCE* 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20846|20847|2084A|22811|22861) 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op10pro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op10pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20846|20847|2084A|22811|22861) 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op10pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20846|20847|2084A|22811|22861) 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nordce.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-nordce.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlusNordCE* 11-22 02:55:22.409 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlus6/OnePlus6* 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlus6/OnePlus6* 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6t-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T* 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6t-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6t-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T* 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op8-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.odm.device with value: +(OnePlus8|OnePlus8TMO) 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6t.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T* 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op8-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op8-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.odm.device with value: +(OnePlus8|OnePlus8TMO) 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6t.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op6t.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OnePlus/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T* 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op9-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19825|20851|20852|20853|20854) 11-22 02:55:22.410 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.odm.device with value: +(OnePlus8|OnePlus8TMO) 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op9-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op9-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19825|20851|20852|20853|20854) 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.odm.device with value: +(OnePlus8|OnePlus8TMO) 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-a54-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20361|20362|20363|20364|20365|20366) 11-22 02:55:22.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19825|20851|20852|20853|20854) 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-a54-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-a54-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20361|20362|20363|20364|20365|20366) 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-onn-mid7019.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*onn/100071481* 11-22 02:55:22.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op9.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oneplus-op9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19825|20851|20852|20853|20854) 11-22 02:55:22.410 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.411 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-a54.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20361|20362|20363|20364|20365|20366) 11-22 02:55:22.410 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-onn-mid7019.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-onn-mid7019.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*onn/100071481* 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 17107 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 17107 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 17107 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-a54.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-a54.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20361|20362|20363|20364|20365|20366) 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 17107 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx3pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20031|21051) 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx3pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20031|21051) 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx3pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx3pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20031|21051) 11-22 02:55:22.412 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-reno6-5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 20181 11-22 02:55:22.413 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-reno6-5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 20181 11-22 02:55:22.413 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx3pro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-findx3pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(20031|21051) 11-22 02:55:22.413 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-renopro2019-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19101|19102|19191|19192|20131|20133|20135|20139|20161|20163|20171) 11-22 02:55:22.413 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-reno6-5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-reno6-5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 20181 11-22 02:55:22.413 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-renopro2019-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-renopro2019-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19101|19102|19191|19192|20131|20133|20135|20139|20161|20163|20171) 11-22 02:55:22.414 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oukitel-wp8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OUKITEL/WP8_Pro* 11-22 02:55:22.414 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oukitel-c18pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OUKITEL/C18_Pro* 11-22 02:55:22.414 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oukitel-wp8pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oukitel-wp8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OUKITEL/WP8_Pro* 11-22 02:55:22.414 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-reno6-5g-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-reno6-5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 20181 11-22 02:55:22.414 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oukitel-c18pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oukitel-c18pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +OUKITEL/C18_Pro* 11-22 02:55:22.414 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-renopro2019.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19101|19102|19191|19192|20131|20133|20135|20139|20161|20163|20171) 11-22 02:55:22.412 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.415 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-renopro2019.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-oppo-renopro2019.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(19101|19102|19191|19192|20131|20133|20135|20139|20161|20163|20171) 11-22 02:55:22.412 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.415 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-razer-cheryl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +razer/cheryl/cheryl* 11-22 02:55:22.415 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-razer-cheryl.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-razer-cheryl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +razer/cheryl/cheryl* 11-22 02:55:22.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.415 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22602|22667|22668) 11-22 02:55:22.415 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-10pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22602|22667|22668) 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-10pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22602|22667|22668) 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-6i.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2002 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-10pro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-10pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(22602|22667|22668) 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-6i.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-6i.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2002 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2001 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2001 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX3081 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX3081 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8-5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +[RMX324](1|2) 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8-5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(132863|133013) 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8-5g-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8-5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +[RMX324](1|2) 11-22 02:55:22.416 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8-5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-8-5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(132863|133013) 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-9i.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +(RMX3491|RMX3493) 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-9i-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +(RMX3491|RMX3493) 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-9i.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-9i.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +(RMX3491|RMX3493) 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-9i-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-9i-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +(RMX3491|RMX3493) 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2master-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21605 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-c3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2027 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2master-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2master-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21605 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-c2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.model with value: +RMX194* 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-c3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-c3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2027 11-22 02:55:22.417 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-c2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-c2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.model with value: +RMX194* 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21631|216AC) 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2pro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21631|216AC) 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21631|216AC) 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmaster-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21603|21675|21676) 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2master.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21605 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21631|216AC) 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmaster-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmaster-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21603|21675|21676) 11-22 02:55:22.418 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2master.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gt2master.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21605 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmaster.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21603|21675|21676) 11-22 02:55:22.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmaster.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmaster.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21603|21675|21676) 11-22 02:55:22.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmasterexplorer-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21615 11-22 02:55:22.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmasterexplorer.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21615 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtneo3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21641|21642) 11-22 02:55:22.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmasterexplorer-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmasterexplorer-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21615 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmasterexplorer.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtmasterexplorer.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 21615 11-22 02:55:22.419 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtneo3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtneo3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21641|21642) 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtneo3-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21641|21642) 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2117 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-narzo10a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2020 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2117 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2117 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-narzo10a.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-narzo10a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2020 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q2-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q2-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX2117 11-22 02:55:22.420 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtneo3-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-gtneo3-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: +(21641|21642) 11-22 02:55:22.421 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-x2pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX1931* 11-22 02:55:22.421 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 20669 11-22 02:55:22.421 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-x2pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-x2pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.build.overlay.deviceid with value: +RMX1931* 11-22 02:55:22.421 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S10q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/beyond1qlte* 11-22 02:55:22.421 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S10pq.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/beyond2qlte* 11-22 02:55:22.421 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-realme-q3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.prjname with value: 20669 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S10q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S10q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/beyond1qlte* 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/x1q*|*samsung/x1s*) 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S10pq.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S10pq.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/beyond2qlte* 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/x1q*|*samsung/x1s*) 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/x1q*|*samsung/x1s*) 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/x1q*|*samsung/x1s*) 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a02q-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a02q* 11-22 02:55:22.422 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a02q-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a02q-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a02q* 11-22 02:55:22.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20fe-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/r8q*|*samsung/r8s*) 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20fe-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20fe-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/r8q*|*samsung/r8s*) 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a02q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a02q* 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a03.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a03nnxx* 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a03.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a03.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a03nnxx* 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a02q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a02q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a02q* 11-22 02:55:22.423 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20fe.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/r8q*|*samsung/r8s*) 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a20*/a20:* 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a20*/a20:* 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a10s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/a10sxx/a10s*|samsung/a10s/a10s*) 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a20s* 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20fe.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-S20fe.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/r8q*|*samsung/r8s*) 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a10s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a10s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*samsung/a10sxx/a10s*|samsung/a10s/a10s*) 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20s-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a20s* 11-22 02:55:22.424 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a20s* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a20s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a20s* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a21s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a21s* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a30.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a30* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a31-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a31* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a30.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a30.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a30* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a31-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a31-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a31* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a21s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a21s* 11-22 02:55:22.425 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a21s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a21s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a21s* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a21s-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a21s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a21s* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a31* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a32-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a32* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a31.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a31* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a32-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a32-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a32* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a33-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a33* 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a33.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a33* 11-22 02:55:22.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.426 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a33-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a33-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a33* 11-22 02:55:22.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a33.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a33.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a33* 11-22 02:55:22.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a40-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a40* 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a40.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a40* 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a50.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a50* 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a40-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a40-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a40* 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a40.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a40.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a40* 11-22 02:55:22.427 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a50.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a50.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a50* 11-22 02:55:22.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.428 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a51* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51x.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a51x* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a51* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51x.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51x.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a51x* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a51* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a32.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a32* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a51-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a51* 11-22 02:55:22.428 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a32.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a32.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/a32* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a52.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a52* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a60q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a60q* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a53.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a53* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a60q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a60q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a60q* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a53-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a53* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a52.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a52.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a52* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a53.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a53.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a53* 11-22 02:55:22.429 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a53-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a53-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a53* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a7y18* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a70.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a70* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a71.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a71* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a73.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a73* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a7.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a7y18* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a70.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a70.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a70* 11-22 02:55:22.430 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a71.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a71.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a71* 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a73.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a73.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a73* 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a82xq-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: a82xq 11-22 02:55:22.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a80.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a80* 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a82xq.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: a82xq 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1q-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1q 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a9y18* 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a82xq-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a82xq-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: a82xq 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a80.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a80.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/a80* 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a82xq.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a82xq.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: a82xq 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1q-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1q-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1q 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a9.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-a9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/a9y18* 11-22 02:55:22.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.431 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1q 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1q 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1x.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1x 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1x-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1x 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1x.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1x.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1x 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1x-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-d1x-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: d1x 11-22 02:55:22.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta3xl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/gta3xl* 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta7litewifi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/gta7litewifi* 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta2xl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/gta2xl* 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta3xl.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta3xl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/gta3xl* 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta7litewifi.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta7litewifi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/gta7litewifi* 11-22 02:55:22.432 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta2xl.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gta2xl.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/gta2xl* 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gts7xllite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/gts7xllite* 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-j6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/j6lte 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gts8p.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/gts8p* 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-j6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-j6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/j6lte 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31* 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gts7xllite.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gts7xllite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/gts7xllite* 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gts8p.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-gts8p.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/gts8p* 11-22 02:55:22.433 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31s* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31s* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31s* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31s-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31s* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m31* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m52.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m52xq* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-n9q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/crownqlte* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-o1s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/o1s* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m52.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-m52.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/m52xq* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-o1s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-o1s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/o1s* 11-22 02:55:22.434 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-n9q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-n9q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/crownqlte* 11-22 02:55:22.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.435 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-p3s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/p3s* 11-22 02:55:22.435 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0q-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0q* 11-22 02:55:22.435 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0q-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0q-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0q* 11-22 02:55:22.435 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0q* 11-22 02:55:22.435 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-p3s-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-p3s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/p3s* 11-22 02:55:22.435 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-p3s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/p3s* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0q* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-p3s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-p3s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/p3s* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r5q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/r5q* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0s* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r5q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r5q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +samsung/r5q* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0s* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0s* 11-22 02:55:22.436 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0s-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r0s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r0s* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s10e.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/beyond0*lte* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r9s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r9s* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r9q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r9q* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r9s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r9s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r9s* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s10e.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s10e.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/beyond0*lte* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r9q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-r9q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/r9q* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s9pq.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/star2qlte* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s9q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/starqlte* 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-starqltekdi-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: starqltekdi 11-22 02:55:22.437 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-starqltekdi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: starqltekdi 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s9pq.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s9pq.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/star2qlte* 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s9q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-s9q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/starqlte* 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-starqltekdi-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-starqltekdi-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: starqltekdi 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-starqltekdi.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-starqltekdi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: starqltekdi 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sharp-s2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.board with value: SAT 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sharp-s2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sharp-s2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.board with value: SAT 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-z3q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/z3q* 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sec-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.sec with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-t2s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/t2s* 11-22 02:55:22.438 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-z3q.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-z3q.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*amsung/z3q* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sec-ims.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sec-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.sec with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.436 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-J9110.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/J9110* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-t2s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-samsung-t2s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*samsung/t2s* 11-22 02:55:22.436 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-SO-03L.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +docomo/SO-03L/SO-03L* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-J9110.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-J9110.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/J9110* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-SO-03L.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-SO-03L.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +docomo/SO-03L/SO-03L* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-XZ2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/H8296* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-XZ3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/H94* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx206-kddi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +KDDI/pdx206_kddi/pdx206_kddi* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx206.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx206/pdx206* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-XZ3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-XZ3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/H94* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-XZ2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-XZ2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/H8296* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx206-kddi.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx206-kddi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +KDDI/pdx206_kddi/pdx206_kddi* 11-22 02:55:22.439 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx206.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx206.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx206/pdx206* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx213.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx213/pdx213* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx223.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx223/pdx223* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx215.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx215/pdx215* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx213-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx213/pdx213* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx213.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx213.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx213/pdx213* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx215.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx215.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx215/pdx215* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx223.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx223.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx223/pdx223* 11-22 02:55:22.440 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx213-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sony-pdx213-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Sony/pdx213/pdx213* 11-22 02:55:22.441 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sprd-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.sprd with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.441 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-m30.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +NODROPOUT/T25* 11-22 02:55:22.441 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-t30.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +alps/full_tb8788p1_64_bsp* 11-22 02:55:22.441 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sprd-ims.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-sprd-ims.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.ims.sprd with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.441 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-m30.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-m30.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +NODROPOUT/T25* 11-22 02:55:22.441 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-t30.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-t30.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +alps/full_tb8788p1_64_bsp* 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-camon20pro4g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: TECNO-CK7n 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-p20hd.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Teclast/P20HD_EEA/P20HD_EEA* 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-camon11.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +TECNO/H399* 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-pova4pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: TECNO-LG8n 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-p20hd.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teclast-p20hd.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Teclast/P20HD_EEA/P20HD_EEA* 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-camon11.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-camon11.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +TECNO/H399* 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-camon20pro4g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-camon20pro4g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: TECNO-CK7n 11-22 02:55:22.442 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-pova4pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-pova4pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: TECNO-LG8n 11-22 02:55:22.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.443 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-spark5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +TECNO/KD7* 11-22 02:55:22.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.443 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-spark6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +TECNO/KE7* 11-22 02:55:22.444 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.networkstack.tethering and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tethering-nobpf.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.tethering.nobpf with value: 1 11-22 02:55:22.444 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teracube-2e.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Teracube/Teracube_2e* 11-22 02:55:22.444 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teracube-v7101o.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Teracube/Teracube_One* 11-22 02:55:22.444 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A13-Pro-Max-5G.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/A13_Pro_Max_5G/A13_Pro_Max_5G* 11-22 02:55:22.445 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-spark6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-spark6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +TECNO/KE7* 11-22 02:55:22.445 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-spark5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tecno-spark5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +TECNO/KD7* 11-22 02:55:22.445 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A3S.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/A3S/A3S* 11-22 02:55:22.445 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A5pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/A5_Pro_EEA* 11-22 02:55:22.445 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-power.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/Power/Power* 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-luna.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Unihertz/Luna* 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-titanpocketeea.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Unihertz/Titan_pocket_EEA* 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-jelly2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Unihertz/Jelly2* 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y20-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*vivo/2026* 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vivo/2036N* 11-22 02:55:22.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*vivo/2026* 11-22 02:55:22.447 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.446 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-active3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vsmart/coconut* 11-22 02:55:22.447 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-joy3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vsmart/casuarina* 11-22 02:55:22.447 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-wifi5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.wifi5g with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.447 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-live.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vsmart/V620A_open* 11-22 02:55:22.447 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-civi-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/mona* 11-22 02:55:22.448 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi11lite5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/renoir* 11-22 02:55:22.448 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi11tpro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/vili* 11-22 02:55:22.448 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-civi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/mona* 11-22 02:55:22.447 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.448 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi13-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.hardware.sku with value: fuxi 11-22 02:55:22.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.448 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi12lite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/taoyao* 11-22 02:55:22.449 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi12lite-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/taoyao* 11-22 02:55:22.449 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi13.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.hardware.sku with value: fuxi 11-22 02:55:22.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.449 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/dipper* 11-22 02:55:22.449 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi6x.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/wayne* 11-22 02:55:22.450 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8se.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/sirius* 11-22 02:55:22.450 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/equuleus* 11-22 02:55:22.450 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8ee.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/ursa* 11-22 02:55:22.450 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8lite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/platina* 11-22 02:55:22.450 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/cepheus* 11-22 02:55:22.450 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.450 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.452 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi9se.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/grus* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tethering-nobpf.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.networkstack.tethering and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-tethering-nobpf.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.phh.tethering.nobpf with value: 1 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teracube-2e.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teracube-2e.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Teracube/Teracube_2e* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teracube-v7101o.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-teracube-v7101o.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Teracube/Teracube_One* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A13-Pro-Max-5G.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A13-Pro-Max-5G.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/A13_Pro_Max_5G/A13_Pro_Max_5G* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A3S.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A3S.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/A3S/A3S* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A5pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-A5pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/A5_Pro_EEA* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-power.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-umidigi-power.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +UMIDIGI/Power/Power* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-luna.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-luna.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Unihertz/Luna* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-titanpocketeea.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-titanpocketeea.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Unihertz/Titan_pocket_EEA* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-jelly2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-unihertz-jelly2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Unihertz/Jelly2* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y20-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y20-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*vivo/2026* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y31.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y31.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vivo/2036N* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y20.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vivo-y20.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*vivo/2026* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-active3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-active3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vsmart/coconut* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-joy3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-joy3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vsmart/casuarina* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-wifi5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-wifi5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: persist.sys.overlay.wifi5g with value: true 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-live.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-vsmart-live.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +vsmart/V620A_open* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-civi-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-civi-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/mona* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi11lite5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi11lite5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/renoir* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi11tpro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi11tpro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/vili* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-civi.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-civi.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/mona* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi13-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi13-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.hardware.sku with value: fuxi 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi12lite.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi12lite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/taoyao* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi12lite-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi12lite-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/taoyao* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi13.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi13.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.boot.hardware.sku with value: fuxi 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mia2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/jasmine* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/dipper* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi6x.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi6x.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/wayne* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/equuleus* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8se.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8se.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/sirius* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8ee.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8ee.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/ursa* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8lite.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi8lite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/platina* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi9.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/cepheus* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi9se.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mi9se.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/grus* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mia2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mia2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/jasmine* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mia2lite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/daisy* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mia2lite.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mia2lite.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/daisy* 11-22 02:55:22.453 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix2s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/polaris* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimax3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/nitrogen* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix2s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix2s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/polaris* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimax3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimax3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/nitrogen* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/perseus* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix3.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix3.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/perseus* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix3-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/perseus* 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix3-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mimix3-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/perseus* 11-22 02:55:22.452 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.452 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.454 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mipad5pro5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/enuma* 11-22 02:55:22.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mipad4.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/clover* 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-miplay.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/lotus* 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mipad5pro5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mipad5pro5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/enuma* 11-22 02:55:22.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mipad4.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-mipad4.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/clover* 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-miplay.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-miplay.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/lotus* 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof4-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: munch 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof4.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: munch 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof5-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: marble 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/beryllium* 11-22 02:55:22.455 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof4-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof4-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: munch 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof4.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof4.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: munch 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof5-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof5-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: marble 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof1.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof1.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/beryllium* 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: marble 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom4pro5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: evergreen 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom3pro5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(camellia|camellian) 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom4pro5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: evergreen 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocof5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: marble 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom4pro5g-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom4pro5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: evergreen 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom3pro5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom3pro5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(camellia|camellian) 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom5-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(stone|rock) 11-22 02:55:22.456 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocox3gt.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: chopin 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom4pro5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom4pro5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: evergreen 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom5-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom5-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(stone|rock) 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocox3gt.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocox3gt.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: chopin 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(stone|rock) 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi10x5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/atom* 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-pocom5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(stone|rock) 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/cereus* 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi10x5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/atom* 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi10x5g-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi10x5g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/atom* 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/cereus* 11-22 02:55:22.457 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi10x5g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi10x5g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/atom* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi7a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/pine* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi7onc.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/onc* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/sakura* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/cactus* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi7a.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi7a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/pine* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi7onc.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi7onc.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/onc* 11-22 02:55:22.458 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/sakura* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6a.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi6a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/cactus* 11-22 02:55:22.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi8a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/olivelite* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/olive* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/lancelot* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/lancelot* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/olive* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi8a.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi8a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/olivelite* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/lancelot* 11-22 02:55:22.459 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/lancelot* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmigo.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/tiare* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/dandelion* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9t.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/lime* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik20pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/raphael* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9a.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9a.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/dandelion* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9t.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmi9t.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*edmi/lime* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik20pro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik20pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/raphael* 11-22 02:55:22.460 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmigo.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmigo.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +Xiaomi/tiare* 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: sweet 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.board with value: +(mojito*|sunny*) 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik50ultra.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*mi/diting* 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik20pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/raphael* 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: sweet 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.board with value: +(mojito*|sunny*) 11-22 02:55:22.461 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik50ultra.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik50ultra.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*mi/diting* 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik20pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmik20pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/raphael* 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote11.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: spesn 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote114g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(selene|selenes) 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*edmi/rosemary*|*edmi/secret*|*edmi/maltose*) 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote11.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote11.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: spesn 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote114g-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote114g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(selene|selenes) 11-22 02:55:22.462 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*edmi/rosemary*|*edmi/secret*|*edmi/maltose*) 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*edmi/rosemary*|*edmi/secret*|*edmi/maltose*) 11-22 02:55:22.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10s-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote10s-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +(*edmi/rosemary*|*edmi/secret*|*edmi/maltose*) 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote115g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: *everg* 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote115g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: *everg* 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote115g-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote115g-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: *everg* 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote114g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(selene|selenes) 11-22 02:55:22.463 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote115g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote115g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: *everg* 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote114g.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote114g.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(selene|selenes) 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/whyred* 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote5.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote5.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/whyred* 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote6pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/tulip* 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: lavender 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote6pro-systemui.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair com.android.systemui and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote6pro-systemui.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/tulip* 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote6pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/tulip* 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(ginkgo|willow) 11-22 02:55:22.464 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote7.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote7.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: lavender 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote6pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote6pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/tulip* 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: begonia 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote8.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote8.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: +(ginkgo|willow) 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote8pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote8pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: begonia 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: joyeuse 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4582 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9promax.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: Excalibur 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4581 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: curtana 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9pro.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9pro.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: joyeuse 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4584 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9t.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: cannong 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9promax.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9promax.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: Excalibur 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9s.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9s.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: curtana 11-22 02:55:22.465 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9t.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redminote9t.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.product.vendor.device with value: cannong 11-22 02:55:22.466 4522 4583 I ApkLiteParseUtils: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmis2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/ysl* 11-22 02:55:22.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.467 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmis2.apk: Skipping target and overlay pair android and /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-xiaomi-redmis2.apk: overlay ignored due to required system property: ro.vendor.build.fingerprint with value: +*iaomi/ysl* 11-22 02:55:22.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.478 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/framework/arm: Missing base APK in /system/framework/arm 11-22 02:55:22.478 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/framework/oat: Missing base APK in /system/framework/oat 11-22 02:55:22.478 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/framework/arm64: Missing base APK in /system/framework/arm64 11-22 02:55:22.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.483 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.483 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.502 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.503 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:22.503 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.503 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.503 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.517 4522 4522 I PackageManager: /system/priv-app/NetworkStackNext changed; collecting certs 11-22 02:55:22.515 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.520 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/priv-app/NetworkStackNext: Application package com.android.networkstack already installed. Skipping duplicate. 11-22 02:55:22.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.524 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.524 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.527 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.527 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.537 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.537 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.541 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.541 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.548 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.548 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.550 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.550 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.559 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.559 7 7 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:22.559 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.566 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.566 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.572 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.572 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.574 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.574 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.576 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.576 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.578 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.578 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.581 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.581 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.585 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name com.android.gallery3d.provider (in package com.android.gallery3d): name already used by com.android.gallery3d 11-22 02:55:22.585 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.587 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.587 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.596 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.596 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.610 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.connectivity.resources as apk-in-apex of com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:22.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.612 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.networkstack.tethering as apk-in-apex of com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:22.614 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.nearby.halfsheet as apk-in-apex of com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:22.612 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.612 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.615 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.615 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.617 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim as apk-in-apex of com.android.apex.cts.shim 11-22 02:55:22.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.619 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.cts.ctsshim as apk-in-apex of com.android.apex.cts.shim 11-22 02:55:22.621 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.bluetooth as apk-in-apex of com.android.btservices 11-22 02:55:22.620 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.620 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.624 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.devicelockcontroller as apk-in-apex of com.android.devicelock 11-22 02:55:22.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.628 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering android.ext.services as apk-in-apex of com.android.extservices 11-22 02:55:22.629 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.ext.adservices.api as apk-in-apex of com.android.extservices 11-22 02:55:22.630 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.630 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_ATTRIBUTION is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.630 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_CUSTOM_AUDIENCE is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.630 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.631 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_PRIVILEGED_AD_ID is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.631 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_PRIVILEGED_APP_SET_ID is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.631 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.MODIFY_ADSERVICES_STATE is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.631 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_STATE is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.631 4522 4522 W Permission: New decl PackageSetting{c69b5f8 com.android.ext.adservices.api/10133} of permission android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_MANAGER is system; overriding com.android.adservices.api 11-22 02:55:22.632 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.wifi.resources as apk-in-apex of com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:22.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.635 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.hotspot2.osulogin as apk-in-apex of com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:22.636 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.wifi.dialog as apk-in-apex of com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:22.636 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.636 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.638 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.638 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.640 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.cellbroadcastservice as apk-in-apex of com.android.cellbroadcast 11-22 02:55:22.642 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module as apk-in-apex of com.android.cellbroadcast 11-22 02:55:22.641 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.641 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.645 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.adservices.api as apk-in-apex of com.android.adservices 11-22 02:55:22.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.648 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.sdksandbox as apk-in-apex of com.android.adservices 11-22 02:55:22.650 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.providers.media.module as apk-in-apex of com.android.mediaprovider 11-22 02:55:22.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.653 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.safetycenter.resources as apk-in-apex of com.android.permission 11-22 02:55:22.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.655 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.permissioncontroller as apk-in-apex of com.android.permission 11-22 02:55:22.658 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.microdroid.empty_payload as apk-in-apex of com.android.virt 11-22 02:55:22.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.659 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.virtualmachine.res as apk-in-apex of com.android.virt 11-22 02:55:22.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.663 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.healthconnect.controller as apk-in-apex of com.android.healthfitness 11-22 02:55:22.666 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.health.connect.backuprestore as apk-in-apex of com.android.healthfitness 11-22 02:55:22.665 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.665 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.668 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.rkpdapp as apk-in-apex of com.android.rkpd 11-22 02:55:22.667 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.667 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.671 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.671 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:22.671 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.671 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.federatedcompute.services as apk-in-apex of com.android.ondevicepersonalization 11-22 02:55:22.674 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.ondevicepersonalization.services as apk-in-apex of com.android.ondevicepersonalization 11-22 02:55:22.672 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.672 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.672 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.677 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.compos.payload as apk-in-apex of com.android.compos 11-22 02:55:22.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.678 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.678 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.679 4522 4522 I ApexManager: Registering com.android.uwb.resources as apk-in-apex of com.android.uwb 11-22 02:55:22.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.687 4522 4522 I PackageManager: Finished scanning system apps. Time: 554 ms, packageCount: 205 , timePerPackage: 2 , cached: 206 11-22 02:55:22.687 4522 4522 I PackageManager: Finished scanning non-system apps. Time: 1 ms, packageCount: 0 , timePerPackage: 0 , cached: 0 11-22 02:55:22.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.693 4522 4522 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 0.56 seconds 11-22 02:55:22.693 4522 4522 I PermissionManager: Permission ownership changed. Updating all permissions. 11-22 02:55:22.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.694 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.adservices.api is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.adservices APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.694 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.694 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.696 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.696 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.699 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.699 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.701 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.701 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.703 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.703 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.709 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.709 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:22.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.716 4522 4522 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x1 migrateAppData=true 11-22 02:55:22.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.726 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.726 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.730 4522 4522 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData finished 27 packages 11-22 02:55:22.730 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: write settings 11-22 02:55:22.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.731 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:prepareAppData 11-22 02:55:22.731 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing prepareAppData 11-22 02:55:22.732 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.732 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.735 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.735 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:22.735 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.739 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.739 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.741 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: AppDataFixup took to complete: 10ms 11-22 02:55:22.741 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.741 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.748 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.748 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.750 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.750 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.759 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.761 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.767 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.767 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.770 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.770 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.772 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.772 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.776 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: write settings took to complete: 46ms 11-22 02:55:22.777 4522 4522 W PackageManager: Domain verification agent not found 11-22 02:55:22.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.778 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.778 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.779 4522 4522 D PackageManager: Ephemeral resolver NOT found; no matching intent filters 11-22 02:55:22.780 4522 4522 D PackageManager: Instant App installer not found with android.intent.action.INSTALL_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE 11-22 02:55:22.780 4522 4522 D PackageManager: Clear ephemeral installer activity 11-22 02:55:22.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 D PackageManagerTiming: GC 11-22 02:55:22.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: GC took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 I PackageManager: Fix for b/169414761 is applied 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 V PackageManagerTiming: create package manager took to complete: 921ms 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 V UserSystemPackageInstaller: Checking that all system packages are whitelisted. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.configinfrastructure 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.appsearch 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: checkWhitelistedSystemPackages(mode=d) has 50 warnings: 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.amethyst is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon.pebble is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.sand is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon.vessel is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.cinnamon is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.settings is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.783 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.systemui is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon.taperedrect is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.android is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.internal.systemui.onehanded.gestural is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.systemui is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.themepicker is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.tangerine is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.aquamarine is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.black is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.green is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.ocean is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.space is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.launcher is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.settings is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.settings is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.themepicker is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.launcher is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.settings is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.systemui is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.adservices 11-22 02:55:22.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.settings is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.systemui is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon.teardrop is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.themepicker is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.systemui is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.android is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.android is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.systemui is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.android is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.launcher is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.launcher is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon.squircle is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.android is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.palette is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.scheduling 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.launcher is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.carbon is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.launcher is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.themepicker is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.themepicker is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.orchid is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.color.purple is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.themepicker is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon.roundedrect is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.settings is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4522 W UserSystemPackageInstaller: com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.android is allowlisted but not present. 11-22 02:55:22.784 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.permission 11-22 02:55:22.785 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.art 11-22 02:55:22.784 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.784 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.785 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.uwb 11-22 02:55:22.785 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:22.785 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.btservices 11-22 02:55:22.785 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.media.swcodec 11-22 02:55:22.785 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.conscrypt 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.adbd 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.i18n 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.rkpd 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.virt 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main thread for reason: packagemanagermain. Pause count: 0 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.runtime 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.devicelock 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.apex.cts.shim 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.compos 11-22 02:55:22.786 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.neuralnetworks 11-22 02:55:22.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPackageManagerService took to complete: 927ms 11-22 02:55:22.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: DexUseManagerLocal 11-22 02:55:22.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.789 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.789 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.791 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.791 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.healthfitness 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.resolv 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.sdkext 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.tzdata 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v28 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v29 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v30 11-22 02:55:22.795 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v31 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v32 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v33 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v34 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.os.statsd 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.extservices 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.cellbroadcast 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.ipsec 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.media 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.sdksandbox 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.mediaprovider 11-22 02:55:22.796 4522 4585 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.ondevicepersonalization 11-22 02:55:22.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.800 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: DexUseManagerLocal took to complete: 13ms 11-22 02:55:22.800 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartOtaDexOptService 11-22 02:55:22.800 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main thread for reason: moveab. Pause count: 1 11-22 02:55:22.802 4522 4522 D OTADexopt: No upgrade, skipping A/B artifacts check. 11-22 02:55:22.802 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main thread for reason: moveab. Pause count: 0 11-22 02:55:22.802 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartOtaDexOptService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:22.802 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartUserManagerService 11-22 02:55:22.802 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:22.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.803 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartUserManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:22.803 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InitAttributerCache 11-22 02:55:22.803 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InitAttributerCache took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:22.803 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: SetSystemProcess 11-22 02:55:22.806 4522 4551 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:22.804 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.804 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.806 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.806 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.809 4522 4536 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:22.809 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.809 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.814 4522 4556 I ActivityManager: Connection with lmkd established 11-22 02:55:22.814 4522 4536 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:22.813 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.813 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.817 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: SetSystemProcess took to complete: 14ms 11-22 02:55:22.818 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:22.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.818 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.818 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.819 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:22.821 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InitWatchdog 11-22 02:55:22.821 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InitWatchdog took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:22.820 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.820 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.826 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.826 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.828 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.828 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.833 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.833 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.845 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.845 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.846 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.848 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.848 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.848 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.848 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.851 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartOverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:22.852 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.852 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.854 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.854 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.862 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: AppDataPrepare took to complete: 121ms 11-22 02:55:22.862 4522 4585 I PackageManager: Deferred reconcileAppsData finished 178 packages 11-22 02:55:22.862 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing prepareAppData 11-22 02:55:22.862 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:prepareAppData took to complete: 131ms 11-22 02:55:22.860 1 1 I init : starting service 'idmap2d'... 11-22 02:55:22.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.866 1 1 I init : ... started service 'idmap2d' has pid 4589 11-22 02:55:22.866 1 1 I init : Control message: Processed ctl.start for 'idmap2d' from pid: 4522 (system_server) 11-22 02:55:22.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.881 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.881 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.890 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.890 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.903 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.903 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:22.903 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.903 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.903 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.905 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.905 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.910 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.910 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.930 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.930 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.932 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:22.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.947 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.949 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.959 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:22.959 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:22.959 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:22.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.984 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartOverlayManagerService took to complete: 133ms 11-22 02:55:22.984 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:22.986 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartResourcesManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:22.986 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:22.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.989 4522 4539 W ActivityTaskManager: Skip updateConfiguration because mWindowManager isn't set 11-22 02:55:22.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.991 4522 4539 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[android.fg,5,main] 11-22 02:55:22.993 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSensorPrivacyService took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSensorService 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startBootstrapServices took to complete: 4522ms 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:StartNativeSensorService 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing StartNativeSensorService 11-22 02:55:22.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: StartNativeSensorService 11-22 02:55:22.994 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startCoreServices 11-22 02:55:22.995 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:22.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.995 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:22.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.996 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSystemConfigService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:22.996 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBatteryService 11-22 02:55:22.995 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.sensors.ISensors/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:22.996 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.996 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:22.996 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:22.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:22.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.001 1068 1068 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 11-22 02:55:23.001 1068 1068 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:23.001 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.003 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.003 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.003 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=67 0 11-22 02:55:23.003 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 67, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:23.004 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.health.IHealth/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.008 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=77 0 11-22 02:55:23.008 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 77, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:23.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.013 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.013 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.015 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.015 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.015 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4264 t=27.5 h=2 st=2 c=-140000 fc=6346000 cc=887 chg=u 11-22 02:55:23.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.020 4522 4592 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.021 4522 4522 I HealthServiceWrapperHidl: health: HealthServiceWrapper listening to instance default 11-22 02:55:23.021 4522 4522 I BatteryService: health: Waited 0ms and received the update. 11-22 02:55:23.022 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: StartNativeSensorService took to complete: 27ms 11-22 02:55:23.022 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing StartNativeSensorService 11-22 02:55:23.022 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:StartNativeSensorService took to complete: 28ms 11-22 02:55:23.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.024 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBatteryService took to complete: 28ms 11-22 02:55:23.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.024 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartUsageService 11-22 02:55:23.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.024 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.025 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.025 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.027 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.027 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.029 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.029 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.032 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartUsageService took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:23.032 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:23.033 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:23.031 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.031 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.034 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.034 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.036 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.039 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWebViewUpdateService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:23.036 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.039 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartCachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:23.039 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:23.038 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.038 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.039 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartCachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.040 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBinderCallsStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.040 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:23.041 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBinderCallsStatsService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.041 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLooperStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.041 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.042 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLooperStatsService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.042 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartRollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.042 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.047 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: added new observer 11-22 02:55:23.047 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.047 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Cancelling state sync, nothing to sync 11-22 02:55:23.047 4522 4553 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 11-22 02:55:23.048 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.051 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.051 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.051 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartRollbackManagerService took to complete: 9ms 11-22 02:55:23.051 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.051 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.053 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.053 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.053 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.054 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBugreportManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.054 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: GpuService 11-22 02:55:23.054 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:23.054 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.054 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartRemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:23.054 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:23.053 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.055 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.055 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartRemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.055 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:23.055 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:23.057 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.057 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.062 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.062 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.063 4522 4522 I CpuMonitorService: Starting debug monitoring 11-22 02:55:23.063 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: CpuMonitorService took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:23.063 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startCoreServices took to complete: 68ms 11-22 02:55:23.063 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startOtherServices 11-22 02:55:23.064 4522 4601 W CpuMonitorService: Skipping reading from device and returning the last read CpuInfos. Last read was 5 ms ago, min read interval is 500 ms 11-22 02:55:23.064 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartKeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService 11-22 02:55:23.064 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:SecondaryZygotePreload 11-22 02:55:23.065 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartKeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.065 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartKeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:23.065 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing SecondaryZygotePreload 11-22 02:55:23.065 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:23.065 4522 4602 I SystemServer: SecondaryZygotePreload 11-22 02:55:23.065 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: SecondaryZygotePreload 11-22 02:55:23.066 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartKeyChainSystemService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.066 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:23.066 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:23.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.068 4522 4522 I TransparencyService: Started BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:23.068 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.068 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSchedulingPolicyService 11-22 02:55:23.068 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:SchedulingPolicyService. 11-22 02:55:23.068 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing SchedulingPolicyService. 11-22 02:55:23.069 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSchedulingPolicyService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.069 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:23.069 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:23.069 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTelecomLoaderService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.069 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTelephonyRegistry 11-22 02:55:23.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.071 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.071 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:23.071 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.072 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTelephonyRegistry took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.072 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartEntropyMixer 11-22 02:55:23.074 4522 4522 I EntropyMixer: Loaded existing seed file 11-22 02:55:23.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.074 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.074 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.076 4522 4522 I EntropyMixer: Updated seed file 11-22 02:55:23.077 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartEntropyMixer took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.077 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing SchedulingPolicyService. 11-22 02:55:23.077 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:SchedulingPolicyService. took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:23.077 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAccountManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.077 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.076 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.076 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.078 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.078 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.080 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.082 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAccountManagerService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:23.080 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.083 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartContentService 11-22 02:55:23.083 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.085 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartContentService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.085 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InstallSystemProviders 11-22 02:55:23.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.089 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.089 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.089 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.107 4522 4522 W SettingsState: No settings state /data/system/users/0/settings_config.xml 11-22 02:55:23.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.111 4522 4522 W SettingsState: No settings state /data/system/users/0/settings_ssaid.xml 11-22 02:55:23.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.126 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.126 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:23.127 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.133 4386 4386 V ZygoteInitTiming_lazy: BeginPreload took to complete: 62ms 11-22 02:55:23.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.138 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.138 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.152 4522 4522 D ActivityManager: Checking cgroup freezer: /sys/fs/cgroup/uid_0/pid_4387/cgroup.freeze 11-22 02:55:23.152 4522 4522 D ActivityManager: Checking binder freezer ioctl 11-22 02:55:23.152 4522 4522 D ActivityManager: Checking freezer profiles 11-22 02:55:23.152 4522 4522 D ActivityManager: Freezer supported: true 11-22 02:55:23.152 4522 4522 D ActivityManager: Freezer timeout set to 10000 11-22 02:55:23.152 4522 4522 D ActivityManager: Freezer exemption set to true 11-22 02:55:23.153 4522 4554 D ActivityManager: Freezer enabled 11-22 02:55:23.153 4522 4554 D ActivityManager: freezer override set to false 11-22 02:55:23.154 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.154 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InstallSystemProviders took to complete: 69ms 11-22 02:55:23.154 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDropBoxManager 11-22 02:55:23.154 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.155 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDropBoxManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.155 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartRoleManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.156 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:23.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.159 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartRoleManagerService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:23.159 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartVibratorManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.159 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.159 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.159 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.163 338 338 I servicemanager: Found android.hardware.vibrator.IVibratorManager/default in device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.169 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartVibratorManagerService took to complete: 10ms 11-22 02:55:23.169 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicSystemService 11-22 02:55:23.169 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.169 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartResourceEconomy 11-22 02:55:23.169 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:23.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.175 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartResourceEconomy took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:23.175 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.176 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.176 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.182 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAlarmManagerService took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:23.182 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartInputManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:23.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:23.183 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.183 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.188 4522 4522 I InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=true 11-22 02:55:23.189 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartInputManagerService took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:23.189 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.189 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.194 4522 4522 E DeviceStateManagerService: Cannot notify device state info change before the initial state has been committed. 11-22 02:55:23.194 4522 4522 I DeviceStateManagerService: Cannot notify device state info change when pending state is present. 11-22 02:55:23.192 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.196 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:23.196 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartCameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:23.196 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartCameraServiceProxy took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWindowManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 200 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:23.199 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.202 4522 4522 I WindowManager: No existing display settings, starting empty 11-22 02:55:23.202 4522 4522 I WindowManager: No existing display settings, starting empty 11-22 02:55:23.234 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWindowManagerService took to complete: 35ms 11-22 02:55:23.234 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: SetWindowManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.239 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.239 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.262 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.289 4522 4522 I ActivityTaskManager: Loaded persisted task ids for user 0 11-22 02:55:23.291 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: SetWindowManagerService took to complete: 57ms 11-22 02:55:23.291 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: WindowManagerServiceOnInitReady 11-22 02:55:23.299 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.299 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.301 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=73 0 1000 0 11-22 02:55:23.301 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 73, rate = 1000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 02:55:23.301 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=73 1 11-22 02:55:23.301 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 73, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:pd@e00/extcon/extcon2/cable.0/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed. 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon2/cable.0/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:574) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.FileUtils.readTextFile(FileUtils.java:638) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.(ExtconUEventObserver.java:222) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.initExtconInfos(ExtconUEventObserver.java:173) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.getExtconInfoForTypes(ExtconUEventObserver.java:185) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiStateInternal(PhoneWindowManager.java:3963) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiState(PhoneWindowManager.java:3928) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2002) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$5.run(WindowManagerService.java:1155) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable.run(Handler.java:984) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.UiThread.run(UiThread.java:45) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:560) 11-22 02:55:23.309 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: ... 18 more 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/extcon-gpio/extcon/extcon0/cable.1/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed. 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon0/cable.1/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:574) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.FileUtils.readTextFile(FileUtils.java:638) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.(ExtconUEventObserver.java:222) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.initExtconInfos(ExtconUEventObserver.java:173) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.getExtconInfoForTypes(ExtconUEventObserver.java:185) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiStateInternal(PhoneWindowManager.java:3963) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiState(PhoneWindowManager.java:3928) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2002) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$5.run(WindowManagerService.java:1155) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable.run(Handler.java:984) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.UiThread.run(UiThread.java:45) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:560) 11-22 02:55:23.310 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: ... 18 more 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/extcon-gpio/extcon/extcon0/cable.0/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed. 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon0/cable.0/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:574) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.FileUtils.readTextFile(FileUtils.java:638) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.(ExtconUEventObserver.java:222) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.initExtconInfos(ExtconUEventObserver.java:173) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.getExtconInfoForTypes(ExtconUEventObserver.java:185) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiStateInternal(PhoneWindowManager.java:3963) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiState(PhoneWindowManager.java:3928) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2002) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$5.run(WindowManagerService.java:1155) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable.run(Handler.java:984) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.UiThread.run(UiThread.java:45) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:560) 11-22 02:55:23.311 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: ... 18 more 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:typec@380/extcon/extcon1/cable.1/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed. 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon1/cable.1/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:574) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.FileUtils.readTextFile(FileUtils.java:638) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.(ExtconUEventObserver.java:222) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.initExtconInfos(ExtconUEventObserver.java:173) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.getExtconInfoForTypes(ExtconUEventObserver.java:185) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiStateInternal(PhoneWindowManager.java:3963) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiState(PhoneWindowManager.java:3928) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2002) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$5.run(WindowManagerService.java:1155) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable.run(Handler.java:984) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.UiThread.run(UiThread.java:45) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:560) 11-22 02:55:23.312 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: ... 18 more 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:typec@380/extcon/extcon1/cable.2/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed. 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon1/cable.2/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:574) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.FileUtils.readTextFile(FileUtils.java:638) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.(ExtconUEventObserver.java:222) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.initExtconInfos(ExtconUEventObserver.java:173) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.getExtconInfoForTypes(ExtconUEventObserver.java:185) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiStateInternal(PhoneWindowManager.java:3963) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiState(PhoneWindowManager.java:3928) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2002) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$5.run(WindowManagerService.java:1155) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable.run(Handler.java:984) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.UiThread.run(UiThread.java:45) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:560) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: ... 18 more 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:typec@380/extcon/extcon1/cable.0/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed. 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon1/cable.0/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:574) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:160) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.FileUtils.readTextFile(FileUtils.java:638) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.(ExtconUEventObserver.java:222) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.initExtconInfos(ExtconUEventObserver.java:173) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ExtconUEventObserver$ExtconInfo.getExtconInfoForTypes(ExtconUEventObserver.java:185) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiStateInternal(PhoneWindowManager.java:3963) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.initializeHdmiState(PhoneWindowManager.java:3928) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.init(PhoneWindowManager.java:2002) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$5.run(WindowManagerService.java:1155) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable.run(Handler.java:984) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at com.android.server.UiThread.run(UiThread.java:45) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:560) 11-22 02:55:23.313 4522 4540 W ExtconUEventObserver: ... 18 more 11-22 02:55:23.314 4522 4540 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[android.ui,5,main] 11-22 02:55:23.313 4540 4540 W audit : audit_lost=28 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64 11-22 02:55:23.313 4540 4540 E audit : rate limit exceeded 11-22 02:55:23.317 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: WindowManagerServiceOnInitReady took to complete: 26ms 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartInputManager 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:StartISensorManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing StartISensorManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:StartHidlServices 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: StartISensorManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing StartHidlServices 11-22 02:55:23.318 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: StartHidlServices 11-22 02:55:23.319 4522 4522 I InputManager: Starting input manager 11-22 02:55:23.319 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartInputManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.319 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: DisplayManagerWindowManagerAndInputReady 11-22 02:55:23.319 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.320 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: StartHidlServices took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.320 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing StartHidlServices 11-22 02:55:23.320 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:StartHidlServices took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.320 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: DisplayManagerWindowManagerAndInputReady took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.320 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBluetoothService 11-22 02:55:23.321 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: StartISensorManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.321 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing StartISensorManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.321 338 338 I servicemanager: Found android.frameworks.sensorservice.ISensorManager/default in framework VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.321 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:StartISensorManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.322 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:23.326 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBluetoothService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.326 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:23.326 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:23.327 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.327 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: NetworkWatchlistService 11-22 02:55:23.327 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.330 4522 4522 I WatchlistSettings: Reload watchlist settings done 11-22 02:55:23.331 4522 4621 I WatchlistLoggingHandler: No need to aggregate record yet. 11-22 02:55:23.332 4522 4621 I WatchlistLoggingHandler: Milliseconds spent on tryAggregateRecords(): 1 11-22 02:55:23.332 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: NetworkWatchlistService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.332 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: PinnerService 11-22 02:55:23.333 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:23.334 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.336 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: PinnerService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:23.336 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.337 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: SignedConfigService 11-22 02:55:23.338 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: SignedConfigService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.338 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: AppIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:23.340 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.341 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.341 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.345 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.345 4522 4522 E IntegrityFileManager: Error creating staging and rules directory 11-22 02:55:23.345 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.347 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: AppIntegrityService took to complete: 9ms 11-22 02:55:23.347 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLogcatManager 11-22 02:55:23.347 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.347 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.349 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLogcatManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.349 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.349 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.350 4522 4553 D PinnerService: pinRangeStream: null 11-22 02:55:23.349 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.361 4522 4522 I WindowManager: SAFE MODE not enabled 11-22 02:55:23.361 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartInputMethodManagerLifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.362 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.369 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartInputMethodManagerLifecycle took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:23.370 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAccessibilityManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.370 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.371 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.371 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAccessibilityManagerService took to complete: 9ms 11-22 02:55:23.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayReady 11-22 02:55:23.383 4522 4522 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20005df8 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.2 ?fontWeightAdjustment} 11-22 02:55:23.385 4522 4522 I WindowManager: Override config changes=60007dfc {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.2 ?fontWeightAdjustment} for displayId=0 11-22 02:55:23.387 4522 4522 I DisplayDevice: [0] Layerstack set to 0 for local:0 11-22 02:55:23.391 4522 4522 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.4 ?fontWeightAdjustment} 11-22 02:55:23.392 4522 4522 I WindowManager: Override config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.4 ?fontWeightAdjustment} for displayId=0 11-22 02:55:23.394 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayReady took to complete: 15ms 11-22 02:55:23.394 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartStorageManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.394 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.395 4522 4542 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[android.display,5,main] 11-22 02:55:23.395 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes=*) from (/system/etc/init/hw/init.rc:1233) 11-22 02:55:23.396 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 35 (/system/bin/extra_free_kbytes.sh 28125)'... 11-22 02:55:23.400 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 35 (/system/bin/extra_free_kbytes.sh 28125)' has pid 4627 11-22 02:55:23.400 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 35 (/system/bin/extra_free_kbytes.sh 28125)' pid 4627 (uid 0 gid 0+0 context default) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:23.402 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.407 4522 4626 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true 11-22 02:55:23.408 4522 4522 D StorageManagerService: CE storage for users [0] is already unlocked 11-22 02:55:23.409 4522 4626 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true 11-22 02:55:23.410 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartStorageManagerService took to complete: 16ms 11-22 02:55:23.410 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartStorageStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.410 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.420 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartStorageStatsService took to complete: 10ms 11-22 02:55:23.420 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartUiModeManager 11-22 02:55:23.421 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.422 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UiModeManager.onStart 11-22 02:55:23.421 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 35 (/system/bin/extra_free_kbytes.sh 28125)' (pid 4627) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.023000 seconds 11-22 02:55:23.421 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 35 (/system/bin/extra_free_kbytes.sh 28125)' (pid 4627) process group... 11-22 02:55:23.422 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 4627 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.423 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartUiModeManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.423 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.423 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing UiModeManager.onStart 11-22 02:55:23.423 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.426 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLocaleManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.426 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartGrammarInflectionService 11-22 02:55:23.426 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:23.427 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartGrammarInflectionService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.427 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:23.427 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:23.430 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAppHibernationService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.430 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ArtManagerLocal 11-22 02:55:23.431 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ArtManagerLocal took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.431 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: UpdatePackagesIfNeeded 11-22 02:55:23.431 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main thread for reason: dexopt. Pause count: 1 11-22 02:55:23.432 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main thread for reason: dexopt. Pause count: 0 11-22 02:55:23.432 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: UpdatePackagesIfNeeded took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.432 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: PerformFstrimIfNeeded 11-22 02:55:23.433 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: PerformFstrimIfNeeded took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.433 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLockSettingsService 11-22 02:55:23.433 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.431 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.431 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.444 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLockSettingsService took to complete: 11ms 11-22 02:55:23.444 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPersistentDataBlock 11-22 02:55:23.444 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing UiModeManager.onStart 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UiModeManager.onStart took to complete: 22ms 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPersistentDataBlock took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:PersistentDataBlockService.onStart 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTestHarnessMode 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing PersistentDataBlockService.onStart 11-22 02:55:23.445 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:23.446 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTestHarnessMode took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.446 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartOemLockService 11-22 02:55:23.446 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:23.446 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.oemlock.IOemLock/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.448 4522 4522 I OemLock : Using vendor lock via the HAL(hidl) 11-22 02:55:23.451 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartOemLockService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.451 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:23.451 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:23.456 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceIdleController took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.456 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDevicePolicyManager 11-22 02:55:23.456 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.465 4522 4522 I DevicePolicyManager: Current version 5, latest version 5, not upgrading. 11-22 02:55:23.473 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDevicePolicyManager took to complete: 17ms 11-22 02:55:23.473 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartStatusBarManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.474 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing PersistentDataBlockService.onStart 11-22 02:55:23.474 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:PersistentDataBlockService.onStart took to complete: 29ms 11-22 02:55:23.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartStatusBarManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.475 4522 4522 D SystemServer: MusicRecognitionManagerService not defined by OEM or disabled by flag 11-22 02:55:23.475 4522 4522 D SystemServer: ContentCaptureService disabled because resource is not overlaid 11-22 02:55:23.476 4522 4522 D SystemServer: AttentionService is not configured on this device 11-22 02:55:23.476 4522 4522 D SystemServer: RotationResolverService is not configured on this device 11-22 02:55:23.476 4522 4522 D SystemServer: SystemCaptionsManagerService disabled because resource is not overlaid 11-22 02:55:23.476 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.476 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAmbientContextService 11-22 02:55:23.477 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.479 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAmbientContextService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.479 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startWearableSensingService 11-22 02:55:23.479 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.481 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startWearableSensingService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.481 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.481 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.482 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.482 4522 4522 D SystemServer: AppPredictionService not defined by OEM 11-22 02:55:23.483 4522 4522 D SystemServer: ContentSuggestionsService not defined by OEM 11-22 02:55:23.483 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSearchUiService 11-22 02:55:23.483 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.484 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSearchUiService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.484 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSmartspaceService 11-22 02:55:23.484 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.485 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSmartspaceService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.485 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InitConnectivityModuleConnector 11-22 02:55:23.485 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InitConnectivityModuleConnector took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.485 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: InitNetworkStackClient 11-22 02:55:23.486 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: InitNetworkStackClient took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.486 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkManagementService 11-22 02:55:23.489 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkManagementService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.490 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartFontManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.503 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.503 7 7 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:23.503 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.506 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.583 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartFontManagerService took to complete: 93ms 11-22 02:55:23.583 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTextServicesManager 11-22 02:55:23.583 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.585 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTextServicesManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.585 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTextClassificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.585 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.583 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.583 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:23.584 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.587 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTextClassificationManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.588 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkScoreService 11-22 02:55:23.588 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.589 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkScoreService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.590 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStatsService 11-22 02:55:23.590 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:23.594 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.627 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStatsService took to complete: 37ms 11-22 02:55:23.627 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkPolicyManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.633 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkPolicyManagerService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.633 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifi 11-22 02:55:23.634 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:23.639 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.639 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.660 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.wifi.supplicant.ISupplicant/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.668 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.wifi.supplicant.ISupplicant/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.680 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.698 4393 4393 I wificond: New wificond event callback registered 11-22 02:55:23.695 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.695 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.704 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.705 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.710 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWifi took to complete: 76ms 11-22 02:55:23.710 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifiScanning 11-22 02:55:23.710 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:23.714 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWifiScanning took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:23.714 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifiP2P 11-22 02:55:23.714 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:23.719 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWifiP2P took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.719 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPacProxyService 11-22 02:55:23.722 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPacProxyService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.722 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartConnectivityService 11-22 02:55:23.723 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:23.751 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 182478738; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:23.760 4522 4648 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[NsdService,5,main] 11-22 02:55:23.763 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.763 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:23.763 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.766 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.774 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartConnectivityService took to complete: 52ms 11-22 02:55:23.774 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartVpnManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.778 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartVpnManagerService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:23.778 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartVcnManagementService 11-22 02:55:23.782 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartVcnManagementService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:23.782 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUpdateManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.782 4522 4522 I SystemUpdateManagerService: No existing info file /data/system/system-update-info.xml 11-22 02:55:23.784 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUpdateManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.784 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartUpdateLockService 11-22 02:55:23.784 4522 4522 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[main,5,main] 11-22 02:55:23.785 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartUpdateLockService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.785 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNotificationManager 11-22 02:55:23.786 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.799 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: new ScheduleConditionProvider() 11-22 02:55:23.808 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1 with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider} 11-22 02:55:23.808 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days= with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider} 11-22 02:55:23.818 4522 4522 I NotificationAssistants: Read notification assistant permissions from xml 11-22 02:55:23.818 4522 4522 I ConditionProviders: Read condition provider permissions from xml 11-22 02:55:23.818 4522 4522 I ConditionProviders: Read condition provider permissions from xml 11-22 02:55:23.819 4522 4522 D NotificationAssistants: Approving default notification assistant for user 0 11-22 02:55:23.820 4522 4522 I ConditionProviders: Allowing condition provider android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant (userSet: true) 11-22 02:55:23.819 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.819 7 7 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:23.819 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.823 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 157233955; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:23.830 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNotificationManager took to complete: 45ms 11-22 02:55:23.830 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceMonitor 11-22 02:55:23.830 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:23.832 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceMonitor took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.832 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTimeDetectorService 11-22 02:55:23.833 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.837 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTimeDetectorService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.837 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLocationManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.837 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.843 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLocationManagerService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:23.843 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartCountryDetectorService 11-22 02:55:23.844 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartCountryDetectorService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.844 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTimeZoneDetectorService 11-22 02:55:23.844 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.849 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTimeZoneDetectorService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:23.849 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAltitudeService 11-22 02:55:23.849 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.851 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAltitudeService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.851 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLocationTimeZoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.851 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.853 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLocationTimeZoneManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.853 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSearchManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.853 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.851 338 338 I servicemanager: Found android.frameworks.location.altitude.IAltitudeService/default in framework VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.854 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.855 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSearchManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.855 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWallpaperManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.855 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.858 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWallpaperManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.858 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWallpaperEffectsGenerationService 11-22 02:55:23.858 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.860 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWallpaperEffectsGenerationService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.860 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAudioService 11-22 02:55:23.860 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.875 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.875 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. --------- beginning of main 11-22 02:55:23.895 4394 4404 I audio_hw_ext: ext_contrtol_process:A2dpSuspended=false 11-22 02:55:23.899 4386 4386 I Zygote : ...preloaded 17308 classes in 765ms. 11-22 02:55:23.899 4386 4386 V ZygoteInitTiming_lazy: PreloadClasses took to complete: 766ms 11-22 02:55:23.900 4394 4404 I audio_hw_ext: ext_contrtol_process:LeAudioSuspended=false 11-22 02:55:23.901 4386 4386 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:23.901 4386 4386 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libnativehelper.so 11-22 02:55:23.901 4386 4386 D nativeloader: com_android_i18n: libicui18n.so:libicuuc.so:libicu.so 11-22 02:55:23.901 4386 4386 D nativeloader: com_android_neuralnetworks: libneuralnetworks.so 11-22 02:55:23.901 4386 4386 D nativeloader: InitDefaultPublicLibraries for_preload=0: libandroid.so:libaaudio.so:libamidi.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcamera2ndk.so:libdl.so:libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libjnigraphics.so:liblog.so:libmediandk.so:libm.so:libnativewindow.so:libOpenMAXAL.so:libOpenSLES.so:libRS.so:libstdc++.so:libsync.so:libvulkan.so:libwebviewchromium_plat_support.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:23.902 4386 4386 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-1 for other apk /system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 11-22 02:55:23.902 4386 4386 D nativeloader: InitExtendedPublicLibraries: 11-22 02:55:23.902 4386 4386 D nativeloader: InitVendorPublicLibraries: libBokeh2Frames.so:libbokeh_gaussian_cap.so:libsprdbokeh.so:libSegLite.so:libjpeg_hw_sprd.so:libOpenCL.so:libOpenCL.so.1:libOpenCL.so.1.1:libOpenCL.so.1.2:libDefog.so 11-22 02:55:23.903 4386 4386 D nativeloader: InitProductPublicLibraries: 11-22 02:55:23.903 4386 4386 D ApplicationLoaders: Created zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:23.904 4386 4386 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-2 for other apk /system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 11-22 02:55:23.905 4386 4386 D ApplicationLoaders: Created zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:23.906 4386 4386 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-3 for other apk /system/framework/android.test.base.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 11-22 02:55:23.906 4386 4386 D ApplicationLoaders: Created zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar 11-22 02:55:23.906 4386 4386 V ZygoteInitTiming_lazy: CacheNonBootClasspathClassLoaders took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:23.906 4386 4386 I Zygote : Preloading resources... 11-22 02:55:23.911 4386 4386 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080290 (android:drawable/dialog_background_material) that varies with configuration!! 11-22 02:55:23.915 4388 4388 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_ROUTING for uid=1000 => granted (281 us) 11-22 02:55:23.915 4388 4587 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_ROUTING for uid=1000 => granted (163 us) 11-22 02:55:23.921 4388 4587 D AudioFlinger: isLowRamDevice:false totalMemory:7948824576 mClientSharedHeapSize:33554432 11-22 02:55:23.922 4386 4386 I Zygote : ...preloaded 64 resources in 16ms. 11-22 02:55:23.922 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:23.925 4386 4386 I Zygote : ...preloaded 41 resources in 3ms. 11-22 02:55:23.925 4386 4386 V ZygoteInitTiming_lazy: PreloadResources took to complete: 19ms 11-22 02:55:23.928 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAudioService took to complete: 68ms 11-22 02:55:23.928 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSoundTriggerMiddlewareService 11-22 02:55:23.928 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.929 4388 4587 I CaptureStateNotifier: Registering a listener 11-22 02:55:23.930 4522 4522 I SoundTriggerMiddlewareDefaultHalFactory: Connecting to default soundtrigger-V2.x.ISoundTriggerHw 11-22 02:55:23.930 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.soundtrigger3.ISoundTriggerHw/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.931 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: Failed to add a SoundTriggerModule instance 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at android.os.HwBinder.getService(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at android.hardware.soundtrigger.V2_0.ISoundTriggerHw.getService(ISoundTriggerHw.java:57) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at android.hardware.soundtrigger.V2_0.ISoundTriggerHw.getService(ISoundTriggerHw.java:64) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.DefaultHalFactory.create(DefaultHalFactory.java:76) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerModule.attachToHal(SoundTriggerModule.java:176) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerModule.(SoundTriggerModule.java:105) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl.(SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl.java:86) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle.onStart(SoundTriggerMiddlewareService.java:248) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:255) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:233) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:2208) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:942) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:664) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:23.932 4522 4522 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:949) 11-22 02:55:23.936 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSoundTriggerMiddlewareService took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:23.936 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:23.936 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:23.938 4522 4522 V BroadcastRadioService.jni: nativeInit 11-22 02:55:23.938 4522 4522 V BroadcastRadioService.jni: nativeLoadModules 11-22 02:55:23.935 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.935 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:23.937 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.broadcastradio.IBroadcastRadio/amfm in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.937 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.broadcastradio.IBroadcastRadio/dab in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.940 4522 4522 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default 11-22 02:55:23.941 4522 4593 V BcRadio2Srv: onRegistration(android.hardware.broadcastradio@2.0::IBroadcastRadio, default, true) 11-22 02:55:23.941 4522 4593 I BcRadio2Srv.module: Try loading module for idx 0, fqName default 11-22 02:55:23.941 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBroadcastRadioService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:23.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDockObserver 11-22 02:55:23.942 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:23.943 4522 4522 I DockObserver: No extcon dock device found in this kernel. 11-22 02:55:23.943 4386 4386 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 11-22 02:55:23.943 4522 4593 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.broadcastradio@2.0::IBroadcastRadio/default 11-22 02:55:23.944 1088 1095 V BcRadioDef.module: getAmFmRegionConfig(0) 11-22 02:55:23.944 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDockObserver took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.944 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartWiredAccessoryManager 11-22 02:55:23.945 1088 1095 V BcRadioDef.module: getDabRegionConfig 11-22 02:55:23.945 1088 1095 V BcRadioDef.module: getProperties 11-22 02:55:23.946 4522 4522 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support 11-22 02:55:23.946 4522 4522 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have HDMI audio support 11-22 02:55:23.946 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartWiredAccessoryManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.946 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMidiManager 11-22 02:55:23.947 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.947 4522 4593 V BcRadio2Srv: loaded broadcast radio module 0: default (HAL 2.0) 11-22 02:55:23.949 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMidiManager took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.949 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAdbService 11-22 02:55:23.949 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.951 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAdbService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.951 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartUsbService 11-22 02:55:23.951 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.951 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartUsbService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:23.951 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSerialService 11-22 02:55:23.952 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UsbService$Lifecycle#onStart 11-22 02:55:23.952 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing UsbService$Lifecycle#onStart 11-22 02:55:23.952 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSerialService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.952 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartHardwarePropertiesManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.953 4522 4522 I HardwarePropertiesManagerService-JNI: Thermal AIDL service is not declared, trying HIDL 11-22 02:55:23.954 4522 4522 D HardwarePropertiesManagerService-JNI: Link to death notification successful 11-22 02:55:23.952 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.thermal.IThermal/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.955 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartHardwarePropertiesManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.955 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTwilightService 11-22 02:55:23.956 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:23.956 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTwilightService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:23.956 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartColorDisplay 11-22 02:55:23.957 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:23.958 4522 4585 I UsbDeviceManager: failed to write to /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_rndis/ethaddr 11-22 02:55:23.959 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartColorDisplay took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.959 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartJobScheduler 11-22 02:55:23.960 4522 4585 D UsbPortManager: Querying USB Gadget HAL version 11-22 02:55:23.960 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:23.962 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.usb.gadget@1.0::IUsbGadget/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.961 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.usb.gadget.IUsbGadget/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: connectToProxy: usb gadget hidl hal service not found. 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at android.os.HwBinder.getService(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at android.hardware.usb.gadget.V1_0.IUsbGadget.getService(IUsbGadget.java:57) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at android.hardware.usb.gadget.V1_0.IUsbGadget.getService(IUsbGadget.java:64) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.hal.gadget.UsbGadgetHidl.isServicePresent(UsbGadgetHidl.java:132) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.hal.gadget.UsbGadgetHalInstance.getInstance(UsbGadgetHalInstance.java:39) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.UsbDeviceManager.(UsbDeviceManager.java:312) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.UsbService.(UsbService.java:187) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle.lambda$onStart$0(UsbService.java:101) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle.$r8$lambda$RuGFfXZPzv9JlSTzhIl-GWrBFrQ(UsbService.java:0) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.lambda$submitTask$0(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:107) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.$r8$lambda$iar571g8isa6ZrPZMHj1USmyX48(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:0) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.internal.util.ConcurrentUtils$1$1.run(ConcurrentUtils.java:65) 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 E UsbPortManager: USB Gadget HAL AIDL/HIDL not present 11-22 02:55:23.963 4522 4585 D UsbDeviceManager: getInstance done 11-22 02:55:23.964 4585 4585 I : read descriptors 11-22 02:55:23.966 4522 4541 D JobStore: Start tag: job-info 11-22 02:55:23.964 4585 4585 I : read strings 11-22 02:55:23.964 4585 4585 I : read descriptors 11-22 02:55:23.964 4585 4585 I : read strings 11-22 02:55:23.967 4522 4585 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub 11-22 02:55:23.970 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:23.971 4522 4585 D UsbPortManager: Querying USB HAL version 11-22 02:55:23.973 4522 4541 D JobStore: Start tag: job-info 11-22 02:55:23.973 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.973 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:23.972 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.usb.IUsb/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:23.975 4522 4585 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default 11-22 02:55:23.975 4522 4541 I JobStore: Read 8 jobs 11-22 02:55:23.975 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartJobScheduler took to complete: 16ms 11-22 02:55:23.975 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSoundTrigger 11-22 02:55:23.975 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:23.976 4522 4585 I UsbPortManager: USB HAL HIDL present 11-22 02:55:23.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSoundTrigger took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.977 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTrustManager 11-22 02:55:23.977 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.978 4522 4585 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default 11-22 02:55:23.979 4386 4386 I Zygote : Preloading shared libraries... 11-22 02:55:23.979 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTrustManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:23.979 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBackupManager 11-22 02:55:23.979 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:23.980 4522 4593 I UsbPortManager: Usb hal service started android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb default 11-22 02:55:23.981 4522 4522 D BackupManagerService: Default backup user id = 0 11-22 02:55:23.981 4522 4585 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default 11-22 02:55:23.981 4386 4386 E zygote : Unable to find pattern file or unable to map it for am 11-22 02:55:23.982 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBackupManager took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:23.982 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:23.982 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:23.982 4522 4585 D UsbPortManager: getInstance done 11-22 02:55:23.982 4386 4386 I Zygote : Called ZygoteHooks.endPreload() 11-22 02:55:23.983 4386 4386 I Zygote : Installed AndroidKeyStoreProvider in 0ms. 11-22 02:55:23.983 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port0-partner 11-22 02:55:23.983 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:23.983 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port0 11-22 02:55:23.984 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:23.984 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port1-partner 11-22 02:55:23.984 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:23.984 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port1 11-22 02:55:23.984 4386 4386 I Zygote : Warmed up JCA providers in 1ms. 11-22 02:55:23.984 4386 4386 D Zygote : end preload 11-22 02:55:23.984 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:23.985 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: SecondaryZygotePreload took to complete: 919ms 11-22 02:55:23.985 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing SecondaryZygotePreload 11-22 02:55:23.985 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:SecondaryZygotePreload took to complete: 920ms 11-22 02:55:23.985 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing UsbService$Lifecycle#onStart 11-22 02:55:23.985 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UsbService$Lifecycle#onStart took to complete: 33ms 11-22 02:55:23.986 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAppWidgetService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:23.986 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartVoiceRecognitionManager 11-22 02:55:23.986 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:23.995 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:23.995 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:23.995 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.008 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartVoiceRecognitionManager took to complete: 22ms 11-22 02:55:24.008 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartGestureLauncher 11-22 02:55:24.008 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.008 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartGestureLauncher took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.008 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSensorNotification 11-22 02:55:24.008 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.009 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSensorNotification took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.009 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDiskStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.009 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.010 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.010 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.010 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.011 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.011 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.011 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.012 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDiskStatsService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.012 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: RuntimeService 11-22 02:55:24.013 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: RuntimeService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.013 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.014 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.015 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: CertBlacklister 11-22 02:55:24.015 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: CertBlacklister took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.015 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartEmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.015 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.016 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartEmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.016 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startBlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.017 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.019 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startBlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.019 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDreamManager 11-22 02:55:24.019 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.021 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDreamManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.021 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: AddGraphicsStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.023 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: AddGraphicsStatsService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.023 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPrintManager 11-22 02:55:24.023 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.025 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPrintManager took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.025 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAttestationVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.025 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.026 4522 4522 D AVF : Started 11-22 02:55:24.026 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAttestationVerificationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.026 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartCompanionDeviceManager 11-22 02:55:24.027 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.028 4522 4522 I CompanionDevice_PersistentDataStore: Reading associations for user 0 from disk 11-22 02:55:24.030 4522 4522 I CDM_CompanionTransportManager: Registering OnTransportsChangedListener 11-22 02:55:24.032 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartCompanionDeviceManager took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.032 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartVirtualDeviceManager 11-22 02:55:24.032 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.033 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartVirtualDeviceManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.033 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartRestrictionManager 11-22 02:55:24.033 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.035 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartRestrictionManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.035 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.035 4388 4587 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex: wrong index 8 min=0 max=1 11-22 02:55:24.035 4388 4587 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeIndexForAttributes failed to set curve index for group 13 device 0x40000000 11-22 02:55:24.035 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.035 4522 4657 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setVolumeIndexForAttributes: -22 11-22 02:55:24.035 4388 4587 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex: wrong index 8 min=0 max=1 11-22 02:55:24.035 4388 4587 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeIndexForAttributes failed to set curve index for group 14 device 0x40000000 11-22 02:55:24.036 4522 4657 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setVolumeIndexForAttributes: -22 11-22 02:55:24.038 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMediaSessionService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.038 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaResourceMonitor 11-22 02:55:24.038 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.039 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMediaResourceMonitor took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.039 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaRouterService 11-22 02:55:24.040 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.042 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMediaRouterService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.042 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.042 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.043 4522 4657 E AS.AudioService: error reading spatial audio device settings 11-22 02:55:24.043 4522 4657 I AS.SpatializerHelper: init effectExpected=false 11-22 02:55:24.043 4522 4657 I AS.SpatializerHelper: init(): setting state to STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED due to effect not expected 11-22 02:55:24.043 4522 4657 I AS.SpatializerHelper: setFeatureEnabled(false) was featureEnabled:false 11-22 02:55:24.046 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBiometricService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.046 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAuthService 11-22 02:55:24.047 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.048 4522 4522 D AuthService: Registering HIDL ID: 0 Modality: 2 Strength: 15 11-22 02:55:24.048 4522 4522 D AuthService: Registering HIDL ID: 1 Modality: 8 Strength: 4095 11-22 02:55:24.049 4522 4522 E AuthService: HIDL fingerprint configuration exists, but FingerprintService is null. 11-22 02:55:24.049 4522 4522 E AuthService: HIDL face configuration exists, but FaceService is null. 11-22 02:55:24.051 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint::ISehBiometricsFingerprint sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=4522 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : Failed getting Samsung fingerprint HAL 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at android.os.HwBinder.getService(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at android.os.HwBinder.getService(HwBinder.java:81) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at vendor.samsung.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint.V3_0.ISehBiometricsFingerprint.getService(ISehBiometricsFingerprint.java:74) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at vendor.samsung.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint.V3_0.ISehBiometricsFingerprint.getService(ISehBiometricsFingerprint.java:84) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService.onStart(AuthService.java:700) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:255) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:233) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:2519) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:942) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:664) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:24.051 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:949) 11-22 02:55:24.052 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension::IXiaomiFingerprint sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=4522 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : Failed getting xiaomi fingerprint HAL 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at android.os.HwBinder.getService(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at android.os.HwBinder.getService(HwBinder.java:81) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension.V1_0.IXiaomiFingerprint.getService(IXiaomiFingerprint.java:74) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension.V1_0.IXiaomiFingerprint.getService(IXiaomiFingerprint.java:84) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService.onStart(AuthService.java:706) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:255) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:233) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:2519) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:942) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:664) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:24.052 4522 4522 E PHH : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:949) 11-22 02:55:24.053 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAuthService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.053 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicCodeLoggingService 11-22 02:55:24.054 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicCodeLoggingService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.054 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPruneInstantAppsJobService 11-22 02:55:24.055 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPruneInstantAppsJobService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.055 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartShortcutServiceLifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.055 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.057 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.058 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartShortcutServiceLifecycle took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.058 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartLauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.058 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.054 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.055 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.055 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.061 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartLauncherAppsService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.061 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartCrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.061 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.062 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartCrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.062 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.062 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.063 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPeopleService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.063 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaMetricsManager 11-22 02:55:24.063 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.064 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMediaMetricsManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.064 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.064 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.066 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.066 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaProjectionManager 11-22 02:55:24.066 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.069 4522 4522 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-22 02:55:24.069 4522 4522 I MediaRouter: Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn(): types=8388615, isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null 11-22 02:55:24.070 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMediaProjectionManager took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.070 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSliceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.070 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.072 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSliceManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.072 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartStatsCompanion 11-22 02:55:24.073 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.075 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartStatsCompanion took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.075 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartRebootReadinessManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.076 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.079 4522 4522 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:android 11-22 02:55:24.079 4522 4522 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback caller:android 11-22 02:55:24.080 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartRebootReadinessManagerService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.080 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartStatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.080 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.080 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartStatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.080 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StatsBootstrapAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.080 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.081 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StatsBootstrapAtomService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.081 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartIncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.081 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.082 4522 4657 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[AudioService,5,main] 11-22 02:55:24.082 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartIncidentCompanionService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.082 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StarSdkSandboxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.083 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.086 4522 4522 D SdkSandboxManager: Registering callback with StatsManager 11-22 02:55:24.088 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StarSdkSandboxManagerService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.088 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAdServicesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.089 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.090 4522 4522 D SdkSandboxManager: registerAdServicesManagerService(): published=true 11-22 02:55:24.091 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAdServicesManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.091 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartOnDevicePersonalizationSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.091 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.092 4522 4522 I OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService: OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService started! 11-22 02:55:24.092 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartOnDevicePersonalizationSystemService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.092 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMmsService 11-22 02:55:24.092 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.093 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMmsService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.093 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartAutoFillService 11-22 02:55:24.094 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.096 4522 4522 D AutofillManagerService: setLogLevelFromSettings(): level=2, debug=true, verbose=false 11-22 02:55:24.096 4522 4522 D AutofillManagerService: setMaxPartitionsFromSettings(): 10 11-22 02:55:24.096 4522 4522 D AutofillManagerService: setMaxVisibleDatasetsFromSettings(): 0 11-22 02:55:24.098 4522 4522 D AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Reset component for user 0:null 11-22 02:55:24.098 4522 4540 D AutofillUI: destroySaveUiUiThread(): already destroyed 11-22 02:55:24.096 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.099 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartAutoFillService took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.100 4522 4522 D SystemServer: TranslationService not defined by OEM 11-22 02:55:24.100 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.100 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.101 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.101 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.101 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.105 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartClipboardService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.105 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: AppServiceManager 11-22 02:55:24.105 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.106 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: AppServiceManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.106 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startTracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.106 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.107 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startTracingServiceProxy took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.107 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeLockSettingsServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.110 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.authsecret.IAuthSecret/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.111 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.111 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.111 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.authsecret@1.0::IAuthSecret/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.111 4522 4522 I LockSettingsService: Device doesn't implement AuthSecret HAL 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeLockSettingsServiceReady took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseLockSettingsReady 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.113 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.114 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.115 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 I UsbPortManager: USB HAL HIDL version: 11 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:DevicePolicyManager 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing DevicePolicyManager 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing DevicePolicyManager 11-22 02:55:24.123 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:DevicePolicyManager took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.124 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:24.125 4522 4522 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 480 : false 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.126 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.127 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.130 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480 took to complete: 18ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseLockSettingsReady took to complete: 18ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseSystemServicesReady 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.131 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.133 4522 4522 W BatteryStatsImpl: Unexpected per uid modem model name () 11-22 02:55:24.138 4522 4522 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 6 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:24.138 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.141 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:24.141 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.141 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.141 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.142 4522 4522 I AttentionDetector: readValuesFromDeviceConfig(): 11-22 02:55:24.142 4522 4522 I AttentionDetector: mMaximumExtensionMillis=900000 11-22 02:55:24.142 4522 4522 I AttentionDetector: mPreDimCheckDurationMillis=2000 11-22 02:55:24.142 4522 4522 I AttentionDetector: mRequestedPostDimTimeoutMillis=0 11-22 02:55:24.149 4522 4522 W BrightnessThrottler: DeviceConfig ThermalBrightnessThrottlingData is null 11-22 02:55:24.150 4522 4522 E DisplayPowerController2[0]: failed to set up display white-balance: java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot find sensor com.google.sensor.color 11-22 02:55:24.153 1081 1081 I vendor.unisoc.hardware.power-service: Power isBoostSupported: 0 11-22 02:55:24.157 4522 4522 I FaceDownDetector: readValuesFromDeviceConfig(): 11-22 02:55:24.157 4522 4522 I FaceDownDetector: mAccelerationThreshold=0.2 11-22 02:55:24.157 4522 4522 I FaceDownDetector: mZAccelerationThreshold=-9.5 11-22 02:55:24.157 4522 4522 I FaceDownDetector: mTimeThreshold=PT1S 11-22 02:55:24.157 4522 4522 I FaceDownDetector: mIsEnabled=true 11-22 02:55:24.158 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[200000000], timeout[2000000000] 11-22 02:55:24.158 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 200000 2000000 11-22 02:55:24.158 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 200000, batch_latency = 2000000 11-22 02:55:24.158 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[1], enabled[1] 11-22 02:55:24.159 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 1 11-22 02:55:24.159 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:24.159 4522 4522 I ScreenUndimDetector: readValuesFromDeviceConfig(): 11-22 02:55:24.159 4522 4522 I ScreenUndimDetector: mKeepScreenOnForMillis=600000 11-22 02:55:24.159 4522 4522 I ScreenUndimDetector: mKeepScreenOnNotificationEnabled=true 11-22 02:55:24.159 4522 4522 I ScreenUndimDetector: mUndimsRequired=2 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 20ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V HintManagerService: Initializing HintManager service... 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.161 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.164 4522 4571 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service! 11-22 02:55:24.165 4522 4571 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the DisplayBrightnessStrategy from InvalidBrightnessStrategy toOverrideBrightnessStrategy for display 0 11-22 02:55:24.165 4522 4522 D AppStandbyController: Setting app idle enabled state 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4571 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.39763778] reason changing to: 'override', previous reason: '0'. 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: Nofity service of inheritance info 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: java.lang.IllegalStateException: User 0 must be unlocked for widgets to be available 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetServiceImpl.ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(AppWidgetServiceImpl.java:650) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetServiceImpl.ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(AppWidgetServiceImpl.java:644) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetServiceImpl.getInstalledProvidersForProfile(AppWidgetServiceImpl.java:1708) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.getInstalledProvidersForProfile(AppWidgetManager.java:923) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.getInstalledProvidersForPackage(AppWidgetManager.java:857) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.lambda$new$3(AppWidgetManager.java:536) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.$r8$lambda$MnZCUjy90wcD58stsygv3SVPbu4(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.run(Unknown Source:2) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4553 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:24.167 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.39763778, initBrt=NaN, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=0, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=override, autoBrightness=false, strategy=OverrideBrightnessStrategy 11-22 02:55:24.168 1081 1081 I vendor.unisoc.hardware.power-service: Power isModeSupported: 9 11-22 02:55:24.168 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.169 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-22 02:55:24.170 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung.hardware.sysinput::ISehSysInputDev sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=4522 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:24.167 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.167 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.168 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.171 4522 4542 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0, isActive: true 11-22 02:55:24.171 4392 4392 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 2 on display 0 11-22 02:55:24.171 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.171 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.171 4522 4619 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=DISPLAY_INFO 11-22 02:55:24.171 4522 4619 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=4, name='hall_input', size 1200x2000, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.172 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.172 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=102 11-22 02:55:24.173 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.173 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:24.173 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.173 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.173 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:24.173 4522 4522 V VibratorManagerService: Initializing VibratorManager service... 11-22 02:55:24.173 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:24.173 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-22 02:55:24.179 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.181 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.187 1020 2098 I ServiceManagerCppClient: Waiting for service 'statscompanion' on '/dev/binder' successful after waiting 1001ms 11-22 02:55:24.196 4522 4522 V VibratorManagerService: VibratorManager service initialized 11-22 02:55:24.196 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 23ms 11-22 02:55:24.196 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:24.197 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.197 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:24.200 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.201 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:24.202 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.203 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.203 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.203 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.203 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.204 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.205 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.205 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.205 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.205 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.207 4522 4522 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6 ?fontWeightAdjustment} 11-22 02:55:24.208 4522 4522 I WindowManager: Override config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6 ?fontWeightAdjustment} for displayId=0 11-22 02:55:24.209 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.209 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.210 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.210 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:24.210 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.210 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:24.210 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: not able to find package com.google.android.gms 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.google.android.gms 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageUidAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:407) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageUidAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:391) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService.getAllowedUid(PersistentDataBlockService.java:171) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService.onBootPhase(PersistentDataBlockService.java:205) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(SystemServiceManager.java:291) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:2747) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:942) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:664) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:949) 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 D TestHarnessModeService: Setting up test harness mode 11-22 02:55:24.211 4522 4522 D TestHarnessModeService: Getting PersistentDataBlockManagerInternal from LocalServices 11-22 02:55:24.226 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.227 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.227 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.238 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 27ms 11-22 02:55:24.238 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:24.238 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.238 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:24.242 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.245 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:24.245 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.245 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.245 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.245 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.245 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.246 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.246 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.246 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.246 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.247 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:24.248 4522 4522 I WifiScanningService: Starting wifiscanner 11-22 02:55:24.248 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.248 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:24.249 4391 4391 I netd : registerUnsolicitedEventListener(interface:0xb400007649b15350) <0.02ms> 11-22 02:55:24.249 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.249 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.249 4522 4522 I EthernetServiceImpl: Starting Ethernet service 11-22 02:55:24.250 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.250 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.250 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for EthernetNetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:24.250 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetList() -> {[seth_lte1, ifb0, dummy0, ip6gre0, seth_lte13, seth_lte8, gretap0, seth_lte11, ip6_vti0, seth_lte6, lo, erspan0, seth_lte4, sit0, seth_lte2, ifb1, seth_lte0, tunl0, wlan0, seth_lte9, ip6tnl0, ip_vti0, seth_lte12, seth_lte7, gre0, seth_lte10, seth_lte5, seth_lte3]} <0.09ms> 11-22 02:55:24.253 4522 4640 I WifiContext: Got resolveInfos for com.android.server.wifi.intent.action.SERVICE_WIFI_RESOURCES_APK: [ResolveInfo{b6a97a com.android.wifi.resources/android.app.Activity m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}}] 11-22 02:55:24.253 4522 4640 I WifiContext: Found Wifi Resources APK at: com.android.wifi.resources 11-22 02:55:24.257 4522 4636 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found: CaptivePortalNeverDetected 11-22 02:55:24.259 4522 4638 I WifiContext: Got resolveInfos for com.android.server.wifi.intent.action.SERVICE_WIFI_RESOURCES_APK: [ResolveInfo{b0451ff com.android.wifi.resources/android.app.Activity m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}}] 11-22 02:55:24.260 4522 4638 I WifiContext: Found Wifi Resources APK at: com.android.wifi.resources 11-22 02:55:24.260 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Reading from all stores completed in 12 ms. 11-22 02:55:24.262 4522 4636 E WifiConfigManager: Cannot find network with networkId -1 or configKey "Choco-Fi"WPA_PSK or upgradable security type check 11-22 02:55:24.263 4522 4636 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[WifiHandlerThread,5,main] 11-22 02:55:24.267 4522 4636 I WifiInjector: enableVerboseLogging false hal false 11-22 02:55:24.267 4522 4636 D WifiNative: enableVerboseLogging false hal false 11-22 02:55:24.268 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Can't call setDebugParams, ISupplicant is null 11-22 02:55:24.269 4522 4636 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi enabled 11-22 02:55:24.268 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.277 4522 4636 D WifiController: isAirplaneModeOn = false, isWifiEnabled = true, isScanningAvailable = false, isLocationModeActive = true, isSatelliteModeOn = false 11-22 02:55:24.277 4522 4636 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Starting primary ClientModeManager in connect mode 11-22 02:55:24.279 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: Initializing the WiFi HAL 11-22 02:55:24.280 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: initServiceManagerIfNecessaryLocked 11-22 02:55:24.281 4522 4636 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.2::IServiceManager/default 11-22 02:55:24.282 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: initWifiIfNecessaryLocked 11-22 02:55:24.283 4522 4636 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi@1.0::IWifi/default 11-22 02:55:24.285 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Stopping legacy HAL 11-22 02:55:24.285 1070 1070 I WifiHAL : Sent msg on exit sock to unblock poll() 11-22 02:55:24.285 1070 4025 E WifiHAL : 1 events were leftover without being freed 11-22 02:55:24.286 1070 4025 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received 11-22 02:55:24.283 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.283 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.286 4025 4025 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast multicast address num: 4 11-22 02:55:24.286 4025 4025 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_close 11-22 02:55:24.286 4025 4025 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:24.286 4025 4025 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [218167]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_CLOSE] 11-22 02:55:24.286 4025 4025 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 129 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003910d6cb,tail:000000003910d6cb,num:1,cmd_poped129,cmd_send129 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.286 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:24.290 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 40ms 11-22 02:55:24.290 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.290 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.290 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.290 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.290 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.292 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.293 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.294 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:24.294 4023 4023 I sprd-sblock: sblock thread recv msg: dst=3, channel=9, type=2, flag=0xeddd, value=0x00000000 11-22 02:55:24.294 4023 4023 I sprd-sblock: smsg_close_ack: channel 3-9! 11-22 02:55:24.294 4023 4023 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:10 11-22 02:55:24.294 4023 4023 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 9 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.294 4022 4022 I sprd-sblock: sblock thread recv msg: dst=3, channel=8, type=2, flag=0xeddd, value=0x00000000 11-22 02:55:24.294 4022 4022 I sprd-sblock: smsg_close_ack: channel 3-8! 11-22 02:55:24.294 4022 4022 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:10 11-22 02:55:24.294 4022 4022 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 8 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.294 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:24.294 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:24.294 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:24.294 773 773 I : 00 04 0c 00 37 54 03 00 00 4f 00 00 11-22 02:55:24.294 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 128 11-22 02:55:24.294 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_CLOSE] 11-22 02:55:24.294 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:24.294 4025 4025 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:24.294 4025 4025 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: handle_tx_status_after_close, 384, _fc_, delete flow num after all closed 11-22 02:55:24.294 4025 4025 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: mm_flush_buffer, 153, alloc_num set to 0 11-22 02:55:24.294 4025 4025 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_flush_buffer:flush sipc rx buffer 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_uninit_fw type 2, mode 1 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: Power off WCN (1 time) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_deinit]:index[17] chn[7], sipc_chn->ops = null. 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_deinit(17, 2) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_deinit(17) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[17] deinit success! 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_deinit]:index[19] chn[8], sipc_chn->ops = null. 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_deinit(19, 2) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_deinit(19) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[19] deinit success! 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_deinit]:index[21] chn[9], sipc_chn->ops = null. 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_deinit(21, 2) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_deinit(21) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[21] deinit success! 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_deinit]:index[16] chn[7], sipc_chn->ops = null. 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Wait 3-7 index16 push 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_deinit(16, 2) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_deinit(16) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[16] deinit success! 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_deinit]:index[18] chn[8], sipc_chn->ops = null. 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Wait 3-8 index18 push 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_deinit(18, 2) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_deinit(18) 11-22 02:55:24.297 4025 4025 E : WCN BASE error: chn status(0)! sipc_chn(8) 11-22 02:55:24.304 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.305 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 11ms 11-22 02:55:24.305 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:24.305 4522 4522 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 500 : false 11-22 02:55:24.306 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.306 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.307 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D BluetoothAdapter: registerBluetoothConnectionCallback() 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): OFF 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.308 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.309 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500 took to complete: 179ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseSystemServicesReady took to complete: 179ms 11-22 02:55:24.310 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeWindowManagerServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.312 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeWindowManagerServiceReady took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.312 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: RegisterLogMteState 11-22 02:55:24.312 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: RegisterLogMteState took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.314 4522 4553 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default 11-22 02:55:24.312 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.health.IHealth/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.315 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartPermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.315 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.317 4522 4553 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default 11-22 02:55:24.318 4522 4553 I HealthServiceWrapperHidl: health: HealthServiceWrapper listening to instance default 11-22 02:55:24.319 4522 4693 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default 11-22 02:55:24.320 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartPermissionPolicyService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.320 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakePackageManagerServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.321 4522 4553 D StatsPullAtomService: Registering pullers with statsd 11-22 02:55:24.323 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.323 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.323 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.323 4522 4553 I StatsPullAtomService: register thermal listener successfully 11-22 02:55:24.322 4022 4022 I sprd-sblock: sblock 3-8 thread stop 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[18] deinit and destroy! 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[18] deinit success! 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_deinit]:index[20] chn[9], sipc_chn->ops = null. 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Wait 3-9 index20 push 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_deinit(20, 2) 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_deinit(20) 11-22 02:55:24.323 4025 4025 E : WCN BASE error: chn status(0)! sipc_chn(9) 11-22 02:55:24.342 4522 4522 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/user_de/0 with serial number 0 11-22 02:55:24.343 4522 4522 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0 11-22 02:55:24.339 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.343 4522 4522 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/system_de/0 with serial number 0 11-22 02:55:24.343 4522 4522 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0 11-22 02:55:24.339 7 7 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:24.339 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.343 4522 4522 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/misc_ce/0 with serial number -1 11-22 02:55:24.343 4522 4522 D UserDataPreparer: Serial number missing on /data/misc_ce/0; assuming current is valid 11-22 02:55:24.343 4522 4522 I PermissionManager: Permission ownership changed. Updating all permissions. 11-22 02:55:24.344 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.adservices.api is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.adservices APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.351 4023 4023 I sprd-sblock: sblock 3-9 thread stop 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[20] deinit and destroy! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[20] deinit success! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: stop subsys:2 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: before stop malrin status[4] BT:0 FM:0 WIFI:4 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: before stop gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_btwf,subsys=2 do stop 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: stop_loopcheck 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: poweroff_state before btwf clear : 0x70-0x11000000 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_record_gnss_current_clk 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_init 1 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_active 1 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_clk_req_ack 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_dfs_info: 0x60-0x11000000-0x10006750-0x0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: poweroff_state after btwf clear: 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_record_gnss_current_clk 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_init 1 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_active 1 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_clk_req_ack 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_dfs_info: 0x60-0x11000000-0x10006750-0x0 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_deepsleep_status? 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x1! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x1! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x1! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf is deepsleep! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is deepsleep i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_forbid_deep_sleep 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_clear_force_deepsleep_aontop 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Read 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Write 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_force_exit_deep_sleep 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x6400034c:val=0x10000! 11-22 02:55:24.351 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x6400034c:val=0x0(exit deep)! 11-22 02:55:24.355 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.361 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.368 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakePackageManagerServiceReady took to complete: 48ms 11-22 02:55:24.368 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayManagerServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [-]btwf_sys_force_exit_deep_sleep 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_wakeup_status? 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf is wakeup! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is wakeup i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_poweron_status 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf is poweron! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is poweron i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_is_wakeup_status? 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020860:val=0x60006006! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020860:val=0x60006006! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020860:val=0x60006006! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn is wakeup! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn sys wakeup i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_is_poweron_status 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn is poweron! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn sys poweron i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x408800c4:val=0x3ffc, allow=0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x408800c4:val=0x0(wcn stop ip)! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_clear_force_exit_deep_sleep 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x6400034c:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x6400034c:val=0x10000(exit deep)! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_shutdown 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_sys_wait_cp2_wfi BTWF CP2 deepsleep:yes 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c098:val=0x4040002! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4080c098:val=0x4041002(auto shutdown)! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_deepsleep_status? 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x1! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x1! 11-22 02:55:24.370 4522 4542 E DisplayModeDirector: Asked about unknown display, returning empty display mode specs!(id=0) 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x1! 11-22 02:55:24.371 4522 4542 E DisplayModeDirector: Asked about unknown display, returning empty display mode specs!(id=0) 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf is deepsleep! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is deepsleep i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_powerdown_status 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xfa739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf isn't powerdown! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_powerdown_status 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xce739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xce739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xce739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf is powerdown! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is powerdown i=1! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 4 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 4 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 11 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 12 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 5 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 4 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 4 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 4 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 4 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 7 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 7 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 8 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 8 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 9 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 9 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4088000c:val=0x2! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4088000c:val=0x57(cpu...reset)! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c0320:val=0xca! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4080c0320:val=0xea(vol adj en)! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_subsys_active_num, 0 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_power_down 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x640203a8:val=0x1020406(auto shutdown set)! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: REG 0x408800c4:val=0x0, allow=1! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn isn't shutdown!(i=0, 0x64020538:0x0) 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn is shutdown!(i=3, 0x64020538:0x7000000) 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn sys shutdown i=1! 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_sys_power_down 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_power_clock_unsupport 11-22 02:55:24.367 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: enable = 0, ret = 0 11-22 02:55:24.374 4522 4522 I BrightnessSynchronizer: Initial brightness readings: 102(int), 0.39763778(float) 11-22 02:55:24.374 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayManagerServiceReady took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.374 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceSpecificServices 11-22 02:55:24.374 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceSpecificServices took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.374 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: GameManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.375 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.376 4522 4522 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence initialized 11-22 02:55:24.377 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Display 0 policy changed 11-22 02:55:24.377 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Previous: {defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00 Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00 Hz]}, appRequestRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00 Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00 Hz]}} 11-22 02:55:24.377 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Current: DisplayManagerPolicy{defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, 60.00 Hz]}, appRequestRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz]}} 11-22 02:55:24.377 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: 0 mode changes were performed under the previous policy 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: GameManagerService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseDeviceSpecificServicesReady 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 520 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.378 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.379 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.380 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.381 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.386 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 520 : false 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.387 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.388 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.389 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.389 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.389 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.389 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520 took to complete: 12ms 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseDeviceSpecificServicesReady took to complete: 12ms 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:24.390 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:24.393 4522 4522 I SafetyCenterResContext: Found Safety Center resources APK at: com.android.safetycenter.resources 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: merlion chip en pull down 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: set WCN SYS TOP PD 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: enable = 0, btwf_open=0, gnss_open=0 11-22 02:55:24.395 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.395 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.395 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: enable=0,en_count=0,ret=0,btwf=0,gnss=0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: enable=0,en_count=0,ret=0,btwf=0,gnss=0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_sys_power_clock_unsupport 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_rfi_status_clear:status=1 11-22 02:55:24.396 1070 4025 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL event loop terminated 11-22 02:55:24.396 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL stop complete 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: poweroff_shutdown before btwf clear: 0x60-0x11000000 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_record_gnss_current_clk 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_init 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_clk_req_ack 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_dfs_info: 0x0-0x11000000-0x10006750-0x0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: poweroff_shutdown after btwf clear: 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_record_gnss_current_clk 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_init 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: btwf_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_clk_req_ack 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: gnss_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_dfs_info: 0x0-0x11000000-0x10006750-0x0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: wcn_btwf open_status = 0,power_state=0,stop subsys=2! 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_clear_force_deepsleep_aontop 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Read 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Write 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_clear_force_shutdown_aontop 11-22 02:55:24.397 1070 1070 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL stopped 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Read 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.398 4391 4432 E Netd : Removing unknown address fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:6916:40dd:fcde:221d/64 from ifindex 28 11-22 02:55:24.398 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi@1.6::IWifi/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: Write 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: cp2 power status:0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: after stop2 malrin status[0] BT:0 FM:0 WIFI:0 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:24.395 4025 4025 I WCN BASE: after stop2 gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:24.399 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: mWifi was retrieved. HAL is running version 1.5 11-22 02:55:24.399 4522 4593 D WifiHalHidlImpl: IWifi registration notification: fqName=android.hardware.wifi@1.0::IWifi, name=default, preexisting=true 11-22 02:55:24.399 4522 4593 I WifiHalHidlImpl: mWifi already exists 11-22 02:55:24.401 4522 4522 I SafetyCenterConfigReade: SafetyCenterConfig read successfully 11-22 02:55:24.401 4522 4636 D WifiNl80211Manager: tearing down interfaces in wificond 11-22 02:55:24.401 4391 4432 E Netd : Removing unknown address fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64 from ifindex 28 11-22 02:55:24.402 4522 4522 I SafetyCenterIssueDis: Safety Center persisted issues read successfully 11-22 02:55:24.403 4391 4432 E Netd : Removing unknown address fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64 from ifindex 28 11-22 02:55:24.404 4522 4636 D WifiAdaptConnObserver: Adaptive connectivity status initialized to: true 11-22 02:55:24.404 4522 4636 D WifiController: EnabledState.enter() 11-22 02:55:24.404 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeManager[218159:unknown]: entering IdleState 11-22 02:55:24.404 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: Initializing the WiFi HAL 11-22 02:55:24.404 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: mServiceManager already exists 11-22 02:55:24.404 4522 4636 I WifiHalHidlImpl: mWifi already exists 11-22 02:55:24.405 4522 4522 W system_server: Core platform API violation: Llibcore/io/Memory;->pokeByte(JB)V from Lcom/android/permission/jarjar/com/google/protobuf/UnsafeUtil; using reflection 11-22 02:55:24.405 4522 4522 W system_server: Core platform API violation: Llibcore/io/Memory;->peekByte(J)B from Lcom/android/permission/jarjar/com/google/protobuf/UnsafeUtil; using reflection 11-22 02:55:24.405 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Initialize legacy HAL 11-22 02:55:24.406 1070 1070 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL started 11-22 02:55:24.406 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSafetyCenterService took to complete: 16ms 11-22 02:55:24.406 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: AppSearchModule 11-22 02:55:24.407 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.411 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getMode failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 11-22 02:55:24.412 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: AppSearchModule took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.412 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:24.412 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:24.413 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.413 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:24.413 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:24.413 1070 1070 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default 11-22 02:55:24.413 1070 1070 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Unknown iface name: wlan0 11-22 02:55:24.413 1070 1070 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Unknown iface name: wlan0 11-22 02:55:24.414 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartMediaCommunicationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.414 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: AppCompatOverridesService 11-22 02:55:24.415 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.416 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: AppCompatOverridesService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.416 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.416 4522 4636 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal started successfully 11-22 02:55:24.416 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.417 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getMode failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 11-22 02:55:24.418 1070 1070 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default 11-22 02:55:24.418 1070 1070 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Unknown iface name: wlan0 11-22 02:55:24.418 1070 1070 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Unknown iface name: wlan0 11-22 02:55:24.420 4522 4636 I HalDevMgr: currentModeId=0, requestModeId=0, currentModeIdValid=false 11-22 02:55:24.420 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Waiting for the driver ready 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: Attempted to fetch resources before Health Connect resources APK is loaded! 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: java.lang.IllegalStateException 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.migration.notification.HealthConnectResourcesContext.resolvePackageInfo(HealthConnectResourcesContext.java:129) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.migration.notification.HealthConnectResourcesContext.initialisePackageNames(HealthConnectResourcesContext.java:87) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.migration.notification.HealthConnectResourcesContext.(HealthConnectResourcesContext.java:83) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.migration.notification.HealthConnectResourcesContext.(HealthConnectResourcesContext.java:70) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.migration.notification.MigrationNotificationFactory.(MigrationNotificationFactory.java:107) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.migration.notification.MigrationNotificationSender.(MigrationNotificationSender.java:60) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService.(HealthConnectManagerService.java:105) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:343) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:218) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startService(SystemServiceManager.java:142) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:2864) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:942) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:664) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:24.422 4522 4522 E HealthConnectResContext: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:949) 11-22 02:55:24.421 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_open 11-22 02:55:24.421 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: Power on wcn (0 time) 11-22 02:55:24.421 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: subsys:2 11-22 02:55:24.421 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: start subsys:2 11-22 02:55:24.421 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: before start malrin status[0] BT:0 FM:0 WIFI:0 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:24.421 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: before start gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:24.421 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn_btwf enter 11-22 02:55:24.421 180 180 I WCN BASE: loading image [wcnmodem.bin] from firmware subsystem ... 11-22 02:55:24.422 180 180 W : (NULL device *): Direct firmware load for wcnmodem.bin failed with error -2 11-22 02:55:24.422 180 180 W : (NULL device *): Falling back to sysfs fallback for: wcnmodem.bin 11-22 02:55:24.424 4700 4700 I ueventd : firmware: loading 'wcnmodem.bin' for '/devices/virtual/firmware/wcnmodem.bin' 11-22 02:55:24.424 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.425 4700 4700 I ueventd : loading /devices/virtual/firmware/wcnmodem.bin took 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.426 180 180 I WCN BASE: image size = 1223944 11-22 02:55:24.426 180 180 I WCN BASE: aon_chip_id=0x00000001 11-22 02:55:24.426 180 180 I WCN BASE: aon_version_id=0x00000001 11-22 02:55:24.428 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 12ms 11-22 02:55:24.428 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: PhaseActivityManagerReady 11-22 02:55:24.428 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: controllersReady 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn_btwf image magic 0x1da568. 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: loading image [wcnmodem.bin] successfully! 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: poweron before btwf clear: 0x0-0x11000000 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_record_gnss_current_clk 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_init 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_clk_req_ack 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn_dfs_info: 0x0-0x11000000-0x10006750-0x0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: poweron after btwf clear: 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_record_gnss_current_clk 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_init 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_clk_req_ack 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_pwr_state 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_dfs_active 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: gnss_spinlock 0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn_dfs_info: 0x0-0x11000000-0x10006750-0x0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_poweron_device 11-22 02:55:24.433 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ext.adservices.api changed 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_poweron_device: btwf! 11-22 02:55:24.433 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ext.adservices.api changed 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000350:val=0xc00080! 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x64000350:val=0xc00080!(GNSS sleep/shutdown hold) 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn_subsys_active_num, 0 11-22 02:55:24.433 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_rfi_status_clear:status=0 11-22 02:55:24.433 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.healthconnect.controller changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.healthconnect.controller changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.health.connect.backuprestore changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.health.connect.backuprestore changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.federatedcompute.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_power_clock_support 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.federatedcompute.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ondevicepersonalization.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ext.adservices.api changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ext.adservices.api changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: enable=1,en_count=1,ret=0,btwf=0,gnss=0 11-22 02:55:24.428 180 180 I WCN BASE: enable=1,en_count=1,ret=0,btwf=0,gnss=0 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nearby.halfsheet changed 11-22 02:55:24.429 180 180 I WCN BASE: merlion chip en pull up 11-22 02:55:24.430 180 180 I WCN BASE: merlion chip en reset 11-22 02:55:24.430 180 180 I WCN BASE: clear WCN SYS TOP PD 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.connectivity.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.connectivity.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.430 180 180 I WCN BASE: enable = 1, btwf_open=0, gnss_open=0 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.ctsshim changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.federatedcompute.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.434 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.healthconnect.controller changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.healthconnect.controller changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.connectivity.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.connectivity.resources changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.rkpdapp changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.rkpdapp changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.rkpdapp changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.rkpdapp changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.devicelockcontroller changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.devicelockcontroller changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.devicelockcontroller changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.devicelockcontroller changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.dialog changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.dialog changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ondevicepersonalization.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.ctsshim changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.ctsshim changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.ctsshim changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.hotspot2.osulogin changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.hotspot2.osulogin changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.hotspot2.osulogin changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.hotspot2.osulogin changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sdksandbox changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sdksandbox changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sdksandbox changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sdksandbox changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.adservices.api changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.adservices.api changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.adservices.api changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.adservices.api changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module changed 11-22 02:55:24.435 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nearby.halfsheet changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.health.connect.backuprestore changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.dialog changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.dialog changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.federatedcompute.services changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.virtualmachine.res changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.virtualmachine.res changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.uwb.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.uwb.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.uwb.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.uwb.resources changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.compos.payload changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.compos.payload changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.compos.payload changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.compos.payload changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media.module changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media.module changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media.module changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media.module changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.permissioncontroller changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.permissioncontroller changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.permissioncontroller changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.permissioncontroller changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.safetycenter.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.safetycenter.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.safetycenter.resources changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.safetycenter.resources changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.smspush changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.smspush changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.smspush changed 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.smspush changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.436 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpapercropper changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpapercropper changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpapercropper changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpapercropper changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.launcher3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.launcher3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.launcher3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.launcher3 changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierconfig changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierconfig changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierconfig changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierconfig changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.storagemanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.storagemanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.storagemanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.storagemanager changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.provision changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.provision changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.provision changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.provision changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.emergency changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.emergency changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.emergency changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.emergency changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ondevicepersonalization.services changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nearby.halfsheet changed 11-22 02:55:24.437 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.microdroid.empty_payload changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.microdroid.empty_payload changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.microdroid.empty_payload changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.health.connect.backuprestore changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.services changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.virtualmachine.res changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ondevicepersonalization.services changed took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.microdroid.empty_payload changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.modulemetadata changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nearby.halfsheet changed took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.telephony.qns changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.telephony.qns changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.virtualmachine.res changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.messaging changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.gallery3d changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.gallery3d changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.modulemetadata changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calendar changed 11-22 02:55:24.438 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.telephony.qns changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.telephony.qns changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputmethod.latin changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputmethod.latin changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.gallery3d changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.music changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calendar changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.webview changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.webview changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calendar changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.gallery3d changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.quicksearchbox changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.quicksearchbox changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputmethod.latin changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.modulemetadata changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calendar changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.music changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.music changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.music changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.deskclock changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.deskclock changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.deskclock changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.deskclock changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.messaging changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.quicksearchbox changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.quicksearchbox changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.webview changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputmethod.latin changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dialer changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dialer changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dialer changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dialer changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.phototable changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperpicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.phototable changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.webview changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.imsserviceentitlement changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.imsserviceentitlement changed 11-22 02:55:24.439 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.phototable changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package org.chromium.webview_shell changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.contacts changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.contacts changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperpicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.modulemetadata changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.intelligence changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.intelligence changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperpicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.camera2 changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.phototable changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package org.chromium.webview_shell changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.contacts changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package org.chromium.webview_shell changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.messaging changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.intelligence changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperpicker changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.camera2 changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sprd.logmanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.camera2 changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.contacts changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.companiondevicemanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.companiondevicemanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.intelligence changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.spreadtrum.proxy.nfwlocation changed 11-22 02:55:24.440 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.pacprocessor changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.spreadtrum.proxy.nfwlocation changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.pacprocessor changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.spreadtrum.proxy.nfwlocation changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.pacprocessor changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.spreadtrum.proxy.nfwlocation changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.messaging changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.companiondevicemanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.basic changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.imsserviceentitlement changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sprd.logmanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.imsserviceentitlement changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package org.chromium.webview_shell changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sprd.logmanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cameraextensions changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.companiondevicemanager changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.basic changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.camera2 changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printservice.recommendation changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printservice.recommendation changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sprd.logmanager changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.traceur changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.traceur changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.traceur changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.traceur changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.egg changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.egg changed 11-22 02:55:24.441 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.egg changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.egg changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.basic changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.pacprocessor changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierdefaultapp changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierdefaultapp changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cameraextensions changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printservice.recommendation changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.certinstaller changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutoutGSI changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dreams.basic changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.shared changed 11-22 02:55:24.442 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.shared changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.shared changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bookmarkprovider changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printservice.recommendation changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bookmarkprovider changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.certinstaller changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bookmarkprovider changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierdefaultapp changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.ext.shared changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.443 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cameraextensions changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.htmlviewer changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.htmlviewer changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.certinstaller changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bookmarkprovider changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.carrierdefaultapp changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.captiveportallogin changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.externalstorage changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.externalstorage changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.externalstorage changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.externalstorage changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaper.livepicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaper.livepicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaper.livepicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaper.livepicker changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.statementservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.statementservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.statementservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.statementservice changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver changed 11-22 02:55:24.444 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.proxyhandler changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.proxyhandler changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.proxyhandler changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.proxyhandler changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sharedstoragebackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sharedstoragebackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cameraextensions changed took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bips changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bips changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bips changed 11-22 02:55:24.445 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.htmlviewer changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.certinstaller changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printspooler changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.simappdialog changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.captiveportallogin changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sharedstoragebackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutoutGSI changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bips changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.htmlviewer changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.intentresolver changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printspooler changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.simappdialog changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.captiveportallogin changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.simappdialog changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.simappdialog changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: controllersReady took to complete: 18ms 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.calendar changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.vpndialogs changed 11-22 02:55:24.446 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.intentresolver changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printspooler changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.intentresolver changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.intentresolver changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.blockednumber changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.blockednumber changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.blockednumber changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.blockednumber changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.userdictionary changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.userdictionary changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.userdictionary changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.userdictionary changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.contacts changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutoutGSI changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calllogbackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutoutGSI changed took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.calendar changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.printspooler changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.sharedstoragebackup changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.calendar changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.contacts changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.vpndialogs changed 11-22 02:55:24.447 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: killProcesses 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.vpndialogs changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.apps.tag changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.packageinstaller changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.captiveportallogin changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.calendar changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.contacts changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.contacts changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: killProcesses took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.managedprovisioning changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.vpndialogs changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.apps.tag changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.packageinstaller changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.apps.tag changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.apps.tag changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.musicfx changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: System now ready 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.backupconfirm changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.managedprovisioning changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.credentialmanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.managedprovisioning changed 11-22 02:55:24.448 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.packageinstaller changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.packageinstaller changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.musicfx changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: updateTopComponentForFactoryTest 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.musicfx changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.musicfx changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads.ui changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads.ui changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.credentialmanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.documentsui changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.managedprovisioning changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calllogbackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calllogbackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads.ui changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads.ui changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mtp changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: updateTopComponentForFactoryTest took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.calllogbackup changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.credentialmanager changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.soundpicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.449 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.backupconfirm changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.documentsui changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mtp changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mtp changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.credentialmanager changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.soundpicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.backupconfirm changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.marlin3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mtp changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.soundpicker changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.soundpicker changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.backupconfirm changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: registerActivityLaunchObserver 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.450 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.marlin3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.marlin3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.marlin3 changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.merlion changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: registerActivityLaunchObserver took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.documentsui changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.overlay changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.merlion changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.merlion changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: watchDeviceProvisioning 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.documentsui changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc.marlin3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.merlion changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.tethering changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.tethering changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.tethering changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.tethering changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.mtkims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.mtkims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.mtkims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.mtkims_telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.hwims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.hwims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.hwims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.hwims_telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.slsiims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.slsiims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.slsiims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.slsiims_telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.flossims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.flossims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.flossims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.flossims_telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.cafims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.cafims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.cafims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.cafims_telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.misc.aod_systemui changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc.marlin3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc.marlin3 changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc.marlin3 changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.nightmode changed 11-22 02:55:24.452 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.nightmode changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.misc.aod_systemui changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.highpriomisc changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.sprdims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.telephony.lte changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.telephony.lte changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.misc.aod_systemui changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.telephony.lte changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.telephony.lte changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.navbar changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.navbar changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.highpriomisc changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.sprdims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.highpriomisc changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.highpriomisc changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.sprdims_telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.sprdims_telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.transparent changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.transparent changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.nightmode changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.navbar changed 11-22 02:55:24.453 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.nightmode changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.systemui.falselocks changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.misc.aod_systemui changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.transparent changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.transparent changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.navbar changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.role.notes.enabled changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.454 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton changed 11-22 02:55:24.451 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.networkstack.overlay changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.451 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.role.notes.enabled changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.role.notes.enabled changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.systemui.falselocks changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4616 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutout changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.systemui.falselocks changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.overlay.systemui.falselocks changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.gsi.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.455 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.gsi.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.gsi.overlay changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui.gsi.overlay changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.role.notes.enabled changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.shell changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.shell changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.shell changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.shell changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.se changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.se changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.se changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.se changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nfc changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nfc changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4602 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetooth changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nfc changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mms.service changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mms.service changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mms.service changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mms.service changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ons changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ons changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ons changed 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ons changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.456 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.stk changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.telephony changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.nfc changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dynsystem changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dynsystem changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dynsystem changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dynsystem changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.app changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.app changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.app changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.treble.app changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package android changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetooth changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.telephony changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.stk changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.stk changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputdevices changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastservice changed 11-22 02:55:24.457 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastservice changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.qcrilam changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.qcrilam changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.qcrilam changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package me.phh.qcrilam changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.server.telecom changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.server.telecom changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.server.telecom changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.server.telecom changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.keychain changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.keychain changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.keychain changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.keychain changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.localtransport changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.localtransport changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.localtransport changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.localtransport changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutout changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputdevices changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.stk changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputdevices changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputdevices changed took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.settings changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4602 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetooth changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4585 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4616 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutout changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4628 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.iwlan changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.iwlan changed 11-22 02:55:24.458 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.location.fused changed 11-22 02:55:24.459 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.location.fused changed 11-22 02:55:24.459 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.location.fused changed 11-22 02:55:24.459 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.location.fused changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.459 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: watchDeviceProvisioning took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:24.459 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: retrieveSettings 11-22 02:55:24.459 4522 4602 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetooth changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4585 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4616 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutout changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4617 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperbackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4628 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.iwlan changed 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperbackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4628 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.iwlan changed took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4617 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperbackup changed 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4617 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperbackup changed took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.460 4522 4522 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=10000000 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:24.461 4522 4522 I WindowManager: Override config changes=10000000 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0} for displayId=0 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: enable = 1, ret = 0 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_power_clock_support 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_gnss_force_unshutdown 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x64000360:val=0x0!(unshutdown) 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_power_up 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x640203a8:val=0x1020406! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x640203a8:val=0x1020406(Delay cnt)! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x640203a8:val=0x20406(auto shutdown clear)! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x640203a8:val=0x20406(force shutdown clear)! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_is_poweron_status 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x1000000! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn isn't poweron! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_is_poweron_status 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020538:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn is poweron! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn sys poweron i=1! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020818:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020818:val=0x0(Force deep clear)! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_is_wakeup_status? 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020860:val=0x60006006! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020860:val=0x60006006! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64020860:val=0x60006006! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn is wakeup! 11-22 02:55:24.459 180 180 I WCN BASE: wcn sys wakeup i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.464 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: retrieveSettings took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: Ugm.onSystemReady 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: Ugm.onSystemReady took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: updateForceBackgroundCheck 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: updateForceBackgroundCheck took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 I SystemServer: Making services ready 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.465 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.467 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.467 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.467 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.467 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.467 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.467 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.469 4522 4522 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.thermal@2.0::IThermal/default 11-22 02:55:24.470 1100 1100 I vendor.sprd.hardware.thermal@2.0-impl: A callback has been registered to ThermalHAL, isFilter: 0 Type: CPU 11-22 02:55:24.470 4522 4522 I ThermalHalWrapper: Thermal HAL 2.0 service connected. 11-22 02:55:24.468 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.thermal.IThermal/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.472 1100 1100 E bq2597x-charger 5-0065: get temperature cmd = 0 is error 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 E ThermalHalWrapper: Couldn't get temperature thresholds because of HAL error: can't find this type sensor 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.475 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.477 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.478 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:24.481 4522 4522 W ActivityManager: Too early to start/bind service in system_server: Phase=550 ComponentInfo{com.android.server.telecom/com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService} 11-22 02:55:24.481 4522 4522 W ActivityManager: Too early to start/bind service in system_server: Phase=550 ComponentInfo{com.android.server.telecom/com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService} 11-22 02:55:24.481 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.482 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.482 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.482 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.482 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.478 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_wakeup_status? 11-22 02:55:24.478 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.478 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf is wakeup! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is wakeup i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_poweron_status 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf is poweron! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is poweron i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: GNSS shutdown hold, polling is not required 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_sys_power_up 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]pll1_pll2_stable_time 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c3c8:val=0x587072! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x4080c3c8:val=0x15df072!(btwf pll2) 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c3c4:val=0x587072! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x4080c3c4:val=0x15df072!(btwf pll1) 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c3cc:val=0xa9b072! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x4080c3cc:val=0x1edb072!(gnss pll) 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c19c:val=0x20200228! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x4080c19c:val=0x20370228!(btwf pll1) 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c168:val=0x200000! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x4080c168:val=0x270000!(btwf pll2) 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]wcn_sys_allow_deep_sleep 11-22 02:55:24.484 4522 4522 I SyncManager: No initial accounts 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c090:val=0x4! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c090:val=0x40000004(sfware core lv en)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x408800c4:val=0x0, allow=1! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Ignore GNSS force deepsleep/shutdown 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_clear_force_shutdown 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: SET REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_poweron 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4088000c:val=0x3! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4088000c:val=0x57(cpu...reset)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4080c098:val=0x4041000! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4080c098:val=0x4041000(clear deep)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4080c098:val=0x4040000(clr auto shutdown)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4080c098:val=0x4040000!(btwf_ss_arm_sys_power_down) 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000354:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x64000354:val=0x0! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_wakeup_status? 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000364:val=0x301! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf is wakeup! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is wakeup i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [+]btwf_sys_is_poweron_status 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x64000360:val=0xc0739ce7! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf is poweron! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: btwf sys is poweron i=0! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x40130410:val=0x2000000! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x40130410:val=0x3000000(DDR Boot)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4088004c:val=0xffff0000! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4088004c:val=0x7fdc00(Sync address)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: REG 0x4088000c:val=0x57! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: Set REG 0x4088000c:val=0x2(cpu...reset)! 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [-]btwf_sys_poweron 11-22 02:55:24.479 180 180 I WCN BASE: [-]wcn_poweron_device 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.488 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4603 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Lazily initialize IMMS#mImeDrawsImeNavBarRes 11-22 02:55:24.490 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Lazily initialize IMMS#mImeDrawsImeNavBarRes 11-22 02:55:24.498 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=0 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 14ms 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.504 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:24.505 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.505 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:24.505 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.505 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.505 4522 4522 I RebootEscrowManager: No reboot escrow data found for users, skipping loading escrow data 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.506 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 I DevicePolicyManager: Started device policies migration to the device policy engine. 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.507 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.508 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.508 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.508 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.508 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.509 4522 4603 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Lazily initialize IMMS#mImeDrawsImeNavBarRes 11-22 02:55:24.509 4522 4603 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Lazily initialize IMMS#mImeDrawsImeNavBarRes took to complete: 19ms 11-22 02:55:24.510 4522 4600 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone's UID (1000) not an app, ignoring 11-22 02:55:24.507 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.507 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:24.507 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.512 4390 4409 D MediaCodecList: Allowing all OMX codecs 11-22 02:55:24.514 4522 4600 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone's UID (1000) not an app, ignoring 11-22 02:55:24.514 4522 4522 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.511 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.516 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.516 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.aac.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.518 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=1 11-22 02:55:24.520 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.520 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrnb.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.523 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.523 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrwb.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.526 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.526 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.flac.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.529 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.529 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.g711.alaw.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.532 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.532 1238 1238 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.g711.mlaw.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.536 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.536 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.58ms> 11-22 02:55:24.537 1238 1238 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.gsm.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.538 4522 4522 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback caller:android 11-22 02:55:24.539 4391 4391 I netd : registerUnsolicitedEventListener(interface:0xb400007649b14900) <0.02ms> 11-22 02:55:24.540 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.540 1238 1238 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.sprd.mp3l1.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.539 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=2 11-22 02:55:24.540 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.540 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: makeComponentInstance = OMX.sprd.mp3l1.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.540 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: libName = libstagefright_sprd_mp3dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.541 1238 1238 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Construct SprdSimpleOMXComponent(0xebb81ff0) 11-22 02:55:24.541 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::start + 11-22 02:55:24.541 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::start - 11-22 02:55:24.541 1238 1238 I SPRDMP3 : openDecoder, lib: libomx_mp3dec_sprd.so 11-22 02:55:24.541 1238 4720 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3l1.decoder is Running ... 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 I SPRDMP3 : MP3_ARM_DEC_Construct=0 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: realloc 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 I SPRD_OMX_CORE: Created OMXPlugin : OMX.sprd.mp3l1.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: prepareForDestruction, OMX.sprd.mp3l1.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::stop + 11-22 02:55:24.542 1238 4720 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3l1.decoder is Stopped ... 11-22 02:55:24.543 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::stop - 11-22 02:55:24.543 4391 4391 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(2097152) <2.33ms> 11-22 02:55:24.543 1238 1238 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Destruct SprdSimpleOMXComponent, this: 0x0xebb81ff0 11-22 02:55:24.543 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.543 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 35ms 11-22 02:55:24.543 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.544 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.545 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.545 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: bindWallpaperComponentLocked: componentName=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:24.545 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.sprd.mp3l2.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.546 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.546 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.bindWallpaperComponentLocked-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:24.546 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: makeComponentInstance = OMX.sprd.mp3l2.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.546 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: libName = libstagefright_sprd_mp3dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.547 1238 1292 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Construct SprdSimpleOMXComponent(0xebb81ff0) 11-22 02:55:24.547 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::start + 11-22 02:55:24.547 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::start - 11-22 02:55:24.547 1238 1292 I SPRDMP3 : openDecoder, lib: libomx_mp3dec_sprd.so 11-22 02:55:24.547 1238 4722 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3l2.decoder is Running ... 11-22 02:55:24.548 1238 1292 I SPRDMP3 : MP3_ARM_DEC_Construct=0 11-22 02:55:24.548 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: realloc 11-22 02:55:24.548 1238 1292 I SPRD_OMX_CORE: Created OMXPlugin : OMX.sprd.mp3l2.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.548 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.548 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.549 1238 1292 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: prepareForDestruction, OMX.sprd.mp3l2.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.549 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::stop + 11-22 02:55:24.549 1238 4722 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3l2.decoder is Stopped ... 11-22 02:55:24.549 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::stop - 11-22 02:55:24.549 1238 1292 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Destruct SprdSimpleOMXComponent, this: 0x0xebb81ff0 11-22 02:55:24.549 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.550 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.550 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.550 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.550 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.551 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.bindWallpaperComponentLocked-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.552 4522 4522 I WallpaperDataParser: No static wallpaper imagery; defaults will be shown 11-22 02:55:24.552 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.552 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.552 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.sprd.mp3.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.552 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.552 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: makeComponentInstance = OMX.sprd.mp3.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.552 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: libName = libstagefright_sprd_mp3dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.553 1238 1292 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Construct SprdSimpleOMXComponent(0xebb81ff0) 11-22 02:55:24.553 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::start + 11-22 02:55:24.554 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::start - 11-22 02:55:24.554 1238 4724 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3.decoder is Running ... 11-22 02:55:24.554 1238 1292 I SPRDMP3 : openDecoder, lib: libomx_mp3dec_sprd.so 11-22 02:55:24.555 4522 4522 D WallpaperCropper: WPMS.generateCrop 11-22 02:55:24.555 1238 1292 I SPRDMP3 : MP3_ARM_DEC_Construct=0 11-22 02:55:24.555 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: realloc 11-22 02:55:24.555 1238 1292 I SPRD_OMX_CORE: Created OMXPlugin : OMX.sprd.mp3.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.555 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.555 4522 4522 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/users/0/wallpaper_orig: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 11-22 02:55:24.555 4522 4522 W WallpaperCropper: Invalid wallpaper data 11-22 02:55:24.555 4522 4522 E WallpaperCropper: Unable to apply new wallpaper 11-22 02:55:24.555 4522 4522 V WallpaperCropper: WPMS.generateCrop took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 1292 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: prepareForDestruction, OMX.sprd.mp3.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::stop + 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 4724 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3.decoder is Stopped ... 11-22 02:55:24.556 4387 4387 I Zygote : Entering forkRepeatedly native zygote loop 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 1292 I Looper : Looper::stop - 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 11ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 1292 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Destruct SprdSimpleOMXComponent, this: 0x0xebb81ff0 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.556 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.556 1238 1292 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4592 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UsbService$Lifecycle#onBootPhase 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing UsbService$Lifecycle#onBootPhase 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:24.557 4522 4522 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 550 : false 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4657 D BluetoothHeadset: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4657 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.558 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4657 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4592 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing UsbService$Lifecycle#onBootPhase 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4657 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 2, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4592 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UsbService$Lifecycle#onBootPhase took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4657 D BluetoothHearingAid: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4657 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 21, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.559 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port0-partner 11-22 02:55:24.559 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.559 4522 4657 D BluetoothLeAudio: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.560 4522 4657 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 22, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.560 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.opus.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.560 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:24.560 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port0 11-22 02:55:24.560 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:24.560 4522 4660 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[AudioDeviceBroker,5,main] 11-22 02:55:24.560 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port1-partner 11-22 02:55:24.560 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.560 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.560 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.560 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.561 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: port1 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.561 1069 1069 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service: canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0 11-22 02:55:24.561 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4668 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: port0 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.562 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4668 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: port0 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.563 4388 4587 I AudioFlinger: systemReady 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4668 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: port0 11-22 02:55:24.563 4522 4668 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: port0 11-22 02:55:24.563 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4729 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 I AppBindingService: Updating constants with: null 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: Permission_grant_default_permissions-0 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: Permission_grant_default_permissions-0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: Permission_synchronize_permissions-0 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: Permission_synchronize_addPackages-0 11-22 02:55:24.564 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4729:com.android.systemui/u0a106 for service {com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:24.565 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.566 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.raw.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.562 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=3 11-22 02:55:24.563 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.563 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.563 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.570 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.571 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.572 4729 4729 I ndroid.systemui: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:24.574 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.575 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.aac.encoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.576 4729 4729 E ndroid.systemui: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:24.579 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.579 1238 1238 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrnb.encoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.582 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.582 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrwb.encoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.584 4522 4697 D GameManagerService: User ID '0' does not have a Game Mode selected for package: 'com.android.systemui' 11-22 02:55:24.584 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: Permission_synchronize_addPackages-0 took to complete: 21ms 11-22 02:55:24.585 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: Permission_syncPackages-0 11-22 02:55:24.585 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.586 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null has legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.586 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.586 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null has legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.586 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.582 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=4 11-22 02:55:24.587 1238 1292 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.flac.encoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.588 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.588 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.588 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.588 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.588 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.588 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.589 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.589 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.589 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.589 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.589 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.590 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.590 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.591 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.591 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.591 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.591 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 4390 4409 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 1238 1238 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance(OMX.sprd.mp3.encoder) in android.hardwar process 11-22 02:55:24.592 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.592 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: makeComponentInstance = OMX.sprd.mp3.encoder 11-22 02:55:24.592 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: libName = libstagefright_sprd_mp3enc.so 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package null does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: Permission_syncPackages-0 took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: Permission_synchronize_permissions-0 took to complete: 28ms 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: Permission_onInitialized-0 11-22 02:55:24.592 4522 4522 I PermissionManager: Permission ownership changed. Updating all permissions. 11-22 02:55:24.593 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.adservices.api is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.adservices APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.593 1238 1238 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Construct SprdSimpleOMXComponent(0xeaf00010) 11-22 02:55:24.593 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::start + 11-22 02:55:24.594 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::start - 11-22 02:55:24.594 1238 1238 I SprdMP3Encoder: openDecoder, lib: libomx_mp3enc_sprd.so 11-22 02:55:24.594 1238 4759 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3.encoder is Running ... 11-22 02:55:24.594 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: realloc 11-22 02:55:24.594 1238 1238 I SPRD_OMX_CORE: Created OMXPlugin : OMX.sprd.mp3.encoder 11-22 02:55:24.594 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_GetHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.595 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: + 11-22 02:55:24.595 1238 1238 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: prepareForDestruction, OMX.sprd.mp3.encoder 11-22 02:55:24.595 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::stop + 11-22 02:55:24.595 1238 4759 I XThread : Thread OMX.sprd.mp3.encoder is Stopped ... 11-22 02:55:24.595 1238 1238 I Looper : Looper::stop - 11-22 02:55:24.595 1238 1238 I SprdSimpleOMXComponent: Destruct SprdSimpleOMXComponent, this: 0x0xeaf00010 11-22 02:55:24.596 1238 1238 V SPRD_OMX_CORE: OMX_FreeHandle: - 11-22 02:55:24.598 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.599 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.600 4390 4409 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software" 11-22 02:55:24.600 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.600 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.602 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.605 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /apex/com.android.media.swcodec/etc/media_codecs.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.606 4729 4729 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.systemui:/system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:24.606 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: disabling c2.android.gsm.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.602 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=5 11-22 02:55:24.608 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: disabling c2.android.mpeg2.decoder 11-22 02:55:24.609 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: disabling c2.android.av1.encoder 11-22 02:55:24.609 4390 4409 I MediaCodecsXmlParser: codec c2.android.av1.encoder enabled, device sdk 35 >= required 34 11-22 02:55:24.609 4729 4729 W ndroid.systemui: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=2, found=1 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*2709203797]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]}) 11-22 02:55:24.609 4390 4409 I MediaCodecsXmlParser: Did not find media_codecs_performance.xml in search path 11-22 02:55:24.609 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /vendor/etc/media_codecs_c2.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.611 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /vendor/etc/media_codecs_performance_c2.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.612 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /vendor/etc/media_codecs.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.613 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /vendor/etc/media_codecs_google_audio.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.614 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /vendor/etc/media_codecs_google_telephony.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.615 4390 4409 D MediaCodecsXmlParser: parsing /vendor/etc/media_codecs_performance.xml... 11-22 02:55:24.615 4390 4409 I MediaCodecsXmlParser: Did not find media_codecs_shaping.xml in search path 11-22 02:55:24.615 4390 4409 I MediaCodecsXmlParser: Did not find media_codecs_shaping.xml in search path 11-22 02:55:24.616 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_av1dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.616 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.616 1066 1066 V C2UnisocAv1Dec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.617 1066 1066 I C2UnisocAv1Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.618 1066 1066 I C2UnisocAv1Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(1920 * 1080) 11-22 02:55:24.618 1066 1066 I C2UnisocAv1Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.619 1066 1066 I C2UnisocAv1Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.619 1066 1066 I C2UnisocAv1Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(1920 * 1080) 11-22 02:55:24.619 1066 1066 I C2UnisocAv1Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.620 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/av01' 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.621 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.622 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.622 4522 4522 W PermissionManager: Package com.android.providers.media.module is an APK in APEX, but has permission allowlist on the system image. Please bundle the allowlist in the com.android.mediaprovider APEX instead. 11-22 02:55:24.622 4729 4729 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.systemui:/system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:24.619 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.619 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.622 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=6 11-22 02:55:24.623 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_avcdec.so 11-22 02:55:24.623 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.623 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.623 1066 1066 V C2UnisocAv1Dec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.623 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.623 1066 1120 V C2UnisocAvcDec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.624 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.624 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 4096) 11-22 02:55:24.624 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.624 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.625 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.626 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.626 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 4096) 11-22 02:55:24.626 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.626 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.626 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.627 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/avc' 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: Permission_onInitialized-0 took to complete: 36ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x0 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took 64 ms in onBootPhase 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 64ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5001, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.628 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5002, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.628 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550 took to complete: 164ms 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase took to complete: 164ms 11-22 02:55:24.629 1066 1120 I C2UnisocAvcDec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5004, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartObservingNativeCrashes 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartObservingNativeCrashes took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.629 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_avcdec_secure.so 11-22 02:55:24.629 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.629 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.629 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: RegisterAppOpsPolicy 11-22 02:55:24.629 1066 1120 V C2UnisocAvcDec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.629 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.630 1066 1967 V C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.630 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.630 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 4096) 11-22 02:55:24.631 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.631 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.631 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: RegisterAppOpsPolicy took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.631 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.631 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkManagementServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.631 4522 4522 W NetworkManagement: setDataSaverMode(): already false 11-22 02:55:24.632 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:WebViewFactoryPreparation 11-22 02:55:24.632 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing WebViewFactoryPreparation 11-22 02:55:24.632 4522 4546 I SystemServer: WebViewFactoryPreparation 11-22 02:55:24.632 4522 4546 D SystemServerTimingAsync: WebViewFactoryPreparation 11-22 02:55:24.632 4391 4391 I netd : firewallSetFirewallType(1) <0.01ms> 11-22 02:55:24.632 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.632 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 4096) 11-22 02:55:24.633 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.633 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.633 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkManagementServiceReady took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.633 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.633 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeConnectivityServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.634 4522 4645 D PermissionMonitor: Monitoring 11-22 02:55:24.634 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/avc' 11-22 02:55:24.635 4522 4546 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1000. Package "android" does not belong to uid 1037. 11-22 02:55:24.636 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x0 11-22 02:55:24.636 4391 4391 I netd : registerUnsolicitedEventListener() <0.80ms> 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : Cannot checkOperation 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException: Specified package "android" under uid 1037 but it is not 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.verifyAndGetBypass(AppOpsService.java:3886) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.verifyAndGetBypass(AppOpsService.java:3746) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.verifyAndGetBypass(AppOpsService.java:3738) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.checkOperationUnchecked(AppOpsService.java:2417) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.checkOperationImpl(AppOpsService.java:2400) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.-$$Nest$mcheckOperationImpl(AppOpsService.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.$r8$lambda$fx57Sum-uA3sXo7NCFwrI3iq4WM(AppOpsService.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher$$ExternalSyntheticLambda9.apply(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.policy.AppOpsPolicy.checkOperation(AppOpsPolicy.java:221) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.checkOperation(AppOpsService.java:6389) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.checkOperation(AppOpsService.java:2385) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.StorageManagerService$StorageManagerInternalImpl.hasExternalStorageAccess(StorageManagerService.java:4718) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ProcessList.startProcessLocked(ProcessList.java:1778) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ProcessList.startProcessLocked(ProcessList.java:2478) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ProcessList.startProcessLocked(ProcessList.java:2623) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.startIsolatedProcess(ActivityManagerService.java:2894) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$LocalService.startIsolatedProcess(ActivityManagerService.java:17372) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader.createRelroFile(WebViewLibraryLoader.java:126) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader.createRelros(WebViewLibraryLoader.java:164) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader.prepareNativeLibraries(WebViewLibraryLoader.java:152) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewFactory.onWebViewProviderChanged(WebViewFactory.java:555) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.SystemImpl.onWebViewProviderChanged(SystemImpl.java:174) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.onWebViewProviderChanged(WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.java:351) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.prepareWebViewInSystemServer(WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.java:182) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService.prepareWebViewInSystemServer(WebViewUpdateService.java:129) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServer.lambda$startOtherServices$4(SystemServer.java:2919) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServer.$r8$lambda$t1R-mpe1gQ3l_T3UqaEuPqwZT88(SystemServer.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda7.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.lambda$submitTask$0(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:107) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.$r8$lambda$iar571g8isa6ZrPZMHj1USmyX48(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.internal.util.ConcurrentUtils$1$1.run(ConcurrentUtils.java:65) 11-22 02:55:24.636 4522 4546 I ActivityManager: android is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:24.636 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5001, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.637 4522 4546 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.637 4522 4546 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.637 4522 4546 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.637 4522 4546 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 178038272; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.637 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5002, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.637 1066 1967 I C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5004, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.637 4522 4546 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1000. Package "android" does not belong to uid 1037. 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : Cannot checkOperation 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException: Specified package "android" under uid 1037 but it is not 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.verifyAndGetBypass(AppOpsService.java:3886) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.verifyAndGetBypass(AppOpsService.java:3746) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.verifyAndGetBypass(AppOpsService.java:3738) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.checkOperationUnchecked(AppOpsService.java:2417) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.checkOperationImpl(AppOpsService.java:2400) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.-$$Nest$mcheckOperationImpl(AppOpsService.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.$r8$lambda$fx57Sum-uA3sXo7NCFwrI3iq4WM(AppOpsService.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher$$ExternalSyntheticLambda9.apply(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.policy.AppOpsPolicy.checkOperation(AppOpsPolicy.java:221) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.checkOperation(AppOpsService.java:6389) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService.checkOperation(AppOpsService.java:2385) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.StorageManagerService$StorageManagerInternalImpl.hasExternalStorageAccess(StorageManagerService.java:4718) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ProcessList.startProcessLocked(ProcessList.java:1778) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ProcessList.startProcessLocked(ProcessList.java:2478) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ProcessList.startProcessLocked(ProcessList.java:2623) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.startIsolatedProcess(ActivityManagerService.java:2894) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$LocalService.startIsolatedProcess(ActivityManagerService.java:17372) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader.createRelroFile(WebViewLibraryLoader.java:126) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader.createRelros(WebViewLibraryLoader.java:170) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader.prepareNativeLibraries(WebViewLibraryLoader.java:152) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at android.webkit.WebViewFactory.onWebViewProviderChanged(WebViewFactory.java:555) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.SystemImpl.onWebViewProviderChanged(SystemImpl.java:174) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.onWebViewProviderChanged(WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.java:351) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.prepareWebViewInSystemServer(WebViewUpdateServiceImpl.java:182) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService.prepareWebViewInSystemServer(WebViewUpdateService.java:129) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServer.lambda$startOtherServices$4(SystemServer.java:2919) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServer.$r8$lambda$t1R-mpe1gQ3l_T3UqaEuPqwZT88(SystemServer.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda7.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.lambda$submitTask$0(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:107) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.$r8$lambda$iar571g8isa6ZrPZMHj1USmyX48(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 E AppOps : at com.android.internal.util.ConcurrentUtils$1$1.run(ConcurrentUtils.java:65) 11-22 02:55:24.638 4522 4546 I ActivityManager: android is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:24.638 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_avcenc.so 11-22 02:55:24.638 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.638 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.638 1066 1967 V C2UnisocAvcDecSecure: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.638 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.639 1066 1968 V C2UnisocAvcEnc: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.639 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: WebViewFactoryPreparation took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:24.639 4522 4546 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing WebViewFactoryPreparation 11-22 02:55:24.639 4522 4546 V SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:WebViewFactoryPreparation took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:24.639 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.639 1066 1968 I android.hardware.media.c2@1.1-unisoc-service: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004) 11-22 02:55:24.639 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: InputDelaySetter, maxBframes: 0 11-22 02:55:24.639 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.640 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x5005 11-22 02:55:24.640 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ColorAspectsSetter, range: 0, primaries: 0, transfer: 0, matrix: 0 11-22 02:55:24.640 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: EncSceneModeSetter, scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.640 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.641 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.641 1066 1968 I android.hardware.media.c2@1.1-unisoc-service: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004) 11-22 02:55:24.641 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: InputDelaySetter, maxBframes: 0 11-22 02:55:24.641 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.641 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x5005 11-22 02:55:24.641 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ColorAspectsSetter, range: 0, primaries: 0, transfer: 0, matrix: 0 11-22 02:55:24.642 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: EncSceneModeSetter, scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.642 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.642 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/avc' 11-22 02:55:24.643 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5000, level: 0x0 11-22 02:55:24.644 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5001, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.644 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5002, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.645 1066 1968 I C2UnisocAvcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x5004, level: 0x500f 11-22 02:55:24.646 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.646 1066 1968 V C2UnisocAvcEnc: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.646 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.642 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=7 11-22 02:55:24.646 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_h263dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.646 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.647 4729 4729 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:24.647 1066 1968 V C2UnisocH263Dec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.647 4729 4729 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:24.647 4729 4729 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:24.648 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.648 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3000, level: 0x3002 11-22 02:55:24.648 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(352 * 288), size:(176 * 144), max:(1920 * 2032) 11-22 02:55:24.648 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.648 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.649 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.649 4729 4729 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.systemui: false 11-22 02:55:24.649 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3000, level: 0x3002 11-22 02:55:24.649 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(352 * 288), size:(176 * 144), max:(1920 * 2032) 11-22 02:55:24.649 4729 4729 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.systemui is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:24.649 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.649 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.649 4729 4729 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:24.650 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/3gpp' 11-22 02:55:24.651 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3000, level: 0x0 11-22 02:55:24.651 1066 1968 I C2UnisocH263Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3003, level: 0x3004 11-22 02:55:24.652 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.652 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_h263enc.so 11-22 02:55:24.652 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.652 1066 1968 V C2UnisocH263Dec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.652 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.653 1066 1066 V C2UnisocH263Enc: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.653 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.653 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.654 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3000, level: 0x3004 11-22 02:55:24.654 4522 4634 W NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL: already false 11-22 02:55:24.654 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.655 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.655 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.655 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3000, level: 0x3004 11-22 02:55:24.656 1066 1066 I C2UnisocH263Enc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.656 4390 4409 D Codec2InfoBuilder: component 'c2.unisoc.h263.encoder' not found in xml 11-22 02:55:24.657 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_hevcdec.so 11-22 02:55:24.657 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.657 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.657 1066 1066 V C2UnisocH263Enc: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.657 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.657 1066 1967 V C2UnisocHevcDec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.658 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.658 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.658 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.659 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.659 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.660 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.660 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.660 1066 1967 I C2UnisocHevcDec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.660 4522 4697 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub 11-22 02:55:24.661 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/hevc' 11-22 02:55:24.663 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_hevcdec_secure.so 11-22 02:55:24.663 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.663 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.663 1066 1967 V C2UnisocHevcDec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.663 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.663 1066 1066 V C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.664 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.664 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.664 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.665 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.666 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.666 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.666 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.662 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0x5a5a5a5a, wait_count=8 11-22 02:55:24.667 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.668 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/hevc' 11-22 02:55:24.670 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayChangeController 11-22 02:55:24.670 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayController 11-22 02:55:24.670 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayInsetsController 11-22 02:55:24.670 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayImeController 11-22 02:55:24.671 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ShellController 11-22 02:55:24.671 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_hevcenc.so 11-22 02:55:24.671 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.671 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.671 1066 1066 V C2UnisocHevcDecSecure: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.671 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.672 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.672 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.672 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x6000, level: 0x6001 11-22 02:55:24.672 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: ColorAspectsSetter, range: 0, primaries: 0, transfer: 0, matrix: 0 11-22 02:55:24.673 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: EncSceneModeSetter, scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.673 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.673 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DragAndDropController 11-22 02:55:24.673 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.674 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.674 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x6000, level: 0x6001 11-22 02:55:24.674 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: ColorAspectsSetter, range: 0, primaries: 0, transfer: 0, matrix: 0 11-22 02:55:24.674 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: EncSceneModeSetter, scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.674 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.675 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/hevc' 11-22 02:55:24.676 1066 1968 I C2UnisocHevcEnc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x6000, level: 0x0 11-22 02:55:24.677 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.677 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.677 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_mpeg4dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.677 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.678 1066 1968 V C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.678 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.675 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.675 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:24.675 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.679 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3009, level: 0x4004 11-22 02:55:24.679 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(352 * 288), size:(176 * 144), max:(1920 * 2032) 11-22 02:55:24.679 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.679 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.680 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.680 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3009, level: 0x4004 11-22 02:55:24.680 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(352 * 288), size:(176 * 144), max:(1920 * 2032) 11-22 02:55:24.680 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.681 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.681 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/mp4v-es' 11-22 02:55:24.682 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3009, level: 0x0 11-22 02:55:24.683 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3014, level: 0x4008 11-22 02:55:24.684 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.684 1066 1968 V C2UnisocMpeg4Dec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.684 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.684 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_mpeg4enc.so 11-22 02:55:24.684 1066 1968 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.684 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for CompatUIController 11-22 02:55:24.685 1066 1968 V C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.682 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=9 11-22 02:55:24.685 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.685 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.685 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.686 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3009, level: 0x4003 11-22 02:55:24.686 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.687 4391 4391 I netd : networkSetPermissionForUser(1, [1002, 10083, 10106, 20083, 20106]) <0.01ms> 11-22 02:55:24.688 4391 4391 I netd : networkSetPermissionForUser(2, [1000, 1001, 1073, 2000, 10043, 10064, 10068, 10085, 10086, 10095, 10097, 10098, 20043, 20064, 20068, 20085, 20086, 20095, 20097, 20098]) <0.02ms> 11-22 02:55:24.688 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: SizeSetter, from (width: 176, height: 144) to (width: 176, height: 144) 11-22 02:55:24.689 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: BitrateSetter, bitrate: 192000 11-22 02:55:24.689 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: ProfileLevelSetter, profile: 0x3009, level: 0x4003 11-22 02:55:24.689 1066 1968 I C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: VideoRecordModeSetter, record mode value: 0 11-22 02:55:24.690 4390 4409 D Codec2InfoBuilder: component 'c2.unisoc.mpeg4.encoder' not found in xml 11-22 02:55:24.690 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_vp8dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.690 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.690 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.690 1066 1967 V C2UnisocMpeg4Enc: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.690 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.691 1066 1120 V C2UnisocVp8Dec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.691 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.692 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 2160) 11-22 02:55:24.692 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.692 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.693 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.693 4522 4645 D PermissionMonitor: Users: 1, UidToNetworkPerm: 25 11-22 02:55:24.693 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 2160) 11-22 02:55:24.693 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.693 1066 1120 I C2UnisocVp8Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.693 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeConnectivityServiceReady took to complete: 60ms 11-22 02:55:24.694 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeVpnManagerServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.694 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.694 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp8' 11-22 02:55:24.695 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RecentTasksController 11-22 02:55:24.695 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_vp9dec.so 11-22 02:55:24.695 1066 1967 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.695 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.695 1066 1120 V C2UnisocVp8Dec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.695 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.696 1066 1967 V C2UnisocVP9Dec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.696 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.697 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ShellTaskOrganizer 11-22 02:55:24.697 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(1920 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.697 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.697 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.698 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.698 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(1920 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.698 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.699 1066 1967 I C2UnisocVP9Dec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.699 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp9' 11-22 02:55:24.700 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_vp9dec_secure.so 11-22 02:55:24.700 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:24.700 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeVpnManagerServiceReady took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.700 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeVcnManagementServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.700 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.700 1066 1120 V C2UnisocVP9Dec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.700 1066 1120 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.701 1066 1066 V C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.701 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for VcnNetworkProvider 11-22 02:55:24.701 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.702 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(1920 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.702 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.702 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.703 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:24.703 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(1920 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:24.704 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:24.704 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:24.704 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 2 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (2) Score(Policies : TRANSPORT_PRIMARY&EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:24.705 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp9' 11-22 02:55:24.706 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.702 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=10 11-22 02:55:24.706 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:24.706 1066 1066 V C2UnisocVP9DecSecure: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:24.706 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:24.709 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/mp4a-latm' 11-22 02:55:24.713 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeVcnManagementServiceReady took to complete: 13ms 11-22 02:55:24.713 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkPolicyServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.715 4522 4652 I VcnManagementService: new snapshot: TelephonySubscriptionSnapshot{ mActiveDataSubId=-1, mSubIdToInfoMap={}, mSubIdToCarrierConfigMap={}, mPrivilegedPackages={} } 11-22 02:55:24.718 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for OneHandedController 11-22 02:55:24.719 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/mp4a-latm' 11-22 02:55:24.722 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.723 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/3gpp' 11-22 02:55:24.725 4522 4634 D NetworkStatsObservers: Registering observer for RequestInfo from pid/uid:4522/1000(android) for DataUsageRequest [ requestId=1, networkTemplate=NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE, matchSubscriberIds=[], matchWifiNetworkKeys=[], thresholdInBytes=0 ] accessLevel:3 11-22 02:55:24.726 4522 4634 D NetworkStatsObservers: Registering observer for RequestInfo from pid/uid:4522/1000(android) for DataUsageRequest [ requestId=2, networkTemplate=NetworkTemplate: matchRule=WIFI, matchSubscriberIds=[], matchWifiNetworkKeys=[], thresholdInBytes=0 ] accessLevel:3 11-22 02:55:24.726 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/3gpp' 11-22 02:55:24.723 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=11 11-22 02:55:24.728 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.729 4522 4632 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.730 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/amr-wb' 11-22 02:55:24.730 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:24.731 4522 4634 D InetDiagMessage: Destroyed 0 sockets, proto=IPPROTO_TCP, family=AF_INET, states=14 11-22 02:55:24.732 4522 4634 D InetDiagMessage: Destroyed 0 sockets, proto=IPPROTO_TCP, family=AF_INET6, states=14 11-22 02:55:24.733 4522 4634 D InetDiagMessage: Destroyed live tcp sockets for uids={} in 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.733 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DefaultTransitionHandler 11-22 02:55:24.733 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: Default 11-22 02:55:24.733 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: Remote 11-22 02:55:24.733 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for Transitions 11-22 02:55:24.733 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/amr-wb' 11-22 02:55:24.734 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.734 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for BubbleController 11-22 02:55:24.731 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.731 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkPolicyServiceReady took to complete: 22ms 11-22 02:55:24.731 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: PhaseThirdPartyAppsCanStart 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.735 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for SplitScreenController 11-22 02:55:24.735 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health checks enabled. 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: health check state enabled 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Cancelling state sync, nothing to sync 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4553 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.737 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.737 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/av01' 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.738 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.739 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.740 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.741 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.742 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTransition 11-22 02:55:24.743 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTouchHandler 11-22 02:55:24.743 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DevicePostureController 11-22 02:55:24.743 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for TabletopModeController 11-22 02:55:24.743 4522 4522 D FastPairService: fail to initiate the fast pair proxy provider 11-22 02:55:24.743 4522 4522 W FastPairDataProvider: no proxy fast pair data provider found 11-22 02:55:24.743 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.743 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.743 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/av01' 11-22 02:55:24.743 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipController 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : type:0,0|0|0, onTime:0, offtime:0 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : set_led_state colorRGB=00000000, unknown mode 0 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/sc27xx:red/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/red/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : func:write_int, failed to open /sys/class/leds/red/brightness, fd = -1 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/red_bl/on_off, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : func:write_int, failed to open /sys/class/leds/red_bl/on_off, fd = -1 11-22 02:55:24.744 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/sc27xx:green/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/green/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : func:write_int, failed to open /sys/class/leds/green/brightness, fd = -1 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/green_bl/on_off, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : func:write_int, failed to open /sys/class/leds/green_bl/on_off, fd = -1 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/sc27xx:blue/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/blue/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : func:write_int, failed to open /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness, fd = -1 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/leds/blue_bl/on_off, value=0 11-22 02:55:24.743 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=12 11-22 02:55:24.745 1073 1073 E LIGHTS : func:write_int, failed to open /sys/class/leds/blue_bl/on_off, fd = -1 11-22 02:55:24.745 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for FullscreenTaskListener 11-22 02:55:24.748 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for FreeformTaskTransitionHandler 11-22 02:55:24.748 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.748 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.748 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.748 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.748 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.748 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.748 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/avc' 11-22 02:55:24.748 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RecentsTransitionHandler 11-22 02:55:24.749 4522 4522 W LocationManagerService: no network location provider found 11-22 02:55:24.750 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ActivityEmbeddingController 11-22 02:55:24.750 4386 4386 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 274039(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 41(1048KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 8837KB/34MB, paused 47us,29us total 100.893ms 11-22 02:55:24.751 4522 4522 I ServiceWatcher: [fused] chose new implementation 1000/com.android.location.fused/.FusedLocationService@0 11-22 02:55:24.752 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[67], flags[0], period_ns[1000000], timeout[0] 11-22 02:55:24.753 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[67], enabled[1] 11-22 02:55:24.753 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004) 11-22 02:55:24.754 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--1812) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-11812) 11-22 02:55:24.754 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for StartingWindowController 11-22 02:55:24.754 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ProtoLogController 11-22 02:55:24.754 4522 4522 D GnssJni : Trying IGnss_V2_1::getService() 11-22 02:55:24.752 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=67 0 1000 0 11-22 02:55:24.752 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 67, rate = 1000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 02:55:24.753 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=67 1 11-22 02:55:24.753 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 67, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:24.754 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.gnss.IGnss/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.755 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for KeyguardTransitionHandler 11-22 02:55:24.755 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DefaultMixedHandler 11-22 02:55:24.755 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004) 11-22 02:55:24.755 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--1812) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-11812) 11-22 02:55:24.757 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/avc' 11-22 02:55:24.757 4729 4729 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for BackAnimationController 11-22 02:55:24.758 1254 4375 D C2SoftAvcEnc: Given level 0 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 5000 11-22 02:55:24.758 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Initializing Shell Components: 28 11-22 02:55:24.760 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayChangeController init took 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.762 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayController init took 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.762 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/flac' 11-22 02:55:24.763 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayInsetsController init took 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.763 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayImeController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for ShellController 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: ShellController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from DragAndDropController with key extra_shell_drag_and_drop 11-22 02:55:24.764 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.04ms> 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for DragAndDropController 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DragAndDropController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class compatui for CompatUIShellCommandHandler 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: CompatUIController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from RecentTasksController with key extra_shell_recent_tasks 11-22 02:55:24.764 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for RecentTasksController 11-22 02:55:24.765 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/flac' 11-22 02:55:24.765 4522 4632 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.765 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: RecentTasksController init took 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.765 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for ShellTaskOrganizer 11-22 02:55:24.762 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=13 11-22 02:55:24.768 4522 4632 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.769 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/g711-alaw' 11-22 02:55:24.770 4522 4522 D GnssJni : Link to death notification successful 11-22 02:55:24.771 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionAGnssRil_2_0: enter 11-22 02:55:24.771 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: ShellTaskOrganizer init took 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.771 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for OneHandedController 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssMeasurement_2_1: entry 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssAntennaInfo: enter 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_getExtension entry 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 E GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssAntennaInfo interface not implemented by GNSS HAL 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionMeasurementCorrections_1_1: entry 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssNi: entry and deprecated 11-22 02:55:24.772 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssConfiguration_2_1: entry 11-22 02:55:24.773 1253 1253 E GnssHAL_V_Gnss: gnss flp hw_get_module failed: -2, err is Unknown error -2 11-22 02:55:24.773 1253 1253 E GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssBatching_2_0: GnssBatching interface is not implemented by HAL 11-22 02:55:24.773 1253 1253 E GnssHAL_V_Gnss: gnss flp hw_get_module failed: -2, err is Unknown error -2 11-22 02:55:24.773 1253 1253 E GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionGnssBatching: GnssBatching interface is not implemented by HAL 11-22 02:55:24.773 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: getExtensionVisibilityControl: entry 11-22 02:55:24.773 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/g711-mlaw' 11-22 02:55:24.773 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: setCallback_2_1: sCapabilitiesCached =0xd6 11-22 02:55:24.773 4522 4522 D GnssCallbackJni: gnssSetCapabilitesCb: 214u 11-22 02:55:24.774 4522 4522 I GnssManager: gnss capabilities changed to [MSB MSA ON_DEMAND_TIME NAVIGATION_MESSAGES ACCUMULATED_DELTA_RANGE(unknown)] 11-22 02:55:24.774 4522 4522 D GnssCallbackJni: gnssSetSystemInfoCb: yearOfHw=2018 11-22 02:55:24.771 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.775 4522 4522 D GnssCallbackJni: gnssNameCb: name=Google Mock GNSS Implementation v2.1 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_init entry callbacks: 0x79086e01a0 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : GNSSMGT_W22.37.3_V2.7.19 Version:64bit, gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:33:40 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gps_init: s->first=[1] 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 I misc gnss_common_ctl: gnss_clktype_show clktyp[2] 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : setup_directory enter 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: enter file[1] will setup and loaded [0:supl.xml; 1:config.xml; 2:secgps.conf] 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: get same tag count:34 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: [/data/vendor/gnss/config/config.xml] exists, compare tag succ ,no need to setup 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig: enter, fileType 1 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_getFileStrPtr: file size [1777] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig_configxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:CHIPMDU:[GREENEYE2],IMGMOD:[GNSSBDMODEM],GE2VER:[GPS_GLO GE2_W17.40.5],SPDORBITENB:[1], CPMOD:[29],CHIPID:[SP12],OUTPROTL:[0011],LOGENB:[0],UARTNAME:[/dev/ttyS0],UARTSPED:[3000000] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:STYNAME:[/dev/sttygnss0],DBGENB:[1],POSENB:[0],APWDGENB:[1],REAPHENB:[0],SLPENB:[1],SLPTIM:[300],CMCCENB:[1],TSXENB:[0],RFTL:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:SUPLPTH:[/vendor/etc/supl.xml],FLOCN0:[0],BSBNDMOD:[0],MSUREPORT:[1],MINIPVT:[0],FL_WK_MD:[0],FL_VDR_MD:[255],WHITELISTENA:[0],CPLOGTOAP-ENABLE:[0],RfPathLossDb_Ap:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:RfPathLossDb_Cp:[0],IDLEON-DELAY:[0],WIFI_ONLY:[0],GE2-SUPPORT-GALILEO:[1] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : config_contex_load: enter 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig load end ,then free pRead and mutex unlock 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: load file[1] succ 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: enter file[0] will setup and loaded [0:supl.xml; 1:config.xml; 2:secgps.conf] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: get same tag count:80 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: [/data/vendor/gnss/supl/supl.xml] exists, compare tag succ ,no need to setup 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig: enter, fileType 0 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_getFileStrPtr: file size [4663] 11-22 02:55:24.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig_suplxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.776 4390 4409 D Codec2InfoBuilder: codec entry for 'c2.android.gsm.decoder' is disabled 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:ENB:[1],SERVADDR:[supl.qxwz.com],SERVPORT:[7275],HLPENB:[0],HLPADDR:[],HLPORT:[0],SUPLMOD:[msb],VER:[SUPL_15.5.2],SUPLVER:[v2.0.0],AGPSVER:[AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:LOGENB:[1],RSTENB:[0],UDPENB:[0],CTLPLAN:[0],MINPERF:[0],MPM:[LOCATION],ExtAdrEnb:[0],EXTADDR:[123456],MLCNUMENB:[0],MLCNUM:[123456] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:CPAUTRST:[1],CERVFY:[0],SUPLCER:[/data/vendor/gnss/supl/spirentroot.cer],TLSENB:[1],SETID:[IMSI],ACCUUNIT:[METER] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:HORACCU:[25],VERTACCU:[10],LOCAGE:[0],DELAY:[0],LABIOT:[0],ECIDENB:[0],LOCALMSIS:[0],3RDMSIS:[0],TRIGSTART:[0],TRIGTYP:[AREA] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:PERIMININVAL:[60],PERISTARTIM:[30],PERISTOPTIM:[240],PERIPOSMETHD:[BASE],AREAPOSMETHD:[BASE],AREATYP:[INSIDE],GEOGRAPH:[CIRCULAR],GEORADIUS:[1000],GEOLAT:[31.665800],GEOLON:[121.456398] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:GEOTRIG:[0],SIGN:[NORTH],AREAMININTVAL:[60],MAXNUM:[5],AREASTARTIM:[30],AREASTOPTIM:[240],NIENB:[1],EMNOTIFY:[0],ROAMENB:[1],SUPLOGSAV:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:NOTIFYTIMOUT:[8],VERIFYTIMOUT:[8],NITEST:[NOTIFIONLY],HASHALGO:[AUTO],REALTIM:[1],QUSIREATIM:[1],BATCH:[1],MAXNUMPOS:[60],MAXNUMSR:[60],PERIDMIN:[10],PERIDMAX:[60],FWSUPLCFG:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:LPP_PROFILE:[2],CP_AGPS_ENABLE_PROFILE:[1],USE_NI_SLP_ADDRESS:[1],SUPL_USE_APN:[0],ALLOW_SUPL_IGNORE_NFW_LOCATION_POLICY:[0],ALLOW_CP_IGNORE_NFW_LOCATION_POLICY:[0],SUPL_VER_SKT_NI:[0],SUPL_USE_APN_NI:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : supl_contex_load: enter 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig load end ,then free pRead and mutex unlock 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: load file[0] succ 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag enter, dname[/data/vendor/gnss/config/config.xml], sname[/vendor/etc/config.xml] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: get same tag count:34 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: imgmode_str[GNSSBDMODEM] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: def_workmode[3] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: board_platform[ums9230], ret_zy[7] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_getcpmode get configXml mode[29] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: file_is_init[1] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: chip_value[marlin3lite-Integ], ret_zy[17] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: build_product[I11_Plus], ret_zy[8] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: comm_mode[0x2],power_en_mode[0x2],tsxmode[0x2],def_workmode[0x1d],cp_mode[1d],board_platform[ums9230],build_product[I11_Plus],serialName[/dev/data0_gnss] 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_xml_config: enter 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_tsx: enter 11-22 02:55:24.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_tsx: file /mnt/vendor/txdata.txt doesn't exist, errno 2, strerr:No such file or directory 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_clk_type(): read gnss clk type 2 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_clk_type(): gnss clk type is 2 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_gnssxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag enter, dname[/data/vendor/gnss/config/config.xml], sname[/vendor/etc/config.xml] 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: get same tag count:34 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_suplxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_config_suplxml: supl path: /vendor/etc/supl.xml 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : setup_file enter, type[6] 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : setup_file: etc_path = /vendor/etc/spirentroot.cer, setup_path = /data/vendor/gnss/supl/spirentroot.cer 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : setup_file: copy type xml data from etc to type:6 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_secgps_conf: enter 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig: enter, fileType 2 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig_secGpsConf gnss_iniFileLoad failed! 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig load end ,then free pRead and mutex unlock 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_sleeptrigger: enter 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_config_sleeptrigger: sleep is enabled 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_sleeptrigger: sleep timeout is set to [300] 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_gnssimg: enter 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_config_gnssimg: imgmode is bds 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_xml_config: build type[userdebug] 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_xml_config(): lte is [1], postlog is [0], apWatchdog is [1], sleepSwitch is [1], sleepTimeout [300], tsx is [0], release is [0], imgmode is [4], binPath is [], logEnable is[0], floatCn0 is [0], basebandMode is [0], outtype is [0] 11-22 02:55:24.778 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_init: gps has already init 11-22 02:55:24.779 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10106 => granted (1066 us) 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_xtra_init entry callbacks: 0x79086e02c8 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_xtra_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_xtra_init: download_request_cb[0x79086d4518], create_thread_cb[0x79086d45e0] 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_AGnss: setCallback: AGnss Enter 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_gps_init entry,callbacks:0x79086e0178 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_lcsinit: enter 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_lcsinit: liblcsmgt.so has already been opened 11-22 02:55:24.779 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : set_udp_state: udp_enable[0] 11-22 02:55:24.779 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10106 => granted (271 us) 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_geofence_init entry callbacks:0x79086e0248 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_geo_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_geofence_init: enter, callbacks[0x79086e0248] 11-22 02:55:24.780 4522 4522 I GnssLocationProviderJni: Unable to initialize IGnssNi interface. 11-22 02:55:24.780 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10106 => granted (225 us) 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_ril_init entry callbacks:0x79086e0188 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_ril_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_ril_init: request_setid cb ptr[0x79086c4974], request_refloc cb ptr[0x79086c4a44] 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_GnssVisibilityControl: setCallback enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_visibility_control_init entry callbacks:0x79086e02e8 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_gnssVisibilityCtrl_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_init_visibilityCtrl: enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_visibility_control_init entry ret=0 11-22 02:55:24.780 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/3gpp' 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_measurement_corrections_init entry callbacks:0x79086e02d8 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_meas_corr_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_meas_corr_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_meas_corr_init: input callbacks[0x79086e02d8] size[16], callback[0x79086d4d48] 11-22 02:55:24.780 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_meas_corr_init: before this init, measCorrInitCount=[2] local size=[16] callback=[0x79086d4d48] 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_cleanup entry 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_cleanup: enter 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : GNSSMGT_W22.37.3_V2.7.19 Version:64bit, gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:33:40 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gps_cleanup: enter 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_cmd_send: enter, send_cmd is 4 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_thread: cmd[4], s->started[0] 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_thread: CMD_CLEAN recv, started[0] 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_thread: send cp sleep when recv CMD_CLEAN 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_notiySleepDevice: enter, sleepFlag[1], powerState[0], comm_mode[2] 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 E GNSSMGT : gps_notiySleepDevice: the State should DEVICE_IDLED but UNKOWN STATE 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_hardware_close: enter, comm_mode[2] 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 2069 W GnssHAL_V_Gnss: updateWakelock: GNSS HAL Wakelock released, duplicate request 11-22 02:55:24.781 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: statusCb: GNSS Callback_2_1 Interface called 11-22 02:55:24.782 4522 4522 I GnssManager: gnss hal initialized 11-22 02:55:24.782 4522 4522 I GnssManager: gnss hal started 11-22 02:55:24.782 4522 4522 E GnssLocationProviderJni: android_location_gnss_hal_GnssNative_start_antenna_info_listening: IGnssAntennaInfo interface not available. 11-22 02:55:24.784 1254 4375 D C2SoftH263Enc: Given level 3004 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 3003 11-22 02:55:24.784 4522 4522 E LocationManagerService: no geocoder provider found 11-22 02:55:24.784 4522 4522 E ActivityRecognitionHardware: activity_recognition HAL is deprecated. is_supported is effectively a no-op 11-22 02:55:24.784 4522 4522 E LocationManagerService: unable to bind ActivityRecognitionProxy 11-22 02:55:24.784 4522 4522 E LocationManagerService: unable to bind to GeofenceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 37ms 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.785 1254 4375 D C2SoftH263Enc: Given level 3004 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 3003 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: Wallpaper_switch-user-0 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: bindWallpaperComponentLocked: componentName=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:24.785 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.bindWallpaperComponentLocked-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:24.786 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/3gpp' 11-22 02:55:24.786 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from OneHandedController with key extra_shell_one_handed 11-22 02:55:24.786 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: OneHandedController init took 15ms 11-22 02:55:24.783 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=14 11-22 02:55:24.787 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.787 1254 4373 D C2SoftH263Enc: Given level 0 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 3003 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.bindWallpaperComponentLocked-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: Wallpaper_switch-user-0 took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4539 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssConfiguration setEsExtensionSec() failed. 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4539 E GnssConfiguration: Unable to set ES_EXTENSION_SEC: 0 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.787 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.788 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.788 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:24.788 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.788 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:24.788 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.788 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[83] 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:32 11-22 02:55:24.788 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.20ms> 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [32] 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:24.788 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:12 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [12] 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [SUPL_MODE=1 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:14 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [14] 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [LPP_PROFILE=2 11-22 02:55:24.789 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:24.790 4522 4632 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.790 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DefaultTransitionHandler init took 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.790 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.790 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:24.791 4522 4522 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 600 : false 11-22 02:55:24.791 4522 4632 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[NetworkStats,5,main] 11-22 02:55:24.791 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from Transitions with key extra_shell_shell_transitions 11-22 02:55:24.792 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.793 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.793 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/hevc' 11-22 02:55:24.794 812 4380 I keystore2: system/security/keystore2/src/authorization.rs:143 - on_lock_screen_event(r#UNLOCK, user_id=0, password.is_some()=false, unlocking_sids=Some([])) 11-22 02:55:24.795 4386 4386 I Zygote : Entering forkRepeatedly native zygote loop 11-22 02:55:24.796 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class transitions for Transitions 11-22 02:55:24.796 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transitions init took 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.796 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:24.796 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.796 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.796 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:24.796 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.796 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.797 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.797 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.798 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004) 11-22 02:55:24.798 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.798 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.798 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--1812) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-11812) 11-22 02:55:24.799 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.799 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.799 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004) 11-22 02:55:24.800 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from BubbleController with key extra_shell_bubbles 11-22 02:55:24.800 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for BubbleController 11-22 02:55:24.800 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: BubbleController init took 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.800 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for SplitScreenController 11-22 02:55:24.800 1254 4375 I mediaswcodec: missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--1812) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-11812) 11-22 02:55:24.800 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class splitscreen for SplitScreenController 11-22 02:55:24.800 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.800 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.800 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from SplitScreenController with key extra_shell_split_screen 11-22 02:55:24.801 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/hevc' 11-22 02:55:24.802 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.802 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.803 1254 1305 D C2SoftHevcEnc: Given level 0 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 6000 11-22 02:55:24.803 4386 4386 D Zygote : Forked child process 4778 11-22 02:55:24.803 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 169ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 169ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 170ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:24.804 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4778:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for 11-22 02:55:24.805 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 170ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:24.805 4522 4522 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanionService$PullingAlarmListener@7b21b23 11-22 02:55:24.805 4522 4522 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanionService$PeriodicAlarmListener@b2c6820 11-22 02:55:24.805 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:39 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [39] 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:24.806 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/mpeg' 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_gps_SetServer entry type:1 port:7275 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_gps_SetServer entry hostname:supl.google.com 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_setServer: enter 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_gps_set_server: AGpsType[SUPL:1;C2K:2][1], hostname[supl.google.com] 11-22 02:55:24.806 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_gps_set_server: fwsuplcfg[0] 11-22 02:55:24.802 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=15 11-22 02:55:24.806 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.808 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 173ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:24.808 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 172ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 11-22 02:55:24.810 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.811 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_Gnss: setCallback_2_1: sCapabilitiesCached =0xd6 11-22 02:55:24.811 4522 4539 D GnssCallbackJni: gnssSetCapabilitesCb: 214u 11-22 02:55:24.811 4522 4539 D GnssCallbackJni: gnssSetSystemInfoCb: yearOfHw=2018 11-22 02:55:24.811 4522 4539 D GnssCallbackJni: gnssNameCb: name=Google Mock GNSS Implementation v2.1 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_init entry callbacks: 0x79086e01a0 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : GNSSMGT_W22.37.3_V2.7.19 Version:64bit, gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:33:40 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gps_init: s->first=[1] 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : setup_directory enter 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: enter file[1] will setup and loaded [0:supl.xml; 1:config.xml; 2:secgps.conf] 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 I StatsCompanionService: Told statsd that StatsCompanionService is alive. 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: get same tag count:34 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: [/data/vendor/gnss/config/config.xml] exists, compare tag succ ,no need to setup 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig: enter, fileType 1 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_getFileStrPtr: file size [1777] 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig_configxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:CHIPMDU:[GREENEYE2],IMGMOD:[GNSSBDMODEM],GE2VER:[GPS_GLO GE2_W17.40.5],SPDORBITENB:[1], CPMOD:[29],CHIPID:[SP12],OUTPROTL:[0011],LOGENB:[0],UARTNAME:[/dev/ttyS0],UARTSPED:[3000000] 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:STYNAME:[/dev/sttygnss0],DBGENB:[1],POSENB:[0],APWDGENB:[1],REAPHENB:[0],SLPENB:[1],SLPTIM:[300],CMCCENB:[1],TSXENB:[0],RFTL:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:SUPLPTH:[/vendor/etc/supl.xml],FLOCN0:[0],BSBNDMOD:[0],MSUREPORT:[1],MINIPVT:[0],FL_WK_MD:[0],FL_VDR_MD:[255],WHITELISTENA:[0],CPLOGTOAP-ENABLE:[0],RfPathLossDb_Ap:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:RfPathLossDb_Cp:[0],IDLEON-DELAY:[0],WIFI_ONLY:[0],GE2-SUPPORT-GALILEO:[1] 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : config_contex_load: enter 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig load end ,then free pRead and mutex unlock 11-22 02:55:24.812 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: load file[1] succ 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: enter file[0] will setup and loaded [0:supl.xml; 1:config.xml; 2:secgps.conf] 11-22 02:55:24.812 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compareFileTag: get same tag count:80 11-22 02:55:24.813 4390 4409 D Codec2InfoBuilder: codec entry for 'c2.android.mpeg2.decoder' is disabled 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: [/data/vendor/gnss/supl/supl.xml] exists, compare tag succ ,no need to setup 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig: enter, fileType 0 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_getFileStrPtr: file size [4663] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig_suplxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:ENB:[1],SERVADDR:[supl.qxwz.com],SERVPORT:[7275],HLPENB:[0],HLPADDR:[],HLPORT:[0],SUPLMOD:[msb],VER:[SUPL_15.5.2],SUPLVER:[v2.0.0],AGPSVER:[AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:LOGENB:[1],RSTENB:[0],UDPENB:[0],CTLPLAN:[0],MINPERF:[0],MPM:[LOCATION],ExtAdrEnb:[0],EXTADDR:[123456],MLCNUMENB:[0],MLCNUM:[123456] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:CPAUTRST:[1],CERVFY:[0],SUPLCER:[/data/vendor/gnss/supl/spirentroot.cer],TLSENB:[1],SETID:[IMSI],ACCUUNIT:[METER] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:HORACCU:[25],VERTACCU:[10],LOCAGE:[0],DELAY:[0],LABIOT:[0],ECIDENB:[0],LOCALMSIS:[0],3RDMSIS:[0],TRIGSTART:[0],TRIGTYP:[AREA] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 I misc gnss_common_ctl: gnss_clktype_show clktyp[2] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:24.813 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:PERIMININVAL:[60],PERISTARTIM:[30],PERISTOPTIM:[240],PERIPOSMETHD:[BASE],AREAPOSMETHD:[BASE],AREATYP:[INSIDE],GEOGRAPH:[CIRCULAR],GEORADIUS:[1000],GEOLAT:[31.665800],GEOLON:[121.456398] 11-22 02:55:24.813 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:GEOTRIG:[0],SIGN:[NORTH],AREAMININTVAL:[60],MAXNUM:[5],AREASTARTIM:[30],AREASTOPTIM:[240],NIENB:[1],EMNOTIFY:[0],ROAMENB:[1],SUPLOGSAV:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:NOTIFYTIMOUT:[8],VERIFYTIMOUT:[8],NITEST:[NOTIFIONLY],HASHALGO:[AUTO],REALTIM:[1],QUSIREATIM:[1],BATCH:[1],MAXNUMPOS:[60],MAXNUMSR:[60],PERIDMIN:[10],PERIDMAX:[60],FWSUPLCFG:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig get:LPP_PROFILE:[2],CP_AGPS_ENABLE_PROFILE:[1],USE_NI_SLP_ADDRESS:[1],SUPL_USE_APN:[0],ALLOW_SUPL_IGNORE_NFW_LOCATION_POLICY:[0],ALLOW_CP_IGNORE_NFW_LOCATION_POLICY:[0],SUPL_VER_SKT_NI:[0],SUPL_USE_APN_NI:[0] 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : supl_contex_load: enter 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig load end ,then free pRead and mutex unlock 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_init: load file[0] succ 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600 took to complete: 79ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: PhaseThirdPartyAppsCanStart took to complete: 79ms 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStack 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag enter, dname[/data/vendor/gnss/config/config.xml], sname[/vendor/etc/config.xml] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: get same tag count:34 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module android.net.INetworkStackConnector 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: imgmode_str[GNSSBDMODEM] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: def_workmode[3] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: board_platform[ums9230], ret_zy[7] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_getcpmode get configXml mode[29] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: file_is_init[1] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: chip_value[marlin3lite-Integ], ret_zy[17] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: build_product[I11_Plus], ret_zy[8] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_feature_config: comm_mode[0x2],power_en_mode[0x2],tsxmode[0x2],def_workmode[0x1d],cp_mode[1d],board_platform[ums9230],build_product[I11_Plus],serialName[/dev/data0_gnss] 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_xml_config: enter 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_tsx: enter 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_tsx: file /mnt/vendor/txdata.txt doesn't exist, errno 2, strerr:No such file or directory 11-22 02:55:24.814 4522 4522 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module in network_stack process 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_clk_type(): read gnss clk type 2 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_clk_type(): gnss clk type is 2 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_gnssxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.814 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag enter, dname[/data/vendor/gnss/config/config.xml], sname[/vendor/etc/config.xml] 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: the system xml sentence not include tag : 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : compare_file_tag: get same tag count:34 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_suplxml: enter 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_config_suplxml: supl path: /vendor/etc/supl.xml 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : setup_file enter, type[6] 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : setup_file: etc_path = /vendor/etc/spirentroot.cer, setup_path = /data/vendor/gnss/supl/spirentroot.cer 11-22 02:55:24.815 4522 4553 D StatsPullAtomService: Registering NetworkStats pullers with statsd 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : setup_file: copy type xml data from etc to type:6 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_secgps_conf: enter 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig: enter, fileType 2 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig_secGpsConf gnss_iniFileLoad failed! 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_loadConfig load end ,then free pRead and mutex unlock 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_sleeptrigger: enter 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_config_sleeptrigger: sleep is enabled 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_sleeptrigger: sleep timeout is set to [300] 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_config_gnssimg: enter 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_config_gnssimg: imgmode is bds 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_xml_config: build type[userdebug] 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_xml_config(): lte is [1], postlog is [0], apWatchdog is [1], sleepSwitch is [1], sleepTimeout [300], tsx is [0], release is [0], imgmode is [4], binPath is [], logEnable is[0], floatCn0 is [0], basebandMode is [0], outtype is [0] 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_cmd_send: enter, send_cmd is 0 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_init: succeed! 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_thread: cmd[0], s->started[0] 11-22 02:55:24.815 1253 2069 D GNSSMGT : gps_daemon_thread: gps inited 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_xtra_init entry callbacks: 0x79086e02c8 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_xtra_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_xtra_init: download_request_cb[0x79086d4518], create_thread_cb[0x79086d45e0] 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_AGnss: setCallback: AGnss Enter 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_gps_init entry,callbacks:0x79086e0178 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_lcsinit: enter 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_lcsinit: liblcsmgt.so has already been opened 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : set_udp_state: udp_enable[0] 11-22 02:55:24.815 4778 4778 I WebViewLoader-a: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_geofence_init entry callbacks:0x79086e0248 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_geo_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.816 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_geofence_init: enter, callbacks[0x79086e0248] 11-22 02:55:24.816 4522 4539 I GnssLocationProviderJni: Unable to initialize IGnssNi interface. 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_ril_init entry callbacks:0x79086e0188 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_ril_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_ril_init: request_setid cb ptr[0x79086c4974], request_refloc cb ptr[0x79086c4a44] 11-22 02:55:24.817 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1073; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_GnssVisibilityControl: setCallback enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: StageCoordinator 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_visibility_control_init entry callbacks:0x79086e02e8 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_gnssVisibilityCtrl_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_init_visibilityCtrl: enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_visibility_control_init entry ret=0 11-22 02:55:24.817 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1073; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.817 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1073; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.817 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_measurement_corrections_init entry callbacks:0x79086e02d8 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_meas_corr_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_meas_corr_init: enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_meas_corr_init: input callbacks[0x79086e02d8] size[16], callback[0x79086d4d48] 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_meas_corr_init: before this init, measCorrInitCount=[3] local size=[16] callback=[0x79086d4d48] 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_gps_SetServer entry type:1 port:7275 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_gps_SetServer entry hostname:supl.google.com 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_setServer: enter 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_gps_set_server: AGpsType[SUPL:1;C2K:2][1], hostname[supl.google.com] 11-22 02:55:24.817 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_gps_set_server: fwsuplcfg[0] 11-22 02:55:24.817 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/mp4v-es' 11-22 02:55:24.817 4522 4522 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service start requested 11-22 02:55:24.817 4522 4522 D NetworkStackClient: Network stack service start requested 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStack took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartTethering 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4522 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module android.net.ITetheringConnector 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4539 I GnssVisibilityControl: Updating non-framework location access proxy apps in the GNSS HAL to: [] 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4522 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module in network_stack process 11-22 02:55:24.818 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_GnssVisibilityControl: enableNfwLocationAccess proxyApps: 11-22 02:55:24.818 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_nfwLocationAccess_enable: enter 11-22 02:55:24.818 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_nfwLocationAccess_enable(): proxyApps dup is [] 11-22 02:55:24.818 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_update_proxyapps: enter, apps=[0] 11-22 02:55:24.818 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_visibility_control_enable_nfw_location_access entry ret=0 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4539 I GnssBlocklistHelper: Update GNSS satellite blocklist: 11-22 02:55:24.818 4522 4522 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service start requested 11-22 02:55:24.818 4729 4766 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.819 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartTethering took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.819 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeCountryDetectionServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.819 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeCountryDetectionServiceReady took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.819 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady 11-22 02:55:24.819 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: SplitScreenController init took 19ms 11-22 02:55:24.819 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: PipTransition 11-22 02:55:24.819 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: PipTransition init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.819 4522 4522 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 14 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=15, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:24.820 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.820 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeInputManagerServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.820 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.820 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:24.821 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:24.821 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[33] 11-22 02:55:24.821 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: constellation:0,svid:0 mask 0 11-22 02:55:24.821 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_sendData: enter, flag[0x59], comm_mode[2], sensorhub[1] 11-22 02:55:24.821 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gps_sendData: command will not send, because the gps engine is not working 11-22 02:55:24.821 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_GnssConfiguration: setBlacklist_2_1: update mask:0 con 0 ,svid 0 config size 16 11-22 02:55:24.821 4522 4522 I InputManager: Enabling motion classifier because just booted: feature enabled, long press timeout = 400 11-22 02:55:24.821 4522 4522 I InputProcessor: Enabling motion classifier 11-22 02:55:24.821 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/mp4v-es' 11-22 02:55:24.822 4522 4522 E PHH : Not found a SW_MACHINE_COVER 11-22 02:55:24.822 4778 4778 W WebViewLoader-a: Using default instruction set features for ARM CPU variant (generic) using conservative defaults 11-22 02:55:24.822 1254 4375 D C2SoftMpeg4Enc: Given level 0 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 4003 11-22 02:55:24.823 4522 4780 I InputProcessor: HAL android.hardware.input.processor.IInputProcessor/default is not declared 11-22 02:55:24.825 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4786 11-22 02:55:24.825 4522 4619 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=DEVICE_ALIAS 11-22 02:55:24.825 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeInputManagerServiceReady took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.825 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.826 4778 4778 E WebViewLoader-a: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 189ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4522 I MR2ServiceImpl: switchUser | user: 0 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeMmsServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.822 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0f1, wait_count=16 11-22 02:55:24.823 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.input.processor.IInputProcessor/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:24.826 4522 4522 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to MmsService until an API is called 11-22 02:55:24.827 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeMmsServiceReady took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.827 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: IncidentDaemonReady 11-22 02:55:24.827 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 190ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: IncidentDaemonReady took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: MakeIncrementalServiceReady 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: MakeIncrementalServiceReady took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: OdsignStatsLogger 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 191ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4786:WebViewLoader-arm64-v8a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 191ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: OdsignStatsLogger took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.828 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: getCurrentUser 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Current user:0 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: getCurrentUser took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ActivityManagerStartApps 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 192ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.StartUser-0 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onStartUser 0 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.829 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.830 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.830 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/opus' 11-22 02:55:24.831 4786 4786 I libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: tag level set to 0 11-22 02:55:24.833 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/opus' 11-22 02:55:24.836 4522 4551 D GameManagerService: User ID '0' does not have a Game Mode selected for package: 'android' 11-22 02:55:24.836 4522 4619 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS 11-22 02:55:24.836 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.836 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.836 4786 4786 I WebViewLoader-a: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:24.840 4778 4778 V WebViewLibraryLoader: RelroFileCreator (64bit = false), package: com.android.webview library: libwebviewchromium.so 11-22 02:55:24.841 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/raw' 11-22 02:55:24.843 4786 4786 E WebViewLoader-a: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:24.845 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <3.44ms> 11-22 02:55:24.843 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a2, wait_count=17 11-22 02:55:24.843 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.843 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.847 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.847 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4805 11-22 02:55:24.848 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: PipTouchHandler init took 29ms 11-22 02:55:24.848 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4805:com.android.networkstack.process/1073 for service {com.android.networkstack/com.android.server.NetworkStackService} 11-22 02:55:24.848 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DevicePostureController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.848 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: TabletopModeController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.849 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for PipController 11-22 02:55:24.850 4522 4659 W PackageManager: Invalid dex load report. loadingPackageName=null, uid=1037 11-22 02:55:24.850 4778 4778 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:24.850 4778 4778 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/webview/webview.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/webview/lib/arm:/system/product/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/product/lib:/system/product/lib, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/product/lib:/system/product/lib 11-22 02:55:24.851 4522 4659 D GameManagerService: User ID '0' does not have a Game Mode selected for package: 'android' 11-22 02:55:24.851 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'audio/vorbis' 11-22 02:55:24.852 4778 4778 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:24.853 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.854 4786 4786 V WebViewLibraryLoader: RelroFileCreator (64bit = true), package: com.android.webview library: libwebviewchromium.so 11-22 02:55:24.855 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from PipController with key extra_shell_pip 11-22 02:55:24.855 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: PipController init took 6ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: FullscreenTaskListener init took 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: FreeformTaskTransitionHandler init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: RecentsTransitionHandler 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: RecentsTransitionHandler init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: ActivityEmbeddingController 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: ActivityEmbeddingController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from StartingWindowController with key extra_shell_starting_window 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: StartingWindowController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp8' 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class protolog for ProtoLogController 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: ProtoLogController init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.856 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: KeyguardTransitionHandler 11-22 02:55:24.856 4589 4591 W idmap2d : failed to parse idmap header of '/data/resource-cache/vendor@overlay@Settings__auto_generated_rro_vendor.apk@idmap' 11-22 02:55:24.857 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: KeyguardTransitionHandler init took 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.857 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: DefaultMixedHandler 11-22 02:55:24.857 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: DefaultMixedHandler init took 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.857 4805 4805 I rkstack.process: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:24.859 1254 1306 I C2SoftVpxEnc: setting temporal layering 0 + 0 11-22 02:55:24.860 4522 4697 W PackageManager: Invalid dex load report. loadingPackageName=null, uid=1037 11-22 02:55:24.860 4786 4786 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:24.860 4786 4786 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/webview/webview.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/webview/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:24.861 4729 4766 D ShellBackPreview: Back animation enabled=false 11-22 02:55:24.861 1254 1306 I C2SoftVpxEnc: setting temporal layering 0 + 0 11-22 02:55:24.861 4786 4786 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:24.861 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from BackAnimationController with key extra_shell_back_animation 11-22 02:55:24.862 4589 4591 W idmap2d : failed to find resource 'bool/config_support_swipetonotification' 11-22 02:55:24.862 4589 4591 E idmap2d : no resources were overlaid 11-22 02:55:24.862 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp8' 11-22 02:55:24.863 4805 4805 E rkstack.process: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:24.867 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: BackAnimationController init took 10ms 11-22 02:55:24.867 4589 4591 W idmap2d : failed to parse idmap header of '/data/resource-cache/system@product@overlay@treble-overlay-SystemUI-FalseLocks.apk@idmap' 11-22 02:55:24.868 4729 4766 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 110ms wmshell.main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.wm.shell.common.ShellExecutor$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@c523365 m=0 11-22 02:55:24.868 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Display added: 0 11-22 02:55:24.867 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=18 11-22 02:55:24.871 4522 4697 D GameManagerService: User ID '0' does not have a Game Mode selected for package: 'com.android.networkstack' 11-22 02:55:24.872 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1073; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.872 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1073; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.872 4589 4591 W idmap2d : failed to find resource 'bool/config_lockscreenAntiFalsingClassifierEnabled' 11-22 02:55:24.872 4589 4591 E idmap2d : no resources were overlaid 11-22 02:55:24.873 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp9' 11-22 02:55:24.875 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.876 1254 1306 I C2SoftVpxEnc: setting temporal layering 0 + 0 11-22 02:55:24.876 4786 4786 I WebViewLoader-a: System.exit called, status: 0 11-22 02:55:24.876 4786 4786 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped. 11-22 02:55:24.876 4522 4765 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.877 4522 4765 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.877 4522 4765 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10093; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.877 4522 4765 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.877 4522 4765 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 207557677; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.877 4386 4386 W Zygote : forkRepeatedly terminated due to non-simple command 11-22 02:55:24.877 1254 1306 I C2SoftVpxEnc: setting temporal layering 0 + 0 11-22 02:55:24.878 4386 4386 D Zygote : mbuffer starts with 14, nice name is webview_zygote, mEnd = 417, mNext = 165, mLinesLeft = 6, mFd = 8 11-22 02:55:24.878 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.878 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.879 4778 4778 I WebViewLoader-a: System.exit called, status: 0 11-22 02:55:24.879 4778 4778 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped. 11-22 02:55:24.879 4390 4409 I Codec2InfoBuilder: adding type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp9' 11-22 02:55:24.880 1254 1305 D C2SoftVpxEnc: Given level 0 does not cover current configuration: adjusting to 7000 11-22 02:55:24.882 4729 4766 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.882 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.76ms> 11-22 02:55:24.884 4522 4736 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.884 4522 4734 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.884 4729 4766 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 11-22 02:55:24.884 4522 4736 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.886 4522 4734 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.888 4805 4805 W rkstack.process: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=1, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.net.ipsec.ike.jar*3039086002]} | PCL[]) 11-22 02:55:24.888 4522 4755 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:24.889 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.887 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=19 11-22 02:55:24.890 4522 4756 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:24.891 4805 4805 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/NetworkStack/NetworkStack.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/NetworkStack/lib/arm64:/system/priv-app/NetworkStack/NetworkStack.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.networkstack:/system/priv-app/NetworkStack:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:24.891 4386 4386 I Zygote : Process 4778 exited cleanly (0) 11-22 02:55:24.890 4522 4755 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software" 11-22 02:55:24.891 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Process WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a (pid 4778) has died: psvc PER 11-22 02:55:24.893 4522 4697 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:24.893 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1037 pid 4778 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.894 4522 4755 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:24.894 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.895 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Process WebViewLoader-arm64-v8a (pid 4786) has died: psvc PER 11-22 02:55:24.895 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 4786 exited cleanly (0) 11-22 02:55:24.896 4522 4756 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:24.896 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 1037 11-22 02:55:24.897 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.897 4522 4626 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 11-22 02:55:24.898 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1037 pid 4786 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.898 1066 1066 I Codec2-ComponentStore@1.1: getTransactionInfo empty 11-22 02:55:24.898 1066 1967 I Codec2-ComponentStore@1.1: getTransactionInfo empty 11-22 02:55:24.898 4522 4626 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 11-22 02:55:24.903 4522 4551 D GameManagerService: User ID '0' does not have a Game Mode selected for package: 'com.android.systemui' 11-22 02:55:24.904 4522 4755 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:24.904 4522 4756 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:24.905 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:24.905 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:24.906 4386 4386 D Zygote : Forked child process 4845 11-22 02:55:24.903 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.903 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:24.903 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.906 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=20 11-22 02:55:24.907 4522 4765 W ZygoteProcess: Got error connecting to zygote, retrying. msg= Connection refused 11-22 02:55:24.908 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:24.908 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.909 4522 4756 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.910 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.910 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.910 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4755 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.911 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:24.913 4845 4845 I webview_zygote: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:24.916 4522 4756 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:24.916 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <0.77ms> 11-22 02:55:24.916 4522 4756 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:24.916 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:24.916 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:24.916 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:24.916 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 96000 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4756 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 02:55:24.911 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:24.917 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.918 4845 4845 I WebViewZygoteInit: Starting WebViewZygoteInit 11-22 02:55:24.918 4729 4766 W Looper : Slow delivery took 104ms wmshell.main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.wm.shell.draganddrop.DragAndDropController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@c5cd38a m=0 11-22 02:55:24.918 4729 4766 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 50ms wmshell.main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.wm.shell.draganddrop.DragAndDropController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@c5cd38a m=0 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 96000 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:24.919 4522 4756 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:24.920 4522 4755 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:24.920 4522 4755 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:24.920 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:24.920 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:24.920 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:24.920 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:24.920 4805 4805 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:24.920 4805 4805 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:24.921 4805 4805 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:24.921 4805 4805 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.networkstack: false 11-22 02:55:24.921 4805 4805 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.networkstack is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:24.921 4522 4756 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:24.921 4522 4756 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:24.921 4522 4755 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 140000 11-22 02:55:24.921 4805 4805 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4756 D C2Store : Using ION 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 140000 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:24.922 4522 4755 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:24.923 4522 4756 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#846] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:24.925 4522 4756 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#846] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 31 - OK 11-22 02:55:24.925 4522 4756 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#846] Configured output block pool ids 31 => OK 11-22 02:55:24.925 4522 4755 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:24.925 4522 4755 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:24.926 1254 4842 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 31 => got 31 - 0 11-22 02:55:24.927 4522 4755 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#963] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:24.925 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.925 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.926 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 2us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.926 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 2us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.926 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.927 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=21 11-22 02:55:24.930 4522 4755 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#963] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 32 - OK 11-22 02:55:24.931 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.930 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 10us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.930 4756 4756 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4756 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.932 4805 4805 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastServiceModule@UP1A.231105.003/CellBroadcastServiceModule.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastServiceModule@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastServiceModule@UP1A.231105.003/CellBroadcastServiceModule.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.cellbroadcastservice:/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastServiceModule@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:24.932 4522 4522 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took 102 ms in onStartUser-0 11-22 02:55:24.932 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 102ms 11-22 02:55:24.932 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.932 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.932 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:24.933 4522 4755 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#963] Configured output block pool ids 32 => OK 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4805 4805 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:24.934 4755 4755 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4755 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.934 4755 4755 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4755 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.934 4755 4755 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4755 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.934 4755 4755 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4755 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.934 4755 4755 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4755 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.935 1254 4841 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 32 => got 32 - 0 11-22 02:55:24.937 4522 4535 D CoreBackPreview: Window{b2b7765 u0 ShellDropTarget}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@88bd2bb, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:24.937 4842 4842 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4842 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.939 4842 4842 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4842 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.939 4729 4766 W Looper : Drained 11-22 02:55:24.939 4841 4841 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4841 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.940 4842 4842 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4842 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 10ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4659 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1073. pid: 4805 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.942 4841 4841 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4841 , size: 16384, time: 6us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.942 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.943 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.948 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.949 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.39ms> 11-22 02:55:24.949 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.949 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:24.949 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth boot completed 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Getting adapter name and address 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 2, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothHearingAid: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 21, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothLeAudio: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 22, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4522 I BluetoothAirplaneModeListener: start 11-22 02:55:24.950 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.947 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=22 11-22 02:55:24.951 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_GET_NAME_AND_ADDRESS 11-22 02:55:24.951 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: Binding to service to get name and address 11-22 02:55:24.953 4522 4620 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1002; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.954 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.955 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.955 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.955 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.955 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.955 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.955 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.956 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutout does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.uwb.resources does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.adservices.api does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dynsystem does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.healthconnect.controller does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.956 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.calendar does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.media does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.telephony.lte does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.health.connect.backuprestore does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.virtualmachine.res does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.telephony.qns does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wallpapercropper does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.noCutoutGSI does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.mtkims_telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.documentsui does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.externalstorage does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.htmlviewer does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.companiondevicemanager does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.quicksearchbox does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.mms.service does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.highpriomisc does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4536 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.downloads does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.messaging has legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product__ does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.federatedcompute.services does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.tethering does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.cafims_telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.slsiims_telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.957 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.safetycenter.resources does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.downloads.ui does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.pacprocessor does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.simappdialog does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4536 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.connectivity.resources does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.app does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.overlay does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.modulemetadata does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.certinstaller does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.carrierconfig does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.dialog does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package android does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.contacts does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.camera2 does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.spreadtrum.proxy.nfwlocation does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.egg does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.958 4522 4756 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:24.958 1254 1306 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.mtp does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.nfc does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.ons does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.stk does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.launcher3 does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4734 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:24.959 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.backupconfirm does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.provision does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.statementservice does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.compos.payload does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.settings.intelligence does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.calendar does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.settings does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.sharedstoragebackup does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.iwlan does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.printspooler does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dreams.basic does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.webview does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.se does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.inputdevices does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.systemui.falselocks does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.qcrilam does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.rkpdapp does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bips does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.musicfx does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package android.ext.shared does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.server.telecom does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.960 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cellbroadcastservice does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.hwims_telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.keychain does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.printservice.recommendation does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dialer does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.gallery3d has legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package android.ext.services does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.resources does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.calllogbackup does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc.marlin3 does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cameraextensions does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4845 4845 I WebViewZygoteInit: Beginning application preload for com.android.webview 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.localtransport does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.packageinstaller does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.systemui.gsi.overlay does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.carrierdefaultapp does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.credentialmanager does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.proxyhandler does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.intentresolver does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.nearby.halfsheet does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.inputmethod.latin does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.transparent does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package org.chromium.webview_shell does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.961 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sprd.logmanager does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.managedprovisioning does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.tethering does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.soundpicker does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.nightmode does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dreams.phototable does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.smspush does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.role.notes.enabled does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wallpaper.livepicker does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.phone.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.apps.tag does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.imsserviceentitlement does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.navbar does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.storagemanager does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bookmarkprovider does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.962 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.settings does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.networkstack.overlay does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.marlin3 does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cts.ctsshim does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.misc.aod_systemui does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.unisoc.resources.merlion does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.959 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.microdroid.empty_payload does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.vpndialogs does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.flossims_telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.music does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.phone does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.shell does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.sdksandbox does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wallpaperbackup does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.blockednumber does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.userdictionary does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.media.module does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.emergency does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.resources.unisoc does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.hotspot2.osulogin does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.location.fused does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.deskclock does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.systemui does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.permissioncontroller does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.traceur does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.ondevicepersonalization.services does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.963 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bluetooth does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wallpaperpicker does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.contacts does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.captiveportallogin does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.devicelockcontroller does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.ext.adservices.api does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package me.phh.treble.overlay.sprdims_telephony does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V StorageManagerService: Package android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ does not have legacy storage 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4536 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1073/4805 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 16 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 9ms 11-22 02:55:24.964 4845 4845 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.964 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.10ms> 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.964 4845 4845 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/webview/webview.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/webview/lib/arm:/system/product/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/product/lib:/system/product/lib, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/product/lib:/system/product/lib 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.964 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.965 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.965 4845 4845 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:24.966 4522 4755 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#963] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:24.966 4522 4755 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#963] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:24.966 4522 4755 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#963] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:24.966 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4864 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4864:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for service {com.android.bluetooth/com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService} 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.968 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.968 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.968 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.968 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.968 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.968 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.969 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4734 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4734 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.970 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.967 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=23 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.971 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:24.972 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.972 4391 4391 I netd : registerUnsolicitedEventListener(interface:0xb400007649b158d0) <0.03ms> 11-22 02:55:24.972 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.972 4522 4866 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:24.972 4522 4755 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:24.972 1254 4000 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 W VoiceInteractionManager: no available voice recognition services found for user 0 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4736 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:24.973 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.974 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4866 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.975 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.976 4522 4522 D GameManagerService: Starting user 0 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V GameManagerService_GameManagerSettings: Settings file doesn't exist, skip reading 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4866 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:24.977 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.977 1254 4000 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:24.978 4522 4522 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:24.978 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:24.978 4522 4522 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.StartUser-0 took to complete: 149ms 11-22 02:55:24.978 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:24.978 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startPersistentApps 11-22 02:55:24.979 4845 4845 I WebViewZygoteInit: Application preload done 11-22 02:55:24.980 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1068; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.980 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:24.980 4864 4864 I droid.bluetooth: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:24.981 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:24.981 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.981 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.981 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.981 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.981 4522 4866 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:24.982 4805 4805 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /apex/com.android.tethering/priv-app/TetheringNext@UP1A.231105.003/TetheringNext.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.tethering/priv-app/TetheringNext@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/apex/com.android.tethering/priv-app/TetheringNext@UP1A.231105.003/TetheringNext.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.networkstack.tethering:/apex/com.android.tethering/priv-app/TetheringNext@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:24.982 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.982 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: me.phh.qcrilam is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:24.982 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.983 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.985 4864 4864 E droid.bluetooth: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:24.985 4522 4736 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.985 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1001; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.985 4522 4736 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:24.986 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1001; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.986 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1001; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.986 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.987 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startPersistentApps took to complete: 9ms 11-22 02:55:24.987 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startHomeOnAllDisplays 11-22 02:55:24.987 4522 4866 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:24.988 4522 4866 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:24.988 4522 4876 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:24.988 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:24.989 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:24.989 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:24.989 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:24.990 4522 4866 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 140000 11-22 02:55:24.987 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=24 11-22 02:55:24.991 4522 4866 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 140000 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:24.992 4522 4866 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:24.993 4522 4866 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:24.993 4522 4866 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#507] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:24.993 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265464455; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.994 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265452344; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.994 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 266124927; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.994 4522 4866 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#507] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 33 - OK 11-22 02:55:24.994 4522 4866 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#507] Configured output block pool ids 33 => OK 11-22 02:55:24.994 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265451093; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.994 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4885 11-22 02:55:24.995 4522 4876 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:24.995 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265456536; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.995 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:24.995 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 255940284; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.995 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 236283604; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.995 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263959004; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.996 1254 4867 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 33 => got 33 - 0 11-22 02:55:24.996 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 264304459; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.996 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 264301586; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.996 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 254631730; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.996 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.04ms> 11-22 02:55:24.996 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273509367; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.995 4866 4866 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4866 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.995 4866 4866 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4866 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.995 4866 4866 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4866 , size: 32768, time: 2us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.995 4866 4866 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4866 , size: 32768, time: 2us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.995 4866 4866 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4866 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:24.997 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263259275; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.997 4522 4876 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:24.997 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.997 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.997 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:24.997 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:24.998 4522 4553 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:24.999 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:25.000 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:25.000 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.000 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.000 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.001 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.001 4522 4876 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.001 4522 4553 D CountryDetector: Using custom country detector class: com.android.server.location.ComprehensiveCountryDetector 11-22 02:55:25.001 4522 4553 E CountryDetector: Could not instantiate the custom country detector class 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4553 D CountryDetector: Using default country detector 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.002 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:25.005 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194480991; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.006 4522 4876 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.006 4522 4876 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:25.006 4885 4885 I com.android.se: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.006 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:25.006 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:25.006 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:25.006 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:25.006 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.006 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=25 11-22 02:55:25.007 4522 4876 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 140000 11-22 02:55:25.008 4522 4876 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 140000 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.009 4522 4876 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.009 4885 4885 E com.android.se: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.010 4522 4876 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:25.010 4522 4876 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:25.009 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.010 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.011 4522 4876 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 20 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:25.013 4522 4876 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 34 - OK 11-22 02:55:25.014 4522 4876 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] Configured output block pool ids 34 => OK 11-22 02:55:25.014 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 197654537; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.014 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.014 4876 4876 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4876 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.015 1081 1081 I vendor.unisoc.hardware.power-service: Power isModeSupported: 5 11-22 02:55:25.015 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.015 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:25.015 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:25.015 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:25.015 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.015 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.017 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:25.017 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:25.017 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:25.017 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 02:55:25.017 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene end### 11-22 02:55:25.017 4522 4522 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.settings/.FallbackHome (has extras)} with LAUNCH_MULTIPLE from uid 0 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_UID) result code=0 11-22 02:55:25.018 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startHomeOnAllDisplays took to complete: 31ms 11-22 02:55:25.018 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: showSystemReadyErrorDialogs 11-22 02:55:25.018 4522 4522 I system_server: getFrameworkHalManifest: Reading VINTF information. 11-22 02:55:25.016 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.017 4876 4876 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4876 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.017 4876 4876 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4876 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.017 4876 4876 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4876 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.018 4876 4876 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4876 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.019 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.019 1254 4886 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 34 => got 34 - 0 11-22 02:55:25.020 4522 4522 I system_server: getDeviceHalManifest: Reading VINTF information. 11-22 02:55:25.020 4867 4867 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4867 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.024 4522 4522 I system_server: getDeviceHalManifest: Successfully processed VINTF information 11-22 02:55:25.024 4522 4522 I system_server: getFrameworkHalManifest: Successfully processed VINTF information 11-22 02:55:25.024 4522 4522 I system_server: getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix: Reading VINTF information. 11-22 02:55:25.024 4522 4866 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.024 1254 4000 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.025 4522 4536 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 157233955; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.025 4522 4866 W AMessage: failed to deliver message as target handler 9 is gone. 11-22 02:55:25.025 4522 4734 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.023 4886 4886 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4886 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.027 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=26 11-22 02:55:25.027 4886 4886 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4886 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.035 4522 4734 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.035 4522 4734 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.037 4522 4906 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:25.039 4522 4906 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:25.041 4522 4876 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.041 4522 4876 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.041 4522 4876 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.042 4522 4906 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:25.042 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:25.042 4522 4876 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.042 1254 4375 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.043 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: xdpi, ydpi: 225.777, 233.027 11-22 02:55:25.043 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: width, height: 1200, 2000 11-22 02:55:25.044 4522 4736 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.045 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:25.046 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:25.047 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.047 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.047 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.047 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.047 4522 4906 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.049 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:25.046 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a3, wait_count=27 11-22 02:55:25.051 4522 4906 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.051 4522 4906 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:25.051 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:25.051 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:25.051 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:25.051 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:25.052 4522 4906 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 140000 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 140000 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.053 4522 4906 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.054 4522 4736 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.054 4522 4906 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:25.054 4522 4906 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:25.054 4522 4736 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.055 4522 4906 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#804] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 21 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:25.056 4522 4914 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:25.057 4522 4906 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#804] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 35 - OK 11-22 02:55:25.057 4522 4906 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#804] Configured output block pool ids 35 => OK 11-22 02:55:25.057 4906 4906 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4906 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.058 4906 4906 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4906 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.058 4906 4906 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4906 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.058 4906 4906 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4906 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.058 4906 4906 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4906 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.058 1254 4907 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 35 => got 35 - 0 11-22 02:55:25.059 4522 4914 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:25.060 4522 4522 I system_server: getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix: Successfully processed VINTF information 11-22 02:55:25.060 4522 4522 I system_server: getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix: Reading VINTF information. 11-22 02:55:25.060 4522 4522 I system_server: getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix: Successfully processed VINTF information 11-22 02:55:25.060 4522 4914 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:25.061 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:25.061 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: showSystemReadyErrorDialogs took to complete: 43ms 11-22 02:55:25.061 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: sendUserStartBroadcast 11-22 02:55:25.062 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: sendUserStartBroadcast took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.062 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: resumeTopActivities 11-22 02:55:25.063 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:25.063 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: resumeTopActivities took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.063 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: sendUserSwitchBroadcasts 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: sendUserSwitchBroadcasts took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: setBinderProxies 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: setBinderProxies took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ActivityManagerStartApps took to complete: 235ms 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: componentAlias 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 D ComponentAliasResolver: Compat listener set. 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: componentAlias took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.064 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: PhaseActivityManagerReady took to complete: 637ms 11-22 02:55:25.065 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: LockSettingsThirdPartyAppsStarted 11-22 02:55:25.065 4522 4914 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.065 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: LockSettingsThirdPartyAppsStarted took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.065 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUI 11-22 02:55:25.065 4522 4551 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from OffloadController uid/pid=1073/4805 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.066 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:25.065 4907 4907 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4907 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.066 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a6, wait_count=28 11-22 02:55:25.068 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUI took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.068 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startOtherServices took to complete: 2005ms 11-22 02:55:25.068 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: startApexServices 11-22 02:55:25.068 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: starting com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService 11-22 02:55:25.068 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService 11-22 02:55:25.068 4522 4522 D DeviceLockService: DeviceLockService constructor 11-22 02:55:25.069 4522 4542 I ActivityManager: com.android.settings is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:25.069 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.070 4522 4522 I DeviceLockService: Registering device_lock 11-22 02:55:25.070 4522 4535 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 90ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:25.070 4522 4535 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 90ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:25.070 4522 4535 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4885:com.android.se/1068 for added application com.android.se 11-22 02:55:25.070 4522 4535 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 90ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4914 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: starting com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4914 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: starting com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 I SystemServiceManager: Not starting an already started service com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: starting com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4535 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 91ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: startApexServices took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: UpdateWatchdogTimeout 11-22 02:55:25.071 4522 4522 I Watchdog: Watchdog timeout updated to 60000 millis 11-22 02:55:25.072 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: UpdateWatchdogTimeout took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.072 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: StartServices took to complete: 6600ms 11-22 02:55:25.072 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 239920 11-22 02:55:25.072 4522 4914 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4522 W Looper : Slow delivery took 3132ms main h=android.app.PropertyInvalidatedCache$AutoCorker$1 c=null m=0 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 239920 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:25.073 4522 4914 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.074 4522 4914 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.074 4522 4914 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:25.074 4522 4914 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:25.075 4522 4535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1068; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.071 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.071 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:25.071 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.072 4907 4907 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4907 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.073 4907 4907 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4907 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.075 4522 4914 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#763] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 22 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:25.075 4522 4535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1068; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.077 4522 4914 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#763] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 36 - OK 11-22 02:55:25.078 4522 4914 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#763] Configured output block pool ids 36 => OK 11-22 02:55:25.077 4907 4907 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4907 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.078 4914 4914 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4914 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.078 4914 4914 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4914 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.078 4914 4914 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4914 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.078 4914 4914 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4914 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.079 1254 4915 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 36 => got 36 - 0 11-22 02:55:25.079 4907 4907 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4907 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.079 4914 4914 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4914 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.081 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1002; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.082 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1002; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.082 4885 4885 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1068; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.082 4885 4885 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1068; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.082 469 469 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-4, state=1, recv open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.082 469 469 I sprd-sbuf: smsg_open_ack: channel 3-4! 11-22 02:55:25.082 469 469 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-4 state = 0, recv cmd msg, flag = 1! 11-22 02:55:25.082 469 469 E : WCN BASE error: sbuf read event[0] invalid 11-22 02:55:25.082 469 469 E : WCN BASE error: sbuf read event[0] invalid 11-22 02:55:25.082 469 469 E : WCN BASE error: sbuf read event[0] invalid 11-22 02:55:25.082 472 472 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-5, state=1, recv open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.082 472 472 I sprd-sbuf: smsg_open_ack: channel 3-5! 11-22 02:55:25.082 470 470 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-11, state=1, recv open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.082 470 470 I sprd-sbuf: smsg_open_ack: channel 3-11! 11-22 02:55:25.082 472 472 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-5 state = 0, recv cmd msg, flag = 1! 11-22 02:55:25.082 472 472 E : WCN BASE error: sbuf read event[0] invalid 11-22 02:55:25.082 470 470 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-11 state = 0, recv cmd msg, flag = 1! 11-22 02:55:25.082 470 470 E : WCN BASE error: sbuf read event[0] invalid 11-22 02:55:25.083 471 471 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-12, state=1, recv open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.083 471 471 I sprd-sbuf: smsg_open_ack: channel 3-12! 11-22 02:55:25.083 471 471 I sprd-sbuf: channel 3-12 state = 0, recv cmd msg, flag = 1! 11-22 02:55:25.083 471 471 E : WCN BASE error: sbuf read event[0] invalid 11-22 02:55:25.086 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.086 4864 4864 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.086 4864 4864 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.087 4885 4885 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/app/SecureElement/SecureElement.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/app/SecureElement/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.se:/system/app/SecureElement:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.088 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 107ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 11-22 02:55:25.089 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1200 x 2000, modeId 1, renderFrameRate 57.999996, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1200, height=2000, fps=57.999996, alternativeRefreshRates=[], supportedHdrTypes=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0, mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false, gameContentTypeSupported false, density 280, 225.777 x 233.027 dpi, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 17241380, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0}, deviceProductInfo DeviceProductInfo{name=, manufacturerPnpId=, productId=, modelYear=0, manufactureDate=null, connectionToSinkType=0}, state ON, committedState ON, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.39763778, hdrSdrRatio NaN, FLAG_ALLOWED_TO_BE_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, FLAG_TRUSTED, installOrientation 0, displayShape DisplayShape{ spec=-1159814459 displayWidth=1200 displayHeight=2000 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0 scale=1.0}} 11-22 02:55:25.089 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 1068; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.087 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: magic_value=0xf0f0f0a6, wait_count=29 11-22 02:55:25.087 180 180 I WCN BASE: BTWF: marlin cp init ready!!! 11-22 02:55:25.087 4915 4915 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4915 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.087 773 773 I sprd-sblock: sblock thread recv msg: dst=3, channel=7, type=1, flag=0xbeee, value=0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.087 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:10 11-22 02:55:25.087 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 7 , flag:0 11-22 02:55:25.087 773 773 I sprd-sblock: sblock_recover:channel 7 11-22 02:55:25.087 773 773 I sprd-sblock: smsg_open_ack: channel 3-7! 11-22 02:55:25.094 4915 4915 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 4915 , size: 16384, time: 6us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.095 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10007; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.095 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for VpnNetworkProvider:0 11-22 02:55:25.096 4864 4864 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /apex/com.android.btservices/app/Bluetooth@UP1A.231105.003/Bluetooth.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.btservices/app/Bluetooth@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.bluetooth:/apex/com.android.btservices/app/Bluetooth@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.096 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10007; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 4864 4864 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.097 472 472 W mdbg_ring_write: 2 callbacks suppressed 11-22 02:55:25.097 472 472 I WCN BASE: mdbg_ring_write totallen:18272 write:1440 wp:00000000b4ac56d0 rp:0000000069932f58 [rate:290] 11-22 02:55:25.097 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onConnected 11-22 02:55:25.098 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4920 11-22 02:55:25.098 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10124; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.098 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4920:me.phh.qcrilam/1000 for added application me.phh.qcrilam 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10124; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 114ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 11-22 02:55:25.099 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10113; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.100 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10113; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.101 4522 4657 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.102 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.102 4920 4920 I libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: tag level set to 0 11-22 02:55:25.102 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10004; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.103 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onSubscribe condition://android/schedule?days= 11-22 02:55:25.103 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10004; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.103 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: setRegistered true 11-22 02:55:25.104 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10117; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.104 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10117; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.105 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.105 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.106 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.106 4522 4654 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar (user not unlocked) 11-22 02:55:25.106 4522 4654 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar (user not unlocked) 11-22 02:55:25.107 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 09:00:00 GMT+09:00 1970 (0)}], now=Wed Nov 22 02:55:25 GMT+09:00 2023 (1700589325103), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 09:00:00 GMT+09:00 1970 (0) 11-22 02:55:25.107 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10130; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.107 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_TRUE reason=meetsSchedule 11-22 02:55:25.107 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10130; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.107 4522 4654 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.108 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.108 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.108 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 247079863; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.109 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.109 4522 4522 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Wed Nov 22 07:00:00 GMT+09:00 2023 (1700604000000), in +4h4m34s897ms, now=Wed Nov 22 02:55:25 GMT+09:00 2023 (1700589325103) 11-22 02:55:25.110 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.110 4920 4920 I me.phh.qcrilam: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.111 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10021; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: cp2 power status:1 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: start_loopcheck 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: s_marlin_bootup_time=218996690356 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: after start2 malrin status[4] BT:0 FM:0 WIFI:4 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: after start2 gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_init]:index[17] chn[7] 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sblock chn[17] create success! 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_init(17, 2) 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_init(17) 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[17] init success! 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_init]:index[19] chn[8] 11-22 02:55:25.107 169 169 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sblock chn[19] create success! 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_init(19, 2) 11-22 02:55:25.107 4923 4923 I sprd-smsg: channel 3-8 send open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_init(19) 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[19] init success! 11-22 02:55:25.107 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_init]:index[21] chn[9] 11-22 02:55:25.108 469 469 I WCN BASE: AT cmd read:Platform Version:WCN_TRUNK_22A_W22.43.3Project Version:uww2631_qogirL6HW Version:....10-26-2022 16:41:27 11-22 02:55:25.108 169 169 I WCN BASE: wcn_set_armlog_status:at+armlog=0 11-22 02:55:25.108 169 169 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:25.111 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10021; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sblock chn[21] create success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_init(21, 2) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_init(21) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[21] init success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_init]:index[16] chn[7] 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sblock chn[16] create success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_init(16, 2) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_init(16) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[16] init success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_init]:index[18] chn[8] 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sblock chn[18] create success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_init(18, 2) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_init(18) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[18] init success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_chn_init]:index[20] chn[9] 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sblock chn[20] create success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [+]bus_chn_init(20, 2) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BUS : [-]bus_chn_init(20) 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I WCN BASE: sipc chn[20] init success! 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [218989]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_SYNC_VERSION] 11-22 02:55:25.108 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.107 4805 4805 W rkstack.process: type=1400 audit(0.0:168): avc: granted { read } for name="psched" dev="proc" ino=4026532002 scontext=u:r:network_stack:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0 tclass=file 11-22 02:55:25.108 4924 4924 I sprd-smsg: channel 3-9 send open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.108 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 130 11-22 02:55:25.107 4805 4805 W rkstack.process: type=1400 audit(0.0:169): avc: granted { read open } for path="/proc/4805/net/psched" dev="proc" ino=4026532002 scontext=u:r:network_stack:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0 tclass=file 11-22 02:55:25.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.112 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10040; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.108 771 771 E : WCN BASE error: chn status(0)! sipc_chn(7) 11-22 02:55:25.107 4805 4805 W rkstack.process: type=1400 audit(0.0:170): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/proc/4805/net/psched" dev="proc" ino=4026532002 scontext=u:r:network_stack:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0 tclass=file 11-22 02:55:25.108 771 771 E : WCN BASE error: sipc chn 7 not created! 11-22 02:55:25.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.108 771 771 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd, 549, tx cmd err:-4 firstly 11-22 02:55:25.108 469 469 I WCN BASE: AT cmd read:OK 11-22 02:55:25.108 169 169 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:25.108 469 469 I WCN BASE: AT cmd read:+LOGLEVEL: 3 11-22 02:55:25.113 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10040; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.114 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10131; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.114 4729 4729 W Settings: Setting secure_frp_mode has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning global URI. 11-22 02:55:25.115 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4932 11-22 02:55:25.115 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10131; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.115 4522 4697 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from BpfCoordinator uid/pid=1073/4805 11-22 02:55:25.115 4920 4920 E me.phh.qcrilam: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.117 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10012; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.117 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10012; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.118 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10114; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.119 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 130ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 11-22 02:55:25.119 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 134ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:25.119 4522 4555 I Watchdog: Interesting Java process com.android.phone started. Pid 4932 11-22 02:55:25.119 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 134ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:25.119 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4932:com.android.phone/1001 for added application com.android.phone 11-22 02:55:25.119 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:25.120 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:25.120 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 11-22 02:55:25.120 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10114; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.121 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.121 4864 4864 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.121 4864 4864 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.121 4864 4864 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.121 4864 4864 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.bluetooth: false 11-22 02:55:25.122 4864 4864 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.bluetooth is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.122 4864 4864 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.122 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10107; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.123 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10107; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.123 4932 4932 I m.android.phone: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.125 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10072; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.126 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10072; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.126 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10132; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.126 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10132; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.126 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10132; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.127 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.127 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10028; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.128 4391 4391 I netd : registerUnsolicitedEventListener(interface:0xb400007649b14d20) <0.05ms> 11-22 02:55:25.128 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10028; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.129 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.129 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10047; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.129 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.130 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentUserContext: contextUser=0 currentUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.126 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.127 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.132 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.132 4932 4932 E m.android.phone: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.132 4885 4885 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.132 4885 4885 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.132 4885 4885 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.132 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: updateCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 11-22 02:55:25.132 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.132 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: assetPaths= 11-22 02:55:25.132 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: and /system/framework/framework-res.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /vendor/overlay/framework-res__auto_generated_rro_vendor.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /system/product/overlay/framework-res__auto_generated_rro_product.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-NightMode.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /system/product/overlay/treble-overlay-highpriomisc.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: and /system/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /data/resource-cache/com.android.systemui-neutral-pomU.frro 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /data/resource-cache/com.android.systemui-accent-7H9z.frro 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /data/resource-cache/com.android.systemui-dynamic-jZZe.frro 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /system/product/overlay/SystemUI__auto_generated_rro_product.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: /system/system_ext/overlay/gsi_overlay_systemui.apk 11-22 02:55:25.133 4885 4885 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.se: false 11-22 02:55:25.133 4885 4885 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.se is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.134 4885 4885 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.134 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10047; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.135 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4952 11-22 02:55:25.135 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 67ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 11-22 02:55:25.135 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.136 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:25.136 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:25.136 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4952:com.android.settings/1000 for top-activity {com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome} 11-22 02:55:25.136 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:25.136 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.136 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:25.137 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.137 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10065; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.138 4805 4805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.138 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10065; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.137 773 773 I sprd-sblock: sblock thread recv msg: dst=3, channel=7, type=5, flag=0x0001, value=0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.137 773 773 I sprd-sblock: send init done! 11-22 02:55:25.137 773 773 I sprd-sblock: channel 3-7, SMSG_CMD_SBLOCK_INIT, dst address = 0x2c4000! 11-22 02:55:25.137 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:8 11-22 02:55:25.137 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 7 , flag:1 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 182478738; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4914 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#763] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4906 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#804] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4914 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#763] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4906 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#804] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4914 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#763] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.139 4522 4906 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#804] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.140 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10079; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.140 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1001; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.141 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1001; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.141 4864 4864 I bt_stack_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/stack_config.cc:199 get_pts_broadcast_audio_config_options: Config isn't ready, use default option 11-22 02:55:25.143 4920 4920 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.143 4920 4920 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.143 4522 4906 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.143 1254 1989 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.143 4864 4864 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.143340:INFO:btif_config_cache.cc(67)] BtifConfigCache, capacity: 10000 11-22 02:55:25.145 4522 4734 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.148 1254 1305 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.148 1254 1305 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.148 4522 4957 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.149 4522 4736 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.149 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.150 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10079; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.150 4932 4932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.150 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.151 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.151 4932 4932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.151 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1068. pid: 4885 11-22 02:55:25.151 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10022; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.151 4920 4920 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar 11-22 02:55:25.151 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10022; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.151 4920 4920 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:25.151 4920 4920 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:25.152 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.152 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.152 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10014; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.152 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10014; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.153 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10036; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.153 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 247079863; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.153 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: main onCreate 11-22 02:55:25.154 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10036; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.154 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10129; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.154 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10129; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.154 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1068; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.154 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10029; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.155 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10029; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.155 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10024; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.155 4522 4522 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-13 for other apk /system/priv-app/Telecom/Telecom.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/Telecom/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.server.telecom:/system/priv-app/Telecom:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.155 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10024; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.155 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10026; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.155 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10026; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.156 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10109; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.156 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10109; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.156 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10078; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.156 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10078; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.156 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10062; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.156 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: Check if terminal eSE1 is available. 11-22 02:55:25.157 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10062; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.157 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10126; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.157 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10126; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.157 4920 4920 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=26, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/app/QcRilAm/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.qcrilam:/system/app/QcRilAm:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.157 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.157 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10003; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10003; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.158 4729 4947 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-22 02:55:25.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10034; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10034; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.158 4729 4947 I MediaRouter: Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn(): types=8388615, isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null 11-22 02:55:25.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10095; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10095; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.157 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.secure_element.ISecureElement/eSE1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.159 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10067; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.159 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10067; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.159 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.2::ISecureElement/eSE1 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.159 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.159 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.159 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-eSE1: SE Hal V1.2 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.159 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10010; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.160 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10010; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.160 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10121; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.160 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.1::ISecureElement/eSE1 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.160 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10121; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.160 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-eSE1: SE Hal V1.1 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.160 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10084; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.160 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.160 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.0::ISecureElement/eSE1 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.160 4932 4932 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.phone:/system/priv-app/TeleService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.160 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: No HAL implementation for eSE1 11-22 02:55:25.161 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: Check if terminal SIM1 is available. 11-22 02:55:25.161 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10080; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10080; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10069; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.2::ISecureElement/SIM1 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.161 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10069; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-SIM1: SE Hal V1.2 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.162 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.1::ISecureElement/SIM1 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.162 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-SIM1: SE Hal V1.1 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10046; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10046; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10037; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10037; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.161 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.secure_element.ISecureElement/SIM1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.163 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10008; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.163 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 11-22 02:55:25.163 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10008; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.163 4920 4920 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/app/QcRilAm/QcRilAm.apk. target_sdk_version=26, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/app/QcRilAm/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.qcrilam:/system/app/QcRilAm:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.163 4522 4522 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 11-22 02:55:25.163 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10102; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.163 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10102; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.164 4885 4885 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.secure_element@1.0::ISecureElement/SIM1 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4522 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10112; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10112; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.164 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.165 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.165 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.165 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10011; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.165 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10011; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.165 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10100; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.165 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10100; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10056; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10056; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4522 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-14 for other apk /system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/FusedLocation/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.location.fused:/system/priv-app/FusedLocation:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.166 4932 4932 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/priv-app/TeleService/TeleService.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.phone:/system/priv-app/TeleService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10076; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.166 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10076; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.167 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.167 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10093; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.167 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10018; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.167 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10018; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.167 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10055; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10055; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10045; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10045; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10035; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.168 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10035; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10058; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4522 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-15 for other apk /system/priv-app/FusedLocation/FusedLocation.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/FusedLocation/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.location.fused:/system/priv-app/FusedLocation:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10058; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10066; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10066; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10027; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.169 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10027; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.170 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10075; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.170 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10075; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.170 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10085; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.170 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10085; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.171 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10097; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.171 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10097; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.171 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.171 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.171 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 4959 11-22 02:55:25.173 4805 4805 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.networkstack.tethering.Tethering$TetheringSoftApCallback@30e4ee2, executor=com.android.networkstack.tethering.Tethering$TetheringThreadExecutor@deca273 11-22 02:55:25.173 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4959:android.ext.services/u0a132 for service {android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 11-22 02:55:25.174 4885 4885 I SecureElement-Terminal-SIM1: OnStateChange:true reason: 11-22 02:55:25.175 4805 4805 V WifiManager: registerLocalOnlyHotspotSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.networkstack.tethering.Tethering$LocalOnlyHotspotCallback@f326530, executor=com.android.networkstack.tethering.Tethering$TetheringThreadExecutor@deca273 11-22 02:55:25.175 4885 4885 I SecureElement-AccessControlEnforcer: Allowed ACE mode: ara=true arf=true fullaccess=false 11-22 02:55:25.177 4522 4535 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1073/4805 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 19 [NetworkRequest [ TRACK_SYSTEM_DEFAULT id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack.tethering UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:25.177 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.179 4952 4952 I ndroid.settings: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.182 4952 4952 E ndroid.settings: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.182 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10119; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.182 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.182 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.182 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10119; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.183 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.183 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.184 4522 4539 I ServiceWatcher: [fused] connected to {com.android.location.fused/com.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService} 11-22 02:55:25.184 4522 4522 E WiredAccessoryManager: No state change. 11-22 02:55:25.184 4522 4522 W WiredAccessoryManager: Both input event and extcon are used for audio jack, please just choose one. 11-22 02:55:25.184 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10032; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.184 4959 4959 I id.ext.services: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.184 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10032; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.185 4864 4864 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for bluetooth_legacy.provider (user not unlocked) 11-22 02:55:25.185 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10074; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.185 4864 4864 D DataMigration: Legacy migration skiped: no migration app installed 11-22 02:55:25.185 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10074; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.186 4885 4885 I SecureElement-Terminal-SIM1: SIM1 was initialized 11-22 02:55:25.186 4522 4522 I ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service connected 11-22 02:55:25.186 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.186 4522 4522 I NetworkStackClient: Network stack service connected 11-22 02:55:25.186 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: Check if terminal SIM2 is available. 11-22 02:55:25.187 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.182 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.183 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:25.183 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.187 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.secure_element.ISecureElement/SIM2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.187 4522 4522 D NetworkStackClient: Network stack service registered 11-22 02:55:25.187 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.188 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.188 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.2::ISecureElement/SIM2 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.188 4959 4959 E id.ext.services: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.188 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10068; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.189 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10068; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.189 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-SIM2: SE Hal V1.2 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.190 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10044; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.190 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.1::ISecureElement/SIM2 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.190 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-SIM2: SE Hal V1.1 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.190 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10044; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.189 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.191 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10006; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.191 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.192 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10006; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.192 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.192 4522 4522 W TrustManagerService: EXTRA_USER_HANDLE missing or invalid, value=0 11-22 02:55:25.193 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10057; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.193 4885 4885 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.secure_element@1.0::ISecureElement/SIM2 11-22 02:55:25.193 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10057; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.194 4864 4864 I BluetoothAvrcpControllerJni: classInitNative: succeeds 11-22 02:55:25.194 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10005; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.194 4885 4885 I SecureElement-Terminal-SIM2: OnStateChange:true reason: 11-22 02:55:25.195 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10005; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.195 4885 4885 I SecureElement-AccessControlEnforcer: Allowed ACE mode: ara=true arf=true fullaccess=false 11-22 02:55:25.195 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10054; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.196 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10054; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.196 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10127; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.196 4864 4864 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 1002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.197 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10127; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.197 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.197 4864 4864 I BluetoothHidHostServiceJni: classInitNative: succeeds 11-22 02:55:25.197 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.198 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10016; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.198 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10016; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.195 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.199 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped130,cmd_send130 11-22 02:55:25.199 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10094; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.195 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.200 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.200 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.200 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.200 4864 4864 I BluetoothPanServiceJni: classInitNative(L108): succeeds 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=A2dpService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.200 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=A2dpSinkService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=AvrcpTargetService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=AvrcpControllerService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.200 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=BassClientService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=BatteryService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=CsipSetCoordinatorService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.200 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.200 773 773 I : 00 09 10 01 6d 57 03 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.200 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 129 11-22 02:55:25.200 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_SYNC_VERSION] 11-22 02:55:25.200 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=727, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:9 [WIFI_CMD_SYNC_VERSION]rsp received 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:11,drv:3,fw:2 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:36,drv:1,fw:0 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:83,drv:0,fw:1 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:162,drv:0,fw:1 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:249,drv:0,fw:1 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:250,drv:0,fw:1 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I : API version not match!! CMD ID:251,drv:0,fw:1 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_download_ini enter: 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: wifi_nvm_parse... 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 W sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan: loading /mnt/vendor/sensorhub//wifi_board_config.ini failed with error -13 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 W sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan: Direct firmware load for wifi_board_config.ini failed with error -2 11-22 02:55:25.200 1070 1070 W sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan: Falling back to sysfs fallback for: wifi_board_config.ini 11-22 02:55:25.203 5000 5000 I ueventd : firmware: loading 'wifi_board_config.ini' for '/devices/platform/87000000.cpwcn-btwf/87000000.cpwcn-btwf:sprd-wlan/firmware/wifi_board_config.ini' 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: wifi_nvm_parse read wifi_board_config.ini data_len:0x1bae 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Version 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Major, offset:0, num:1, value: 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Minor, offset:2, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Board 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Config 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Calibration_Bypass, offset:4, num:1, value: 3566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_Chain_Mask, offset:6, num:1, value: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_Chain_Mask, offset:7, num:1, value: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Board 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Config 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : TPC 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]DPD_LUT_idx, offset:8, num:8, value: 51 51 0 17 34 51 51 51 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]TPC_Goal_Chain0, offset:16, num:8, value: 166 127 126 134 166 127 126 134 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]TPC_Goal_Chain1, offset:32, num:8, value: 181 168 165 148 181 168 165 148 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : TPC-LUT 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_0, offset:48, num:4, value: 6 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_1, offset:52, num:4, value: 6 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_2, offset:56, num:4, value: 6 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_3, offset:60, num:4, value: 10 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_4, offset:64, num:4, value: 14 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_5, offset:68, num:4, value: 18 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_6, offset:72, num:4, value: 22 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_LUT_7, offset:76, num:4, value: 26 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_0, offset:80, num:4, value: 6 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_1, offset:84, num:4, value: 6 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_2, offset:88, num:4, value: 10 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_3, offset:92, num:4, value: 14 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_4, offset:96, num:4, value: 18 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_5, offset:100, num:4, value: 22 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_6, offset:104, num:4, value: 26 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_LUT_7, offset:108, num:4, value: 30 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Board 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Config 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Frequency 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Compensation 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_Channel_Chain0, offset:112, num:14, value: 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]2G_Channel_Chain1, offset:126, num:14, value: 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_Channel_Chain0, offset:140, num:25, value: 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]5G_Channel_Chain1, offset:165, num:25, value: 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Rate 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : To 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Power 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : with 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : BW 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : 20M 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]11b_Power, offset:192, num:4, value: 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]11g_Power, offset:196, num:8, value: 36 36 40 40 50 50 58 58 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]11a_Power, offset:204, num:8, value: 24 24 24 24 36 36 40 40 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]11n_2G_Power, offset:212, num:17, value: 46 46 50 50 54 54 60 60 46 46 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]11n_5G_Power, offset:229, num:17, value: 28 28 28 40 40 44 44 44 28 28 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]11ac_Power, offset:246, num:20, value: 30 30 30 30 30 36 36 42 46 58 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Power 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Backoff 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Green_WIFI_offset, offset:269, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]HT40_2G_Power_offset, offset:270, num:1, value: 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]HT40_5G_Power_offset, offset:271, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]VHT40_Power_offset, offset:272, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]VHT80_Power_offset, offset:273, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]SAR_Power_offset, offset:274, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Mean_Power_offset, offset:275, num:1, value: 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]APC_mode, offset:276, num:1, value: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]MAGIC_word, offset:277, num:1, value: 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Reg 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Domain 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reg_domain1, offset:280, num:1, value: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reg_domain2, offset:284, num:1, value: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Band 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Edge 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Power 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : offset 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : MKK 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : FCC 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : ETSI 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]BW20M, offset:288, num:39, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]BW40M, offset:327, num:21, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]BW80M, offset:348, num:6, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : TX 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : Scale 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_1, offset:356, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_1, offset:980, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_2, offset:372, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_2, offset:996, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_3, offset:388, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_3, offset:1012, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_4, offset:404, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_4, offset:1028, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_5, offset:420, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_5, offset:1044, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_6, offset:436, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_6, offset:1060, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_7, offset:452, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_7, offset:1076, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_8, offset:468, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_8, offset:1092, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_9, offset:484, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_9, offset:1108, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_10, offset:500, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_10, offset:1124, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_11, offset:516, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_11, offset:1140, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_12, offset:532, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_12, offset:1156, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_13, offset:548, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_13, offset:1172, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_14, offset:564, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_14, offset:1188, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_36, offset:580, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_36, offset:1204, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_40, offset:596, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_40, offset:1220, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_44, offset:612, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_44, offset:1236, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_48, offset:628, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_48, offset:1252, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=HapClientService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=HeadsetService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=HeadsetClientService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=HearingAidService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=HidDeviceService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=HidHostService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=GattService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=LeAudioService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=TbsService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=BluetoothMapService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=MapClientService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=McpService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=BluetoothOppService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=PanService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=BluetoothPbapService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.203 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=PbapClientService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.204 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=SapService, enabled=true 11-22 02:55:25.204 4864 4864 I AdapterServiceConfig: init: profile=VolumeControlService, enabled=false 11-22 02:55:25.204 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10020; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10020; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.205 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10087; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.205 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1002. pid: 4864 11-22 02:55:25.205 4932 4932 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.205 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10087; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.205 4932 4932 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.205 4932 4932 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.205 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10070; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.205 4932 4932 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.phone: false 11-22 02:55:25.205 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10070; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.205 4932 4932 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.phone is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.206 4932 4932 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.206 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.206 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.206 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10015; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.206 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10015; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.207 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10060; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.207 4729 4729 D MediaResumeListener: loaded resume components for 0: [] 11-22 02:55:25.207 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10060; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_52, offset:644, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_52, offset:1268, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_56, offset:660, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_56, offset:1284, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.207 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_60, offset:676, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_60, offset:1300, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_64, offset:692, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_64, offset:1316, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.207 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_100, offset:708, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_100, offset:1332, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_104, offset:724, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_104, offset:1348, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_108, offset:740, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_108, offset:1364, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_112, offset:756, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_112, offset:1380, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_116, offset:772, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_116, offset:1396, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_120, offset:788, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_120, offset:1412, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_124, offset:804, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.207 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10038; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_124, offset:1428, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_128, offset:820, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_128, offset:1444, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_132, offset:836, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_132, offset:1460, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_136, offset:852, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.207 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10038; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_136, offset:1476, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.208 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_140, offset:868, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_140, offset:1492, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_144, offset:884, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_144, offset:1508, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_149, offset:900, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_149, offset:1524, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_153, offset:916, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_153, offset:1540, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_157, offset:932, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_157, offset:1556, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_161, offset:948, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.208 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10049; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_161, offset:1572, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain0_165, offset:964, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Chain1_165, offset:1588, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : misc 11-22 02:55:25.208 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10049; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]DFS_switch, offset:1604, num:1, value: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]power_save_switch, offset:1605, num:1, value: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]rssi_report_diff, offset:1606, num:1, value: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Ex_FEM_En, offset:1607, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]TX_En_Ctrl, offset:1608, num:1, value: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]LNA_En_Ctrl, offset:1609, num:1, value: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]SW_En_Ctrl, offset:1610, num:1, value: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]LNA_Gain, offset:1611, num:1, value: 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]LNA_Bypass_Gain, offset:1612, num:1, value: -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]Ex_FEM_PDET, offset:1613, num:1, value: 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.208 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : debug 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : reg 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]address, offset:1616, num:16, value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]value, offset:1680, num:16, value: 1 25 24 25 32 33 34 35 36 37 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : coex_config 11-22 02:55:25.208 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]bt_performance_cfg0, offset:1744, num:1, value: 16843009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]bt_performance_cfg1, offset:1748, num:1, value: 16777216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]wifi_performance_cfg0, offset:1752, num:1, value: 17107457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]wifi_performance_cfg2, offset:1756, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]strategy_cfg0, offset:1760, num:1, value: 16843008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]strategy_cfg1, offset:1764, num:1, value: 50331648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]strategy_cfg2, offset:1768, num:1, value: 134348800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]compatibility_cfg0, offset:1772, num:1, value: 67371008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]compatibility_cfg1, offset:1776, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]ant_cfg0, offset:1780, num:1, value: 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.208 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10019; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]ant_cfg1, offset:1784, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]isolation_cfg0, offset:1788, num:1, value: 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]isolation_cfg1, offset:1792, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg0, offset:1796, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg1, offset:1800, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg2, offset:1804, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg3, offset:1808, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg4, offset:1812, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg5, offset:1816, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg6, offset:1820, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]reserved_cfg7, offset:1824, num:1, value: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I : rf_tlv_config 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: [g_table]rf_config, offset:1832, num:26, value: 170 85 0 255 11 11 0 16 0 0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: wifi_nvm_parse(), parsing ini data result=0 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: total config len:8,sec1 len:356, sec2 len:1472 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: total config len:3336,sec1 len:356, sec2 len:1472, sec4 len:3 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: download the first section of config file 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: CRC value:6367 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219085]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.204 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.204 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 131 11-22 02:55:25.204 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 5000 5000 I ueventd : loading /devices/platform/87000000.cpwcn-btwf/87000000.cpwcn-btwf:sprd-wlan/firmware/wifi_board_config.ini took 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped131,cmd_send131 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.204 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10019; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10103; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10103; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4920 4920 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.209 4920 4920 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4920 4920 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10031; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10031; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.209 4920 4920 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for me.phh.qcrilam: false 11-22 02:55:25.210 4920 4920 V GraphicsEnvironment: me.phh.qcrilam is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.210 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10041; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 4920 4920 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.210 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10041; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10125; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10125; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10023; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 4864 4864 I BluetoothMetricsLogger: setCounterMetricsAlarm() 11-22 02:55:25.210 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10023; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.210 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:25.210 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.210 773 773 I : 00 4c 0c 00 cd 57 03 00 00 01 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.210 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 130 11-22 02:55:25.212 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10039; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.212 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10039; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.212 4522 4543 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 197654537; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.212 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10115; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.212 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10115; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.213 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10052; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.213 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10052; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.213 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10025; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.213 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10025; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.213 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10091; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.213 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10091; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.214 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10118; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.210 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.210 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.210 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: download the second section of config file 11-22 02:55:25.210 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: CRC value:4015 11-22 02:55:25.211 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.211 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219092]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.211 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 132 11-22 02:55:25.211 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped132,cmd_send132 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.211 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.214 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10118; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.214 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.214 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.214 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.214 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.214 4522 4659 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 4920 11-22 02:55:25.215 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10101; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.215 4522 4535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10132; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.215 4522 4535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10132; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.217 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10101; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.217 4522 4535 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.218 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10033; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10033; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.216 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.216 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.216 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.216 773 773 I : 00 4c 0c 00 d4 57 03 00 00 02 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.216 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 131 11-22 02:55:25.216 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.216 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: download the third section of config file 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rf_data_len = 26 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: CRC value:55156 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219097]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.216 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 133 11-22 02:55:25.216 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped133,cmd_send133 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10120; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.216 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.218 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.218 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.218 773 773 I : 00 4c 0c 00 d9 57 03 00 01 03 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.218 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 132 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10120; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10009; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4542 I InputManager: Enabling motion classifier because user switched: feature enabled, long press timeout = 400 11-22 02:55:25.219 4885 4885 I SecureElement-Terminal-SIM2: SIM2 was initialized 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4542 I InputProcessor: Enabling motion classifier 11-22 02:55:25.219 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10009; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10088; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10088; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 10088; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4959 4959 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4959 4959 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10071; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.220 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10071; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.221 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.221 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.221 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10077; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.221 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.221 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10017; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.221 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10017; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.222 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10128; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.222 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10128; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.222 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10086; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.222 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10086; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.222 4392 4392 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 02:55:25.223 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10064; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.223 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: onCreate() 11-22 02:55:25.223 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10064; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.223 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.223 4522 5006 I InputProcessor: HAL android.hardware.input.processor.IInputProcessor/default is not declared 11-22 02:55:25.223 4522 4522 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.224 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10013; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.224 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10013; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.224 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: Check if terminal SIM3 is available. 11-22 02:55:25.224 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10133; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.218 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.218 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_rsp_process ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] status[SPRDWL_CMD_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR] 11-22 02:55:25.218 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: download the 4th section of config file 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: trigger = 0, delta = 0, prefer = 0 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: CRC value:49265 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219099]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.218 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 134 11-22 02:55:25.218 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped134,cmd_send134 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.218 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.219 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:275, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:55:25.219 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 86, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:55:25.219 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 275 11-22 02:55:25.220 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:55:25.221 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.221 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.221 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.221 773 773 I : 00 4c 0c 00 db 57 03 00 00 04 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.221 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 133 11-22 02:55:25.221 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_DOWNLOAD_INI] 11-22 02:55:25.221 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.221 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.221 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.221 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219102]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_INFO] 11-22 02:55:25.221 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 135 11-22 02:55:25.221 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped135,cmd_send135 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.221 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:55:25.222 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.222 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.222 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.222 773 773 I : 00 01 69 00 de 57 03 00 00 05 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.222 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 134 11-22 02:55:25.223 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_INFO] 11-22 02:55:25.223 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:1 [WIFI_CMD_GET_INFO]rsp received 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: save wiphy section2 info to sprdwl_priv 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_get_fw_info, TLV type=1, len=1, data_chk=1 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_get_fw_info, drv_version=2, fw_version=2, compat_ver=0 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: chip_model:0x2355, chip_ver:0x0 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: fw_ver:44003, fw_std:0x7f, fw_capa:0x120f7f 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: credit_capa:TX_WITH_CREDIT 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ott support:0 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_init_fw type 2, mode 0 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219104]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_OPEN] 11-22 02:55:25.223 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 136 11-22 02:55:25.223 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped136,cmd_send136 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.223 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.input.processor.IInputProcessor/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.224 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4301000, vbat_avg: 4291000, OCV: 4272048, ibat: 154000, ibat_avg: 86000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4434000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 275, Tbatt: 275, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 214, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:55:25.224 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:55:25.224 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.secure_element.ISecureElement/SIM3 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.224 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10133; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.225 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10030; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.225 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10030; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.225 4729 4729 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete 11-22 02:55:25.225 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.225 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.2::ISecureElement/SIM3 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.225 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10042; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.225 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10042; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.225 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 1002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.226 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-SIM3: SE Hal V1.2 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.226 4952 4952 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.settings:/system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.226 4932 4932 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /system/app/Stk/Stk.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/app/Stk/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.stk:/system/app/Stk:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.226 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.227 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.1::ISecureElement/SIM3 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.227 4885 4885 D SecureElement-Terminal-SIM3: SE Hal V1.1 is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.228 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.secure_element@1.0::ISecureElement/SIM3 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.228 4729 4729 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local Hearing Aid profile 11-22 02:55:25.228 4885 4885 I SecureElementService: No HAL implementation for SIM3 11-22 02:55:25.230 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.230 4952 4952 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.settings:/system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.233 4959 4959 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /apex/com.android.extservices/priv-app/ExtServices@UP1A.231105.003/ExtServices.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.extservices/priv-app/ExtServices@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/apex/com.android.extservices/priv-app/ExtServices@UP1A.231105.003/ExtServices.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/android.ext.services:/apex/com.android.extservices/priv-app/ExtServices@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.234 4729 4729 D BluetoothHearingAid: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.234 4952 4952 W ndroid.settings: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=3, found=2 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*365604908]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*2709203797]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*365604908]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]}) 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4858 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 21, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4522 D BluetoothHeadset: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4959 4959 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4522 D BluetoothHearingAid: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 21, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4522 D BluetoothLeAudio: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.235 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 22, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.236 4522 5011 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.◠11-22 02:55:25.238 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.239 4522 4697 I MR2ServiceImpl: registerManager | uid: 10106, pid: 4729, package: com.android.systemui, user: 0 11-22 02:55:25.239 4932 4932 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-7 for other apk /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/TelephonyProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.providers.telephony:/system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.239 4522 4522 I Telecom : SystemStateHelper: Registering broadcast receiver: android.content.IntentFilter@e0efbf9: TS.init@AAA◠11-22 02:55:25.239 4522 4522 I Telecom : SystemStateHelper: Registering broadcast receiver: android.content.IntentFilter@8bd573e: TS.init@AAA◠11-22 02:55:25.241 4932 4932 D CarrierProvider: onCreate 11-22 02:55:25.238 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.238 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:25.243 4952 4952 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings/Settings.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.settings:/system/system_ext/priv-app/Settings:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.239 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.240 4923 4923 I sprd-smsg: channel 3-8 receive open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.240 4923 4923 I sprd-smsg: channel 3-8 success 11-22 02:55:25.244 4932 4932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.245 4864 4864 D AdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState 11-22 02:55:25.246 4932 4932 D DeferredSmsMmsRestoreService: startIfFilesExist: no files to restore 11-22 02:55:25.246 4932 4932 D DeferredSmsMmsRestoreService: addAllSharedPrefToLocalLog 11-22 02:55:25.247 4864 5018 I AdapterState: OFF : entered 11-22 02:55:25.247 4864 5018 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to OFF 11-22 02:55:25.248 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: new BluetoothKeystoreService isCommonCriteriaMode: false 11-22 02:55:25.249 4522 5016 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute◠11-22 02:55:25.249 4522 5016 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.◠11-22 02:55:25.249 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: start 11-22 02:55:25.249 4864 4864 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.249591:INFO:com_android_bluetooth_btservice_BluetoothKeystore.cpp(97)] classInitNative: succeeds 11-22 02:55:25.249 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: setBluetoothKeystoreService(): set to: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.bluetoothkeystore.BluetoothKeystoreService@5c23532 11-22 02:55:25.251 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.251 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: loadConfigData 11-22 02:55:25.253 4932 4932 D CarrierIdProvider: onCreate 11-22 02:55:25.253 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: getCompareResult: 0 11-22 02:55:25.253 4932 4932 D CarrierIdDatabaseHelper: CarrierIdDatabaseHelper: 5 11-22 02:55:25.256 4522 5024 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio focus entering UNFOCUSED state◠11-22 02:55:25.256 4522 5024 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message received: null.: TS.init->CAMSM.pM_1@AAA◠11-22 02:55:25.257 4864 4864 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 1002; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.258 4959 4959 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.258 4959 4959 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.258 4959 4959 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.258 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.258 4959 4959 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for android.ext.services: false 11-22 02:55:25.258 4959 4959 V GraphicsEnvironment: android.ext.services is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.258 4959 4959 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.258 4864 4864 I bt_btif : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/bluetooth.cc:386 init: init: start restricted = 0 ; common criteria mode = 0, config compare result = 0 11-22 02:55:25.258 4864 4864 I bt : bt_common::init_flags: Flags loaded: asha_packet_drop_frequency_threshold=60asha_phy_update_retry_limit=5always_send_services_if_gatt_disc_done=truealways_use_private_gatt_for_debugging=falseasynchronously_start_l2cap_coc=truebtaa_hci=truebta_dm_clear_conn_id_on_client_close=truebtm_dm_flush_discovery_queue_on_search_cancel=falseclassic_discovery_only=falseclear_hidd_interrupt_cid_on_disconnect=truedelay_hidh_cleanup_until_hidh_ready_start=truedevice_iot_config_logging=falsedynamic_avrcp_version_enhancement=truefinite_att_timeout=truegatt_robust_caching_client=truegatt_robust_caching_server=falsegd_core=falsegd_hal_snoop_logger_socket=truegd_hal_snoop_logger_filtering=truegd_l2cap=falsegd_link_policy=falsegd_remote_name_request=falsegd_rust=falsehci_adapter=0hfp_dynamic_version=trueirk_rotation=falseleaudio_targeted_announcement_reconnection_mode=truepass_phy_update_callback=truepbap_pse_dynamic_version_upgrade=falseperiodic_advertising_adi=trueprivate_gatt=truequeue_l2cap_coc_while_encrypting=trueread_encryption_key_size=trueredact_log=truerust_event_loop=truesco_codec_select_lc3=falsesco_codec_timeout_clear=falsesdp_serialization=truesdp_skip_rnr_if_known=truebluetooth_quality_report_callback=trueset_min_encryption=truesubrating=truetrigger_advertising_callbacks_on_first_resume_after_pause=trueuse_unified_connection_manager=falsesdp_return_classic_services_when_le_discovery_fails=truedefault_log_level=4logging_explicit_tag_settings={} 11-22 02:55:25.259 4864 4864 I bt_osi_allocation_tracker: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/allocation_tracker.cc:60 allocation_tracker_init: canary initialized 11-22 02:55:25.259 4864 5026 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.259305:INFO:message_loop_thread.cc(184)] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_stack_manager_thread 11-22 02:55:25.259 4864 5026 I bt_stack_manager: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/stack_manager.cc:277 event_init_stack: is initializing the stack 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5027 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.260381:INFO:message_loop_thread.cc(184)] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_main_thread 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5026 I device_iot_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/src/device_iot_config_int.cc:68 device_iot_config_module_init: 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5026 E droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.260737:ERROR:config.cc(106)] config_new: unable to open file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_remote_dev_info.conf': No such file or directory 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5026 W device_iot_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/src/device_iot_config_int.cc:83 device_iot_config_module_init: Unable to load config file: /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_remote_dev_info.conf; using backup. 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5026 E droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.260858:ERROR:config.cc(106)] config_new: unable to open file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_remote_dev_info.bak': No such file or directory 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5026 E device_iot_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/src/device_iot_config_int.cc:89 device_iot_config_module_init: Unable to load bak file; creating empty config. 11-22 02:55:25.260 4864 5026 I device_iot_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/src/device_iot_config_int.cc:130 device_iot_config_module_init: Devices loaded 0 11-22 02:55:25.261 4864 5031 I bt_osi_thread: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/thread.cc:210 run_thread: run_thread: thread id 5031, thread name alarm_default_ca started 11-22 02:55:25.262 4864 5032 I bt_osi_thread: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/thread.cc:210 run_thread: run_thread: thread id 5032, thread name alarm_dispatcher started 11-22 02:55:25.262 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:86 module_start_up: module_start_up Starting module "gd_shim_module" 11-22 02:55:25.262 4864 5026 I bt_gd_shim: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/stack.cc:81 StartEverything: StartEverything Starting Gd stack 11-22 02:55:25.262 4864 5026 I bt_gd_shim: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/stack.cc:160 Start: Start Starting Gd stack 11-22 02:55:25.262 4864 5026 I BtGdWakelockNative: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/os/android/wakelock_native.cc:79 Initialize: Initializing native wake locks 11-22 02:55:25.263 4522 4522 I Telecom : MissedCallNotifierImpl: reloadFromDatabase: Boot not yet complete -- call log db may not be available. Deferring loading until boot complete for user 0: TS.init@AAA◠11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.264 4522 4858 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10132. pid: 4959 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of BluetoothCounterMetrics 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of BluetoothCounterMetrics 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BluetoothCounterMetrics: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/metrics/counter_metrics.cc:40 Start: Counter metrics initialized 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started BluetoothCounterMetrics 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of HciHalHidl 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:1432 GetBtSnoopMode: btsnoop_mode_empty: 1 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:505 SnoopLogger: Snoop Logs filtered mode enabled 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:588 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.rfcomm.enabled: 0 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:588 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.a2dp.enabled: 0 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:588 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.headers.enabled: 0 11-22 02:55:25.264 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:597 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.map: disabled 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:597 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.pbap: disabled 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:334 delete_btsnoop_files: Deleting logs if they exist 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:340 delete_btsnoop_files: Main log file does not exist at "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log" 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:348 delete_btsnoop_files: Last log file does not exist at "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log" 11-22 02:55:25.265 4932 4932 D CarrierIdProvider: update database from pb file 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:334 delete_btsnoop_files: Deleting logs if they exist 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:340 delete_btsnoop_files: Main log file does not exist at "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnooz_hci.log" 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:348 delete_btsnoop_files: Last log file does not exist at "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnooz_hci.log" 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of SnoopLogger 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of SnoopLogger 11-22 02:55:25.265 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:588 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.rfcomm.enabled: 0 11-22 02:55:25.266 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:588 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.a2dp.enabled: 0 11-22 02:55:25.266 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:588 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.headers.enabled: 0 11-22 02:55:25.266 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:597 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.map: disabled 11-22 02:55:25.266 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:597 EnableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.pbap: disabled 11-22 02:55:25.266 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger_socket.cc:63 SnoopLoggerSocket: address 2130706433 port 8872 11-22 02:55:25.266 4522 4522 I Telecom : Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being set◠11-22 02:55:25.266 4729 4729 D KeyguardBouncerRepositoryImpl: Keyguard Bouncer is hiding. 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started SnoopLogger 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Btaa Module 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Btaa Module 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 E btaa : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/btaa/android/activity_attribution.cc:107 impl: No suspend control service available. 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Btaa Module 11-22 02:55:25.267 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of HciHalHidl 11-22 02:55:25.268 4522 4522 I ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service connected 11-22 02:55:25.268 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/hci_hal_android_hidl.cc:439 start_hidl: Trying to find a HIDL interface 11-22 02:55:25.267 338 338 E servicemanager: VINTF HALs require names in the format type/instance (e.g. some.package.foo.IFoo/default) but got: suspend_control 11-22 02:55:25.268 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.bluetooth.IBluetoothHci/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.271 4952 4952 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.271 1046 1046 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-impl: BluetoothHci::initialize_1_1() 11-22 02:55:25.271 4952 4952 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.271 4952 4952 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.271 4952 4952 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.settings: false 11-22 02:55:25.272 4952 4952 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.settings is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.272 4952 4952 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.272 1046 1046 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: get_local_address: Trying /mnt/vendor/btmac.txt 11-22 02:55:25.272 1046 1046 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: write_local_address /mnt/vendor btmac is vaild 11-22 02:55:25.272 1046 1046 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: write_local_address 11-22 02:55:25.277 4522 4522 D AccessibilityManagerService: Ignoring non-encryption-aware service ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu/com.android.systemui.accessibility.accessibilitymenu.AccessibilityMenuService} 11-22 02:55:25.279 4522 4522 W WindowMagnificationMgr: requestConnection duplicated request: connect=false, mConnectionState=DISCONNECTED 11-22 02:55:25.280 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.280 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ManagedServices.unbindOtherUserServices_current0 11-22 02:55:25.280 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ManagedServices.unbindOtherUserServices_current0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.281 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ManagedServices.unbindOtherUserServices_current0 11-22 02:55:25.281 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ManagedServices.unbindOtherUserServices_current0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.281 4522 4522 D SystemServerTiming: ManagedServices.unbindOtherUserServices_current0 11-22 02:55:25.281 4522 4522 V SystemServerTiming: ManagedServices.unbindOtherUserServices_current0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.281 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: enabling notification assistant for 0: ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 11-22 02:55:25.281 4952 4952 D BatteryStateDatabase: initialize battery states database 11-22 02:55:25.282 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService cmp=android.ext.services/.notification.Assistant (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:25.282 4952 4952 W BatteryUsageContentProvider: create content provider from null 11-22 02:55:25.283 4952 4952 D SettingsSliceProvider: init 11-22 02:55:25.283 4952 4952 D SettingsSliceProvider: onCreateSliceProvider 11-22 02:55:25.289 1046 1046 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: get_local_address: Got Factory BDA 66:43:31:11:40:03 11-22 02:55:25.289 1046 1046 I bt_vendor: init 11-22 02:55:25.289 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_hci: sprd_vendor_hci_init 11-22 02:55:25.289 1046 1046 I bt_chip_vendor: marlin3_internal_init 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 I bt_chip_vendor: get_file_name, set ini file: /vendor/firmware/bt_configure_rf.ini, /vendor/firmware/bt_configure_pskey.ini 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 I bt_vnd_conf: Attempt to load conf from /vendor/firmware/bt_configure_pskey.ini 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: device_class -> 0x001F00 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: feature_set -> 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x8D, 0xFE, 0xDB, 0x3D, 0x7B, 0x87, 0xFF, 0xA7, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0xF7, 0x3E 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: device_addr -> 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x8E, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x8F 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: comp_id -> 0x073F 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_sys_uart0_communication_supported -> 1 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: cp2_log_mode -> 1 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: LogLevel -> 0xFF 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_central_or_perpheral -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: Log_BitMask -> 0xFFFF 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: super_ssp_enable -> 1 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: common_rfu_b3 -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.290 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: common_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.290 4923 4923 I sprd-sblock: sblock thread recv msg: dst=3, channel=8, type=5, flag=0x0001, value=0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.290 4923 4923 I sprd-sblock: send init done! 11-22 02:55:25.290 4923 4923 I sprd-sblock: channel 3-8, SMSG_CMD_SBLOCK_INIT, dst address = 0x2cb000! 11-22 02:55:25.290 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:8 11-22 02:55:25.290 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 8 , flag:1 11-22 02:55:25.290 4924 4924 I sprd-smsg: channel 3-9 receive open msg! 11-22 02:55:25.290 4924 4924 I sprd-smsg: channel 3-9 success 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: le_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x000000000 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: lmp_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x000000000 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: lc_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x000000000 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_wbs_nv_117 -> 0x004D 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_wbs_nv_118 -> 0x0166 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_nbv_nv_117 -> 0x004D 11-22 02:55:25.291 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_nbv_nv_118 -> 0x0166 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_sys_sco_transmit_mode -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: audio_rfu_b1 -> 0x0C 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: audio_rfu_b2 -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: audio_rfu_b3 -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: audio_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.292 4952 4952 D SpaEnvironment: reset 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_sys_sleep_in_standby_supported -> 1 11-22 02:55:25.292 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_sys_sleep_master_supported -> 1 11-22 02:55:25.293 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: Registering StrongAuthTracker 11-22 02:55:25.293 4522 4632 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_sys_sleep_slave_supported -> 1 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: power_rfu_b1 -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.294 4932 4932 E CarrierIdProvider: read carrier list from ota pb failure: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/misc/carrierid/carrier_list.pb: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 11-22 02:55:25.294 4932 4932 D CarrierIdProvider: latest version: 117440538 need update: false 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: power_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: win_ext -> 42 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: edr_tx_edr_delay -> 6 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: edr_rx_edr_delay -> 8 11-22 02:55:25.294 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: tx_delay -> 12 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: rx_delay -> 34 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: bb_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: agc_mode -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: diff_or_eq -> 0xFF 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: ramp_mode -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: modem_rfu_b1 -> 0 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: modem_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: BQB_BitMask_1 -> 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: BQB_BitMask_2 -> 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: bt_coex_threshold -> 0x04E2, 0x1F40, 0x0020, 0x00C8, 0x0006, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: other_rfu_w -> 0x00000000, 0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 I bt_vnd_conf: Attempt to load conf from /vendor/firmware/bt_configure_rf.ini 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_GainValue_A -> 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_ClassicPowerValue_A -> 0x4115, 0x3A15, 0x3415, 0x2E15, 0x2715, 0x2115, 0x1715, 0x1115, 0x0B15, 0x0715 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_LEPowerValue_A -> 0x3B15, 0x3715, 0x3315, 0x2F15, 0x2B15, 0x2715, 0x2315, 0x1F15, 0x1B15, 0x1715, 0x1315, 0x0F15, 0x0B15, 0x0815, 0x0415, 0x0015 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_BRChannelpwrvalue_A -> 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615 11-22 02:55:25.295 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_EDRChannelpwrvalue_A -> 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0615, 0x0715, 0x0715, 0x0715, 0x0715, 0x0715 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_LEChannelpwrvalue_A -> 0x1515, 0x1515, 0x1515, 0x1515, 0x1515, 0x1515, 0x1515, 0x1515 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_GainValue_B -> 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000, 0xE000 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_ClassicPowerValue_B -> 0x4615, 0x3F15, 0x3815, 0x3115, 0x2A15, 0x2315, 0x1C15, 0x1515, 0x0E15, 0x0715 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_LEPowerValue_B -> 0x5B15, 0x5B15, 0x5B15, 0x5B15, 0x5415, 0x4D15, 0x4615, 0x3F15, 0x3815, 0x3115, 0x2A15, 0x2315, 0x1C15, 0x1515, 0x0E15, 0x0715 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_BRChannelpwrvalue_B -> 0x0715, 0x0915, 0x0D15, 0x0B15, 0x0B15, 0x0D15, 0x0F15, 0x0D15 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_EDRChannelpwrvalue_B -> 0x0615, 0x0815, 0x0B15, 0x0A15, 0x0915, 0x0B15, 0x0D15, 0x0B15 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: g_LEChannelpwrvalue_B -> 0x1815,0x1815,0x1C15,0x1C15,0x1C15,0x1C15,0x1E15,0x1E15 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: LE_fix_powerword -> 0x00 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: Classic_pc_by_channel -> 0xFF 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: LE_pc_by_channel -> 0xFF 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: RF_switch_mode -> 0x02 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: Data_Capture_Mode -> 0x00 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: Analog_IQ_Debug_Mode -> 0x00 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: RF_common_rfu_b3 -> 0x55 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_conf: RF_common_rfu_w -> 0x555F4347, 0x55555555, 0x55555555, 0x55555555, 0x55555555 11-22 02:55:25.296 1046 1046 I bt_vnd_conf: set_mac_address 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I bt_vnd_conf: read_mac_address read file: /data/vendor/bluetooth/btmac.txt 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I bt_vnd_conf: read_mac_address /data/vendor/bluetooth/btmac.txt addr: [66:43:31:11:40:03] 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: marlin3_internal start up 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Open vendor library loaded 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttyBT0, baud 14 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: device fd = 7 open 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: userial_vendor_open set usrdebug mode to tty. 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: open /sys/devices/platform/wcn_bt/dumpmem faild, error=No such file or directory (2) 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: open /sys/devices/platform/sprd-mtty/dumpmem faild, error=No such file or directory (2) 11-22 02:55:25.298 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 I bt_chip_vendor: marlin3_internal_pskey_preload 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_hci: sprd_vnd_send_hci_vsc a0 fc b0 00 1f 00 00 bf ff 8d fe db 3d 7b 87 ff a7 ff 7f 00 e0 f7 3e 03 40 11 31 43 66 3f 07 01 01 ff 00 ff ff 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4d 00 66 01 4d 00 66 01 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 00 00 00 06 08 0c 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e2 04 40 1f 20 00 c8 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.298 4932 4932 D SatelliteProvider: onCreate 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 E bt_upio : upio_set : /proc/bluetooth/sleep/btwrite(-1) incorrent 11-22 02:55:25.295 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.295 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: stty_open 11-22 02:55:25.299 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: dst:3, channel:4 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: stty_open device success! 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: subsys:0 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: start subsys:0 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: before start malrin status[4] BT:0 FM:0 WIFI:4 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: before start gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: wcn_btwf opened already = 4, subsys=0! 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: after start1 malrin status[5] BT:1 FM:0 WIFI:4 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: after start1 gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:25.297 1046 1046 I ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_open power on state ret = 0! 11-22 02:55:25.298 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 A0 FC B0 11-22 02:55:25.300 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: hci_server_thread 11-22 02:55:25.300 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: name: bt_vendor_sprd_hci 11-22 02:55:25.300 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: listen socket: bt_vendor_sprd_hci, fd: 10 11-22 02:55:25.300 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: hci_server_thread wati for btools 11-22 02:55:25.300 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: isNonStrongBiometricAllowed changed for current user 11-22 02:55:25.303 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: Bluetooth Firmware Node: 3956 Date: 0000-10-24 11-22 02:55:25.299 1 1 W /system/bin/init: type=1107 audit(0.0:171): uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:init:s0 msg='avc: denied { set } for property=rw.vendor.bluetooth.fw.ver pid=1046 uid=1002 gid=1002 scontext=u:r:hal_bluetooth_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=property_service permissive=0' 11-22 02:55:25.304 1046 5045 W libc : Unable to set property "rw.vendor.bluetooth.fw.ver" to "3956.0000.10.24": error code: 0x18 11-22 02:55:25.305 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: marlin3_internal_rf_preload 11-22 02:55:25.305 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_hci: sprd_vnd_send_hci_vsc a2 fc fc 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 15 41 15 3a 15 34 15 2e 15 27 15 21 15 17 15 11 15 0b 15 07 15 3b 15 37 15 33 15 2f 15 2b 15 27 15 23 15 1f 15 1b 15 17 15 13 15 0f 15 0b 15 08 15 04 15 00 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 06 15 07 15 07 15 07 15 07 15 07 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 00 e0 15 46 15 3f 15 38 15 31 15 2a 15 23 15 1c 15 15 15 0e 15 07 15 5b 15 5b 15 5b 15 5b 15 54 15 4d 15 46 15 3f 15 38 15 31 15 2a 15 23 15 1c 15 15 15 0e 15 07 15 07 15 09 15 0d 15 0b 15 0b 15 0d 15 0f 15 0d 15 06 15 08 15 0b 15 0a 15 09 15 0b 15 0d 15 0b 15 18 15 18 15 1c 15 1c 15 1c 15 1c 15 1e 15 1e 00 00 ff ff 02 00 00 55 47 43 5f 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 11-22 02:55:25.304 256 256 E init : Unable to set property 'rw.vendor.bluetooth.fw.ver' from uid:1002 gid:1002 pid:1046: SELinux permission check failed 11-22 02:55:25.305 5045 5045 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 A2 FC FC 11-22 02:55:25.310 4932 4932 D DeferredSmsMmsRestoreService: startIfFilesExist: no files to restore 11-22 02:55:25.311 4932 4932 D DeferredSmsMmsRestoreService: addAllSharedPrefToLocalLog 11-22 02:55:25.311 4729 4729 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardSliceProvider$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@55aa217 11-22 02:55:25.312 4952 4952 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 11-22 02:55:25.313 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.22ms> 11-22 02:55:25.313 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_rf_cback hw_core_cback response: [0xFCA2, 0x00] 11-22 02:55:25.313 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_core_enable 11-22 02:55:25.314 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_core_enable : 1 11-22 02:55:25.314 1046 5045 E bt_upio : upio_set : /proc/bluetooth/sleep/btwrite(-1) incorrent 11-22 02:55:25.314 4522 4632 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:25.314 5045 5045 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 A1 FC 03 11-22 02:55:25.316 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_core_cback hw_core_cback response: [0xFCA1, 0x0000, 0x01] 11-22 02:55:25.316 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_ssp_init 11-22 02:55:25.316 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_ssp_lib_open 11-22 02:55:25.317 4932 4932 D DeferredSmsMmsRestoreService: startIfFilesExist: no files to restore 11-22 02:55:25.317 4932 4932 D DeferredSmsMmsRestoreService: addAllSharedPrefToLocalLog 11-22 02:55:25.317 4522 4659 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 4952 11-22 02:55:25.317 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_ssp_lib_open success. 11-22 02:55:25.317 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_set_super_ssp_enable, enable 11-22 02:55:25.317 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_hci: sprd_vnd_send_hci_vsc b0 fc 02 01 01 11-22 02:55:25.317 5045 5045 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 B0 FC 02 11-22 02:55:25.320 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_hci_ssp_cback b0 fc 00 11-22 02:55:25.322 5045 5045 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 B1 FC 48 11-22 02:55:25.320 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_set_own_pp192_key 11-22 02:55:25.320 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: p192_private_key 7fc9570ce74e88282f9e56c4a84e8836e0f99292e165e210 11-22 02:55:25.322 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: p192_public_key_x 96b9f2cc0b300792c306ab279007881731bed512ae3121d4 11-22 02:55:25.322 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: p192_public_key_y b6c070c49204e412b845d084b2cb7e6d2b5befc56db36f1e 11-22 02:55:25.322 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_hci: sprd_vnd_send_hci_vsc b1 fc 48 96 b9 f2 cc 0b 30 07 92 c3 06 ab 27 90 07 88 17 31 be d5 12 ae 31 21 d4 b6 c0 70 c4 92 04 e4 12 b8 45 d0 84 b2 cb 7e 6d 2b 5b ef c5 6d b3 6f 1e 7f c9 57 0c e7 4e 88 28 2f 9e 56 c4 a8 4e 88 36 e0 f9 92 92 e1 65 e2 10 11-22 02:55:25.323 4932 4932 I DomainSelectionResolver: DomainSelectionResolver created: device-config=false 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: Nofity service of inheritance info 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: java.lang.IllegalStateException: User 0 must be unlocked for widgets to be available 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3065) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:3041) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:3024) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2966) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.internal.appwidget.IAppWidgetService$Stub$Proxy.getInstalledProvidersForProfile(IAppWidgetService.java:990) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.getInstalledProvidersForProfile(AppWidgetManager.java:923) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.getInstalledProvidersForPackage(AppWidgetManager.java:857) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.lambda$new$3(AppWidgetManager.java:536) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager.$r8$lambda$MnZCUjy90wcD58stsygv3SVPbu4(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.run(Unknown Source:2) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace: 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetServiceImpl.ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(AppWidgetServiceImpl.java:650) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetServiceImpl.ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(AppWidgetServiceImpl.java:644) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetServiceImpl.getInstalledProvidersForProfile(AppWidgetServiceImpl.java:1708) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at com.android.internal.appwidget.IAppWidgetService$Stub.onTransact(IAppWidgetService.java:510) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1344) 11-22 02:55:25.324 4729 4844 E AppWidgetManager: 11-22 02:55:25.325 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_hci_ssp_cback b1 fc 00 11-22 02:55:25.325 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_set_own_pp256_key 11-22 02:55:25.325 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: p256_private_key 0ccccc7a3ecd253d11f2d7698753c17d5256fbe5145c9e08c45ba43073bf26fb 11-22 02:55:25.327 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: DependencyInjection took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.327 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: p256_public_key_x 949700ea6bf880facb72edc300bd5787b4611c453a9bf36cf5565095e2176376 11-22 02:55:25.327 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-service.unisoc: p256_public_key_y 7e8c2f5360b5771a03c4d32d843e87df39cb16c53f544faa4638b5c715875925 11-22 02:55:25.327 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_hci: sprd_vnd_send_hci_vsc b2 fc 60 94 97 00 ea 6b f8 80 fa cb 72 ed c3 00 bd 57 87 b4 61 1c 45 3a 9b f3 6c f5 56 50 95 e2 17 63 76 7e 8c 2f 53 60 b5 77 1a 03 c4 d3 2d 84 3e 87 df 39 cb 16 c5 3f 54 4f aa 46 38 b5 c7 15 87 59 25 0c cc cc 7a 3e cd 25 3d 11 f2 d7 69 87 53 c1 7d 52 56 fb e5 14 5c 9e 08 c4 5b a4 30 73 bf 26 fb 11-22 02:55:25.328 4729 4729 I SystemUIService: Found SurfaceFlinger's GPU Priority: 13143 11-22 02:55:25.329 4729 4729 I SystemUIService: Setting SysUI's GPU Context priority to: 12545 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_hci_ssp_cback b2 fc 00 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: OnFirmwareConfigured result: 0 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Firmware configured in 0.032s 11-22 02:55:25.330 4864 5041 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/hci_hal_android_hidl.cc:107 initializationComplete: initialization complete with status: 0 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: OnFirmwareConfigured: lpm_timeout_ms 1500 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: low_power_mode_cb result: 0 11-22 02:55:25.330 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: OnFirmwareConfigured Calling StartLowPowerWatchdog() 11-22 02:55:25.327 5045 5045 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 B2 FC 60 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started HciHalHidl 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Hci Layer 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Storage Module 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Storage Module 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 W bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/storage/storage_module.cc:168 Start: cannot load config at /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf, using backup at /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.bak. 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 W bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/storage/storage_module.cc:175 Start: cannot load backup config at /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.bak; creating new empty ones 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.331696:INFO:btif_keystore.cc(61)] ConvertEncryptOrDecryptKeyIfNeeded callback isn't ready. 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Storage Module 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Hci Layer 11-22 02:55:25.331 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Hci Layer 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of shim::Dumpsys 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of shim::Dumpsys 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started shim::Dumpsys 11-22 02:55:25.332 4522 4905 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10106. pid: 4729 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Vendor Specific Event Manager 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Controller 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.332 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Sysprops Module 11-22 02:55:25.333 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Sysprops Module 11-22 02:55:25.333 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Sysprops Module 11-22 02:55:25.333 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Controller 11-22 02:55:25.332 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 03 0C 00 11-22 02:55:25.339 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:25.340 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange() 11-22 02:55:25.340 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange() 11-22 02:55:25.341 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.keyguard.KeyguardBiometricLockoutLogger took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.341 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.LatencyTester took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.340 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 01 0C 08 11-22 02:55:25.340 4924 4924 I sprd-sblock: sblock thread recv msg: dst=3, channel=9, type=5, flag=0x0001, value=0x00000000 11-22 02:55:25.340 4924 4924 I sprd-sblock: send init done! 11-22 02:55:25.340 4924 4924 I sprd-sblock: channel 3-9, SMSG_CMD_SBLOCK_INIT, dst address = 0x335000! 11-22 02:55:25.340 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:8 11-22 02:55:25.340 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_chn_set_status chn: 9 , flag:1 11-22 02:55:25.340 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.341 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.341 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.341 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:25.341 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.341 773 773 I : 00 03 0c 00 e0 57 03 00 00 06 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.341 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 135 11-22 02:55:25.341 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.341 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_OPEN] 11-22 02:55:25.341 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.341 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=721, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.341 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:3 [WIFI_CMD_OPEN]rsp received 11-22 02:55:25.342 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_init_fw,open success type 2, mode:1, ctx_id:0 11-22 02:55:25.342 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 6D 0C 02 11-22 02:55:25.342 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast multicast address num: 0 11-22 02:55:25.342 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.342 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219223]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:25.342 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.342 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 137 11-22 02:55:25.342 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Starting legacy HAL 11-22 02:55:25.342 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 1070 1070 I WifiHAL : Initializing wifi 11-22 02:55:25.342 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped137,cmd_send137 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.342 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast multicast address num: 1 11-22 02:55:25.342 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 01:00:5e:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:25.345 1070 1070 D WifiHAL : isValidMac : /mnt/vendor/wifimac.txt read mac : 40:45:da:65:63:b3 11-22 02:55:25.343 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_set_power_mgmt power save status:1 11-22 02:55:25.343 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 4, status: 1 11-22 02:55:25.343 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I : 00 27 0c 00 57 58 03 00 ff 07 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 136 11-22 02:55:25.343 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:25.343 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_rsp_process ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] status[SPRDWL_CMD_STATUS_ARG_ERROR] 11-22 02:55:25.343 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:25.343 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.343 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:25.343 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219224]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:25.343 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.343 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 138 11-22 02:55:25.343 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 E WifiHAL : get_firmware_bus_max_size_supported: requestResponse Error:-3 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 E WifiHAL : Failed to get supported bus size, error : -3 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped138,cmd_send138 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I : 00 27 0c 00 58 58 03 00 00 08 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.343 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 137 11-22 02:55:25.344 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:25.344 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:25.344 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.344 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.344 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219225]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 139 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped139,cmd_send139 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.344 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:25.344 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.344 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 59 58 03 00 00 09 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.344 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 138 11-22 02:55:25.344 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.344 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.344 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 02:55:25.344 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.344 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 02:55:25.344 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 02:55:25.344 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.349 1070 5062 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Starting legacy HAL event loop 11-22 02:55:25.349 1070 1070 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Adding interface handle for wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.349 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL start complete 11-22 02:55:25.349 1070 1070 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default 11-22 02:55:25.349 1070 1070 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default 11-22 02:55:25.344 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219225]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.344 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 140 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped140,cmd_send140 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.344 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 14 0C 00 11-22 02:55:25.345 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.345 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.345 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.345 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.345 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 59 58 03 00 00 0b 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.345 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 139 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: Device addr of 'wlan0' is 40:45:da:65:63:b3 11-22 02:55:25.346 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.346 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.352 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.346 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_vendor_get_driver_info enter 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Recived req for FW version 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: fw version:44003 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_vendor_get_gscan_capabilities enter 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.346 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219228]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GSCAN] 11-22 02:55:25.346 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 141 11-22 02:55:25.347 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.353 1070 1070 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Configured chip in mode 0 11-22 02:55:25.347 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.353 4952 4952 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 11-22 02:55:25.353 1070 1070 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default 11-22 02:55:25.347 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped141,cmd_send141 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.347 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.347 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 01 10 00 11-22 02:55:25.348 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.348 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.348 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.348 773 773 I : 00 41 1e 00 5c 58 03 00 00 0c 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.348 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 140 11-22 02:55:25.348 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GSCAN] 11-22 02:55:25.348 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.348 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.348 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:65 [WIFI_CMD_GSCAN]rsp received 11-22 02:55:25.348 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cache_size: 1024 scan_bucket:4 11-22 02:55:25.348 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: max AP per scan:32,max_rssi_sample_size:3 11-22 02:55:25.348 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: max_white_list:4,max_black_list:16 11-22 02:55:25.348 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.349 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 02 10 00 11-22 02:55:25.350 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.351 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.351 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.351 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_vendor_get_driver_info enter 11-22 02:55:25.351 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Recived req for Drv version 11-22 02:55:25.351 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_vendor_get_driver_info enter 11-22 02:55:25.351 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Recived req for FW version 11-22 02:55:25.351 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: fw version:44003 11-22 02:55:25.351 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.ims.IRadioIms/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.352 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 03 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.355 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 1C 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.356 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.ScreenDecorations took to complete: 15ms 11-22 02:55:25.356 1070 1070 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default 11-22 02:55:25.357 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.SliceBroadcastRelayHandler took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.357 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.357 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 04 10 01 11-22 02:55:25.359 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.359 1070 1070 D WifiHAL : wifi_virtual_interface_create: ifname=wlan0 create 11-22 02:55:25.359 1070 1070 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Adding interface handle for wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.360 1070 1070 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to set DFS flag; DFS channels may be unavailable. 11-22 02:55:25.360 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.362 4392 5063 E HWComposer: getDisplayDecorationSupport: getDisplayDecorationSupport failed for display 0: Unsupported (8) 11-22 02:55:25.359 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 04 10 01 11-22 02:55:25.360 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.361 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.361 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.361 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.362 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.362 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 04 10 01 11-22 02:55:25.362 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.362 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.ims.IRadioIms/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.363 4388 4587 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex: wrong index 8 min=0 max=1 11-22 02:55:25.363 4388 4587 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeIndexForAttributes failed to set curve index for group 13 device 0x40000000 11-22 02:55:25.364 4522 4522 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setVolumeIndexForAttributes: -22 11-22 02:55:25.364 4388 4587 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex: wrong index 8 min=0 max=1 11-22 02:55:25.364 4522 4636 D HalDevMgr: updateRttController: no one is interested in RTT controllers 11-22 02:55:25.364 4388 4587 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeIndexForAttributes failed to set curve index for group 13 device 0x2 11-22 02:55:25.364 4522 4522 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setVolumeIndexForAttributes: -22 11-22 02:55:25.365 4952 4952 D BatteryUsageBroadcastReceiver: onReceive:android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:25.365 4388 4587 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex: wrong index 8 min=0 max=1 11-22 02:55:25.366 4388 4587 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeIndexForAttributes failed to set curve index for group 14 device 0x40000000 11-22 02:55:25.366 4522 4522 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setVolumeIndexForAttributes: -22 11-22 02:55:25.366 4388 4587 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex: wrong index 8 min=0 max=1 11-22 02:55:25.365 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.367 4388 4587 E APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeIndexForAttributes failed to set curve index for group 14 device 0x2 11-22 02:55:25.367 4522 4522 E AudioSystem-JNI: Command failed for android_media_AudioSystem_setVolumeIndexForAttributes: -22 11-22 02:55:25.367 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.367 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 01 20 08 11-22 02:55:25.369 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 05 10 00 11-22 02:55:25.371 4522 4636 D WifiNl80211Manager: Setting up interface for client mode: wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.371 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170233598; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.372 4393 4393 I wificond: createClientInterface: wiphy_index 0 iface_name wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.372 4393 4393 I wificond: create scanner for interface with index: 28 11-22 02:55:25.372 4393 4393 I wificond: subscribe scan result for interface with index: 28 11-22 02:55:25.373 4393 4393 I wificond: add channel type 0 support at wiphy index: 0 11-22 02:55:25.373 4393 4393 I wificond: add channel type 1 support at wiphy index: 0 11-22 02:55:25.373 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.372 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 02 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.375 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 0F 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.374 4952 4952 D BatteryUsageBroadcastReceiver: fetch data because of event: ACTION_BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:25.375 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10106; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.375 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 40:45:da:65:63:b3, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 24, flags: [up, broadcast, multicast]}} <0.43ms> 11-22 02:55:25.376 4952 4952 D BatteryUsageBroadcastReceiver: cancel sendBroadcastToFetchUsageData when broadcastDelay is 2180743ms. 11-22 02:55:25.377 4522 4636 I WifiNative: Interface state changed on Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_SCAN}, isUp=true 11-22 02:55:25.377 1070 1070 I WifiHAL : mpdu_size_threshold : 128, aggressive_statistics_gathering : 0 11-22 02:55:25.377 1070 1070 E WifiHAL : Handle different, update the handle 11-22 02:55:25.378 4522 4636 I WifiNative: Successfully setup Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_SCAN} 11-22 02:55:25.378 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null 11-22 02:55:25.378 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null 11-22 02:55:25.378 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Method getKeyMgmtCapabilities is not supported in existing HAL 11-22 02:55:25.378 4522 5060 D CoreBackPreview: Window{d4d1818 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@3cf4f63, mPriority=-1, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:25.377 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 2A 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.377 1070 1070 E ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_set_llstat_handler mpdu_threshold =128 11-22 02:55:25.377 1070 1070 E : gathering=0 11-22 02:55:25.380 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null 11-22 02:55:25.379 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 2F 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.379 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.382 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 56 0C 01 11-22 02:55:25.383 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.384 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.384 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.385 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 7A 0C 01 11-22 02:55:25.386 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.386 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.386 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.386 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.386 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.386 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.386 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.388 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.389 4952 5049 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.mali.config" 11-22 02:55:25.387 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.387 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.387 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.387 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.387 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.387 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 23 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.389 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 3A 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.390 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.393 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null 11-22 02:55:25.393 4932 5067 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: disconnectFromLauncherService bound?: false currentProxy: null disconnectReason: startConnectionToCurrentUser 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: java.lang.Throwable 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.recents.OverviewProxyService.disconnectFromLauncherService(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:37) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.recents.OverviewProxyService.internalConnectToCurrentUser(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:1) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.recents.OverviewProxyService.startConnectionToCurrentUser(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:22) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.recents.OverviewProxyService.updateEnabledAndBinding(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:30) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.recents.OverviewProxyService.(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:324) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get0(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:11) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:51) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:14) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get4(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:30) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:31) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:14) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.ContextComponentResolver.resolve(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:14) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsModule_ProvideRecentsImplFactory.provideRecentsImpl(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:20) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl.recentsImplementation(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:13) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl.-$$Nest$mrecentsImplementation(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:1) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get1(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:81) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:46) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:14) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get1(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:134) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.dagger.DaggerReferenceGlobalRootComponent$ReferenceSysUIComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:46) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at dagger.internal.DoubleCheck.get(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:14) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.SystemUIApplication$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:47) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null 11-22 02:55:25.393 4522 4636 I SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Method getWpaDriverFeatureSet is not supported in existing HAL 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.SystemUIApplication.timeInitialization(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:28) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.SystemUIApplication.startServicesIfNeeded(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:18) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.SystemUIApplication.startServicesIfNeeded(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:6) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.systemui.SystemUIService.onCreate(go/retraceme 2ae8d8010c0021a84296aeb7c063dbc740193d83fef13f64be1e8a1440941078:10) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(ActivityThread.java:4651) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleCreateService(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2264) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8177) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:25.393 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:971) 11-22 02:55:25.392 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 3B 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.394 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 4A 20 00 11-22 02:55:25.395 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:25.395 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.397 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 5A 0C 00 11-22 02:55:25.399 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify ready to do cmd 11-22 02:55:25.399 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_DoCmd, 0 11-22 02:55:25.399 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_DoFreqCmd: clk = 0, divisor = 0, type = 1 11-22 02:55:25.400 4864 5033 E bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/controller.cc:443 read_default_erroneous_data_reporting_handler: Unexpected status: UNKNOWN_HCI_COMMAND 11-22 02:55:25.400 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_write: p1 = 0, p2 = 0! 11-22 02:55:25.400 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify Refnotify_Recv_Cmd: wait for modem notify event ... 11-22 02:55:25.401 4522 4858 D CoreBackPreview: Window{f8a9306 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@bf28854, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:25.400 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 53 FD 00 11-22 02:55:25.402 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 09 10 00 11-22 02:55:25.403 4932 5067 W System.err: java.lang.RuntimeException: RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG invalid hardware type:-1 11-22 02:55:25.403 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 W System.err: at com.android.internal.telephony.RILUtils.convertHalHardwareConfigList(RILUtils.java:2114) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 W System.err: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.responseHardwareConfig(RadioResponse.java:2680) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 W System.err: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.getHardwareConfigResponse(RadioResponse.java:1508) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 W System.err: at android.hardware.radio.V1_6.IRadioResponse$Stub.onTransact(IRadioResponse.java:5602) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: Uncaught error or exception in hwbinder! 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: java.lang.RuntimeException: RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG invalid hardware type:-1 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at com.android.internal.telephony.RILUtils.convertHalHardwareConfigList(RILUtils.java:2114) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.responseHardwareConfig(RadioResponse.java:2680) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.getHardwareConfigResponse(RadioResponse.java:1508) 11-22 02:55:25.404 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at android.hardware.radio.V1_6.IRadioResponse$Stub.onTransact(IRadioResponse.java:5602) 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Controller 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Vendor Specific Event Manager 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Vendor Specific Event Manager 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of AclSchedulerModule 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of AclSchedulerModule 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started AclSchedulerModule 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Acl Manager 11-22 02:55:25.405 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Acl Manager 11-22 02:55:25.405 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.405 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Acl Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.406 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Le Advertising Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Le Advertising Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/le_advertising_manager.cc:177 get_tx_path_loss_compensation: Tx path loss compensation: 0 11-22 02:55:25.406 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Le Advertising Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/msft.cc:305 MsftExtensionManager: MsftExtensionManager() 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Microsoft Extension Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Microsoft Extension Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/msft.cc:51 start: MsftExtensionManager start() 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/msft.cc:63 start: MSFT extension is not supported. 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Microsoft Extension Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Le Scanning Manager 11-22 02:55:25.406 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Le Scanning Manager 11-22 02:55:25.404 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.407 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.407 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/le_scanning_manager.cc:304 get_rx_path_loss_compensation: Rx path loss compensation: 0 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Le Scanning Manager 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:85 Start: Constructing next module 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:89 Start: Starting dependencies of Distance Measurement Manager 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:93 Start: Finished starting dependencies and calling Start() of Distance Measurement Manager 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:99 Start: Started Distance Measurement Manager 11-22 02:55:25.407 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5026 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/stack_manager.cc:52 StartUp: init_status == 0 11-22 02:55:25.407 4864 5026 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/stack_manager.cc:59 StartUp: init complete 11-22 02:55:25.408 4522 4636 D WifiChipHidlImpl: enableStaChannelForPeerNetwork() is not implemented in hidl. 11-22 02:55:25.408 4522 4636 D WifiNative: setWifiNativeInterfaceEventCallback 11-22 02:55:25.409 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeManager[218159:wlan0]: entering StartedState 11-22 02:55:25.409 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.410 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 40:45:da:65:63:b3, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 24, flags: [up, broadcast, multicast]}} <0.27ms> 11-22 02:55:25.410 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.412 4392 5063 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes: getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8) 11-22 02:55:25.412 4952 5049 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 02:55:25.412 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot1 11-22 02:55:25.414 4522 4561 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading modem stats:ERROR_PHONE_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-22 02:55:25.413 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.416 4522 4863 D CoreBackPreview: Window{5dd7ebf u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@13bcfbb, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:25.417 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add acs feature support 11-22 02:55:25.417 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add client control feature support 11-22 02:55:25.417 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add SAE feature support 11-22 02:55:25.417 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add MAC customization support 11-22 02:55:25.417 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add 2.4G support 11-22 02:55:25.418 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add 5G support 11-22 02:55:25.418 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, max client = 10 11-22 02:55:25.418 4805 4825 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 1, send InfoChanged, newInfo: SoftApInfo{bandwidth= 0, frequency= 0, wifiStandard= 0, mApInstanceIdentifier= null, mIdleShutdownTimeoutMillis= 0} 11-22 02:55:25.418 4805 4825 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 1, send InfoChanged, changedInfoList: [] 11-22 02:55:25.418 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Reading country code from telephony 11-22 02:55:25.418 4805 4825 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 1, send onConnectedClientsChanged(clients): [] 11-22 02:55:25.415 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.ims.IRadioIms/slot1 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.416 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.416 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.417 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.417 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.417 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.417 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.417 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.ims.IRadioIms/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.418 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.418 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.419 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.420 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: 11-22 02:55:25.420 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.420 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.421 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.421 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.ims.IRadioIms/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.421 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.422 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 18us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.422 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add acs feature support 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add client control feature support 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add SAE feature support 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add MAC customization support 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add 2.4G support 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add 5G support 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, max client = 10 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Reading country code from telephony 11-22 02:55:25.422 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: 11-22 02:55:25.422 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a0, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[FallbackHome]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:25.423 4805 4820 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 2, send InfoChanged, newInfo: SoftApInfo{bandwidth= 0, frequency= 0, wifiStandard= 0, mApInstanceIdentifier= null, mIdleShutdownTimeoutMillis= 0} 11-22 02:55:25.423 4805 4820 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 2, send InfoChanged, changedInfoList: [] 11-22 02:55:25.423 4805 4820 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 2, send onConnectedClientsChanged(clients): [] 11-22 02:55:25.423 4952 5081 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a0, vaddr=0x6f61f98000 11-22 02:55:25.425 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a1, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[FallbackHome]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:25.426 4952 5081 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a1, vaddr=0x6f6154d000 11-22 02:55:25.426 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.424 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 19us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.426 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 20us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.427 4864 5026 I bt_gd_shim: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/stack.cc:168 Start: Start Successfully toggled Gd stack 11-22 02:55:25.427 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a2, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[FallbackHome]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:25.427 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5084 11-22 02:55:25.427 4952 5081 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a2, vaddr=0x6f60c00000 11-22 02:55:25.428 4864 5026 I bt_shim_scanner: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/le_scanning_manager.cc:144 Init: init BleScannerInterfaceImpl 11-22 02:55:25.428 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:91 module_start_up: module_start_up Started module "gd_shim_module" 11-22 02:55:25.428 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5084:com.android.launcher3/u0a105 for service {com.android.launcher3/com.android.quickstep.TouchInteractionService} 11-22 02:55:25.428 4864 5026 W droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.428568:WARNING:btif_config.cc(102)] read_or_set_metrics_salt: Failed to read metrics salt from config 11-22 02:55:25.428 4864 5026 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.428697:INFO:btif_config.cc(113)] read_or_set_metrics_salt: Metrics salt is invalid, creating new one 11-22 02:55:25.429 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a0, vaddr=0x6ed61cf000 11-22 02:55:25.429 4864 5026 I bt_btif_core: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_core.cc:228 btif_init_bluetooth: btif_init_bluetooth entered 11-22 02:55:25.432 4864 5085 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.432333:INFO:message_loop_thread.cc(184)] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_jni_thread 11-22 02:55:25.432 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.433 4864 5026 I bt_btif_core: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_core.cc:232 btif_init_bluetooth: btif_init_bluetooth finished 11-22 02:55:25.438 5084 5084 I droid.launcher3: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 5026 W bt_device_interop: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/src/interop.cc:1676 interop_database_save_allowlisted_media_players_list: found feature - INTEROP_BROWSE_PLAYER_ALLOW_LIST 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 5026 I bt_stack_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/stack_config.cc:72 init: init attempt to load stack conf from /apex/com.android.btservices/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 5026 I bt_stack_manager: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/stack_manager.cc:285 event_init_stack: finished 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 4864 I bt_osi_wakelock: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/wakelock.cc:99 wakelock_set_os_callouts: wakelock_set_os_callouts set to non-native 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 4864 I bt_btif : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/bluetooth.cc:829 get_profile_interface: get_profile_interface: id = socket 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 5027 E bt_btif_storage: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_storage.cc:622 btif_storage_get_adapter_property: btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller not ready! Unable to return Bluetooth Address 11-22 02:55:25.439 4864 5085 E BluetoothServiceJni: adapter_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect 11-22 02:55:25.441 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:25.441 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:25.441 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 02:55:25.442 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene end### 11-22 02:55:25.443 5084 5084 E droid.launcher3: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.443 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: initJni() 11-22 02:55:25.443 4522 4539 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.FallbackHome for user 0: +441ms 11-22 02:55:25.443 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #1 createdAt=11-22 02:55:25.008 11-22 02:55:25.443 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 11-22 02:55:25.444 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info=null 11-22 02:55:25.444 4864 4864 I bt_btif : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/bluetooth.cc:829 get_profile_interface: get_profile_interface: id = bluetooth_keystore 11-22 02:55:25.444 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 20 ms. 11-22 02:55:25.444 4864 4864 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.444428:INFO:com_android_bluetooth_BluetoothQualityReport.cpp(88)] classInitNative: succeeds 11-22 02:55:25.444 4864 4864 I bt_btif : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/bluetooth.cc:829 get_profile_interface: get_profile_interface: id = bqr 11-22 02:55:25.444 4864 4864 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_bqr.cc:739 init: BluetoothQualityReportInterfaceImpl 11-22 02:55:25.445 4864 4864 I bt_btif : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/bluetooth.cc:829 get_profile_interface: get_profile_interface: id = sdp 11-22 02:55:25.446 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.448 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #1: created at 11-22 02:55:25.008 collect-started=0.107ms request-sent=9.249ms started=62.065ms ready=200.993ms sent=427.936ms finished=438.485ms 11-22 02:55:25.448 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.450 4522 4636 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default 11-22 02:55:25.450 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting 11-22 02:55:25.450 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.451 4864 5085 D AdapterProperties: Name is: TrebleDroid vanilla 11-22 02:55:25.451 4864 5085 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/storage/config_cache.cc:289 ConvertEncryptOrDecryptKeyIfNeeded: ConvertEncryptOrDecryptKeyIfNeeded 11-22 02:55:25.452 4864 4864 I BluetoothAdapterService: loadLeAudioAllowDevices 11-22 02:55:25.452 4864 4864 I BluetoothAdapterService: LE Audio allow list is disabled. 11-22 02:55:25.454 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[73], enabled[0] 11-22 02:55:25.454 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.454 4522 4636 I SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Starting supplicant using HIDL 1.1 11-22 02:55:25.454 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=73 0 11-22 02:55:25.454 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 73, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:25.455 4522 4542 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service! 11-22 02:55:25.455 339 339 I hwservicemanager: Since android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL (if it's not configured to be a lazy HAL, it may be stuck starting or still starting). 11-22 02:55:25.457 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.457 339 339 I hwservicemanager: Since android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL (if it's not configured to be a lazy HAL, it may be stuck starting or still starting). 11-22 02:55:25.457 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.458 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.458 4522 4636 I HidlServiceManagement: getService: Trying again for android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default... 11-22 02:55:25.455 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.458 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.459 4932 5067 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.461 4864 4864 D BluetoothDatabase: start() 11-22 02:55:25.461 4932 5067 W System.err: java.lang.RuntimeException: RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG invalid hardware type:-1 11-22 02:55:25.461 4932 5067 W System.err: at com.android.internal.telephony.RILUtils.convertHalHardwareConfigList(RILUtils.java:2114) 11-22 02:55:25.461 4932 5067 W System.err: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.responseHardwareConfig(RadioResponse.java:2680) 11-22 02:55:25.461 4932 5067 W System.err: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.getHardwareConfigResponse(RadioResponse.java:1508) 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 W System.err: at android.hardware.radio.V1_6.IRadioResponse$Stub.onTransact(IRadioResponse.java:5602) 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: Uncaught error or exception in hwbinder! 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: java.lang.RuntimeException: RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG invalid hardware type:-1 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at com.android.internal.telephony.RILUtils.convertHalHardwareConfigList(RILUtils.java:2114) 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.responseHardwareConfig(RadioResponse.java:2680) 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at com.android.internal.telephony.RadioResponse.getHardwareConfigResponse(RadioResponse.java:1508) 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 5067 E JavaBinder: at android.hardware.radio.V1_6.IRadioResponse$Stub.onTransact(IRadioResponse.java:5602) 11-22 02:55:25.462 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.459 1 1 I init : starting service 'wpa_supplicant'... 11-22 02:55:25.460 1 1 I init : Created socket '/dev/socket/wpa_wlan0', mode 660, user 1010, group 1010 11-22 02:55:25.460 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.463 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.463 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.464 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.465 1 1 I init : ... started service 'wpa_supplicant' has pid 5107 11-22 02:55:25.465 1 1 I init : Control message: Processed ctl.interface_start for 'android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default' from pid: 339 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager) 11-22 02:55:25.466 1 1 I init : service 'wpa_supplicant' requested start, but it is already running (flags: 134) 11-22 02:55:25.466 1 1 I init : Control message: Processed ctl.interface_start for 'android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default' from pid: 339 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager) 11-22 02:55:25.467 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.468 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.470 4932 4932 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio@1.6::IRadio/slot2 11-22 02:55:25.472 4864 4864 D BluetoothDatabase: Load Database 11-22 02:55:25.473 4864 4864 I BluetoothAdapterService: Phone policy enabled 11-22 02:55:25.473 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.471 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.ims.IRadioIms/slot2 in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.476 4864 4864 D ActiveDeviceManager: start() 11-22 02:55:25.477 4522 4522 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 192ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@d3f3349 m=0 11-22 02:55:25.479 4729 4729 I StatusBarIconController: Ignoring removal of (mobile). It should be controlled elsewhere 11-22 02:55:25.482 4729 4729 I StatusBarIconController: Ignoring removal of (wifi). It should be controlled elsewhere 11-22 02:55:25.481 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.radio.config.IRadioConfig/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.483 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.484 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.486 4522 4539 D UsbDeviceManager: push notification:Charging this device via USB 11-22 02:55:25.487 4932 5108 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.radio.config@1.3::IRadioConfig/default 11-22 02:55:25.487 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.488 4522 4522 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@AAE◠11-22 02:55:25.488 4522 4522 I MR2ServiceImpl: addProviderRoutes | provider: com.android.server.media/.SystemMediaRoute2Provider, routes: [DEVICE_ROUTE | Phone] 11-22 02:55:25.501 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: onAudioDevicesAdded 11-22 02:55:25.504 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 1 11-22 02:55:25.504 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 2 11-22 02:55:25.504 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 18 11-22 02:55:25.504 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 15 11-22 02:55:25.504 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 18 11-22 02:55:25.504 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 25 11-22 02:55:25.505 4864 5109 D ActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: TrebleDroid vanilla type: 16 11-22 02:55:25.508 5107 5107 D wpa_supplicant: wpa_supplicant v2.10-devel-12 11-22 02:55:25.508 5107 5107 D wpa_supplicant: Global control interface '@android:wpa_wlan0' 11-22 02:55:25.508 5107 5107 D wpa_supplicant: Using Android control socket 'wpa_wlan0' 11-22 02:55:25.508 5107 5107 D wpa_supplicant: Initing hidl control 11-22 02:55:25.509 4729 4729 W AudioManager: attempt to call registerAudioRecordingCallback() on a previouslyregistered callback 11-22 02:55:25.509 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: Processing hidl events on FD 5 11-22 02:55:25.510 4864 5106 D BluetoothDatabase: compactLastConnectionTime: Compacting metadata after load 11-22 02:55:25.510 4864 5106 I BluetoothDatabase: cacheMetadata 11-22 02:55:25.511 4729 4823 I WifiStateWorker: WifiManager.getWifiState():2 11-22 02:55:25.512 5107 5107 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.4::ISupplicant/default 11-22 02:55:25.512 4864 4864 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.511599:INFO:com_android_bluetooth_btservice_ActivityAttribution.cpp(96)] classInitNative: succeeds 11-22 02:55:25.512 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant 11-22 02:55:25.512 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: setAdapterService() - trying to set service to com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@eb710b8 11-22 02:55:25.512 5084 5084 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/system_ext/priv-app/Launcher3QuickStep/Launcher3QuickStep.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/Launcher3QuickStep/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.launcher3:/system/system_ext/priv-app/Launcher3QuickStep:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.516 4522 4522 I MediaSessionStack: addSession to bottom of stack | record: com.android.server.telecom/HeadsetMediaButton (userId=0) 11-22 02:55:25.517 4522 4522 D MediaSessionService: Global priority session is changed from null to com.android.server.telecom/HeadsetMediaButton (userId=0) 11-22 02:55:25.517 4522 4522 I MediaSessionStack: removeSession | record: com.android.server.telecom/HeadsetMediaButton (userId=0) 11-22 02:55:25.517 4522 4913 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.saveSettingsLocked-0 11-22 02:55:25.517 4522 4522 D AutofillManagerService: Restriction did not change for user 0 11-22 02:55:25.519 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: onBind() 11-22 02:55:25.521 4522 4636 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default 11-22 02:55:25.522 339 339 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.519 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.519 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.519 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.523 4522 4522 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 11-22 02:55:25.524 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:25.524 4522 4522 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 11-22 02:55:25.524 4522 4902 I SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Completed service registration of ISupplicant. 11-22 02:55:25.524 4522 5060 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10106/4729 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 21 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:25.524 4522 4636 E SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Can't call setupIface, ISupplicantStaIface is null for iface=wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.525 4729 4729 V WifiManager: registerTrafficStateCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.connectivity.WifiSignalController$WifiTrafficStateCallback@6eabb4c, executor=android.os.HandlerExecutor@e31c1cf 11-22 02:55:25.525 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: 0 notification assistant service connected: ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 11-22 02:55:25.526 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.527 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.onServiceConnected-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:25.527 4522 4636 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default 11-22 02:55:25.528 4729 4729 V WifiManager: registerScanResultsCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.connectivity.NetworkControllerImpl$5@ce6a0aa, executor=androidx.mediarouter.media.MediaRoute2Provider$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@a2649b 11-22 02:55:25.529 4522 4863 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10106/4729 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 23 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=24, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:25.530 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.530 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: frame_type 208, reg 1 11-22 02:55:25.530 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.530 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219411]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME] 11-22 02:55:25.530 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 142 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.531 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped142,cmd_send142 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.530 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.535 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.535 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 124107808; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.538 4522 4913 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.saveSettingsLocked-0 took to complete: 21ms 11-22 02:55:25.538 5084 5084 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.538 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.attachServiceLocked 11-22 02:55:25.538 5084 5084 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.538 4932 5123 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=siminfo 11-22 02:55:25.538 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.connectLocked-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:25.539 5084 5084 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.535 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.535 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.535 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.539 4932 5123 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=carriers 11-22 02:55:25.535 773 773 I : 00 16 0c 00 13 59 03 00 00 0d 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.535 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 141 11-22 02:55:25.535 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME] 11-22 02:55:25.535 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.536 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.539 5084 5084 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.launcher3: false 11-22 02:55:25.539 5084 5084 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.launcher3 is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.540 5084 5084 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.543 4522 4539 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssConfiguration setEsExtensionSec() failed. 11-22 02:55:25.543 4522 4539 E GnssConfiguration: Unable to set ES_EXTENSION_SEC: 0 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[83] 11-22 02:55:25.544 4522 4905 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10105. pid: 5084 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:32 11-22 02:55:25.544 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.connectLocked-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [32] 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:25.544 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.attachServiceLocked took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:25.544 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.544 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.saveSettingsLocked-0 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:12 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [12] 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [SUPL_MODE=1 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.545 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10116; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.545 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10116; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.545 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10116; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.545 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:14 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [14] 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [LPP_PROFILE=2 11-22 02:55:25.545 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:25.546 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:25.547 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:39 11-22 02:55:25.547 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [39] 11-22 02:55:25.547 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 11-22 02:55:25.547 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:25.547 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:25.547 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.saveSettingsLocked-0 took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.547 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.onServiceConnected-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} took to complete: 20ms 11-22 02:55:25.547 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.onServiceConnected-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} 11-22 02:55:25.548 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.548 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.549 4522 4522 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.attachServiceLocked 11-22 02:55:25.550 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.attachServiceLocked took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.550 4522 4522 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.onServiceConnected-ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper} took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:25.548 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:25.551 4932 4932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.551 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to TrebleDroid vanilla by android 11-22 02:55:25.551 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: TrebleDroid vanilla 11-22 02:55:25.559 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WAPI: not supported: dlopen failed: library "/vendor/lib/libwapi.so" not found: path:/vendor/lib/libwapi.so 11-22 02:55:25.562 4522 4522 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.562 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.560 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_flush_pmksa 11-22 02:55:25.563 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 2, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.560 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.560 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219441]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_SET_PMKSA] 11-22 02:55:25.560 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 143 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped143,cmd_send143 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.563 4522 4522 D BluetoothHearingAid: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.563 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 21, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.563 4522 4522 D BluetoothLeAudio: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:25.563 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 22, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:25.563 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5128 11-22 02:55:25.564 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5128:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/u0a116 for broadcast {com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver} 11-22 02:55:25.565 4522 4522 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService 11-22 02:55:25.565 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: init 11-22 02:55:25.565 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1 11-22 02:55:25.565 4522 4522 V BluetoothManagerService: Searching package com.android.bluetooth 11-22 02:55:25.565 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_GET_NAME_AND_ADDRESS 11-22 02:55:25.565 4522 4522 V BluetoothManagerService: Checking activity com.android.bluetooth.BluetoothPrefs 11-22 02:55:25.566 4522 4522 V BluetoothManagerService: Checking activity com.android.bluetooth.map.BluetoothMapSettings 11-22 02:55:25.566 4522 4522 V BluetoothManagerService: Checking activity com.android.bluetooth.opp.BluetoothOppLauncherActivity 11-22 02:55:25.566 4522 4522 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 11-22 02:55:25.566 4522 4522 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 11-22 02:55:25.566 4522 4522 D WifiP2pService: user restrictions changed 11-22 02:55:25.565 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.565 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:25.565 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.567 4522 4522 W Looper : Drained 11-22 02:55:25.565 773 773 I : 00 0f 0c 00 31 59 03 00 00 0e 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.565 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 142 11-22 02:55:25.565 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_SET_PMKSA] 11-22 02:55:25.565 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.565 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: possibleMaximumWindowMetrics: [WindowMetrics:{bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000), windowInsets=WindowInsets{ 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: statusBars=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: navigationBars=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: captionBar=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: ime=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: systemGestures=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: mandatorySystemGestures=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: tappableElement=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: displayCutout=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: windowDecor=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: systemOverlays=null max=null vis=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: roundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]} 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: privacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=null rotation=0} 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: displayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1159814459 displayWidth=1200 displayHeight=2000 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0 scale=1.0} 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: suppressScrimTypes= 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: compatInsetsTypes=statusBars navigationBars captionBar systemOverlays 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: compatIgnoreVisibility=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: systemWindowInsetsConsumed=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: stableInsetsConsumed=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: displayCutoutConsumed=false 11-22 02:55:25.567 5084 5084 D b/283944974: }, density=1.75}] 11-22 02:55:25.568 4522 5060 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [PackageConfig{com.android.networkstack, 86400000}] 11-22 02:55:25.568 4522 5060 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [PackageConfig{com.android.networkstack, 86400000}] 11-22 02:55:25.568 4522 5060 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 11-22 02:55:25.569 4522 5060 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 11-22 02:55:25.569 4522 5060 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 11-22 02:55:25.572 5128 5128 I receiver.module: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.573 4522 5060 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 11-22 02:55:25.576 5128 5128 E receiver.module: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.578 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: TrebleDroid vanilla 11-22 02:55:25.578 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@1b9e06 mBinding = false mUnbinding = false 11-22 02:55:25.574 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.575 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.580 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentUserContext: contextUser=0 currentUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.582 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: onUnbind() - calling cleanup 11-22 02:55:25.582 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: cleanup() 11-22 02:55:25.584 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10116; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.584 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10116; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.584 4729 5059 D WallpaperService: reportEngineShown: shouldWait=true 11-22 02:55:25.584 5084 5084 I DisplayController: (CTOR) perDisplayBounds - CachedDisplayInfo{size=Point(1200, 2000), cutout=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), rotation=0}: [WindowBounds{bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000), insets=Rect(0, 42 - 0, 0), availableSize=Point(1200, 1958), rotationHint=0}, WindowBounds{bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 2000, 1200), insets=Rect(0, 42 - 0, 0), availableSize=Point(2000, 1158), rotationHint=1}, WindowBounds{bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000), insets=Rect(0, 42 - 0, 0), availableSize=Point(1200, 1958), rotationHint=2}, WindowBounds{bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 2000, 1200), insets=Rect(0, 42 - 0, 0), availableSize=Point(2000, 1158), rotationHint=3}] 11-22 02:55:25.585 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.586 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.587 4729 5059 D WallpaperService: reportEngineShown: shouldWait=true 11-22 02:55:25.588 4864 4864 I BluetoothMetricsLogger: drainBufferedCounters(). 11-22 02:55:25.590 4729 5059 D WallpaperService: reportEngineShown: shouldWait=true 11-22 02:55:25.592 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot get wiphy information 11-22 02:55:25.591 5107 5107 W (NULL net_device): sprdwl_set_mac_addr Warning: use random MAC address 11-22 02:55:25.591 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: iface 'p2p-dev-wlan0'(42:45:da:44:32:98) type 10 added 11-22 02:55:25.592 5107 5107 I (NULL net_device): sprdwl_cfg80211_start_p2p_device power on wcn (1 time) 11-22 02:55:25.592 5107 5107 I (NULL net_device): sprdwl_init_fw type 10, mode 0 11-22 02:55:25.592 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.592 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219473]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_OPEN] 11-22 02:55:25.592 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 144 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped144,cmd_send144 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.592 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.593 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.594 4864 4864 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface... 11-22 02:55:25.594 4864 4864 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP object 11-22 02:55:25.594 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: cleanup() - Cleaning up adapter native 11-22 02:55:25.594 5128 5128 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.594 4864 5026 I bt_stack_manager: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/stack_manager.cc:427 event_clean_up_stack: event_clean_up_stack is cleaning up the stack 11-22 02:55:25.594 4864 5026 I bt_btif_core: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_core.cc:308 btif_cleanup_bluetooth: btif_cleanup_bluetooth entered 11-22 02:55:25.594 4864 5026 I bt_btif_queue: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_profile_queue.cc:217 btif_queue_release: btif_queue_release 11-22 02:55:25.595 4864 5085 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.595209:INFO:message_loop_thread.cc(205)] Run: message loop finished for thread bt_jni_thread 11-22 02:55:25.596 5128 5128 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.599 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.599 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 10108; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.602 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10108; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.602 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.602 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:25.602 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.602 773 773 I : 40 03 0c 00 51 59 03 00 00 0f 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.602 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 143 11-22 02:55:25.602 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 2 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_OPEN] 11-22 02:55:25.602 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.602 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.602 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:2 cmd_id:3 [WIFI_CMD_OPEN]rsp received 11-22 02:55:25.602 5107 5107 I (NULL net_device): sprdwl_init_fw,open success type 10, mode:4, ctx_id:2 11-22 02:55:25.602 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_init_fw, mm buffer already filled 11-22 02:55:25.603 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10108; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.603 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10108; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.604 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.605 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.607 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: CellBroadcastServiceManager created for phone 0 11-22 02:55:25.606 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.609 5128 5128 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastApp@UP1A.231105.003/CellBroadcastApp.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastApp@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module:/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast/priv-app/CellBroadcastApp@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.609 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: getCellBroadcastServicePackageName: com.android.cellbroadcastservice 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:25.611 5128 5128 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:25.615 4864 5026 I bt_btif_core: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/btif_core.cc:315 btif_cleanup_bluetooth: btif_cleanup_bluetooth finished 11-22 02:55:25.615 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:123 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleaning up module "stack_config_module" 11-22 02:55:25.615 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:128 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleanup of module "stack_config_module" completed 11-22 02:55:25.615 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:123 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleaning up module "interop_module" 11-22 02:55:25.615 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.616 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: serviceWasBound=true 11-22 02:55:25.620 4522 4659 D WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.saveSettingsLocked-0 11-22 02:55:25.621 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5154 11-22 02:55:25.622 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5154:com.android.smspush/u0a108 for service {com.android.smspush/com.android.smspush.WapPushManager} 11-22 02:55:25.623 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: CellBroadcastServiceManager created for phone 0 11-22 02:55:25.623 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Newer HAL is found, skip V1_3 remaining init flow. 11-22 02:55:25.623 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Newer HAL is found, skip V1_2 remaining init flow. 11-22 02:55:25.623 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Newer HAL is found, skip V1_1 remaining init flow. 11-22 02:55:25.623 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Newer HAL is found, skip V1_0 remaining init flow. 11-22 02:55:25.624 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: getCellBroadcastServicePackageName: com.android.cellbroadcastservice 11-22 02:55:25.625 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: serviceWasBound=true 11-22 02:55:25.627 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.630 5084 5084 D b/254119092: TaskbarManager created 11-22 02:55:25.630 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.627 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_get_support_feature 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: STA mode is supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: INFRA 5G is supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: HotSpot feature is supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: P2P is supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Soft AP is supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: GSCAN feature supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: LinkLayer status supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: WIFI ENPO supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ROAMING offload supported 11-22 02:55:25.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Supported Feature:0x85003f 11-22 02:55:25.631 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.631 5084 5084 D b/254119092: destroyExistingTaskbar: null 11-22 02:55:25.631 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:25.631 5084 5084 D b/254119092: recreateTaskbar: isTaskbarEnabled=false [dp != null (i.e. mUserUnlocked)]=false FLAG_HIDE_NAVBAR_WINDOW=false dp.isTaskbarPresent=null 11-22 02:55:25.631 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:25.631 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:25.631 5154 5154 I android.smspush: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.631 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.632 5084 5084 D TouchInteractionService: disposeEventHandlers: Reason: Initializing input monitor due to: onNavigationModeChanged() 11-22 02:55:25.633 5084 5084 D TouchInteractionService: Touch service connected: user=0 11-22 02:55:25.634 4805 4805 D GsmCellBroadcastHandler: subId[-1] is not valid 11-22 02:55:25.634 4522 4636 I WifiNative: Successfully switched to connectivity mode on iface=Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_CONNECTIVITY} 11-22 02:55:25.634 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeManager[218159:wlan0]: entering ConnectModeState, starting ClientModeImpl 11-22 02:55:25.635 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:128 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleanup of module "interop_module" completed 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:123 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleaning up module "btif_config_module" 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:128 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleanup of module "btif_config_module" completed 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:123 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleaning up module "device_iot_config_module" 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I device_iot_config: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/src/device_iot_config_int.cc:175 device_iot_config_module_clean_up: 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:128 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleanup of module "device_iot_config_module" completed 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:123 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleaning up module "osi_module" 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5032 I bt_osi_alarm: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/alarm.cc:662 callback_dispatch: callback_dispatch Callback thread exited 11-22 02:55:25.636 4864 5032 W bt_osi_thread: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/thread.cc:240 run_thread: run_thread: thread id 5032, thread name alarm_dispatcher exited 11-22 02:55:25.636 5154 5154 E android.smspush: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.637 4864 5031 W bt_osi_thread: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/osi/src/thread.cc:240 run_thread: run_thread: thread id 5031, thread name alarm_default_ca exited 11-22 02:55:25.638 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:128 module_clean_up: module_clean_up Cleanup of module "osi_module" completed 11-22 02:55:25.638 4864 5026 I bt_stack_manager: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/stack_manager.cc:439 event_clean_up_stack: event_clean_up_stack Gd shim module disabled 11-22 02:55:25.638 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:105 module_shut_down: module_shut_down Shutting down module "gd_shim_module" 11-22 02:55:25.639 4864 5026 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/acl.cc:1895 FinalShutdown: Unregistered and cleared any orphaned ACL connections 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Distance Measurement Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Distance Measurement Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Le Scanning Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Le Scanning Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Microsoft Extension Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Microsoft Extension Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/msft.cc:78 stop: MsftExtensionManager stop() 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Le Advertising Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Le Advertising Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Acl Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Acl Manager 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module AclSchedulerModule 11-22 02:55:25.640 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module AclSchedulerModule 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Vendor Specific Event Manager 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Vendor Specific Event Manager 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Controller 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Controller 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Sysprops Module 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Sysprops Module 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module shim::Dumpsys 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module shim::Dumpsys 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Hci Layer 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Hci Layer 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/hci_hal_android_hidl.cc:97 ResetCallback: callbacks have been reset! 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Storage Module 11-22 02:55:25.641 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Storage Module 11-22 02:55:25.643 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10108; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.644 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10108; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.646 4522 4636 D WifiNative: enableVerboseLogging false hal false 11-22 02:55:25.648 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.648 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module HciHalHidl 11-22 02:55:25.648 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module HciHalHidl 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1-impl: BluetoothHci::close() 11-22 02:55:25.649 5154 5154 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: low_power_mode_cb result: 0 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_EPILOG 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 D bt_hwcfg: hw_epilog_process 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_core_enable 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_core_enable : 0 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 E bt_upio : upio_set : /proc/bluetooth/sleep/btwrite(-1) incorrent 11-22 02:55:25.649 5154 5154 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.649 1046 1046 E ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_sipc_write dump cmd 01 A1 FC 03 11-22 02:55:25.653 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.655 4522 4636 D WifiScoreReport: setShouldReduceNetworkScore=false mNetworkAgent is null? true 11-22 02:55:25.656 4522 4636 D WifiScanRequestProxy: Sending scan available broadcast: true 11-22 02:55:25.657 4522 4636 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning is enabled 11-22 02:55:25.658 4522 4636 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning for hidden networks is enabled 11-22 02:55:25.658 5128 5128 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.658 5128 5128 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.658 5128 5128 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.659 5128 5128 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module: false 11-22 02:55:25.659 5128 5128 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.659 4522 4659 V WallpaperManagerService: WPMS.saveSettingsLocked-0 took to complete: 39ms 11-22 02:55:25.660 5128 5128 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.660 5154 5154 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/system_ext/app/WAPPushManager/WAPPushManager.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/app/WAPPushManager/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.smspush:/system/system_ext/app/WAPPushManager:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.661 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: setMultiStaUseCase failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:25.661 4522 4640 I WifiScanningService: Received a request to enable scanning, UID = 1000 11-22 02:55:25.663 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: setMultiStaPrimaryConnection failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:25.664 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: evaluateAllCmmStateAndApplyIfAllReady: {ConcreteClientModeManager{id=218159 iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY}=true} 11-22 02:55:25.664 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Reading country code from telephony 11-22 02:55:25.665 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: 11-22 02:55:25.665 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to null 11-22 02:55:25.667 4522 4636 D WakeupController: onWifiEnabled() 11-22 02:55:25.669 4522 4636 I WifiActiveModeWarden: Supported STA bands is updated in config store: 3 11-22 02:55:25.670 4522 4640 I WifiScanningService: Created a new impl for wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.670 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: entering ConnectableState: ifaceName = wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.671 4522 4522 D WifiP2pService: Wifi enabled=true, P2P disallowed by admin=false 11-22 02:55:25.672 4522 4659 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10116. pid: 5128 11-22 02:55:25.673 4522 4640 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=4 11-22 02:55:25.674 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.telephony.action.DEFAULT_SMS_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED flg=0x21000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:25.671 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_power_save: set suspend mode,value : 1 11-22 02:55:25.671 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 1, status: 1 11-22 02:55:25.671 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.671 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219552]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.671 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 145 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped145,cmd_send145 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.671 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.673 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.673 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:25.673 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.673 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 a0 59 03 00 00 10 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.673 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 144 11-22 02:55:25.673 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.673 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.673 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.675 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.676 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_mac() receive mac: 72:c9:18:04:e0:96 11-22 02:55:25.676 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: set random mac after disconnect: 72:c9:18:04:e0:96 11-22 02:55:25.676 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.676 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219557]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_RND_MAC] 11-22 02:55:25.676 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 146 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.678 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: SetMacAddress succeeded on wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.679 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: mockmodem is running? = false 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.680 5128 5128 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10116; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.680 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Start Cell Broadcast configuration for intent=ACTION_ENABLE_CHANNELS 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped146,cmd_send146 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.676 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.678 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.678 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:25.678 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.678 773 773 I : 00 40 0c 00 a5 59 03 00 00 11 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.678 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 145 11-22 02:55:25.678 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_RND_MAC] 11-22 02:55:25.678 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.678 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.687 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.687 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.694 5154 5154 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.695 5154 5154 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.695 5154 5154 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.695 5154 5154 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.smspush: false 11-22 02:55:25.695 5154 5154 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.smspush is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.696 5154 5154 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.696 4729 4834 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.mali.config" 11-22 02:55:25.696 5128 5172 E CellBroadcastConfigService: fails to setCellBroadcastRanges 11-22 02:55:25.700 4522 4858 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10108. pid: 5154 11-22 02:55:25.710 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.715 4522 4531 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 456674(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(2148KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 13MB/54MB, paused 406us,126us total 174.164ms 11-22 02:55:25.717 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:25.718 4729 4729 I vol.Events: writeEvent collection_started 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.718 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call release. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call release. 11-22 02:55:25.719 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call release. 11-22 02:55:25.723 4522 4858 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from disabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.725 4522 4913 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to enabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.726 4729 4729 D vol.VolumeDialogImpl: initDialog: called! 11-22 02:55:25.728 4392 4402 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes: getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8) 11-22 02:55:25.728 4729 5056 D WallpaperService: reportEngineShown: shouldWait=false 11-22 02:55:25.729 4729 5059 D WallpaperService: Wallpaper has updated the surface:null 11-22 02:55:25.729 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.734 4522 4858 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from disabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.734 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a3, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1728x1920, stride=1728, name=Wallpaper#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:25.734 4729 4834 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a3, vaddr=0x6f34669000 11-22 02:55:25.733 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:25.733 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size:13479936, time: 42us, pool:13479936, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.735 4522 4863 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to enabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.739 4522 4863 I ActivityManager: com.google.android.iwlan is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:25.741 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.741 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.742 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:25.742 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.742 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.743 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:25.743 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.747 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a3, vaddr=0x6ed54f4000 11-22 02:55:25.747 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceSetEnableIPv6(wlan0, false) <0.32ms> 11-22 02:55:25.748 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: disconnectedstate enter 11-22 02:55:25.748 4522 4636 W WifiConnectivityManager: mConnectedSingleSavedNetworkSingleScanScheduleSec is not configured! Using default scan schedule 11-22 02:55:25.748 4522 4636 W WifiConnectivityManager: mConnectedSingleSavedNetworkSingleScanType is not configured! Using default scan types 11-22 02:55:25.749 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: setupClientMode() ifacename = wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.749 4391 4432 E Netd : Removing unknown address from ifindex 28 11-22 02:55:25.749 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceClearAddrs(wlan0) <0.98ms> 11-22 02:55:25.751 4391 4432 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 1983us 11-22 02:55:25.751 1070 1070 E WifiHAL : wifi_start_pkt_fate_monitoring: packet fate logging feature not supported 14 11-22 02:55:25.751 4522 4636 E WifiStaIfaceHidlImpl: startDebugPacketFateMonitoring failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:25.752 4522 4636 W WifiDiags: Failed to start packet fate monitoring 11-22 02:55:25.753 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_vendor_get_driver_info enter 11-22 02:55:25.753 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Recived req for Drv version 11-22 02:55:25.753 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_vendor_get_driver_info enter 11-22 02:55:25.753 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Recived req for FW version 11-22 02:55:25.753 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: fw version:44003 11-22 02:55:25.755 4522 4636 I WifiVendorHal: Driver: 5.4.161 Firmware: 44003 11-22 02:55:25.757 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5191 11-22 02:55:25.758 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5191:com.google.android.iwlan/1000 for service {com.google.android.iwlan/com.google.android.iwlan.IwlanDataService} 11-22 02:55:25.757 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.758 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.758 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.759 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.759 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.760 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.761 4522 4636 D WifiDiags: startLogging() iface list is {wlan0} after adding wlan0 11-22 02:55:25.760 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.760 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.762 1046 5045 I bt_chip_vendor: hw_core_cback hw_core_cback response: [0xFCA1, 0x0000, 0x00] 11-22 02:55:25.761 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.761 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_start_logging 11-22 02:55:25.762 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.762 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_ssp_deinit 11-22 02:55:25.762 1046 5045 D bt_vnd_ssp: sprd_vnd_ssp_lib_close 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 5045 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: epilog_cb result: 0 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: device fd = 7 close 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: device fd = 7 CRTSCTS clear 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I bt_userial_vendor: device fd = 7 clear 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 E bt_upio : upio_set : /proc/bluetooth/sleep/btwrite(-1) incorrent 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: op for BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 1046 D bt_vendor: cleanup 11-22 02:55:25.764 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: BTCOEXSCAN-STOP 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_hci: wait vnd sock thread exit 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 5043 E bt_vnd_hci: sock accept failed (Invalid argument) 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: hci_server_thread got cmd from btools 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: hci_server_thread accept socket: -1 shutdown error: Invalid argument(22) 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 5043 D bt_vnd_hci: hci_server_thread exit 11-22 02:55:25.764 1046 1046 D bt_vnd_hci: vnd sock thread exit complete 11-22 02:55:25.764 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-STOP 11-22 02:55:25.764 5191 5191 I e.android.iwlan: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:25.764 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-ADD 2 11-22 02:55:25.765 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-START 11-22 02:55:25.765 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-STOP 11-22 02:55:25.765 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/hci_hal_android_hidl.cc:97 ResetCallback: callbacks have been reset! 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module Btaa Module 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module Btaa Module 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module SnoopLogger 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module SnoopLogger 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: stty_close 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: stty_close device success ! 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: stop subsys:0 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: before stop malrin status[5] BT:1 FM:0 WIFI:4 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: before stop gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: wcn_btwf subsys(0) close, and subsys(4) opend 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: after stop1 malrin status[4] BT:0 FM:0 WIFI:4 MDBG:0 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I WCN BASE: after stop1 gnss status[0] GPS:0 GNSS_BD:0 11-22 02:55:25.763 1046 1046 I ttyBT sipc-virt: core@3:wcn_bt: mtty_close power off state ret = 0! 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5039 W bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger_socket.cc:148 ProcessIncomingRequest: exting from listen_fn_ thread 11-22 02:55:25.766 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-ADD 3 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:605 DisableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.rfcomm.enabled, 0 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:605 DisableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.a2dp.enabled, 0 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:605 DisableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.headers.enabled, 0 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:609 DisableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.map, disabled 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:609 DisableFilters: persist.bluetooth.snooplogfilter.profiles.pbap, disabled 11-22 02:55:25.766 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:334 delete_btsnoop_files: Deleting logs if they exist 11-22 02:55:25.766 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-START 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:340 delete_btsnoop_files: Main log file does not exist at "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnooz_hci.log" 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5034 I bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hal/snoop_logger.cc:348 delete_btsnoop_files: Last log file does not exist at "/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnooz_hci.log" 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:111 StopAll: Stopping Handler of Module BluetoothCounterMetrics 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5034 I BtGdModule: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/module.cc:114 StopAll: Stopping Module BluetoothCounterMetrics 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5034 I BluetoothCounterMetrics: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/metrics/counter_metrics.cc:95 DrainBufferedCounters: Draining buffered counters 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5034 I BluetoothCounterMetrics: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/metrics/counter_metrics.cc:49 Stop: Counter metrics canceled 11-22 02:55:25.767 4864 5026 I BtGdWakelockNative: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/os/android/wakelock_native.cc:122 CleanUp: Cleaning up native wake locks 11-22 02:55:25.768 4864 5026 I BtGdWakelockNative: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/os/android/wakelock_native.cc:129 CleanUp: Unlink death recipient 11-22 02:55:25.768 4864 5026 I bt_gd_shim: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/stack.cc:201 Stop: Stop Successfully shut down Gd stack 11-22 02:55:25.768 4864 5026 I bt_core_module: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btcore/src/module.cc:110 module_shut_down: module_shut_down Shutdown of module "gd_shim_module" completed 11-22 02:55:25.769 4864 5027 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.769033:INFO:message_loop_thread.cc(205)] Run: message loop finished for thread bt_main_thread 11-22 02:55:25.769 4864 5026 I bt_stack_manager: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/stack_manager.cc:445 event_clean_up_stack: event_clean_up_stack finished 11-22 02:55:25.769 4864 5026 I droid.bluetooth: [1122/025525.769524:INFO:message_loop_thread.cc(205)] Run: message loop finished for thread bt_stack_manager_thread 11-22 02:55:25.769 5191 5191 E e.android.iwlan: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:25.769 4864 4864 I BluetoothServiceJni: cleanupNative: return from cleanup 11-22 02:55:25.767 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_power_save: set suspend mode,value : 1 11-22 02:55:25.767 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 1, status: 1 11-22 02:55:25.767 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.767 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219648]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.767 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 147 11-22 02:55:25.772 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: cleanup(): mBluetoothKeystoreService.cleanup() 11-22 02:55:25.772 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: cleanup 11-22 02:55:25.772 4864 4864 D BluetoothKeystoreService: setBluetoothKeystoreService(): set to: null 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped147,cmd_send147 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.767 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.775 4864 4864 D ActiveDeviceManager: cleanup() 11-22 02:55:25.772 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.772 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.775 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 5 11-22 02:55:25.772 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.775 4522 4522 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 11-22 02:55:25.772 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 00 5a 03 00 00 12 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.772 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 146 11-22 02:55:25.773 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.773 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.773 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.776 4864 4864 D BluetoothAdapterService: onDestroy() 11-22 02:55:25.776 4864 4864 I BluetoothAdapterService: Force exit to cleanup internal state in Bluetooth stack 11-22 02:55:25.777 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl: Primary factory MAC address retrieved: 40:45:da:65:63:b3 11-22 02:55:25.777 4864 4864 I droid.bluetooth: System.exit called, status: 0 11-22 02:55:25.777 4864 4864 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped. 11-22 02:55:25.779 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 5 11-22 02:55:25.781 5191 5191 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.781 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 5 11-22 02:55:25.781 5191 5191 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.782 4522 4636 D WifiService: user restrictions changed 11-22 02:55:25.782 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 8 11-22 02:55:25.784 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 6 11-22 02:55:25.784 4522 4858 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1001/4932 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 27 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:25.785 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.786 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 182478738; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:25.787 5191 5191 W e.android.iwlan: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=1, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.net.ipsec.ike.jar*3039086002]} | PCL[]) 11-22 02:55:25.787 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 7 11-22 02:55:25.789 5191 5191 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/system_ext/priv-app/Iwlan/Iwlan.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/Iwlan/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.iwlan:/system/system_ext/priv-app/Iwlan:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:25.785 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.785 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219667]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:25.785 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.785 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 148 11-22 02:55:25.785 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.785 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.785 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.785 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped148,cmd_send148 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.786 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.791 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.791 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.791 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.791 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 13 5a 03 00 00 13 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.791 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 147 11-22 02:55:25.791 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:25.791 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-100 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=708, tx_time=0 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=0, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:25.791 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:25.791 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent external_ringer_mode_changed unknown 11-22 02:55:25.793 4729 5188 I vol.Events: writeEvent zen_mode_config_changed [disallowAlarms=false disallowMedia=false disallowSystem=true disallowRinger=false] 11-22 02:55:25.799 4729 4729 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.android.systemui 11-22 02:55:25.799 4729 4729 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback caller:com.android.systemui 11-22 02:55:25.800 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-1: init 11-22 02:55:25.803 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.803 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:25.803 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.808 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: CellBroadcastServiceManager created for phone 1 11-22 02:55:25.808 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: getCellBroadcastServicePackageName: com.android.cellbroadcastservice 11-22 02:55:25.809 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.bluetooth (pid 4864) has died: fg SVC 11-22 02:55:25.809 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1002 pid 4864 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.810 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 4864 exited cleanly (0) 11-22 02:55:25.810 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 1002 11-22 02:55:25.812 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: serviceWasBound=true 11-22 02:55:25.812 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 17 ms. 11-22 02:55:25.813 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.47ms> 11-22 02:55:25.813 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_power_save: set suspend mode,value : 0 11-22 02:55:25.813 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 1, status: 0 11-22 02:55:25.813 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.813 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [219694]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.813 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.813 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 149 11-22 02:55:25.813 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped149,cmd_send149 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.813 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:25.816 5191 5191 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:25.816 5191 5191 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:25.816 5191 5191 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:25.816 5191 5191 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.google.android.iwlan: false 11-22 02:55:25.816 5191 5191 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.google.android.iwlan is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:25.817 5191 5191 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:25.817 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: CellBroadcastServiceManager created for phone 1 11-22 02:55:25.819 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: getCellBroadcastServicePackageName: com.android.cellbroadcastservice 11-22 02:55:25.820 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 5191 11-22 02:55:25.820 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 72:c9:18:04:e0:96, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 0, flags: [up, broadcast, multicast]}} <0.39ms> 11-22 02:55:25.821 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: serviceWasBound=true 11-22 02:55:25.822 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 72:c9:18:04:e0:96, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 0, flags: [up, broadcast, multicast]}} <0.17ms> 11-22 02:55:25.819 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:25.819 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:25.819 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:25.819 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 2e 5a 03 00 00 14 00 00 11-22 02:55:25.819 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 148 11-22 02:55:25.819 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:25.819 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:25.819 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:25.824 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.accessibility.SystemActions took to complete: 467ms 11-22 02:55:25.825 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.accessibility.WindowMagnification took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.826 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.biometrics.AuthController took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.826 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.biometrics.AuthRippleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.828 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.biometrics.BiometricNotificationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.828 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.broadcast.BroadcastDispatcherStartable took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.829 4522 4551 D CountryDetector: The first listener is added 11-22 02:55:25.829 1226 1226 D incidentd: WorkDirectory::getReports 11-22 02:55:25.830 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.clipboardoverlay.ClipboardListener took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:25.830 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.controls.start.ControlsStartable took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.830 5191 5191 D IwlanDataService: IwlanDataService onBind 11-22 02:55:25.831 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.dreams.AssistantAttentionMonitor took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.831 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.dreams.DreamMonitor took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.833 5191 5191 D IwlanBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:25.834 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.flags.FeatureFlagsDebugStartable took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.840 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.globalactions.GlobalActionsComponent took to complete: 7ms 11-22 02:55:25.841 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyboard.KeyboardUI took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.845 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyboard.PhysicalKeyboardCoreStartable took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:25.849 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.852 4522 5216 D ActivityTaskManager: Top Process State changed to PROCESS_STATE_TOP_SLEEPING 11-22 02:55:25.853 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #2 createdAt=11-22 02:55:25.852 11-22 02:55:25.853 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=null 11-22 02:55:25.854 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info=null 11-22 02:55:25.857 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardViewMediator took to complete: 12ms 11-22 02:55:25.857 4729 4729 D ResourceTrimmer: Resource trimmer registered. 11-22 02:55:25.858 4522 4542 W Transition: Transition already started id=2 state=2 11-22 02:55:25.859 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyguard.ResourceTrimmer took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:25.861 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #2: created at 11-22 02:55:25.852 collect-started=0.201ms request-sent=0.23ms started=0.412ms ready=0.409ms sent=0.544ms finished=7.651ms 11-22 02:55:25.859 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.859 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.865 4952 5049 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a2, vaddr=0x6f60c00000 11-22 02:55:25.865 4952 5049 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a1, vaddr=0x6f6154d000 11-22 02:55:25.867 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: biometricMessage: null 11-22 02:55:25.868 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.868 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: primaryAuthMessage: null 11-22 02:55:25.869 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: customMessage: null 11-22 02:55:25.869 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: faceAcquisitionMessage: null 11-22 02:55:25.869 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: fingerprintAcquisitionMessage: null 11-22 02:55:25.869 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: authFlagsMessage: null 11-22 02:55:25.870 4952 4952 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a0, vaddr=0x6f61f98000 11-22 02:55:25.867 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.871 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:25.873 4522 4913 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from disabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.874 4522 4913 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to enabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.877 4729 5222 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.877 4729 5221 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.877 4729 5222 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.877 4729 5221 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.880 4729 5223 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:25.880 4729 5224 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:25.880 4729 4729 D BouncerMessageAuditLogger: interactor.bouncerMessage: BouncerMessageModel(message=Message(message=, messageResId=null, colorState=null, formatterArgs=null, animate=true), secondaryMessage=Message(message=, messageResId=null, colorState=null, formatterArgs=null, animate=true)) 11-22 02:55:25.881 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyguard.bouncer.domain.interactor.BouncerMessageAuditLogger took to complete: 21ms 11-22 02:55:25.882 4729 5223 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software" 11-22 02:55:25.883 4729 4823 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service 11-22 02:55:25.884 4522 5216 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from disabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.886 4729 5224 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:25.886 4522 4858 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to enabled data services for user:0 11-22 02:55:25.887 4729 5223 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:25.889 1066 1066 I Codec2-ComponentStore@1.1: getTransactionInfo empty 11-22 02:55:25.889 1066 1967 I Codec2-ComponentStore@1.1: getTransactionInfo empty 11-22 02:55:25.895 4729 5224 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:25.896 4729 5223 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:25.896 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:25.897 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.MuteQuickAffordanceCoreStartable took to complete: 16ms 11-22 02:55:25.897 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromOccludedTransitionInteractor@e05161 11-22 02:55:25.898 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:25.899 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:25.900 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:25.900 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.900 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.901 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:25.901 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.901 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.901 4729 5223 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.902 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:25.902 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.902 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:25.903 4729 5224 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.905 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:25.907 4729 5224 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.907 4729 5223 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.907 4729 5224 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:25.907 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:25.907 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5223 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 160000 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5224 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:25.908 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 160000 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 160000 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5223 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:25.909 4729 5224 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5224 D C2Store : Using ION 11-22 02:55:25.910 4522 4858 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1001/4932 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 30 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 160000 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:25.910 4729 5223 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.910 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.911 4729 5224 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#593] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:25.911 4729 5223 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.912 4729 5223 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:25.912 4729 5223 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:25.913 4729 5224 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#593] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 37 - OK 11-22 02:55:25.913 4729 5223 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#828] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:25.913 4729 5224 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#593] Configured output block pool ids 37 => OK 11-22 02:55:25.914 4729 5223 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#828] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 38 - OK 11-22 02:55:25.915 4729 5223 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#828] Configured output block pool ids 38 => OK 11-22 02:55:25.914 5224 5224 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5224 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromPrimaryBouncerTransitionInteractor@c7e9edc 11-22 02:55:25.914 5224 5224 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5224 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.914 5224 5224 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5224 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.914 5224 5224 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5224 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 5224 5224 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5224 , size: 32768, time: 9us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 5223 5223 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5223 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 5223 5223 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5223 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 5223 5223 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5223 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 5223 5223 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5223 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.915 1254 5242 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 37 => got 37 - 0 11-22 02:55:25.916 5223 5223 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5223 , size: 32768, time: 9us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.917 1254 5241 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 38 => got 38 - 0 11-22 02:55:25.919 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromDozingTransitionInteractor@a546486 11-22 02:55:25.921 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromAlternateBouncerTransitionInteractor@233d147 11-22 02:55:25.919 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.919 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.919 5224 5224 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5224 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.920 5223 5223 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5223 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.924 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromAodTransitionInteractor@e9396ba 11-22 02:55:25.925 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromGoneTransitionInteractor@aa0096b 11-22 02:55:25.923 5242 5242 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5242 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.923 5241 5241 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5241 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.925 5241 5241 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5241 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.927 5241 5241 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5241 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.926 4932 4932 E SmsApplication: com.android.messaging lost android:write_sms: (fixing) 11-22 02:55:25.930 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromDreamingTransitionInteractor@cc4ccc8 11-22 02:55:25.927 5242 5242 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5242 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.928 5242 5242 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5242 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.928 5242 5242 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5242 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.929 5241 5241 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5241 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.931 4932 4932 W SmsApplication: com.android.phone does not have OP_WRITE_SMS: (fixing) 11-22 02:55:25.933 4729 4729 D KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable: Started com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.FromLockscreenTransitionInteractor@78dbe5 11-22 02:55:25.935 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:25.940 4932 4932 W SmsApplication: com.android.bluetooth does not have OP_WRITE_SMS: (fixing) 11-22 02:55:25.948 4932 4932 W SmsApplication: com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module does not have OP_WRITE_SMS: (fixing) 11-22 02:55:25.949 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.KeyguardTransitionCoreStartable took to complete: 52ms 11-22 02:55:25.949 4729 5223 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#828] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.950 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.keyguard.domain.interactor.SystemUIKeyguardFaceAuthInteractor took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.950 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.log.SessionTracker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.952 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.952 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.media.dialog.MediaOutputSwitcherDialogUI took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.953 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.media.taptotransfer.MediaTttCommandLineHelper took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.953 4729 5223 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.953 1254 4375 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.954 4729 5221 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.956 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.media.taptotransfer.receiver.MediaTttChipControllerReceiver took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:25.961 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.media.taptotransfer.sender.MediaTttSenderCoordinator took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:25.961 4729 5224 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#593] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.961 4729 5224 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#593] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.961 4729 5224 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#593] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:25.963 4729 5224 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.963 1254 4373 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.964 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.motiontool.MotionToolStartable took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.964 1254 4373 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:25.965 4729 5222 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.965 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone) {4c59fef} 11-22 02:55:25.967 4729 5221 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.967 4729 5221 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:25.969 4729 5266 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:25.971 4729 5266 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:25.973 4522 4858 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from ImsPhoneCallTracker uid/pid=1001/4932 11-22 02:55:25.975 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI took to complete: 11ms 11-22 02:55:25.976 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.qs.QSFragmentStartable took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.976 4729 5266 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:25.976 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone) {e15e501} 11-22 02:55:25.977 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:25.979 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.qs.pipeline.prototyping.PrototypeCoreStartable took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:25.975 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:25.979 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.reardisplay.RearDisplayDialogController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.979 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.recents.Recents took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.975 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:25.979 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.settings.UserFileManagerImpl took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:25.980 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.shortcut.ShortcutKeyDispatcher took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:25.980 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:25.981 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:25.981 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.981 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.981 4522 4858 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from ImsPhoneCallTracker uid/pid=1001/4932 11-22 02:55:25.982 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.982 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.InstantAppNotifier took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:25.982 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.982 4729 5266 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.984 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:25.987 4729 5266 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:25.987 4729 5266 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:25.987 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:25.987 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 02:55:25.987 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:25.987 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:25.988 4932 4932 I ImsCallbackAM [0]: Closing connection and clearing callbacks 11-22 02:55:25.988 4932 4932 I ImsCallbackAM [0]: Closing connection and clearing callbacks 11-22 02:55:25.988 4932 4932 I ImsCallbackAM [0]: Closing connection and clearing callbacks 11-22 02:55:25.988 4932 4932 E MmTelFeatureConn [0]: ImsRegistrationCallbackAdapter: ImsRegistration is null 11-22 02:55:25.988 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.interruption.KeyguardNotificationVisibilityProviderImpl took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:25.988 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 160000 11-22 02:55:25.988 4729 5266 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 02:55:25.989 4932 4932 I ImsCallbackAM [1]: Closing connection and clearing callbacks 11-22 02:55:25.989 4932 4932 I ImsCallbackAM [1]: Closing connection and clearing callbacks 11-22 02:55:25.989 4932 4932 I ImsCallbackAM [1]: Closing connection and clearing callbacks 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:25.990 4932 4932 E MmTelFeatureConn [1]: ImsRegistrationCallbackAdapter: ImsRegistration is null 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 160000 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:25.990 4729 5266 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:25.992 4729 5266 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:25.992 4729 5266 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:25.993 4522 4858 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@a906ec0 11-22 02:55:25.993 4522 5216 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1001/4932 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 32 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:25.993 4729 5266 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#707] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:25.994 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:25.994 4932 4932 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: Registering NetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:25.995 4729 5266 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#707] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 39 - OK 11-22 02:55:25.996 4729 5266 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#707] Configured output block pool ids 39 => OK 11-22 02:55:25.996 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener 11-22 02:55:25.998 1254 5269 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 39 => got 39 - 0 11-22 02:55:25.997 5266 5266 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5266 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.999 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:25.997 5266 5266 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5266 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.997 5266 5266 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5266 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.997 5266 5266 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5266 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:25.998 5266 5266 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5266 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.000 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.000 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.000 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.004 5269 5269 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5269 , size: 32768, time: 9us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.006 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for TelephonyNetworkFactory[0] 11-22 02:55:26.008 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for TelephonyNetworkFactory[1] 11-22 02:55:26.009 4932 5054 W m.android.phone: Long monitor contention with owner main (4932) at com.android.internal.telephony.CommandsInterface[] com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.getCommandsInterfaces()(PhoneFactory.java:469) waiters=0 in com.android.internal.telephony.Phone[] com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.getPhones() for 680ms 11-22 02:55:26.010 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [-1] FeatureConnectionRepository - created 11-22 02:55:26.007 5269 5269 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5269 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.011 4932 4932 I ImsResolver: device MMTEL package: com.spreadtrum.ims, device RCS package: 11-22 02:55:26.013 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: Initializing cache. 11-22 02:55:26.017 4729 5266 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#707] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:26.017 4729 5266 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#707] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 02:55:26.020 4729 5266 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:26.021 1254 4373 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:26.021 1254 4373 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:26.022 4522 5216 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10106/4729 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 34 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:26.023 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:26.026 4729 5221 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:26.023 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.031 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.031 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.040 4932 4932 I ImsRcsController: ImsRcsController 11-22 02:55:26.047 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: CarrierConfigLoader has started 11-22 02:55:26.052 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@636fd48} 11-22 02:55:26.053 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= RCS, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@445f7e1} 11-22 02:55:26.053 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [1] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@c574906} 11-22 02:55:26.054 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [1] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= RCS, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@a0e1bc7} 11-22 02:55:26.056 4932 4932 I TelephonyRcsService: updateFeatureControllers: oldSlots=0, newNumSlots=2 11-22 02:55:26.064 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@12872de} 11-22 02:55:26.064 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= RCS, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@6ecbcbf} 11-22 02:55:26.065 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [1] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@f08bf8c} 11-22 02:55:26.066 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [1] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= RCS, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@35e66d5} 11-22 02:55:26.070 4932 4932 D BluetoothHeadset: Binding service... 11-22 02:55:26.071 4522 4858 D BluetoothManagerService: Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled 11-22 02:55:26.075 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 182478738; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.086 4388 4388 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1001 => granted (404 us) 11-22 02:55:26.087 4394 4404 I audio_hw_ext: ext_contrtol_process:HACSetting=OFF 11-22 02:55:26.087 4394 4404 I audio_hw_ext: set_hac_enable:OFF 11-22 02:55:26.087 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:26.087 4394 4404 I audio_hw_control: usecase:0 actl->config.audiotester_config.ext_voice_usecase:0 11-22 02:55:26.087 4394 4404 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:26.087 4394 4404 I audio_hw_ext: set_hac_enable: adev->hac_dev:0 11-22 02:55:26.087 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.087 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:26.087 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.092 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupOnBoot - register subscription listener 11-22 02:55:26.100 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1001. pid: 4932 11-22 02:55:26.101 338 338 I servicemanager: Notifying apexservice they don't (previously: do) have clients when we now have no record of a client 11-22 02:55:26.101 4548 4548 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Process has 0 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification apexservice has clients: 0 11-22 02:55:26.101 4548 4548 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Trying to shut down the service. No clients in use for any service in process. 11-22 02:55:26.101 338 338 I servicemanager: Unregistering apexservice 11-22 02:55:26.101 338 338 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 02:55:26.101 4548 4548 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Unregistered all clients and exiting 11-22 02:55:26.105 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onCarrierServiceChanged, carrierServicePackageName=null, carrierServiceUid=-1, mPhoneId=0 11-22 02:55:26.105 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onCarrierServiceChanged, carrierServicePackageName=null, carrierServiceUid=-1, mPhoneId=1 11-22 02:55:26.106 1 1 I init : Service 'apexd' (pid 4548) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 7.608000 seconds in background 11-22 02:55:26.106 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'apexd' (pid 4548) process group... 11-22 02:55:26.106 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 4548 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.107 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@3dc7bcb} 11-22 02:55:26.109 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.114 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState message:4 11-22 02:55:26.115 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: DefaultState message:4 11-22 02:55:26.115 4932 4932 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: connected to CellBroadcastService 11-22 02:55:26.121 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10099; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.121 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10099; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.121 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10099; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.122 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.123 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.133 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5292 11-22 02:55:26.135 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5292:com.android.telephony.qns/u0a99 for service {com.android.telephony.qns/com.android.telephony.qns.QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl} 11-22 02:55:26.142 5292 5292 I d.telephony.qns: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:26.146 5292 5292 E d.telephony.qns: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:26.142 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.143 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:26.143 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.151 5191 5191 D IwlanNetworkService: IwlanNetworkService onBind 11-22 02:55:26.153 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10099; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.154 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10099; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.155 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:26.158 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.159 5292 5292 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.159 5292 5292 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.161 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:26.161 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.165 5292 5292 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/system_ext/priv-app/QualifiedNetworksService/QualifiedNetworksService.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/QualifiedNetworksService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.telephony.qns:/system/system_ext/priv-app/QualifiedNetworksService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:26.179 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.192 5292 5292 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:26.192 5292 5292 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:26.192 5292 5292 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:26.192 5292 5292 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.telephony.qns: false 11-22 02:55:26.192 5292 5292 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.telephony.qns is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:26.192 5292 5292 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:26.198 4522 5216 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10099. pid: 5292 11-22 02:55:26.200 5292 5292 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl: created QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl. 11-22 02:55:26.201 5292 5292 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl: onCreate 11-22 02:55:26.203 4729 4729 I KeyguardSecurityView: Switching mode from Uninitialized to Default 11-22 02:55:26.219 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaihbcrso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.219 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.219 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.223 4729 4729 E OverviewProxyService: Failed to get overview proxy for disable flags. 11-22 02:55:26.224 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:26.224 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentUserContext: contextUser=0 currentUser=0 11-22 02:55:26.233 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaihbcrso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.233 4729 4729 E OverviewProxyService: Failed to get overview proxy for disable flags. 11-22 02:55:26.235 4729 4729 E OverviewProxyService: Failed to get overview proxy to update nav buttons dark intensity 11-22 02:55:26.235 4729 4729 I NoBackGesture: Config changed: newConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0} lastReportedConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:26.238 4729 4729 E OverviewProxyService: Failed to get overview proxy to update nav buttons dark intensity 11-22 02:55:26.241 4729 4729 E OverviewProxyService: Failed to get overview proxy to update nav buttons dark intensity 11-22 02:55:26.266 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.272 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: mUserSetupObserver - DeviceProvisionedListener called for current user 11-22 02:55:26.272 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: true 11-22 02:55:26.272 4729 4834 D OpenGLRenderer: profile bars disabled 11-22 02:55:26.272 4729 4834 D OpenGLRenderer: ambientRatio = 1.50 11-22 02:55:26.275 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.275 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.283 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.298 4522 4858 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=500 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:26.304 4522 4858 I WindowManager: Override config changes=500 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0} for displayId=0 11-22 02:55:26.305 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:26.305 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:26.305 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:26.305 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:26.305 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:26.305 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 02:55:26.306 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene end### 11-22 02:55:26.307 5084 5084 D b/254119092: TaskbarManager#mComponentCallbacks.onConfigurationChanged: {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:26.307 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:26.308 5084 5084 D b/254119092: ComponentCallbacks#onConfigurationChanged() configDiffForRecreate={CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT, CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE} 11-22 02:55:26.308 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:26.308 5084 5084 D b/254119092: destroyExistingTaskbar: null 11-22 02:55:26.308 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:26.308 5084 5084 D b/254119092: recreateTaskbar: isTaskbarEnabled=false [dp != null (i.e. mUserUnlocked)]=false FLAG_HIDE_NAVBAR_WINDOW=false dp.isTaskbarPresent=null 11-22 02:55:26.308 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=false 11-22 02:55:26.310 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Display changed: 0 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 E LCS_Agent: cid(0): from fd(23), AT< +SPECIDCAP: 11,0,0,0... 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 E LCS_Agent: LCSAGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_Agent: [handle_unso_code_ecidCap]: lte/td/w/g ecidcap is (11/0/0/0) 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_ecidRecvCap]: recv +SPECIDCAP during state[ECID_IDLE] 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_getDomain]: LCS supported domain is 'UP|CP(0x03)' 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_sendAsyncEvent]: send event(0xa107), body maxsize(4) 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 E LCS_MGT : LCSMGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [MGT_encapEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_sendAsyncEvent]: send event(0xa204), body maxsize(4) 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 E LCS_MGT : LCSMGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.310 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [MGT_encapEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.311 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_recvMBoxEvents]: recv event(0xa107) 11-22 02:55:26.311 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [UPEVT_recvSetEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.311 1253 2088 D LCS_UP : enter supl_setEcidCapability, ptCap: 0xb400007af9fcb2e8 11-22 02:55:26.311 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_recvMBoxEvents]: recv event(0xa204) 11-22 02:55:26.311 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [CPEVT_recvSetEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.311 1253 2088 D LCS_CP : enter ctrlplane_setEcidCapability, ptCap: 0xb400007af9fcb33c 11-22 02:55:26.311 5084 5084 D b/254119092: DisplayController#onConfigurationChanged: {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:26.316 4392 4392 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 02:55:26.317 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #3 createdAt=11-22 02:55:26.304 11-22 02:55:26.317 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 11-22 02:55:26.317 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info=null 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:26.321 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:26.322 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:26.322 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:26.322 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 02:55:26.322 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene end### 11-22 02:55:26.322 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #3: created at 11-22 02:55:26.304 collect-started=0.107ms request-sent=0.134ms started=8.965ms ready=9.699ms sent=12.766ms finished=17.021ms 11-22 02:55:26.322 4729 4729 D DebugModeFilterProvider: Registered notif-filter command 11-22 02:55:26.326 4729 4729 D NotifPipeline: Notif pipeline initialized. rendering=true 11-22 02:55:26.326 4729 4729 D NotificationMemory: NotificationMemoryMonitor initialized. 11-22 02:55:26.326 4729 4729 I NotificationMemory: Registered dumpable. 11-22 02:55:26.333 4729 4729 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HotspotControllerImpl@13357d7, executor=android.os.HandlerExecutor@eea18c4 11-22 02:55:26.334 4729 4761 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 1, send InfoChanged, newInfo: SoftApInfo{bandwidth= 0, frequency= 0, wifiStandard= 0, mApInstanceIdentifier= null, mIdleShutdownTimeoutMillis= 0} 11-22 02:55:26.331 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.334 4729 4761 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 1, send InfoChanged, changedInfoList: [] 11-22 02:55:26.334 4729 4761 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy on mode 1, send onConnectedClientsChanged(clients): [] 11-22 02:55:26.331 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.336 4729 4729 D NavigationModeController: getCurrentInteractionMode: mode=0 contextUser=0 11-22 02:55:26.340 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.CentralSurfaces took to complete: 351ms 11-22 02:55:26.340 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.KeyguardLiftController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.340 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.LetterboxBackgroundProvider took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.341 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.mobile.data.repository.CarrierConfigCoreStartable took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:26.343 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.mobile.ui.MobileUiAdapter took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:26.346 4729 4990 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.contacts (user not unlocked) 11-22 02:55:26.349 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.stylus.StylusUsiPowerStartable took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:26.349 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.temporarydisplay.chipbar.ChipbarCoordinator took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:26.350 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 205919743; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.353 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.357 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: Start 11-22 02:55:26.359 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.theme.ThemeOverlayController took to complete: 9ms 11-22 02:55:26.359 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.toast.ToastUI took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.361 4729 4729 D StorageNotification: Notifying about private volume: VolumeInfo{private}: 11-22 02:55:26.361 4729 4729 D StorageNotification: type=PRIVATE diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-10000 11-22 02:55:26.361 4729 4729 D StorageNotification: state=MOUNTED 11-22 02:55:26.361 4729 4729 D StorageNotification: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 11-22 02:55:26.361 4729 4729 D StorageNotification: path=/data internalPath=null 11-22 02:55:26.363 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.usb.StorageNotification took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:26.364 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.user.ui.dialog.UserSwitcherDialogCoordinator took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:26.366 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.util.BinderLogger took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:26.369 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.util.NotificationChannels took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:26.371 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.util.leak.GarbageMonitor took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:26.375 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeUI took to complete: 4ms 11-22 02:55:26.376 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.wmshell.WMShell took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:26.376 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices com.android.systemui.VendorServices took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.376 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Initializing 11-22 02:55:26.381 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: ServiceConfig reloaded, count: 0 11-22 02:55:26.384 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaihbcrso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.384 4729 4729 E OverviewProxyService: Failed to get overview proxy for disable flags. 11-22 02:55:26.385 4729 4729 V SystemUIBootTiming: StartServices took to complete: 1045ms 11-22 02:55:26.387 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.387 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.396 4729 4823 D ControlsFavoritePersistenceWrapper: No favorites, returning empty list 11-22 02:55:26.398 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 02:55:26.404 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.409 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [1] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@626eda1} 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Tonal Palette - index: 5. Main color: ff3b4977 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Colors: ff07080e, ff0f131f, ff181f30, ff222c44, ff2e3e5e, ff3b4977, ff485990, ff7781a1, ff7f8ac0, ff949cca, ffacb0d6, ffced0e7, ffe6e7f2 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Gradients: 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Normal GradientColors(ff3b4977, ff3b4977) 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Dark GradientColors(ff222c44, ff222c44) 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Extra dark: GradientColors(ff181f30, ff181f30) 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Tonal Palette - index: 5. Main color: ff3b4977 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Colors: ff07080e, ff0f131f, ff181f30, ff222c44, ff2e3e5e, ff3b4977, ff485990, ff7781a1, ff7f8ac0, ff949cca, ffacb0d6, ffced0e7, ffe6e7f2 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Gradients: 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Normal GradientColors(ff3b4977, ff3b4977) 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Dark GradientColors(ff222c44, ff222c44) 11-22 02:55:26.411 4729 4729 D Tonal : Extra dark: GradientColors(ff181f30, ff181f30) 11-22 02:55:26.415 4932 5213 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-1: IdleState message:4 11-22 02:55:26.415 4932 5213 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-1: DefaultState message:4 11-22 02:55:26.416 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: Overview proxy service connected 11-22 02:55:26.416 4729 4729 D OverviewProxyService: OverviewProxyService connected, initializing overview proxy 11-22 02:55:26.417 5191 5218 D IwlanDataService: Creating provider for 0 11-22 02:55:26.419 5084 5084 D TouchInteractionService: disposeEventHandlers: Reason: Initializing input monitor due to: TISBinder#onInitialize() 11-22 02:55:26.420 4522 4551 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/5191 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 37 [NetworkRequest [ TRACK_SYSTEM_DEFAULT id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.google.android.iwlan UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:26.420 4729 4766 E SingleInstanceRemoteListener: Failed remote call on null listener 11-22 02:55:26.420 4729 4766 E SingleInstanceRemoteListener: Failed remote call on null listener 11-22 02:55:26.421 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:26.421 5191 5218 D IwlanDataService: Registered with Connectivity Service 11-22 02:55:26.424 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:26.432 5191 5218 E ErrorPolicyManager[0]: ErrorPolicy from Carrier Config is NULL 11-22 02:55:26.432 5191 5218 D ErrorPolicyManager[0]: UnthrottlingEvents: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7] 11-22 02:55:26.433 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:26.433 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:26.433 5191 5326 D IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_ADD_DATA_SERVICE_PROVIDER 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:26.435 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1! 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read success 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 1024 grp 5 sub 0 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=34816, bytesLen:512 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : *****memcpy packet buf to fromChannel 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=99328, bytesLen:452 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : *****memcpy packet buf to fromChannel 11-22 02:55:26.437 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read success 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size 1024 grp 5 sub 1 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=99780, bytesLen:60 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : *****memcpy packet buf to fromChannel 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=289280, bytesLen:944 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : *****memcpy packet buf to fromChannel 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read success 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size 1024 grp 5 sub 2 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=290224, bytesLen:1024 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : *****memcpy packet buf to fromChannel 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read success 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size 100 grp 5 sub 3 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=291248, bytesLen:80 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : *****memcpy packet buf to fromChannel 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : backupData 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : __getData 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : ***has dirty data,do write*** 11-22 02:55:26.438 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : partId2:checksum_64=1 11-22 02:55:26.440 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Recreating tiles: [internet, bt, flashlight, dnd, alarm, airplane, controls, rotation, battery, cast, screenrecord, dbg:mem, custom(com.android.permissioncontroller/.permission.service.v33.SafetyCenterQsTileService)] 11-22 02:55:26.440 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: internet 11-22 02:55:26.440 1253 2087 E LCS_Agent: cid(0): from fd(23), AT< +SPECIDCAP: 11,0,0,0... 11-22 02:55:26.440 1253 2087 E LCS_Agent: LCSAGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_Agent: [handle_unso_code_ecidCap]: lte/td/w/g ecidcap is (11/0/0/0) 11-22 02:55:26.441 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: bt 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_ecidRecvCap]: recv +SPECIDCAP during state[ECID_IDLE] 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_getDomain]: LCS supported domain is 'UP|CP(0x03)' 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_sendAsyncEvent]: send event(0xa107), body maxsize(4) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 E LCS_MGT : LCSMGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [MGT_encapEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_sendAsyncEvent]: send event(0xa204), body maxsize(4) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 E LCS_MGT : LCSMGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [MGT_encapEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 E LCS_Agent: cid(0): from fd(23), AT< +SPECIDCAP: 11,0,0,0... 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_recvMBoxEvents]: recv event(0xa107) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 E LCS_Agent: LCSAGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.441 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: flashlight 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [UPEVT_recvSetEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_Agent: [handle_unso_code_ecidCap]: lte/td/w/g ecidcap is (11/0/0/0) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_UP : enter supl_setEcidCapability, ptCap: 0xb400007af9fcb390 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_ecidRecvCap]: recv +SPECIDCAP during state[ECID_IDLE] 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_recvMBoxEvents]: recv event(0xa204) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_getDomain]: LCS supported domain is 'UP|CP(0x03)' 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [CPEVT_recvSetEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_sendAsyncEvent]: send event(0xa107), body maxsize(4) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 E LCS_MGT : LCSMGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_CP : enter ctrlplane_setEcidCapability, ptCap: 0xb400007af9fcb3e4 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [MGT_encapEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_sendAsyncEvent]: send event(0xa204), body maxsize(4) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_recvMBoxEvents]: recv event(0xa107) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 E LCS_MGT : LCSMGT Version:AGNSS_W22.37.3_V2.7.19, android:V12(64bit), gcc:VAndroid (7485623, based on r416183b1) Clang 12.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project c935d99d7cf2016289302412d708641d52d2f7ee), build time:Sep 15 2022, 10:34:03 11-22 02:55:26.441 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: dnd 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [UPEVT_recvSetEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2087 D LCS_MGT : [MGT_encapEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_UP : enter supl_setEcidCapability, ptCap: 0xb400007af9fcb438 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [LCSMGT_recvMBoxEvents]: recv event(0xa204) 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_MGT : [CPEVT_recvSetEcidCap]: Entry point 11-22 02:55:26.441 1253 2088 D LCS_CP : enter ctrlplane_setEcidCapability, ptCap: 0xb400007af9fcb48c 11-22 02:55:26.442 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: alarm 11-22 02:55:26.442 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: airplane 11-22 02:55:26.442 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: controls 11-22 02:55:26.443 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: rotation 11-22 02:55:26.443 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: battery 11-22 02:55:26.443 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: cast 11-22 02:55:26.444 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: screenrecord 11-22 02:55:26.444 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: dbg:mem 11-22 02:55:26.444 4729 4729 D QSTileHost: Creating tile: custom(com.android.permissioncontroller/.permission.service.v33.SafetyCenterQsTileService) 11-22 02:55:26.442 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.443 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.455 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : write backup header 11-22 02:55:26.458 4729 4729 I WalletControllerImpl: Setting WalletTile position: null 11-22 02:55:26.459 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : partId2:ori image write finished 1! 11-22 02:55:26.459 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : write origin header 11-22 02:55:26.460 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 11-22 02:55:26.460 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 02:55:26.463 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : partId2:bak image write finished 1! 11-22 02:55:26.463 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0! 11-22 02:55:26.463 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : release wake lock 11-22 02:55:26.463 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket 11-22 02:55:26.466 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 241766793; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.467 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 10110; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.470 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10110; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.470 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10110; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.471 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10110; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.471 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.472 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.477 5191 5218 D IwlanDataService: Creating provider for 1 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1! 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read success 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 40 grp 6 sub 0 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : backupData 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : __getData 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0! 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : release wake lock 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1! 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : channel_read success 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 40 grp 7 sub 0 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : backupData 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : __getData 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0! 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : release wake lock 11-22 02:55:26.479 1336 1336 D NVITEM : : _getPacket 11-22 02:55:26.482 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5330 11-22 02:55:26.483 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5330:com.android.permissioncontroller/u0a110 for service {com.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.service.v33.SafetyCenterQsTileService} 11-22 02:55:26.483 5191 5218 E ErrorPolicyManager[1]: ErrorPolicy from Carrier Config is NULL 11-22 02:55:26.484 5191 5218 D ErrorPolicyManager[1]: UnthrottlingEvents: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7] 11-22 02:55:26.484 5191 5326 D IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_ADD_DATA_SERVICE_PROVIDER 11-22 02:55:26.490 5330 5330 I ssioncontroller: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:26.494 5330 5330 E ssioncontroller: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:26.498 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.499 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:26.499 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.503 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10110; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.503 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10110; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.506 4729 4729 I WallpaperController: Won't set zoom. Window not attached com.android.systemui.shade.NotificationShadeWindowView{7767135 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 11-22 02:55:26.508 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.510 5330 5330 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.510 5330 5330 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.512 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.516 5330 5330 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.permissioncontroller:/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:26.518 5330 5330 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.permissioncontroller:/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:26.523 5330 5330 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003/PermissionController.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.permissioncontroller:/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:26.524 5330 5330 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:26.526 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.544 4729 4729 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170233598; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.552 5330 5330 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:26.552 5330 5330 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:26.552 5330 5330 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:26.552 5330 5330 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.permissioncontroller: false 11-22 02:55:26.552 5330 5330 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.permissioncontroller is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:26.553 5330 5330 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:26.558 5330 5347 I carui : CarUi plugin is disabled 11-22 02:55:26.555 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.555 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:26.555 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.563 4729 4990 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 3400644; UID 10106; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.576 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.576 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.576 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.576 4729 4729 W ConstraintSet: Unknown attribute 0x39 0 11-22 02:55:26.581 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10110. pid: 5330 11-22 02:55:26.595 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.611 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.611 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.615 4729 4729 W KeyguardUserSwitcherController: Current user is not listed 11-22 02:55:26.628 4932 4932 I ImsExternalCallTracker: handleVideoCapabilitiesChanged : isVideoCapable = false 11-22 02:55:26.628 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: refreshCallPullState 11-22 02:55:26.629 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@1cc76f} 11-22 02:55:26.630 4932 4932 I ImsExternalCallTracker: handleVideoCapabilitiesChanged : isVideoCapable = false 11-22 02:55:26.630 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: refreshCallPullState 11-22 02:55:26.631 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [1] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@fdeec7c} 11-22 02:55:26.637 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 4 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (4) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_INVINCIBLE&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:26.637 4522 4858 D CoreBackPreview: Window{8b45a3a u0 NotificationShade}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@a17c4bb, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:26.638 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 5 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (5) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:26.638 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: unregister offer from providerId 5 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (5) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.639 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: update offer from providerId 5 new : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (5) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.639 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: unregister offer from providerId 5 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (5) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.639 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: update offer from providerId 5 new : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (5) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.640 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 6 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (6) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:26.640 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: unregister offer from providerId 6 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (6) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.640 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: update offer from providerId 6 new : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (6) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.640 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: unregister offer from providerId 6 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (6) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.641 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: update offer from providerId 6 new : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (6) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&MCX&NOT_VCN_MANAGED&ENTERPRISE&MMTEL&PRIORITIZE_LATENCY&PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH Specifier: EnterpriseId: 1&2&3&4&5 UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by [24, 35, 1, 28, 22, 33, 17, 31, 15, 2, 7]] 11-22 02:55:26.641 4932 4932 D TelephonyDebugService: TelephonyDebugService() 11-22 02:55:26.641 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CHECK_SYSTEM_UPDATE phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:26.642 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: mHandler: 0 11-22 02:55:26.642 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: Rebinding if necessary for phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:26.642 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 11-22 02:55:26.642 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: mHandler: 0 11-22 02:55:26.642 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: Rebinding if necessary for phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:26.642 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 11-22 02:55:26.648 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.652 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.653 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.653 4729 4834 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 02:55:26.654 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 20us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.655 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.655 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a4, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[NotificationShade]#1(BLAST Consumer)1 11-22 02:55:26.655 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.655 4729 5352 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x6eedf34000 11-22 02:55:26.655 5191 5305 D IwlanNetworkService: onCreateNetworkServiceProvider: slotidx:0 11-22 02:55:26.656 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.656 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:26.656 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a5, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[NotificationShade]#1(BLAST Consumer)1 11-22 02:55:26.656 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_CREATE_NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER 11-22 02:55:26.657 4729 5352 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x6eed5e7000 11-22 02:55:26.658 4522 4858 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/5191 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 38 [NetworkRequest [ TRACK_SYSTEM_DEFAULT id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.google.android.iwlan UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:26.658 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a6, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[NotificationShade]#1(BLAST Consumer)1 11-22 02:55:26.658 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: Registered with Connectivity Service 11-22 02:55:26.656 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 20us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.657 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 22us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.658 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:26.659 4729 5352 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x6eecc9a000 11-22 02:55:26.660 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: Registered with Subscription Service 11-22 02:55:26.666 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:26.668 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.669 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.670 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.667 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.667 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.673 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:26.677 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:26.677 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 3 11-22 02:55:26.682 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.686 5292 5315 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl: Qualified Networks Service created for slot 0 11-22 02:55:26.695 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 11-22 02:55:26.696 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[0]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED_SEARCHING 11-22 02:55:26.697 4952 5354 I SlotChangeReceiver: The flag is off. Ignore slot changes. 11-22 02:55:26.707 5292 5355 D QnsImsManager_0: initQnsImsManager. 11-22 02:55:26.709 4729 4744 I ndroid.systemui: Compiler allocated 4156KB to compile void androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.MotionController.setup(int, int, long) 11-22 02:55:26.711 5292 5355 D QnsProvisioningListener_0: registerProvisioningCallback failed Invalid Subscription Id 11-22 02:55:26.717 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:26.719 5292 5315 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl: Qualified Networks Service created for slot 1 11-22 02:55:26.719 5191 5305 D IwlanNetworkService: onCreateNetworkServiceProvider: slotidx:1 11-22 02:55:26.720 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_CREATE_NETWORK_SERVICE_PROVIDER 11-22 02:55:26.720 5292 5360 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: loadAndNotifyWfcSettings for sub:-1 11-22 02:55:26.724 5292 5360 D QnsUtils: isWfcEnabledByPlatform:false slot:0 11-22 02:55:26.724 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 11-22 02:55:26.724 5292 5360 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: handleMessage msg=200 11-22 02:55:26.725 5292 5360 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onProvisioningInfoChanged info:QnsProvisioningInfo{mIntegerItems={}, mStringItems={}, mUpdated=false} 11-22 02:55:26.725 5292 5362 D QNS_QnsCarrierConfigManager_0: Event received QNS_EVENT_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:26.725 5292 5355 D QnsTelephonyListener_0: registerSubscriptionIdListener 11-22 02:55:26.723 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.723 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.726 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[1]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED_SEARCHING 11-22 02:55:26.735 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:26.737 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.738 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.738 4522 4858 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10099/5292 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 39 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10099 RequestorUid: 10099 RequestorPkg: com.android.telephony.qns UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:26.739 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: Old: enaihbcrso.qingr | New: enaiHbcRso.qingr (changed: HR.) 11-22 02:55:26.739 5292 5355 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: Registered with Connectivity Service 11-22 02:55:26.739 4522 5216 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.739 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:26.743 5292 5355 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: Updating handler for the event: 18 11-22 02:55:26.743 5292 5355 D QnsTelephonyListener_0: registerIwlanServiceStateListener 11-22 02:55:26.744 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: handleMessage msg=18 11-22 02:55:26.744 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCrossSimEnabledEvent enabled:false slotIndex:0 11-22 02:55:26.744 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:26.745 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 3 11-22 02:55:26.745 5292 5355 D StatsLibStorage: created StatsLibStorage. 11-22 02:55:26.745 5292 5355 D StatsLibPulledAtomCallback: created StatsLibPulledAtomCallback. 11-22 02:55:26.745 5292 5355 D StatsLib: created StatsLib. 11-22 02:55:26.746 5292 5355 D QnsComponents: QnsComponents created for slot 0 11-22 02:55:26.749 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x6ed4ba7000 11-22 02:55:26.749 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10106 => granted (82 us) 11-22 02:55:26.749 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10106 => granted (34 us) 11-22 02:55:26.749 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10106 => granted (23 us) 11-22 02:55:26.752 5292 5361 D QnsImsManager_1: initQnsImsManager. 11-22 02:55:26.752 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.755 5292 5361 D QnsProvisioningListener_1: registerProvisioningCallback failed Invalid Subscription Id 11-22 02:55:26.757 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a7, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1728x1920, stride=1728, name=Wallpaper#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:26.758 4729 4834 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a7, vaddr=0x6eeea9c000 11-22 02:55:26.756 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size:13479936, time: 25us, pool:13479936, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.759 5292 5379 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: loadAndNotifyWfcSettings for sub:-1 11-22 02:55:26.761 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a7, vaddr=0x6ed3ecc000 11-22 02:55:26.761 4522 4858 D CoreBackPreview: Window{d1acb83 u0 StatusBar}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@ac7380, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:26.764 5292 5379 D QnsUtils: isWfcEnabledByPlatform:false slot:1 11-22 02:55:26.764 5292 5379 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: handleMessage msg=200 11-22 02:55:26.764 5292 5379 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onProvisioningInfoChanged info:QnsProvisioningInfo{mIntegerItems={}, mStringItems={}, mUpdated=false} 11-22 02:55:26.765 5292 5380 D QNS_QnsCarrierConfigManager_1: Event received QNS_EVENT_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:26.766 4522 4636 D WifiService: Country code changed to : 11-22 02:55:26.767 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: 11-22 02:55:26.767 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to null 11-22 02:55:26.768 5292 5361 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: registerSubscriptionIdListener 11-22 02:55:26.768 4729 4834 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 02:55:26.769 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a8, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x42, stride=1200, name=VRI[StatusBar]#2(BLAST Consumer)2 11-22 02:55:26.769 4729 5383 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x6fce391000 11-22 02:55:26.770 5292 5361 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: Updating handler for the event: 18 11-22 02:55:26.770 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000a9, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x42, stride=1200, name=VRI[StatusBar]#2(BLAST Consumer)2 11-22 02:55:26.770 5292 5361 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: registerIwlanServiceStateListener 11-22 02:55:26.770 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: handleMessage msg=18 11-22 02:55:26.770 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCrossSimEnabledEvent enabled:false slotIndex:1 11-22 02:55:26.770 5292 5361 D QnsComponents: QnsComponents created for slot 1 11-22 02:55:26.770 4729 5383 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x6fcce7f000 11-22 02:55:26.769 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 237568, time: 9us, pool:237568, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.770 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 237568, time: 9us, pool:237568, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.771 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 237568, time: 8us, pool:237568, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.771 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000aa, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x42, stride=1200, name=VRI[StatusBar]#2(BLAST Consumer)2 11-22 02:55:26.771 4729 5383 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x6fcce1e000 11-22 02:55:26.783 4522 4636 D WifiService: Country code changed to :kr 11-22 02:55:26.783 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: kr 11-22 02:55:26.783 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to KR 11-22 02:55:26.783 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: setCountryCodeNative: KR, isClientModeOnly: false mDriverCountryCode: null 11-22 02:55:26.784 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=UNKNOWN 11-22 02:55:26.786 4522 4636 D WifiNative: onSetCountryCodeSucceeded: KR 11-22 02:55:26.786 4522 4636 I WifiCountryCode: Receive onSetCountryCodeSucceeded KR 11-22 02:55:26.783 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.783 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.787 4522 4636 I WifiNl80211Manager: Receive country code change to KR 11-22 02:55:26.787 4393 4393 I wificond: Receive notifyCountryCodeChanged 11-22 02:55:26.787 4393 4393 I wificond: UpdateBandInfo 11-22 02:55:26.787 4522 4636 D WifiScanRequestProxy: Sending scan available broadcast: true 11-22 02:55:26.788 4522 4640 I WifiScanningService: Received a request to enable scanning, UID = 1000 11-22 02:55:26.788 4522 4636 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning is enabled 11-22 02:55:26.788 4522 4636 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning for hidden networks is enabled 11-22 02:55:26.788 4522 4640 I WifiScanningService: scanner impls already exists 11-22 02:55:26.788 4522 4640 E WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded received while already loaded 11-22 02:55:26.791 4393 4393 I wificond: 2.4Ghz frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472 11-22 02:55:26.791 4393 4393 I wificond: 5Ghz non-DFS frequencies: 5170 5180 5200 5220 5240 5745 5765 5785 5805 5825 11-22 02:55:26.791 4393 4393 I wificond: 5Ghz DFS frequencies: 5260 5280 5300 5320 5500 5520 5540 5560 5580 5600 5620 5640 5660 5680 5700 11-22 02:55:26.791 4393 4393 I wificond: 6Ghz frequencies: 11-22 02:55:26.791 4393 4393 I wificond: 60Ghz frequencies: 11-22 02:55:26.792 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:26.793 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.795 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.797 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.799 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:26.801 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x6ef5338000 11-22 02:55:26.801 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:26.802 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 1 11-22 02:55:26.802 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: mockmodem is running? = false 11-22 02:55:26.802 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Start Cell Broadcast configuration for intent=ACTION_ENABLE_CHANNELS 11-22 02:55:26.804 4522 4697 D CoreBackPreview: Window{4458736 u0 Wired Charging Animation}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@4fe247b, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:26.804 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.810 4729 4834 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 02:55:26.810 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 14us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.811 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ab, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[Wired Charging Animation]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 02:55:26.811 4729 5386 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ab, vaddr=0x6ee734d000 11-22 02:55:26.812 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ac, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[Wired Charging Animation]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 02:55:26.813 4729 5386 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ac, vaddr=0x6ee6a00000 11-22 02:55:26.815 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ab, vaddr=0x6ed357f000 11-22 02:55:26.815 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ad, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[Wired Charging Animation]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 02:55:26.816 4729 5386 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ad, vaddr=0x6ee60b3000 11-22 02:55:26.812 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 17us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.814 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 26us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:26.817 4522 4858 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:26.818 4522 4858 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.819 4522 4858 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.821 4522 4858 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:26.822 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:26.827 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:26.827 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 3 11-22 02:55:26.831 4932 5349 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCellBroadcastIdRanges with ranges:[CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4370, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4096, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4383, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4371, 4372, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4097, 4097, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4384, 4385, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4373, 4378, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4098, 4098, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4386, 4391, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4379, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4099, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4392, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4380, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4393, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4381, 4381, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4394, 4394, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4382, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4395, 4395, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false]] 11-22 02:55:26.832 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState message:1 11-22 02:55:26.833 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState handle EVENT_REQUEST with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@cf46cac] 11-22 02:55:26.833 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setGsmConfig with [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]] 11-22 02:55:26.841 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: GsmConfiguringState message:2 11-22 02:55:26.841 4932 4932 I Telephony: Locale change; re-registering phone accounts. 11-22 02:55:26.841 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: GsmConfiguringState handle EVENT_CONFIGURATION_DONE with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@cf46cac] 11-22 02:55:26.839 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.839 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setActivation(1.true) 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register. 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 4932 D Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: skipping invalid subid -1 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 4932 D Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: skipping invalid subid -1 11-22 02:55:26.842 4932 4932 I Telephony: setupAccounts: adding default 11-22 02:55:26.844 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: GsmActivatingState message:3 11-22 02:55:26.844 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 11-22 02:55:26.845 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 11-22 02:55:26.845 4932 4932 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- emergency acct and no device support 11-22 02:55:26.845 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: GsmActivatingState handle EVENT_ACTIVATION_DONE with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@cf46cac] 11-22 02:55:26.845 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCdmaConfig with [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]] 11-22 02:55:26.845 4932 4932 I ImsFeatureBinderRepo: [0] registerForConnectionUpdates, type= MMTEL, conn= ListenerContainer{cb=com.android.ims.FeatureConnector$1@a54210a} 11-22 02:55:26.849 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState message:2 11-22 02:55:26.849 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState handle EVENT_ACTIVATION_DONE with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@cf46cac] 11-22 02:55:26.849 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: Failed to set cdma config 11-22 02:55:26.850 5128 5148 E CellBroadcastConfigService: fails to setCellBroadcastRanges, result = 2 11-22 02:55:26.856 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.864 4729 4729 D QSPanel : setUsingHorizontalLayout: false, true 11-22 02:55:26.864 4729 4729 D QSPanel : Reattaching media host: false, current null, new com.android.systemui.qs.QSPanel{9f33bd3 VFE...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0589 app:id/quick_settings_panel} 11-22 02:55:26.867 4729 4729 D QSPanel : setUsingHorizontalLayout: false, true 11-22 02:55:26.867 4729 4729 D QSPanel : Reattaching media host: false, current com.android.systemui.qs.QSPanel{9f33bd3 VFE...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0589 app:id/quick_settings_panel}, new com.android.systemui.qs.QSPanel{9f33bd3 VFE...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0589 app:id/quick_settings_panel} 11-22 02:55:26.877 4729 4729 D QuickQSPanel: setUsingHorizontalLayout: false, true 11-22 02:55:26.877 4729 4729 D QuickQSPanel: Reattaching media host: false, current null, new com.android.systemui.qs.QuickQSPanel{81f71a VFE...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0587 app:id/quick_qs_panel} 11-22 02:55:26.881 4729 4729 D QS : Binding the View implementation of the QS footer actions 11-22 02:55:26.895 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.895 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.899 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerPstnPhoneAccount: Registering account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with Telecom. subId=-1 11-22 02:55:26.899 4729 4729 W DepthController: Invalid qs expansion 11-22 02:55:26.902 4522 4551 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAo🔒 11-22 02:55:26.903 4729 4729 I NoBackGesture: NavbarController: newConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.22 fontWeightAdjustment=0} mTaskbarDelegate initialized=true willApplyConfigToNavbars=false navBarCount=0 11-22 02:55:26.903 4729 4729 I NoBackGesture: Config changed: newConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.22 fontWeightAdjustment=0} lastReportedConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1143dp 280dpi lrg long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:26.905 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAo🔒 11-22 02:55:26.907 4522 4551 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAo🔒 11-22 02:55:26.913 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAo🔒 11-22 02:55:26.913 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAo🔒 11-22 02:55:26.913 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: maybeNotifyTelephonyForVoiceServiceState: simTm is null.: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAo🔒 11-22 02:55:26.914 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with handle: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} 11-22 02:55:26.914 4932 4932 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: [0] 11-22 02:55:26.914 4932 4932 D Telephony: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {4a9deb0} 11-22 02:55:26.914 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: Boot colors: [WallpaperColors: ff3b4977 ff100e19 ff213951 ff355c72 ff584c3b ff3d312e ff252124 h: 6] 11-22 02:55:26.918 4932 4932 I Telephony: Locale change; re-registering phone accounts. 11-22 02:55:26.918 4932 4932 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: [0] 11-22 02:55:26.918 4932 4932 D Telephony: Unregistering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {4a9deb0} 11-22 02:55:26.919 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register. 11-22 02:55:26.919 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1 11-22 02:55:26.919 4932 4932 D Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: skipping invalid subid -1 11-22 02:55:26.919 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1 11-22 02:55:26.919 4932 4932 D Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: skipping invalid subid -1 11-22 02:55:26.919 4932 4932 I Telephony: setupAccounts: adding default 11-22 02:55:26.921 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 11-22 02:55:26.921 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 11-22 02:55:26.921 4932 4932 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- emergency acct and no device support 11-22 02:55:26.938 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: fetched overlays. accent: android.content.om.FabricatedOverlay@88e2821 neutral: android.content.om.FabricatedOverlay@f475446 dynamic: android.content.om.FabricatedOverlay@1306607 11-22 02:55:26.938 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: updateThemeOverlays. Setting: null 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: Skipping overlay creation. Theme was already: ColorScheme { 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: seed color: H279 C24 T10 = #151A38 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: style: TONAL_SPOT 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: palettes: 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: PRIMARY 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H285 C3 T99 = #FFFBFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C11 T95 = #F0EFFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C19 T90 = #DEE0FF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C35 T80 = #BBC3FF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C36 T70 = #9FA7E5 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C36 T60 = #848DC8 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C36 T50 = #6972AC 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C36 T40 = #525A92 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C36 T30 = #3A4379 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C36 T20 = #232C61 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C36 T10 = #0B154B 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H0 C0 T0 = #000000 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: SECONDARY 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H285 C3 T99 = #FFFBFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C11 T95 = #F0EFFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C16 T90 = #E0E1F9 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H278 C16 T80 = #C3C5DD 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H278 C16 T70 = #A8AAC1 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C16 T60 = #8D8FA6 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C16 T50 = #73758A 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C16 T40 = #5B5D72 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C16 T30 = #434559 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H281 C16 T20 = #2D2F42 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H281 C16 T10 = #181A2C 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H0 C0 T0 = #000000 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: TERTIARY 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H285 C3 T99 = #FFFBFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C9 T95 = #FFECF6 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C21 T90 = #FFD7F1 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C24 T80 = #E6BAD7 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H340 C24 T70 = #C99FBB 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H340 C24 T60 = #AD85A0 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C24 T50 = #906B85 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C25 T40 = #77536D 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C24 T30 = #5D3C54 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H339 C24 T20 = #44263D 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H338 C24 T10 = #2D1228 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H0 C0 T0 = #000000 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: NEUTRAL 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H285 C3 T99 = #FFFBFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H282 C6 T95 = #F2EFF7 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H283 C6 T90 = #E4E1E9 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C6 T80 = #C7C5CD 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H282 C6 T70 = #ACAAB1 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H278 C6 T60 = #919097 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H281 C6 T50 = #76757C 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H275 C6 T40 = #5E5E64 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H278 C6 T30 = #46464C 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C6 T20 = #303036 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H283 C6 T10 = #1B1B21 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H0 C0 T0 = #000000 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: NEUTRAL VARIANT 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H285 C3 T99 = #FFFBFF 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C8 T95 = #F1EFFA 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H280 C8 T90 = #E3E1EC 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H282 C8 T80 = #C7C5D0 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H279 C8 T70 = #ABAAB4 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H276 C8 T60 = #90909A 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H278 C8 T50 = #75757F 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H274 C8 T40 = #5D5E67 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H281 C8 T30 = #46464F 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H276 C8 T20 = #2F3038 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H278 C8 T10 = #1A1B23 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: H0 C0 T0 = #000000 11-22 02:55:26.941 4729 4729 D ThemeOverlayController: } 11-22 02:55:26.945 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: onSimStateChanged(subId=-1, slotId=1,state=0) 11-22 02:55:26.944 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:26.951 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:26.951 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:26.962 4729 4729 W DepthController: Invalid qs expansion 11-22 02:55:26.962 4729 4729 D SbStateController: setState: requested state KEYGUARD!= upcomingState: SHADE. This usually means the status bar state transition was interrupted before the upcoming state could be applied. 11-22 02:55:26.967 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: true 11-22 02:55:26.973 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerPstnPhoneAccount: Registering account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with Telecom. subId=-1 11-22 02:55:26.974 4522 5216 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAw🔒 11-22 02:55:26.976 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAw🔒 11-22 02:55:26.978 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.978 4522 5216 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAw🔒 11-22 02:55:26.983 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAw🔒 11-22 02:55:26.983 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAw🔒 11-22 02:55:26.983 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: maybeNotifyTelephonyForVoiceServiceState: simTm is null.: TSI.rPA(cap)@AAw🔒 11-22 02:55:26.984 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with handle: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} 11-22 02:55:26.984 4932 4932 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: [0] 11-22 02:55:26.984 4932 4932 D Telephony: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {4a9deb0} 11-22 02:55:26.984 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.986 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.987 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 11-22 02:55:26.987 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 11-22 02:55:26.987 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.988 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:26.992 4522 4636 D WifiService: Country code changed to : 11-22 02:55:26.993 4522 4636 I WifiCountryCode: Skip Telephony CC update to empty because there is an available CC from default active SIM 11-22 02:55:26.996 4932 4932 D IntentBroadcaster: Broadcasting and adding intent for rebroadcast: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED ABSENT for phoneId 0 11-22 02:55:26.998 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 229362273; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.000 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: mShouldDelayWakeUpAnimation CLEARED 11-22 02:55:27.000 4729 4729 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 11-22 02:55:27.000 4729 4729 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 11-22 02:55:27.000 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:27.002 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:27.010 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[58], flags[0], period_ns[20000000], timeout[0] 11-22 02:55:27.010 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Update config for phoneId: 0 simState: ABSENT 11-22 02:55:27.010 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[58], enabled[1] 11-22 02:55:27.010 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: update binding for phoneId: 0 simState: ABSENT 11-22 02:55:27.011 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: onAllSubscriptionsLoaded: mSubInfoInitialized=false 11-22 02:55:27.007 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.007 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:27.007 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.011 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.011 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: updateDefaults 11-22 02:55:27.010 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=58 0 20000 0 11-22 02:55:27.011 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.010 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 58, rate = 20000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 02:55:27.010 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=58 1 11-22 02:55:27.010 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 58, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:27.011 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: updateDefaults: No active sub. Setting default to INVALID sub. 11-22 02:55:27.011 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.012 4932 4932 D IntentBroadcaster: Broadcasting and adding intent for rebroadcast: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED ABSENT for phoneId 1 11-22 02:55:27.014 4729 4729 W AudioManager: attempt to call registerAudioRecordingCallback() on a previouslyregistered callback 11-22 02:55:27.016 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: onSimStateChanged(subId=-1, slotId=1,state=0) 11-22 02:55:27.019 4522 4636 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed 11-22 02:55:27.019 4522 4636 D WifiService: resetting carrier networks since SIM was changed 11-22 02:55:27.021 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.021 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.022 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.027 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Update config for phoneId: 1 simState: ABSENT 11-22 02:55:27.028 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: update binding for phoneId: 1 simState: ABSENT 11-22 02:55:27.030 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 02:55:27.029 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.034 4729 4729 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-22 02:55:27.035 4932 4932 I ImsExternalCallTracker: handleVideoCapabilitiesChanged : isVideoCapable = false 11-22 02:55:27.035 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: refreshCallPullState 11-22 02:55:27.035 4932 4932 I Telephony: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false 11-22 02:55:27.036 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 16 ms. 11-22 02:55:27.039 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 1 ms. 11-22 02:55:27.041 4522 4636 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed 11-22 02:55:27.041 4522 4636 D WifiService: resetting carrier networks since SIM was changed 11-22 02:55:27.044 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 2 ms. 11-22 02:55:27.047 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 2 ms. 11-22 02:55:27.057 4932 4932 I ImsExternalCallTracker: handleVideoCapabilitiesChanged : isVideoCapable = false 11-22 02:55:27.057 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: refreshCallPullState 11-22 02:55:27.058 4932 4932 I Telephony: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false 11-22 02:55:27.058 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 11-22 02:55:27.058 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 11-22 02:55:27.058 4932 4932 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- emergency acct and no device support 11-22 02:55:27.063 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.063 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:27.063 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.066 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.093 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:27.094 4729 4729 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.CarrierText{5719dff V.ED..... ......ID 42,0-1017,42 #7f0a036c app:id/keyguard_carrier_text} during layout: running second layout pass 11-22 02:55:27.111 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerPstnPhoneAccount: Registering account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with Telecom. subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.113 4522 5216 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AA8🔒 11-22 02:55:27.117 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AA8🔒 11-22 02:55:27.118 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x6ed2c32000 11-22 02:55:27.119 4522 5216 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@AA8🔒 11-22 02:55:27.120 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x6ef5187000 11-22 02:55:27.121 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ad, vaddr=0x6ed22e5000 11-22 02:55:27.119 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.119 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.123 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.rPA(cap)@AA8🔒 11-22 02:55:27.124 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false: TSI.rPA(cap)@AA8🔒 11-22 02:55:27.124 4522 5216 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: maybeNotifyTelephonyForVoiceServiceState: simTm is null.: TSI.rPA(cap)@AA8🔒 11-22 02:55:27.124 4932 4932 I Telephony: Locale change; re-registering phone accounts. 11-22 02:55:27.124 4932 4932 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: [0] 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 D Telephony: Unregistering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {4a9deb0} 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register. 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 D Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: skipping invalid subid -1 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 D Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: setupAccounts: skipping invalid subid -1 11-22 02:55:27.125 4932 4932 I Telephony: setupAccounts: adding default 11-22 02:55:27.126 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 11-22 02:55:27.126 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 11-22 02:55:27.126 4932 4932 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- emergency acct and no device support 11-22 02:55:27.135 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 11-22 02:55:27.135 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.147 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=221032,218996 11-22 02:55:27.147 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:27.152 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=221032,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=221504 11-22 02:55:27.178 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerPstnPhoneAccount: Registering account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with Telecom. subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.175 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.175 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.180 4522 4697 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABA🔒 11-22 02:55:27.182 4522 4697 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABA🔒 11-22 02:55:27.184 4522 4697 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABA🔒 11-22 02:55:27.186 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.189 4522 4697 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABA🔒 11-22 02:55:27.189 4522 4697 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABA🔒 11-22 02:55:27.189 4522 4697 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: maybeNotifyTelephonyForVoiceServiceState: simTm is null.: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABA🔒 11-22 02:55:27.190 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with handle: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} 11-22 02:55:27.190 4932 4932 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: [0] 11-22 02:55:27.190 4932 4932 D Telephony: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {4a9deb0} 11-22 02:55:27.197 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CLEAR_CONFIG phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:27.198 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: mHandler: 0 11-22 02:55:27.198 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: Rebinding if necessary for phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:27.198 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 11-22 02:55:27.201 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CLEAR_CONFIG phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:27.201 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: mHandler: 0 11-22 02:55:27.201 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: Rebinding if necessary for phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:27.201 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 11-22 02:55:27.212 4932 4932 I ImsExternalCallTracker: handleVideoCapabilitiesChanged : isVideoCapable = false 11-22 02:55:27.212 4932 4932 D ImsExternalCallTracker: refreshCallPullState 11-22 02:55:27.212 4932 4932 I Telephony: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false 11-22 02:55:27.214 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 11-22 02:55:27.214 4932 4932 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 11-22 02:55:27.214 4932 4932 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- emergency acct and no device support 11-22 02:55:27.218 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.218 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: Updating handlers for the event: 25 11-22 02:55:27.219 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: handleMessage msg=25 11-22 02:55:27.219 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.220 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.221 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.222 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.222 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.231 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.231 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.251 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x6ed1998000 11-22 02:55:27.254 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x6ed195e000 11-22 02:55:27.258 4392 4402 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ac, vaddr=0x6ed1011000 11-22 02:55:27.256 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.265 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[77], flags[0], period_ns[66667000], timeout[0] 11-22 02:55:27.265 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[77], enabled[1] 11-22 02:55:27.265 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=77 0 66667 0 11-22 02:55:27.265 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 77, rate = 66667, batch_latency = 0 11-22 02:55:27.265 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=77 1 11-22 02:55:27.265 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 77, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:27.266 4932 4932 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerPstnPhoneAccount: Registering account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***] with Telecom. subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.268 4522 4551 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABI🔒 11-22 02:55:27.271 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABI🔒 11-22 02:55:27.273 4522 4551 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, E, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=true}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABI🔒 11-22 02:55:27.276 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABI🔒 11-22 02:55:27.277 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABI🔒 11-22 02:55:27.277 4522 4551 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: maybeNotifyTelephonyForVoiceServiceState: simTm is null.: TSI.rPA(cap)@ABI🔒 11-22 02:55:27.278 4932 4932 I PhoneGlobals: Dismissing depersonal panelABSENT 11-22 02:55:27.278 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_DO_FETCH_DEFAULT_FOR_NO_SIM_CONFIG phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:27.280 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: File not found: /data/user_de/0/com.android.phone/files/carrierconfig-com.android.carrierconfig-nosim.xml 11-22 02:55:27.280 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Binding to com.android.carrierconfig for phone 0 11-22 02:55:27.285 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10104; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.285 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10104; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.286 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10104; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.287 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.289 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.290 4932 4932 I PhoneGlobals: Dismissing depersonal panelABSENT 11-22 02:55:27.291 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_DO_FETCH_DEFAULT_FOR_NO_SIM_CONFIG phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:27.287 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=435073055 11-22 02:55:27.291 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.291 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.287 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.291 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: File not found: /data/user_de/0/com.android.phone/files/carrierconfig-com.android.carrierconfig-nosim.xml 11-22 02:55:27.291 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Binding to com.android.carrierconfig for phone 1 11-22 02:55:27.295 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.300 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.300 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5389 11-22 02:55:27.302 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5389:com.android.carrierconfig/u0a104 for service {com.android.carrierconfig/com.android.carrierconfig.DefaultCarrierConfigService} 11-22 02:55:27.300 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.302 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: onSimStateChanged(subId=-1, slotId=0,state=1) 11-22 02:55:27.304 4729 4729 D SbStateController: setIsDreaming:false 11-22 02:55:27.304 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: onSimStateChanged(subId=-1, slotId=1,state=1) 11-22 02:55:27.304 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.305 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.305 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.306 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.312 5389 5389 I d.carrierconfig: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:27.316 5389 5389 E d.carrierconfig: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:27.323 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10104; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.324 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10104; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.329 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.330 5389 5389 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.330 5389 5389 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.332 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.337 5389 5389 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/system_ext/priv-app/CarrierConfig/CarrierConfig.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/system_ext/priv-app/CarrierConfig/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.carrierconfig:/system/system_ext/priv-app/CarrierConfig:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:27.343 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.343 145 145 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:27.343 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.351 4480 4495 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009e, vaddr=0x759982d000 11-22 02:55:27.352 4480 4495 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009f, vaddr=0x7598ee0000 11-22 02:55:27.352 4480 4495 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009d, vaddr=0x759a278000 11-22 02:55:27.353 4480 4495 D BootAnimation: BootAnimationStopTiming start time: 221234ms 11-22 02:55:27.361 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009f, vaddr=0x6ed7c1a000 11-22 02:55:27.361 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009e, vaddr=0x6ed8567000 11-22 02:55:27.361 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009d, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 02:55:27.362 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009e, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 02:55:27.362 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009f, vaddr=0x7b43660000 11-22 02:55:27.364 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a7, vaddr=0x7b42038000 11-22 02:55:27.364 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 02:55:27.364 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 02:55:27.364 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ac, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 02:55:27.366 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=4240000009d, vaddr=0x6ed8eb4000 11-22 02:55:27.366 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.371 5389 5389 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:27.371 5389 5389 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:27.371 5389 5389 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:27.371 5389 5389 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.carrierconfig: false 11-22 02:55:27.371 5389 5389 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.carrierconfig is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:27.371 5389 5389 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:27.374 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10104. pid: 5389 11-22 02:55:27.375 5389 5389 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: Service created 11-22 02:55:27.377 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Connected to config app: com.android.carrierconfig/.DefaultCarrierConfigService 11-22 02:55:27.377 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Connected to config app: com.android.carrierconfig/.DefaultCarrierConfigService 11-22 02:55:27.377 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CONNECTED_TO_DEFAULT_FOR_NO_SIM_CONFIG phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:27.377 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Fetch no sim config from default app: com.android.carrierconfig 11-22 02:55:27.377 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CONNECTED_TO_DEFAULT_FOR_NO_SIM_CONFIG phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:27.377 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Fetch no sim config from default app: com.android.carrierconfig 11-22 02:55:27.379 5389 5403 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: Config being fetched 11-22 02:55:27.381 5389 5403 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: Config being fetched 11-22 02:55:27.381 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_FETCH_DEFAULT_FOR_NO_SIM_CONFIG_DONE phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:27.382 4522 4697 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.382 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.383 4932 5057 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.383 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.383 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.383 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.383 4932 4955 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.383 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5409 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5409 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.384 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5409 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 4955 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5412 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5409 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5057 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.385 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.387 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Broadcast CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED for phone 0 11-22 02:55:27.387 4932 4932 D CarrierKeyDownloadManager: Carrier Config changed: slotIndex=0 11-22 02:55:27.389 4932 4932 D CarrierKeyDownloadManager: Carrier not enabled or invalid values. mKeyAvailability=0 mURL=null 11-22 02:55:27.389 4932 4932 D CarrierKeyDownloadManager: Cleaning up existing renewal alarms 11-22 02:55:27.389 4932 4932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 1001; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.391 4932 4932 I CarrierInfoManager: deleting carrier key from db for subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.391 4932 4932 E CarrierInfoManager: Invalid networkOperator: 11-22 02:55:27.394 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x7b43660000 11-22 02:55:27.395 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ab, vaddr=0x7b416eb000 11-22 02:55:27.397 4522 5414 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10051; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.397 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: onCarrierConfigChanged phoneId 0 subId -1 11-22 02:55:27.397 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.397 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: updateDefaults 11-22 02:55:27.397 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.398 4522 5414 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10051; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.398 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: updateDefaults: No active sub. Setting default to INVALID sub. 11-22 02:55:27.398 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.398 4522 5414 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10051; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.398 4522 5414 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.400 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.401 4522 4636 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active subId: -1 11-22 02:55:27.399 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:27.399 145 145 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:27.399 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.403 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.403 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:27.404 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: loadAndNotifyWfcSettings for sub:-1 11-22 02:55:27.407 4522 4522 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU(a)@ABU🔒 11-22 02:55:27.407 4522 4539 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssConfiguration setEsExtensionSec() failed. 11-22 02:55:27.408 4522 4539 E GnssConfiguration: Unable to set ES_EXTENSION_SEC: 0 11-22 02:55:27.408 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:27.408 5292 5292 D QnsUtils: isWfcEnabledByPlatform:false slot:0 11-22 02:55:27.408 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.408 5128 5128 D CBChannelManager: Clear channel range list 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:27.408 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: initializeSharedPreference 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[83] 11-22 02:55:27.408 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: ignoring carrier config broadcast because subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:32 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [32] 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:12 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [12] 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [SUPL_MODE=1 11-22 02:55:27.408 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.409 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:27.409 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:14 11-22 02:55:27.409 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [14] 11-22 02:55:27.409 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [LPP_PROFILE=2 11-22 02:55:27.409 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.410 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Skip setting default values of shared preference. 11-22 02:55:27.410 5191 5191 D IwlanBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.410 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[0]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:27.411 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Default interval 0 did not change. 11-22 02:55:27.411 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[0]: Updating handlers for the event: 10 11-22 02:55:27.411 5191 5326 D IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CARRIER_CONFIG_UNKNOWN_CARRIER_EVENT 11-22 02:55:27.412 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: disable launcher activity: com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastListLauncherActivity 11-22 02:55:27.413 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Start Cell Broadcast configuration for intent=ACTION_ENABLE_CHANNELS 11-22 02:55:27.423 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 11-22 02:55:27.424 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5416 11-22 02:55:27.425 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[0]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED_SEARCHING 11-22 02:55:27.426 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:39 11-22 02:55:27.426 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [39] 11-22 02:55:27.426 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 11-22 02:55:27.426 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.426 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:27.426 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5416:android.process.acore/u0a51 for content provider {com.android.providers.blockednumber/com.android.providers.blockednumber.BlockedNumberProvider} 11-22 02:55:27.430 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.428 4932 5409 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCellBroadcastIdRanges with ranges:[CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4370, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4096, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4383, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4371, 4372, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4097, 4097, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4384, 4385, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4373, 4378, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4098, 4098, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4386, 4391, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4379, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4099, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4392, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4380, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4393, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4381, 4381, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4394, 4394, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4382, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4395, 4395, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false]] 11-22 02:55:27.428 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState message:1 11-22 02:55:27.428 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState handle EVENT_REQUEST with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@f9e9ec2] 11-22 02:55:27.428 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCdmaConfig with [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]] 11-22 02:55:27.429 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.439 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.441 5416 5416 I d.process.acore: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:27.441 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState message:2 11-22 02:55:27.442 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState handle EVENT_ACTIVATION_DONE with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@f9e9ec2] 11-22 02:55:27.442 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: Failed to set cdma config 11-22 02:55:27.442 5128 5151 E CellBroadcastConfigService: fails to setCellBroadcastRanges, result = 2 11-22 02:55:27.444 5416 5416 E d.process.acore: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:27.446 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ad, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 02:55:27.445 3775 3775 W binder_cleanup_transaction: 81 callbacks suppressed 11-22 02:55:27.445 3775 3775 I binder : undelivered transaction 219310, process died. 11-22 02:55:27.446 1 1 I init : Service 'bootanim' (pid 4480) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 10.596000 seconds in background 11-22 02:55:27.446 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'bootanim' (pid 4480) process group... 11-22 02:55:27.446 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1003 pid 4480 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.449 4932 4932 D ImsNrSaModeHandler: setNrSaDisablePolicy : NrSaDisablePolicy = 0, IsNrSaSupported = true 11-22 02:55:27.450 4932 4932 D ImsNrSaModeHandler: setNrSaDisablePolicy : NrSaDisablePolicy = 0, IsNrSaSupported = true 11-22 02:55:27.452 4932 4932 I Telephony: Carrier-config changed, checking for phone account updates. 11-22 02:55:27.452 4932 4932 I ImsResolver: Received Carrier Config Changed for SlotId: 0, SubId: -1, sim state: 1 11-22 02:55:27.453 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10051; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.453 4932 4932 I TelephonyRcsService: updateFeatureControllerSubscription: slotId=0, oldSubId= -1, subId=-1, existing feature=false 11-22 02:55:27.453 4932 4932 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 11-22 02:55:27.453 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10051; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.453 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_FETCH_DEFAULT_FOR_NO_SIM_CONFIG_DONE phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:27.453 4932 5273 D ImsResolver: updateBoundDeviceServices: called 11-22 02:55:27.454 4522 4697 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 4955 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 4955 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.454 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5350 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5412 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5413 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5411 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5348 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 4955 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 4953 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5349 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5410 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.455 4932 5409 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.456 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 0, hasConfigChanged=false 11-22 02:55:27.456 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 0, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:27.456 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 0, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:27.456 4932 5433 D TelephonyRegistryManager: onCarrierConfigChanged call in ICarrierConfigChangeListener callback 11-22 02:55:27.458 4522 4858 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.458 4522 4858 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.455 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.455 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.459 4522 4858 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.459 5416 5416 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.459 5416 5416 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.461 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.461 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.461 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.462 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.463 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Broadcast CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED for phone 1 11-22 02:55:27.465 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.466 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.466 4392 4402 I SurfaceFlinger: Boot is finished (10823 ms) 11-22 02:55:27.466 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.464 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.467 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.467 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.467 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.467 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.467 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.468 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.468 5416 5416 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/BlockedNumberProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.providers.blockednumber:/system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.469 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:27.470 4932 4932 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = -1 subId = -1 11-22 02:55:27.471 4392 4392 D SurfaceFlinger: Power hint is disabled 11-22 02:55:27.471 4522 4636 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active subId: -1 11-22 02:55:27.475 4522 4522 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU(a)@ABw🔒 11-22 02:55:27.480 1081 1081 I vendor.unisoc.hardware.power-service: Power isBoostSupported: 1 11-22 02:55:27.481 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.481 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.481 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:27.481 5191 5191 D IwlanBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:27.481 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[1]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:27.481 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: loadAndNotifyWfcSettings for sub:-1 11-22 02:55:27.482 4392 4392 W HwcComposer: command 0x2000000 generated error 4 11-22 02:55:27.482 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[1]: Updating handlers for the event: 10 11-22 02:55:27.482 5191 5326 D IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CARRIER_CONFIG_UNKNOWN_CARRIER_EVENT 11-22 02:55:27.482 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting 11-22 02:55:27.482 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:27.483 5128 5128 D CBChannelManager: Clear channel range list 11-22 02:55:27.483 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: initializeSharedPreference 11-22 02:55:27.483 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: ignoring carrier config broadcast because subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.483 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Skip setting default values of shared preference. 11-22 02:55:27.483 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Default interval 0 did not change. 11-22 02:55:27.483 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: disable launcher activity: com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastListLauncherActivity 11-22 02:55:27.483 4387 4387 W Zygote : forkRepeatedly terminated due to non-simple command 11-22 02:55:27.483 4387 4387 D Zygote : mbuffer starts with 1 , nice name is , mEnd = 19, mNext = 19, mLinesLeft = 0, mFd = 54 11-22 02:55:27.484 4522 4539 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssConfiguration setEsExtensionSec() failed. 11-22 02:55:27.484 4522 4539 E GnssConfiguration: Unable to set ES_EXTENSION_SEC: 0 11-22 02:55:27.484 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Start Cell Broadcast configuration for intent=ACTION_ENABLE_CHANNELS 11-22 02:55:27.484 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:27.484 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:27.484 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[83] 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:32 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [32] 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:12 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [12] 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [SUPL_MODE=1 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:14 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [14] 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [LPP_PROFILE=2 11-22 02:55:27.485 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.487 5292 5292 D QnsUtils: isWfcEnabledByPlatform:false slot:1 11-22 02:55:27.488 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:27.489 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:27.490 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.490 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.491 4522 4697 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.492 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:27.494 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:27.495 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:27.497 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.502 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:27.502 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:39 11-22 02:55:27.502 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [39] 11-22 02:55:27.502 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 11-22 02:55:27.502 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:27.503 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:27.504 4522 4542 I ActivityManager: About to commit checkpoint 11-22 02:55:27.504 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:27.504 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 1 11-22 02:55:27.505 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: mockmodem is running? = false 11-22 02:55:27.505 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: Start Cell Broadcast configuration for intent=ACTION_ENABLE_CHANNELS 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.505 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:27.506 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: onCarrierConfigChanged phoneId 1 subId -1 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: updateDefaults 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: updateDefaults: No active sub. Setting default to INVALID sub. 11-22 02:55:27.507 5416 5416 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D MultiSimSettingController: isReadyToReevaluate: subInfoInitialized=true, carrierConfigsLoaded=true 11-22 02:55:27.507 5416 5416 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:27.507 5416 5416 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D CarrierKeyDownloadManager: Carrier Config changed: slotIndex=1 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D CarrierKeyDownloadManager: Carrier not enabled or invalid values. mKeyAvailability=0 mURL=null 11-22 02:55:27.507 4932 4932 D CarrierKeyDownloadManager: Cleaning up existing renewal alarms 11-22 02:55:27.508 4932 5349 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCellBroadcastIdRanges with ranges:[CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4370, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4096, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4383, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4371, 4372, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4097, 4097, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4384, 4385, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4373, 4378, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4098, 4098, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4386, 4391, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4379, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4099, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4392, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4380, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4393, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4381, 4381, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4394, 4394, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4382, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4395, 4395, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false]] 11-22 02:55:27.508 5416 5416 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.providers.blockednumber: false 11-22 02:55:27.508 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState message:1 11-22 02:55:27.508 5416 5416 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.providers.blockednumber is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:27.508 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState handle EVENT_REQUEST with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@11efb2f] 11-22 02:55:27.508 5416 5416 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:27.508 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCdmaConfig with [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]] 11-22 02:55:27.508 4932 4932 I CarrierInfoManager: deleting carrier key from db for subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.508 4932 4932 E CarrierInfoManager: Invalid networkOperator: 11-22 02:55:27.512 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState message:2 11-22 02:55:27.512 4932 5349 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCellBroadcastIdRanges with ranges:[CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4370, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4096, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4383, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4371, 4372, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4097, 4097, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4384, 4385, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4373, 4378, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4098, 4098, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4386, 4391, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4379, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4099, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4392, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4380, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4393, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4381, 4381, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4394, 4394, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4382, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4395, 4395, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false]] 11-22 02:55:27.512 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState handle EVENT_ACTIVATION_DONE with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@11efb2f] 11-22 02:55:27.512 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: Failed to set cdma config 11-22 02:55:27.513 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState message:1 11-22 02:55:27.513 5128 5151 E CellBroadcastConfigService: fails to setCellBroadcastRanges, result = 2 11-22 02:55:27.513 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: IdleState handle EVENT_REQUEST with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@855441a] 11-22 02:55:27.513 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: setCdmaConfig with [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]] 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 8ms 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.513 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.511 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4571 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the DisplayBrightnessStrategy from OverrideBrightnessStrategy toInvalidBrightnessStrategy for display 0 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4571 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.39763778] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'override'. 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.515 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Requesting Transition to state: 0, from state=-1, interactive=true, mBootCompleted=true 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Applying layout: [{dispId: 0(ON), displayGroupName: , addr: {port=0}, mThermalBrightnessThrottlingMapId: null, mRefreshRateZoneId: null, mLeadDisplayId: -1, mThermalRefreshRateThrottlingMapId: null}], Previous layout: [{dispId: 0(ON), displayGroupName: , addr: {port=0}, mThermalBrightnessThrottlingMapId: null, mRefreshRateZoneId: null, mLeadDisplayId: -1, mThermalRefreshRateThrottlingMapId: null}] 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:27.516 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.39763778, initBrt=0.39763778, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=0, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=manual, autoBrightness=false, strategy=InvalidBrightnessStrategy 11-22 02:55:27.517 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState message:2 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:27.517 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: CdmaConfiguringState handle EVENT_ACTIVATION_DONE with request:Request[mCbRangesRequest3gpp = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4352, 4354, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4355, 4355, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4356, 4356, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4370, 4379, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4380, 4382, 1, false], CellBroadcastIdRange[4383, 4392, 1, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4393, 4395, 1, false]], mCbRangesRequest3gpp2 = [CellBroadcastIdRange[4096, 4099, 2, true], CellBroadcastIdRange[4100, 4100, 2, false]], mCallback = com.android.phone.PhoneInterfaceManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda10@855441a] 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4932 5130 D CellBroadcastConfigTracker-0: Failed to set cdma config 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:27.511 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.517 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.518 5128 5151 E CellBroadcastConfigService: fails to setCellBroadcastRanges, result = 2 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 I TransparencyService: Boot completed. Getting VBMeta Digest. 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 D TransparencyService: VBMeta Digest: 117431377c51aff54837a58206e99561821e9e0d3a02a9ae9b343ef477a7bbea 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 I TransparencyService: Boot completed. Collecting biometric system properties. 11-22 02:55:27.518 4522 4542 I TransparencyService: Scheduling measurements to be taken. 11-22 02:55:27.519 4522 4599 D RollbackManager: mRollbackLifetimeDurationInMillis=1209600000 11-22 02:55:27.519 4522 4542 I TransparencyService: Scheduling binary content-digest computation job 11-22 02:55:27.519 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 11-22 02:55:27.520 4522 4542 D TransparencyService: Job 1740526926 to measure binaries was scheduled successfully. 11-22 02:55:27.520 4522 4542 D TransparencyService: Registering APK & Non-Staged APEX updates... 11-22 02:55:27.520 4522 4542 D TransparencyService: Registering APEX updates... 11-22 02:55:27.520 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[1]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED_SEARCHING 11-22 02:55:27.521 5416 5416 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/ContactsProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.providers.contacts:/system/priv-app/ContactsProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.521 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:27.522 4522 4597 D AppStandbyController: Loaded headless system app cache in 4 ms: appIdleEnabled=true 11-22 02:55:27.526 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10099; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 5ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.527 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4626 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=true, mDaemonConnected=true 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:27.528 4522 4542 D TestHarnessModeService: Completing Test Harness Mode setup. 11-22 02:55:27.529 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Started resetting external storage service... 11-22 02:55:27.529 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Finished resetting external storage service 11-22 02:55:27.529 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: Resetting vold... 11-22 02:55:27.529 354 354 I vold : Killing all processes referencing /storage/emulated/0 11-22 02:55:27.529 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10051. pid: 5416 11-22 02:55:27.530 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.530 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10104; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.531 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.531 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.534 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.534 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10132; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.534 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.535 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.535 4522 5451 I HibernationStateDiskStore: No hibernation file on disk for file /data/system/hibernation/states 11-22 02:55:27.535 4932 4932 D ImsNrSaModeHandler: setNrSaDisablePolicy : NrSaDisablePolicy = 0, IsNrSaSupported = true 11-22 02:55:27.537 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.537 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10108; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.540 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.541 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.541 5416 5450 I PhoneAccountHandleMigrationUtils_CallLogDatabaseHelper: updatePhoneAccountHandleMigrationPendingStatus false 11-22 02:55:27.542 4932 4932 D ImsNrSaModeHandler: setNrSaDisablePolicy : NrSaDisablePolicy = 0, IsNrSaSupported = true 11-22 02:55:27.541 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 16ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.544 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4636 D WifiService: Handle boot completed 11-22 02:55:27.545 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.546 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.547 4522 5435 I Telecom : CallsManager: updateEmergencyCallNotificationAsync; show=false: CM.UEMCNA@ABk◠11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4636 I WifiScoreCard: Installing MemoryStore 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4636 I WifiHealthMonitor: Installing MemoryStore 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:27.548 4522 5414 I Telecom : CallsManager: updateEmergencyCallNotificationAsync; show=false: CM.UEMCNA@ABQ◠11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 1000 : false 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.549 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.550 4932 4932 I Telephony: Carrier-config changed, checking for phone account updates. 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.550 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:27.551 4932 4932 I ImsResolver: Received Carrier Config Changed for SlotId: 1, SubId: -1, sim state: 1 11-22 02:55:27.551 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.551 4932 5273 D ImsResolver: updateBoundDeviceServices: called 11-22 02:55:27.552 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.552 4932 4932 I TelephonyRcsService: updateFeatureControllerSubscription: slotId=1, oldSubId= -1, subId=-1, existing feature=false 11-22 02:55:27.552 4932 4932 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 11-22 02:55:27.552 4805 4883 I Tethering: USB bcast connected:true configured:true rndis:false ncm:false 11-22 02:55:27.553 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 1, hasConfigChanged=false 11-22 02:55:27.553 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 1, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:27.553 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 1, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: Registering NetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: Registering NetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4636 D RestrictedWifiNetworkFactory: Registering NetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: Registering NetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: Registering NetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 1295 1301 I adbd : adbd_auth: received a new framework connection 11-22 02:55:27.559 1295 1301 I adbd : adbd_auth: received new framework fd 19 (current = -1) 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for WifiNetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for RestrictedWifiNetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.559 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory 11-22 02:55:27.560 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:27.560 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.562 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 73144566; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.563 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 73144566; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.563 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.563 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 13ms 11-22 02:55:27.563 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:27.563 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.563 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.564 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:27.564 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.565 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.566 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.566 4522 4542 I CDM_CompanionDeviceManagerService: Scheduling the Association Removal job 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.567 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.568 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.567 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=469394507 11-22 02:55:27.567 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.568 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.569 338 338 I servicemanager: Since 'apexservice' could not be found, trying to start it as a lazy AIDL service. (if it's not configured to be a lazy service, it may be stuck starting or still starting). 11-22 02:55:27.573 4729 4729 W KeyguardUserSwitcherController: Current user is not listed 11-22 02:55:27.571 1 1 I init : starting service 'apexd'... 11-22 02:55:27.575 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.576 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.577 4522 4636 I SsidTranslator: Locale language changed to en, alternate charset is now null 11-22 02:55:27.579 4522 4636 I WifiService: Receive onDriverCountryCodeChanged to KR, update available channel list 11-22 02:55:27.577 1 1 I init : ... started service 'apexd' has pid 5460 11-22 02:55:27.577 1 1 I init : Control message: Processed ctl.interface_start for 'aidl/apexservice' from pid: 338 (/system/bin/servicemanager) 11-22 02:55:27.579 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 7 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (7) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps Specifier: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:27.579 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:27.580 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.580 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 8 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (8) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_INVINCIBLE&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps Specifier: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:27.580 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:27.581 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 9 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (9) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_INVINCIBLE&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps Specifier: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:27.581 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 10 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (10) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_INVINCIBLE&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&OEM_PAID&OEM_PRIVATE&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps Specifier: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:27.581 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: register offer from providerId 11 : NetworkOffer [ Provider Id (11) Score(Policies : EVER_EVALUATED&IS_INVINCIBLE&IS_UNMETERED&EVER_VALIDATED&IS_VALIDATED ; KeepConnected : 0) Caps [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps Specifier: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] Needed by []] 11-22 02:55:27.581 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.582 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:27.582 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.582 4522 4551 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:27.583 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.583 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:27.584 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.585 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.585 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:27.586 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 1 11-22 02:55:27.587 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.591 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.592 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.593 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.594 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.595 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.596 4932 4932 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = -1 subId = -1 11-22 02:55:27.596 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.597 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.598 4522 4636 E WifiChipHidlImpl: getUsableChannels failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 11-22 02:55:27.598 4522 4636 E ApConfigUtil: Malformed channel value detected: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 11-22 02:55:27.599 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=24, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.599 4522 4636 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: d8108b881003d 11-22 02:55:27.600 4522 4636 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming supported with capabilities: max num blocklist bssid=16 max num allowlist ssid=4 11-22 02:55:27.602 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.602 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [221483]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:27.602 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.602 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 150 11-22 02:55:27.602 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped150,cmd_send150 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.602 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.609 4522 4636 E WifiScoringParams: Invalid frequency(-1), using 5G as default rssi array 11-22 02:55:27.609 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.609 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:27.609 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.610 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.610 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.610 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.607 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.607 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:27.607 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:27.607 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 2b 61 03 00 00 15 00 00 11-22 02:55:27.607 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 149 11-22 02:55:27.607 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:27.607 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-100 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=708, tx_time=0 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=0, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:27.608 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:27.610 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=15, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.611 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10099 RequestorUid: 10099 RequestorPkg: com.android.telephony.qns UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=24, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.611 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=15, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10099 RequestorUid: 10099 RequestorPkg: com.android.telephony.qns UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=24, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.612 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=15, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10099 RequestorUid: 10099 RequestorPkg: com.android.telephony.qns UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=24, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.613 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=15, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10106 RequestorUid: 10106 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.614 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10099 RequestorUid: 10099 RequestorPkg: com.android.telephony.qns UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:27.616 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_scan n_channels 38 11-22 02:55:27.616 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: random mac addr: 0a:67:c6:26:f8:ac 11-22 02:55:27.616 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.616 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [221498]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_RND_MAC] 11-22 02:55:27.616 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.616 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 151 11-22 02:55:27.616 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.616 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.616 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.616 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped151,cmd_send151 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.617 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.622 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:27.622 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:27.622 773 773 I : 00 40 0c 00 3a 61 03 00 00 16 00 00 11-22 02:55:27.622 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 150 11-22 02:55:27.622 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_RND_MAC] 11-22 02:55:27.622 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.622 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.622 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cfg80211_scan:scan request addr:000000007743f935 11-22 02:55:27.622 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.622 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [221503]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_SCAN] 11-22 02:55:27.622 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.622 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 152 11-22 02:55:27.622 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped152,cmd_send152 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.622 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.623 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.623 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.632 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.632 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:27.632 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:27.632 773 773 I : 00 0b 0c 00 3f 61 03 00 00 17 00 00 11-22 02:55:27.632 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 151 11-22 02:55:27.632 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_SCAN] 11-22 02:55:27.632 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.632 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=2247, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.632 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:11 [WIFI_CMD_SCAN]rsp received 11-22 02:55:27.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:27.633 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 18 ms. 11-22 02:55:27.637 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 1 ms. 11-22 02:55:27.634 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.635 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 216 11-22 02:55:27.635 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c5, channel 1, signal -4600 11-22 02:55:27.635 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.635 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 278 11-22 02:55:27.635 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 58:86:94:00:18:c4, channel 1, signal -7300 11-22 02:55:27.636 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:27.637 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.639 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.639 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 216 11-22 02:55:27.639 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 28:6d:97:f2:01:1f, channel 1, signal -7500 11-22 02:55:27.654 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:27.655 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:27.656 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=1) 11-22 02:55:27.655 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.655 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 278 11-22 02:55:27.655 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 58:86:94:00:18:c4, channel 1, signal -7300 11-22 02:55:27.656 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.656 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 216 11-22 02:55:27.656 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c5, channel 1, signal -4500 11-22 02:55:27.659 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.659 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 366 11-22 02:55:27.659 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 86:25:19:c1:ae:d4, channel 1, signal -8500 11-22 02:55:27.662 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:27.662 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:27.662 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.662 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:27.662 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.662 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 366 11-22 02:55:27.662 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 86:25:19:c1:ae:d4, channel 1, signal -8400 11-22 02:55:27.662 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.663 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.663 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.663 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:27.663 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.663 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.667 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.667 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 366 11-22 02:55:27.667 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 86:25:19:c1:ae:d4, channel 1, signal -8400 11-22 02:55:27.669 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.669 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 222 11-22 02:55:27.669 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: old signal level:-4700,new signal level:-4500 11-22 02:55:27.669 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c5, channel 1, signal -4500 11-22 02:55:27.672 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 02:55:27.671 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.671 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 278 11-22 02:55:27.671 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: old signal level:-7400,new signal level:-7300 11-22 02:55:27.671 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 58:86:94:00:18:c4, channel 1, signal -7300 11-22 02:55:27.676 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.677 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 366 11-22 02:55:27.677 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 86:25:19:c1:ae:d4, channel 1, signal -8400 11-22 02:55:27.678 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.678 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 210 11-22 02:55:27.678 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 28:6d:97:f2:01:1f, channel 1, signal -7500 11-22 02:55:27.679 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.679 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.682 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.682 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 366 11-22 02:55:27.682 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 86:25:19:c1:ae:d4, channel 1, signal -8300 11-22 02:55:27.685 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.685 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 366 11-22 02:55:27.685 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 86:25:19:c1:ae:d4, channel 1, signal -8200 11-22 02:55:27.686 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.686 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 216 11-22 02:55:27.686 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c5, channel 1, signal -4500 11-22 02:55:27.690 4729 4729 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.KeyguardClockFrame{83f569b V.E...... ......I. 0,0-982,2000 #7f0a03e5 app:id/lockscreen_clock_view_large} during layout: running second layout pass 11-22 02:55:27.690 4729 4729 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.systemui.shared.clocks.AnimatableClockView{63d4a38 V.ED..... ......I. 280,486-701,1224} during layout: running second layout pass 11-22 02:55:27.705 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 02:55:27.708 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.723 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isUserUnlocked=false 11-22 02:55:27.723 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isStylusEverUsed=false 11-22 02:55:27.723 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isConfigSelected=true 11-22 02:55:27.723 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isDefaultNotesAppSet=false 11-22 02:55:27.724 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState=com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.KeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig$LockScreenState$Hidden@c5d064d 11-22 02:55:27.725 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 02:55:27.735 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.735 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.759 4522 4522 D FlashNotifController: requestStartFlashNotification 11-22 02:55:27.759 4522 4522 I FlashNotifController: startFlashNotification: type=1, tag=android 11-22 02:55:27.760 4522 4522 D FlashNotifController: Flash notification is disabled 11-22 02:55:27.760 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.763 4522 4522 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 11-22 02:55:27.775 4729 4834 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a3, vaddr=0x6f34669000 11-22 02:55:27.775 4522 4858 I SELinux : SELinux: Loaded file context from: 11-22 02:55:27.776 4522 4858 I SELinux : /system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts 11-22 02:55:27.776 4522 4858 I SELinux : /system_ext/etc/selinux/system_ext_file_contexts 11-22 02:55:27.776 4522 4858 I SELinux : /vendor/etc/selinux/vendor_file_contexts 11-22 02:55:27.779 4729 4729 D ProxSensor: [FalsingCollector] Primary sensor event: false. No secondary. 11-22 02:55:27.782 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isUserUnlocked=false 11-22 02:55:27.782 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isStylusEverUsed=false 11-22 02:55:27.782 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isConfigSelected=true 11-22 02:55:27.782 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isDefaultNotesAppSet=false 11-22 02:55:27.782 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState=com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.KeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig$LockScreenState$Hidden@c5d064d 11-22 02:55:27.785 4729 5463 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for media (user not unlocked) 11-22 02:55:27.794 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a3, vaddr=0x6ed54f4000 11-22 02:55:27.790 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.791 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.795 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.805 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isUserUnlocked=false 11-22 02:55:27.805 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isStylusEverUsed=false 11-22 02:55:27.805 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isConfigSelected=true 11-22 02:55:27.805 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isDefaultNotesAppSet=false 11-22 02:55:27.805 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState=com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.KeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig$LockScreenState$Hidden@c5d064d 11-22 02:55:27.804 4390 4409 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xe7801690) created, clientPid(4729) 11-22 02:55:27.817 4390 5466 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 11-22 02:55:27.824 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.825 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 566 11-22 02:55:27.825 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 60:29:d5:46:e0:76, channel 5, signal -8700 11-22 02:55:27.827 354 354 I vold : fuse-bpf is disabled because of property ro.fuse.bpf.is_running 11-22 02:55:27.827 354 354 I vold : Unmounting /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:27.827 354 354 I vold : Unmounted /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:27.827 354 354 I vold : Unmounting /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:27.827 354 354 I vold : Unmounted /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:27.827 354 354 I vold : Unmounting fuse path /mnt/user/0/emulated 11-22 02:55:27.828 354 354 I vold : Unmounting pass_through_path /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated 11-22 02:55:27.829 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: Reset vold 11-22 02:55:27.829 354 354 I vold : onUserAdded: 0 11-22 02:55:27.829 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.829 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 267 11-22 02:55:27.829 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 42:23:aa:cf:b3:aa, channel 8, signal -6400 11-22 02:55:27.831 5460 5460 I apexd : Scanning /system/apex for pre-installed ApexFiles 11-22 02:55:27.831 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.sdkext.apex 11-22 02:55:27.832 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.adbd.capex 11-22 02:55:27.832 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.media.swcodec.capex 11-22 02:55:27.832 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.conscrypt.capex 11-22 02:55:27.832 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.wifi.capex 11-22 02:55:27.832 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.scheduling.capex 11-22 02:55:27.832 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.resolv.capex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.rkpd.apex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.extservices.capex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.virt.apex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.devicelock.apex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.i18n.apex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.vndk.current.apex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.art.capex 11-22 02:55:27.833 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.ondevicepersonalization.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.btservices.apex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.permission.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.appsearch.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.configinfrastructure.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.adservices.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.ipsec.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.neuralnetworks.capex 11-22 02:55:27.834 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.uwb.capex 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.tethering.capex 11-22 02:55:27.836 4522 5216 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10106/4729 AA=USAGE_NOTIFICATION/CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION clientId=android.media.AudioManager@3b3b168 callingPack=com.android.systemui req=3 flags=0x0 sdk=34 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.mediaprovider.capex 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.healthfitness.apex 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast.capex 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim.apex 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.runtime.apex 11-22 02:55:27.835 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.media.capex 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.os.statsd.apex 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system/apex/com.android.tzdata.apex 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Scanning /system_ext/apex for pre-installed ApexFiles 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.compos.apex 11-22 02:55:27.837 4522 5216 I AudioService.FadeOutManager: unfadeOutUid() uid:10106 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v33.apex 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v29.apex 11-22 02:55:27.836 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v28.apex 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v32.apex 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v30.apex 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : Found pre-installed APEX /system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v31.apex 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : Scanning /product/apex for pre-installed ApexFiles 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 W apexd : /product/apex does not exist. Skipping 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : Scanning /vendor/apex for pre-installed ApexFiles 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 W apexd : /vendor/apex does not exist. Skipping 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : No block apex metadata partition found, not adding block apexes 11-22 02:55:27.837 5460 5460 I apexd : Populating APEX database from mounts... 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.healthfitness@340090000" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.healthfitness.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.rkpd@1" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.rkpd.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.tethering@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.tethering@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.sdkext@340090000" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.sdkext.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v32@1" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v32.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.virt@2" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.virt.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v33@1" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v33.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.i18n@1" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.i18n.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.devicelock@1" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.devicelock.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.btservices@340090000" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.btservices.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.tzdata@340090000" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.tzdata.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v31@1" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v31.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v34@1" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.vndk.current.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.runtime@1" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.runtime.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v29@1" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v29.apex 11-22 02:55:27.838 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.art@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.art@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim@1" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v28@1" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v28.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.vndk.v30@1" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.vndk.v30.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.permission@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.permission@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.media.swcodec@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media.swcodec@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.scheduling@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.scheduling@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.adbd@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adbd@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.conscrypt@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.conscrypt@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.resolv@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.resolv@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.842 4522 4542 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took 274 ms in onBootPhase 11-22 02:55:27.843 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 274ms 11-22 02:55:27.843 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.839 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.wifi@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.wifi@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.843 4522 4542 D GameManagerService: onBootCompleted 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.appsearch@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.appsearch@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.media@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.media@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.ondevicepersonalization@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ondevicepersonalization@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.ipsec@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.ipsec@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.configinfrastructure@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.configinfrastructure@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.extservices@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.extservices@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.adservices@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.adservices@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.cellbroadcast@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.cellbroadcast@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.mediaprovider@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.mediaprovider@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.840 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.uwb@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.uwb@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.841 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.compos@2" backed by file /system/system_ext/apex/com.android.compos.apex 11-22 02:55:27.841 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.neuralnetworks@340090000" backed by file /data/apex/decompressed/com.android.neuralnetworks@340090000.decompressed.apex 11-22 02:55:27.841 5460 5460 I apexd : Found "/apex/com.android.os.statsd@340090000" backed by file /system/apex/com.android.os.statsd.apex 11-22 02:55:27.841 5460 5460 I apexd : 39 packages restored. 11-22 02:55:27.841 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.841 5460 5460 I apexd : Scanning /data/apex/active for data ApexFiles 11-22 02:55:27.841 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 566 11-22 02:55:27.841 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 60:29:d5:46:e0:76, channel 5, signal -8400 11-22 02:55:27.841 5460 5460 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Registering service apexservice 11-22 02:55:27.842 338 338 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 02:55:27.842 5460 5460 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Trying to shut down the service. No clients in use for any service in process. 11-22 02:55:27.842 338 338 I servicemanager: Tried to unregister apexservice, but there is about to be a client. 11-22 02:55:27.842 5460 5460 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Failed to unregister service apexservice (Status(-5, EX_ILLEGAL_STATE): 'Can't unregister, pending client.') 11-22 02:55:27.842 5460 5460 I apexd : markBootCompleted() received by ApexService 11-22 02:55:27.843 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.843 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:27.844 4522 4607 W SafetyCenterService: SafetyCenter is enabled. 11-22 02:55:27.845 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:27.845 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.845 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.845 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:27.845 4522 4542 I com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService: Isolated compilation not supported, not scheduling job 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D DeviceLockService: onBootPhase: 1000 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000 took to complete: 341ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: TotalBootTime took to complete: 9619ms 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown requested 11-22 02:55:27.846 4522 4542 D SystemServerTiming: WaitInitThreadPoolShutdown 11-22 02:55:27.847 4522 4542 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown successful 11-22 02:55:27.847 4522 4542 V SystemServerTiming: WaitInitThreadPoolShutdown took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.849 4522 4542 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from BOOTING to RUNNING_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.847 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.847 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.847 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.848 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/hw/init.rc:1224) 11-22 02:55:27.849 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 36 (/bin/rm -rf /data/per_boot)'... 11-22 02:55:27.853 4522 4542 D SystemServerTiming: finishUserUnlocking-0 11-22 02:55:27.853 4522 4542 D ActivityManager: Started unlocking user 0 11-22 02:55:27.853 4522 4542 D ActivityManager: Unlocking user 0 progress 0 11-22 02:55:27.853 4522 4542 D ActivityManager: Unlocking user 0 progress 5 11-22 02:55:27.854 4522 4542 V SystemServerTiming: finishUserUnlocking-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.854 4522 4539 D SystemServerTiming: UM.onBeforeUnlockUser-0 11-22 02:55:27.854 4522 4539 D SystemServerTiming: prepareUserData-0 11-22 02:55:27.854 4522 4542 V ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting took to complete: 372ms 11-22 02:55:27.854 354 835 D vold : fscrypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 2 11-22 02:55:27.855 354 835 D vold : Preparing: /data/system_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.853 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 36 (/bin/rm -rf /data/per_boot)' has pid 5470 11-22 02:55:27.853 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 36 (/bin/rm -rf /data/per_boot)' pid 5470 (uid 1000 gid 1000+0 context default) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:27.855 354 835 I vold : Verified that /data/system_ce/0 has the encryption policy a3cdf87f0fa04101956c5ef5ad037a15 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0xa 11-22 02:55:27.856 354 835 D vold : Preparing: /data/vendor_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.856 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: setUp: currentUser=0 11-22 02:55:27.856 354 835 I vold : Verified that /data/vendor_ce/0 has the encryption policy a3cdf87f0fa04101956c5ef5ad037a15 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0xa 11-22 02:55:27.856 354 835 D vold : Preparing: /data/media/0 11-22 02:55:27.857 354 835 I vold : Verified that /data/media/0 has the encryption policy a3cdf87f0fa04101956c5ef5ad037a15 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0xa 11-22 02:55:27.857 354 835 D vold : Preparing: /data/misc_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.858 354 835 I vold : Verified that /data/misc_ce/0 has the encryption policy a3cdf87f0fa04101956c5ef5ad037a15 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0xa 11-22 02:55:27.858 354 835 D vold : Preparing: /data/user/0 11-22 02:55:27.859 354 835 I vold : Verified that /data/user/0 has the encryption policy a3cdf87f0fa04101956c5ef5ad037a15 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0xa 11-22 02:55:27.857 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.859 354 835 D vold : Starting restorecon of /data/system_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.857 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 215 11-22 02:55:27.857 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, f0:b4:29:6d:73:3e, channel 6, signal -5900 11-22 02:55:27.866 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.866 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 352 11-22 02:55:27.866 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 00:23:aa:cf:b3:aa, channel 8, signal -5800 11-22 02:55:27.866 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 36 (/bin/rm -rf /data/per_boot)' (pid 5470) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.014000 seconds 11-22 02:55:27.866 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 36 (/bin/rm -rf /data/per_boot)' (pid 5470) process group... 11-22 02:55:27.867 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 5470 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.868 1 1 I init : Encryption policy of /data/per_boot set to 78a3903dea71d47264b1a090cd9c075e v2 modes 1/4 flags 0xa 11-22 02:55:27.869 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/vendor/etc/init/hw/init.ram.rc:52) 11-22 02:55:27.871 257 257 I zram : Can't change dedup usage for initialized device 11-22 02:55:27.871 1 1 I init : Command 'write /sys/block/zram0/use_dedup 1' action=sys.boot_completed=1 (/vendor/etc/init/hw/init.ram.rc:55) took 0ms and failed: Unable to write to file '/sys/block/zram0/use_dedup': Unable to write file contents: Device or resource busy 11-22 02:55:27.872 257 257 I zram : Can't change algorithm for initialized device 11-22 02:55:27.872 1 1 I init : Command 'write /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm lz4' action=sys.boot_completed=1 (/vendor/etc/init/hw/init.ram.rc:57) took 0ms and failed: Unable to write to file '/sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm': Unable to write file contents: Device or resource busy 11-22 02:55:27.872 1 1 W init : [libfs_mgr] Warning: unknown flag: zram_loopback_path=/data/per_boot/zram_swap 11-22 02:55:27.872 1 1 W init : [libfs_mgr] Warning: unknown flag: zram_backing_dev_path=/dev/block/loop0 11-22 02:55:27.884 5471 5471 I selinux : SELinux: Skipping restorecon on directory(/data/system_ce/0) 11-22 02:55:27.887 354 835 D vold : Finished restorecon of /data/system_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.888 354 835 D vold : Starting restorecon of /data/vendor_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.889 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: onNightDisplayAutoModeChanged: autoMode=0 11-22 02:55:27.889 4522 4542 I ColorDisplayService: Turning off night display 11-22 02:55:27.889 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: Setting bright color reduction level: 50 11-22 02:55:27.889 4522 4542 I ColorDisplayService: Turning off reduce bright colors 11-22 02:55:27.890 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.39763778, initBrt=0.39763778, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=50, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=manual, autoBrightness=false, strategy=InvalidBrightnessStrategy 11-22 02:55:27.890 5472 5472 I selinux : SELinux: Skipping restorecon on directory(/data/vendor_ce/0) 11-22 02:55:27.891 354 835 D vold : Finished restorecon of /data/vendor_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.891 354 835 D vold : Starting restorecon of /data/misc_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.895 354 835 D vold : Finished restorecon of /data/misc_ce/0 11-22 02:55:27.895 354 835 D vold : /system/bin/vold_prepare_subdirs 11-22 02:55:27.895 5473 5473 I selinux : SELinux: Skipping restorecon on directory(/data/misc_ce/0) 11-22 02:55:27.896 354 835 D vold : prepare 11-22 02:55:27.896 354 835 D vold : 11-22 02:55:27.896 354 835 D vold : 0 11-22 02:55:27.896 354 835 D vold : 2 11-22 02:55:27.899 4920 4920 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1899 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:825 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:825 me.phh.qcrilam.BootReceiver.onReceive:29 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4449 11-22 02:55:27.901 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: com.android.devicelockcontroller is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:27.901 4932 4932 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-8 for other apk /system/priv-app/ONS/ONS.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/ONS/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.ons:/system/priv-app/ONS:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:27.903 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10122; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.903 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10122; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.903 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10122; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.904 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.903 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.903 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.905 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.906 4932 4932 W nsconfig: com.android.phone: New config does not match the previously set config. 11-22 02:55:27.907 4387 4387 I Zygote : Entering forkRepeatedly native zygote loop 11-22 02:55:27.907 4932 4932 D ONSAutoboot: Received android.intent.action.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED 11-22 02:55:27.910 4920 4920 I QcRilAm-Service: Device has 2 sim slots 11-22 02:55:27.912 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=4920 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.913 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 1000 gid 1000 context u:object_r:system_data_file:s0:c512,c768 on path: /data/user/0 11-22 02:55:27.913 4920 4920 E QcRilAm-Service: RemoteException while trying to add HIDL callback for slot1 11-22 02:55:27.913 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 1000 gid 1000 context u:object_r:sdk_sandbox_system_data_file:s0:c512,c768 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/sdksandbox 11-22 02:55:27.913 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.qcril.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=4920 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.913 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 0 gid 0 context u:object_r:vold_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/vold 11-22 02:55:27.914 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 0 gid 0 context u:object_r:storaged_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/storaged 11-22 02:55:27.914 4920 4920 E QcRilAm-Service: RemoteException while trying to add HIDL callback for slot1 11-22 02:55:27.914 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 0 gid 0 context u:object_r:rollback_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/rollback 11-22 02:55:27.914 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 0 gid 0 context u:object_r:apex_rollback_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexrollback 11-22 02:55:27.914 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 711 uid 0 gid 0 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata 11-22 02:55:27.915 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.os.statsd 11-22 02:55:27.915 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=4920 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am.IQcRilAudio/slot1 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.915 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.neuralnetworks 11-22 02:55:27.915 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.compos 11-22 02:55:27.915 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.uwb 11-22 02:55:27.915 4920 4920 E QcRilAm-Service: Could not get AIDL service instance for slot1, failing 11-22 02:55:27.915 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.mediaprovider 11-22 02:55:27.916 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.cellbroadcast 11-22 02:55:27.916 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=4920 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.916 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.adservices 11-22 02:55:27.916 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.extservices 11-22 02:55:27.916 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.ipsec 11-22 02:55:27.916 4920 4920 E QcRilAm-Service: RemoteException while trying to add HIDL callback for slot2 11-22 02:55:27.916 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5479 11-22 02:55:27.916 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.configinfrastructure 11-22 02:55:27.917 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.ondevicepersonalization 11-22 02:55:27.917 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.media 11-22 02:55:27.917 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.appsearch 11-22 02:55:27.917 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:27.917 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5479:com.android.devicelockcontroller/u0a122 for broadcast {com.android.devicelockcontroller/com.android.devicelockcontroller.receivers.LockedBootCompletedReceiver} 11-22 02:55:27.917 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.resolv 11-22 02:55:27.917 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.conscrypt 11-22 02:55:27.918 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.adbd 11-22 02:55:27.918 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.qcril.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=4920 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.918 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.scheduling 11-22 02:55:27.918 4920 4920 E QcRilAm-Service: RemoteException while trying to add HIDL callback for slot2 11-22 02:55:27.918 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.media.swcodec 11-22 02:55:27.918 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.permission 11-22 02:55:27.919 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v30 11-22 02:55:27.919 4920 4920 E QcRilAm-Service: Could not get AIDL service instance for slot2, failing 11-22 02:55:27.919 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.apex.cts.shim 11-22 02:55:27.919 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v28 11-22 02:55:27.919 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.art 11-22 02:55:27.920 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v29 11-22 02:55:27.920 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.btservices 11-22 02:55:27.920 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.devicelock 11-22 02:55:27.920 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v33 11-22 02:55:27.920 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v32 11-22 02:55:27.920 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.virt 11-22 02:55:27.921 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.sdkext 11-22 02:55:27.921 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:27.921 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.healthfitness 11-22 02:55:27.921 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.rkpd 11-22 02:55:27.921 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.i18n 11-22 02:55:27.921 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v34 11-22 02:55:27.922 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.runtime 11-22 02:55:27.919 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=4920 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am.IQcRilAudio/slot2 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.922 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.vndk.v31 11-22 02:55:27.922 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.tzdata 11-22 02:55:27.922 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 771 uid 0 gid 1000 context u:object_r:apex_module_data_file:s0 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/sharedlibs 11-22 02:55:27.922 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 770 uid 1000 gid 2001 context u:object_r:checkin_data_file:s0:c512,c768 on path: /data/misc_ce/0/checkin 11-22 02:55:27.923 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 1000 gid 1000 context u:object_r:backup_data_file:s0 on path: /data/system_ce/0/backup 11-22 02:55:27.923 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 1000 gid 1000 context u:object_r:backup_data_file:s0 on path: /data/system_ce/0/backup_stage 11-22 02:55:27.923 5474 5474 D vold_prepare_subdirs: Setting up mode 700 uid 1000 gid 1000 context u:object_r:face_vendor_data_file:s0 on path: /data/vendor_ce/0/facedata 11-22 02:55:27.925 4522 4539 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0 11-22 02:55:27.925 4522 4539 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0 11-22 02:55:27.925 4522 4539 D UserDataPreparer: Setting property: sys.user.0.ce_available=true 11-22 02:55:27.926 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:27.926 4522 4539 V SystemServerTiming: prepareUserData-0 took to complete: 72ms 11-22 02:55:27.926 4522 4539 D SystemServerTiming: reconcileAppsData-0 11-22 02:55:27.926 4522 4539 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x2 migrateAppData=false 11-22 02:55:27.929 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.configinfrastructure 11-22 02:55:27.929 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.appsearch 11-22 02:55:27.929 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.adservices 11-22 02:55:27.929 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.scheduling 11-22 02:55:27.929 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.permission 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.art 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.uwb 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.tethering 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.btservices 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.media.swcodec 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.conscrypt 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.adbd 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.i18n 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.rkpd 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.virt 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.wifi 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.runtime 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.devicelock 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.apex.cts.shim 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.compos 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.neuralnetworks 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.healthfitness 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.resolv 11-22 02:55:27.930 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.sdkext 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.tzdata 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v28 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v29 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v30 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v31 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v32 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v33 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.vndk.v34 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.os.statsd 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.extservices 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.cellbroadcast 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.ipsec 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.media 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.sdksandbox 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.mediaprovider 11-22 02:55:27.931 4522 4539 W PackageManager: Skipping preparing app data for com.android.ondevicepersonalization 11-22 02:55:27.931 5479 5479 I elockcontroller: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:27.933 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.935 5479 5479 E elockcontroller: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:27.942 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10122; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.941 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.942 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 428 11-22 02:55:27.942 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 00:23:aa:cf:b3:aa, channel 8, signal -5800 11-22 02:55:27.943 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10122; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:27.944 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.944 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 261 11-22 02:55:27.944 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 42:23:aa:cf:b3:aa, channel 8, signal -5800 11-22 02:55:27.949 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.949 5479 5479 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.949 5479 5479 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.952 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:27.958 5479 5479 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/apex/com.android.devicelock/priv-app/DeviceLockController@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.devicelockcontroller:/apex/com.android.devicelock/priv-app/DeviceLockController@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:27.960 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:27.958 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:27.959 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:27.966 5479 5479 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /apex/com.android.devicelock/priv-app/DeviceLockController@UP1A.231105.003/DeviceLockController.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.devicelock/priv-app/DeviceLockController@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.devicelockcontroller:/apex/com.android.devicelock/priv-app/DeviceLockController@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:27.968 5479 5479 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:27.966 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:27.967 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 352 11-22 02:55:27.967 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 00:23:aa:cf:b3:aa, channel 8, signal -5800 11-22 02:55:27.968 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:27.971 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:27.985 4522 4539 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData finished 205 packages 11-22 02:55:27.985 4522 4539 V SystemServerTiming: reconcileAppsData-0 took to complete: 59ms 11-22 02:55:27.985 4522 4539 V SystemServerTiming: UM.onBeforeUnlockUser-0 took to complete: 131ms 11-22 02:55:27.985 4522 4539 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from RUNNING_LOCKED to RUNNING_UNLOCKING 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4539 D ActivityManager: Unlocking user 0 progress 20 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4539 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 132ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.am.UserController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2@f152df7 m=0 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.UnlockingUser-0 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onUnlockingUser 0 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.986 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:27.987 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.983 1 1 W init : type=1400 audit(0.0:172): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/dev/block/sda10" dev="tmpfs" ino=12302 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:ubootlog_block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file permissive=0 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.988 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.989 338 338 I servicemanager: Notifying apexservice they do (previously: don't) have clients when service is guaranteed to be in use 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.989 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D BluetoothManagerService: User UserHandle{0} unlocked 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.991 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.991 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.991 4522 4554 D StorageManagerService: onUnlockUser 0 11-22 02:55:27.991 4522 4554 I StorageSessionController: On user unlock 0 11-22 02:55:27.991 4522 4620 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_USER_UNLOCKED 11-22 02:55:27.991 4522 4554 I StorageSessionController: Initialialising... 11-22 02:55:27.992 354 835 I vold : onUserStarted: 0 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.993 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:27.994 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.990 5469 5469 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Process has 1 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification apexservice has clients: 1 11-22 02:55:27.994 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.994 4522 5451 I HibernationStateDiskStore: No hibernation file on disk for file /data/system_ce/0/hibernation/states 11-22 02:55:27.994 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.994 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4631 D LockSettingsService: Hiding encryption notification for user 0 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4913 V StorageManagerService: Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4913 V StorageManagerService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=0 mountUserId=0 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4913 V StorageManagerService: state=UNMOUNTED 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4913 V StorageManagerService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 11-22 02:55:27.995 4522 4913 V StorageManagerService: path=null internalPath=null 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: Mounting volume VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=PRIMARY|VISIBLE_FOR_WRITE 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: mountUserId=0 state=UNMOUNTED 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: path=null internalPath=null 11-22 02:55:27.990 5469 5469 I apexd : destroyCeSnapshotsNotSpecified() received by ApexService user_id : 0 retain_rollback_ids : [] 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.996 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.997 354 835 I vold : Mounting emulated fuse volume 11-22 02:55:27.997 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.997 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 I AmbientContextManagerService: serviceNames sent in newServiceListLocked is null, or empty 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 D WearableSensingManagerService: onServiceRemoved 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 D WearableSensingManagerPerUserService: Trying to cancel the remote request. Reason: Service destroyed. 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:27.998 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:27.999 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:27.999 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.000 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.000 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.000 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.000 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.000 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.000 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:27.999 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:27.999 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [221880]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:27.999 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 153 11-22 02:55:27.999 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped153,cmd_send153 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:27.999 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:27.999 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:28.000 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.000 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:28.000 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:28.000 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 b8 62 03 00 00 2f 00 00 11-22 02:55:28.000 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 152 11-22 02:55:28.000 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:28.000 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-100 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=1084, tx_time=0 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=0, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:28.001 354 835 I vold : Bind mounting /data/media to /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:28.001 4522 4561 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading Bluetooth stats: 9 11-22 02:55:28.000 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:28.002 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:28.002 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.003 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: On volume mount VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 11-22 02:55:28.003 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=PRIMARY|VISIBLE_FOR_WRITE 11-22 02:55:28.003 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: mountUserId=0 state=CHECKING 11-22 02:55:28.003 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 11-22 02:55:28.003 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: path=/storage/emulated internalPath=/data/media 11-22 02:55:28.003 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Creating connection for user: 0 11-22 02:55:28.003 5479 5479 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.003 5479 5479 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.004 5479 5479 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D WifiService: Handle user unlock 0 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Creating and starting session with id: emulated;0 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4626 I StorageUserConnection: Binding to the ExternalStorageService for user 0 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 5479 5479 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.devicelockcontroller: false 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 5479 5479 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.devicelockcontroller is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.004 5479 5479 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.004 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.005 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.005 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.005 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.005 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.005 4522 4636 D WakeupConfigStoreData: WifiWake user data has been read 11-22 02:55:28.005 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.006 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Reading from user stores completed in 2 ms. 11-22 02:55:28.007 4522 4626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.007 4522 4626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.007 4522 4858 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=221887 mSleepTimeMs=200 mIdleTimeMs=800 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[100, 100, 100, 100, 100],mRxTimeMs=200}]} 11-22 02:55:28.008 4522 4626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.008 4522 4626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.008 5479 5479 I DeviceLockControllerApplication: onCreate 11-22 02:55:28.009 4522 4626 I StorageUserConnection: Bound to the ExternalStorageService for user 0 11-22 02:55:28.009 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.009 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:28.009 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.009 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.009 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.010 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.011 4522 4554 W VoiceInteractionManager: no available voice recognition services found for user 0 11-22 02:55:28.011 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.011 4522 4672 I BackupManagerService: Starting service for user: 0 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4672 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Starting with transport com.android.localtransport/.LocalTransport 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.012 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4672 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Started thread backup-0 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.013 4522 4554 I SdkSandboxManager: onUserUnlocking 0 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Reset component for user 0:null 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D FieldClassificationStrategy: reset(): service is not bound. Do nothing. 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.014 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.007 811 811 W binder:811_5: type=1400 audit(0.0:173): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup18" dev="sysfs" ino=48654 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.014 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup18 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-006b/wakeup/wakeup18): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.015 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.015 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.011 811 811 W binder:811_5: type=1400 audit(0.0:174): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup26" dev="sysfs" ino=49096 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.015 4522 4540 D AutofillUI: destroySaveUiUiThread(): already destroyed 11-22 02:55:28.015 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-0065/wakeup/wakeup26): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.011 811 811 W binder:811_5: type=1400 audit(0.0:175): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup16" dev="sysfs" ino=48537 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.016 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup16 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:fgu@c00/wakeup/wakeup16): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.011 811 811 W binder:811_5: type=1400 audit(0.0:176): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup0" dev="sysfs" ino=28029 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.016 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 3ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.017 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup0 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/wakeup/wakeup0): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.017 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.018 3390 3390 W audit : audit_lost=38 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64 11-22 02:55:28.011 811 811 W binder:811_5: type=1400 audit(0.0:177): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup9" dev="sysfs" ino=47287 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.018 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup14 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:pd@e00/power_supply/sprd-tcpm-source-psy-sc27xx-pd/wakeup14): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.019 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/usb/wakeup22): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.018 3390 3390 E audit : rate limit exceeded 11-22 02:55:28.019 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.020 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup12 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64570000.hsphy/wakeup/wakeup12): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.021 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5501 11-22 02:55:28.022 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup20 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/wireless/wakeup20): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.022 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup10 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:rtc@200/rtc/rtc0/wakeup10): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.023 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup19 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/battery/wakeup19): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.025 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:fchg@400/power_supply/sc2730_fast_charger/wakeup27): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.025 5479 5479 I DeviceStateControllerImpl: Starting state is 0 11-22 02:55:28.025 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup17 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-006b/power_supply/bq2560x_charger/wakeup17): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.026 4522 4555 I Watchdog: Interesting Java process com.android.providers.media.module started. Pid 5501 11-22 02:55:28.026 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5501:com.android.providers.media.module/u0a111 for service {com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.fuse.ExternalStorageServiceImpl} 11-22 02:55:28.026 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup1 (../../devices/platform/gpio-keys/wakeup/wakeup1): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.027 5479 5479 I UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler: Build type DEBUG = true 11-22 02:55:28.027 4522 4672 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read backup pw version 11-22 02:55:28.027 4522 4672 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read saved backup pw hash 11-22 02:55:28.027 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup25 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-0065/power_supply/bq2597x-standalone/wakeup25): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.028 4522 5502 I AppSearchUserInstanceMa: Creating new AppSearch instance at: /data/system_ce/0/appsearch/icing 11-22 02:55:28.028 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup15 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:fgu@c00/power_supply/sc27xx-fgu/wakeup15): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 12ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D DeviceLockService: onUserUnlocking 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.UnlockingUser-0 took to complete: 43ms 11-22 02:55:28.029 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup23 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/wakeup/wakeup23): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4554 D SystemServerTiming: finishUserUnlocked-0 11-22 02:55:28.029 4522 4539 I ActivityTaskManager: Loading recents for user 0 into memory. 11-22 02:55:28.030 5479 5479 D DevicePolicyControllerImpl: onStateChanged (0) 11-22 02:55:28.030 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup13 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64570000.hsphy/wakeup/wakeup13): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.030 5479 5479 V UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler: Setting restrictions for 0 11-22 02:55:28.031 5479 5479 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.031 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup21 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/ac/wakeup21): Permission denied 11-22 02:55:28.031 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from RUNNING_UNLOCKING to RUNNING_UNLOCKED 11-22 02:55:28.032 4522 4554 V SystemServerTiming: SystemUserUnlock took to complete: 179ms 11-22 02:55:28.034 4522 4554 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[ActivityManager,5,main] 11-22 02:55:28.035 4522 4672 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] No ancestral data 11-22 02:55:28.035 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: Posting BOOT_COMPLETED user #0 11-22 02:55:28.035 4522 4554 V SystemServerTiming: finishUserUnlocked-0 took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.UnlockedUser-0 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onUnlockedUser 0 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.036 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.037 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 30 ms. 11-22 02:55:28.038 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.039 4522 4539 V PackageConfigPersister: loadPackages: empty list files from /data/system_ce/0/package_configs 11-22 02:55:28.040 4522 4553 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2023-11-23 02:52:24(1700675544150) 11-22 02:55:28.040 5501 5501 I rs.media.module: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.038 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 I LaunchParamsPersister: Didn't find launch param folder for user 0 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 6ms 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupFuzzMilliseconds(...) returns 600000 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 1 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 5500 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 247 minutes 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.042 5479 5509 I DlcClient: Binding com.android.devicelockcontroller/.storage.SetupParametersService 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.042 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.043 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 5518 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.044 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.045 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:28.046 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 5500 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 42 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.047 5501 5501 E rs.media.module: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4522 I NotificationHistory: Attempted to unlock gone/disabled user 0 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 5502 W system_server: Core platform API violation: Llibcore/io/Memory;->pokeByte(JB)V from Lcom/android/server/appsearch/protobuf/UnsafeUtil; using reflection 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 4858 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10122. pid: 5479 11-22 02:55:28.047 4522 5502 W system_server: Core platform API violation: Llibcore/io/Memory;->peekByte(J)B from Lcom/android/server/appsearch/protobuf/UnsafeUtil; using reflection 11-22 02:55:28.048 5479 5479 D LockedBootCompletedReceiver: Locked Boot completed 11-22 02:55:28.043 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.048 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.049 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.049 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2] 11-22 02:55:28.049 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.049 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.049 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.049 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.050 4522 4858 I BroadcastQueue: BOOT_COMPLETED_BROADCAST_COMPLETION_LATENCY_REPORTED action:android.intent.action.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED dispatchLatency:1 completeLatency:197 dispatchRealLatency:1 completeRealLatency:197 receiversSize:5 userId:0 userType:android.os.usertype.full.SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:28.051 4522 4539 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: Unable to load widget provider info from xml for ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.people.widget.PeopleSpaceWidgetProvider} 11-22 02:55:28.051 5479 5479 D SetupParametersService: onCreate 11-22 02:55:28.054 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.055 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.056 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4539 I AppWidgetServiceImpl: Widget update scheduled on unlock AppWidgetId{2:Host{HostId{user:0, app:10105, hostId:1026, pkg:com.android.launcher3}}:Provider{ProviderId{user:0, app:10090, cmp:ComponentInfo{com.android.quicksearchbox/com.android.quicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}}}} 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10111; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.057 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D HealthConnectManagerService: switchToSetupForUser: UserHandle{0} 11-22 02:55:28.058 4522 4554 D HealthConnectBackupRestore: Performing user switch operations. 11-22 02:55:28.060 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:28.060 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService 11-22 02:55:28.060 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.060 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.UnlockedUser-0 took to complete: 24ms 11-22 02:55:28.060 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.063 4522 4553 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 11-22 02:55:28.060 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.063 5479 5479 I DeviceLockControllerApplication: Policies enforced 11-22 02:55:28.063 5479 5513 D PackagePolicyHandler: Kiosk package is not set for state: 0 11-22 02:55:28.064 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: Received android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED 11-22 02:55:28.064 4729 5105 E StackScroll: Heads up view disappearing -1|android|26|null|1000 for ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD 11-22 02:55:28.064 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 11-22 02:55:28.064 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 11-22 02:55:28.065 5501 5501 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.065 5501 5501 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: Got more than one input Future failure. Logging failures after the first 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Setup parameters does not exist! 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.android.devicelockcontroller.policy.UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler.lambda$retrieveOptionalAlwaysOnRestrictions$4(UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler.java:164) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.android.devicelockcontroller.policy.UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler.$r8$lambda$hRL-2WryZNUlIlcWmeUJRllU6-Y(UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler.java:0) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.android.devicelockcontroller.policy.UserRestrictionsPolicyHandler$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.call(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.CombinedFuture$CallableInterruptibleTask.runInterruptibly(CombinedFuture.java:196) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.InterruptibleTask.run(InterruptibleTask.java:74) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8177) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:28.065 5479 5479 E AggregateFuture: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:971) 11-22 02:55:28.066 4932 4932 D IntentBroadcaster: Rebroadcasting intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED ABSENT for slotId 0 11-22 02:55:28.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.067 4522 4913 I DevicePolicyEngine: Couldn't find any receivers that handle ACTION_DEVICE_POLICY_SET_RESULT in package com.android.devicelockcontroller 11-22 02:55:28.067 4522 5530 I HealthConnectBackupRestore: Attempt to schedule download timeout job with state: 0 11-22 02:55:28.067 4522 5530 I HealthConnectBackupRestore: Attempt to schedule staging timeout job with state: 0 11-22 02:55:28.067 4522 5530 I HealthConnectBackupRestore: Attempt to schedule merging timeout job with state: 0 11-22 02:55:28.068 4522 4539 I AppWidgetServiceImpl: Processing of handleUserUnlocked u0 took 29 ms 11-22 02:55:28.069 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.40ms> 11-22 02:55:28.069 4522 4913 D DevicePolicyEngine: Writing device policies to file. 11-22 02:55:28.069 4522 4913 D DevicePolicyEngine: Writing to /data/system/device_policy_state.xml 11-22 02:55:28.071 4952 4952 D FallbackHome: User unlocked and real home found; let's go! 11-22 02:55:28.072 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.071 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.071 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.078 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265464455; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.078 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265452344; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.077 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.077 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 301 11-22 02:55:28.077 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 00:23:aa:40:21:e5, channel 11, signal -8700 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 266124927; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265451093; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265456536; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 255940284; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 236283604; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263959004; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 264304459; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 264301586; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 254631730; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.079 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273509367; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.080 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263259275; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.080 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.080 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.080 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.083 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 184838306; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.084 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 185004937; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.084 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194480991; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.084 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <0.88ms> 11-22 02:55:28.083 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.083 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.090 5501 5501 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /apex/com.android.mediaprovider/priv-app/MediaProvider@UP1A.231105.003/MediaProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.mediaprovider/priv-app/MediaProvider@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/apex/com.android.mediaprovider/priv-app/MediaProvider@UP1A.231105.003/MediaProvider.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.providers.media.module:/apex/com.android.mediaprovider/priv-app/MediaProvider@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.089 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:28.094 5501 5501 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:28.095 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 197654537; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.096 4522 4697 D ActivityTaskManager: Temporarily retain top process state for launching app 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 02:55:28.096 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene end### 11-22 02:55:28.098 4522 4697 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (has extras)} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK from uid 0 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_UID) result code=0 11-22 02:55:28.098 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:28.097 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.099 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:28.099 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 02:55:28.100 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene end### 11-22 02:55:28.100 4952 4952 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.app.Activity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@de1148d 11-22 02:55:28.100 4522 4913 D CoreBackPreview: Window{d4d1818 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome}: Setting back callback null 11-22 02:55:28.101 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@bbf9e2 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=11 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=221978 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=2 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@a4b8830} topActivityType=2 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{ac7cca9 com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=true topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null } 11-22 02:55:28.101 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.102 4522 4522 W WindowMagnificationMgr: requestConnection duplicated request: connect=false, mConnectionState=DISCONNECTED 11-22 02:55:28.099 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.103 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.103 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.103 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10090; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.104 4729 4766 E SingleInstanceRemoteListener: Failed remote call on null listener 11-22 02:55:28.104 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: disabling notification assistant for user 0: ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 11-22 02:55:28.105 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10090; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.105 4522 4522 D NotificationListeners: Removing active service ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 11-22 02:55:28.105 4932 4932 D IntentBroadcaster: Rebroadcasting intent android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED ABSENT for slotId 1 11-22 02:55:28.107 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 02:55:28.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.109 4522 4672 I BackupManagerService: isBackupEnabled() => false due to absent settings file 11-22 02:55:28.107 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.109 4522 4672 D BackupManagerService: user:0 readBackupEnableState enabled:false 11-22 02:55:28.109 4522 4672 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Backup enabled => false 11-22 02:55:28.107 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.112 4522 4553 D WallpaperManagerService: Wallpaper_selinux_restorecon-0 11-22 02:55:28.113 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: enabling notification assistant for 0: ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 11-22 02:55:28.113 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService cmp=android.ext.services/.notification.Assistant (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.114 4522 4553 V WallpaperManagerService: Wallpaper_selinux_restorecon-0 took to complete: 2ms 11-22 02:55:28.111 1 1 I zram : Can't setup backing device for initialized device 11-22 02:55:28.111 1 1 E init : [libfs_mgr] Cannot write /dev/block/loop45 in: /sys/block/zram0/backing_dev: Device or resource busy 11-22 02:55:28.115 4522 4858 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'd4d1818 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 11-22 02:55:28.123 4392 4392 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 02:55:28.124 5501 5501 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.124 5501 5501 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.124 5501 5501 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.124 4522 5502 W AppSearchIcing: document-store.cc:381: Couldn't find derived files or failed to initialize them, regenerating derived files for DocumentStore. 11-22 02:55:28.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.125 5501 5501 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.providers.media.module: false 11-22 02:55:28.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.125 5501 5501 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.providers.media.module is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.125 5501 5501 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.127 4932 4932 I PhoneGlobals: Dismissing depersonal panelABSENT 11-22 02:55:28.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.126 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.127 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.128 5084 5084 I OverviewComponentObserver: updateOverviewTargets: mIsHomeDisabled=true, isDefaultHomeNull=false, mIsDefaultHome=true 11-22 02:55:28.130 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.132 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: com.android.keychain is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:28.132 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.133 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.133 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.133 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.134 4932 4932 I PhoneGlobals: Dismissing depersonal panelABSENT 11-22 02:55:28.139 5501 5501 V MediaProvider: Attached media from com.android.providers.media.module 11-22 02:55:28.142 4522 4553 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.143 4522 4553 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.142 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.144 4522 4553 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.144 4522 4553 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.148 4522 5502 E AppSearchIcing: icing-flash-bitmap.cc:93: Flash bitmap /data/system_ce/0/appsearch/icing/index_dir/idx/lite.lexicon.prop.2 is dirty 11-22 02:55:28.148 4522 5502 E AppSearchIcing: icing-dynamic-trie.cc:1207: Init of /data/system_ce/0/appsearch/icing/index_dir/idx/lite.lexicon.prop.2 failed 11-22 02:55:28.149 4522 5502 E AppSearchIcing: icing-dynamic-trie.cc:1260: Open prop bitmap failed: /data/system_ce/0/appsearch/icing/index_dir/idx/lite.lexicon.prop.2 11-22 02:55:28.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.148 1 1 E init : [libfs_mgr] Failure of zram backing device file for '/dev/block/zram0' 11-22 02:55:28.148 1 1 I zram : Cannot change disksize for initialized device 11-22 02:55:28.151 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5536 11-22 02:55:28.151 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10090; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.153 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-22 02:55:28.153 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:28.153 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5536:com.android.quicksearchbox/u0a90 for broadcast {com.android.quicksearchbox/com.android.quicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider} 11-22 02:55:28.153 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:28.153 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:28.154 4522 4522 I AccountManagerService: User 0 is unlocked - opening CE database 11-22 02:55:28.162 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.163 1 1 I mkswap : mkswap: xwrite: Text file busy 11-22 02:55:28.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.164 1 1 I mkswap : mkswap terminated by exit(1) 11-22 02:55:28.164 1 1 E init : [libfs_mgr] mkswap failed for /dev/block/zram0 11-22 02:55:28.164 1 1 I init : Command 'swapon_all /vendor/etc/fstab.enableswap' action=sys.boot_completed=1 (/vendor/etc/init/hw/init.ram.rc:58) took 291ms and failed: fs_mgr_swapon_all() failed 11-22 02:55:28.165 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.165 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.167 5536 5536 I .quicksearchbox: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.170 5536 5536 E .quicksearchbox: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.167 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.173 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5552 11-22 02:55:28.173 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/dmesgd.rc:4) 11-22 02:55:28.174 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/evgrab.rc:1) 11-22 02:55:28.174 1 1 I init : starting service 'phh_evgrab'... 11-22 02:55:28.176 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5552:com.android.keychain/1000 for service {com.android.keychain/com.android.keychain.KeyChainService} 11-22 02:55:28.177 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.180 1 1 I init : ... started service 'phh_evgrab' has pid 5555 11-22 02:55:28.180 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/flags_health_check.rc:7) 11-22 02:55:28.182 5552 5552 I ndroid.keychain: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.185 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.185 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.183 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.183 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.189 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5564 11-22 02:55:28.190 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:28.190 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:28.190 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.190 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10077; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.191 5501 5501 V PickerDatabaseHelper: onConfigure() for picker.db 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.191 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.192 5084 5562 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.mali.config" 11-22 02:55:28.192 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-22 02:55:28.193 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5564:com.android.printspooler/u0a63 for service {com.android.printspooler/com.android.printspooler.model.PrintSpoolerService} 11-22 02:55:28.193 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-22 02:55:28.193 4522 4555 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-22 02:55:28.193 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10077; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.190 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.190 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 303 11-22 02:55:28.195 5552 5552 E ndroid.keychain: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.190 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6, channel 36, signal -5100 11-22 02:55:28.191 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.191 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 303 11-22 02:55:28.191 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 5a:86:94:00:18:c7, channel 36, signal -7600 11-22 02:55:28.191 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.191 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 243 11-22 02:55:28.191 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, f0:b4:29:6d:73:3f, channel 36, signal -7000 11-22 02:55:28.193 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.200 5536 5536 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.199 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/logd.rc:34) 11-22 02:55:28.200 1 1 I init : starting service 'logd-auditctl'... 11-22 02:55:28.201 5536 5536 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.204 5564 5564 I id.printspooler: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.205 4522 5502 W AppSearchIcing: integer-index.cc:206: Failed to persist integer index to disk while destructing /data/system_ce/0/appsearch/icing/integer_index_dir 11-22 02:55:28.206 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5587 11-22 02:55:28.206 4522 4522 V NotificationAssistants: 0 notification assistant service connected: ComponentInfo{android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 11-22 02:55:28.208 5501 5501 D PickerSyncController: Cloud-Media-in-Photo-Picker feature is disabled during PickerSyncController construction. 11-22 02:55:28.209 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.209 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5587:com.android.traceur/u0a77 for broadcast {com.android.traceur/com.android.traceur.Receiver} 11-22 02:55:28.207 1 1 I init : ... started service 'logd-auditctl' has pid 5586 11-22 02:55:28.207 1 1 I init : Service 'phh_evgrab' (pid 5555) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 0.030000 seconds in background 11-22 02:55:28.207 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'phh_evgrab' (pid 5555) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.208 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5555 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.210 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/mtk-sms-fwk-ready.rc:1) 11-22 02:55:28.210 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 37 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot1)'... 11-22 02:55:28.210 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.211 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 303 11-22 02:55:28.211 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6, channel 36, signal -5100 11-22 02:55:28.211 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.211 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 303 11-22 02:55:28.211 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 5a:86:94:00:18:c7, channel 36, signal -7600 11-22 02:55:28.211 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.211 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 243 11-22 02:55:28.211 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, f0:b4:29:6d:73:3f, channel 36, signal -7000 11-22 02:55:28.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.212 5564 5564 E id.printspooler: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.216 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.216 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.218 5501 5501 D PickerSyncController: Updated cloud provider to: null 11-22 02:55:28.218 5501 5501 D PickerSyncController: Ignoring cache media info for null authority with bundle: null 11-22 02:55:28.214 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.214 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 249 11-22 02:55:28.214 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , f0:b4:29:6d:73:3f, channel 36, signal -7000 11-22 02:55:28.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.215 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 37 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot1)' has pid 5597 11-22 02:55:28.215 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 37 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot1)' pid 5597 (uid 0 gid 0+0 context u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:28.216 1 1 I init : Service 'logd-auditctl' (pid 5586) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 0.012000 seconds in background 11-22 02:55:28.216 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'logd-auditctl' (pid 5586) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.216 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1036 pid 5586 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.219 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.219 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 309 11-22 02:55:28.219 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 5a:86:94:00:18:c7, channel 36, signal -7600 11-22 02:55:28.222 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isUserUnlocked=true 11-22 02:55:28.222 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isStylusEverUsed=false 11-22 02:55:28.222 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isConfigSelected=true 11-22 02:55:28.222 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isDefaultNotesAppSet=false 11-22 02:55:28.222 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState=com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.KeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig$LockScreenState$Hidden@c5d064d 11-22 02:55:28.222 5587 5587 I android.traceur: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isUserUnlocked=true 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isStylusEverUsed=false 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isConfigSelected=true 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isDefaultNotesAppSet=false 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState=com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.KeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig$LockScreenState$Hidden@c5d064d 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isUserUnlocked=true 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isStylusEverUsed=false 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isConfigSelected=true 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState:isDefaultNotesAppSet=false 11-22 02:55:28.223 4729 4729 D NoteTaskQuickAffordanceConfig: lockScreenState=com.android.systemui.keyguard.data.quickaffordance.KeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig$LockScreenState$Hidden@c5d064d 11-22 02:55:28.224 5536 5536 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:28.224 5536 5536 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/QuickSearchBox/QuickSearchBox.apk. target_sdk_version=30, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/QuickSearchBox/lib/arm64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.quicksearchbox:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.225 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.227 5536 5536 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:28.227 4392 5063 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes: getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8) 11-22 02:55:28.225 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 303 11-22 02:55:28.228 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.228 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10063; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.225 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6, channel 36, signal -5100 11-22 02:55:28.225 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.225 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 243 11-22 02:55:28.225 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, f0:b4:29:6d:73:3f, channel 36, signal -7000 11-22 02:55:28.226 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:28.226 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 303 11-22 02:55:28.226 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 5a:86:94:00:18:c7, channel 36, signal -7600 11-22 02:55:28.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.229 5587 5587 E android.traceur: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.229 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.233 5552 5552 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.234 5552 5552 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.236 5564 5564 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.236 5564 5564 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.238 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ae, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=30x30, stride=32, name=ImageReader-30x30f1u2816m2-5084-0 11-22 02:55:28.239 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ae, vaddr=0x72c0801000 11-22 02:55:28.239 5501 5501 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:28.239 5501 5501 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 02:55:28.240 4522 4701 I SyncManager: Loaded persisted syncs: 0 periodic syncs, 0 oneshot syncs, 0 total system server jobs, JobStats: FirstLoad: 8/5/0 LastSave: -1/-1/-1 11-22 02:55:28.237 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.237 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 8192, time: 6us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.239 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.239 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.242 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.243 5552 5552 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/app/KeyChain/KeyChain.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/app/KeyChain/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.keychain:/system/app/KeyChain:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.245 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.247 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.250 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.251 5501 5621 D CCodec : allocate(c2.unisoc.hevc.decoder) 11-22 02:55:28.251 5564 5564 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/app/PrintSpooler/PrintSpooler.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/app/PrintSpooler/lib/arm64:/system/app/PrintSpooler/PrintSpooler.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.printspooler:/system/app/PrintSpooler:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.256 5084 5562 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 11-22 02:55:28.257 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio@2.6::IRadio/slot1 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.258 5501 5621 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software" 11-22 02:55:28.258 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10077; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.260 5587 5587 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10077; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.260 5587 5587 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10077; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.260 5501 5621 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:28.263 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10077; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.264 5536 5536 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.264 5536 5536 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.264 5536 5536 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.265 5536 5536 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.quicksearchbox: false 11-22 02:55:28.265 5536 5536 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.quicksearchbox is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.265 5536 5536 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.270 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 37 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot1)' (pid 5597) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.056000 seconds 11-22 02:55:28.270 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 37 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot1)' (pid 5597) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.270 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5597 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.271 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 38 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot2)'... 11-22 02:55:28.268 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in init, libPath: libcodec2_unisoc_hevcdec.so 11-22 02:55:28.268 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: loading dll 11-22 02:55:28.268 5552 5552 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.269 5552 5552 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.269 5552 5552 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.269 1066 1066 V C2UnisocHevcDec: in CreateCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:28.269 5552 5552 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.keychain: false 11-22 02:55:28.269 5552 5552 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.keychain is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.269 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:28.269 5552 5552 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.270 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:28.270 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:28.270 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:28.271 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 320, height: 240) 11-22 02:55:28.271 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(320 * 240), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:28.271 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1048576 11-22 02:55:28.271 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: DecSceneModeSetter, dec scene mode: 0 11-22 02:55:28.272 1066 1066 I SimpleUnisocC2Component: Construct SimpleUnisocC2Component(0xf4880010) 11-22 02:55:28.272 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: Construct C2UnisocHevcDec,this: 0xf4880010, clear_instances: 0, secure_instances: 0, SecureFlag: 0 11-22 02:55:28.272 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: C2UnisocHevcDec, mDumpYUVEnabled: 0, mDumpStrmEnabled: 0 11-22 02:55:28.272 1066 5632 V C2UnisocHevcDec: InitThreadWrapper: 0xf4880010 11-22 02:55:28.272 1066 5632 I C2UnisocHevcDec: initThreadFunc, mOutputDelay: 8 11-22 02:55:28.272 1066 5632 I C2UnisocHevcDec: openDecoder, lib: libomx_hevcdec_hw_sprd.so 11-22 02:55:28.273 1066 1066 I Codec2-ComponentStore@1.1: getTransactionInfo empty 11-22 02:55:28.274 1066 5632 I VSP : libomx_hevcdec_hw_sprd.so is built on Sat Jul 22 12:18:03 CST 2023, Copyright (C) Spreadtrum, Inc. 11-22 02:55:28.274 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10090. pid: 5536 11-22 02:55:28.274 5587 5587 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/app/Traceur/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.traceur:/system/app/Traceur:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.273 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 38 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot2)' has pid 5630 11-22 02:55:28.273 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 38 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot2)' pid 5630 (uid 0 gid 0+0 context u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:28.275 5632 5632 I sprd-vsp: vsp_open called 00000000fbebe69a,vsp_instance_cnt 0 11-22 02:55:28.275 5632 5632 I sprd-vsp: mmap c,f6f60000,14000 11-22 02:55:28.275 5632 5632 I sprd-vsp: set freq_level to 0 11-22 02:55:28.275 5632 5632 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5632 , size: 3145728, time: 7us, pool:3145728, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.286 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.288 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 8192, time: 3us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.275 1066 5632 I C2UnisocHevcDec: initDecoder, Capability: profile 1, level 4096, max wh=4096 3840 11-22 02:55:28.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.275 1066 5632 I C2UnisocHevcDec: Get IOMMU Status: 0(Success), mSecureFlag: 0 11-22 02:55:28.275 5501 5621 I CCodec : Created component [c2.unisoc.hevc.decoder] 11-22 02:55:28.276 1066 5632 I C2UnisocHevcDec: allocateStreamBuffer, 0x20000000 - 0xf234e000 - 3145728 11-22 02:55:28.276 1066 5632 I C2UnisocHevcDec: initThreadFunc exit 11-22 02:55:28.278 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/hevc 11-22 02:55:28.278 5587 5587 W android.traceur: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=2, found=1 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*2709203797]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]}) 11-22 02:55:28.280 4522 5216 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 5552 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: destroyExistingTaskbar: null 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext device profiles have different values, add more logs. 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity logs: 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity=null 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext logs: 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext=android.window.WindowContext@eb710b8 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext.getResources().getConfiguration()={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: LauncherAppState.getIDP().getDeviceProfile(mContext).isTaskbarPresent=true 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: recreateTaskbar: isTaskbarEnabled=true [dp != null (i.e. mUserUnlocked)]=true FLAG_HIDE_NAVBAR_WINDOW=false dp.isTaskbarPresent=true 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext device profiles have different values, add more logs. 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity logs: 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity=null 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext logs: 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext=android.window.WindowContext@eb710b8 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext.getResources().getConfiguration()={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:28.281 5084 5084 D b/254119092: LauncherAppState.getIDP().getDeviceProfile(mContext).isTaskbarPresent=true 11-22 02:55:28.281 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:28.281 5536 5536 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10090; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.282 5587 5587 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/app/Traceur/Traceur.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/app/Traceur/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.traceur:/system/app/Traceur:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.282 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:28.282 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.282 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.282 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.282 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.283 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.284 4522 5216 I AppWidgetServiceImpl: Widget update received AppWidgetId{2:Host{HostId{user:0, app:10105, hostId:1026, pkg:com.android.launcher3}}:Provider{ProviderId{user:0, app:10090, cmp:ComponentInfo{com.android.quicksearchbox/com.android.quicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}}}} 11-22 02:55:28.285 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations 11-22 02:55:28.286 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported 11-22 02:55:28.286 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported 11-22 02:55:28.286 5501 5621 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field raw.hdr-static-info.mastering 11-22 02:55:28.287 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:28.287 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:28.287 5501 5621 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 14 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = -1 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = -1 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 24584 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 24576 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 1048576 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "video/hevc" 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 8 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "video/raw" 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 240 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 320 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 35 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 raw.rotation.flip = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 raw.rotation.value = 0 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sar.height = 1 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sar.width = 1 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.288 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.288 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000af, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=22x22, stride=32, name=ImageReader-22x22f1u2816m2-5084-1 11-22 02:55:28.288 5501 5621 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 11-22 02:55:28.289 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000af, vaddr=0x72bd3ff000 11-22 02:55:28.291 5501 5613 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:28.291 5501 5621 D CCodec : [c2.unisoc.hevc.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:28.291 5501 5621 D CCodec : Client requested ByteBuffer mode decoder w/o color format set: using default planar color format 11-22 02:55:28.291 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:28.292 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: SizeSetter, from (width: 320, height: 240) to (width: 1920, height: 1080) 11-22 02:55:28.292 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxPictureSizeSetter, me:(320 * 240), size:(1920 * 1080), max:(4096 * 3840) 11-22 02:55:28.292 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: MaxInputSizeSetter, max input size: 1566720 11-22 02:55:28.293 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 raw.size.height = 1080 11-22 02:55:28.293 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.size.width = 1920 11-22 02:55:28.293 5501 5621 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t height = 1080 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t level = 65536 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 1566720 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : string mime = "video/hevc" 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 1 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t profile = 1 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t width = 1920 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079) 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t color-transfer-request = 0 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t android._color-format = 2135033992 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t android._video-scaling = 1 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t rotation-degrees = 0 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t color-standard = 0 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t color-range = 2 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t color-transfer = 0 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t sar-height = 1 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t sar-width = 1 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079) 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t width = 1920 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t height = 1080 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t max-height = 240 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t max-width = 320 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : string mime = "video/raw" 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 1 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t android._dataspace = 268435456 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : int32_t color-format = 19 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:28.294 5501 5621 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 14 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:28.294 5084 5562 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 11-22 02:55:28.295 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 1566720 11-22 02:55:28.295 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 1080 11-22 02:55:28.295 5501 5621 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 1920 11-22 02:55:28.295 5501 5621 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 11-22 02:55:28.298 5564 5564 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.298 5564 5564 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.298 5564 5564 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.298 4390 4409 W ResourceManagerMetrics: notifyClientStopped: Start Config is missing! 11-22 02:55:28.294 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.299 5564 5564 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.printspooler: false 11-22 02:55:28.295 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.297 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.300 5629 5629 I sprd-vsp: vsp_release: instance_cnt 1 11-22 02:55:28.300 5629 5629 I sprd-vsp: Acquire vsp mutex before unmap checking, 0 11-22 02:55:28.299 5564 5564 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.printspooler is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.299 5564 5564 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.300 1066 1066 V SimpleUnisocC2Component: release 11-22 02:55:28.300 1066 5629 I C2UnisocHevcDec: onRelease 11-22 02:55:28.300 1066 5629 I C2UnisocVideoDecoderComponent: mOutBlockQueue is empty 11-22 02:55:28.300 1066 5629 I C2UnisocHevcDec: releaseStreamBuffer, 0x20000000 - 0xf234e000 - 3145728 11-22 02:55:28.301 5501 5501 I TranscodeHelper: Device HDR Plugin is available: false 11-22 02:55:28.301 1066 5629 I C2UnisocHevcDec: onRelease exit 11-22 02:55:28.301 5501 5501 I TranscodeHelper: Empty transcode compat stale 11-22 02:55:28.301 5587 5587 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.301 5587 5587 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.301 5587 5587 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.302 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: Destruct C2UnisocHevcDec, this: 0xf4880010, clear_instances: 1, secure_instances: 0 11-22 02:55:28.302 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: onRelease 11-22 02:55:28.302 5501 5621 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:28.302 1066 1066 I C2UnisocVideoDecoderComponent: mOutBlockQueue is empty 11-22 02:55:28.302 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: releaseStreamBuffer, 0x0 - 0x0 - 0 11-22 02:55:28.302 1066 1066 I C2UnisocHevcDec: onRelease exit 11-22 02:55:28.302 5587 5587 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.traceur: false 11-22 02:55:28.302 1066 1066 I SimpleUnisocC2Component: Destruct SimpleUnisocC2Component, this: 0x0xf4880010 11-22 02:55:28.302 5587 5587 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.traceur is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.302 5501 5501 I TranscodeHelper: Parsed 0 packages from resource 11-22 02:55:28.302 5501 5613 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:28.302 5587 5587 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.303 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: in ~ComponentModule 11-22 02:55:28.303 1066 1066 V C2UnisocHevcDec: in DestroyCodec2Factory 11-22 02:55:28.303 1066 1066 V C2UnisocStore: unloading dll 11-22 02:55:28.303 5501 5501 I TranscodeHelper: Empty device config transcode compat manifest 11-22 02:55:28.304 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10063. pid: 5564 11-22 02:55:28.305 5501 5613 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:28.305 5501 5613 W MediaCodec: no metrics handle found 11-22 02:55:28.306 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.308 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio@2.6::IRadio/slot2 in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.310 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 38 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot2)' (pid 5630) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.037000 seconds 11-22 02:55:28.310 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 38 (/system/bin/mtk-sms-fwk-ready slot2)' (pid 5630) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.310 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5630 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.311 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/perfetto.rc:130) 11-22 02:55:28.311 5501 5501 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name external_primary and state checking 11-22 02:55:28.315 5501 5501 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 148180766; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.315 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10077. pid: 5587 11-22 02:55:28.316 5416 5416 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: updateUseStrictPhoneNumberComparison: KR 11-22 02:55:28.311 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 39 (/system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt --txt)'... 11-22 02:55:28.316 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 39 (/system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt --txt)' has pid 5641 11-22 02:55:28.316 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 39 (/system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt --txt)' pid 5641 (uid 0 gid 0+0 context default) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:28.317 5587 5587 I Traceur : Received BOOT_COMPLETE 11-22 02:55:28.318 5501 5640 V MediaProvider: onConfigure() for external.db 11-22 02:55:28.320 4522 4553 I system_server: Using smaps_rollup for pss collection 11-22 02:55:28.321 5416 5416 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 3400644; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.324 5501 5640 V MediaProvider: onOpen() for external.db 11-22 02:55:28.325 5501 5640 I MediaProvider: No database change across sequential open calls for external.db. 11-22 02:55:28.328 5641 5641 E perfetto: perfetto_cmd.cc:385 Could not open /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt (errno: 2, No such file or directory) 11-22 02:55:28.329 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 39 (/system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt --txt)' (pid 5641) exited with status 1 waiting took 0.015000 seconds 11-22 02:55:28.329 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 39 (/system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt --txt)' (pid 5641) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.329 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5641 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.330 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/phh-ota.rc:11) 11-22 02:55:28.330 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 40 (/system/bin/phh-ota delete-other-slot)'... 11-22 02:55:28.330 5501 5501 I MediaProvider: Changed PhotoPickerGetContentActivity component state to STATE_ENABLED ( 1 ) 11-22 02:55:28.330 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.330 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.331 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.331 5501 5501 I MediaProvider: Changed PhotoPickerUserSelectActivity component state to STATE_ENABLED ( 1 ) 11-22 02:55:28.331 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.331 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10081; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.332 5501 5501 D PulledMetrics: Registering callback with StatsManager 11-22 02:55:28.332 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10081; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.333 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b0, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=105x105, stride=112, name=ImageReader-105x105f1u2816m2-5084-2 11-22 02:55:28.333 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b0, vaddr=0x72a6a41000 11-22 02:55:28.333 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 53248, time: 6us, pool:53248, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.334 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 40 (/system/bin/phh-ota delete-other-slot)' has pid 5649 11-22 02:55:28.334 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 40 (/system/bin/phh-ota delete-other-slot)' pid 5649 (uid 0 gid 0+0 context u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:28.335 4522 4522 I DevicePolicyManager: Finished calculating hasIncompatibleAccountsTask 11-22 02:55:28.336 4522 4522 I Telecom : MissedCallNotifierImpl: reloadAfterBootComplete: user=0: TSBCR.oR@ACc🔒 11-22 02:55:28.339 5416 5416 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: updateUseStrictPhoneNumberComparison: KR 11-22 02:55:28.340 5501 5501 I MediaApplication: PhotoPickerSettingsActivity is now disabled. 11-22 02:55:28.342 4522 4522 D FastPairService: onReceive: ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED. 11-22 02:55:28.342 5501 5640 D MediaProvider: xattr set to 28eb2cec-e359-480a-b395-168990b4fe0b for key:user.extdbsessionid0 on path: /data/user/0/com.android.providers.media.module/databases/external.db. 11-22 02:55:28.343 4522 4522 V FastPairService: invalidateScan: scan is disabled 11-22 02:55:28.344 4522 4522 E NearbyManager: Cannot stop scan with this callback because it is never registered. 11-22 02:55:28.344 5501 5640 D MediaProvider: xattr set to 28eb2cec-e359-480a-b395-168990b4fe0b for key:user.extdbsessionid0 on path: /data/media/0. 11-22 02:55:28.344 5501 5640 I MediaProvider: SessionId set to 28eb2cec-e359-480a-b395-168990b4fe0b on paths /data/user/0/com.android.providers.media.module/databases/external.db and /data/media/0. 11-22 02:55:28.345 5501 5640 V MediaProvider: onOpen() finished for external.db 11-22 02:55:28.346 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10111. pid: 5501 11-22 02:55:28.346 4390 5465 I GenericSource: start 11-22 02:55:28.349 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5653 11-22 02:55:28.350 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5653:com.sprd.logmanager/u0a81 for broadcast {com.sprd.logmanager/com.sprd.logmanager.BootCompletedReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.351 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.351 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.351 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.351 5649 5649 E phh-ota : Backing image system_otaphh_a is not mapped 11-22 02:55:28.351 5649 5649 E phh-ota : Backing image system_otaphh_b is not mapped 11-22 02:55:28.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.352 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 40 (/system/bin/phh-ota delete-other-slot)' (pid 5649) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.019000 seconds 11-22 02:55:28.352 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 40 (/system/bin/phh-ota delete-other-slot)' (pid 5649) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.353 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5649 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.353 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/slsi-booted.rc:1) 11-22 02:55:28.353 1 1 I init : starting service 'exec 41 (/system/bin/slsi-booted)'... 11-22 02:55:28.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.358 1 1 I init : ... started service 'exec 41 (/system/bin/slsi-booted)' has pid 5656 11-22 02:55:28.359 1 1 I init : SVC_EXEC service 'exec 41 (/system/bin/slsi-booted)' pid 5656 (uid 0 gid 0+0 context u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0) started; waiting... 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: Could not open /sys/kernel/tracing/instances/bootreceiver/trace_pipe 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.open(ForwardingOs.java:563) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:274) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.system.Os.open(Os.java:494) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at com.android.server.BootReceiver.onReceive(BootReceiver.java:164) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver(ActivityThread.java:4449) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleReceiver(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2256) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:970) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:664) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:28.356 4522 4522 E BootReceiver: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:949) 11-22 02:55:28.358 4522 5652 I RecoverySystem: No recovery log file 11-22 02:55:28.361 5416 5651 I PhoneAccountHandleMigrationUtils_CallLogDatabaseHelper: updatePhoneAccountHandleMigrationPendingStatus false 11-22 02:55:28.363 5416 5651 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.364 5501 5640 D MediaGrants: Removed 0 existing media_grants 11-22 02:55:28.367 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:28.367 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.368 4522 4551 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.369 4522 5498 I StorageUserConnection: Service: [ComponentInfo{com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.fuse.ExternalStorageServiceImpl}] connected. User [0] 11-22 02:55:28.369 5653 5653 I sprd.logmanager: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.369 4522 5652 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_RESTART isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-22 02:55:28.370 4390 5658 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 02:55:28.370 5416 5646 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: WAL enabled for contacts2.db: true 11-22 02:55:28.371 339 339 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.samsung_slsi.hardware.ExynosHWCServiceTW@1.0::IExynosHWCServiceTW/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.374 5501 5655 I ExternalStorageServiceImpl: Starting session for id: emulated;0 11-22 02:55:28.372 1 1 I init : Service 'exec 41 (/system/bin/slsi-booted)' (pid 5656) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.015000 seconds 11-22 02:55:28.372 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 41 (/system/bin/slsi-booted)' (pid 5656) process group... 11-22 02:55:28.372 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5656 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.373 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/system/etc/init/vndk.rc:17) 11-22 02:55:28.373 1 1 I init : starting service 'phh_on_boot'... 11-22 02:55:28.375 5501 5655 V FuseDaemonThread: Waiting 1000ms for FUSE start. Count 4 11-22 02:55:28.375 4390 5658 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 02:55:28.377 4522 5652 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors 11-22 02:55:28.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.380 5653 5653 E sprd.logmanager: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.381 5501 5665 I FuseDaemonThread: Starting thread for emulated;0 ... 11-22 02:55:28.381 5501 5665 I FuseDaemon: fuse-bpf is disabled because of property ro.fuse.bpf.is_running 11-22 02:55:28.382 5501 5665 I FuseDaemon: Not using FUSE BPF 11-22 02:55:28.382 5501 5665 I FuseDaemon: Starting fuse... 11-22 02:55:28.385 5084 5562 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 11-22 02:55:28.383 1 1 I init : ... started service 'phh_on_boot' has pid 5666 11-22 02:55:28.383 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1 && sys.wifitracing.started=1 && wifi.interface=*) from (/system/etc/init/wifi.rc:98) 11-22 02:55:28.391 5416 5651 I CallLogProvider: Syncing call composer pics -- source user=0, isShadow=true, forAllUser=false 11-22 02:55:28.391 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.391 5416 5651 I CallLogProvider: Fetching list of Uris to sync 11-22 02:55:28.391 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.394 5416 5651 I CallLogProvider: Will sync following Uris:[] 11-22 02:55:28.395 5416 5651 I CallLogProvider: Syncing call composer pics -- got [] 11-22 02:55:28.395 5416 5646 I PhoneAccountHandleMigrationUtils_ContactsDatabaseHelper: updatePhoneAccountHandleMigrationPendingStatus false 11-22 02:55:28.398 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10081; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.402 5653 5653 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10081; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.402 5653 5653 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10081; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.407 4729 4729 D MediaRouter: onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-22 02:55:28.407 4729 4729 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-22 02:55:28.408 4522 5652 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10043; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.408 4522 5652 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10043; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.408 4522 5652 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10043; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.408 4522 5652 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.409 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.409 5416 5646 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [[en_US]]: […, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Î’, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Îœ, Î, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Î¥, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, …, Ð, Б, Ð’, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, Ðœ, Ð, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Ð¥, Ц, Ч, Ð, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, …, ×, ב, ×’, ד, ×”, ו, ×–, ×—, ט, ×™, ×›, ל, מ, × , ס, ×¢, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, …, ا, ب, ت, Ø«, ج, Ø­, Ø®, د, Ø°, ر, ز, س, Ø´, ص, ض, Ø·, ظ, ع, غ, Ù, Ù‚, Ùƒ, Ù„, Ù…, Ù†, Ù‡, Ùˆ, ÙŠ, …, à¸, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, à¸, ฎ, à¸, à¸, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, à¸, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, …, ㄱ, ã„´, ã„·, ㄹ, ã…, ã…‚, ã……, ã…‡, ã…ˆ, ã…Š, ã…‹, ã…Œ, ã…, ã…Ž, …, ã‚, ã‹, ã•, ãŸ, ãª, ã¯, ã¾, ã‚„, ら, ã‚, #, …] 11-22 02:55:28.399 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.407 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.407 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.411 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10081; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.411 4390 5658 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 02:55:28.421 5653 5653 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesVendor: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:28.422 5653 5653 D nativeloader: Configuring vendor-clns-4 for unbundled vendor apk /vendor/app/LogManager/LogManager.apk. target_sdk_version=31, uses_libraries=, library_path=/vendor/app/LogManager/lib/arm64:/vendor/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.sprd.logmanager:/vendor/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.422 5416 5646 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: WAL enabled for profile.db: false 11-22 02:55:28.423 5653 5653 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesVendor: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk_platform.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk_platform.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V2-ndk_platform.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbacktrace.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:28.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.419 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.419 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/vendor/etc/init/init.md.rc:648) 11-22 02:55:28.420 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/vendor/etc/init/init.md.rc:698) 11-22 02:55:28.423 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 02:55:28.423 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:28.424 4522 5216 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate appComponentFactory 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.sprd.logmanager.logmanager" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/vendor/app/LogManager/LogManager.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/app/LogManager/lib/arm64, /system/lib64]] 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:259) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:379) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:312) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.LoadedApk.createAppFactory(LoadedApk.java:273) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.LoadedApk.createOrUpdateClassLoaderLocked(LoadedApk.java:1039) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.LoadedApk.getClassLoader(LoadedApk.java:1126) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.LoadedApk.getResources(LoadedApk.java:1374) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.ContextImpl.createAppContext(ContextImpl.java:3324) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.ContextImpl.createAppContext(ContextImpl.java:3316) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:6879) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2236) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8177) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:28.427 5653 5653 E LoadedApk: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:971) 11-22 02:55:28.428 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5686 11-22 02:55:28.428 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 02:55:28.429 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5686:android.process.media/u0a43 for content provider {com.android.providers.downloads/com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider} 11-22 02:55:28.427 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1) from (/vendor/etc/init/wcn.rc:9) 11-22 02:55:28.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.432 1 1 I init : processing action (sys.user.0.ce_available=true) from (/system/etc/init/wifi.rc:21) 11-22 02:55:28.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.434 1 1 I selinux : SELinux: Skipping restorecon on directory(/data/misc_ce/0/apexdata/com.android.wifi) 11-22 02:55:28.436 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 02:55:28.436 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 02:55:28.436 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.436 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.437 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.437 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.437 4390 5658 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 02:55:28.439 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 02:55:28.441 4390 5658 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:28.441 4390 5658 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 02:55:28.442 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 02:55:28.442 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 02:55:28.442 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 02:55:28.442 5686 5686 I d.process.media: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.444 4390 5658 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 70000 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 70000 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 02:55:28.446 4390 5658 D CCodec : } 11-22 02:55:28.447 4390 5658 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 02:55:28.448 5686 5686 E d.process.media: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.448 4390 5658 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode 11-22 02:55:28.448 4390 5657 D MediaCodec: keep callback message for reclaim 11-22 02:55:28.453 5084 5084 V Launcher: LauncherAppState initiated 11-22 02:55:28.454 4390 5658 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 02:55:28.454 4390 5658 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 02:55:28.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.454 1 1 I init : service 'media.swcodec' requested start, but it is already running (flags: 4) 11-22 02:55:28.454 1 1 I init : Control message: Processed ctl.start for 'media.swcodec' from pid: 5688 (setprop ctl.start media.swcodec) 11-22 02:55:28.455 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=5653 uid=10081 name=game scontext=u:r:sprd_logmanager_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:game_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.455 5653 5653 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: game 11-22 02:55:28.455 5653 5653 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.456 5653 5653 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.456 5653 5653 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.456 4390 5658 D C2Store : Using ION 11-22 02:55:28.456 5653 5653 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.sprd.logmanager: false 11-22 02:55:28.456 5653 5653 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.sprd.logmanager is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.456 5653 5653 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.458 4390 5658 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#15] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0) 11-22 02:55:28.458 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=5653 uid=10081 name=netstats scontext=u:r:sprd_logmanager_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:netstats_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.458 5653 5653 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: netstats 11-22 02:55:28.459 5653 5653 E TrafficStats: TrafficStats not initialized, uid=10081 11-22 02:55:28.460 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10043; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.460 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10043; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.460 4390 5658 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#15] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 40 - OK 11-22 02:55:28.461 4390 5658 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#15] Configured output block pool ids 40 => OK 11-22 02:55:28.461 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.462 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.462 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.462 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.464 1254 5681 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 40 => got 40 - 0 11-22 02:55:28.465 5653 5653 D CommonUtils: ro.product.device= tdgsi_arm64_ab 11-22 02:55:28.463 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.463 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.463 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.466 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: mSocketName is ylog_cli_cmd 11-22 02:55:28.466 5653 5653 D CommonUtils: ro.product.device= tdgsi_arm64_ab 11-22 02:55:28.466 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.467 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.468 5686 5686 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.468 5686 5686 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.469 5416 5646 I ContactDirectoryManager: deleted 0 stale rows which don't have any relevant directory 11-22 02:55:28.470 5416 5646 I ContactDirectoryManager: Discovered 0 contact directories in 4ms 11-22 02:55:28.472 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.473 5653 5653 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.sprd.hardware.cplog_svc@1.0::ISysLogControl/default 11-22 02:55:28.474 5416 5432 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 10051; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.471 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.472 5681 5681 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5681 , size: 16384, time: 6us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.475 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: get service ok 11-22 02:55:28.475 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: cplogctrol init start 11-22 02:55:28.475 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getCellularLogSettings start 11-22 02:55:28.475 1094 1094 E CP_LOG_SVC: GetCellularLogSettings: GetCellularLogSettings 11-22 02:55:28.477 5681 5681 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5681 , size: 16384, time: 6us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.478 5681 5681 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5681 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.479 5681 5681 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5681 , size: 16384, time: 5us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.477 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getCellularLogSettings end 11-22 02:55:28.478 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: cp log internal size is :1024 11-22 02:55:28.478 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: cp log external size is :0 11-22 02:55:28.478 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: cp log fileLimit size is :256 11-22 02:55:28.479 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: connectivity log internal size is :512 11-22 02:55:28.479 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: connectivity log external size is :0 11-22 02:55:28.479 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: connectivity log fileLimit size is :128 11-22 02:55:28.479 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getSubsystemPresence start 11-22 02:55:28.479 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getSubsystemPresence end 11-22 02:55:28.480 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getConnectivityLogSettings start 11-22 02:55:28.481 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getConnectivityLogSettings end 11-22 02:55:28.481 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getAudioDspLogSettings start 11-22 02:55:28.481 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getAudioDspLogSettings end 11-22 02:55:28.482 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getPmLogSettings start 11-22 02:55:28.482 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: getPmLogSettings end 11-22 02:55:28.482 5416 5646 V ContactsProvider: 0 Dangling Contacts have been cleaned up. 11-22 02:55:28.481 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.483 5653 5653 I CPLogControlThroughHidl: cplogctrol init end 11-22 02:55:28.483 5653 5653 E LogManagerApplication: not firstboot 11-22 02:55:28.484 4522 4659 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10081. pid: 5653 11-22 02:55:28.485 5653 5653 D CommonUtils: ro.product.device= tdgsi_arm64_ab 11-22 02:55:28.485 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: ylog_cli_cmd send cmd: [9e2234][2] 11-22 02:55:28.486 5653 5653 I LogManagerSocketUtils: [9e2234][2] connect ylog_cli_cmd success 11-22 02:55:28.486 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: [9e2234][2] write done , flush data next 11-22 02:55:28.486 1097 1104 D CmdListener: new cmd comes:getprop persist.sys.modemlogoptimization.enable 11-22 02:55:28.486 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: [9e2234][2] result read beg... 11-22 02:55:28.486 1097 1104 E CmdListener: callback is null,no result return 11-22 02:55:28.486 1097 1104 D CmdListener: read from cli->getSocket() : 10, get result is :no callback,cmd can not send 11-22 02:55:28.491 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: [9e2234][2] result read done 11-22 02:55:28.492 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: [9e2234][2] count = 28, result is no callback,cmd can not send 11-22 02:55:28.492 5653 5653 D LogManagerSocketUtils: [9e2234][2] handle over and result is :no callback,cmd can not send 11-22 02:55:28.492 5653 5653 D LogManagerBootCompletedReceiver: modem log optimization close! 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: Build configuration failed! 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid view: view=com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarDragLayer{e44e7b V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0902f2 app:id/taskbar_container}, attached=false, hasViewRoot=false, hasRenderer=false 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.jank.InteractionJankMonitor$Configuration.validate(InteractionJankMonitor.java:1259) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.jank.InteractionJankMonitor$Configuration.(InteractionJankMonitor.java:1217) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.jank.InteractionJankMonitor$Configuration.(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.jank.InteractionJankMonitor$Configuration$Builder.build(InteractionJankMonitor.java:1197) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.jank.InteractionJankMonitor.begin(InteractionJankMonitor.java:611) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.jank.InteractionJankMonitor.begin(InteractionJankMonitor.java:596) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarStashController$2.onAnimationStart(TaskbarStashController.java:848) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.Animator$AnimatorListener.onAnimationStart(Animator.java:695) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.Animator$AnimatorCaller$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.call(Unknown Source:4) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.Animator.callOnList(Animator.java:669) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.Animator.notifyListeners(Animator.java:608) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.Animator.notifyStartListeners(Animator.java:625) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.AnimatorSet.start(AnimatorSet.java:748) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.animation.AnimatorSet.start(AnimatorSet.java:696) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarStashController.applyState(TaskbarStashController.java:919) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarStashController.updateStateForSysuiFlags(TaskbarStashController.java:991) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarActivityContext.updateSysuiStateFlags(TaskbarActivityContext.java:633) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarActivityContext.init(TaskbarActivityContext.java:277) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarManager.recreateTaskbar(TaskbarManager.java:395) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarManager.onUserUnlocked(TaskbarManager.java:297) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.quickstep.TouchInteractionService$$ExternalSyntheticLambda7.run(Unknown Source:2) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.quickstep.RecentsAnimationDeviceState.notifyUserUnlocked(RecentsAnimationDeviceState.java:347) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.quickstep.RecentsAnimationDeviceState.lambda$new$0(RecentsAnimationDeviceState.java:124) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.quickstep.RecentsAnimationDeviceState.$r8$lambda$lzbY9l5EY8tTgxhqwlBXif0gwpI(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.quickstep.RecentsAnimationDeviceState$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.accept(Unknown Source:4) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.launcher3.util.SimpleBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(SimpleBroadcastReceiver.java:39) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$getRunnable$0(LoadedApk.java:1802) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.$r8$lambda$gDuJqgxY6Zb-ifyeubKeivTLAwk(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:2) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8177) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 02:55:28.495 5084 5084 D InteractionJankMonitor: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:971) 11-22 02:55:28.492 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.493 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=5653 uid=10081 name=content_capture scontext=u:r:sprd_logmanager_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:content_capture_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:28.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.496 4388 4587 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 12000 for frameCount 24000 11-22 02:55:28.496 4522 4522 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service 11-22 02:55:28.497 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: loadWorkspace: loading default favorites 11-22 02:55:28.497 4932 4932 I ImsResolver: Received BOOT_COMPLETED 11-22 02:55:28.498 4932 5273 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: null 11-22 02:55:28.498 4920 4920 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1899 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:825 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:825 me.phh.qcrilam.BootReceiver.onReceive:29 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4449 11-22 02:55:28.499 5686 5686 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/DownloadProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.providers.downloads:/system/priv-app/DownloadProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.501 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.501 4959 4959 I extservices: BootCompletedReceiver received BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast (f): google/treble_arm64_bvS/tdgsi_arm64_ab:14/UP1A.231105.003/231117:userdebug/test-keys 11-22 02:55:28.503 4959 4959 D extservices: BootCompletedReceiver not enabled in config, exiting 11-22 02:55:28.503 5084 5084 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 11-22 02:55:28.503 5084 5132 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.launcher3.settings: com.android.launcher3.LauncherProvider 11-22 02:55:28.505 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:28.505 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: System unlocked 11-22 02:55:28.505 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: System unlocked 11-22 02:55:28.505 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_DO_FETCH_DEFAULT phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:28.506 4932 4932 E CarrierConfigLoader: Skip restore config because SIM records are not loaded. 11-22 02:55:28.506 4932 4932 E CarrierConfigLoader: Skip restore config because SIM records are not loaded. 11-22 02:55:28.506 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Binding to com.android.carrierconfig for phone 0 11-22 02:55:28.509 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.509 4388 4587 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:55 usage:5 not muted 11-22 02:55:28.509 4522 4551 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10105; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.516 4522 4551 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000400 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:28.518 5389 5389 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: Service created 11-22 02:55:28.520 4388 4587 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 02:55:28.520 4388 4587 D audioserver: -129 11-22 02:55:28.520 4522 4551 I WindowManager: Override config changes=20000400 {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} for displayId=0 11-22 02:55:28.519 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.519 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.524 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.526 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9601024, time: 19us, pool:9601024, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.525 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (1818 us) 11-22 02:55:28.526 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b1, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=CPU_RW|GPU_RW|HWC, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=screenshot 11-22 02:55:28.528 4392 4576 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x6ed58a7000 11-22 02:55:28.528 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_DO_FETCH_DEFAULT phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:28.530 4932 4932 E CarrierConfigLoader: Skip restore config because SIM records are not loaded. 11-22 02:55:28.533 4932 4932 E CarrierConfigLoader: Skip restore config because SIM records are not loaded. 11-22 02:55:28.534 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Binding to com.android.carrierconfig for phone 1 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: out_write() out_write start up bytes:3840 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xecec9f10 2 960 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream usecase:8 device:0x2 flag:0x2 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x0 usecase=0x8 on 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:1 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x1 0x8 0x0 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis in,device:2 usecase:8 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES only_codec_p Route ON 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX1_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 02:55:28.536 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'RIGHT_HIGH' 11-22 02:55:28.537 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC0_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 02:55:28.537 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC1_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 02:55:28.537 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS0_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0' 11-22 02:55:28.537 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS2_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 02:55:28.535 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 1, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x1 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x8 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x1, value1: 0x8, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0=WD_24BIT 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1=WD_24BIT 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = RIGHT_HIGH 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.536 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS2 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.540 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS3_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 02:55:28.540 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis out be in,device:2 11-22 02:55:28.541 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES codec_p Route ON 11-22 02:55:28.541 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'ag_iis0_ext_sel_v1' to 'top_dac_iis' 11-22 02:55:28.541 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.541 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.542 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.543 4522 4858 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x6e59c08000 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.543 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.543 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.544 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.544 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.544 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS3 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.537 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.537 5658 5658 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 5658 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.544 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.540 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.540 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.540 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.541 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1: 3579:vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1, ag_iis_num=0,value=0, texts->texts[] =top_dac_iis 11-22 02:55:28.543 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.545 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.545 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.545 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route be out,device:2 11-22 02:55:28.545 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open start pcm device:3 config rate:48000 channels:2 format:0 960 0 11-22 02:55:28.546 5686 5686 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.547 5686 5686 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_startup: 7368:scene_fast_startup dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 02:55:28.547 5686 5686 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=4 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_open FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Open Playback 11-22 02:55:28.546 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94122000, size=0xff0 11-22 02:55:28.547 5686 5686 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.providers.downloads: false 11-22 02:55:28.547 4392 4576 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x6ece6e9000 11-22 02:55:28.547 5686 5686 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.providers.downloads is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.548 4522 4551 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x6e59c08000 11-22 02:55:28.549 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open end 11-22 02:55:28.549 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open devices:3 pcm:0xf0700010 48000 48000 11-22 02:55:28.549 5686 5686 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.549 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea1bafe8 2 960 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:0xf15ece3c 0 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: select_devices_new devices 0x2, is in 0 app type:0 sync is 1,force:1 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device in device:2,is_in:0,force_set:1,actl->usecase:8,in:0,out:0 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route_unlock:2 usecase:8 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICES speaker Route ON 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 0 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'invert' 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'HPL' 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.550 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94123000, size=0xff0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[0] =0xffffffc01f400000, rtd->dma_cfg_phy[0] =0x94122000, 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[1]=0xffffffc01f401000,rtd->dma_cfg_phy[1]=0x94123000, 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] runtime->hw.periods_max*(sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg)=4080, 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg) = 120, size_inout=4080 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer alloc size = 0x20000 for data 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94124000, size=0x20000 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer, sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_buffer buf->area(virt)=0xffffffc01f402000, buf->addr(phy)=0x94124000, size=131072 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] Playback rate is [48000], ivsence_dmic_type 0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7428:scene_fast_hw_params dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7451:scene_fast_hw_params data_fmt=VBC_DAT_L16, chan=2, rate =48000 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=52 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=6 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_params fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [MCDT] mcdt_dac_dma_enable 1001 mcdt_dma_ap_channel=4 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] (pcm) sprd_pcm_hw_params, cpudai_id=3 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] chan=1 totsize=7680 period=3840 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] desc->src_step=4, dest_step=0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Chan0 DMA ID=9 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] dma_buff_phys[0] 2484224000 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_params, block 3840 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] src_dw=4, dst_dw=4 frag=0, burst:640, slave_id=9, step=4, ll_cfg_virt_addr=000000008b8f1cb7, ll_cfg_phy_addr=2484215808 ,dst_addr:1447624720, src_addr:2484224000,chan=0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=00000000c9293a31, flag:0, chan=0 node=0 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=0000000062993cb8, flag:0, chan=0 node=1 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Node Size:2 11-22 02:55:28.548 5718 5718 E : [ASoC: PCM ] return 0 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:00, step:1024 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.549 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.550 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=3,get=8 11-22 02:55:28.550 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=3,set=1 11-22 02:55:28.550 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=2,get=4 11-22 02:55:28.550 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=2,set=1 11-22 02:55:28.551 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch On 11-22 02:55:28.551 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch On 11-22 02:55:28.551 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.551 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 1 11-22 02:55:28.551 4394 4438 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:28.551 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 02:55:28.551 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:28.551 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device out device:2,is_in:0 11-22 02:55:28.552 4392 4430 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x6ed58a7000 11-22 02:55:28.554 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: clear_all_vbc_dg_param_state 11-22 02:55:28.554 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VDG:Music\Handsfree\Playback volme:0 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.554 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_dg_put: 601:vbc_dg_put VBC_DG_DAC0 l:28 r:28 11-22 02:55:28.555 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Apply Gain Control [VBC DAC0 DG Set. 28] 11-22 02:55:28.555 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:0 param_id:75 param_mode:47 default_mode:4b 11-22 02:55:28.555 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Display changed: 0 11-22 02:55:28.555 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_vbc_param:75 case:0 255 255 11-22 02:55:28.556 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VBC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback play:255 dsp_case:0 11-22 02:55:28.556 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:4 param_id:75 param_mode:2e default_mode:4b 11-22 02:55:28.556 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_CODEC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback cur_codec_p_volume:255 volume:0 codec_param:0xebd8f490 11-22 02:55:28.556 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param vol_index:0 out_devices:8 11-22 02:55:28.557 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set dacl_playback_volume :0x3 11-22 02:55:28.557 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpl_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 02:55:28.557 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpr_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 02:55:28.558 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3149:vbc_profile_put dsp_vbc, value=0x474b0000, 11-22 02:55:28.558 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ac, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3151: current_offset=71, mode_max_offset=79 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2672:vbc_profile_try_apply, profile_id:1 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2683:now_mode[1]=1196097536,mode=75, mode_offset=71 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] cmd =11 sharemem_info.id = 1196097536, sharemem_info.type=1, 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] sharemem_info.phy_iram_addr=0x94381210, sharemem_info.size=0x6c4 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=11 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.555 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.556 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:28.556 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:28.556 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:28.556 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:28.558 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ab, vaddr=0x7b416eb000 11-22 02:55:28.558 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ad, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 02:55:28.559 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 02:55:28.559 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x7b43660000 11-22 02:55:28.559 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 02:55:28.559 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 02:55:28.560 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 02:55:28.560 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a7, vaddr=0x7b42038000 11-22 02:55:28.560 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x7b45bb9000 11-22 02:55:28.560 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b2, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:28.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.560 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 49152, time: 9us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.561 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b2, vaddr=0x72a69dd000 11-22 02:55:28.563 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.570 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.571 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.571 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.571 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10096; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.572 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10096; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.575 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.575 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.579 5084 5132 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 247079863; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.583 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b3, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:28.584 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.584 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b3, vaddr=0x72a696e000 11-22 02:55:28.586 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10096; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.587 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.589 5479 5479 I CheckInBootCompletedReceiver: Received boot completed intent 11-22 02:55:28.583 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 49152, time: 11us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.590 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_enable, line: 1443 11-22 02:55:28.590 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_digital_open, line: 1455 11-22 02:55:28.590 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 02:55:28.590 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.boot.IBootControl/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.591 5723 5723 I bootctl : AIDL IBootControl not available, falling back to HIDL. 11-22 02:55:28.593 5128 5727 D CellBroadcastContentProvider: database changed: notifying observers... 11-22 02:55:28.595 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b4, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:28.595 5723 5723 I bootctl : Using HIDL version 1.2 of IBootControl 11-22 02:55:28.596 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b4, vaddr=0x72a43b8000 11-22 02:55:28.595 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 49152, time: 18us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.596 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5730 11-22 02:55:28.598 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC On 11-22 02:55:28.599 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b5, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:28.598 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 02:55:28.598 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] hp_path_event, line: 1932 11-22 02:55:28.599 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 49152, time: 6us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.600 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b5, vaddr=0x72a4379000 11-22 02:55:28.600 4932 4932 I VvmSimStateTracker: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED 11-22 02:55:28.600 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Connected to config app: com.android.carrierconfig/.DefaultCarrierConfigService 11-22 02:55:28.600 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Connected to config app: com.android.carrierconfig/.DefaultCarrierConfigService 11-22 02:55:28.600 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CONNECTED_TO_DEFAULT phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:28.602 5389 5403 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: Config being fetched 11-22 02:55:28.602 5389 5403 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: java.io.FileNotFoundException: carrier_config_mccmnc_.xml 11-22 02:55:28.603 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Fetch config for default app: com.android.carrierconfig carrierid: CarrierIdentifier{mcc=,mnc=,spn=,imsi=null,gid1=null,gid2=null,carrierid=-1,specificCarrierId=-1} 11-22 02:55:28.604 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_CONNECTED_TO_DEFAULT phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:28.605 5389 5403 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: Config being fetched 11-22 02:55:28.605 5389 5403 D DefaultCarrierConfigService: java.io.FileNotFoundException: carrier_config_mccmnc_.xml 11-22 02:55:28.604 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.608 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Fetch config for default app: com.android.carrierconfig carrierid: CarrierIdentifier{mcc=,mnc=,spn=,imsi=null,gid1=null,gid2=null,carrierid=-1,specificCarrierId=-1} 11-22 02:55:28.609 5686 5686 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/priv-app/MtpService/MtpService.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/MtpService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.mtp:/system/priv-app/MtpService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.612 4522 4542 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{c474f96 u0 com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher t11} 11-22 02:55:28.612 4522 4542 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{c474f96 u0 com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher t11} 11-22 02:55:28.615 5479 5728 I DlcClient: Binding com.android.devicelockcontroller/.storage.GlobalParametersService 11-22 02:55:28.616 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5730:com.android.calendar/u0a96 for broadcast {com.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.616 5479 5479 D GlobalParametersService: onCreate 11-22 02:55:28.616 5730 5730 I ndroid.calendar: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.617 4932 4932 E CarrierConfigLoader: Skip save config because SIM records are not loaded. 11-22 02:55:28.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.620 5479 5728 I DeviceCheckInHelper: enqueueDeviceCheckInWork with delay: PT0S 11-22 02:55:28.620 5479 5479 D WM-RescheduleReceiver: Received intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 cmp=com.android.devicelockcontroller/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.622 5730 5730 E ndroid.calendar: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.625 5479 5479 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService enabled 11-22 02:55:28.625 5479 5479 D WM-Schedulers: Created SystemJobScheduler and enabled SystemJobService 11-22 02:55:28.632 5737 5737 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.restart" to "sec-light-hal-2-0": error code: 0x20 11-22 02:55:28.635 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: loadWorkspace 11-22 02:55:28.630 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:28.631 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.632 1 1 E init : Control message: Could not find 'sec-light-hal-2-0' for ctl.restart from pid: 5737 (setprop ctl.restart sec-light-hal-2-0) 11-22 02:55:28.636 4729 4729 I NoBackGesture: NavbarController: newConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.46 fontWeightAdjustment=0} mTaskbarDelegate initialized=true willApplyConfigToNavbars=false navBarCount=0 11-22 02:55:28.637 4729 4729 I NoBackGesture: Config changed: newConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.46 fontWeightAdjustment=0} lastReportedConfig={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1119dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.22 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:28.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.639 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.637 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.638 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.639 4805 4805 D CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler: Idle: release wakelock 11-22 02:55:28.640 4805 4805 D CellBroadcastHandler: Idle: release wakelock 11-22 02:55:28.641 4805 4805 D GsmCellBroadcastHandler: Idle: release wakelock 11-22 02:55:28.641 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=4, ANA_STS1=0x7a8e 11-22 02:55:28.650 4932 4932 E CarrierConfigLoader: Skip save config because SIM records are not loaded. 11-22 02:55:28.651 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_FETCH_DEFAULT_DONE phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:28.651 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: updateSubscriptionDatabase: phoneId=0 11-22 02:55:28.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.652 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.652 5730 5730 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.653 5730 5730 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.653 4932 4932 W nsconfig: com.android.phone: New config does not match the previously set config. 11-22 02:55:28.656 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10096; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.660 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_FETCH_DEFAULT_DONE phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:28.662 5479 5751 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.664 5730 5730 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:28.665 5730 5730 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/Calendar/Calendar.apk. target_sdk_version=30, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/Calendar/lib/arm64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.calendar:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.666 5730 5730 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:28.669 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: updateSubscriptionDatabase: phoneId=1 11-22 02:55:28.672 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.672 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.672 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.672 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.659 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.662 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:28.665 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.668 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.675 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.681 5479 5751 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.681 5479 5751 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.682 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO_UPDATED phoneId: 0 11-22 02:55:28.683 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.684 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.685 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.686 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5762 11-22 02:55:28.687 4522 5060 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 asUid: 10122 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 44 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:28.688 5686 5686 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /system/priv-app/MediaProviderLegacy/MediaProviderLegacy.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/MediaProviderLegacy/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.providers.media:/system/priv-app/MediaProviderLegacy:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.689 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2] 11-22 02:55:28.689 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Broadcast CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED for phone 0 11-22 02:55:28.689 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_INFO_UPDATED phoneId: 1 11-22 02:55:28.689 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.689 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.690 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.690 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.690 5084 5084 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 11-22 02:55:28.690 5084 5084 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 11-22 02:55:28.690 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5762:com.android.camera2/u0a89 for broadcast {com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.SetActivitiesCameraReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.687 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.687 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.695 4932 4932 D CarrierConfigLoader: Broadcast CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED for phone 1 11-22 02:55:28.695 4932 4932 I Telephony: Carrier-config changed, checking for phone account updates. 11-22 02:55:28.696 4932 4932 I ImsResolver: Received Carrier Config Changed for SlotId: 0, SubId: -1, sim state: 1 11-22 02:55:28.697 4932 5273 D ImsResolver: updateBoundDeviceServices: called 11-22 02:55:28.699 4932 4932 I TelephonyRcsService: updateFeatureControllerSubscription: slotId=0, oldSubId= -1, subId=-1, existing feature=false 11-22 02:55:28.699 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 0, hasConfigChanged=false 11-22 02:55:28.699 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 0, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:28.699 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 0, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:28.699 4522 4858 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10043. pid: 5686 11-22 02:55:28.701 4932 4932 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 11-22 02:55:28.704 4522 5414 I Telecom : CallsManager: updateEmergencyCallNotificationAsync; show=false: CM.UEMCNA@ADEâ— 11-22 02:55:28.704 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.708 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b6, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1728x1920, stride=1728, name=Wallpaper#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:28.709 5730 5730 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.709 5730 5730 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.709 4729 4834 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b6, vaddr=0x6ee03d8000 11-22 02:55:28.709 5730 5730 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.710 5730 5730 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.calendar: false 11-22 02:55:28.710 5730 5730 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.calendar is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.710 5730 5730 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.707 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size:13479936, time: 24us, pool:13479936, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.720 4932 4932 D com.android.ons.ONSProfileResultReceiver: Service Started:Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED cmp=com.android.ons/.OpportunisticNetworkService (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.722 4932 5476 D com.android.ons.ONSProfileActivator: ERR_AUTO_PROVISIONING_DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.724 5766 5766 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.stop" to "storageproxyd": error code: 0x20 11-22 02:55:28.729 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.724 1 1 E init : Control message: Could not find 'storageproxyd' for ctl.stop from pid: 5766 (setprop ctl.stop storageproxyd) 11-22 02:55:28.731 4392 4576 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b6, vaddr=0x6ed54f4000 11-22 02:55:28.732 5762 5762 I android.camera2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.739 5762 5762 E android.camera2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.739 4522 5717 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10096. pid: 5730 11-22 02:55:28.740 5730 5730 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.742 4522 4636 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active subId: -1 11-22 02:55:28.744 4932 4932 I Telephony: Carrier-config changed, checking for phone account updates. 11-22 02:55:28.745 4522 4522 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU(a)@ADI🔒 11-22 02:55:28.743 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.743 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.748 4522 4539 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssConfiguration setEsExtensionSec() failed. 11-22 02:55:28.748 4522 4539 E GnssConfiguration: Unable to set ES_EXTENSION_SEC: 0 11-22 02:55:28.748 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:28.748 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:28.748 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[83] 11-22 02:55:28.749 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:32 11-22 02:55:28.749 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [32] 11-22 02:55:28.749 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 11-22 02:55:28.749 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.749 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:12 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [12] 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [SUPL_MODE=1 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:14 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [14] 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [LPP_PROFILE=2 11-22 02:55:28.750 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.750 4729 5282 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a7, vaddr=0x6eeea9c000 11-22 02:55:28.752 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b7, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1728x1920, stride=1728, name=Wallpaper#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:28.752 4729 4834 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x6eeea9c000 11-22 02:55:28.753 4522 5060 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10122/5479 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 46 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 10122 RequestorPkg: com.android.devicelockcontroller UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:28.751 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size:13479936, time: 23us, pool:13479936, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.754 5084 5084 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.754 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:28.754 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 10122 RequestorPkg: com.android.devicelockcontroller UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.754 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 10122 RequestorPkg: com.android.devicelockcontroller UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.754 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 10122 RequestorPkg: com.android.devicelockcontroller UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.754 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10122 RequestorUid: 10122 RequestorPkg: com.android.devicelockcontroller UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.755 5686 5777 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.756 5686 5777 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.756 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x6ecda0e000 11-22 02:55:28.757 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a7, vaddr=0x6ed3ecc000 11-22 02:55:28.757 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.758 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10043; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.759 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:28.759 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:28.760 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: loadAndNotifyWfcSettings for sub:-1 11-22 02:55:28.762 5292 5292 D QnsUtils: isWfcEnabledByPlatform:false slot:0 11-22 02:55:28.762 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:28.763 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[0]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:28.763 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:28.763 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:28.763 5191 5191 D IwlanBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:28.763 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[0]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:28.764 5292 5292 D QnsEventDispatcher[1]: loadAndNotifyWfcSettings for sub:-1 11-22 02:55:28.765 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.766 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.766 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:39 11-22 02:55:28.766 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [39] 11-22 02:55:28.766 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 11-22 02:55:28.766 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.766 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:28.766 4522 5060 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.767 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[0]: Updating handlers for the event: 10 11-22 02:55:28.767 5191 5326 D IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CARRIER_CONFIG_UNKNOWN_CARRIER_EVENT 11-22 02:55:28.767 4522 4636 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active subId: -1 11-22 02:55:28.769 5292 5292 D QnsUtils: isWfcEnabledByPlatform:false slot:1 11-22 02:55:28.771 4522 4522 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId -1 queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU(a)@ADM🔒 11-22 02:55:28.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.774 4522 4539 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssConfiguration setEsExtensionSec() failed. 11-22 02:55:28.775 4522 4539 E GnssConfiguration: Unable to set ES_EXTENSION_SEC: 0 11-22 02:55:28.775 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:16 11-22 02:55:28.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [16] 11-22 02:55:28.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: type[83] 11-22 02:55:28.775 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:32 11-22 02:55:28.775 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [32] 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:12 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [12] 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [SUPL_MODE=1 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:14 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [14] 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [LPP_PROFILE=2 11-22 02:55:28.776 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.777 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gnss_configuration_update entry length:39 11-22 02:55:28.777 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: enter, length [39] 11-22 02:55:28.777 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : cfgmgt_isGnssHidlCfgFromSS: config_data [USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 11-22 02:55:28.777 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : ] 11-22 02:55:28.777 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gnss_configuration_update: config_data is not supported 11-22 02:55:28.778 4522 5414 I Telecom : CallsManager: updateEmergencyCallNotificationAsync; show=false: CM.UEMCNA@ADQâ— 11-22 02:55:28.779 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.779 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.779 5762 5762 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.780 5762 5762 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.781 5191 5191 D IwlanBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED 11-22 02:55:28.781 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[1]: onCarrierConfigChanged 11-22 02:55:28.782 5191 5191 D IwlanEventListener[1]: Updating handlers for the event: 10 11-22 02:55:28.782 5191 5326 D IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CARRIER_CONFIG_UNKNOWN_CARRIER_EVENT 11-22 02:55:28.786 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.786 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.786 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.786 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.786 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.787 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.792 5762 5762 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=1000, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/product/app/Camera2/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.camera2 11-22 02:55:28.793 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.797 5762 5762 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:28.797 4932 4932 I ImsResolver: Received Carrier Config Changed for SlotId: 1, SubId: -1, sim state: 1 11-22 02:55:28.797 5762 5762 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-5 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk. target_sdk_version=1000, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/Camera2/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.camera2:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.797 4932 4932 I TelephonyRcsService: updateFeatureControllerSubscription: slotId=1, oldSubId= -1, subId=-1, existing feature=false 11-22 02:55:28.797 4932 5273 D ImsResolver: updateBoundDeviceServices: called 11-22 02:55:28.797 4932 4932 W PhoneGlobals: Can't get phone with sub id = -1 11-22 02:55:28.798 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 1, hasConfigChanged=false 11-22 02:55:28.798 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 1, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:28.798 4932 5273 I ImsResolver: updateBoundServices - carrier package changed: -> on slot 1, hasConfigChanged=true 11-22 02:55:28.798 5762 5762 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:28.800 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5792 11-22 02:55:28.800 4932 4932 D com.android.ons.ONSProfileResultReceiver: Service Started:Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED cmp=com.android.ons/.OpportunisticNetworkService (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:28.801 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5792:com.android.imsserviceentitlement/u0a83 for broadcast {com.android.imsserviceentitlement/com.android.imsserviceentitlement.ImsEntitlementReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.801 4729 4834 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ac, vaddr=0x6ee6a00000 11-22 02:55:28.801 5330 5330 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.802 5330 5330 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.802 4932 5476 D com.android.ons.ONSProfileActivator: ERR_AUTO_PROVISIONING_DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.799 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:28.799 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.804 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.805 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b8, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=CPU_RW|GPU_R|HWC, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[Wired Charging Animation]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 02:55:28.805 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9601024, time: 12us, pool:9601024, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.805 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.805 4729 4729 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b8, vaddr=0x6f42194000 11-22 02:55:28.805 4729 4729 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Inappropriate ioctl for device 11-22 02:55:28.807 5501 5501 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.807 5501 5501 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.808 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.809 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.809 5792 5792 I viceentitlement: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.811 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b8, vaddr=0x6ed427f000 11-22 02:55:28.812 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ac, vaddr=0x6ed1011000 11-22 02:55:28.814 5792 5792 E viceentitlement: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.816 4729 4729 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda17@5226a14 11-22 02:55:28.817 4522 5717 D CoreBackPreview: Window{4458736 u0 Wired Charging Animation}: Setting back callback null 11-22 02:55:28.817 4522 4904 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '4458736 Wired Charging Animation (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 11-22 02:55:28.818 4952 4952 D BootBroadcastReceiver: refresh periodic job from action=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED 11-22 02:55:28.819 4952 4952 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.820 4729 4761 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ab, vaddr=0x6ee734d000 11-22 02:55:28.821 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.822 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 1374, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1394, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 1394, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1414, 74518727, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1434, 84115655, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1461, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 1461, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1481, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 5330 5330 I HibernationPolicy: scheduleHibernationJob with frequency 1296000000ms and threshold 7776000000ms 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 1481, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1494, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 1494, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10083; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing SF jank callback for vsyncId: 1513, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1533, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 1533, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1561, 136532748, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.823 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 1638, 113873721, CUJ=J 11-22 02:55:28.824 4729 4771 V PerfettoTrigger: Not triggering com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-14 - not enough time since last trigger 11-22 02:55:28.827 5330 5330 I HibernationPolicy: user 0 is a profileowner. Running hibernation job. 11-22 02:55:28.828 5330 5330 I HibernationPolicy: Job already scheduled. 11-22 02:55:28.828 5084 5084 D b/267448330: provider: ComponentInfo{com.android.quicksearchbox/com.android.quicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}, paddedSizes: [593.1429x102.28571, 926.8571x93.14286], getMinMaxSizes: Rect(593, 93 - 926, 102) 11-22 02:55:28.830 4952 4952 D PeriodicJobManager: schedule next alarm job at Nov 22, 2023, 04:00:00 11-22 02:55:28.831 5762 5762 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.831 5762 5762 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.831 5762 5762 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.831 5762 5762 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.camera2: false 11-22 02:55:28.831 5792 5792 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.831 5762 5762 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.camera2 is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.831 5792 5792 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.832 5762 5762 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.834 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.835 4952 4952 D BatterySettingsMigrateChecker: invoke verifySaverConfiguration() 11-22 02:55:28.837 4729 5282 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ad, vaddr=0x6ee60b3000 11-22 02:55:28.838 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ab, vaddr=0x6ed357f000 11-22 02:55:28.838 4729 5282 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b8, vaddr=0x6f42194000 11-22 02:55:28.838 5792 5792 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/product/priv-app/ImsServiceEntitlement/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.imsserviceentitlement 11-22 02:55:28.836 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 1 11-22 02:55:28.836 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.839 4952 4952 D BatterySettingsMigrateChecker: invoke verifyOptimizationModes() 11-22 02:55:28.840 5792 5792 W viceentitlement: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=2, found=1 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*2709203797]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]}) 11-22 02:55:28.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.843 5792 5792 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:28.843 5792 5792 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-5 for unbundled product apk /system/product/priv-app/ImsServiceEntitlement/ImsServiceEntitlement.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/priv-app/ImsServiceEntitlement/lib/arm64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.imsserviceentitlement:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.844 5792 5792 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:28.846 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START 11-22 02:55:28.846 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START 11-22 02:55:28.844 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.846 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:28.849 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2.254ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 2.254ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences 11-22 02:55:28.848 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x00 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x00 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:28.849 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.855 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 8.444ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 6.190ms] preferences.getLong 11-22 02:55:28.855 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 8.764ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP 11-22 02:55:28.855 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 10.434ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [10.434ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun 11-22 02:55:28.855 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 10.736ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.302ms] UsageStatistics.initialize 11-22 02:55:28.857 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 11.772ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 1.036ms] clearNotifications 11-22 02:55:28.857 5762 5762 V CAM_Profiler: [ 11.772ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP 11-22 02:55:28.857 4522 5717 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10089. pid: 5762 11-22 02:55:28.858 5762 5762 W CAM_Log : Tag SetActivitiesCameraReceiver is 8 chars longer than limit. 11-22 02:55:28.855 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:28.855 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:28.855 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:28.855 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.859 5084 5084 I OverviewComponentObserver: updateOverviewTargets: mIsHomeDisabled=false, isDefaultHomeNull=false, mIsDefaultHome=true 11-22 02:55:28.859 5762 5762 I CAM_SetActivitiesCamera: component state is 1 11-22 02:55:28.865 5792 5792 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.865 5792 5792 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.865 5792 5792 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.865 5792 5792 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.imsserviceentitlement: false 11-22 02:55:28.865 5792 5792 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.imsserviceentitlement is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.865 5792 5792 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.861 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 1 11-22 02:55:28.861 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.868 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.868 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.868 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.868 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10084; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.868 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10084; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.869 5792 5792 W FirebaseApp: Default FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found. This usually means that com.google.gms:google-services was not applied to your gradle project. 11-22 02:55:28.869 5792 5792 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful 11-22 02:55:28.870 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.871 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.873 5330 5819 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.873 4522 4659 D SafetySourceDataValidator: No cert check requested for package com.android.settings 11-22 02:55:28.876 4522 4904 D SafetySourceDataValidator: No cert check requested for package com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:55:28.876 4522 4858 D SafetySourceDataValidator: No cert check requested for package com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:55:28.877 5330 5815 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.877 4522 4697 D SafetySourceDataValidator: No cert check requested for package com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:55:28.879 4522 4904 D SafetySourceDataValidator: No cert check requested for package com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:55:28.880 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10083. pid: 5792 11-22 02:55:28.880 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5820 11-22 02:55:28.881 5330 5330 V SafetyCenterBackgroundR: Scheduling a periodic background refresh with , interval=86400000requires charging=true 11-22 02:55:28.881 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5820:com.android.contacts/u0a84 for broadcast {com.android.contacts/com.android.contacts.interactions.OnBootOrUpgradeReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.881 5792 5792 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.880 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.885 5330 5815 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 11-22 02:55:28.886 5330 5815 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-7 for other apk . target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.permissioncontroller:/apex/com.android.permission/priv-app/PermissionController@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.890 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:28.888 5820 5820 I ndroid.contacts: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.891 5330 5330 D SafetyLabelChangesJobService: Received broadcast with intent action 'android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED' 11-22 02:55:28.893 5820 5820 E ndroid.contacts: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.893 5792 5792 D IMSSE-JobManager: Schedule REGISTER_FCM_JOB_ID once has network connection. 11-22 02:55:28.893 5792 5792 D IMSSE-TelephonyUtils: Can't find actived subscription for -1 11-22 02:55:28.894 5792 5792 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.895 5792 5792 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.895 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10084; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.896 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.896 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.896 5330 5330 I SafetyLabelChangesJobService: Detect updates job scheduled successfully. 11-22 02:55:28.896 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.897 4522 4904 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 asUid: 10083 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 48 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10083 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:28.898 5330 5330 I SafetyLabelChangesJobService: Not scheduling notification job: already scheduled. 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=1 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x7, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x1, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:1 11-22 02:55:28.901 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Start 11-22 02:55:28.899 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10083 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.900 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10083 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.900 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10083 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.900 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10083 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:28.900 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 3] 11-22 02:55:28.901 4388 4478 W AudioFlinger: write blocked for 317 msecs, 1 delayed writes, thread 13 11-22 02:55:28.902 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.910 5330 5330 I PermissionEventCleanupJobService: Job already scheduled. 11-22 02:55:28.912 5330 5330 D PermissionStorageTimeChangeReceiver: systemTimeSnapshot set to 1700589328911 11-22 02:55:28.912 5330 5330 D PermissionStorageTimeChangeReceiver: realtimeSnapshot set to 222793 11-22 02:55:28.911 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:28.916 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.919 4522 5216 D SafetySourceDataValidator: No cert check requested for package com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:55:28.923 4522 4553 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.925 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.926 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.933 5820 5820 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10084; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:55:28.933 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: com.android.dynsystem is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:28.933 5820 5820 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10084; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:55:28.933 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.933 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.934 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.934 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.936 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.937 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10084; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.939 4522 4553 W UsageStatsService: Unexpected activity event reported! (com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome event : 23 instanceId : 43359693) 11-22 02:55:28.943 4522 4553 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: Provider info from ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.people.widget.PeopleSpaceWidgetProvider} won't be persisted. 11-22 02:55:28.945 5820 5820 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:28.945 5820 5820 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/priv-app/Contacts/lib/arm64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.contacts:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.947 5820 5820 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:28.947 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5836 11-22 02:55:28.948 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5836:com.android.dynsystem/1000 for broadcast {com.android.dynsystem/com.android.dynsystem.BootCompletedReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.953 4522 4858 D CoreBackPreview: Window{cffdfbf u0 Taskbar}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@d58052c, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:28.954 5836 5836 I droid.dynsystem: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.956 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.958 5836 5836 E droid.dynsystem: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:28.962 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10105 => granted (318 us) 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 5063 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10105 => granted (303 us) 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 5063 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10105 pid=5084 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 5063 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10105 => denied (253 us) 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 4576 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10105 pid=0 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10105 => denied (286 us) 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 4576 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10105 pid=0 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10105 => denied (170 us) 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 5063 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10105 pid=5084 11-22 02:55:28.963 4392 5063 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10105 => denied (426 us) 11-22 02:55:28.964 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 02:55:28.964 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.965 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.965 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000b9, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x105, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:28.965 5084 5851 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b9, vaddr=0x6f74e48000 11-22 02:55:28.966 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ba, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x105, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:28.966 5084 5851 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ba, vaddr=0x6f74377000 11-22 02:55:28.965 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 548864, time: 13us, pool:548864, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.966 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 548864, time: 10us, pool:548864, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.967 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:28.967 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 548864, time: 14us, pool:548864, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:28.967 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000bb, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x105, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:28.967 5084 5851 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000bb, vaddr=0x6f740f5000 11-22 02:55:28.971 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.971 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.971 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:28.971 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10092; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.972 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10092; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.973 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.974 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000bb, vaddr=0x6ed8481000 11-22 02:55:28.975 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ad, vaddr=0x6ed22e5000 11-22 02:55:28.976 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10105 => granted (302 us) 11-22 02:55:28.977 4522 5216 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10105 pid=0 11-22 02:55:28.977 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10105 => denied (163 us) 11-22 02:55:28.977 4522 4553 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: Provider info from ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.people.widget.PeopleSpaceWidgetProvider} won't be persisted. 11-22 02:55:28.977 4522 5216 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10105 pid=0 11-22 02:55:28.977 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10105 => denied (136 us) 11-22 02:55:28.978 5836 5836 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.979 5836 5836 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:28.982 5820 5820 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:28.982 5820 5820 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:28.982 5820 5820 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:28.983 5820 5820 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.contacts: false 11-22 02:55:28.983 5820 5820 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.contacts is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:28.983 5820 5820 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:28.983 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5855 11-22 02:55:28.984 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5855:com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a92 for broadcast {com.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.SystemBroadcastReceiver} 11-22 02:55:28.988 5836 5836 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/DynamicSystemInstallationService/DynamicSystemInstallationService.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/DynamicSystemInstallationService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.dynsystem:/system/priv-app/DynamicSystemInstallationService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:28.989 5084 5131 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a96be365: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 11-22 02:55:28.992 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:28.993 5084 5131 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a96be365: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 11-22 02:55:28.994 5855 5855 I putmethod.latin: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:28.995 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #4 createdAt=11-22 02:55:28.085 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=11 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=221978 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=2 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{c1c68d5 Task{920cf22 #11 type=home I=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}}} topActivityType=2 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{9c7b8ea com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=true topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null } 11-22 02:55:28.995 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 11-22 02:55:28.996 4522 5216 D CoreBackPreview: Window{4b21539 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@35d37db, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 02:55:28.996 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info={id=4 t=OPEN f=0x40 trk=0 r=[] c=[]} 11-22 02:55:28.996 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@bbf9e2: {id=4 t=OPEN f=0x40 trk=0 r=[] c=[]} 11-22 02:55:28.997 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: No transition roots in (#4)android.os.BinderProxy@bbf9e2@0 so abort 11-22 02:55:28.998 5855 5855 E putmethod.latin: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.000 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=true), notifying core (#4)android.os.BinderProxy@bbf9e2@0 11-22 02:55:29.001 4522 4553 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: Provider info from ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.people.widget.PeopleSpaceWidgetProvider} won't be persisted. 11-22 02:55:29.001 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 02:55:29.002 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #4: created at 11-22 02:55:28.085 collect-started=0.084ms request-sent=12.003ms started=16.863ms ready=25.597ms sent=907.814ms finished=916.133ms 11-22 02:55:29.002 4522 4904 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10084. pid: 5820 11-22 02:55:29.003 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000bc, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#1(BLAST Consumer)1 11-22 02:55:29.003 5084 5871 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000bc, vaddr=0x6f72483000 11-22 02:55:29.003 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 11-22 02:55:29.002 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 18us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.004 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 11-22 02:55:29.004 4522 4553 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: Provider info from ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.people.widget.PeopleSpaceWidgetProvider} won't be persisted. 11-22 02:55:29.004 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000bd, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#1(BLAST Consumer)1 11-22 02:55:29.004 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 18us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.006 5084 5871 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000bd, vaddr=0x6f5755c000 11-22 02:55:29.007 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000be, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#1(BLAST Consumer)1 11-22 02:55:29.006 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 17us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.008 5084 5871 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000be, vaddr=0x6f56c0f000 11-22 02:55:29.010 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x7b45bb9000 11-22 02:55:29.011 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x7b42038000 11-22 02:55:29.011 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 02:55:29.011 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 02:55:29.012 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.012 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.012 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.011 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.016 5836 5836 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.016 5836 5836 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.016 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10092; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.016 5836 5836 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.017 5836 5836 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.dynsystem: false 11-22 02:55:29.017 5836 5836 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.dynsystem is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.017 5836 5836 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.017 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: com.android.managedprovisioning is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:29.018 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10050; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.018 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10050; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.018 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10050; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.018 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.019 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.023 5855 5855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.023 5855 5855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.024 4522 5216 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 5836 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: TaskbarManager#mComponentCallbacks.onConfigurationChanged: {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext device profiles have different values, add more logs. 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity logs: 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity=null 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext logs: 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext=android.window.WindowContext@eb710b8 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext.getResources().getConfiguration()={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:29.024 5084 5084 D b/254119092: LauncherAppState.getIDP().getDeviceProfile(mContext).isTaskbarPresent=true 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: ComponentCallbacks#onConfigurationChanged() configDiffForRecreate={CONFIG_WINDOW_CONFIGURATION} 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext device profiles have different values, add more logs. 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity logs: 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity=null 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext logs: 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext=android.window.WindowContext@eb710b8 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mContext.getResources().getConfiguration()={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:29.025 5084 5084 D b/254119092: LauncherAppState.getIDP().getDeviceProfile(mContext).isTaskbarPresent=true 11-22 02:55:29.023 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:29.023 145 145 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:29.023 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.026 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.028 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: com.android.dynsystem is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:29.028 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.029 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.029 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.029 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.031 5855 5855 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:29.031 5855 5855 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk. target_sdk_version=30, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/LatinIME/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.inputmethod.latin:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.032 5855 5855 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:29.033 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.033 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000bf, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=22x22, stride=32, name=ImageReader-22x22f1u2816m2-5084-3 11-22 02:55:29.034 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000bf, vaddr=0x72b9500000 11-22 02:55:29.033 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 8192, time: 4us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.035 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5876 11-22 02:55:29.036 5084 5562 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 11-22 02:55:29.036 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5876:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a50 for broadcast {com.android.managedprovisioning/com.android.managedprovisioning.BootReminder} 11-22 02:55:29.041 5084 5084 D b/254119092: DisplayController#onConfigurationChanged: {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 02:55:29.044 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 02:55:29.044 5876 5876 I gedprovisioning: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.045 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.045 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b1, vaddr=0x6ece6e9000 11-22 02:55:29.047 5084 5084 D TouchInteractionService: Touch service connected: user=0 11-22 02:55:29.049 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: sanitizeData 11-22 02:55:29.049 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: Cancelled 11-22 02:55:29.049 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5884 11-22 02:55:29.050 5876 5876 E gedprovisioning: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.051 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: loadWorkspace: loading default favorites 11-22 02:55:29.051 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5884:com.android.dynsystem:dynsystem/1000 for service {com.android.dynsystem/com.android.dynsystem.DynamicSystemInstallationService} 11-22 02:55:29.053 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.060 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ba, vaddr=0x6ed83fb000 11-22 02:55:29.060 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x7b43660000 11-22 02:55:29.063 5884 5884 I ystem:dynsystem: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.064 5084 5131 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:75358a53: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 11-22 02:55:29.066 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10050; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.066 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10050; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.067 5084 5131 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:75358a53: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 11-22 02:55:29.067 5084 5084 D TISBindHelper: TIS service connected 11-22 02:55:29.067 5884 5884 E ystem:dynsystem: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.067 5084 5084 D b/254119092: Set mActivity=com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher@d4f3208 11-22 02:55:29.067 5084 5084 D b/254119092: mActivity and mContext agree taskbarIsPresent=true 11-22 02:55:29.069 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 02:55:29.073 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 02:55:29.075 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.075 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.075 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.078 5876 5876 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.075 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 506 11-22 02:55:29.076 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 00:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.076 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.076 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 337 11-22 02:55:29.076 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 42:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.077 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.078 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 343 11-22 02:55:29.078 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 42:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.079 5876 5876 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.083 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10050; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.084 5855 5855 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.084 5855 5855 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.084 5855 5855 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.084 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.084 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.084 5855 5855 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.inputmethod.latin: false 11-22 02:55:29.084 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.084 5855 5855 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.inputmethod.latin is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.084 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.085 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: loadWorkspace 11-22 02:55:29.085 5855 5855 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.085 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b9, vaddr=0x6ed8375000 11-22 02:55:29.088 5084 5562 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000be, vaddr=0x6f56c0f000 11-22 02:55:29.088 5084 5562 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000bd, vaddr=0x6f5755c000 11-22 02:55:29.088 5084 5562 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000bc, vaddr=0x6f72483000 11-22 02:55:29.088 5884 5884 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.089 5884 5884 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.089 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.083 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:29.083 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.093 5876 5876 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.managedprovisioning:/system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.095 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.096 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 506 11-22 02:55:29.096 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 00:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.096 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.096 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 337 11-22 02:55:29.096 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 42:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.097 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.095 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.097 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: sanitizeData 11-22 02:55:29.097 5876 5876 W gedprovisioning: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=2, found=1 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*2709203797]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]}) 11-22 02:55:29.098 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: bindWorkspace 11-22 02:55:29.100 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10098; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.101 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: sendFirstScreenActiveInstallsBroadcast 11-22 02:55:29.102 5876 5876 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/ManagedProvisioning.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.managedprovisioning:/system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.105 4522 5216 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10092. pid: 5855 11-22 02:55:29.106 5855 5855 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: Boot has been completed 11-22 02:55:29.106 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5911 11-22 02:55:29.107 5855 5855 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: toggleAppIcon() : FLAG_SYSTEM = true 11-22 02:55:29.107 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5911:com.android.messaging/u0a98 for broadcast {com.android.messaging/com.android.messaging.receiver.BootAndPackageReplacedReceiver} 11-22 02:55:29.108 5884 5884 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/DynamicSystemInstallationService/DynamicSystemInstallationService.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/DynamicSystemInstallationService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.dynsystem:/system/priv-app/DynamicSystemInstallationService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.110 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.110 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 506 11-22 02:55:29.110 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: old signal level:-7800,new signal level:-7700 11-22 02:55:29.110 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 00:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.110 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.110 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 337 11-22 02:55:29.110 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: proberesp, 42:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.112 5084 5084 E Launcher.Workspace: Failed to add to item at (4,0) to CellLayout 11-22 02:55:29.112 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.112 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_MGMT_FRAME]len: 430 11-22 02:55:29.112 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: beacon , 00:23:aa:cf:b3:ab, channel 149, signal -7700 11-22 02:55:29.113 5084 5084 E Launcher.Workspace: Failed to add to item at (5,0) to CellLayout 11-22 02:55:29.113 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.114 5911 5911 I libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: tag level set to 0 11-22 02:55:29.118 5911 5911 I droid.messaging: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.122 5911 5911 E droid.messaging: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.124 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 02:55:29.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.127 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x00 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.127 5876 5876 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.128 5876 5876 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.128 5876 5876 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.128 5876 5876 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.managedprovisioning: false 11-22 02:55:29.128 5876 5876 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.managedprovisioning is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.128 5876 5876 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.128 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.129 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.133 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.134 4522 4858 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10050. pid: 5876 11-22 02:55:29.136 5911 5911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.136 5911 5911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.138 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: com.android.packageinstaller is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:29.138 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10048; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.139 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10048; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.139 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10048; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.139 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.139 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.140 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.139 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:29.139 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.143 5911 5911 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar 11-22 02:55:29.143 5911 5911 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:29.143 5911 5911 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:29.143 5884 5884 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.143 5884 5884 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.143 5884 5884 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.143 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: step 1 complete 11-22 02:55:29.148 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.147 5911 5911 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=24, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/product/app/messaging/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.messaging 11-22 02:55:29.148 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.148 5884 5884 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.dynsystem: false 11-22 02:55:29.149 5884 5884 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.dynsystem is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.149 5884 5884 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.152 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5928 11-22 02:55:29.153 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.154 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5928:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a48 for broadcast {com.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.TemporaryFileManager} 11-22 02:55:29.157 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 5884 11-22 02:55:29.158 5911 5911 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 02:55:29.158 5911 5911 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-5 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/messaging/messaging.apk. target_sdk_version=24, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/messaging/lib/arm64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.messaging:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.160 5911 5911 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 02:55:29.160 5884 5884 D DynamicSystemInstallationService: onStartCommand(): action=android.os.image.action.NOTIFY_IF_IN_USE 11-22 02:55:29.161 4522 5216 I DynamicSystemService: isInstalled(): false 11-22 02:55:29.162 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 14us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.162 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c0, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.162 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c0, vaddr=0x72a4323000 11-22 02:55:29.164 5928 5928 I ackageinstaller: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.165 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c1, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.165 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 8us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.167 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c1, vaddr=0x72a4236000 11-22 02:55:29.169 5928 5928 E ackageinstaller: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.170 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c2, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.170 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c2, vaddr=0x72a1717000 11-22 02:55:29.170 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 8us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.173 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c3, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.174 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c3, vaddr=0x72a16b8000 11-22 02:55:29.173 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 8us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.175 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10048; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.175 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10048; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.176 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c4, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.176 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c4, vaddr=0x72a1677000 11-22 02:55:29.176 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.175 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 10us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.181 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c5, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.181 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 12us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.182 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c5, vaddr=0x72a1608000 11-22 02:55:29.185 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c6, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R, size=105x105, stride=112, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [5084] 11-22 02:55:29.185 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10053; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.185 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10053; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.185 5084 5132 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c6, vaddr=0x729f7dc000 11-22 02:55:29.185 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10053; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.186 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.186 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.187 5928 5928 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.187 5928 5928 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.189 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: loadAllApps 11-22 02:55:29.185 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 49152, time: 8us, pool:49152, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:29.189 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: bindAllApps 11-22 02:55:29.191 5911 5911 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.191 5911 5911 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.191 5911 5911 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.192 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10048; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.192 5911 5911 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.messaging: false 11-22 02:55:29.192 5911 5911 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.messaging is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.192 5911 5911 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.195 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.197 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5944 11-22 02:55:29.198 5928 5928 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller/PackageInstaller.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/PackageInstaller/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller:/system/priv-app/PackageInstaller:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.199 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5944:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a53 for broadcast {com.android.providers.calendar/com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarReceiver} 11-22 02:55:29.199 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:29.199 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.200 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.206 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: update icon cache 11-22 02:55:29.206 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: save shortcuts in icon cache 11-22 02:55:29.206 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: step 2 complete 11-22 02:55:29.206 5944 5944 I viders.calendar: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.207 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: loadDeepShortcuts 11-22 02:55:29.207 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: bindDeepShortcuts 11-22 02:55:29.207 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: save deep shortcuts in icon cache 11-22 02:55:29.208 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: step 3 complete 11-22 02:55:29.210 5944 5944 E viders.calendar: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.215 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.217 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10053; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.218 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10053; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x24 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.219 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x24 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.219 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.225 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10123; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.225 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10123; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.225 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10123; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.225 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.226 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.226 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.228 5911 5911 W MessagingApp: PhoneUtils.getForLMR1(): invalid subId = -1 11-22 02:55:29.229 5944 5944 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.229 5944 5944 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.233 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.235 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.237 5928 5928 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.237 5928 5928 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.237 5928 5928 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.238 5928 5928 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.packageinstaller: false 11-22 02:55:29.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.238 5928 5928 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.packageinstaller is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.238 5928 5928 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.240 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: load widgets 11-22 02:55:29.240 5944 5944 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/CalendarProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.providers.calendar:/system/priv-app/CalendarProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.243 5911 5911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.244 5911 5911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.244 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: bindWidgets 11-22 02:55:29.245 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: save widgets in icon cache 11-22 02:55:29.245 5084 5132 D LoaderTask: finish icon update 11-22 02:55:29.246 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10048. pid: 5928 11-22 02:55:29.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.247 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.247 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5961 11-22 02:55:29.248 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.248 5084 5132 D QuickstepModelDelegate: Successfully registered for launcher snapshot logging! 11-22 02:55:29.249 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5961:com.android.rkpdapp/u0a123 for broadcast {com.android.rkpdapp/com.android.rkpdapp.BootReceiver} 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation. 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : java.lang.SecurityException: Need REGISTER_STATS_PULL_ATOM permission.: Neither user 10105 nor current process has android.permission.REGISTER_STATS_PULL_ATOM. 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at android.app.ContextImpl.enforce(ContextImpl.java:2332) 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at android.app.ContextImpl.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(ContextImpl.java:2360) 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at com.android.server.stats.StatsManagerService.enforceRegisterStatsPullAtomPermission(StatsManagerService.java:644) 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at com.android.server.stats.StatsManagerService.registerPullAtomCallback(StatsManagerService.java:212) 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at android.os.IStatsManagerService$Stub.onTransact(IStatsManagerService.java:418) 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1344) 11-22 02:55:29.250 4522 4697 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1275) 11-22 02:55:29.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.255 5961 5961 I android.rkpdapp: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.256 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.255 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=421041257 11-22 02:55:29.255 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.259 5961 5961 E android.rkpdapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.261 5911 5911 W MessagingApp: PhoneUtils.getForLMR1(): invalid subId = -1 11-22 02:55:29.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.266 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10123; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.266 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10123; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.263 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.267 5911 5911 W MessagingApp: PhoneUtils.getForLMR1(): invalid subId = -1 11-22 02:55:29.270 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.271 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: com.android.shell is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:29.271 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 2000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.272 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 2000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.272 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 2000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.273 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 2000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.275 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10098; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.270 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.276 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.276 5944 5944 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.276 5961 5961 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.276 5944 5944 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.276 5944 5944 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.276 5961 5961 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.277 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10098. pid: 5911 11-22 02:55:29.277 5944 5944 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.providers.calendar: false 11-22 02:55:29.277 5944 5944 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.providers.calendar is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.277 5944 5944 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.270 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.280 5911 5980 W MessagingApp: PhoneUtils.getForLMR1(): invalid subId = -1 11-22 02:55:29.281 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.281 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.281 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.284 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 5982 11-22 02:55:29.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.287 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5982:com.android.shell/2000 for broadcast {com.android.shell/com.android.shell.HeapDumpReceiver} 11-22 02:55:29.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.290 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.290 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.293 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.293 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_SCAN_DONE]len: 13 11-22 02:55:29.291 5961 5961 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /apex/com.android.rkpd/priv-app/rkpdapp@UP1A.231105.003/rkpdapp.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/apex/com.android.rkpd/priv-app/rkpdapp@UP1A.231105.003/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.rkpdapp:/apex/com.android.rkpd/priv-app/rkpdapp@UP1A.231105.003:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.293 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: delete scan node num:14 11-22 02:55:29.292 5982 5982 I m.android.shell: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.293 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_scan_done:scan request addr:000000007743f935 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries: 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch: libicing.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libartservice.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices: libbluetooth_jni.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt: libjavacrypto.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_extservices: libhpke_jni.so:libtflite_support_classifiers_native.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd: libstats_jni.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering: libcronet.114.0.5735.84.so:libframework-connectivity-jni.so:libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so:libandroid_net_connectivity_com_android_net_module_util_jni.so:libservice-connectivity.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb: libuwb_uci_jni_rust.so 11-22 02:55:29.293 5961 5961 D nativeloader: com_android_virt: libvirtualizationservice_jni.so:libvirtualmachine_jni.so 11-22 02:55:29.294 4522 4697 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event 11-22 02:55:29.294 4522 4697 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event 11-22 02:55:29.293 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_scan_done scan is Done 11-22 02:55:29.293 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_event_scan_done got 43 BSSes 11-22 02:55:29.294 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.294 5107 5107 E sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_dump_survey, idx 0, acs_scan_index: 0 11-22 02:55:29.294 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.296 5982 5982 E m.android.shell: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.294 5107 5107 E sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_dump_survey, survey_cnt 0 11-22 02:55:29.296 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.300 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.301 5944 5944 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@9152da0(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@bab5d59) 11-22 02:55:29.302 5911 5983 I MessagingAppDataModel: Fixup: Send failed - 0 Download failed - 0 11-22 02:55:29.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.304 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10053. pid: 5944 11-22 02:55:29.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.307 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.307 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.308 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 2000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.308 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 2000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.311 5944 6001 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.314 5961 5961 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.314 5961 5961 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.314 5961 5961 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.315 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:29.315 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:29.315 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.315 5961 5961 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.rkpdapp: false 11-22 02:55:29.315 5961 5961 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.rkpdapp is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.315 5944 6000 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.315 5961 5961 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.316 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.317 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143231523; UID 10053; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.320 5961 5961 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration. 11-22 02:55:29.321 5982 5982 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 2000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.321 5982 5982 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 2000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.322 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 2000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.324 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.325 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.325 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.325 5961 5961 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService enabled 11-22 02:55:29.325 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.325 5961 5961 D WM-Schedulers: Created SystemJobScheduler and enabled SystemJobService 11-22 02:55:29.320 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.320 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.327 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.327 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.325 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.325 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223206]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.325 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 154 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 W sprdwl_tx_work_queue: 5 callbacks suppressed 11-22 02:55:29.325 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped154,cmd_send154 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.325 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.327 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.330 4522 4904 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10123. pid: 5961 11-22 02:55:29.331 5961 5961 I RkpdBootReceiver: Caught boot intent, waking up. 11-22 02:55:29.329 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.329 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.331 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.331 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.331 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.331 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 e6 67 03 00 00 45 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.333 5982 5982 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/Shell/Shell.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/Shell/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell:/system/priv-app/Shell:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.331 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 153 11-22 02:55:29.331 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.331 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-100 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=2759, tx_time=0 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=0, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:29.331 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:29.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.336 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.339 5961 5961 I RkpdBootReceiver: Queueing a one-time provisioning job for widevine provisioning. 11-22 02:55:29.340 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 6007 11-22 02:55:29.343 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6007:com.android.statementservice/u0a59 for broadcast {com.android.statementservice/com.android.statementservice.domain.BootCompletedReceiver} 11-22 02:55:29.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.345 6007 6007 I libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: tag level set to 0 11-22 02:55:29.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.349 6007 6007 I tatementservice: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.353 6007 6007 E tatementservice: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.357 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.357 5961 6002 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.358 4522 4636 W system_server: Core platform API violation: Llibcore/io/Memory;->pokeByte(JB)V from Lcom/android/wifi/x/com/google/protobuf/UnsafeUtil; using reflection 11-22 02:55:29.358 4522 4636 W system_server: Core platform API violation: Llibcore/io/Memory;->peekByte(J)B from Lcom/android/wifi/x/com/google/protobuf/UnsafeUtil; using reflection 11-22 02:55:29.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.359 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.359 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.363 4522 4636 D WifiScoreReport: setShouldReduceNetworkScore=false mNetworkAgent is null? true 11-22 02:55:29.363 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: CMD_START_CONNECT my state DisconnectedState nid=0 roam=false 11-22 02:55:29.363 4932 5434 V MmsProvider: accessRestricted=false 11-22 02:55:29.364 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.365 4522 4858 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.365 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Req ID:573, Cmd Type:6 11-22 02:55:29.365 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Num of black BSSID:0 11-22 02:55:29.365 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: Req ID:573, Cmd Type:1 11-22 02:55:29.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.371 813 813 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (4) to com.android.trusty.keymaster with rc(270). errno: Success 11-22 02:55:29.371 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: me.phh.treble.app is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:29.371 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10059; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.371 813 813 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (28) 11-22 02:55:29.372 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.372 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.372 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.372 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.373 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.373 813 813 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (12) to com.android.trusty.keymaster with rc(49). errno: Success 11-22 02:55:29.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.374 813 813 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (56) 11-22 02:55:29.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.377 1070 1070 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: SetMacAddress succeeded on wlan0 11-22 02:55:29.379 6007 6007 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.380 4522 4697 D PackageManager: Instant App installer not found with android.intent.action.INSTALL_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE 11-22 02:55:29.380 6007 6007 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.380 5982 5982 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.380 4522 4697 D PackageManager: Clear ephemeral installer activity 11-22 02:55:29.380 5501 5655 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 247079863; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.380 5982 5982 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.380 5982 5982 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.377 1070 1070 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_mac() receive mac: 22:3e:12:ec:6c:3c 11-22 02:55:29.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.382 5982 5982 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.shell: false 11-22 02:55:29.382 5982 5982 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.shell is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.382 5982 5982 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.384 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 6023 11-22 02:55:29.385 354 835 I vold : fuse-bpf is disabled because of property ro.fuse.bpf.is_running 11-22 02:55:29.385 354 835 I vold : Bind mounting //data/media/0/Android/data on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:29.385 5911 6022 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: Starting batch for messages from 1700589146413 to 1700589329263 (message update limit = 80, message scan limit = 4000) 11-22 02:55:29.385 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6023:me.phh.treble.app/1000 for broadcast {me.phh.treble.app/me.phh.treble.app.Starter} 11-22 02:55:29.386 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.387 354 835 I vold : Bind mounted //data/media/0/Android/data on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:29.387 354 835 I vold : Bind mounting //data/media/0/Android/obb on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:29.387 5911 5983 W MessagingApp: PhoneUtils.getForLMR1(): invalid subId = -1 11-22 02:55:29.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.389 354 835 I vold : Bind mounted //data/media/0/Android/obb on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:29.390 354 835 I vold : Configuring read_ahead of /mnt/user/0/emulated fuse filesystem to 256kb 11-22 02:55:29.390 6007 6007 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar 11-22 02:55:29.390 354 835 I vold : Writing 256 to /sys/class/bdi/0:94/read_ahead_kb 11-22 02:55:29.390 354 835 I vold : Configuring max_ratio of /mnt/user/0/emulated fuse filesystem to 40 11-22 02:55:29.390 354 835 I vold : Writing 40 to /sys/class/bdi/0:94/max_ratio 11-22 02:55:29.390 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.390 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.391 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: Mounted volume VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 11-22 02:55:29.391 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=PRIMARY|VISIBLE_FOR_WRITE 11-22 02:55:29.391 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: mountUserId=0 state=MOUNTED 11-22 02:55:29.391 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 11-22 02:55:29.391 4522 4626 I StorageManagerService: path=/storage/emulated internalPath=/data/media 11-22 02:55:29.392 5961 6021 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.392 4522 4913 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 2000. pid: 5982 11-22 02:55:29.393 5961 6021 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.393 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Notifying volume state changed for session with id: emulated;0 11-22 02:55:29.393 6023 6023 I .phh.treble.app: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 11-22 02:55:29.393 5982 5982 D HeapDumpReceiver: onReceive(): Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 cmp=com.android.shell/.HeapDumpReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:29.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.394 5982 6024 D HeapDumpReceiver: Deleting from /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/heapdumps 11-22 02:55:29.395 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.395 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.395 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.396 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.397 4522 5216 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 asUid: 10123 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 50 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:29.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.401 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 3] 11-22 02:55:29.402 6007 6007 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/StatementService/StatementService.apk. target_sdk_version=29, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/StatementService/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.statementservice:/system/priv-app/StatementService:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.400 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.404 5501 5655 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name external_primary and state mounted 11-22 02:55:29.406 4522 4913 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10123/5961 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 52 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 10123 RequestorPkg: com.android.rkpdapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:29.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.407 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:29.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.415 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.415 6023 6023 I .phh.treble.app: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.417 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Notifying volume state changed for session with id: emulated;0 11-22 02:55:29.416 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.416 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.420 4393 4393 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request 11-22 02:55:29.420 5501 5655 I ExternalStorageServiceImpl: Ignoring volume state for vol:external_primary. State: checking 11-22 02:55:29.420 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: connectToNetwork "Choco-Fi"WPA_PSK 11-22 02:55:29.421 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Selecting supplicant SSID "Choco-Fi" 11-22 02:55:29.421 4522 4636 I SupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: addSupplicantStaNetwork via HIDL 11-22 02:55:29.421 1295 1303 I adbd : jdwp connection from 6023 11-22 02:55:29.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.426 4932 5410 V MmsProvider: accessRestricted=false 11-22 02:55:29.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: The target security params: Security Parameters: 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: Type: 2 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: Enabled: true 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: Protocols: WPA RSN 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: AuthAlgorithms: 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: PairwiseCiphers: TKIP CCMP 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: GroupCiphers: WEP40 WEP104 TKIP CCMP 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: GroupMgmtCiphers: 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: SuiteBCiphers: 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: RequirePmf: false 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: IsAddedByAutoUpgrade: false 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: IsSaeH2eOnlyMode: false 11-22 02:55:29.431 4522 4636 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: IsSaePkOnlyMode: false 11-22 02:55:29.433 6007 6007 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.433 6007 6007 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.433 6007 6007 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.433 5501 5655 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name external_primary and state mounted 11-22 02:55:29.434 6007 6007 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.statementservice: false 11-22 02:55:29.434 6007 6007 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.statementservice is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.434 6007 6007 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.432 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.432 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.434 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.434 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.435 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.437 4522 4626 I StorageSessionController: Notifying volume state changed for session with id: emulated;0 11-22 02:55:29.436 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.436 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.439 6007 6007 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration. 11-22 02:55:29.441 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.441 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.443 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.443 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.444 6007 6007 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService enabled 11-22 02:55:29.444 6007 6007 D WM-Schedulers: Created SystemJobScheduler and enabled SystemJobService 11-22 02:55:29.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.452 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.452 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.455 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.463 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Begin Intent { act=com.android.providers.media.action.SCAN_VOLUME (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:29.463 6007 6007 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.464 5501 5655 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name external_primary and state mounted 11-22 02:55:29.463 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.463 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.465 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.465 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.467 4522 4626 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[StorageManagerService,5,main] 11-22 02:55:29.468 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /data 11-22 02:55:29.468 4522 4904 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10059. pid: 6007 11-22 02:55:29.468 5501 5501 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name external_primary and state mounted 11-22 02:55:29.468 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /data/user/0 11-22 02:55:29.468 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/androidwritable/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/installer/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/androidwritable/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/installer/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found quota mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb 11-22 02:55:29.469 1227 1236 D installd: Found storage mount /dev/block/dm-45 at /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated 11-22 02:55:29.470 4522 4626 D StorageManagerService: Volume emulated;0 broadcasting checking to UserHandle{0} 11-22 02:55:29.471 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10061; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.471 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10061; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.471 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10061; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.471 4522 4554 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.471 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'Choco-Fi' 11-22 02:55:29.472 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.472 5501 6046 V MediaProvider: onConfigure() for internal.db 11-22 02:55:29.473 4522 4626 D StorageManagerService: Volume emulated;0 broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0} 11-22 02:55:29.473 4932 5410 V MmsProvider: accessRestricted=false 11-22 02:55:29.474 6023 6023 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.475 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.468 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.468 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.475 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: frame_type 208, reg 0 11-22 02:55:29.475 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: frame_type 208, reg 1 11-22 02:55:29.475 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.475 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223356]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME] 11-22 02:55:29.475 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 155 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.475 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.475 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped155,cmd_send155 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.476 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.478 6023 6023 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D WifiCountryCode: evaluateAllCmmStateAndApplyIfAllReady: {ConcreteClientModeManager{id=218159 iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY}=false} 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Start Connecting Watchdog 1 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 10123 RequestorPkg: com.android.rkpdapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.480 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 10123 RequestorPkg: com.android.rkpdapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.481 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 10123 RequestorPkg: com.android.rkpdapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.481 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 10123 RequestorPkg: com.android.rkpdapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.481 4522 4636 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.sendNetworkChangeBroadcast:3008 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.lambda$sendNetworkChangeBroadcastWithCurrentState$14:2985 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.$r8$lambda$q-j88Pjw4gROgoJFr8wBlBVbuJI:0 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.send:0 11-22 02:55:29.482 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 6049 11-22 02:55:29.483 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6049:com.android.externalstorage/u0a61 for broadcast {com.android.externalstorage/com.android.externalstorage.MountReceiver} 11-22 02:55:29.485 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Update current security type to 2 11-22 02:55:29.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.481 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.481 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:29.481 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.481 773 773 I : 00 16 0c 00 7c 68 03 00 00 46 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.481 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 154 11-22 02:55:29.481 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME] 11-22 02:55:29.481 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:29.481 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.481 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.481 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223362]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_RND_MAC] 11-22 02:55:29.481 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 156 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.489 5501 5501 V MediaStore: Examining volume emulated;0 with name external_primary and state mounted 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.489 5501 6046 V MediaProvider: onOpen() for internal.db 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped156,cmd_send156 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.481 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.483 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.483 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:29.483 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.483 773 773 I : 00 40 0c 00 82 68 03 00 00 47 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.483 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 155 11-22 02:55:29.483 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_RND_MAC] 11-22 02:55:29.483 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:29.483 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.483 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: set assoc req ie, len 3f 11-22 02:55:29.483 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:29.483 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223364]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_SET_IE] 11-22 02:55:29.483 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 157 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.490 5501 6046 V MediaProvider: onOpen() finished for internal.db 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.491 6007 6043 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.491 5501 6046 W ModernMediaScanner: Failed to visit /system/media: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /system/media 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped157,cmd_send157 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.483 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.485 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.485 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:29.485 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.485 773 773 I : 00 19 0c 00 84 68 03 00 00 48 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.485 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 156 11-22 02:55:29.485 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_SET_IE] 11-22 02:55:29.485 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sme->wpa versions 0x2, con.wpa_version:0x2 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: management frame protection 0x1 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: auth type 0x0 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: pairwise cipher 0xfac04 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: group cipher 0xfac04 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: akm suites 0xfac06 11-22 02:55:29.485 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.485 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: channel_hint 36 11-22 02:55:29.485 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223366]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME] 11-22 02:55:29.485 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 158 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped158,cmd_send158 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.485 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.486 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.486 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.487 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.487 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:29.487 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.487 773 773 I : 00 16 0c 00 86 68 03 00 00 49 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.487 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 157 11-22 02:55:29.487 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME] 11-22 02:55:29.487 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:29.487 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.487 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.487 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223368]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_CONNECT] 11-22 02:55:29.487 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 159 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped159,cmd_send159 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.487 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.496 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.497 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 182734110; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.497 6049 6049 I externalstorage: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:29.501 6049 6049 E externalstorage: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:29.502 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Scanned internal due to REASON_MOUNTED, found 0 items in 12ms, 0 inserts 0 updates 0 deletes 11-22 02:55:29.502 6023 6023 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar 11-22 02:55:29.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.504 6007 6043 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.504 6007 6043 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.504 5501 6046 W ModernMediaScanner: Failed to visit /oem/media: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /oem/media 11-22 02:55:29.505 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.505 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Scanned internal due to REASON_MOUNTED, found 0 items in 1ms, 0 inserts 0 updates 0 deletes 11-22 02:55:29.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.506 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.507 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.507 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10061; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.507 4522 4913 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10061; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:29.508 4522 4904 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4522 asUid: 10059 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 54 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:29.509 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:29.510 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/framework/android.hardware.wifi.hostapd-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.511 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.514 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.512 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.517 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.517 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.518 6049 6049 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.518 6049 6049 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.524 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.524 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.519 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other apk /system/framework/vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint-V2.1-java.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.520 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10061; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.523 4932 5410 V MmsProvider: accessRestricted=false 11-22 02:55:29.526 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /system/framework/vendor.huawei.hardware.tp-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.526 6049 6049 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/ExternalStorageProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.externalstorage:/system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.529 5911 5983 I MessagingAppDataModel: SyncMessagesAction: All messages now in sync 11-22 02:55:29.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.533 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-7 for other apk /system/framework/vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.533 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.533 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.533 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.537 5501 6046 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10111; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.540 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-8 for other apk /system/framework/vendor.qti.qcril.am-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.544 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.544 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.546 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.546 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.547 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:29.547 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:29.547 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.548 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.548 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.548 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.548 773 773 I : 00 0a 0c 00 88 68 03 00 00 4a 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.548 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 158 11-22 02:55:29.548 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_CONNECT] 11-22 02:55:29.548 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.548 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=735, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.548 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_connect Choco-Fi 11-22 02:55:29.548 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.547 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-9 for other apk /system/framework/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.displayfeature-V1.0-java.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.548 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 22:3e:12:ec:6c:3c, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 0, flags: [up, broadcast, multicast]}} <59.64ms> 11-22 02:55:29.549 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.549 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.549 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.549 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.553 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.554 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-10 for other apk /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.558 4805 4883 I Tethering: adding IpServer for: wlan0 11-22 02:55:29.559 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 22:3e:12:ec:6c:3c, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 0, flags: [up, broadcast, multicast]}} <0.31ms> 11-22 02:55:29.559 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6 11-22 02:55:29.559 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0 11-22 02:55:29.559 6023 6023 W .phh.treble.app: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=0, found=8 (PCL[] | PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar*2169412672]#PCL[/system/framework/android.hardware.wifi.hostapd-V1.0-java.jar*1751928246]#PCL[/system/framework/vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint-V2.1-java.jar*3186797172]#PCL[/system/framework/vendor.huawei.hardware.tp-V1.0-java.jar*2837382782]#PCL[/system/framework/vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am-V1.0-java.jar*959252446]#PCL[/system/framework/vendor.qti.qcril.am-V1.0-java.jar*1541184174]#PCL[/system/framework/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.displayfeature-V1.0-java.jar*1917128357]#PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar*3801209684]}) 11-22 02:55:29.559 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6 (ver=3) 11-22 02:55:29.560 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6 (ver=3) 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4 11-22 02:55:29.562 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Update current security type to 2 11-22 02:55:29.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.555 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.555 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.555 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_STA_LUT_INDEX]len: 23 11-22 02:55:29.555 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0,action:1,lut:6 11-22 02:55:29.555 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id0,action1,lut6,3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6 11-22 02:55:29.555 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_UNKNOWN]len: 14 11-22 02:55:29.555 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: unsupported event: 162 11-22 02:55:29.556 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.556 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_CONNECT]len: 672 11-22 02:55:29.556 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_report_connection update BSS Choco-Fi 11-22 02:55:29.557 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: wmm_params->ac[0].aci_aifsn: 3 11-22 02:55:29.557 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: wmm_params->ac[1].aci_aifsn: 27 11-22 02:55:29.557 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: wmm_params->ac[2].aci_aifsn: 42 11-22 02:55:29.557 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: wmm_params->ac[3].aci_aifsn: 62 11-22 02:55:29.557 769 769 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_report_connection connect to Choco-Fi (3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6) 11-22 02:55:29.557 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 02 03 00 5f 02 00 8b 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 01 bf be e1 b0 fb 62 6b 8a 86 27 2e 80 d4 6b b4 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 31 7b b2 07 c6 c7 bc 8b 96 26 86 f8 cd d0 8f 33 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: ce 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.557 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.557 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_set_qos_map 11-22 02:55:29.557 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.557 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223438]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_SET_QOS_MAP] 11-22 02:55:29.557 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 160 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.557 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.557 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.557 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped160,cmd_send160 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.558 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.558 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:29.558 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.558 773 773 I : 00 1e 0c 00 ce 68 03 00 00 4e 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.558 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 159 11-22 02:55:29.558 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_SET_QOS_MAP] 11-22 02:55:29.558 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.558 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.560 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: send 802.1X frame by WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA 11-22 02:55:29.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.560 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.560 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223441]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.560 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 161 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped161,cmd_send161 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.560 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.560 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:29.560 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.560 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 d1 68 03 00 00 4f 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.560 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 160 11-22 02:55:29.560 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.560 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.560 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.564 6023 6023 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-11 for other apk /system/priv-app/TrebleApp/TrebleApp.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/TrebleApp/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/me.phh.treble.app:/system/priv-app/TrebleApp:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:29.565 4522 4636 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.sendNetworkChangeBroadcast:3008 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.lambda$sendNetworkChangeBroadcastWithCurrentState$14:2985 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.$r8$lambda$q-j88Pjw4gROgoJFr8wBlBVbuJI:0 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.send:0 11-22 02:55:29.566 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP] 11-22 02:55:29.566 5107 5107 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 3c:cd:57:de:8f:c6 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Choco-Fi%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%2C%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%7D] 11-22 02:55:29.567 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Update current security type to 2 11-22 02:55:29.568 4522 4697 I WifiService: updateInterfaceIpState uid=1073 11-22 02:55:29.568 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Update current security type to 2 11-22 02:55:29.561 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 02 03 00 bf 02 13 cb 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 02 bf be e1 b0 fb 62 6b 8a 86 27 2e 80 d4 6b b4 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 31 7b b2 07 c6 c7 bc 8b 96 26 86 f8 cd d0 8f 33 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: ce 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 00 eb da 57 ca 43 2e 5d 1d 94 83 25 b2 7b 09 2f 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 50 00 60 7b 1f 14 13 6b 5b f5 49 84 7b 35 c6 02 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 43 66 78 89 32 5d 16 98 cb 39 02 c1 4f a6 46 78 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: b4 ed 7f b4 1f 93 d0 f0 ca 2f 5e b3 74 c1 0e c8 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 66 0a 81 70 4e 0e 6b e8 ed cf b9 1c f6 62 44 ba 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 0e b1 94 bf 0a 2d 1d 9e 5b 68 ba 71 95 06 eb 1b 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: 84 c8 fa bb 3b 13 17 48 b2 91 17 da 1e 95 d0 73 11-22 02:55:29.561 770 770 W : RX EAP packet: ae f5 08 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: send 802.1X frame by WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA 11-22 02:55:29.571 4522 4636 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.sendNetworkChangeBroadcast:3008 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.lambda$sendNetworkChangeBroadcastWithCurrentState$14:2985 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.$r8$lambda$q-j88Pjw4gROgoJFr8wBlBVbuJI:0 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.send:0 11-22 02:55:29.562 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.562 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223443]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.562 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 162 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped162,cmd_send162 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_add_cipher_key pairwise key_index 0 11-22 02:55:29.562 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.562 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:29.562 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.562 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 d3 68 03 00 00 50 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.562 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 161 11-22 02:55:29.562 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.562 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=2 11-22 02:55:29.562 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223443]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.562 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 163 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped163,cmd_send163 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.562 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.563 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.563 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:29.563 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.563 773 773 I : 00 0e 0c 00 d3 68 03 00 00 51 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.563 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 162 11-22 02:55:29.563 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.563 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.563 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.573 4522 4636 I ConnectivityService: Update score for net 100 : +IS_UNMETERED 11-22 02:55:29.574 4522 4636 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{100} handle{432902426637} ni{WIFI CONNECTING extra: } created=2023-11-21T17:55:29.573Z Score(Policies : IS_UNMETERED ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=433000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=433000Kbps Specifier: TransportInfo: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: "Choco-Fi"wpa2-pskMLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > AllowedUids: <{1000}> OwnerUid: 1000 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=7} 11-22 02:55:29.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.564 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_add_cipher_key group key_index 1 11-22 02:55:29.564 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.564 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223445]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.564 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.564 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 164 11-22 02:55:29.564 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped164,cmd_send164 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.564 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I : 00 0e 0c 00 d5 68 03 00 00 52 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 163 11-22 02:55:29.565 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.565 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.565 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.565 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_add_cipher_key group key_index 4 11-22 02:55:29.565 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.565 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223446]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.565 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.565 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 165 11-22 02:55:29.565 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped165,cmd_send165 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.576 4522 4636 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.sendNetworkChangeBroadcast:3008 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.lambda$sendNetworkChangeBroadcastWithCurrentState$14:2985 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.$r8$lambda$q-j88Pjw4gROgoJFr8wBlBVbuJI:0 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.send:0 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I : 00 0e 0c 00 d6 68 03 00 00 53 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.565 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 164 11-22 02:55:29.565 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.565 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.565 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_defrag_recover:msdu len 0 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_defrag_recover:msdu len 0 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_defrag_recover:msdu len 0 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cfg80211_set_rekey:enter: 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223448]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.567 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 166 11-22 02:55:29.567 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.577 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: BTCOEXMODE 2 11-22 02:55:29.567 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.577 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.579 1070 1070 E WifiHAL : wifi_get_packet_filter_capabilities: requestResponse() error: -3 11-22 02:55:29.579 1070 1070 I WifiHAL : Packet filtering is not supprted 11-22 02:55:29.579 4805 5189 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 186082280; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.580 6049 6049 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.580 6049 6049 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.580 6049 6049 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.581 6049 6049 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.externalstorage: false 11-22 02:55:29.581 6049 6049 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.externalstorage is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.581 6049 6049 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.582 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Update current security type to 2 11-22 02:55:29.584 4522 4636 D WifiService: updateInterfaceIpState: ifaceName=wlan0 mode=-1 previous LOHS mode= -1 11-22 02:55:29.567 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped166,cmd_send166 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.567 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.567 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.567 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.567 773 773 I : 00 0e 0c 00 d8 68 03 00 00 54 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.567 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 165 11-22 02:55:29.567 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_KEY] 11-22 02:55:29.567 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.567 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223462]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.581 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 167 11-22 02:55:29.581 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped167,cmd_send167 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.581 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.581 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.581 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.581 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 e6 68 03 00 00 55 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.581 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 166 11-22 02:55:29.581 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.581 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=1, rssi_mgmt=-45 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=91, tx_time=1 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=1, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:29.581 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:29.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.586 4391 4455 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(100) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 100, mask: 65535}} <0.01ms> 11-22 02:55:29.587 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceGetCfg(wlan0) -> {InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: 22:3e:12:ec:6c:3c, ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 0, flags: [up, broadcast, running, multicast]}} <0.34ms> 11-22 02:55:29.591 6023 6023 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:29.591 6023 6023 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:29.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223470]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.589 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 168 11-22 02:55:29.589 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.591 6023 6023 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.593 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.593 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 1073; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.593 6023 6023 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for me.phh.treble.app: false 11-22 02:55:29.593 6023 6023 V GraphicsEnvironment: me.phh.treble.app is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:29.593 6023 6023 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped168,cmd_send168 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.589 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.589 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:29.589 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.589 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 ee 68 03 00 00 56 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.589 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 167 11-22 02:55:29.589 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.589 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-45 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=190, tx_time=1 11-22 02:55:29.595 6049 6049 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=1, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:29.589 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:29.590 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.590 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223471]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:29.590 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.590 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 169 11-22 02:55:29.590 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped169,cmd_send169 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.590 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.590 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:29.590 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.590 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 ef 68 03 00 00 57 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.590 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 168 11-22 02:55:29.590 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:29.590 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.590 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.590 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.590 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -45 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:9 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 2510 rxmcs:11 rxflags:0x:48 11-22 02:55:29.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.600 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10061. pid: 6049 11-22 02:55:29.601 6049 6049 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots 11-22 02:55:29.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.601 1070 1070 I ieee80211 phy0: sprdwl_vendor_enable_nd_offload 11-22 02:55:29.602 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.602 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.603 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:29.603 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:29.603 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.604 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.604 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.606 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.606 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.603 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-STOP 11-22 02:55:29.603 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-REMOVE 2 11-22 02:55:29.603 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: RXFILTER-START 11-22 02:55:29.607 6049 6049 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots 11-22 02:55:29.608 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 1, wlan0, accept_ra, 2) <0.47ms> 11-22 02:55:29.609 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceSetIPv6PrivacyExtensions(wlan0, true) <0.10ms> 11-22 02:55:29.609 4391 4391 I netd : setIPv6AddrGenMode(wlan0, 0) <0.09ms> 11-22 02:55:29.610 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceSetEnableIPv6(wlan0, true) <0.27ms> 11-22 02:55:29.610 4391 4391 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast multicast address num: 2 11-22 02:55:29.610 4391 4391 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 01:00:5e:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:29.610 4391 4391 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 33:33:00:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223491]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 170 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped170,cmd_send170 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I : 00 27 0c 00 03 69 03 00 00 58 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 169 11-22 02:55:29.610 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:29.610 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223491]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 171 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.613 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped171,cmd_send171 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I : 00 1a 0c 00 03 69 03 00 00 59 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.610 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 170 11-22 02:55:29.610 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:29.610 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.610 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.611 180 180 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast multicast address num: 3 11-22 02:55:29.611 180 180 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 01:00:5e:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:29.611 180 180 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 33:33:00:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:29.611 180 180 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 33:33:ff:ec:6c:3c 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223492]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 172 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped172,cmd_send172 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 180 180 W sprdwl_tx_msg_func: 679 callbacks suppressed 11-22 02:55:29.611 180 180 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_work_queue, host wakeup fw! 11-22 02:55:29.611 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.611 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.611 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.611 773 773 I : 00 27 0c 00 04 69 03 00 00 5a 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.611 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 171 11-22 02:55:29.611 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:29.611 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223492]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.611 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 173 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped173,cmd_send173 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.611 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.612 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.612 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.612 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.612 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 04 69 03 00 00 5b 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.612 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 172 11-22 02:55:29.612 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.612 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.612 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.612 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.614 4522 4659 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10059/6007 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 56 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 10059 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:29.616 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 10059 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.616 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 10059 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.612 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:29.616 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 10059 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.616 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10059 RequestorUid: 10059 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.612 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:29.616 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:29.612 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.612 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:29.619 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 11-22 02:55:29.619 4522 4645 I ConnectivityService: Update score for net 100 : +TRANSPORT_PRIMARY 11-22 02:55:29.619 4522 4697 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 6023 11-22 02:55:29.620 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:29.621 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 0] 11-22 02:55:29.612 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:29.612 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:29.612 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.612 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.617 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.617 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_mh_addr_process: out of time 13252 11-22 02:55:29.617 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1727; total tx_num:1727 11-22 02:55:29.617 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, free_num: 1, to_free_list num: 0 11-22 02:55:29.617 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.617 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.622 4805 6073 D NetworkMonitor/100: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 11-22 02:55:29.622 4805 6073 D NetworkMonitor/100: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://www.googleapis.cn/generate_204] 11-22 02:55:29.622 6023 6023 D PHH : Starting service 11-22 02:55:29.624 4805 6073 D NetworkMonitor/100: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204, http://developers.google.cn/generate_204] 11-22 02:55:29.624 4805 6073 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 100 with capport HTTPS URL [https://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://www.googleapis.cn/generate_204] 11-22 02:55:29.623 0 0 W : c3 [ C3] sc2355 sprd-wlan:lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.623 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.628 4522 4697 I BroadcastQueue: BOOT_COMPLETED_BROADCAST_COMPLETION_LATENCY_REPORTED action:android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED dispatchLatency:-221956 completeLatency:1553 dispatchRealLatency:-221956 completeRealLatency:1553 receiversSize:51 userId:0 userType:android.os.usertype.full.SYSTEM 11-22 02:55:29.623 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:29.624 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.624 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.626 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.626 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.626 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.626 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1728; total tx_num:1728 11-22 02:55:29.628 4522 4539 I ActivityManager: Finished processing BOOT_COMPLETED for u0 11-22 02:55:29.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.634 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.639 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.639 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.641 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.641 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.644 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.645 6023 6077 D PHH : Failed setting vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am slot1 cb java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:29.645 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.14ms> 11-22 02:55:29.645 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 5) <0.09ms> 11-22 02:55:29.645 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.qcril.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.645 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, mcast_resolicit, 3) <0.07ms> 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.09ms> 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 5) <0.04ms> 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, mcast_resolicit, 3) <0.03ms> 11-22 02:55:29.646 6023 6077 D PHH : Failed setting vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am slot1 cb java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.03ms> 11-22 02:55:29.643 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.02ms> 11-22 02:55:29.643 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.04ms> 11-22 02:55:29.646 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.646 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.04ms> 11-22 02:55:29.647 6023 6077 D PHH : Failed setting vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am slot2 cb java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:29.647 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.qcril.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.647 6023 6077 D PHH : Failed setting vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am slot2 cb java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:29.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.648 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.648 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.648 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.648 6023 6077 D PHH : Failed setting vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am default cb java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:29.649 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.qcril.am::IQcRilAudio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.649 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: routeUpdated: fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0 11-22 02:55:29.649 6023 6077 D PHH : Failed setting vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am default cb java.util.NoSuchElementException 11-22 02:55:29.650 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64 on ifindex 28 flags 0x000000C4 scope 253 11-22 02:55:29.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.650 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.652 4805 5189 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(102) with statsTag=0xfffffe01, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.652 4589 4591 W idmap2d : failed to parse idmap header of '/data/resource-cache/system@product@overlay@treble-overlay-SystemUI-FalseLocks.apk@idmap' 11-22 02:55:29.651 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.651 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.654 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.655 4589 4591 W idmap2d : failed to find resource 'bool/config_lockscreenAntiFalsingClassifierEnabled' 11-22 02:55:29.655 4589 4591 E idmap2d : no resources were overlaid 11-22 02:55:29.656 4805 5189 D IpClient.wlan0: set max DTIM multiplier to 1 11-22 02:55:29.655 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.655 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.660 4522 4636 D WifiStaIfaceHidlImpl: setDtimMultiplier is not implemented by HIDL 11-22 02:55:29.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.660 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network 100 11-22 02:55:29.660 4391 4391 E Netd : no such netId 100 11-22 02:55:29.660 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddInterface(100, wlan0) -> ServiceSpecificException(64, "Machine is not on the network") <0.09ms> 11-22 02:55:29.660 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: BTCOEXMODE 1 11-22 02:55:29.661 6023 6075 D PHH : Starting Doze service 11-22 02:55:29.661 4522 4645 W ConnectivityService: Exception adding interface: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine is not on the network (code 64) 11-22 02:55:29.661 4522 4645 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 186082280; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.662 4391 4391 E Netd : no such netId 100 11-22 02:55:29.662 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination: fe80::/64, ifName: wlan0, nextHop: , mtu: 0}) -> ServiceSpecificException(64, "Machine is not on the network") <0.06ms> 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_power_save: set suspend mode,value : 0 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 1, status: 0 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223542]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 174 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped174,cmd_send174 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.661 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.661 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.661 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 36 69 03 00 00 5c 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.661 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 173 11-22 02:55:29.661 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.661 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_set_power_mgmt power save status:0 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 4, status: 0 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223542]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.661 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 175 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped175,cmd_send175 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.661 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.662 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.662 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.662 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 36 69 03 00 00 5d 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.662 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 174 11-22 02:55:29.662 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.662 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.662 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.662 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.662 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223543]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.662 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 176 11-22 02:55:29.662 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.662 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.663 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.663 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.663 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped176,cmd_send176 11-22 02:55:29.663 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.663 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.663 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.663 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:29.663 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.663 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 37 69 03 00 00 5e 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.663 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 175 11-22 02:55:29.663 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.663 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.666 4522 4645 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-45 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=363, tx_time=2 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=2, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:29.663 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:29.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.668 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: l2key: W146dcddfe5783d3 lease address: / lease expiry: 1700632485147 current time: 1700589329668 11-22 02:55:29.668 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.668 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.671 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=null 11-22 02:55:29.671 5189 5189 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: filter DHCP packet 11-22 02:55:29.671 5189 5189 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: DHCP: TX REQUEST 11-22 02:55:29.671 5189 5189 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut_index is 6, line:2172 11-22 02:55:29.671 5189 5189 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: dhcp,check:295a,skb->ip_summed:0 11-22 02:55:29.671 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.671 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223552]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.671 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.671 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 177 11-22 02:55:29.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.671 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped177,cmd_send177 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.672 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.672 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:29.672 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.672 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 40 69 03 00 00 5f 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.672 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 176 11-22 02:55:29.672 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.672 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.672 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.673 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.673 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.674 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.676 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 22:3e:12:ec:6c:3c ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 43200 11-22 02:55:29.678 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: com.android.networkstack.android.net.DhcpResults@7414f12d DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 43200 seconds Servername 11-22 02:55:29.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.675 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.681 5107 5107 E wpa_supplicant: Unknown driver cmd: BTCOEXMODE 2 11-22 02:55:29.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.680 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_set_power_mgmt power save status:1 11-22 02:55:29.680 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 4, status: 1 11-22 02:55:29.680 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.680 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223561]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.680 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.680 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 178 11-22 02:55:29.680 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.682 4522 4636 I WifiClientModeImpl[219519:wlan0]: Update current security type to 2 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.683 4522 4636 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.sendNetworkChangeBroadcast:3008 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.lambda$sendNetworkChangeBroadcastWithCurrentState$14:2985 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.$r8$lambda$q-j88Pjw4gROgoJFr8wBlBVbuJI:0 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.send:0 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.680 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.681 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped178,cmd_send178 11-22 02:55:29.681 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.681 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.681 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.681 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:29.681 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.681 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 49 69 03 00 00 60 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.684 4391 4455 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <0.74ms> 11-22 02:55:29.681 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 177 11-22 02:55:29.685 4391 4391 I netd : interfaceSetCfg(InterfaceConfigurationParcel{ifName: wlan0, hwAddr: , ipv4Addr:, prefixLength: 24, flags: []}) <2.76ms> 11-22 02:55:29.686 4522 4645 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.681 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:29.681 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.681 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.682 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.682 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.684 4391 4391 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.686 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: on ifindex 28 flags 0x00000080 scope 0 11-22 02:55:29.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.684 4391 4391 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223565]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:29.684 4391 4391 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.684 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 179 11-22 02:55:29.684 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.687 4391 4391 E Netd : no such netId 100 11-22 02:55:29.687 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination:, ifName: wlan0, nextHop: , mtu: 0}) -> ServiceSpecificException(64, "Machine is not on the network") <0.06ms> 11-22 02:55:29.687 4522 4645 E ConnectivityService: Exception in networkAddRouteParcel for non-gateway: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine is not on the network (code 64) 11-22 02:55:29.688 4391 4391 E Netd : no such netId 100 11-22 02:55:29.688 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination:, ifName: wlan0, nextHop:, mtu: 0}) -> ServiceSpecificException(64, "Machine is not on the network") <0.04ms> 11-22 02:55:29.688 4522 4645 E ConnectivityService: Exception in networkAddRouteParcel for gateway: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine is not on the network (code 64) 11-22 02:55:29.688 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [] 11-22 02:55:29.688 4522 4645 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[ConnectivityServiceThread,5,main] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped179,cmd_send179 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.684 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.684 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:29.684 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.685 773 773 I : 00 1a 0c 00 4d 69 03 00 00 61 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.685 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 178 11-22 02:55:29.685 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:29.685 4391 4391 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.685 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=0 11-22 02:55:29.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.688 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.688 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.691 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.691 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.695 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.693 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.693 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : Caught 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property cameraManager has not been initialized 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze.getCameraManager(Doze.kt:144) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze.unregisterListeners(Doze.kt:221) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze.updateState(Doze.kt:159) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze.spListener$lambda$1(Doze.kt:227) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze.$r8$lambda$fBKvrVAHHVTdp76nwCFc8kwBgLA(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onSharedPreferenceChanged(Unknown Source:0) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.Doze.startup(Doze.kt:257) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.EntryService$onCreate$1$7.invoke(EntryService.kt:46) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.EntryService$onCreate$1$7.invoke(EntryService.kt:46) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.EntryService.tryC(EntryService.kt:30) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.EntryService.access$tryC(EntryService.kt:20) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.EntryService$onCreate$1.invoke(EntryService.kt:46) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at me.phh.treble.app.EntryService$onCreate$1.invoke(EntryService.kt:39) 11-22 02:55:29.695 6023 6075 E PHH : at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30) 11-22 02:55:29.696 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.696 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.698 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.698 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.701 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting fps divisor to 1 11-22 02:55:29.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.704 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 21599s 11-22 02:55:29.704 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 37799s 11-22 02:55:29.704 4805 5189 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 43199s 11-22 02:55:29.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.708 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting cameraTimestampOverride to -1 11-22 02:55:29.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.710 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.710 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.712 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/] 11-22 02:55:29.712 4522 4636 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.sendNetworkChangeBroadcast:3008 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.lambda$sendNetworkChangeBroadcastWithCurrentState$14:2985 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.$r8$lambda$q-j88Pjw4gROgoJFr8wBlBVbuJI:0 com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.send:0 11-22 02:55:29.712 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED 11-22 02:55:29.713 4391 4391 I netd : networkCreate(NativeNetworkConfig{netId: 100, networkType: PHYSICAL, permission: 0, secure: false, vpnType: -1, excludeLocalRoutes: false}) <0.04ms> 11-22 02:55:29.714 4391 4391 I netd : createNetworkCache(100) <0.28ms> 11-22 02:55:29.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.715 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.716 4522 4645 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100, [], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, , []) 11-22 02:55:29.716 4391 4391 I resolv : resolv_set_nameservers: netid = 100, addr = 11-22 02:55:29.716 4391 4391 I netd : DnsResolverService::setResolverConfiguration(100, [], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, "", []) -> (0) (0.2ms) 11-22 02:55:29.716 4391 4391 I netd : setResolverConfiguration(ResolverParamsParcel{netId: 100, sampleValiditySeconds: 1800, successThreshold: 25, minSamples: 8, maxSamples: 64, baseTimeoutMsec: 0, retryCount: 0, servers: [], domains: [lan], tlsName: , tlsServers: [], tlsFingerprints: [], caCertificate: , tlsConnectTimeoutMs: 0, resolverOptions: (null), transportTypes: [1]}) <0.28ms> 11-22 02:55:29.717 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting signal level method to default 11-22 02:55:29.717 4391 4391 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([NativeUidRangeConfig{netId: 100, uidRanges: [UidRangeParcel{start: 0, stop: 99999}], subPriority: 0}]) <0.01ms> 11-22 02:55:29.718 4522 4636 W WifiScoreReport: Cannot start external scoring netId=100 currentNetId=100 currentNetCapabilities=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps Specifier: TransportInfo: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: "Choco-Fi"wpa2-pskMLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -45 AllowedUids: <{1000}> OwnerUid: 1000 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null] sessionId=1008 11-22 02:55:29.716 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.716 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.718 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.718 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.721 4522 4645 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(100, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 11-22 02:55:29.721 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting max aspect ratio for pre-o app 1.86 11-22 02:55:29.721 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/] 11-22 02:55:29.721 4522 4645 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100, [], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, , []) 11-22 02:55:29.721 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting property persist.sys.phh.include_all_cameras to false 11-22 02:55:29.722 4391 4391 I resolv : setDoh: No suitable DoH server found 11-22 02:55:29.722 4391 4391 I netd : DnsResolverService::setResolverConfiguration(100, [], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, "", []) -> (0) (0.3ms) 11-22 02:55:29.722 4391 4391 I netd : setResolverConfiguration(ResolverParamsParcel{netId: 100, sampleValiditySeconds: 1800, successThreshold: 25, minSamples: 8, maxSamples: 64, baseTimeoutMsec: 0, retryCount: 0, servers: [], domains: [lan], tlsName: , tlsServers: [], tlsFingerprints: [], caCertificate: , tlsConnectTimeoutMs: 0, resolverOptions: (null), transportTypes: [1]}) <0.38ms> 11-22 02:55:29.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.723 4391 6080 W resolv : Validating DnsTlsServer with mark 0xf0064 11-22 02:55:29.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.723 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network 100 11-22 02:55:29.723 4391 6080 W resolv : Socket failed to connect: Network is unreachable 11-22 02:55:29.723 4391 6080 W resolv : TCP Handshake failed: 101 11-22 02:55:29.723 4391 6080 W resolv : query failed 11-22 02:55:29.723 4391 6080 W resolv : validateDnsTlsServer returned 0 for 11-22 02:55:29.723 4391 6080 W resolv : Validation failed 11-22 02:55:29.725 6023 6075 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist" 11-22 02:55:29.725 6023 6075 W libc : Access denied finding property "persist.vendor.camera.HAL3.enabled" 11-22 02:55:29.725 6023 6075 W libc : Access denied finding property "persist.vendor.camera.eis.enable" 11-22 02:55:29.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.726 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddInterface(100, wlan0) <2.60ms> 11-22 02:55:29.727 4522 5717 D WifiMemoryStoreImpl: Set cluster G57e8890a2ee1a26b for W21e3dc90d5aa1772: SUCCESS 11-22 02:55:29.727 6023 6075 D PHH : stopping huaweiaudio 11-22 02:55:29.728 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting bluetooth workaround to none 11-22 02:55:29.729 4391 4391 I netd : wakeupAddInterface(wlan0, 432902426637:wlan0, -2147483648, -2147483648) <1.92ms> 11-22 02:55:29.730 4522 4561 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ mTimeSinceBootMillis=223610 mStackState=3 mControllerTxDurationMillis=4 mControllerRxDurationMillis=3 mControllerScanDurationMillis=0 mControllerIdleDurationMillis=594 mControllerEnergyUsedMicroJoules=7650 } 11-22 02:55:29.730 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination: fe80::/64, ifName: wlan0, nextHop: , mtu: 0}) <0.45ms> 11-22 02:55:29.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.727 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.727 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223608]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.727 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.727 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 180 11-22 02:55:29.727 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.727 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.731 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination:, ifName: wlan0, nextHop: , mtu: 0}) <0.37ms> 11-22 02:55:29.727 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.732 4522 5717 D WifiMemoryStoreImpl: Set cluster G57e8890a2ee1a26b for W146dcddfe5783d3: SUCCESS 11-22 02:55:29.732 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination:, ifName: wlan0, nextHop:, mtu: 0}) <0.20ms> 11-22 02:55:29.732 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/] 11-22 02:55:29.727 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.732 4522 4645 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100, [], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, , []) 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped180,cmd_send180 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.728 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.733 4391 4391 I resolv : setDoh: No suitable DoH server found 11-22 02:55:29.733 4391 4391 I netd : DnsResolverService::setResolverConfiguration(100, [], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, "", []) -> (0) (0.3ms) 11-22 02:55:29.733 4391 4391 I netd : setResolverConfiguration(ResolverParamsParcel{netId: 100, sampleValiditySeconds: 1800, successThreshold: 25, minSamples: 8, maxSamples: 64, baseTimeoutMsec: 0, retryCount: 0, servers: [], domains: [lan], tlsName: , tlsServers: [], tlsFingerprints: [], caCertificate: , tlsConnectTimeoutMs: 0, resolverOptions: (null), transportTypes: [1]}) <0.37ms> 11-22 02:55:29.728 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.728 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.728 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.728 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 78 69 03 00 00 62 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.728 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 179 11-22 02:55:29.728 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:29.728 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=1, rssi_mgmt=-45 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=601, tx_time=4 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=3, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:29.728 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:29.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.733 4391 6081 W resolv : Validating DnsTlsServer with mark 0xf0064 11-22 02:55:29.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.734 6081 6081 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: incoming ARP packet 11-22 02:55:29.734 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.734 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223615]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.734 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.736 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.07ms> 11-22 02:55:29.734 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 181 11-22 02:55:29.734 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.736 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.05ms> 11-22 02:55:29.734 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.736 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.737 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.07ms> 11-22 02:55:29.737 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.07ms> 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped181,cmd_send181 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.734 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.734 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.734 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.734 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 7f 69 03 00 00 63 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.734 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 180 11-22 02:55:29.734 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:29.734 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.734 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.735 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.735 770 770 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.735 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.735 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:29.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.739 4522 5717 D WifiMemoryStoreImpl: Set cluster G57e8890a2ee1a26b for W57e8890a2ee1a26b: SUCCESS 11-22 02:55:29.738 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.738 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1729; total tx_num:1729 11-22 02:55:29.742 4522 4645 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.743 6023 6075 D PHH : Trying to set impossible supportedModes[-1] 11-22 02:55:29.745 6023 6075 D PHH : Set surface flinger hwc overlay to true 11-22 02:55:29.745 6023 6075 D PHH : Setting storageFUSE to false 11-22 02:55:29.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.750 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.ims.zenmotion::IZenMotion sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.750 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.751 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.752 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.752 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.24ms> 11-22 02:55:29.756 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.759 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.759 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.760 6023 6075 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default 11-22 02:55:29.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.763 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.763 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.763 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.764 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.764 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.764 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.765 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.765 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.765 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.766 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.766 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.766 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.767 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.768 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.769 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.769 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.43ms> 11-22 02:55:29.770 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.770 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.770 4522 4645 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.771 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.772 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.772 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.773 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.774 4522 4636 E WifiStaIfaceHidlImpl: stopRssiMonitoring failed with status: {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 11-22 02:55:29.774 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.775 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network for: uid/pid:1000/4522 activeRequest: 1 callbackRequest: 1 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 using NetworkAgentInfo{network{100} handle{432902426637} ni{WIFI CONNECTED extra: } created=2023-11-21T17:55:29.573Z Score(Policies : TRANSPORT_PRIMARY&IS_UNMETERED ; KeepConnected : 0) created 223598 lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64, ] DnsAddresses: [ / ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps Specifier: TransportInfo: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: "Choco-Fi"wpa2-pskMLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -45 OwnerUid: 1000 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=7} 11-22 02:55:29.776 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.776 4391 4391 I netd : networkSetDefault(100) <0.27ms> 11-22 02:55:29.777 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.778 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.778 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.780 4391 4391 I netd : idletimerAddInterface(wlan0, 15, 1) <2.61ms> 11-22 02:55:29.780 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.781 4391 4391 I netd : setTcpRWmemorySize(524288 1048576 2097152, 262144 524288 1048576) <0.14ms> 11-22 02:55:29.781 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.782 4805 6084 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.782 4805 6085 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(105) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.779 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.779 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_BA]len: 20 11-22 02:55:29.779 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: enter wlan_addba_event 11-22 02:55:29.779 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.779 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223660]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_BA] 11-22 02:55:29.779 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.779 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 182 11-22 02:55:29.779 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.783 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.779 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.783 4805 6084 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.783 4805 6085 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(105) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.779 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped182,cmd_send182 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:29.779 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.779 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:29.779 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:29.779 773 773 I : 00 44 0c 00 ac 69 03 00 00 65 00 00 11-22 02:55:29.779 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 181 11-22 02:55:29.779 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_BA] 11-22 02:55:29.779 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:29.779 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:29.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.784 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.784 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.784 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.786 4522 4645 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.786 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.786 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.786 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.787 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.788 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.788 4391 6086 I resolv : ResNSendHandler::run: 0 / {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 11-22 02:55:29.789 4391 6087 I resolv : ResNSendHandler::run: 0 / {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 11-22 02:55:29.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.789 6086 6086 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.790 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.789 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.789 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:29.790 6087 6087 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.790 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.790 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:29.791 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.792 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.792 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.793 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.794 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.793 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.793 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.795 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.795 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.796 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.797 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.798 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.799 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.800 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.800 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.801 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.801 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.802 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.802 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex::IMtkRadioEx sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.802 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.802 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.803 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.802 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.803 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.804 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.804 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.805 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.805 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.805 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.806 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.806 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.804 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.804 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.806 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.807 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.806 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.807 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims::IImsRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.808 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsrild1 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.809 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsrild2 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.809 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsrild3 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.810 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/slot1 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.811 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/slot2 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.812 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.23ms> 11-22 02:55:29.813 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.811 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:29.811 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:29.811 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.811 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/slot3 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.812 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsSlot1 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.813 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsSlot2 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.814 4522 4645 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.814 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/mtkSlot1 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.815 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/mtkSlot2 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.816 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.817 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.818 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.818 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.819 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.819 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.820 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.820 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.816 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsradio0 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.817 338 338 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=6023 uid=1000 name=vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims.IImsRadio/imsradio1 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.822 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onAvailable: 100 11-22 02:55:29.822 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 02:55:29.822 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onLinkPropertiesChanged: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64, ] DnsAddresses: [ / ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]} 11-22 02:55:29.822 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onBlockedStatusChanged: BLOCKED:false 11-22 02:55:29.823 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onAvailable: 100 11-22 02:55:29.823 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.825 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.825 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onAvailable: 100 11-22 02:55:29.825 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 02:55:29.825 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: OnCapability : Wifi Available already true 11-22 02:55:29.825 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps TransportInfo: , BSSID: 02:00:00:00:00:00, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, IP: /, Security type: 2, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, Wi-Fi standard: 5, RSSI: -45, Link speed: 390Mbps, Tx Link speed: 390Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 433Mbps, Rx Link speed: 251Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 433Mbps, Frequency: 5180MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 60, isUsable: true, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1, Trusted: true, Restricted: false, Ephemeral: false, OEM paid: false, OEM private: false, OSU AP: false, FQDN: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: MLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -45 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 11-22 02:55:29.825 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: Network 100 connected using transport WIFI 11-22 02:55:29.825 5191 5326 E IwlanDataService: System default network changed from: null TO: 100 11-22 02:55:29.825 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: Transport was changed from UNSPECIFIED_NETWORK to WIFI 11-22 02:55:29.825 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: Network connected state change from false to true 11-22 02:55:29.825 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onLinkPropertiesChanged: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64, ] DnsAddresses: [ / ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]} 11-22 02:55:29.826 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onBlockedStatusChanged: BLOCKED:false 11-22 02:55:29.826 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.827 4805 4883 D UpstreamNetworkMonitor: New default Internet network: 100 11-22 02:55:29.827 4522 4676 D NetworkTimeUpdateService: New default network 100; checking time. 11-22 02:55:29.827 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.829 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.830 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 11-22 02:55:29.830 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.samsung_slsi.telephony.hardware.radio::IOemSamsungslsi sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.823 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.823 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.828 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.828 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.831 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[1]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_HOME 11-22 02:55:29.831 339 339 I hwservicemanager: Since vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild1 is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL (if it's not configured to be a lazy HAL, it may be stuck starting or still starting). 11-22 02:55:29.833 339 339 I hwservicemanager: Since vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild2 is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL (if it's not configured to be a lazy HAL, it may be stuck starting or still starting). 11-22 02:55:29.833 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.834 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 [100 WIFI] isDefaultNetwork=true 11-22 02:55:29.834 4522 4645 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendStickyBroadcast:3278 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendGeneralBroadcast:3248 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendConnectedBroadcast:3221 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendLegacyNetworkBroadcast:10126 11-22 02:55:29.835 4391 6090 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 983140 100 983140 1000 1} 11-22 02:55:29.835 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.836 339 339 I hwservicemanager: Since vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild3 is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL (if it's not configured to be a lazy HAL, it may be stuck starting or still starting). 11-22 02:55:29.836 4391 6092 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 11-22 02:55:29.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.833 1 1 E init : Control message: Could not find 'vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild1' for ctl.interface_start from pid: 339 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager) 11-22 02:55:29.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.837 6092 6092 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.837 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.837 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:29.838 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [31 : null → 100, 33 : null → 100, 45 : null → 100, 38 : null → 100, 40 : null → 100, 47 : null → 100, 17 : null → 100, 1 : null → 100, 49 : null → 100, 19 : null → 100, 28 : null → 100, 22 : null → 100, 37 : null → 100, 53 : null → 100, 55 : null → 100, 43 : null → 100, 35 : null → 100, 15 : null → 100, 24 : null → 100, 51 : null → 100, 57 : null → 100, 7 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 62] [i 3] 11-22 02:55:29.837 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.837 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.841 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.842 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.843 4522 4634 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 11-22 02:55:29.844 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.844 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 11-22 02:55:29.845 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.846 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[0]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_HOME 11-22 02:55:29.846 339 6091 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild2": error code: 0x20 11-22 02:55:29.846 339 6091 I hwservicemanager: Tried to start vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild2 as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly. 11-22 02:55:29.846 339 6089 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild1": error code: 0x20 11-22 02:55:29.846 339 6089 I hwservicemanager: Tried to start vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild1 as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly. 11-22 02:55:29.847 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.844 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.844 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.845 1 1 E init : Control message: Could not find 'vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild2' for ctl.interface_start from pid: 339 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager) 11-22 02:55:29.846 1 1 E init : Control message: Could not find 'vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild3' for ctl.interface_start from pid: 339 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager) 11-22 02:55:29.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.847 339 6093 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild3": error code: 0x20 11-22 02:55:29.847 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.848 339 6093 I hwservicemanager: Tried to start vendor.sprd.hardware.radio@1.0::IExtRadio/imsrild3 as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly. 11-22 02:55:29.848 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.848 5191 6094 D EpdgTunnelManager[0]: msg.what = EVENT_UPDATE_NETWORK 11-22 02:55:29.849 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.849 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.850 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.849 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.849 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.850 5191 6095 D EpdgTunnelManager[1]: msg.what = EVENT_UPDATE_NETWORK 11-22 02:55:29.850 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.852 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.853 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.853 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.huawei.hardware.radio::IRadio sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.853 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onLinkPropertiesChanged: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64, ] DnsAddresses: [ / ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]} 11-22 02:55:29.854 5191 5326 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 186082280; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:29.851 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.855 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onBlockedStatusChanged: 100 BLOCKED:false 11-22 02:55:29.851 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.855 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.853 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.853 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.857 4522 4659 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:29.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.860 4522 4659 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:29.860 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.860 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.862 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.863 4522 4659 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:29.862 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.865 4522 4659 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:29.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.868 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:29.867 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:29.867 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:29.867 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.869 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:29.869 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 1 11-22 02:55:29.870 339 339 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.hct.hardware.gesturewake::IGestureWake sid=u:r:system_app:s0 pid=6023 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 11-22 02:55:29.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.871 6023 6075 D PHH : Failed getting HCT gesture service 11-22 02:55:29.872 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.874 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 02:55:29.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.875 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.875 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: reorder_msdu_process receive non ampdu packet, seq:2, win_start:1 11-22 02:55:29.875 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.875 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: reorder_msdu_process receive non ampdu packet, seq:3, win_start:1 11-22 02:55:29.875 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.876 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: reorder_msdu_process receive non ampdu packet, seq:4, win_start:1 11-22 02:55:29.877 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 02:55:29.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.877 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.877 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1732; total tx_num:1732 11-22 02:55:29.877 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.886 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:29.886 4522 4697 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/6023 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 58 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: me.phh.treble.app UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 11-22 02:55:29.885 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.885 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.887 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.887 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.888 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [59 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 1] [i 1] 11-22 02:55:29.888 4522 4636 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: me.phh.treble.app UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.888 4522 4636 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: me.phh.treble.app UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.888 4522 4636 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: me.phh.treble.app UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.888 6023 6097 E PHH-Presets: Downloading... 11-22 02:55:29.888 4522 4636 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: me.phh.treble.app UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 11-22 02:55:29.888 6023 6097 D PHH-Presets: URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phhusson/treble_presets/master/infos.json 11-22 02:55:29.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.891 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.891 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.893 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.893 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.896 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.896 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1270 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2476 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3548 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 11-22 02:55:29.898 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3553 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:29.899 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3562 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:29.901 4522 4697 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1303 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3568 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:534 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1339 11-22 02:55:29.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.900 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.900 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.902 4932 4932 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1 11-22 02:55:29.902 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.902 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.905 4522 4554 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:29.905 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:29.905 5128 5128 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 1 11-22 02:55:29.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.907 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.907 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.910 4729 4874 W KeyguardUpdateMonitorLog: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange() 11-22 02:55:29.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.911 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.913 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.913 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.924 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9d1548 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 0/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/18 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:29.924 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 11-22 02:55:29.925 4391 6099 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 786532 100 983140 1000 0} 11-22 02:55:29.926 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4ec28 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 4/7 (recycle/alloc) - 3/6 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:29.926 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 11-22 02:55:29.926 4391 6100 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 11-22 02:55:29.923 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:29.923 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:29.923 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.926 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.926 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.926 6100 6100 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.927 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.927 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:29.929 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a7b1000 11-22 02:55:29.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.929 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.930 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.930 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.935 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.939 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.939 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.955 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.955 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.955 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.959 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.959 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.965 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.965 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.967 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.967 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.974 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.974 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.977 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.976 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.976 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.979 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:29.979 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:29.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.982 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:29.982 0 0 I : c5 [ C5] sc2355 sprd-wlan:enter ba_reorder_timeout 11-22 02:55:29.982 0 0 I : c5 [ C5] sc2355 sprd-wlan:get_first_seqno_in_buff: first seqno: 2 11-22 02:55:29.982 0 0 I : c5 [ C5] sc2355 sprd-wlan:leave ba_reorder_timeout 11-22 02:55:29.983 4391 6087 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 51 terrno: 0 11-22 02:55:29.983 4391 6086 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 63 terrno: 0 11-22 02:55:29.983 4391 6092 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 98 terrno: 0 11-22 02:55:29.983 4391 6092 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=4, return value=98 11-22 02:55:29.985 4805 4805 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(105) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.986 4522 4676 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(472) with statsTag=0xffffff41, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.988 4805 4805 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.988 4805 6085 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_DNS www.googleapis.cn 206ms OK 11-22 02:55:29.990 4805 6084 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_DNS connectivitycheck.gstatic.com 208ms OK 11-22 02:55:29.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.991 4676 4676 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.991 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.991 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:29.994 4391 6100 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 107 terrno: 0 11-22 02:55:29.994 4391 6100 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=4, return value=107 11-22 02:55:29.992 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.992 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.993 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.993 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 02:55:29.993 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=0, mib=1685736 11-22 02:55:29.993 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3403, wfd_rate=0 11-22 02:55:29.994 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.995 4391 6101 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 11-22 02:55:29.995 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:29.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.996 4391 6103 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 11-22 02:55:29.996 4391 6103 I resolv : resolv_cache_lookup: FOUND IN CACHE entry=0xb400007659b19cf0 11-22 02:55:29.996 4391 6103 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=1, return value=63 11-22 02:55:29.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.996 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:29.996 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1734; total tx_num:1734 11-22 02:55:29.996 4391 6102 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 11-22 02:55:29.997 4805 6084 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:29.998 4391 6105 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 11-22 02:55:29.998 6084 6084 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:29.998 4391 6105 I resolv : resolv_cache_lookup: FOUND IN CACHE entry=0xb400007559b19c90 11-22 02:55:29.998 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:29.998 4391 6105 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=1, return value=51 11-22 02:55:29.999 4805 6085 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(105) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:29.998 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:29.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:29.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.001 6023 6097 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(77) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 11-22 02:55:30.000 6085 6085 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: prepare_addba, 1358, tx_addba, tid=0 11-22 02:55:30.000 6085 6085 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_addba, lut=6, tid=0 11-22 02:55:30.000 6085 6085 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:30.001 1087 1087 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan sprdwl_tx_ba_mgmt hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:30.001 1087 1087 I : 06 3c cd 57 de 8f c6 01 02 10 00 00 11-22 02:55:30.001 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.001 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [223882]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_ADDBA_REQ] 11-22 02:55:30.001 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 183 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped183,cmd_send183 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.001 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.002 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.002 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:30.002 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:30.002 773 773 I : 00 28 19 00 8a 6a 03 00 00 67 00 00 11-22 02:55:30.002 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 182 11-22 02:55:30.002 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_ADDBA_REQ] 11-22 02:55:30.002 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.002 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.002 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:40 [WIFI_CMD_ADDBA_REQ]rsp received 11-22 02:55:30.002 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1736; total tx_num:1736 11-22 02:55:30.003 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.003 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.006 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.006 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.008 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.008 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.010 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.010 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.012 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.012 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.015 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.033 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.033 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.035 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=627998207 11-22 02:55:30.035 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:30.035 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:30.037 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.036 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.036 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.048 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.048 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.054 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.055 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.055 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.058 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.058 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.060 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.060 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.075 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.082 0 0 I : c1 [ C1] [drm] sprd_dpu_disable_vblank() 11-22 02:55:30.083 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:55:30.083 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30302819, cur_clbcnt = 30302461, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 0, Tbat = 275, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:55:30.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.089 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.089 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.091 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:30.091 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:30.092 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.098 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.099 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.099 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.099 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.099 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:30.100 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.100 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 4 11-22 02:55:30.103 4522 4676 D SntpClient: round trip: 110ms, clock offset: -455ms 11-22 02:55:30.101 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.101 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.101 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 5 11-22 02:55:30.101 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1740; total tx_num:1741 11-22 02:55:30.103 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:30.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.104 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.104 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.105 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.105 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1742; total tx_num:1742 11-22 02:55:30.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.113 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.120 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.120 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.126 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.126 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.127 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.127 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.129 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.129 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.129 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.129 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.130 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.130 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.130 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1743; total tx_num:1744 11-22 02:55:30.130 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.131 4805 6085 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_HTTP http://www.googleapis.cn/generate_204 time=138ms ret=204 request={Connection=[close], User-Agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36]} headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Connection=[close], Content-Length=[0], Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy=[cross-origin], Date=[Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:55:29 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1700589330130], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1700589330099]} 11-22 02:55:30.130 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.130 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.130 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.132 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.133 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.133 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1745; total tx_num:1745 11-22 02:55:30.134 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.134 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.135 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.135 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.135 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.136 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.136 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.140 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.140 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.140 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:30.140 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1747; total tx_num:1748 11-22 02:55:30.140 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.141 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.141 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.141 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.141 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.144 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.144 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1749; total tx_num:1749 11-22 02:55:30.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.147 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:30.147 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:30.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.154 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.155 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:30.155 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.155 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.174 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.175 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.175 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.179 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.179 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.183 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.183 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.194 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.194 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.194 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.196 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.196 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.207 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:30.207 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:30.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.214 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.216 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.216 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.222 4390 5658 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#15] buffers after EOS ignored (0 us) 11-22 02:55:30.223 4390 5658 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#15] buffers after EOS ignored (0 us) 11-22 02:55:30.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.223 4390 5654 D AudioTrack: stop(21): called with 82980 frames delivered 11-22 02:55:30.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.234 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.232 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.232 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.248 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.248 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: reorder_msdu_process receive non ampdu packet, seq:20, win_start:19 11-22 02:55:30.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.250 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.250 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.250 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: reorder_msdu_process receive non ampdu packet, seq:21, win_start:19 11-22 02:55:30.253 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.253 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.254 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.263 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.263 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.267 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.267 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.273 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.273 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.273 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.275 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.275 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.278 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.279 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1750; total tx_num:1750 11-22 02:55:30.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.281 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.281 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.287 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.287 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.293 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.299 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.299 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.313 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.333 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.332 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.332 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.351 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.351 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.353 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.354 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.354 0 0 I : c5 [ C5] sc2355 sprd-wlan:enter ba_reorder_timeout 11-22 02:55:30.354 0 0 I : c5 [ C5] sc2355 sprd-wlan:get_first_seqno_in_buff: first seqno: 20 11-22 02:55:30.354 0 0 I : c5 [ C5] sc2355 sprd-wlan:leave ba_reorder_timeout 11-22 02:55:30.355 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=4, total=4 11-22 02:55:30.355 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 5 11-22 02:55:30.355 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.355 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1751; total tx_num:1755 11-22 02:55:30.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.359 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.359 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 5 11-22 02:55:30.359 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.359 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1755; total tx_num:1756 11-22 02:55:30.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.362 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.362 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.362 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1756; total tx_num:1756 11-22 02:55:30.363 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.364 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.364 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.364 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.364 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.366 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.366 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.366 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.370 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.370 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.370 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:30.371 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1758; total tx_num:1759 11-22 02:55:30.371 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64 on ifindex 28 flags 0x00000080 scope 253 11-22 02:55:30.371 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.371 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.371 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.371 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.371 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:30.373 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.374 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: routeUpdated: fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/48 -> fe80::3ecd:57ff:fede:8fc4 wlan0 mtu 0 11-22 02:55:30.374 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: routeUpdated: fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0 11-22 02:55:30.376 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: interfaceDnsServerInfo: [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1] 11-22 02:55:30.373 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.373 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.373 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [224254]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:30.373 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 184 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.376 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64 on ifindex 28 flags 0x00000144 scope 0 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.376 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:6916:40dd:fcde:221d/64 on ifindex 28 flags 0x00000045 scope 0 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped184,cmd_send184 11-22 02:55:30.373 648 648 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast multicast address num: 4 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 648 648 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 01:00:5e:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:30.373 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.373 648 648 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 33:33:00:00:00:01 11-22 02:55:30.373 648 648 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 33:33:ff:ec:6c:3c 11-22 02:55:30.373 648 648 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_multicast set mac: 33:33:ff:de:22:1d 11-22 02:55:30.373 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.373 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:30.373 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:30.373 773 773 I : 00 1a 0c 00 fe 6b 03 00 00 68 00 00 11-22 02:55:30.373 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 183 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.373 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 4 11-22 02:55:30.373 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:30.373 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.373 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.373 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.373 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [224255]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 185 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped185,cmd_send185 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 5 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I : 00 1a 0c 00 ff 6b 03 00 00 69 00 00 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 184 11-22 02:55:30.374 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_NOTIFY_IP_ACQUIRED] 11-22 02:55:30.374 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [224255]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 186 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped186,cmd_send186 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I : 00 27 0c 00 ff 6b 03 00 00 6a 00 00 11-22 02:55:30.374 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 185 11-22 02:55:30.374 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_MULTICAST_FILTER] 11-22 02:55:30.374 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:30.378 6023 6097 E PHH-Presets: Downloading... 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:30.374 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1761; total tx_num:1763 11-22 02:55:30.375 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.375 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.377 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.377 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1763; total tx_num:1763 11-22 02:55:30.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.379 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.380 4805 5189 D IpClient.wlan0: set max DTIM multiplier to 2 11-22 02:55:30.379 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.381 4522 4636 D WifiStaIfaceHidlImpl: setDtimMultiplier is not implemented by HIDL 11-22 02:55:30.381 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination: fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/64, ifName: wlan0, nextHop: , mtu: 0}) <0.45ms> 11-22 02:55:30.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.382 4391 4391 E netd : Error adding route fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/48 -> fe80::3ecd:57ff:fede:8fc4 wlan0 to table 1028: File exists 11-22 02:55:30.382 4391 4391 I netd : networkAddRouteParcel(100, RouteInfoParcel{destination: fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/48, ifName: wlan0, nextHop: fe80::3ecd:57ff:fede:8fc4, mtu: 0}) <0.26ms> 11-22 02:55:30.383 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1, /] 11-22 02:55:30.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.383 4522 4645 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100, [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, , [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,]) 11-22 02:55:30.382 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.382 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.383 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.383 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.383 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.383 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1764; total tx_num:1765 11-22 02:55:30.383 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.383 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.383 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.384 4391 4391 I resolv : setDoh: No suitable DoH server found 11-22 02:55:30.384 4391 6110 W resolv : Validating DnsTlsServer fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1 with mark 0xf0064 11-22 02:55:30.384 4391 4391 I resolv : resolv_set_nameservers: netid = 100, addr = fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1 11-22 02:55:30.384 4391 4391 I resolv : resolv_set_nameservers: netid = 100, addr = 11-22 02:55:30.384 4391 4391 I netd : DnsResolverService::setResolverConfiguration(100, [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, "", [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,]) -> (0) (0.6ms) 11-22 02:55:30.384 4391 4391 I netd : setResolverConfiguration(ResolverParamsParcel{netId: 100, sampleValiditySeconds: 1800, successThreshold: 25, minSamples: 8, maxSamples: 64, baseTimeoutMsec: 0, retryCount: 0, servers: [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], domains: [lan], tlsName: , tlsServers: [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], tlsFingerprints: [], caCertificate: , tlsConnectTimeoutMs: 0, resolverOptions: (null), transportTypes: [1]}) <0.81ms> 11-22 02:55:30.385 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.385 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:30.386 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.386 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.386 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 4 11-22 02:55:30.386 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.386 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1767; total tx_num:1768 11-22 02:55:30.390 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onLinkPropertiesChanged: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64,,fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64,fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:6916:40dd:fcde:221d/64 ] DnsAddresses: [ /fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,/ ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0,fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/48 -> fe80::3ecd:57ff:fede:8fc4 wlan0 mtu 0,fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]} 11-22 02:55:30.388 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.391 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onLinkPropertiesChanged: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64,,fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64,fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:6916:40dd:fcde:221d/64 ] DnsAddresses: [ /fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,/ ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0,fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/48 -> fe80::3ecd:57ff:fede:8fc4 wlan0 mtu 0,fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]} 11-22 02:55:30.392 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onLinkPropertiesChanged: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64,,fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64,fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:6916:40dd:fcde:221d/64 ] DnsAddresses: [ /fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,/ ] Domains: lan MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0,fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/48 -> fe80::3ecd:57ff:fede:8fc4 wlan0 mtu 0,fdbe:a1a3:5d98::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]} 11-22 02:55:30.392 5191 6094 D EpdgTunnelManager[0]: msg.what = EVENT_UPDATE_NETWORK 11-22 02:55:30.388 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.393 5191 6095 D EpdgTunnelManager[1]: msg.what = EVENT_UPDATE_NETWORK 11-22 02:55:30.393 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.389 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.390 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1768; total tx_num:1768 11-22 02:55:30.390 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.390 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.393 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.393 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.395 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.395 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.397 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.397 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.399 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.399 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.413 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.413 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.413 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.413 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.416 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.417 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1769; total tx_num:1769 11-22 02:55:30.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.433 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.435 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.435 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.436 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.437 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.438 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.438 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1770; total tx_num:1770 11-22 02:55:30.446 4805 6084 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_HTTPS https://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 time=453ms ret=204 request={Connection=[close], User-Agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36]} headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Alt-Svc=[h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000], Connection=[close], Content-Length=[0], Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy=[cross-origin], Date=[Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:55:29 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1700589330445], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1700589330380]} 11-22 02:55:30.439 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.439 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.440 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.444 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.444 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.444 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.444 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.446 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.448 4805 6083 D NetworkMonitor/100: isCaptivePortal: isSuccessful()=true isPortal()=false RedirectUrl=null isPartialConnectivity()=false Time=668ms 11-22 02:55:30.446 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 02:55:30.446 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.446 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 3 11-22 02:55:30.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.448 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.448 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1773; total tx_num:1773 11-22 02:55:30.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.450 4522 4645 I ConnectivityService: Update score for net 100 : +EVER_EVALUATED 11-22 02:55:30.451 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI] validation passed 11-22 02:55:30.451 4522 4645 I ConnectivityService: Update capabilities for net 100 : +VALIDATED 11-22 02:55:30.451 4522 4645 I ConnectivityService: Update score for net 100 : +EVER_VALIDATED+IS_VALIDATED 11-22 02:55:30.453 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.456 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 4] 11-22 02:55:30.458 4932 5187 D com.android.ons.ONSProfileActivator: Internet connection available 11-22 02:55:30.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.465 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 02:55:30.465 4522 4645 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1, /] 11-22 02:55:30.466 4522 4645 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100, [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, , [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,]) 11-22 02:55:30.466 4391 4391 I resolv : setDoh: No suitable DoH server found 11-22 02:55:30.466 4391 4391 I netd : DnsResolverService::setResolverConfiguration(100, [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], [lan], 1800, 25, 8, 64, 0, 0, "", [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,]) -> (0) (0.3ms) 11-22 02:55:30.466 4522 4539 I GnssNetworkConnectivityHandler: updateNetworkState, state=CLOSED, connected=true, network=100, capabilities=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps TransportInfo: , BSSID: 02:00:00:00:00:00, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, IP: /, Security type: 2, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, Wi-Fi standard: 5, RSSI: -45, Link speed: 390Mbps, Tx Link speed: 390Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 433Mbps, Rx Link speed: 251Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 433Mbps, Frequency: 5180MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 60, isUsable: true, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1, Trusted: true, Restricted: false, Ephemeral: false, OEM paid: false, OEM private: false, OSU AP: false, FQDN: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: MLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -45 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null], availableNetworkCount: 1 11-22 02:55:30.466 4391 4391 I netd : setResolverConfiguration(ResolverParamsParcel{netId: 100, sampleValiditySeconds: 1800, successThreshold: 25, minSamples: 8, maxSamples: 64, baseTimeoutMsec: 0, retryCount: 0, servers: [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], domains: [lan], tlsName: , tlsServers: [fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1,], tlsFingerprints: [], caCertificate: , tlsConnectTimeoutMs: 0, resolverOptions: (null), transportTypes: [1]}) <0.40ms> 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 D GnssHAL_V_AGnssRil: updateNetworkState_2_0: Enter 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : assist_ril_updateNetworkState: connected:1,type:3,roaming:0,extra:dummy-apn 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_agps_ril_updateNwState: enter 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : assist_ril_update_network_state: enter, connected[1],type[3],roaming[0], extra[dummy-apn] 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : V2 update WLAN status 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : assist_ril_update_network_availability: enter, network avaiable[1],apn[dummy-apn] 11-22 02:55:30.467 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : assist_ril_update_network_availability: s->gps_flag[0], agpsdata->assistflag[0x0], connected[1], available[1], start_si_session[0] 11-22 02:55:30.467 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps TransportInfo: , BSSID: 02:00:00:00:00:00, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, IP: /, Security type: 2, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, Wi-Fi standard: 5, RSSI: -45, Link speed: 390Mbps, Tx Link speed: 390Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 433Mbps, Rx Link speed: 251Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 433Mbps, Frequency: 5180MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 60, isUsable: true, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1, Trusted: true, Restricted: false, Ephemeral: false, OEM paid: false, OEM private: false, OSU AP: false, FQDN: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: MLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -45 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 11-22 02:55:30.467 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: Network 100 connected using transport WIFI 11-22 02:55:30.468 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 02:55:30.468 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: OnCapability : Wifi Available already true 11-22 02:55:30.468 4522 4645 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1626 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendStickyBroadcast:3278 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendGeneralBroadcast:3248 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.sendInetConditionBroadcast:3225 android.net.connectivity.com.android.server.ConnectivityService.updateInetCondition:9807 11-22 02:55:30.463 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.470 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 02:55:30.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.472 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 02:55:30.472 1253 1253 D GPS_HAL : gps_injectTime entry time:1700589329645,timeref= 223981, uncert =55 11-22 02:55:30.472 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gnssmgt_injectTime: enter 11-22 02:55:30.472 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_inject_time: enter, time[1700589329645], timeref[223981], uncert[55] 11-22 02:55:30.472 1253 1253 D GNSSMGT : gps_sendData: enter, flag[0x41], comm_mode[2], sensorhub[1] 11-22 02:55:30.472 1253 1253 E GNSSMGT : gps_sendData: command will not send, because the gps engine is not working 11-22 02:55:30.474 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.478 4522 4539 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by handleDownloadPsdsData() 11-22 02:55:30.480 6007 6063 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10059; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:30.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.492 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10083; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:30.492 4522 4697 D WifiMemoryStoreImpl: Set cluster G57e8890a2ee1a26b for W146dcddfe5783d3: SUCCESS 11-22 02:55:30.492 4522 6113 E GnssPsdsDownloader: No Long-Term PSDS servers were specified in the GnssConfiguration 11-22 02:55:30.494 4522 4636 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 15 ms. 11-22 02:55:30.494 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.495 5961 6044 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:30.497 5479 6112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10122; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: Cannot create worker: com.android.devicelockcontroller.provision.worker.DeviceCheckInWorker 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.android.devicelockcontroller.provision.worker.DeviceCheckInWorker. [class android.content.Context, class androidx.work.WorkerParameters, interface com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListeningExecutorService] 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class.java:3325) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(Class.java:3063) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at com.android.devicelockcontroller.policy.TaskWorkerFactory.createWorker(TaskWorkerFactory.java:53) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at androidx.work.DelegatingWorkerFactory.createWorker(DelegatingWorkerFactory.java:71) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at androidx.work.WorkerFactory.createWorkerWithDefaultFallback(WorkerFactory.java:82) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at androidx.work.impl.WorkerWrapper.runWorker(WorkerWrapper.java:240) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at androidx.work.impl.WorkerWrapper.run(WorkerWrapper.java:142) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at androidx.work.impl.utils.SerialExecutorImpl$Task.run(SerialExecutorImpl.java:96) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 02:55:30.498 5479 6112 E TaskWorkerFactory: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 02:55:30.499 5479 6112 D DeviceCheckInClient: Creating instance for com.android.devicelockcontroller.debug.DeviceCheckInClientDebug 11-22 02:55:30.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.500 6023 6097 D PHH-Presets: Find matching nodes... 11-22 02:55:30.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.476 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.486 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.486 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.492 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.492 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 02:55:30.492 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=29965179, mib=0 11-22 02:55:30.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.502 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:30.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.508 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.508 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.510 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.510 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.514 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.514 6023 6097 D PHH-Presets: Found 0 11-22 02:55:30.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.517 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.517 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.522 5961 6118 I RkpdPeriodicProvisioner: Waking up; checking provisioning state. 11-22 02:55:30.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.524 338 338 I servicemanager: Found android.hardware.security.keymint.IRemotelyProvisionedComponent/default in device VINTF manifest. 11-22 02:55:30.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.526 5961 6118 I RkpdPeriodicProvisioner: Stopping periodic provisioner: system has no configured server endpoint 11-22 02:55:30.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.526 5479 6119 I CheckInWorker: perform check-in request 11-22 02:55:30.528 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.528 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.534 5479 6119 D TelephonyManager: getMeid: return null because MEID is not available 11-22 02:55:30.534 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.541 5479 6119 D TelephonyManager: getMeid: return null because MEID is not available 11-22 02:55:30.544 5479 6119 D DeviceCheckInClientDebug: getRegisteredDeviceIdentifier: 11-22 02:55:30.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.547 5479 6119 D DeviceCheckInClientDebug: getDeviceCheckInStatus: 0 11-22 02:55:30.547 5479 6119 D DeviceCheckInHelper: check in succeed: 0 11-22 02:55:30.547 5479 6119 D DeviceCheckInClientDebug: getDeviceCheckInStatus: 0 11-22 02:55:30.549 5961 6120 I DrmHalHidl: found instance=clearkey version=android.hardware.drm@1.4::IDrmFactory 11-22 02:55:30.549 5961 6120 I DrmHalHidl: found instance=widevine version=android.hardware.drm@1.4::IDrmFactory 11-22 02:55:30.549 5479 5786 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=026791ad-1f12-4dc8-8725-5edb9cbf6893, tags={ com.android.devicelockcontroller.provision.worker.DeviceCheckInWorker } ] 11-22 02:55:30.550 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [app][com.android.rkpdapp] calling virtual Return wvdrm::hardware::drm::V1_4::widevine::WVDrmFactory::createPlugin(const hidl_array &, const android::hardware::hidl_string &, android::hardware::drm::V1_4::IDrmFactory::createPlugin_cb) 11-22 02:55:30.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.551 1058 1058 D WVCdm : Instantiating CDM. 11-22 02:55:30.551 6007 6043 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=04f5d2bb-aec5-45fd-bc7c-8b0345fced08, tags={ com.android.statementservice.domain.worker.RetryRequestWorker } ] 11-22 02:55:30.552 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [cdm_engine.cpp(536):QueryStatus] security_level = Default, query_token = WidevineCdmVersion 11-22 02:55:30.553 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(776):Initialize] Level 3 Build Info (v16): OEMCrypto Level3 Code 22593 May 28 2021 16:59:08 11-22 02:55:30.553 1058 6126 I WVCdm : [(0):] Level3 Library 22593 May 28 2021 16:59:08 11-22 02:55:30.554 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.541 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.541 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.542 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:30.542 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:30.556 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(790):Initialize] L3 Initialized. Trying L1. 11-22 02:55:30.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.556 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(161):_oecc01] -- OEMCrypto_Initialize(void) 11-22 02:55:30.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.557 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(187):_oecc01] [OEMCrypto_Initialize(): success] 11-22 02:55:30.558 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(69):OEMCrypto_SetFireWall] -- OEMCrypto_SetFireWall() 11-22 02:55:30.558 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(91):OEMCrypto_SetFireWall] [OEMCrypto_SetFireWall(): success] 11-22 02:55:30.558 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(2340):_oecc22] -- OEMCrypto_APIVersion() 11-22 02:55:30.558 1058 1058 W WVCdm : [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(964):LoadLevel1] Could not load L1 _oecc113. 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 W WVCdm : [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(965):LoadLevel1] Could not load L1 _oecc114. 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(2418):_oecc23] -- OEMCrypto_SecurityLevel() 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(809):Initialize] OEMCrypto_Initialize Level 1 success. I will use level 1. 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(812):Initialize] Level 1 Build Info (v16): OEMCrypto Ref Code Jul 11 2023 18:30:50 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(1730):_oecc05] -- OEMCrypto_IsKeyboxOrOEMCertValid() 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(3425):_oecc49] -- OEMCrypto_GetProvisioningMethod() 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.437765> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.437884> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.437978> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.559 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(2340):_oecc22] -- OEMCrypto_APIVersion() 11-22 02:55:30.560 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(2365):_oecc108] -- OEMCrypto_MINORAPIVersion() 11-22 02:55:30.560 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [crypto_session.cpp(360):Init] OEMCrypto version (default security level): 16.4 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438069> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.560 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [crypto_session.cpp(369):Init] OEMCrypto version (L3 security level): 16.3 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438158> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438256> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438344> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438542> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438646> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438735> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.557 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.438857> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.558 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.439191> trusty_unisoc_oemcrypto: [_oecc109]135: OEMCrypto_SetFireWall()-set firewall_sec=1. 11-22 02:55:30.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.563 1058 1058 E WVCdm : App requested unknown string property provisioningModel 11-22 02:55:30.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.566 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.566 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.564 5961 6120 D DrmHalHidl: framework logs size 2; plugin logs size 13 11-22 02:55:30.567 1229 1528 D statsd_drm: statsd_mediadrm skipping empty entry 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: Something went wrong. Will not provision widevine certificates. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to get property: ERROR_DRM_CANNOT_HANDLE 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: cdm err: 0, oem err: 0, ctx: 0 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: ============================== Beginning of DRM Plugin Log ============================== 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:46.948 I [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(776):Initialize] Level 3 Build Info (v16): OEMCrypto Level3 Code 22593 May 28 2021 16:59:08 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:46.965 I [(0):] Level3 Library 22593 May 28 2021 16:59:08 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:47.013 I [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(790):Initialize] L3 Initialized. Trying L1. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:47.026 I [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(812):Initialize] Level 1 Build Info (v16): OEMCrypto Ref Code Jul 11 2023 18:30:50 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:47.026 W [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(964):LoadLevel1] Could not load L1 _oecc113. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:47.026 W [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(965):LoadLevel1] Could not load L1 _oecc114. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:54:47.034 I [(0):] L3 Terminate. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.549 I found instance=clearkey version=android.hardware.drm@1.4::IDrmFactory 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.549 I found instance=widevine version=android.hardware.drm@1.4::IDrmFactory 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.553 I [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(776):Initialize] Level 3 Build Info (v16): OEMCrypto Level3 Code 22593 May 28 2021 16:59:08 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.553 I [(0):] Level3 Library 22593 May 28 2021 16:59:08 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.556 I [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(790):Initialize] L3 Initialized. Trying L1. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.558 W [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(964):LoadLevel1] Could not load L1 _oecc113. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.559 W [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(965):LoadLevel1] Could not load L1 _oecc114. 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: 11-22 02:55:30.559 I [oemcrypto_adapter_dynamic.cpp(812):Initialize] Level 1 Build Info (v16): OEMCrypto Ref Code Jul 11 2023 18:30:50 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: ============================== End of DRM Plugin Log ============================== 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at android.media.MediaDrm.getPropertyString(Native Method) 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at com.android.rkpdapp.provisioner.WidevineProvisioner.isWidevineProvisioningNeeded(WidevineProvisioner.java:111) 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at com.android.rkpdapp.provisioner.WidevineProvisioner.doWork(WidevineProvisioner.java:95) 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at androidx.work.Worker$1.run(Worker.java:82) 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 02:55:30.567 5961 6120 E RkpdWidevine: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 02:55:30.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.571 5961 6021 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=d7dbe0ca-6ba2-4756-88a4-e7080e96653b, tags={ com.android.rkpdapp.provisioner.WidevineProvisioner, WidevineProvisioner } ] 11-22 02:55:30.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.576 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.577 4522 5717 D PackageManager: Instant App installer not found with android.intent.action.INSTALL_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE 11-22 02:55:30.577 4522 5717 D PackageManager: Clear ephemeral installer activity 11-22 02:55:30.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.584 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [(0):] L3 Terminate. 11-22 02:55:30.584 1058 1058 I WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(203):_oecc02] -- OEMCrypto_Terminate(void) 11-22 02:55:30.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.588 1058 1058 D WVCdm : [oemcrypto.cpp(223):_oecc02] [OEMCrypto_Terminate(): success] 11-22 02:55:30.588 183 183 I sprd-trusty-log: trusty: < 224.469642> ipc: do_disconnect ev->handle ox7 11-22 02:55:30.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.591 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.598 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:30.599 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:30.599 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:30.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.600 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.600 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.600 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.600 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.600 770 770 I nf_conntrack: default automatic helper assignment has been turned off for security reasons and CT-based firewall rule not found. Use the iptables CT target to attach helpers instead. 11-22 02:55:30.600 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.605 4391 6110 W resolv : SSL_connect ssl error =5, mark 0xf0064: Connection refused 11-22 02:55:30.605 4391 6110 W resolv : TLS Handshake failed 11-22 02:55:30.605 4391 6110 W resolv : query failed 11-22 02:55:30.605 4391 6110 W resolv : validateDnsTlsServer returned 0 for fdbe:a1a3:5d98::1 11-22 02:55:30.605 4391 6110 W resolv : Validation failed 11-22 02:55:30.604 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.604 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1774; total tx_num:1774 11-22 02:55:30.604 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.615 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.617 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.617 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.634 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.634 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.645 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.645 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.645 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.648 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.648 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.650 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.650 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.655 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.655 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.659 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.659 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.662 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.666 4522 4659 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10106/4729 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@3b3b168 11-22 02:55:30.666 4729 5463 V MediaPlayer: resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false 11-22 02:55:30.666 4729 5463 V MediaPlayer: cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null 11-22 02:55:30.667 4390 6129 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe7801690) at state 6 11-22 02:55:30.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.670 4390 5658 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:30.670 1254 1305 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:30.670 1254 1305 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 02:55:30.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.671 4390 5657 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 02:55:30.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.671 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.671 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.674 4390 5465 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe7801690) 11-22 02:55:30.674 4390 6129 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone. 11-22 02:55:30.674 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.675 4388 4478 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 02:55:30.675 4388 4478 D audioserver: -129 11-22 02:55:30.674 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.681 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.681 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.688 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.688 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.690 4388 4478 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 02:55:30.690 4388 4478 D audioserver: -129 11-22 02:55:30.690 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.690 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.692 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.693 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.693 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.698 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.698 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.703 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.707 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.709 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.709 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.716 4729 4834 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b6, vaddr=0x6ee03d8000 11-22 02:55:30.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.715 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.723 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.726 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.726 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.736 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.736 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.742 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.744 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.748 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.748 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.750 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.750 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.755 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:30.755 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:30.755 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:30.755 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:30.755 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:30.755 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:30.757 4391 6081 W resolv : SSL_connect ssl error =5, mark 0xf0064: Connection refused 11-22 02:55:30.757 4391 6081 W resolv : TLS Handshake failed 11-22 02:55:30.757 4391 6081 W resolv : query failed 11-22 02:55:30.757 4391 6081 W resolv : validateDnsTlsServer returned 0 for 11-22 02:55:30.757 4391 6081 W resolv : Validation failed 11-22 02:55:30.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.756 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.759 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.759 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1775; total tx_num:1775 11-22 02:55:30.759 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, free_num: 1, to_free_list num: 0 11-22 02:55:30.760 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.760 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.765 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.767 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.767 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.769 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.769 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.772 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.772 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.787 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.792 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.792 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.808 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.811 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.811 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.813 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.813 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.818 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.818 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.829 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.829 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.829 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.837 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.837 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.845 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.845 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.850 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.848 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.850 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.850 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.853 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.853 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.862 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.862 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.866 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.866 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.870 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.870 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.874 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.875 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.875 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.881 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.881 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.891 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.897 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.896 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.896 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.901 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: NightDisplayTintController Animation cancelled: false to matrix: 11-22 02:55:30.901 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 min matrix coefficients: 11-22 02:55:30.901 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 max matrix coefficients: 11-22 02:55:30.901 4522 4542 D ColorDisplayService: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 11-22 02:55:30.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.907 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.907 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.910 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.910 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.915 4729 5234 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9e15f8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/38 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.915 4729 5234 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9e6248 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/36 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.915 4729 5234 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 2, evicted: 2 11-22 02:55:30.919 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.920 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.920 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.924 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9ba7e8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 9/34 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.925 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b0cf8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/34 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.925 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b5948 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/24 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.925 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b4918 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/24 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.925 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9ce958 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 9/26 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.925 4522 4840 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 5, evicted: 5 11-22 02:55:30.926 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c50598 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 12/16 (recycle/alloc) - 4/15 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.927 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4f318 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 13/15 (recycle/alloc) - 2/14 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.927 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4c038 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 10/15 (recycle/alloc) - 5/14 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.927 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c52158 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 4/11 (recycle/alloc) - 8/10 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.926 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.927 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4c288 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 8/10 (recycle/alloc) - 2/9 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.926 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.927 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4c978 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 8/10 (recycle/alloc) - 2/9 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.927 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4ee78 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 13/17 (recycle/alloc) - 4/16 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:30.928 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 7, evicted: 7 11-22 02:55:30.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.934 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.941 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.942 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.942 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.960 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.960 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.960 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.965 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.965 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.967 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.967 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.972 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:0 11-22 02:55:30.972 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Stop 11-22 02:55:30.972 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm E 11-22 02:55:30.972 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=0 11-22 02:55:30.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.974 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.974 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.982 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.982 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.983 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:30.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.990 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.990 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.992 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.992 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.992 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:30.993 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 02:55:30.993 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=29981265, mib=1 11-22 02:55:30.993 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3403, wfd_rate=0 11-22 02:55:30.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:30.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:30.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.008 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.008 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.008 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.010 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.010 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.013 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.013 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.015 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.015 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.024 4394 5718 E audio_hw_primary: normal_out_write ret:0xffffffe0 pcm:0x0xf0700010 11-22 02:55:31.025 4394 5718 W audio_hw_primary: normal_out_write warning:-32, (wait error: hw 0x18600 app 0x18d80 avail 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.025 4394 5718 W audio_hw_primary: : Broken pipe) 11-22 02:55:31.025 4394 5718 W audio_hw_primary: out_write failed 0xef141cf0 app type:0 11-22 02:55:31.025 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby enter:0xf0700010 standby:0 11-22 02:55:31.025 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea1bb010 2 960 11-22 02:55:31.026 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: get_stream_type_with_pcm_dev stream type:-1 11-22 02:55:31.026 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: start_output_stream stream type:0xffffffff 11-22 02:55:31.026 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: get_usecase_with_mdg, app_type:5, usecase:508 11-22 02:55:31.026 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_mdg_mute_unlock, usecase:8, on:1 11-22 02:55:31.027 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:0xf15ece3c 1 11-22 02:55:31.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.027 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby pcm_close:0xf0700010 11-22 02:55:31.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.027 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby pcm_close:0xf0700010 success 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:01, step:1024 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.027 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_free, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Playback 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_free release id=0 11-22 02:55:31.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_free fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 02:55:31.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_free: 7475:scene_fast_hw_free dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_shutdown: 7400:scene_fast_shutdown dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=5 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =5 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x5, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.028 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.029 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.029 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x5, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.029 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.029 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =5 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.029 5718 5718 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 02:55:31.029 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_close FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Close Playback 11-22 02:55:31.030 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 0 11-22 02:55:31.031 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.031 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.031 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.031 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.031 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.031 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.032 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 0 11-22 02:55:31.032 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.032 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.032 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.032 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.033 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.033 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.036 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.036 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.043 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:31.043 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:31.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.047 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:31.048 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1776; total tx_num:1776 11-22 02:55:31.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.053 4522 5500 I ActivityManager: com.android.localtransport is exempt from freezer 11-22 02:55:31.054 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.054 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.054 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.055 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.055 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.056 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.057 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.057 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.062 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.062 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.064 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.064 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.069 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 6132 11-22 02:55:31.070 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6132:com.android.localtransport/1000 for service {com.android.localtransport/com.android.localtransport.LocalTransportService} 11-22 02:55:31.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.074 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.074 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.076 4522 4553 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 3400644; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.078 6132 6132 I .localtransport: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 02:55:31.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.082 6132 6132 E .localtransport: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 02:55:31.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.090 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.090 4522 4904 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.097 6132 6132 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.097 6132 6132 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.103 6132 6132 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other apk /system/priv-app/LocalTransport/LocalTransport.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/LocalTransport/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.localtransport:/system/priv-app/LocalTransport:/system/lib64 11-22 02:55:31.103 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.103 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.105 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.105 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.107 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.107 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.111 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.111 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.129 6132 6132 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 02:55:31.130 6132 6132 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 02:55:31.130 6132 6132 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 02:55:31.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.130 6132 6132 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.localtransport: false 11-22 02:55:31.130 6132 6132 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.localtransport is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 02:55:31.130 6132 6132 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 02:55:31.134 4522 4904 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 6132 11-22 02:55:31.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.139 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:6916:40dd:fcde:221d/64 on ifindex 28 flags 0x00000001 scope 0 11-22 02:55:31.139 4805 5189 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated: fdbe:a1a3:5d98:0:203e:12ff:feec:6c3c/64 on ifindex 28 flags 0x00000100 scope 0 11-22 02:55:31.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.143 4522 4522 I TransportConnection: LocalTransportService#0: Notifying [TransportManager.registerTransport()] transport = BackupTransportClient 11-22 02:55:31.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.149 4522 5500 D BackupTransportManager: [UserID:0] Transport com.android.localtransport/.LocalTransportService registered 11-22 02:55:31.150 4522 5500 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Transport com.android.localtransport/.LocalTransport registered 3117ms after first request (delay = 3000ms) 11-22 02:55:31.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.154 4522 5500 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found 1 stale backup journal(s), scheduling. 11-22 02:55:31.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.155 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000 11-22 02:55:31.156 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.155 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupFuzzMilliseconds(...) returns 600000 11-22 02:55:31.155 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 1 11-22 02:55:31.155 4522 5500 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true 11-22 02:55:31.156 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.155 4522 5500 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 243 minutes 11-22 02:55:31.156 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.157 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 271850009; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.157 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.158 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.159 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:31.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.159 4522 5500 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 02:55:31.162 4522 5500 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Stale backup journals: Scheduled 13 package(s) total 11-22 02:55:31.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.179 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.191 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.191 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.194 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.194 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.196 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.196 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.201 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=3, ANA_STS1=0x7a80 11-22 02:55:31.203 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.203 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.205 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.205 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.213 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x8 usecase=0x8 off 11-22 02:55:31.213 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 02:55:31.213 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:31.213 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 02:55:31.214 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:31.214 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: vbc_iis_loop_enable:0 11-22 02:55:31.214 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:31.214 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.212 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC Off 11-22 02:55:31.212 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 02:55:31.214 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: close_all_control_unlock enter usecase:0x0 11-22 02:55:31.212 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_disable, line: 1431 11-22 02:55:31.214 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: IIS MUX OUT DEVICE :only_codec_p Route OFF 11-22 02:55:31.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 02:55:31.215 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'LEFT_HIGH' 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x2 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x0 11-22 02:55:31.215 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: BE OUT DEVICE :codec_p Route OFF 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x2, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = LEFT_HIGH 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.214 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.215 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.215 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.216 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.216 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.216 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.216 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.216 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.216 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.217 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.217 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.217 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.217 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICE :speaker Route OFF 11-22 02:55:31.217 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'normal' 11-22 02:55:31.217 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.218 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.218 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.218 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.219 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.217 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch Off 11-22 02:55:31.218 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch Off 11-22 02:55:31.218 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=3,get=8 11-22 02:55:31.218 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 4,shift=3,set=0 11-22 02:55:31.219 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'EAR' 11-22 02:55:31.218 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 4,shift=2,get=4 11-22 02:55:31.218 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 0,shift=2,set=0 11-22 02:55:31.219 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.219 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: clear_mdg_all_mute_state 11-22 02:55:31.220 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:0 11-22 02:55:31.220 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:0 11-22 02:55:31.220 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: clear_playback_param_state 11-22 02:55:31.220 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby :0xef141cf0 0 exit 11-22 02:55:31.220 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: out app_type:0 current point:3 11-22 02:55:31.219 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.221 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: time[0]:4077249040,4077249052 11-22 02:55:31.219 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.221 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: time[1]:4077249063,4077249077 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:00, step:01 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:31.221 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: time[2]:4077249088,4077249300 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.221 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: time[3]:4077249021,4077249028 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.221 4394 5718 E audio_hw_primary: out_write error 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC1_DSP mute:00, step:04 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_AP01 mute:00, step:01 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 1, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 02:55:31.220 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3667:audio hal agdsp_access_disable 11-22 02:55:31.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.232 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.235 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:31.235 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: out_write() out_write start up bytes:3840 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xecec9f10 2 960 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream usecase:8 device:0x2 flag:0x2 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x0 usecase=0x8 on 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:1 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x3 0x8 0x0 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis in,device:2 usecase:8 11-22 02:55:31.237 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES only_codec_p Route ON 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 0, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x3 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x8 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x8, 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.237 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0=WD_24BIT 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.238 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.239 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:31.239 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1777; total tx_num:1777 11-22 02:55:31.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.249 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 02:55:31.249 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX1_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 02:55:31.250 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'RIGHT_HIGH' 11-22 02:55:31.250 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC0_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 02:55:31.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.251 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC1_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 02:55:31.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1=WD_24BIT 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.251 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS0_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0' 11-22 02:55:31.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.249 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = RIGHT_HIGH 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.251 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS2_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS3_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 02:55:31.251 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis out be in,device:2 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.251 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES codec_p Route ON 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.252 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'ag_iis0_ext_sel_v1' to 'top_dac_iis' 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.250 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.252 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.252 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS2 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.252 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS3 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.251 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.252 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1: 3579:vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1, ag_iis_num=0,value=0, texts->texts[] =top_dac_iis 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.253 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.254 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.254 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route be out,device:2 11-22 02:55:31.254 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open start pcm device:3 config rate:48000 channels:2 format:0 960 0 11-22 02:55:31.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_startup: 7368:scene_fast_startup dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=4 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open end 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open devices:3 pcm:0xf0700010 48000 48000 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea1bafe8 2 960 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 5718 W audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:set the same value:0 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: select_devices_new devices 0x2, is in 0 app type:0 sync is 1,force:1 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device in device:2,is_in:0,force_set:1,actl->usecase:8,in:0,out:2 11-22 02:55:31.256 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 02:55:31.257 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:31.257 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route_unlock:2 usecase:8 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.257 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICES speaker Route ON 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_open FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Open Playback 11-22 02:55:31.257 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94122000, size=0xff0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94123000, size=0xff0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[0] =0xffffffc01f400000, rtd->dma_cfg_phy[0] =0x94122000, 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[1]=0xffffffc01f401000,rtd->dma_cfg_phy[1]=0x94123000, 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] runtime->hw.periods_max*(sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg)=4080, 11-22 02:55:31.257 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'invert' 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg) = 120, size_inout=4080 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer alloc size = 0x20000 for data 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94124000, size=0x20000 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer, sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_buffer buf->area(virt)=0xffffffc01f402000, buf->addr(phy)=0x94124000, size=131072 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] Playback rate is [48000], ivsence_dmic_type 0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7428:scene_fast_hw_params dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7451:scene_fast_hw_params data_fmt=VBC_DAT_L16, chan=2, rate =48000 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=52 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=6 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.258 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'HPL' 11-22 02:55:31.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.259 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.255 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.259 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.260 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.260 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.261 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 1 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.261 4394 4438 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_params fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [MCDT] mcdt_dac_dma_enable 1001 mcdt_dma_ap_channel=4 11-22 02:55:31.261 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] (pcm) sprd_pcm_hw_params, cpudai_id=3 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] chan=1 totsize=7680 period=3840 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] desc->src_step=4, dest_step=0 11-22 02:55:31.261 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Chan0 DMA ID=9 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] dma_buff_phys[0] 2484224000 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_params, block 3840 11-22 02:55:31.261 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device out device:2,is_in:0 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] src_dw=4, dst_dw=4 frag=0, burst:640, slave_id=9, step=4, ll_cfg_virt_addr=000000008b8f1cb7, ll_cfg_phy_addr=2484215808 ,dst_addr:1447624720, src_addr:2484224000,chan=0 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=00000000c9293a31, flag:0, chan=0 node=0 11-22 02:55:31.262 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: clear_all_vbc_dg_param_state 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=0000000062993cb8, flag:0, chan=0 node=1 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Node Size:2 11-22 02:55:31.256 5718 5718 E : [ASoC: PCM ] return 0 11-22 02:55:31.262 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VDG:Music\Handsfree\Playback volme:0 11-22 02:55:31.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.258 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 0,shift=3,get=0 11-22 02:55:31.258 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 8,shift=3,set=1 11-22 02:55:31.259 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 8,shift=2,get=0 11-22 02:55:31.262 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Apply Gain Control [VBC DAC0 DG Set. 28] 11-22 02:55:31.259 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=2,set=1 11-22 02:55:31.260 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch On 11-22 02:55:31.260 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch On 11-22 02:55:31.262 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:0 param_id:75 param_mode:47 default_mode:4b 11-22 02:55:31.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.263 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_vbc_param:75 case:0 255 255 11-22 02:55:31.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.262 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_dg_put: 601:vbc_dg_put VBC_DG_DAC0 l:28 r:28 11-22 02:55:31.264 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VBC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback play:255 dsp_case:0 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3149:vbc_profile_put dsp_vbc, value=0x474b0000, 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3151: current_offset=71, mode_max_offset=79 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2672:vbc_profile_try_apply, profile_id:1 11-22 02:55:31.264 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:4 param_id:75 param_mode:2e default_mode:4b 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2683:now_mode[1]=1196097536,mode=75, mode_offset=71 11-22 02:55:31.264 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_CODEC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback cur_codec_p_volume:255 volume:0 codec_param:0xebd8f490 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] cmd =11 sharemem_info.id = 1196097536, sharemem_info.type=1, 11-22 02:55:31.264 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param vol_index:0 out_devices:8 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] sharemem_info.phy_iram_addr=0x94381210, sharemem_info.size=0x6c4 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=11 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.264 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set dacl_playback_volume :0x3 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.263 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:31.264 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:31.264 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:31.265 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpl_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 02:55:31.264 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:31.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.265 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpr_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 02:55:31.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.265 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.267 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.267 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.270 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.270 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.285 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.293 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_enable, line: 1443 11-22 02:55:31.293 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_digital_open, line: 1455 11-22 02:55:31.293 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 02:55:31.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.299 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC On 11-22 02:55:31.299 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 02:55:31.299 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] hp_path_event, line: 1932 11-22 02:55:31.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.329 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.329 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.332 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.332 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.341 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.341 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.342 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=4, ANA_STS1=0x7a8e 11-22 02:55:31.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.367 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.367 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.393 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.404 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.419 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:31.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.424 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.424 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.426 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.426 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.430 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.430 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.432 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.432 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.434 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.434 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.450 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.450 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.452 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.452 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.476 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.476 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.481 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.488 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 1 11-22 02:55:31.488 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.492 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:31.492 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 02:55:31.492 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=30016481, mib=123093 11-22 02:55:31.492 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3403, wfd_rate=0 11-22 02:55:31.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.494 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.498 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.500 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.500 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.503 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.507 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 1 11-22 02:55:31.507 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.508 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.508 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.510 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.510 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.512 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.514 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.514 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.516 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.521 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:31.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=1 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x7, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x1, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:1 11-22 02:55:31.526 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Start 11-22 02:55:31.528 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.528 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.538 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.544 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.544 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.552 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.554 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.554 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.559 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.561 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.561 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.563 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.563 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.567 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.587 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.608 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.609 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.609 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.611 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.611 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.625 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.627 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.627 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.629 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.629 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.636 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.636 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.638 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.638 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.646 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.647 1110 1110 I : [drm] sprd_dpu_enable_vblank() 11-22 02:55:31.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.651 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.651 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.654 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.654 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.658 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.658 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.665 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.665 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.666 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.667 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.667 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.672 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b6, vaddr=0x6ed54f4000 11-22 02:55:31.672 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.672 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.673 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:31.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.678 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.678 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.682 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.682 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.687 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.691 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.691 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.693 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.693 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.698 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.698 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.704 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.704 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.706 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.706 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.708 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.708 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.708 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.711 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.711 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.713 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.713 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.716 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.716 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.719 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:31.719 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:31.719 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:31.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.724 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.734 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.734 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.734 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:31.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.742 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.742 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.745 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.751 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.751 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.755 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.761 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.761 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.765 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.763 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.763 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.767 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.767 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.770 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.770 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.772 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.772 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.774 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.774 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.774 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:31.774 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:31.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.781 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.781 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.783 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.783 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.787 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.787 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:31.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.792 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.792 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.807 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.805 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:31.805 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 02:55:31.805 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 02:55:31.805 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 02:55:31.805 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:31.805 1087 1087 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [225686]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:31.805 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:31.805 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 187 11-22 02:55:31.805 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped187,cmd_send187 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.805 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:31.806 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:31.806 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:31.806 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:31.806 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 96 71 03 00 00 6f 00 00 11-22 02:55:31.806 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 186 11-22 02:55:31.806 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:31.807 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:31.807 1087 1087 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:31.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.815 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.815 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.826 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.826 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.828 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.828 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.828 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.831 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:31.831 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:31.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.839 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:31.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.846 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.845 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.845 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.850 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.850 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.852 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.852 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.854 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.854 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.857 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.857 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.860 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.860 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.868 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.881 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.881 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.885 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.885 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.885 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.887 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=492147307 11-22 02:55:31.887 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:31.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.890 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.890 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.906 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.913 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.913 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.915 4729 5234 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9db728 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/18 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:31.915 4729 5234 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 11-22 02:55:31.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.926 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.928 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c52ce8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 5/7 (recycle/alloc) - 2/6 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:31.928 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 11-22 02:55:31.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.931 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.931 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.935 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.942 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.942 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.943 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:31.943 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:31.943 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:31.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.947 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.949 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.949 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.954 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.954 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.961 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.961 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.963 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.967 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.968 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.968 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.970 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.970 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.974 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.974 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.979 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.982 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.982 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.986 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.986 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.987 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:31.988 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.988 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.996 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:31.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:31.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:31.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.006 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.006 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.008 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.008 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.008 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.012 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.012 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.017 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.017 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.024 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.036 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_work_queue, host wakeup fw! 11-22 02:55:32.037 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 02:55:32.037 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.037 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [225918]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:32.037 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 188 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped188,cmd_send188 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.037 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.037 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:32.037 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:32.037 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 7e 72 03 00 00 70 00 00 11-22 02:55:32.037 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 187 11-22 02:55:32.037 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:32.037 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.037 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.037 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 02:55:32.038 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:32.038 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:32.038 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:32.038 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:32.038 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:32.038 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:32.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.041 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.042 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.042 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1778; total tx_num:1778 11-22 02:55:32.042 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, free_num: 1, to_free_list num: 0 11-22 02:55:32.044 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.042 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:32.043 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:32.043 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.048 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.048 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.048 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.053 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.053 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.062 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.062 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.066 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.076 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.076 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.078 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.078 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.083 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.083 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.083 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.093 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.093 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.095 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.095 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.097 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.097 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.099 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=662625173 11-22 02:55:32.099 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.104 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.105 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.111 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.111 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.125 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.145 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.151 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.155 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:32.155 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.155 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.155 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.166 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.169 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.175 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.175 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.187 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.185 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.185 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.207 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.211 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:32.211 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.213 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.213 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.221 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.228 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.241 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.241 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.243 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.245 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.245 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.250 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.250 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.254 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.254 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.259 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.265 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.267 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:32.267 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.270 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.270 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.273 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.273 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.273 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.276 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.276 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.278 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.278 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.287 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.290 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.290 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.292 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.302 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.302 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.303 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.316 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.316 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.322 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=650605218 11-22 02:55:32.322 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.326 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.325 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.337 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.337 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.346 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.346 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.346 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.348 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.348 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.356 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.356 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 02:55:32.356 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 02:55:32.356 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 02:55:32.356 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.356 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [226237]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:32.356 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.356 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 189 11-22 02:55:32.356 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped189,cmd_send189 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.356 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.357 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.357 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:32.357 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:32.357 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 bd 73 03 00 00 72 00 00 11-22 02:55:32.357 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 188 11-22 02:55:32.357 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:32.357 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.357 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.366 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.364 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.364 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.369 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.369 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.379 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=642587102 11-22 02:55:32.379 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.379 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.387 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.388 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.388 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.390 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.390 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.393 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=226276,218996 11-22 02:55:32.393 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:32.393 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.397 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.397 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.397 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=226276,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=226750 11-22 02:55:32.399 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.399 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.402 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.404 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.404 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.408 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.408 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.410 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.420 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.420 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.427 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.428 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.428 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.439 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:32.439 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.443 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.447 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:32.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.450 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.450 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.452 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.452 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.464 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.467 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.467 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.471 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.480 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.480 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.487 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.486 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.486 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.495 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=434004234 11-22 02:55:32.495 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.496 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.496 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.498 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.503 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.525 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.527 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.527 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.534 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.544 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.544 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.547 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.546 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.546 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.551 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:32.551 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:32.551 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:32.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.564 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.566 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.567 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.572 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.572 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.583 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.585 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.587 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.596 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.596 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.601 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.601 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [226482]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:32.601 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 190 11-22 02:55:32.601 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped190,cmd_send190 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.604 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.601 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.606 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.607 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:32.607 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:32.607 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 b2 74 03 00 00 73 00 00 11-22 02:55:32.607 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 189 11-22 02:55:32.607 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:32.607 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=23, rssi_mgmt=-43 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=3251, tx_time=43 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=70, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:32.607 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:32.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.608 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.608 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [226489]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:32.608 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 191 11-22 02:55:32.608 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped191,cmd_send191 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.608 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.611 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.611 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:32.611 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:32.611 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 b9 74 03 00 00 74 00 00 11-22 02:55:32.611 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 190 11-22 02:55:32.611 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:32.611 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.611 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.611 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 02:55:32.611 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -43 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 02:55:32.617 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 02:55:32.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.622 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 02:55:32.622 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps TransportInfo: , BSSID: 02:00:00:00:00:00, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, IP: /, Security type: 2, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, Wi-Fi standard: 5, RSSI: -43, Link speed: 263Mbps, Tx Link speed: 263Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 433Mbps, Rx Link speed: 58Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 433Mbps, Frequency: 5180MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 60, isUsable: true, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1, Trusted: true, Restricted: false, Ephemeral: false, OEM paid: false, OEM private: false, OSU AP: false, FQDN: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: MLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -43 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 11-22 02:55:32.622 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: Network 100 connected using transport WIFI 11-22 02:55:32.622 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 02:55:32.622 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: OnCapability : Wifi Available already true 11-22 02:55:32.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.624 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 02:55:32.627 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.627 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.627 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.629 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.629 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.634 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.634 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.636 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.639 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.641 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.641 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.643 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.647 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.643 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.645 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.651 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.651 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.651 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.651 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.651 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_work_queue, host wakeup fw! 11-22 02:55:32.652 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 02:55:32.652 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.652 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [226533]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:32.652 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 192 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped192,cmd_send192 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:32.652 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.652 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:32.652 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:32.652 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 e5 74 03 00 00 75 00 00 11-22 02:55:32.652 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 191 11-22 02:55:32.652 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:32.652 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:32.652 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:32.652 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:32.652 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:32.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.656 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:32.656 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1779; total tx_num:1779 11-22 02:55:32.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.659 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.659 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.663 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.671 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.671 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.673 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.673 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.681 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.681 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.684 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.691 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.691 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.694 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.694 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.697 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.697 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.707 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.709 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.709 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.711 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.711 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.713 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.713 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.715 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.715 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.722 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.722 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.723 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.742 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.742 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.744 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.752 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.752 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.756 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.756 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.760 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.760 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.766 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.769 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.769 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.786 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.786 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.788 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.797 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.797 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.802 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.802 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.807 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.807 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.807 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.815 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.815 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.820 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.820 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.827 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.833 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.833 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.841 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.841 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.843 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.843 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.846 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.846 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.847 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.849 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.849 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.851 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.851 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.854 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.854 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.857 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.857 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.859 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.859 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.862 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.862 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.864 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.864 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.868 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.870 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.870 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.873 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.877 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.877 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.884 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.884 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.884 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.887 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.900 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.900 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.902 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.902 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.906 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.924 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.924 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.927 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.939 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.939 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.944 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.955 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.955 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.960 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.960 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.963 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.963 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.963 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.965 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.965 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.967 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.967 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.970 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.970 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.972 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.978 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.978 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.985 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:32.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.990 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.990 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:32.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:32.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.003 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.010 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.010 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.012 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.012 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.015 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.015 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.026 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.024 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.024 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.048 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.047 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.047 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.050 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.053 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.053 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.058 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.058 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.061 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: reportOnUserCompletedEvent(0): stored=10, eligible=111 11-22 02:55:33.061 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.061 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.062 4522 4554 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.CompletedEventUser-0 11-22 02:55:33.062 4522 4554 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onCompletedEventUser 0 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.Installer 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.Installer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.powerstats.PowerStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService 11-22 02:55:33.064 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.permission.access.AccessCheckingService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.power.hint.HintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.lights.LightsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.sensorprivacy.SensorPrivacyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 11-22 02:55:33.065 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.resources.ResourcesManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.sensors.SensorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.BatteryService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.SystemConfigService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.BatteryService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.os.NativeTombstoneManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.cpu.CpuMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.BinaryTransparencyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.066 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.deviceconfig.DeviceConfigInit$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.role.RoleService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.role.RoleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.tare.InternalResourceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.alarm.AlarmManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.bluetooth.BluetoothService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.devicestate.DeviceStateManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.PinnerService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.PinnerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.067 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.logcat.LogcatManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.locales.LocaleManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.grammaticalinflection.GrammaticalInflectionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.texttospeech.TextToSpeechManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.ambientcontext.AmbientContextManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wearable.WearableSensingManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.speech.SpeechRecognitionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.searchui.SearchUiManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.smartspace.SmartspaceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.graphics.fonts.FontManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.NetworkStatsServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.069 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.ConnectivityServiceInitializer took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.location.altitude.AltitudeService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.wallpapereffectsgeneration.WallpaperEffectsGenerationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.timezonedetector.location.LocationTimeZoneManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService 11-22 02:55:33.070 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.DockObserver 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.broadcastradio.BroadcastRadioService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.DockObserver took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.071 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.companion.CompanionDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.security.AttestationVerificationManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.metrics.MediaMetricsManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.people.PeopleService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.BackgroundInstallControlService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.072 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.scheduling.RebootReadinessManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.stats.bootstrap.StatsBootstrapAtomService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.adservices.AdServicesManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.ondevicepersonalization.OnDevicePersonalizationSystemService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.tracing.TracingServiceProxy took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.selectiontoolbar.SelectionToolbarManagerService took to complete: 1ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.073 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.appsearch.AppSearchModule$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.media.MediaCommunicationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.compos.IsolatedCompilationService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6154 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.compat.overrides.AppCompatOverridesService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6153 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.healthconnect.HealthConnectManagerService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 D SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6155 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.devicelock.DeviceLockService took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 6154 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onCompletedEventUser-0_{|Unlocked|}_com.android.server.app.GameManagerService$Lifecycle took to complete: 0ms 11-22 02:55:33.074 4522 4554 V SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.CompletedEventUser-0 took to complete: 12ms 11-22 02:55:33.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.088 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.097 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.097 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.099 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.099 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.108 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.120 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.120 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.124 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.127 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.127 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.129 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.129 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.138 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.138 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.140 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.146 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.149 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:33.149 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 02:55:33.149 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=-86165510, mib=1 11-22 02:55:33.149 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3403, wfd_rate=0 11-22 02:55:33.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.165 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.165 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.167 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.168 4390 4835 D mediaserver32: Time zone APEX ICU file found: /apex/com.android.tzdata/etc/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 11-22 02:55:33.168 4390 4835 D mediaserver32: I18n APEX ICU file found: /apex/com.android.i18n/etc/icu/icudt72l.dat 11-22 02:55:33.167 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.167 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.184 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.189 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.189 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.191 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.191 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.205 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.205 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.207 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.207 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.207 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.223 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.238 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:55:33.238 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:55:33.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.247 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.250 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.250 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.252 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:33.252 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 02:55:33.252 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 02:55:33.252 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 02:55:33.252 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:33.252 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [227133]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:33.252 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:33.252 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 193 11-22 02:55:33.252 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped193,cmd_send193 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.252 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:33.253 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:33.253 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:33.253 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:33.253 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 3d 77 03 00 00 78 00 00 11-22 02:55:33.253 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 192 11-22 02:55:33.253 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:33.253 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:33.253 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:33.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.256 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.256 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.265 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.263 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.263 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.284 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.284 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.286 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.286 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.287 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.299 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.308 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.311 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.321 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10063; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:33.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.323 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.326 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.326 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.344 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.346 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.346 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.348 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.348 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.359 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.359 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.364 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.386 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.383 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.385 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.407 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.408 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.408 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.411 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.414 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.414 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.416 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.420 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.420 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.424 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.424 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.428 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.438 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.443 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.467 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.469 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.476 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.476 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.483 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.506 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.515 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.517 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.517 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.526 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.548 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.550 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.563 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.581 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.581 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.585 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.593 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.602 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.607 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.607 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.607 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.609 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.609 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.611 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.611 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.617 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: out_standby 0xef141cf0 11-22 02:55:33.617 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_output_standby 0xef141cf0 audio_app_type:0 11-22 02:55:33.617 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby enter:0xf0700010 standby:0 11-22 02:55:33.617 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea2bba38 2 960 11-22 02:55:33.617 4394 5287 E audio_hw_control: get_stream_type_with_pcm_dev stream type:-1 11-22 02:55:33.618 4394 5287 E audio_hw_control: start_output_stream stream type:0xffffffff 11-22 02:55:33.618 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: get_usecase_with_mdg, app_type:5, usecase:508 11-22 02:55:33.618 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: set_mdg_mute_unlock, usecase:8, on:1 11-22 02:55:33.618 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:0xf15ece3c 1 11-22 02:55:33.618 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby pcm_close:0xf0700010 11-22 02:55:33.618 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby pcm_close:0xf0700010 success 11-22 02:55:33.615 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:01, step:1024 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:33.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.618 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:0 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Stop 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm E 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=0 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_free, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Playback 11-22 02:55:33.618 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_free release id=0 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_free fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_free: 7475:scene_fast_hw_free dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_shutdown: 7400:scene_fast_shutdown dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=5 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =5 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x5, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x5, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =5 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 02:55:33.619 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_close FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Close Playback 11-22 02:55:33.620 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 0 11-22 02:55:33.620 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.620 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.620 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.620 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.621 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 0 11-22 02:55:33.621 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.621 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.621 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.621 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 02:55:33.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.625 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.643 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.645 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.645 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.647 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.647 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.655 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.657 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.678 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.728 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.731 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.784 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.784 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.785 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=3, ANA_STS1=0x7a80 11-22 02:55:33.786 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.786 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.789 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.789 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.791 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.793 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.793 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.796 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC Off 11-22 02:55:33.796 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 02:55:33.796 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_disable, line: 1431 11-22 02:55:33.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.796 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x4 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x4, value1: 0x0, 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = LEFT_HIGH 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:33.797 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x8 usecase=0x8 off 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: vbc_iis_loop_enable:0 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: close_all_control_unlock enter usecase:0x0 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: IIS MUX OUT DEVICE :only_codec_p Route OFF 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'LEFT_HIGH' 11-22 02:55:33.797 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: BE OUT DEVICE :codec_p Route OFF 11-22 02:55:33.798 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.798 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.798 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.798 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.799 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICE :speaker Route OFF 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'normal' 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 0 11-22 02:55:33.800 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'EAR' 11-22 02:55:33.801 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 1 11-22 02:55:33.801 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: clear_mdg_all_mute_state 11-22 02:55:33.802 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:0 11-22 02:55:33.802 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:0 11-22 02:55:33.802 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: clear_playback_param_state 11-22 02:55:33.802 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby :0xef141cf0 0 exit 11-22 02:55:33.802 4394 5287 I [Awinic]: reset done ! 11-22 02:55:33.803 4394 5287 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done! 11-22 02:55:33.800 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch Off 11-22 02:55:33.803 4394 5287 D [Awinic]: spin reset done! 11-22 02:55:33.800 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch Off 11-22 02:55:33.800 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=3,get=8 11-22 02:55:33.803 4394 5287 D [Awinic]: Reset Done ! 11-22 02:55:33.800 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 4,shift=3,set=0 11-22 02:55:33.800 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 4,shift=2,get=4 11-22 02:55:33.803 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: Awinic reset 11-22 02:55:33.800 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 0,shift=2,set=0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:00, step:01 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:33.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:33.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC1_DSP mute:00, step:04 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_AP01 mute:00, step:01 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 02:55:33.801 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 02:55:33.802 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 02:55:33.802 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 02:55:33.802 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 02:55:33.802 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 1, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 02:55:33.802 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3667:audio hal agdsp_access_disable 11-22 02:55:33.804 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.804 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.807 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.807 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.811 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.811 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.822 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.829 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.829 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.837 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.837 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.839 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.839 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.844 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.844 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.847 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.849 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.849 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.852 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.852 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.855 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.855 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.857 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.857 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.864 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.864 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.866 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.866 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.910 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.910 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.915 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.917 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.920 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.920 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.959 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.959 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.971 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.994 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:33.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:33.999 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.039 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.043 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.045 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.045 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.068 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.120 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.146 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: Test idle passed 11-22 02:55:34.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.159 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.159 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.183 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.183 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.191 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.191 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.213 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.213 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.222 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.239 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.239 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.242 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.254 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.254 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.260 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.260 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.273 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.273 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.290 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.299 4522 4531 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 580056(26MB) AllocSpace objects, 74(3064KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 16MB/65MB, paused 245us,169us total 152.163ms 11-22 02:55:34.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.305 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.307 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.307 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.312 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.315 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:34.312 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.315 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:34.315 4522 4533 W System : A resource failed to call close. 11-22 02:55:34.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.322 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.331 5944 5944 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:34.332 5944 5944 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:34.334 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 253665015; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:34.335 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10053; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:34.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.340 4522 4659 I AppsFilter: Invalidating cache: grantImplicitAccess: 10053 -> 1000 11-22 02:55:34.343 4522 4659 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:34.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.344 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.346 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.346 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.353 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.359 4522 4580 I AppsFilter: Cache invalidated while building, retrying. 11-22 02:55:34.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.367 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.367 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.369 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.369 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.379 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.382 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.388 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.391 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.395 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.395 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.397 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.397 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.400 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.400 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.402 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.402 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.408 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.408 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.410 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.410 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.461 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.461 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.467 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.467 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.478 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.478 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.498 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.501 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.591 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.670 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.674 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.674 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.676 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.676 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.681 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.681 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.684 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.689 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.697 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.697 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.700 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.705 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.707 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.710 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.710 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.715 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.715 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.720 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.720 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.722 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.722 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.729 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.748 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.748 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.751 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.751 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.753 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.756 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.756 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.758 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.761 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.761 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.770 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.770 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.777 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.783 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.789 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.798 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.860 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.866 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.866 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.868 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.903 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.903 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.904 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:34.904 770 770 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: incoming ARP packet 11-22 02:55:34.904 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:34.904 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [228785]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:34.904 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 194 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 W sprdwl_tx_work_queue: 17 callbacks suppressed 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped194,cmd_send194 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.904 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:34.905 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:34.905 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:34.905 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:34.905 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 b1 7d 03 00 00 79 00 00 11-22 02:55:34.905 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 193 11-22 02:55:34.905 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 02:55:34.905 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:34.905 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:34.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.916 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.916 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.919 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.929 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c4e098 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 93/97 (recycle/alloc) - 5/96 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:34.929 1254 1950 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 11-22 02:55:34.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.930 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.946 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.949 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.953 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.961 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.961 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.971 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.971 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.973 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.973 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.987 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:34.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:34.997 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.001 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.003 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.003 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.022 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.025 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.025 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.033 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.046 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.072 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.074 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.074 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.083 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.093 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.093 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.099 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.099 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.101 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.125 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.129 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.138 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.153 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.159 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.165 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.165 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.171 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.179 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.189 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.189 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.211 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:35.211 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:35.211 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.224 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.244 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.266 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.267 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:35.267 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.277 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.297 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.309 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.327 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=659597118 11-22 02:55:35.327 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.329 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.336 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.338 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.341 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.341 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.355 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.361 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.370 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.375 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.387 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=466278939 11-22 02:55:35.387 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.416 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.423 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.443 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.443 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:35.443 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 02:55:35.443 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.445 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.456 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.459 4390 5680 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe2281108 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 95/103 (recycle/alloc) - 8/198 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 02:55:35.459 4390 5680 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 11-22 02:55:35.458 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.461 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.461 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.480 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.480 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.496 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.496 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.500 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Scanned internal due to REASON_MOUNTED, found 225 items in 5994ms, 0 inserts 219 updates 0 deletes 11-22 02:55:35.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.503 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.518 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.519 770 770 W sprdwl_tx_msg_func: 43 callbacks suppressed 11-22 02:55:35.519 770 770 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_work_queue, host wakeup fw! 11-22 02:55:35.519 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 02:55:35.519 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.519 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [229400]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:35.519 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 195 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped195,cmd_send195 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.519 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.520 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.520 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:35.520 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:35.520 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 18 80 03 00 00 7a 00 00 11-22 02:55:35.520 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 194 11-22 02:55:35.520 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:35.520 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.520 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.520 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 02:55:35.520 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:35.520 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:35.520 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:35.520 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:35.520 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:35.520 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:35.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.523 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.524 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_mh_addr_process: out of time 2868 11-22 02:55:35.524 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1780; total tx_num:1780 11-22 02:55:35.524 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, free_num: 1, to_free_list num: 0 11-22 02:55:35.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.527 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.527 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.533 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.533 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.537 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Scanned external_primary due to REASON_MOUNTED, found 15 items in 21ms, 0 inserts 0 updates 0 deletes 11-22 02:55:35.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.536 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.539 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: End Intent { act=com.android.providers.media.action.SCAN_VOLUME (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:35.540 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Begin Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///... flg=0x5000010 cmp=com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.MediaService (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:35.540 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: Volume MediaVolume name: [external_primary] id: [emulated;0] user: [UserHandle{0}] path: [/storage/emulated/0] externallyManaged: [false] mPublicVolume: [false] already attached 11-22 02:55:35.540 5501 6046 I MediaProvider: End Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///... flg=0x5000010 cmp=com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.MediaService (has extras) } 11-22 02:55:35.542 4522 4659 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:35.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.542 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:35.543 183 183 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 02:55:35.543 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.550 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.554 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.556 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.557 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.557 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.563 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.563 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.568 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.576 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.595 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.598 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.599 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:35.599 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.600 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.607 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.614 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.614 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.617 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.617 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.619 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.619 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [229500]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:35.619 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.619 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 196 11-22 02:55:35.619 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped196,cmd_send196 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.619 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.620 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.620 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:35.620 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:35.620 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 7c 80 03 00 00 7b 00 00 11-22 02:55:35.620 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 195 11-22 02:55:35.620 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:35.620 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=21, rssi_mgmt=-44 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=4293, tx_time=59 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=83, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:35.620 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:35.621 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.621 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [229502]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:35.621 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.621 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 197 11-22 02:55:35.621 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped197,cmd_send197 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.621 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.621 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 02:55:35.621 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:35.621 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 7e 80 03 00 00 7c 00 00 11-22 02:55:35.621 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 196 11-22 02:55:35.621 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:35.621 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.621 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.621 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 02:55:35.621 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -44 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 02:55:35.625 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 02:55:35.624 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.624 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.628 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.637 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.646 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.648 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.648 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.650 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.650 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.653 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.655 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=661668873 11-22 02:55:35.655 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.658 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.658 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.659 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.661 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.661 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.672 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.672 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.690 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.690 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.699 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.699 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.701 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.701 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.703 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.703 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.706 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.706 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.708 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.708 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.711 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=645459700 11-22 02:55:35.711 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.711 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.711 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.711 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.716 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.716 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.718 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.718 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.724 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.727 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.730 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.730 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.733 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.735 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.738 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.740 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.743 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.746 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.746 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.752 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.752 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.760 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.760 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.765 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.767 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=673333507 11-22 02:55:35.767 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.776 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.776 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.778 4729 4745 W ndroid.systemui: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once) 11-22 02:55:35.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.779 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.781 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.782 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.784 4729 4745 I ndroid.systemui: Background concurrent copying GC freed 352545(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(320KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 9038KB/35MB, paused 171us,105us total 159.034ms 11-22 02:55:35.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.787 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.792 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.792 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.794 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.797 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.797 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.800 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.800 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b8, vaddr=0x6ed427f000 11-22 02:55:35.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.805 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.809 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.809 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.811 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.811 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.813 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.813 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.815 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.815 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.817 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.823 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:35.823 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.824 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.830 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.832 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.833 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.835 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.838 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.838 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 02:55:35.838 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 02:55:35.838 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 02:55:35.838 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.838 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [229719]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:35.838 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 198 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped198,cmd_send198 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:35.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.839 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:35.839 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:55:35.839 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:35.839 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 57 81 03 00 00 7e 00 00 11-22 02:55:35.839 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 197 11-22 02:55:35.839 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:35.839 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:35.839 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:35.841 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.841 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.846 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.855 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.875 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.875 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.877 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.877 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.879 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=677144697 11-22 02:55:35.879 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.883 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.885 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.892 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.894 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.905 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.909 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.912 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.934 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.934 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.937 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.939 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=606969336 11-22 02:55:35.939 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:35.939 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:35.941 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.944 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.951 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.959 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:35.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:35.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.071 183 183 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:36.071 183 183 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:36.077 4522 4571 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.05] reason changing to: 'manual [ dim ]', previous reason: 'manual'. 11-22 02:55:36.078 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.05, initBrt=0.39763778, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=50, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=manual [ dim ], autoBrightness=false, strategy=InvalidBrightnessStrategy 11-22 02:55:36.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.094 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=94 11-22 02:55:36.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.095 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.095 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.099 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.101 338 338 I servicemanager: Notifying apexservice they don't (previously: do) have clients when we now have no record of a client 11-22 02:55:36.101 5469 5469 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Process has 0 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification apexservice has clients: 0 11-22 02:55:36.101 5469 5469 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Trying to shut down the service. No clients in use for any service in process. 11-22 02:55:36.102 338 338 I servicemanager: Unregistering apexservice 11-22 02:55:36.102 338 338 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 02:55:36.102 5469 5469 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Unregistered all clients and exiting 11-22 02:55:36.103 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.107 1 1 I init : Service 'apexd' (pid 5460) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 8.532000 seconds in background 11-22 02:55:36.107 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'apexd' (pid 5460) process group... 11-22 02:55:36.107 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5460 in 0ms 11-22 02:55:36.110 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=86 11-22 02:55:36.111 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.111 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.111 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.128 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=78 11-22 02:55:36.129 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.129 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.135 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.146 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=72 11-22 02:55:36.146 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.146 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.163 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=66 11-22 02:55:36.164 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.164 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.167 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.181 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=60 11-22 02:55:36.181 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.181 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.198 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=55 11-22 02:55:36.198 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.199 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.215 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=51 11-22 02:55:36.216 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.216 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.233 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=47 11-22 02:55:36.233 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.233 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.250 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=43 11-22 02:55:36.250 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.251 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.268 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=40 11-22 02:55:36.268 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.269 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.285 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=37 11-22 02:55:36.285 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.285 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.302 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=34 11-22 02:55:36.303 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.303 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.303 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.320 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=32 11-22 02:55:36.320 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.320 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.337 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=29 11-22 02:55:36.338 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.338 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.355 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=27 11-22 02:55:36.355 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.355 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.372 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=25 11-22 02:55:36.372 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.373 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.389 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=24 11-22 02:55:36.390 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.390 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.407 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=22 11-22 02:55:36.407 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.407 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.424 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=21 11-22 02:55:36.424 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.425 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.441 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=19 11-22 02:55:36.442 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.442 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.459 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=18 11-22 02:55:36.460 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.460 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.476 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=17 11-22 02:55:36.477 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.477 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.494 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=15 11-22 02:55:36.494 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.495 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.511 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=14 11-22 02:55:36.511 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : refnotify_sleep=0 11-22 02:55:36.512 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:36.702 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:36.713 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:36.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:55:36.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:55:37.514 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=231397,218996 11-22 02:55:37.514 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:37.518 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=231397,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=231871 11-22 02:55:38.075 4522 4571 I PowerGroup: Powering off display group due to timeout (groupId= 0, uid= 1000, millisSinceLastUserActivity=10002, lastUserActivityEvent=other)... 11-22 02:55:38.076 4522 4571 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to timeout (uid 1000, screenOffTimeout=60000, activityTimeoutWM=10000, maxDimRatio=0.20000005, maxDimDur=7000)... 11-22 02:55:38.081 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c7, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=CPU_RW|GPU_RW|HWC, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=screenshot 11-22 02:55:38.082 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c7, vaddr=0x6ed58a7000 11-22 02:55:38.080 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9601024, time: 28us, pool:9601024, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:38.084 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.090 4522 4697 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c7, vaddr=0x6ea0239000 11-22 02:55:38.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.095 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.095 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.097 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.103 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.109 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.121 4729 4729 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$7.onDismissRequested:3 11-22 02:55:38.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.126 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c7, vaddr=0x6ed58a7000 11-22 02:55:38.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.132 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.139 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:38.140 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:38.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.143 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 02:55:38.143 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.143 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.150 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:38.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.156 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.156 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.158 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.161 4729 4823 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 02:55:38.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.177 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c8, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=ColorFade#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:38.177 4522 4571 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c8, vaddr=0x6e546b1000 11-22 02:55:38.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.176 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 32us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:38.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.178 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.182 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c8, vaddr=0x6ed5882000 11-22 02:55:38.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.183 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 38us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:38.184 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000c9, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=ColorFade#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:38.185 4522 4571 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c9, vaddr=0x6e3de13000 11-22 02:55:38.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.187 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c9, vaddr=0x6ed425a000 11-22 02:55:38.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.187 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.187 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.187 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 40us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 02:55:38.188 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ca, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=ColorFade#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 02:55:38.189 4522 4571 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ca, vaddr=0x6e3d4c6000 11-22 02:55:38.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.193 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ca, vaddr=0x6ed390d000 11-22 02:55:38.194 4522 4571 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.39763778] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'manual [ dim ]'. 11-22 02:55:38.194 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.39763778, initBrt=0.05, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=50, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=manual, autoBrightness=false, strategy=InvalidBrightnessStrategy 11-22 02:55:38.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.195 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c8, vaddr=0x7b416eb000 11-22 02:55:38.193 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.196 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.196 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.196 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.199 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=446983436 11-22 02:55:38.199 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.202 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.211 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000c9, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 02:55:38.212 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.228 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.246 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ca, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 02:55:38.245 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.248 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.259 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:38.259 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.261 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 02:55:38.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 02:55:38.282 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.316 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=622887331 11-22 02:55:38.316 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.317 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.371 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:38.371 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.386 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.427 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=674691894 11-22 02:55:38.427 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.435 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 02:55:38.456 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.491 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:38.491 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.491 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.559 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:38.559 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.560 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.619 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:38.619 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:38.628 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [232509]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:38.628 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 199 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.628 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.629 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped199,cmd_send199 11-22 02:55:38.629 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.629 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.629 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.634 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:38.634 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 02:55:38.634 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:38.634 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 3d 8c 03 00 00 7f 00 00 11-22 02:55:38.634 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 198 11-22 02:55:38.635 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:38.635 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=16, rssi_mgmt=-50 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=4626, tx_time=62 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=86, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:38.635 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:38.637 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:38.637 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [232518]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:38.637 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 200 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped200,cmd_send200 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.637 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:38.643 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:38.643 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 02:55:38.643 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:38.643 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 46 8c 03 00 00 80 00 00 11-22 02:55:38.643 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 199 11-22 02:55:38.643 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 02:55:38.643 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:38.643 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:38.643 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 02:55:38.643 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -50 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 02:55:38.654 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5389 com.android.carrierconfig 11-22 02:55:38.672 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Blocking screen off 11-22 02:55:38.672 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=0 11-22 02:55:38.673 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Unblocked screen off after 1 ms 11-22 02:55:38.673 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : sleep 11-22 02:55:38.673 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 02:55:38.676 4729 4729 D ProxSensor: [FalsingCollector] unregistering sensor listener 11-22 02:55:38.673 1073 1073 W [JDTP] jadard_chip_common_suspend: enter 11-22 02:55:38.674 1073 1073 W [JDTP] jadard_usb_status: Cable status update: 0x01 11-22 02:55:38.676 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[77], enabled[0] 11-22 02:55:38.674 1073 1073 W : [JDTP] irq_enable = 0 11-22 02:55:38.674 1073 1073 W [JDTP] jadard_chip_common_suspend: end 11-22 02:55:38.676 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.675 1073 1073 W [JDTP] ts_suspend_store: ts->suspended = 1. 11-22 02:55:38.675 145 145 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 02:55:38.675 145 145 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 02:55:38.676 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=77 0 11-22 02:55:38.676 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 77, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:38.677 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.677 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[58], enabled[0] 11-22 02:55:38.677 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=58 0 11-22 02:55:38.677 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 58, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:38.682 4522 4571 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 11-22 02:55:38.680 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 02:55:38.682 4522 4571 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the DisplayBrightnessStrategy from InvalidBrightnessStrategy toScreenOffBrightnessStrategy for display 0 11-22 02:55:38.684 4522 4571 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.0] reason changing to: 'screen_off', previous reason: 'manual'. 11-22 02:55:38.684 4522 4659 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ca, vaddr=0x6e3d4c6000 11-22 02:55:38.684 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.0, initBrt=0.39763778, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=50, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=screen_off, autoBrightness=false, strategy=ScreenOffBrightnessStrategy 11-22 02:55:38.685 4392 4392 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 0 on display 0 11-22 02:55:38.685 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-22 02:55:38.685 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_connector_best_encoder() 11-22 02:55:38.685 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_connector_best_encoder() 11-22 02:55:38.685 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_encoder_atomic_check() 11-22 02:55:38.687 4522 4542 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0, isActive: false 11-22 02:55:38.688 4522 4619 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=DISPLAY_INFO 11-22 02:55:38.688 4522 4619 I InputReader: Disabling hall_input (device 4) because the associated viewport is not active 11-22 02:55:38.688 4522 4619 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=4, name='hall_input', size 1201x2001, orientation 0, mode 0, display id 0 11-22 02:55:38.688 4522 4619 I InputReader: Disabling hall_input (device 4) because the associated viewport is not active 11-22 02:55:38.688 4522 4619 I InputReader: Disabling hall_input (device 4) because the associated viewport is not active 11-22 02:55:38.691 4522 4543 W SurfaceControl: Invalid layer stack -1 11-22 02:55:38.691 4522 4543 I DisplayDevice: [0] Layerstack set to -1 for local:0 11-22 02:55:38.694 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_encoder_disable() 11-22 02:55:38.711 1112 1112 I : [drm][ dpu_stop] dpu stop 11-22 02:55:38.711 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dpu_disable_vblank() 11-22 02:55:38.711 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_panel_disable() 11-22 02:55:38.763 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.763 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.765 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.766 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.766 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.766 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.766 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.766 4932 4950 W System : A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 11-22 02:55:38.859 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_panel_unprepare() 11-22 02:55:38.867 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5536 com.android.quicksearchbox 11-22 02:55:38.890 1061 1112 D SPRDHWComposer: Excessive delay in drm_blank(): 204ms 11-22 02:55:38.890 4392 4392 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 0 on display 0 11-22 02:55:38.889 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dpu_atomic_disable() 11-22 02:55:38.891 4522 4689 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter power_set_interactive: 0 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 E PowerHAL: scene_id_to_string(2147418163, 0) fail 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter screen_off scene bgn### 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/schedutil/freq_margin: 0 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter screen_off scene end### 11-22 02:55:38.892 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-22 02:55:38.892 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Exit power_set_interactive: 0 11-22 02:55:38.895 4522 4913 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c8, vaddr=0x6e546b1000 11-22 02:55:38.895 811 3390 E android.system.suspend-service: Autosuspend already started. 11-22 02:55:38.896 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ca, vaddr=0x6ed390d000 11-22 02:55:38.897 4522 4571 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-22 02:55:38.898 4522 4571 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-22 02:55:38.899 4522 4539 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isPreviewMode=false, canDoze=true, userId=0, reason='power manager request' 11-22 02:55:38.904 4729 4729 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$7.onDismissRequested:3 11-22 02:55:38.904 4522 4539 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs 11-22 02:55:38.928 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: false 11-22 02:55:38.935 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: false 11-22 02:55:38.947 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.948 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.949 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.949 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.951 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.952 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.952 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.952 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:38.966 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[75], flags[0], period_ns[1000000], timeout[0] 11-22 02:55:38.966 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[75], enabled[1] 11-22 02:55:38.966 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=75 0 1000 0 11-22 02:55:38.966 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 75, rate = 1000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 02:55:38.967 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=75 1 11-22 02:55:38.967 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 75, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:38.973 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[73], flags[0], period_ns[1000000], timeout[0] 11-22 02:55:38.973 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[73], enabled[1] 11-22 02:55:38.973 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=73 0 1000 0 11-22 02:55:38.973 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 73, rate = 1000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 02:55:38.973 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=73 1 11-22 02:55:38.973 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 73, enabled = 1 11-22 02:55:38.980 4394 5287 I audio_hw_ext: ext_contrtol_process:screen_state=off 11-22 02:55:38.985 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[1], enabled[0] 11-22 02:55:38.986 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 11-22 02:55:38.986 4522 4522 I PowerManagerService: onFlip(): Face up. 11-22 02:55:38.986 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, enabled = 0 11-22 02:55:38.992 5292 5292 D QnsTimer: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 11-22 02:55:38.993 5292 5364 D QnsTimer: No timers are pending to run 11-22 02:55:39.006 4729 4729 D SbStateController: setIsDreaming:true 11-22 02:55:39.008 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.009 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.009 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.009 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.014 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.014 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.014 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.015 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 02:55:39.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:39.018 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [232899]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:39.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 201 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped201,cmd_send201 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.018 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.024 4729 4729 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: screen_off from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$7.onScreenOff:4 11-22 02:55:39.024 4729 4729 D vol.VolumeDialogImpl: dismissH: skipping dismiss because isAnimatingDismiss is true and showingStateInconsistent is false 11-22 02:55:39.024 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:39.024 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 02:55:39.024 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:39.024 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 c3 8d 03 00 00 81 00 00 11-22 02:55:39.024 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 200 11-22 02:55:39.024 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:55:39.024 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=2, rssi_mgmt=-50 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=4626, tx_time=62 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=86, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:55:39.024 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:55:39.026 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_power_save: set suspend mode,value : 1 11-22 02:55:39.026 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 1, status: 1 11-22 02:55:39.026 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:39.026 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [232907]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:39.026 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 202 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped202,cmd_send202 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.026 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:39.032 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:39.032 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 02:55:39.033 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:39.033 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 cb 8d 03 00 00 82 00 00 11-22 02:55:39.033 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 201 11-22 02:55:39.033 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:39.033 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:39.033 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:39.383 4522 4580 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{971c154 com.android.microdroid.empty_payload/10115} -> PackageSetting{94f18fd com.android.rkpdapp/10123} BLOCKED 11-22 02:55:39.384 4522 4580 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[PackageManager,5,main] 11-22 02:55:39.390 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:39.391 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 262645982; UID 10123; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:39.408 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onPackageModified: com.android.rkpdapp 11-22 02:55:39.409 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 11-22 02:55:39.409 4932 4932 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 11-22 02:55:39.412 4729 4729 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: ServiceConfig reloaded, count: 0 11-22 02:55:39.414 4522 4619 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS 11-22 02:55:39.416 4522 4553 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[android.bg,5,main] 11-22 02:55:39.419 4522 4553 W VoiceInteractionManager: no available voice recognition services found for user 0 11-22 02:55:39.421 5330 5343 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for uid 10123 11-22 02:55:39.443 4932 5273 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.android.rkpdapp 11-22 02:55:39.507 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10110; state: ENABLED 11-22 02:55:39.612 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 6049 com.android.externalstorage 11-22 02:55:39.869 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'idmap2d' (pid 4589) process group... 11-22 02:55:39.873 4522 5216 W OverlayManager: service 'idmap' died 11-22 02:55:39.875 812 4769 I keystore2: system/security/keystore2/src/watchdog.rs:319 - Watchdog thread idle -> terminating. Have a great day. 11-22 02:55:39.875 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 4589 in 6ms 11-22 02:55:39.877 1 1 I init : Control message: Processed ctl.stop for 'idmap2d' from pid: 4522 (system_server) 11-22 02:55:39.878 1 1 I init : Service 'idmap2d' (pid 4589) received signal 9 11-22 02:55:40.323 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:275, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:55:40.323 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 275 11-22 02:55:40.324 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:55:40.325 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 267, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:55:40.328 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:55:40.329 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4323000, vbat_avg: 4312000, OCV: 4259644, ibat: 337000, ibat_avg: 267000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4844000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 276, Tbatt: 276, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 229, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:55:40.329 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:55:40.579 0 0 W : c4 [ C4] sc2355 sprd-wlan:lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_work_queue, host wakeup fw! 11-22 02:55:40.580 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 02:55:40.580 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:40.580 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [234461]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:40.580 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 203 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped203,cmd_send203 11-22 02:55:40.580 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.581 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.587 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:40.587 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 02:55:40.587 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:40.587 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 dd 93 03 00 00 83 00 00 11-22 02:55:40.587 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 202 11-22 02:55:40.588 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:40.588 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:40.588 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:40.588 142 142 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 02:55:40.588 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:40.588 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:40.588 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=1, total=1 11-22 02:55:40.588 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=1 11-22 02:55:40.588 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 02:55:40.588 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 1 11-22 02:55:40.593 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.51ms> 11-22 02:55:40.594 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(4, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.17ms> 11-22 02:55:40.590 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:40.593 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 02:55:40.593 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_mh_addr_process: out of time 5068 11-22 02:55:40.594 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1781; total tx_num:1781 11-22 02:55:40.594 142 142 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, free_num: 1, to_free_list num: 0 11-22 02:55:40.595 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, retrans_time_ms, 750) <0.17ms> 11-22 02:55:40.595 4391 4391 I netd : setProcSysNet(6, 2, wlan0, ucast_solicit, 10) <0.08ms> 11-22 02:55:40.890 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:40.891 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 02:55:40.891 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 02:55:40.891 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 02:55:40.891 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:40.891 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [234772]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:40.891 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 204 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped204,cmd_send204 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.892 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:55:40.894 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:55:40.894 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 02:55:40.894 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:55:40.894 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 14 95 03 00 00 85 00 00 11-22 02:55:40.894 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 203 11-22 02:55:40.894 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 02:55:40.894 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:55:40.894 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:55:42.634 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=236517,218996 11-22 02:55:42.634 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:42.639 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=236517,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=236991 11-22 02:55:43.188 1240 1240 W uniber : CPUs balance changed 11-22 02:55:43.190 1240 1240 W uniber : ACTION_RESET triggered 11-22 02:55:43.331 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5564 com.android.printspooler 11-22 02:55:44.163 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4342520, ibat_avg = 126400, offset = 100000 11-22 02:55:44.163 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4342520] 11-22 02:55:44.631 4522 4554 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{d9d8425 u0 me.phh.treble.app/.EntryService} 11-22 02:55:44.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:55:44.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:55:45.187 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:55:45.187 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30302819, cur_clbcnt = 30302802, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 0, Tbat = 276, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:55:46.965 4952 4974 W ndroid.settings: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once) 11-22 02:55:46.984 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c8, vaddr=0x6ed5882000 11-22 02:55:47.235 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4343640, ibat_avg = 182000, offset = 100000 11-22 02:55:47.235 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4343640] 11-22 02:55:47.754 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=241637,218996 11-22 02:55:47.754 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:47.759 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=241637,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=242111 11-22 02:55:47.860 4522 4597 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:47.862 4522 4597 W BroadcastLoopers: Found previously unknown looper Thread[appscheduling.default,5,main] 11-22 02:55:48.035 4522 4685 I SdkSandboxManager: Reconciling sdk data package directories for 0 11-22 02:55:48.257 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:55:48.257 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:55:50.307 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4345220, ibat_avg = 261800, offset = 100000 11-22 02:55:50.307 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4345220] 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-9-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 10 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-3-8-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 75 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] XP8äÿÿÿXP8äÿÿÿ is awake, awake_cnt = 17 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] H is awake, awake_cnt = 1688 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-3-5-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 26 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-5-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 16 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-3-12-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 659 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-21-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 9 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-5-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 21 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-4-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 257 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-2-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 39 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-1-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 250 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awa 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-6-22-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 62 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-6-4-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 9 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-6-4-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 7 11-22 02:55:52.867 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:55:52.873 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=246757,218996 11-22 02:55:52.873 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:52.878 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=246757,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=247231 11-22 02:55:52.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:55:52.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:55:53.379 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4346300, ibat_avg = 315400, offset = 100000 11-22 02:55:53.379 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4346300] 11-22 02:55:55.428 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:276, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:55:55.428 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 276 11-22 02:55:55.428 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 325, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:55:55.430 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:55:55.433 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:55:55.433 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4323000, vbat_avg: 4323000, OCV: 4262276, ibat: 323000, ibat_avg: 325000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4857000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 244, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:55:55.433 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:55:56.491 4522 4858 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:55:57.994 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=251877,218996 11-22 02:55:57.994 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:55:57.999 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=251877,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=252351 11-22 02:55:58.311 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5587 com.android.traceur 11-22 02:55:58.401 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5653 com.sprd.logmanager 11-22 02:55:58.579 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5128 com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module 11-22 02:55:58.653 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5730 com.android.calendar 11-22 02:55:58.781 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5762 com.android.camera2 11-22 02:55:58.897 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5792 com.android.imsserviceentitlement 11-22 02:55:58.948 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5820 com.android.contacts 11-22 02:55:59.018 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5855 com.android.inputmethod.latin 11-22 02:55:59.137 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5911 com.android.messaging 11-22 02:55:59.229 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5944 com.android.providers.calendar 11-22 02:55:59.286 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5961 com.android.rkpdapp 11-22 02:55:59.487 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 6007 com.android.statementservice 11-22 02:55:59.650 6023 6077 D PHH : Checking IMS status org.codeaurora.ims persist.sys.phh.ims.caf 11-22 02:55:59.754 6023 6077 D PHH : CAF IMS false installed 11-22 02:55:59.780 6023 6077 D PHH : Checking IMS status com.shannon.imsservice persist.sys.phh.ims.sec 11-22 02:55:59.880 6023 6077 D PHH : CAF IMS false installed 11-22 02:56:00.291 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:56:00.291 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30302819, cur_clbcnt = 30309339, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:56:00.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:00.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:01.880 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4323 t=27.7 h=2 st=2 c=322000 fc=6346000 cc=887 chg=u 11-22 02:56:01.898 4729 6195 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 02:56:03.114 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=256997,218996 11-22 02:56:03.114 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:03.119 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=256997,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=257471 11-22 02:56:03.275 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:56:03.275 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:56:06.525 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5330 com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:56:08.234 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=262117,218996 11-22 02:56:08.234 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:08.239 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=262117,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=262591 11-22 02:56:08.810 1 1 I init : Service 'phh_on_boot' (pid 5666) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 40.432999 seconds in background 11-22 02:56:08.810 1 1 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'phh_on_boot' (pid 5666) process group... 11-22 02:56:08.811 1 1 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 5666 in 0ms 11-22 02:56:08.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:08.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:10.531 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:56:10.531 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:56:10.533 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:56:10.535 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 319, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:56:10.538 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:56:10.541 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4323000, OCV: 4264028, ibat: 319000, ibat_avg: 319000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 259, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:56:10.541 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: Hit PackageManager exception 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: No module info for package: com.android.wifi 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getModuleInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:1190) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiHealthMonitor.getWifiStackVersion(WifiHealthMonitor.java:367) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiHealthMonitor.extractCurrentSoftwareBuildInfo(WifiHealthMonitor.java:588) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiHealthMonitor.postBootSwBuildCheck(WifiHealthMonitor.java:523) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiHealthMonitor.postBootDetectionHandler(WifiHealthMonitor.java:514) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiHealthMonitor.-$$Nest$mpostBootDetectionHandler(WifiHealthMonitor.java:0) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiHealthMonitor$2.onAlarm(WifiHealthMonitor.java:190) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper.run(AlarmManager.java:375) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at com.android.server.wifi.RunnerHandler.dispatchMessage(RunnerHandler.java:122) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 02:56:11.312 4522 4636 E WifiHealthMonitor: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 02:56:11.341 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.09ms> 11-22 02:56:11.346 4391 4391 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(2097152) <0.49ms> 11-22 02:56:13.354 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=267236,218996 11-22 02:56:13.354 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:13.359 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=267236,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=267711 11-22 02:56:15.395 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:56:15.395 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30302819, cur_clbcnt = 30315927, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:56:16.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:16.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:18.294 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:56:18.294 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:56:18.474 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=272356,218996 11-22 02:56:18.474 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:18.479 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=272356,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=272831 11-22 02:56:23.593 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=277476,218996 11-22 02:56:23.593 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:23.598 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=277476,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=277950 11-22 02:56:24.390 4522 4694 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 5330 com.android.permissioncontroller for 6 11-22 02:56:24.392 4522 4694 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:56:24.407 5330 5342 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for user 0 11-22 02:56:24.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:24.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:25.636 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:56:25.636 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:56:25.637 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:56:25.637 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 02:56:25.637 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30302819, cur_clbcnt = 30322224, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:56:25.638 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:56:25.640 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4264968, ibat: 314000, ibat_avg: 315000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4857000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 274, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:56:25.640 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:56:28.011 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:56:28.011 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [281892]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:56:28.011 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 205 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped205,cmd_send205 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.011 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 02:56:28.017 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 02:56:28.018 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 02:56:28.018 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 02:56:28.018 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 24 4d 04 00 00 86 00 00 11-22 02:56:28.018 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 204 11-22 02:56:28.018 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 02:56:28.018 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=240, rssi_mgmt=-49 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=5205, tx_time=68 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=93, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 02:56:28.018 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 02:56:28.021 4522 4561 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading Bluetooth stats: 9 11-22 02:56:28.043 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.03ms> 11-22 02:56:28.714 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=282597,218996 11-22 02:56:28.714 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:28.719 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=282597,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=283071 11-22 02:56:30.499 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:56:30.499 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30322224, cur_clbcnt = 30322224, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:56:32.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:32.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:33.329 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:56:33.329 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:56:33.834 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=287717,218996 11-22 02:56:33.834 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:33.839 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=287717,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=288191 11-22 02:56:34.592 4522 4694 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 11-22 02:56:38.954 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=292837,218996 11-22 02:56:38.954 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:38.959 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=292837,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=293311 11-22 02:56:40.739 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:56:40.739 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:56:40.740 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:56:40.741 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 311, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:56:40.742 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:56:40.744 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4265532, ibat: 311000, ibat_avg: 311000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 289, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:56:40.744 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:56:40.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:40.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:44.074 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=297956,218996 11-22 02:56:44.074 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:44.079 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=297956,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=298431 11-22 02:56:44.645 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5330 com.android.permissioncontroller 11-22 02:56:44.079 183 183 I WCN BASE: loopcheck(26) 2023-11-21_17:56:44.79199906 11-22 02:56:45.603 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:56:45.603 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30322224, cur_clbcnt = 30328419, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:56:48.331 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:56:48.331 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:56:48.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:48.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:49.193 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=303076,218996 11-22 02:56:49.193 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:49.199 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=303076,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=303551 11-22 02:56:54.307 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 667 11-22 02:56:54.307 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-4-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 265 11-22 02:56:54.307 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:56:54.307 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 37 11-22 02:56:54.307 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 27 11-22 02:56:54.307 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:56:54.314 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=308197,218996 11-22 02:56:54.314 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:54.319 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=308197,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=308671 11-22 02:56:55.843 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:56:55.843 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:56:55.844 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:56:55.845 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 309, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:56:55.848 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:56:55.850 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4266096, ibat: 308000, ibat_avg: 309000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4857000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 304, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:56:55.850 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:56:56.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:56:56.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:56:59.433 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=313316,218996 11-22 02:56:59.433 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:56:59.438 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=313316,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=313790 11-22 02:57:00.707 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:57:00.707 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30322224, cur_clbcnt = 30334566, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:57:01.880 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=27.7 h=2 st=2 c=310000 fc=6346000 cc=888 chg=u 11-22 02:57:01.895 4729 6201 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 02:57:03.350 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:57:03.350 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:57:04.554 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=318437,218996 11-22 02:57:04.554 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:04.559 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=318437,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=318911 11-22 02:57:04.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:04.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:09.674 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=323557,218996 11-22 02:57:09.674 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:09.679 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=323557,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=324031 11-22 02:57:10.947 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:57:10.947 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:57:10.948 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:57:10.949 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 02:57:10.949 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30322224, cur_clbcnt = 30340865, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:57:10.951 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:57:10.953 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4266848, ibat: 304000, ibat_avg: 304000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4844000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 319, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:57:10.953 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:57:12.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:12.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:14.794 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=328676,218996 11-22 02:57:14.794 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:14.799 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=328676,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=329151 11-22 02:57:15.811 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:57:15.811 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30340865, cur_clbcnt = 30340865, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:57:18.386 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:57:18.386 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:57:19.914 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=333797,218996 11-22 02:57:19.914 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:19.919 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=333797,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=334271 11-22 02:57:20.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:20.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:25.034 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=338917,218996 11-22 02:57:25.034 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:25.039 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=338917,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=339391 11-22 02:57:26.051 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:57:26.052 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:57:26.052 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 302, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:57:26.054 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:57:26.055 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:57:26.056 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4323000, OCV: 4267224, ibat: 302000, ibat_avg: 302000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 334, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:57:26.057 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:57:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:30.154 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=344037,218996 11-22 02:57:30.154 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:30.159 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=344037,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=344511 11-22 02:57:30.915 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:57:30.915 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30340865, cur_clbcnt = 30346895, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:57:33.388 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:57:33.388 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:57:35.273 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=349157,218996 11-22 02:57:35.274 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:35.278 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=349157,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=349631 11-22 02:57:36.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:36.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:40.394 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=354276,218996 11-22 02:57:40.394 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:40.399 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=354276,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=354751 11-22 02:57:41.155 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:57:41.155 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:57:41.156 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:57:41.157 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 300, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:57:41.158 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:57:41.160 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4267788, ibat: 299000, ibat_avg: 300000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 277, Tbatt: 277, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 350, tperiod: 16 11-22 02:57:41.160 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:57:44.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:44.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:45.514 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=359397,218996 11-22 02:57:45.514 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:45.519 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=359397,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=359871 11-22 02:57:46.019 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:57:46.019 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30340865, cur_clbcnt = 30352887, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:57:48.406 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:57:48.406 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:57:50.633 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=364516,218996 11-22 02:57:50.633 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:50.638 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=364516,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=364990 11-22 02:57:52.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:57:52.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:57:53.187 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4345980, ibat_avg = 299800, offset = 100000 11-22 02:57:53.187 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4345980] 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 49 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 39 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 672 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-4-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 269 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 68 11-22 02:57:55.747 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:57:55.754 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=369637,218996 11-22 02:57:55.754 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:57:55.759 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=369637,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=370111 11-22 02:57:56.259 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 02:57:56.259 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30340865, cur_clbcnt = 30358827, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 277, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:57:56.260 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:277, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:57:56.260 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 277 11-22 02:57:56.261 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:57:56.262 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:57:56.263 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4267976, ibat: 298000, ibat_avg: 298000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 276, Tbatt: 276, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 365, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:57:56.263 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:58:00.873 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=374756,218996 11-22 02:58:00.873 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:00.878 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=374756,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=375231 11-22 02:58:00.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:00.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:01.123 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:58:01.123 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30358827, cur_clbcnt = 30358827, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 276, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:58:01.879 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=27.6 h=2 st=2 c=298000 fc=6346000 cc=890 chg=u 11-22 02:58:01.893 4729 6204 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 02:58:03.440 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:58:03.440 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:58:05.993 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=379876,218996 11-22 02:58:05.993 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:05.998 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=379876,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=380350 11-22 02:58:08.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:08.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:11.114 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=384996,218996 11-22 02:58:11.114 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:11.119 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=384996,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=385471 11-22 02:58:11.363 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:276, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:58:11.364 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 276 11-22 02:58:11.364 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 295, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:58:11.365 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:58:11.367 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:58:11.367 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4323000, OCV: 4268352, ibat: 296000, ibat_avg: 295000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 275, Tbatt: 275, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 380, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:58:11.367 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:58:16.227 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:58:16.227 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30358827, cur_clbcnt = 30364720, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 275, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:58:16.234 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=390116,218996 11-22 02:58:16.234 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:16.239 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=390116,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=390591 11-22 02:58:16.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:16.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:18.442 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:58:18.442 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:58:21.354 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=395236,218996 11-22 02:58:21.354 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:21.359 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=395236,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=395711 11-22 02:58:24.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:24.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:26.467 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:275, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:58:26.467 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 275 11-22 02:58:26.468 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:58:26.469 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 294, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:58:26.471 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:58:26.473 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=400357,218996 11-22 02:58:26.474 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:26.474 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4268916, ibat: 293000, ibat_avg: 294000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 275, Tbatt: 275, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 395, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:58:26.474 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:58:26.479 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=400357,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=400831 11-22 02:58:31.331 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:58:31.331 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30358827, cur_clbcnt = 30370768, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 275, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:58:31.594 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=405477,218996 11-22 02:58:31.594 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:31.599 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=405477,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=405951 11-22 02:58:32.934 612 612 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:32.934 612 612 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:33.461 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:58:33.461 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:58:36.714 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=410596,218996 11-22 02:58:36.714 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:36.719 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=410596,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=411071 11-22 02:58:39.266 1295 1295 I adbd : UsbFfs: offline 11-22 02:58:39.267 1295 1295 I adbd : authentication not required 11-22 02:58:40.934 612 612 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:40.934 612 612 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:41.572 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 02:58:41.572 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30358827, cur_clbcnt = 30376612, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 275, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:58:41.572 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:275, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:58:41.572 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 275 11-22 02:58:41.573 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:58:41.573 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:58:41.575 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4268540, ibat: 295000, ibat_avg: 295000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 274, Tbatt: 274, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 410, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:58:41.575 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:58:41.833 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=415716,218996 11-22 02:58:41.834 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:41.839 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=415716,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=416191 11-22 02:58:46.435 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:58:46.435 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30376612, cur_clbcnt = 30376612, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 274, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:58:46.954 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=420836,218996 11-22 02:58:46.954 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:46.959 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=420836,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=421311 11-22 02:58:48.496 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:58:48.496 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:58:48.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:48.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:52.074 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=425957,218996 11-22 02:58:52.074 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:52.079 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=425957,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=426431 11-22 02:58:52.079 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: loopcheck(51) 2023-11-21_17:58:52.79673622 11-22 02:58:56.675 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:274, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:58:56.675 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 274 11-22 02:58:56.677 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:58:56.678 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 292, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:58:56.681 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:58:56.684 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4268623, ibat: 293000, ibat_avg: 292000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 274, Tbatt: 274, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 425, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:58:56.684 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:58:56.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:58:56.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:58:57.187 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 673 11-22 02:58:57.187 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 69 11-22 02:58:57.187 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:58:57.187 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 61 11-22 02:58:57.187 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 51 11-22 02:58:57.187 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:58:57.194 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=431077,218996 11-22 02:58:57.194 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:58:57.199 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=431077,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=431551 11-22 02:59:01.539 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:59:01.539 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30376612, cur_clbcnt = 30382419, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 274, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:59:01.880 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=27.4 h=2 st=2 c=290000 fc=6346000 cc=891 chg=u 11-22 02:59:01.895 4729 6205 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 02:59:02.313 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=436196,218996 11-22 02:59:02.313 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:02.318 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=436196,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=436670 11-22 02:59:03.498 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:59:03.498 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:59:04.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:04.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:07.433 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=441316,218996 11-22 02:59:07.433 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:07.438 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=441316,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=441790 11-22 02:59:11.779 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:274, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:59:11.779 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 274 11-22 02:59:11.779 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 289, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:59:11.781 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:59:11.783 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:59:11.783 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4323000, OCV: 4269190, ibat: 290000, ibat_avg: 289000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 273, Tbatt: 273, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 440, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:59:11.783 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:59:12.553 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=446437,218996 11-22 02:59:12.553 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:12.558 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=446437,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=446911 11-22 02:59:12.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:12.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:16.643 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:59:16.643 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30376612, cur_clbcnt = 30388169, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 273, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:59:17.673 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=451557,218996 11-22 02:59:17.673 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:17.678 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=451557,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=452031 11-22 02:59:18.517 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:59:18.517 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:59:20.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:20.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:22.793 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=456677,218996 11-22 02:59:22.793 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:22.798 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=456677,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=457151 11-22 02:59:26.884 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 02:59:26.884 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30376612, cur_clbcnt = 30393884, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 273, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:59:26.886 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:273, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:59:26.886 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 273 11-22 02:59:26.886 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:59:26.889 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:59:26.890 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4270135, ibat: 285000, ibat_avg: 286000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4857000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 273, Tbatt: 273, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 455, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:59:26.890 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:59:27.914 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=461797,218996 11-22 02:59:27.914 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:27.919 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=461797,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=462271 11-22 02:59:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:31.747 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:59:31.747 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30393884, cur_clbcnt = 30393884, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 273, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:59:33.034 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=466917,218996 11-22 02:59:33.034 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:33.039 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=466917,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=467391 11-22 02:59:33.552 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:59:33.552 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:59:36.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:36.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:38.153 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=472037,218996 11-22 02:59:38.154 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:38.158 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=472037,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=472511 11-22 02:59:41.988 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:273, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:59:41.988 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 273 11-22 02:59:41.988 6203 6203 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 284, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:59:41.990 6203 6203 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:59:41.991 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:59:41.993 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4270324, ibat: 284000, ibat_avg: 284000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4778000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 272, Tbatt: 272, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 470, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:59:41.993 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:59:43.274 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=477156,218996 11-22 02:59:43.274 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:43.279 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=477156,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=477631 11-22 02:59:44.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:44.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:46.851 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 02:59:46.851 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30393884, cur_clbcnt = 30399747, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 272, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 02:59:48.393 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=482276,218996 11-22 02:59:48.394 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:48.399 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=482276,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=482751 11-22 02:59:48.554 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 02:59:48.554 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 02:59:52.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 02:59:52.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 02:59:53.513 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=487396,218996 11-22 02:59:53.514 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:53.518 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=487396,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=487871 11-22 02:59:57.091 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:272, jeita_size:4 11-22 02:59:57.091 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 272 11-22 02:59:57.092 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 02:59:57.093 6203 6203 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 283, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 02:59:57.093 6203 6203 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 02:59:57.097 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4270702, ibat: 282000, ibat_avg: 283000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 272, Tbatt: 272, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 485, tperiod: 15 11-22 02:59:57.097 6203 6203 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 02:59:58.627 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 73 11-22 02:59:58.627 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 63 11-22 02:59:58.627 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:59:58.627 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 677 11-22 02:59:58.627 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-4-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 273 11-22 02:59:58.627 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 02:59:58.634 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=492516,218996 11-22 02:59:58.634 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 02:59:58.639 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=492516,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=492991 11-22 03:00:00.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:00.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:01.880 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=27.2 h=2 st=2 c=281000 fc=6346000 cc=892 chg=u 11-22 03:00:01.895 4729 6206 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:00:01.955 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:00:01.955 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30393884, cur_clbcnt = 30405388, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 272, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:00:03.573 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:00:03.573 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:00:03.753 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=497636,218996 11-22 03:00:03.753 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:03.758 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=497636,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=498110 11-22 03:00:08.874 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=502757,218996 11-22 03:00:08.874 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:08.879 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=502757,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=503231 11-22 03:00:08.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:08.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:09.747 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 03:00:12.195 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:272, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:00:12.195 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 272 11-22 03:00:12.196 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:00:12.196 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:00:12.196 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30393884, cur_clbcnt = 30410986, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 272, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:00:12.198 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:00:12.199 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4270702, ibat: 282000, ibat_avg: 281000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 271, Tbatt: 271, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 501, tperiod: 16 11-22 03:00:12.199 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:00:13.994 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=507876,218996 11-22 03:00:13.994 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:13.999 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=507876,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=508351 11-22 03:00:16.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:16.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:17.059 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:00:17.059 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30410986, cur_clbcnt = 30410986, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 271, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:00:17.065 4522 4522 I ResourceTimer: GetResourceValue count=1608 pvalues=5000,26000,31000,66000 11-22 03:00:17.067 4522 4522 I ResourceTimer: RetrieveAttributes count=274 pvalues=2000,8000,15000,29000 11-22 03:00:18.608 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:00:18.608 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:00:19.114 145 145 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=512997,218996 11-22 03:00:19.114 145 145 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:19.119 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=512997,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=513471 11-22 03:00:24.234 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=518117,218996 11-22 03:00:24.234 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:24.239 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=518117,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=518591 11-22 03:00:24.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:24.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:27.299 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:271, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:00:27.299 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 271 11-22 03:00:27.300 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:00:27.301 145 145 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 278, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:00:27.303 145 145 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:00:27.306 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4271458, ibat: 278000, ibat_avg: 278000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 271, Tbatt: 271, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 516, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:00:27.306 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:00:29.354 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=523237,218996 11-22 03:00:29.354 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:29.359 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=523237,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=523711 11-22 03:00:30.381 6106 6106 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 03:00:30.381 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_work_queue, host wakeup fw! 11-22 03:00:30.381 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 03:00:30.381 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:30.381 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [524262]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:30.381 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:00:30.381 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 206 11-22 03:00:30.381 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.381 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.381 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.381 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped206,cmd_send206 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.382 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.383 6106 6106 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=2,tx data num:2 11-22 03:00:30.389 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:30.389 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 03:00:30.389 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:00:30.389 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 e6 ff 07 00 00 87 00 00 11-22 03:00:30.389 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 205 11-22 03:00:30.390 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:30.390 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:30.390 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:00:30.390 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 03:00:30.390 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=2 11-22 03:00:30.390 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_test_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 03:00:30.390 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=2, total=2 11-22 03:00:30.390 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num, free_num=0, data_num=2 11-22 03:00:30.390 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fc_get_send_num: to free list empty 11-22 03:00:30.390 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 03:00:30.395 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 03:00:30.396 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_rx_mh_addr_process: out of time 289804 11-22 03:00:30.396 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1783; total tx_num:1783 11-22 03:00:30.396 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, free_num: 2, to_free_list num: 0 11-22 03:00:30.397 770 770 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=1,tx data num:1 11-22 03:00:30.397 770 770 W sc2355 sprd-wlan: lut=6,qos_index=2,tid=0,lnum=2,tx data num:2 11-22 03:00:30.397 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: TIDBEnum=2, total=2 11-22 03:00:30.397 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_handle_tx_return,926,debug: 2 11-22 03:00:30.402 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 03:00:30.402 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_free_pcie_data, total free num:1785; total tx_num:1785 11-22 03:00:30.497 4522 4539 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by handleDownloadPsdsData() 11-22 03:00:30.498 4522 6207 E GnssPsdsDownloader: No Long-Term PSDS servers were specified in the GnssConfiguration 11-22 03:00:30.888 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:30.888 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 03:00:30.888 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=-22084, mib=1 11-22 03:00:30.888 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3403, wfd_rate=0 11-22 03:00:30.992 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:30.993 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 03:00:30.993 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 03:00:30.993 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 03:00:30.993 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:30.993 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [524874]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:30.993 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 207 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.993 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.994 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.994 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.994 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.994 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped207,cmd_send207 11-22 03:00:30.994 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.994 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:30.995 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:30.995 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 03:00:30.995 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:00:30.995 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 4a 02 08 00 00 8a 00 00 11-22 03:00:30.995 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 206 11-22 03:00:30.995 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:30.995 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:30.995 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:00:32.163 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:00:32.163 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30410986, cur_clbcnt = 30416547, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 271, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:00:32.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:32.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:33.610 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:00:33.610 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:00:34.474 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=528357,218996 11-22 03:00:34.474 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:34.479 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=528357,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=528831 11-22 03:00:35.491 0 0 I : c1 [ C1] sc2355 sprd-wlan:incoming ARP packet 11-22 03:00:35.492 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:35.492 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [529373]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 03:00:35.492 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 208 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped208,cmd_send208 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.493 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.501 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:35.501 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 03:00:35.501 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:00:35.501 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 dd 13 08 00 00 8b 00 00 11-22 03:00:35.501 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 207 11-22 03:00:35.501 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 03:00:35.501 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:35.501 4923 4923 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:19 event:2 11-22 03:00:35.501 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:00:35.502 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: mm_do_addr_buf, fw power save, need to wake up it! 11-22 03:00:35.502 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_cmd_host_wakeup_fw: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 7, status: 0 11-22 03:00:35.502 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:35.502 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [529383]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:35.502 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 209 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:00:35.502 770 770 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: incoming ARP packet 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped209,cmd_send209 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.502 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.503 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:35.503 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 03:00:35.503 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:00:35.503 773 773 I : 00 05 0d 00 e7 13 08 00 00 8c 00 00 11-22 03:00:35.503 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 208 11-22 03:00:35.503 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:35.503 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:35.503 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:00:35.503 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:5 [WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE]rsp received 11-22 03:00:35.503 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:35.503 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [529384]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 03:00:35.503 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:00:35.503 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 210 11-22 03:00:35.503 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.503 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.503 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.503 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.503 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped210,cmd_send210 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:35.504 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:35.504 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 03:00:35.504 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:00:35.504 773 773 I : 00 48 0c 00 e8 13 08 00 00 8d 00 00 11-22 03:00:35.504 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 209 11-22 03:00:35.505 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_TX_DATA] 11-22 03:00:35.505 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:35.505 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:00:36.000 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:36.000 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_WFD_MIB_CNT]len: 152 11-22 03:00:36.000 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3391, frame=1584012, clear=41740, mib=1 11-22 03:00:36.000 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_wfd_mib_cnt, 3403, wfd_rate=0 11-22 03:00:36.101 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:36.102 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [0]ctx_id 0 recv[WIFI_EVENT_FW_PWR_DOWN]len: 12 11-22 03:00:36.102 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, WIFI_CMD_POWER_DOWN sub_type 6 11-22 03:00:36.102 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_fw_power_down_ack, value=1, fw_pwr_down=1, fw_awake=0, 0, 1, 1 11-22 03:00:36.102 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:36.102 255 255 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [529983]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:36.102 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 211 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:00:36.102 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.102 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped211,cmd_send211 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.103 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:00:36.104 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:00:36.104 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 03:00:36.104 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:00:36.104 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 3f 16 08 00 00 90 00 00 11-22 03:00:36.104 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 210 11-22 03:00:36.104 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:00:36.104 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:00:36.104 255 255 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:00:39.594 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=533477,218996 11-22 03:00:39.594 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:39.599 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=533477,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=533951 11-22 03:00:40.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:40.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:42.403 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:271, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:00:42.403 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 271 11-22 03:00:42.404 145 145 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:00:42.405 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 278, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:00:42.408 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:00:42.410 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4271458, ibat: 278000, ibat_avg: 278000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 270, Tbatt: 270, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 531, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:00:42.410 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:00:44.714 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=538596,218996 11-22 03:00:44.714 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:44.719 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=538596,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=539071 11-22 03:00:47.267 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:00:47.267 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30410986, cur_clbcnt = 30422097, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 270, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:00:48.629 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:00:48.629 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:00:48.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:48.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:49.834 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=543717,218996 11-22 03:00:49.834 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:49.839 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=543717,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=544191 11-22 03:00:54.954 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=548837,218996 11-22 03:00:54.954 6203 6203 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:00:54.959 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=548837,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=549311 11-22 03:00:56.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:00:56.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:00:57.507 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:270, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:00:57.507 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 270 11-22 03:00:57.510 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:00:57.510 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:00:57.510 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30410986, cur_clbcnt = 30427783, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 270, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:00:57.512 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:00:57.514 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4271458, ibat: 278000, ibat_avg: 276000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 269, Tbatt: 269, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 546, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:00:57.514 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 678 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 70 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-9-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 11 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-3-8-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 78 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 85 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 75 11-22 03:01:00.067 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:01:00.073 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=553957,218996 11-22 03:01:00.073 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:00.078 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=553957,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=554431 11-22 03:01:00.079 183 183 I WCN BASE: loopcheck(76) 2023-11-21_18:01:00.79105723 11-22 03:01:01.879 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=26.9 h=2 st=2 c=276000 fc=6346000 cc=894 chg=u 11-22 03:01:01.891 4729 6209 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:01:02.371 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:01:02.371 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30427783, cur_clbcnt = 30427783, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 269, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:01:03.665 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:01:03.665 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:01:04.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:04.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:05.194 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=559077,218996 11-22 03:01:05.194 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:05.199 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=559077,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=559551 11-22 03:01:10.313 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=564197,218996 11-22 03:01:10.313 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:10.318 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=564197,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=564671 11-22 03:01:12.611 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:269, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:01:12.611 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 269 11-22 03:01:12.612 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:01:12.613 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 274, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:01:12.614 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:01:12.616 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4271836, ibat: 276000, ibat_avg: 274000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4857000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 269, Tbatt: 269, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 561, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:01:12.616 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:01:12.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:12.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:15.433 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=569316,218996 11-22 03:01:15.433 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:15.438 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=569316,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=569790 11-22 03:01:17.475 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:01:17.475 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30427783, cur_clbcnt = 30433260, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 269, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:01:18.667 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:01:18.667 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:01:20.554 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=574437,218996 11-22 03:01:20.554 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:20.559 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=574437,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=574911 11-22 03:01:20.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:20.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:25.674 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=579557,218996 11-22 03:01:25.674 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:25.679 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=579557,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=580031 11-22 03:01:27.715 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:269, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:01:27.715 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 269 11-22 03:01:27.716 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:01:27.717 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 273, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:01:27.718 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:01:27.720 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4272403, ibat: 273000, ibat_avg: 273000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 268, Tbatt: 268, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 576, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:01:27.720 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:01:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:30.794 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=584677,218996 11-22 03:01:30.794 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:30.799 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=584677,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=585151 11-22 03:01:32.579 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:01:32.579 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30427783, cur_clbcnt = 30438699, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 268, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:01:33.685 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:01:33.685 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:01:35.914 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=589797,218996 11-22 03:01:35.914 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:35.919 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=589797,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=590271 11-22 03:01:36.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:36.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:41.033 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=594917,218996 11-22 03:01:41.034 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:41.039 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=594917,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=595391 11-22 03:01:42.819 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:268, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:01:42.819 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 268 11-22 03:01:42.820 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:01:42.821 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 271, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:01:42.822 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:01:42.823 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4272592, ibat: 272000, ibat_avg: 271000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 268, Tbatt: 268, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 591, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:01:42.823 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:01:44.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:44.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:46.154 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=600036,218996 11-22 03:01:46.154 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:46.159 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=600036,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=600511 11-22 03:01:47.683 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:01:47.683 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30427783, cur_clbcnt = 30444106, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 268, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:01:48.704 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:01:48.704 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:01:51.274 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=605156,218996 11-22 03:01:51.274 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:51.279 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=605156,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=605631 11-22 03:01:52.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:01:52.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:01:56.394 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=610276,218996 11-22 03:01:56.394 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:01:56.399 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=610276,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=610751 11-22 03:01:57.923 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:268, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:01:57.923 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 268 11-22 03:01:57.924 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:01:57.925 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:01:57.925 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30427783, cur_clbcnt = 30449495, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 5, Tbat = 268, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:01:57.925 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:01:57.927 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4272970, ibat: 270000, ibat_avg: 269000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 267, Tbatt: 267, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 606, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:01:57.927 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:02:00.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:00.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:01.507 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 97 11-22 03:02:01.507 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 87 11-22 03:02:01.507 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:02:01.514 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=615396,218996 11-22 03:02:01.514 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:01.519 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=615396,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=615871 11-22 03:02:01.878 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=26.7 h=2 st=2 c=269000 fc=6346000 cc=895 chg=u 11-22 03:02:01.891 4729 6210 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:02:02.787 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:02:02.787 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30449495, cur_clbcnt = 30449495, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 5, Tbat = 267, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:02:03.739 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:02:03.739 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:02:06.633 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=620516,218996 11-22 03:02:06.633 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:06.638 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=620516,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=620990 11-22 03:02:08.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:08.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:11.754 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=625637,218996 11-22 03:02:11.754 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:11.759 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=625637,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=626111 11-22 03:02:13.027 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:267, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:02:13.027 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 267 11-22 03:02:13.028 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:02:13.029 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 269, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:02:13.030 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:02:13.031 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4272700, ibat: 270000, ibat_avg: 269000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 267, Tbatt: 267, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 621, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:02:13.031 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:02:16.874 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=630756,218996 11-22 03:02:16.874 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:16.879 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=630756,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=631231 11-22 03:02:16.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:16.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:17.891 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:02:17.891 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30449495, cur_clbcnt = 30455019, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 267, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:02:18.741 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:02:18.741 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:02:21.994 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=635876,218996 11-22 03:02:21.994 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:21.999 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=635876,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=636351 11-22 03:02:24.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:24.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:27.114 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=640997,218996 11-22 03:02:27.114 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:27.119 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=640997,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=641471 11-22 03:02:28.131 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:267, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:02:28.131 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 267 11-22 03:02:28.132 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:02:28.133 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 266, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:02:28.134 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:02:28.137 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4275460, ibat: 266000, ibat_avg: 266000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 266, Tbatt: 266, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 637, tperiod: 16 11-22 03:02:28.137 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:02:32.233 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=646116,218996 11-22 03:02:32.233 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:32.238 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=646116,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=646590 11-22 03:02:32.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:32.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:32.995 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:02:32.995 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30449495, cur_clbcnt = 30460349, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 266, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:02:33.760 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:02:33.760 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:02:37.354 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=651237,218996 11-22 03:02:37.354 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:37.359 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=651237,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=651711 11-22 03:02:40.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:40.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:42.475 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=656358,218996 11-22 03:02:42.475 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:42.479 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=656358,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=656832 11-22 03:02:43.235 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:266, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:02:43.235 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 266 11-22 03:02:43.235 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 266, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:02:43.236 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:02:43.239 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:02:43.240 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4275270, ibat: 267000, ibat_avg: 266000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 266, Tbatt: 266, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 652, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:02:43.240 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:02:47.594 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=661477,218996 11-22 03:02:47.594 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:47.599 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=661477,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=661951 11-22 03:02:48.099 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:02:48.099 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30449495, cur_clbcnt = 30465650, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 266, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:02:48.779 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:02:48.779 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:02:48.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:48.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:52.714 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=666597,218996 11-22 03:02:52.714 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:52.719 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=666597,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=667071 11-22 03:02:56.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:02:56.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:02:57.834 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=671716,218996 11-22 03:02:57.834 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:02:57.839 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=671716,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=672191 11-22 03:02:58.339 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:266, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:02:58.339 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 266 11-22 03:02:58.340 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:02:58.341 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:02:58.341 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30449495, cur_clbcnt = 30470927, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 266, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:02:58.342 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:02:58.344 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4275840, ibat: 264000, ibat_avg: 265000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 265, Tbatt: 265, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 667, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:02:58.344 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:03:01.879 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4326 t=26.5 h=2 st=2 c=264000 fc=6346000 cc=896 chg=u 11-22 03:03:01.890 4729 5267 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:03:02.947 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 679 11-22 03:03:02.947 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 71 11-22 03:03:02.947 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:03:02.947 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 109 11-22 03:03:02.947 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 99 11-22 03:03:02.947 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:03:02.954 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=676836,218996 11-22 03:03:02.954 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:02.959 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=676836,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=677311 11-22 03:03:03.203 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:03:03.203 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30470927, cur_clbcnt = 30470927, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 265, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:03:03.814 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:03:03.814 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:03:04.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:04.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:08.074 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=681956,218996 11-22 03:03:08.074 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:08.079 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=681956,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=682431 11-22 03:03:08.079 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: loopcheck(101) 2023-11-21_18:03:08.79313169 11-22 03:03:12.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:12.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:13.193 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=687077,218996 11-22 03:03:13.193 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:13.198 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=687077,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=687551 11-22 03:03:13.443 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:265, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:03:13.443 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 265 11-22 03:03:13.444 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 263, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:03:13.446 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:03:13.447 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:03:13.450 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4274030, ibat: 263000, ibat_avg: 263000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 265, Tbatt: 265, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 682, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:03:13.450 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:03:18.307 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:03:18.307 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30470927, cur_clbcnt = 30476165, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 265, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:03:18.313 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=692196,218996 11-22 03:03:18.313 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:18.318 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=692196,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=692670 11-22 03:03:18.816 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:03:18.816 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:03:20.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:20.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:23.434 183 183 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=697316,218996 11-22 03:03:23.434 183 183 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:23.439 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=697316,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=697791 11-22 03:03:28.548 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:265, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:03:28.548 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 265 11-22 03:03:28.549 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:03:28.551 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 261, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:03:28.554 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=702437,218996 11-22 03:03:28.554 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:28.554 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:03:28.558 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4274030, ibat: 263000, ibat_avg: 261000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 264, Tbatt: 264, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 697, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:03:28.558 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:03:28.559 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=702437,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=702911 11-22 03:03:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:33.411 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:03:33.411 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30470927, cur_clbcnt = 30481539, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 264, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:03:33.674 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=707557,218996 11-22 03:03:33.674 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:33.679 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=707557,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=708031 11-22 03:03:33.835 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:03:33.835 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:03:36.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:36.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:38.793 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=712676,218996 11-22 03:03:38.793 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:38.799 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=712676,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=713151 11-22 03:03:43.651 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:264, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:03:43.651 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 264 11-22 03:03:43.651 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 258, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:03:43.654 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:03:43.657 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:03:43.657 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4274600, ibat: 260000, ibat_avg: 258000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 264, Tbatt: 264, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 712, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:03:43.657 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:03:43.914 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=717797,218996 11-22 03:03:43.914 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:43.919 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=717797,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=718271 11-22 03:03:44.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:44.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:48.515 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:03:48.515 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30470927, cur_clbcnt = 30486697, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 264, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:03:48.853 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:03:48.853 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:03:49.034 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=722917,218996 11-22 03:03:49.034 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:49.039 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=722917,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=723391 11-22 03:03:52.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:03:52.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:03:54.154 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=728037,218996 11-22 03:03:54.154 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:54.159 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=728037,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=728511 11-22 03:03:58.756 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:264, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:03:58.756 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 264 11-22 03:03:58.758 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:03:58.758 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30470927, cur_clbcnt = 30491821, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 264, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:03:58.760 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:03:58.760 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:03:58.762 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4275170, ibat: 257000, ibat_avg: 257000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 264, Tbatt: 264, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 727, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:03:58.762 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:03:59.273 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=733157,218996 11-22 03:03:59.273 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:03:59.278 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=733157,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=733631 11-22 03:04:00.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:00.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:01.879 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=26.4 h=2 st=2 c=257000 fc=6346000 cc=897 chg=u 11-22 03:04:01.890 4729 6195 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:04:03.619 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:04:03.619 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30491821, cur_clbcnt = 30491821, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 264, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:04:03.889 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:04:03.889 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:04:04.387 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 121 11-22 03:04:04.387 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 111 11-22 03:04:04.387 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:04:04.387 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 683 11-22 03:04:04.387 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-4-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 277 11-22 03:04:04.387 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:04:04.394 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=738277,218996 11-22 03:04:04.394 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:04.399 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=738277,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=738751 11-22 03:04:08.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:08.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:09.514 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=743397,218996 11-22 03:04:09.514 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:09.519 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=743397,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=743871 11-22 03:04:13.859 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:264, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:04:13.859 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 264 11-22 03:04:13.861 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:04:13.862 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 255, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:04:13.864 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:04:13.866 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4275550, ibat: 255000, ibat_avg: 255000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4871000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 263, Tbatt: 263, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 742, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:04:13.866 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:04:14.634 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=748517,218996 11-22 03:04:14.634 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:14.639 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=748517,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=748991 11-22 03:04:16.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:16.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:18.723 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:04:18.723 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30491821, cur_clbcnt = 30496916, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 263, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:04:18.891 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:04:18.891 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:04:19.754 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=753637,218996 11-22 03:04:19.754 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:19.759 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=753637,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=754111 11-22 03:04:24.874 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=758756,218996 11-22 03:04:24.874 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:24.879 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=758756,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=759231 11-22 03:04:24.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:24.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:28.963 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:263, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:04:28.963 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 263 11-22 03:04:28.964 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:04:28.967 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 254, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:04:28.970 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:04:28.973 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4277740, ibat: 254000, ibat_avg: 254000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 263, Tbatt: 263, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 757, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:04:28.973 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:04:29.994 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=763876,218996 11-22 03:04:29.994 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:29.999 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=763876,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=764351 11-22 03:04:32.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:32.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:33.827 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:04:33.827 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30491821, cur_clbcnt = 30502153, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 263, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:04:33.909 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:04:33.909 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:04:35.114 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=768996,218996 11-22 03:04:35.114 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:35.119 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=768996,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=769471 11-22 03:04:40.234 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=774117,218996 11-22 03:04:40.234 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:40.239 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=774117,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=774591 11-22 03:04:40.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:40.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:44.067 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:263, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:04:44.067 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 263 11-22 03:04:44.068 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 253, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:04:44.069 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:04:44.071 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:04:44.071 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4276120, ibat: 252000, ibat_avg: 253000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 263, Tbatt: 263, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 772, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:04:44.071 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:04:45.353 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=779237,218996 11-22 03:04:45.353 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:45.358 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=779237,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=779711 11-22 03:04:48.927 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:04:48.927 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:04:48.931 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:04:48.931 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30491821, cur_clbcnt = 30507198, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 263, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:04:48.934 612 612 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:48.934 612 612 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:50.474 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=784357,218996 11-22 03:04:50.474 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:50.479 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=784357,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=784831 11-22 03:04:55.594 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=789476,218996 11-22 03:04:55.594 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:04:55.599 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=789476,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=789951 11-22 03:04:56.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:04:56.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:04:59.172 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:263, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:04:59.172 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 263 11-22 03:04:59.172 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:04:59.172 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30491821, cur_clbcnt = 30512243, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 263, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:04:59.174 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:04:59.176 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:04:59.179 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4326000, OCV: 4277550, ibat: 255000, ibat_avg: 253000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4897000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 262, Tbatt: 262, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 788, tperiod: 16 11-22 03:04:59.179 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:05:00.713 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=794597,218996 11-22 03:05:00.713 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:00.718 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=794597,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=795071 11-22 03:05:01.879 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4324 t=26.2 h=2 st=2 c=254000 fc=6346000 cc=898 chg=u 11-22 03:05:01.889 4729 6201 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:05:03.963 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:05:03.963 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:05:04.035 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:05:04.035 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30512243, cur_clbcnt = 30512243, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 262, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:05:04.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:04.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:05.827 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 133 11-22 03:05:05.827 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 123 11-22 03:05:05.827 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:05:05.833 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=799717,218996 11-22 03:05:05.833 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:05.838 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=799717,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=800191 11-22 03:05:10.953 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=804837,218996 11-22 03:05:10.953 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:10.958 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=804837,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=805311 11-22 03:05:12.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:12.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:14.275 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:262, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:05:14.276 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 262 11-22 03:05:14.276 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 251, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:05:14.277 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:05:14.280 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:05:14.281 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4278310, ibat: 251000, ibat_avg: 251000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 262, Tbatt: 262, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 803, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:05:14.281 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:05:16.073 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=809957,218996 11-22 03:05:16.073 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:16.078 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=809957,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=810431 11-22 03:05:16.079 7 7 I WCN BASE: loopcheck(126) 2023-11-21_18:05:16.79190347 11-22 03:05:18.965 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:05:18.965 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:05:19.139 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:05:19.139 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30512243, cur_clbcnt = 30517265, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 262, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:05:20.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:20.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:21.194 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=815076,218996 11-22 03:05:21.194 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:21.199 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=815076,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=815551 11-22 03:05:26.314 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=820196,218996 11-22 03:05:26.314 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:26.319 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=820196,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=820671 11-22 03:05:27.139 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 11-22 03:05:27.173 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 11-22 03:05:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:29.379 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:262, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:05:29.379 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 262 11-22 03:05:29.380 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:05:29.381 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 250, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:05:29.384 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:05:29.385 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4276310, ibat: 251000, ibat_avg: 250000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 261, Tbatt: 261, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 818, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:05:29.385 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:05:31.433 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=825316,218996 11-22 03:05:31.433 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:31.438 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=825316,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=825790 11-22 03:05:33.983 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:05:33.983 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:05:34.243 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:05:34.243 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30512243, cur_clbcnt = 30522258, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 261, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:05:36.554 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=830436,218996 11-22 03:05:36.554 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:36.559 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=830436,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=830911 11-22 03:05:36.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:36.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:40.131 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4344980, ibat_avg = 249800, offset = 100000 11-22 03:05:40.131 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4344980] 11-22 03:05:41.674 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=835557,218996 11-22 03:05:41.674 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:41.679 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=835557,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=836031 11-22 03:05:44.483 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:261, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:05:44.483 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 261 11-22 03:05:44.485 183 183 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 249, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:05:44.488 183 183 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:05:44.488 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:05:44.489 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4324000, OCV: 4276310, ibat: 251000, ibat_avg: 249000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 261, Tbatt: 261, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 833, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:05:44.489 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:05:44.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:44.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:46.795 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=840679,218996 11-22 03:05:46.795 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:46.800 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=840679,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=841152 11-22 03:05:48.486 4924 4924 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:21 event:2 11-22 03:05:49.002 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:05:49.002 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:05:49.347 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:05:49.347 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30512243, cur_clbcnt = 30527375, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 261, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:05:51.914 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=845797,218996 11-22 03:05:51.914 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:51.919 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=845797,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=846271 11-22 03:05:52.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:05:52.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:05:57.034 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=850917,218996 11-22 03:05:57.034 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:05:57.039 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=850917,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=851391 11-22 03:05:59.587 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:261, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:05:59.587 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 261 11-22 03:05:59.588 183 183 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:05:59.589 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:05:59.589 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30512243, cur_clbcnt = 30532312, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 261, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:05:59.589 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:05:59.592 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4276880, ibat: 248000, ibat_avg: 248000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 261, Tbatt: 261, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 848, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:05:59.592 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:06:00.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:00.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:01.878 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4326 t=26.1 h=2 st=2 c=248000 fc=6346000 cc=899 chg=u 11-22 03:06:01.890 4729 6204 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:06:02.153 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=856036,218996 11-22 03:06:02.153 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:02.158 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=856036,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=856510 11-22 03:06:04.037 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:06:04.037 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:06:04.451 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:06:04.451 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30532312, cur_clbcnt = 30532312, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 261, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-9-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 12 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 145 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 135 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 688 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-1-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 254 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 72 11-22 03:06:07.267 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:06:07.274 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=861157,218996 11-22 03:06:07.274 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:07.279 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=861157,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=861631 11-22 03:06:08.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:08.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:12.394 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=866276,218996 11-22 03:06:12.394 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:12.399 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=866276,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=866751 11-22 03:06:14.692 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:261, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:06:14.692 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 261 11-22 03:06:14.692 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 247, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:06:14.693 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:06:14.696 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:06:14.696 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4279450, ibat: 245000, ibat_avg: 247000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 260, Tbatt: 260, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 863, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:06:14.696 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:06:16.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:16.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:17.513 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=871396,218996 11-22 03:06:17.514 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:17.519 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=871396,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=871871 11-22 03:06:19.039 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:06:19.039 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:06:19.555 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:06:19.555 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30532312, cur_clbcnt = 30537225, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 260, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:06:22.634 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=876517,218996 11-22 03:06:22.634 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:22.639 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=876517,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=876991 11-22 03:06:24.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:24.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:27.753 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=881637,218996 11-22 03:06:27.754 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:27.758 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=881637,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=882111 11-22 03:06:29.796 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:260, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:06:29.796 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 260 11-22 03:06:29.796 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 244, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:06:29.798 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:06:29.801 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:06:29.801 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4279205, ibat: 245000, ibat_avg: 244000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 260, Tbatt: 260, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 878, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:06:29.801 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:06:32.874 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=886757,218996 11-22 03:06:32.874 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:32.879 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=886757,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=887231 11-22 03:06:32.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:32.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:34.058 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:06:34.058 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:06:34.659 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:06:34.659 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30532312, cur_clbcnt = 30542099, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 2, Tbat = 260, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:06:37.994 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=891876,218996 11-22 03:06:37.994 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:37.999 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=891876,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=892351 11-22 03:06:40.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:40.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:43.113 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=896997,218996 11-22 03:06:43.113 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:43.118 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=896997,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=897471 11-22 03:06:44.899 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:260, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:06:44.899 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 260 11-22 03:06:44.900 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:06:44.901 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 244, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:06:44.902 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:06:44.908 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4324000, vbat_avg: 4325000, OCV: 4277205, ibat: 245000, ibat_avg: 244000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 259, Tbatt: 259, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 893, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:06:44.908 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:06:48.235 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=902118,218996 11-22 03:06:48.235 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:48.240 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=902118,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=902592 11-22 03:06:48.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:48.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:49.077 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:06:49.077 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:06:49.763 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:06:49.763 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30532312, cur_clbcnt = 30546949, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 3, Tbat = 259, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:06:53.353 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=907237,218996 11-22 03:06:53.353 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:53.358 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=907237,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=907711 11-22 03:06:56.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:06:56.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:06:58.474 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=912357,218996 11-22 03:06:58.474 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:06:58.479 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=912357,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=912831 11-22 03:07:00.003 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:259, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:07:00.003 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 259 11-22 03:07:00.005 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:07:00.006 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: normal_cap is > 1000, adjust !!! 11-22 03:07:00.006 9 9 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30532312, cur_clbcnt = 30551955, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 259, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:07:00.007 9 9 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:07:00.009 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4326000, OCV: 4279587, ibat: 243000, ibat_avg: 244000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4884000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 1, frce_full: 0, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 259, Tbatt: 259, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 908, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:07:00.009 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:07:01.879 1062 1062 W healthd : battery l=100 v=4326 t=25.9 h=2 st=2 c=245000 fc=6346000 cc=900 chg=u 11-22 03:07:01.892 4729 6205 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false 11-22 03:07:03.593 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=917477,218996 11-22 03:07:03.593 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:07:03.598 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=917477,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=917951 11-22 03:07:04.113 1255 1255 I charged : charge_set_charge_cycle: store charge_cycle = 900 to miscdata pos[12], read_buf = 900 11-22 03:07:04.113 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:07:04.113 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:07:04.867 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:07:04.867 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30551955, cur_clbcnt = 30551955, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 4, Tbat = 259, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:07:04.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:07:04.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:07:08.707 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-5-6-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 689 11-22 03:07:08.707 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-5-6-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 73 11-22 03:07:08.707 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:07:08.707 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sprd-mpm: smsg-3-11-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 157 11-22 03:07:08.707 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] sbuf-3-11-0-rx is awake, awake_cnt = 147 11-22 03:07:08.707 0 0 I : c6 [ C6] 11-22 03:07:08.714 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=922597,218996 11-22 03:07:08.714 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:07:08.719 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=922597,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=923071 11-22 03:07:09.022 4522 4619 I PowerGroup: Waking up power group from Dozing (groupId=0, uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)... 11-22 03:07:09.023 4522 4619 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing (uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)... 11-22 03:07:09.023 4522 4540 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 173031413; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:09.024 4522 4540 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 173031413; UID 1000; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:09.025 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[73], enabled[0] 11-22 03:07:09.026 4522 4522 E ActivityManager: Cancel pending or running compactions as system is awake 11-22 03:07:09.025 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=73 0 11-22 03:07:09.025 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 73, enabled = 0 11-22 03:07:09.029 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5876:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a50 (adj 985): empty #17 11-22 03:07:09.030 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5855:com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a92 (adj 985): empty #18 11-22 03:07:09.031 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5836:com.android.dynsystem/1000 (adj 995): empty #19 11-22 03:07:09.031 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5552:com.android.keychain/1000 (adj 995): empty #20 11-22 03:07:09.032 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5820:com.android.contacts/u0a84 (adj 999): empty #21 11-22 03:07:09.033 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-22 03:07:09.033 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5536:com.android.quicksearchbox/u0a90 (adj 999): empty #22 11-22 03:07:09.034 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: mShouldDelayWakeUpAnimation CLEARED 11-22 03:07:09.034 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 4952:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 999): empty #23 11-22 03:07:09.034 4729 4729 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 11-22 03:07:09.034 4729 4729 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 11-22 03:07:09.034 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 03:07:09.035 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 03:07:09.035 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5762:com.android.camera2/u0a89 (adj 999): empty #24 11-22 03:07:09.036 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5389:com.android.carrierconfig/u0a104 (adj 999): empty #25 11-22 03:07:09.036 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5730:com.android.calendar/u0a96 (adj 999): empty #26 11-22 03:07:09.036 4522 4571 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the DisplayBrightnessStrategy from ScreenOffBrightnessStrategy toInvalidBrightnessStrategy for display 0 11-22 03:07:09.037 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5653:com.sprd.logmanager/u0a81 (adj 999): empty #27 11-22 03:07:09.037 4522 4522 I ActivityManager: Killing 5587:com.android.traceur/u0a77 (adj 999): empty #28 11-22 03:07:09.038 4522 4571 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.39763778] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'screen_off'. 11-22 03:07:09.038 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: true 11-22 03:07:09.038 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.39763778, initBrt=0.0, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=50, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=manual, autoBrightness=false, strategy=InvalidBrightnessStrategy 11-22 03:07:09.039 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter power_set_interactive: 1 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 E PowerHAL: scene_id_to_string(2147418162, 0) fail 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit screen_off scene bgn### 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 03:07:09.041 4392 4392 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 2 on display 0 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/schedutil/freq_margin: 0 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit screen_off scene end### 11-22 03:07:09.041 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Exit power_set_interactive: 1 11-22 03:07:09.041 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-22 03:07:09.041 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_connector_best_encoder() 11-22 03:07:09.041 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_connector_best_encoder() 11-22 03:07:09.041 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_encoder_atomic_check() 11-22 03:07:09.041 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dpu_atomic_enable() 11-22 03:07:09.041 1112 1112 I : [drm][ dpu_clk_init] DPU_CORE_CLK = 384000000, DPI_CLK_SRC = 153600000 11-22 03:07:09.041 1112 1112 I : [drm][ dpu_clk_init] dpi clock is 153600000 11-22 03:07:09.042 1112 1112 I : [drm][ dpu_enhance_reload] enhance slp lut reload 11-22 03:07:09.043 4522 4542 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0, isActive: true 11-22 03:07:09.042 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_dsi_encoder_enable() 11-22 03:07:09.042 1112 1112 I : [drm][ sprd_dsi_init] escape clock divider = 7 11-22 03:07:09.042 1112 1112 I [drm][ sprd_dphy_init] lanes: 4 11-22 03:07:09.042 1112 1112 I [drm][ sprd_dphy_init] freq: 1105000 11-22 03:07:09.042 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_panel_prepare() 11-22 03:07:09.044 4522 4619 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=DISPLAY_INFO 11-22 03:07:09.044 4522 4619 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=4, name='hall_input', size 1200x2000, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0 11-22 03:07:09.045 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: true 11-22 03:07:09.047 4522 4543 I DisplayDevice: [0] Layerstack set to 0 for local:0 11-22 03:07:09.054 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[58], flags[0], period_ns[20000000], timeout[0] 11-22 03:07:09.054 4394 4403 I audio_hw_ext: ext_contrtol_process:screen_state=on 11-22 03:07:09.055 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[58], enabled[1] 11-22 03:07:09.054 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=58 0 20000 0 11-22 03:07:09.054 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 58, rate = 20000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 03:07:09.055 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=58 1 11-22 03:07:09.055 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 58, enabled = 1 11-22 03:07:09.059 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[200000000], timeout[2000000000] 11-22 03:07:09.059 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[1], enabled[1] 11-22 03:07:09.062 4522 4522 D FastPairService: onReceive: ACTION_SCREEN_ON 11-22 03:07:09.062 4522 4522 V FastPairService: invalidateScan: scan is disabled 11-22 03:07:09.062 4522 4522 E NearbyManager: Cannot stop scan with this callback because it is never registered. 11-22 03:07:09.059 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 200000 2000000 11-22 03:07:09.059 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 200000, batch_latency = 2000000 11-22 03:07:09.059 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 1 11-22 03:07:09.059 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, enabled = 1 11-22 03:07:09.064 5292 5292 D QnsTimer: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 11-22 03:07:09.064 5292 5364 D QnsTimer: No timers are pending to run 11-22 03:07:09.069 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10050 pid 5876 in 39ms 11-22 03:07:09.075 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.075 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [922956]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:09.075 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 212 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped212,cmd_send212 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.075 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.081 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:09.081 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 03:07:09.081 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:09.081 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 4c 15 0e 00 00 91 00 00 11-22 03:07:09.081 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 211 11-22 03:07:09.081 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:09.081 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=3135, rssi_mgmt=-51 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10003, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=159, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:09.081 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:09.083 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.083 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [922964]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:09.083 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 213 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped213,cmd_send213 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.084 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.089 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:09.089 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 03:07:09.089 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:09.089 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 54 15 0e 00 00 92 00 00 11-22 03:07:09.089 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 212 11-22 03:07:09.090 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:09.090 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=0, rssi_mgmt=-51 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10003, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=159, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:09.090 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:09.091 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.091 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [922972]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:09.091 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 214 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped214,cmd_send214 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.091 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:09.096 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5876 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.094 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:09.094 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 03:07:09.094 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:09.094 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 5c 15 0e 00 00 93 00 00 11-22 03:07:09.094 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 213 11-22 03:07:09.094 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:09.094 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.094 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=750, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.094 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:09.094 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -51 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:09.099 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10050 11-22 03:07:09.098 5107 5107 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_set_power_save: set suspend mode,value : 0 11-22 03:07:09.098 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_power_save: WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE sub_type: 1, status: 0 11-22 03:07:09.098 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.099 5107 5107 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [922980]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 215 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped215,cmd_send215 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:09.099 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:09.099 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.103 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=60000Kbps TransportInfo: , BSSID: 02:00:00:00:00:00, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, IP: /, Security type: 2, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, Wi-Fi standard: 5, RSSI: -51, Link speed: 263Mbps, Tx Link speed: 263Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 433Mbps, Rx Link speed: 58Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 433Mbps, Frequency: 5180MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint: false, score: 60, isUsable: true, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1, Trusted: true, Restricted: false, Ephemeral: false, OEM paid: false, OEM private: false, OSU AP: false, FQDN: , Provider friendly name: , Requesting package name: MLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: , AP MLO Link Id: , AP MLO Affiliated links: > SignalStrength: -51 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "Choco-Fi" UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 11-22 03:07:09.103 5191 5326 D IwlanDataService: Network 100 connected using transport WIFI 11-22 03:07:09.104 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 03:07:09.104 5191 5353 D IwlanNetworkService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 11-22 03:07:09.104 5292 5369 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: OnCapability : Wifi Available already true 11-22 03:07:09.104 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:09.104 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 03:07:09.104 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:09.104 773 773 I : 00 05 0c 00 64 15 0e 00 00 94 00 00 11-22 03:07:09.104 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 214 11-22 03:07:09.104 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_POWER_SAVE] 11-22 03:07:09.104 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:09.104 5107 5107 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:09.116 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[77], flags[0], period_ns[66667000], timeout[0] 11-22 03:07:09.116 4522 4571 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Unblocked screen on after 83 ms 11-22 03:07:09.116 4729 4729 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 11-22 03:07:09.117 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[77], enabled[1] 11-22 03:07:09.117 4522 4571 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c9, vaddr=0x6e3de13000 11-22 03:07:09.116 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=77 0 66667 0 11-22 03:07:09.116 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 77, rate = 66667, batch_latency = 0 11-22 03:07:09.117 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=77 1 11-22 03:07:09.117 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 77, enabled = 1 11-22 03:07:09.159 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:09.159 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.182 1112 1112 I : [drm] sprd_panel_enable() 11-22 03:07:09.190 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10092 pid 5855 in 91ms 11-22 03:07:09.197 4522 4540 I SideFpsEventHandler: notifyPowerPressed 11-22 03:07:09.198 4522 4540 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=922895 interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=true mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 11-22 03:07:09.210 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5836 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.212 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5855 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.214 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10092 11-22 03:07:09.216 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 5836 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.217 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 5552 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.253 1097 1104 E CmdListener: read failed 11-22 03:07:09.254 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10089 11-22 03:07:09.257 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5552 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.259 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5653 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.259 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10081 11-22 03:07:09.259 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5762 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.260 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5587 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.260 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10084 pid 5820 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.263 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10077 11-22 03:07:09.272 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5389 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.274 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5730 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.275 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5536 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.275 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 5820 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.276 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10104 11-22 03:07:09.277 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10090 pid 5536 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.277 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 4952 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.280 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10090 11-22 03:07:09.281 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10096 11-22 03:07:09.284 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10084 11-22 03:07:09.301 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 4952 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-22 03:07:09.302 4522 4542 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 4952 11-22 03:07:09.300 6215 6215 I binder : undelivered transaction 277139, process died. 11-22 03:07:09.303 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10089 pid 5762 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.304 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10104 pid 5389 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.304 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10096 pid 5730 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.304 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10081 pid 5653 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.305 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10077 pid 5587 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:09.343 1112 1112 I : [drm][ dpu_run] dpu run 11-22 03:07:09.343 1061 1112 D SPRDHWComposer: Excessive delay in drm_blank(): 301ms 11-22 03:07:09.344 4392 4392 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 2 on display 0 11-22 03:07:09.344 4522 4689 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 11-22 03:07:09.345 4522 4542 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-22 03:07:09.347 1073 1073 D LIGHTS : func:write_int, path=/sys/class/backlight/sprd_backlight/brightness, value=102 11-22 03:07:09.347 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c8, vaddr=0x7b416eb000 11-22 03:07:09.348 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c9, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 03:07:09.348 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ca, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 03:07:09.350 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a0, vaddr=0x6ed61cf000 11-22 03:07:09.350 4522 4571 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 336 ms 11-22 03:07:09.350 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.351 4522 4571 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-22 03:07:09.357 1110 1110 I : [drm] sprd_dpu_enable_vblank() 11-22 03:07:09.362 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:09.363 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.389 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.389 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000c9, vaddr=0x6ed425a000 11-22 03:07:09.407 4522 5216 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-22 03:07:09.411 4522 4539 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isPreviewMode=false, canDoze=true, userId=0, reason='finished self'(from 'power manager request') 11-22 03:07:09.418 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=628328831 11-22 03:07:09.419 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.431 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[75], enabled[0] 11-22 03:07:09.431 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=75 0 11-22 03:07:09.431 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 75, enabled = 0 11-22 03:07:09.433 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.444 4729 4729 D SbStateController: setIsDreaming:false 11-22 03:07:09.475 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.475 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.485 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.531 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.531 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.538 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.603 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.603 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.608 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.647 1247 1333 D refnotify: refnotify_parse_event: SOURCE = sysfs! 11-22 03:07:09.647 1247 1332 D refnotify: status : awake 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify ready to do cmd 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_DoCmd, 0 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_DoFreqCmd: clk = 0, divisor = 0, type = 1 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_write: p1 = 0, p2 = 0! 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify_write: echo 0 > /sys/class/display/dphy0/hop 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 D refnotify: RefNotify Refnotify_Recv_Cmd: wait for modem notify event ... 11-22 03:07:09.647 1073 1073 W : incar backlight 20230331 11-22 03:07:09.647 1073 1073 W [JDTP] jadard_chip_common_resume: enter 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 I : [drm][ hop_store] input freq is 1105000 11-22 03:07:09.648 1247 1247 I : [drm][ dphy_hop_stop] stop hopping 11-22 03:07:09.648 1073 1073 W [JDTP] jadard_usb_status: Cable status update: 0x01 11-22 03:07:09.648 1073 1073 W : [JDTP] irq_enable = 1 11-22 03:07:09.648 1073 1073 W [JDTP] jadard_chip_common_resume: end 11-22 03:07:09.648 1073 1073 W [JDTP] ts_suspend_store: ts->suspended = 0. 11-22 03:07:09.659 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.659 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.659 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.715 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.715 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.729 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.771 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.771 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.782 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.826 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:09.827 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.833 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.843 4729 4729 D ProxSensor: [FalsingCollector] Primary sensor event: false. No secondary. 11-22 03:07:09.883 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=679831171 11-22 03:07:09.883 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.886 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:09.939 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=666106494 11-22 03:07:09.939 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:09.995 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:09.995 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:09.995 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:10.007 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:10.075 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:11.513 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: {belief=0.8477507252053955 confidence=1.0} 11-22 03:07:11.998 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.055 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:12.055 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:12.055 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.055 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.100 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:12.100 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [925982]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:12.101 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 216 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped216,cmd_send216 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.101 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.106 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:12.106 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 03:07:12.106 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:12.106 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 1e 21 0e 00 00 95 00 00 11-22 03:07:12.106 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 215 11-22 03:07:12.106 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:12.107 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=15, rssi_mgmt=-49 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10016, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=159, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:12.107 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:12.108 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:12.108 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [925989]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 217 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped217,cmd_send217 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.108 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:12.111 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.111 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.114 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:12.114 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 03:07:12.114 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:12.114 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 25 21 0e 00 00 96 00 00 11-22 03:07:12.114 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 216 11-22 03:07:12.114 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:12.114 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:12.114 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:12.114 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:12.114 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -49 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:12.124 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.160 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 03:07:12.160 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 03:07:12.160 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a7b1000 11-22 03:07:12.161 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x7b42038000 11-22 03:07:12.171 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.171 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.177 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: {context=ZigZagClassifier reason={devianceX=456.000000, maxDevianceX=190.28955, devianceY=176.0, maxDevianceY=73.65001}} 11-22 03:07:12.177 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: {context=DistanceClassifier reason={distanceVectors={dx=291.756836, vx=1.912066, dy=394.802734, vy=-1.592223}, isHorizontal=false, velocityToDistanceMultiplier=30.000000, horizontalFlingThreshold=225.776993, verticalFlingThreshold=349.540497, horizontalSwipeThreshold=677.330994, verticalSwipeThreshold=699.081}} 11-22 03:07:12.177 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: {belief=0.7704400602159106 confidence=0.8041666666666667} 11-22 03:07:12.176 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.227 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=614236665 11-22 03:07:12.227 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.229 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.283 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.283 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.298 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.334 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x7b42038000 11-22 03:07:12.334 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 03:07:12.339 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.339 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.351 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.403 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.403 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.404 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.459 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.459 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.472 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.519 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.519 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.524 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.575 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.575 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.577 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.667 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.667 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.680 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.723 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:12.723 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.732 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.779 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=687496639 11-22 03:07:12.779 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.785 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:12.863 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=534503260 11-22 03:07:12.863 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.923 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:12.923 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 03:07:12.923 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:12.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:07:12.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:07:12.967 4522 5216 D ActivityTaskManager: Top Process State changed to PROCESS_STATE_TOP 11-22 03:07:12.967 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@1f143f9 TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_BACK, triggerTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null } 11-22 03:07:12.982 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:12.984 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:12.992 4392 4392 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 03:07:12.994 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.000 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:13.001 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 21us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:13.002 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000cb, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#2(BLAST Consumer)2 11-22 03:07:13.003 5084 6218 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cb, vaddr=0x6fde851000 11-22 03:07:13.004 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000cc, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#2(BLAST Consumer)2 11-22 03:07:13.004 5084 6218 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cc, vaddr=0x6f82ef2000 11-22 03:07:13.003 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 22us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:13.005 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 17us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:13.006 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000cd, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#2(BLAST Consumer)2 11-22 03:07:13.006 5084 6218 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6f72483000 11-22 03:07:13.011 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.011 7 7 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:13.011 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.027 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.029 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.036 5084 5562 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b9, vaddr=0x6f74e48000 11-22 03:07:13.036 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:13.037 4522 4863 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6f45649000 11-22 03:07:13.037 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000ce, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x238, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:13.038 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ce, vaddr=0x6fde733000 11-22 03:07:13.037 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 1171456, time: 16us, pool:1171456, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:13.040 4729 4729 I FalsingManager: {belief=0.5133590602444682 confidence=0.7659732525574939} 11-22 03:07:13.046 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b9, vaddr=0x6ed8375000 11-22 03:07:13.046 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.047 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #5 createdAt=11-22 03:07:12.966 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_BACK, triggerTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null } 11-22 03:07:13.047 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 11-22 03:07:13.047 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info={id=5 t=TO_BACK f=0x106 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{b60a6c1 Task{ae1a7ae #1 type=home}}} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER p=WCT{RemoteToken{53bfe66 DefaultTaskDisplayArea@178254806}} leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xe98b66d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{53bfe66 DefaultTaskDisplayArea@178254806}} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x8f2ae84 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:13.047 4729 4761 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6f4216f000 11-22 03:07:13.049 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@1f143f9: {id=5 t=TO_BACK f=0x106 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@834776d} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6083fa2} leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x3c0b816 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e32a433} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x8294597 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:13.050 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#5)android.os.BinderProxy@1f143f9@0 11-22 03:07:13.051 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@c09a3f0 11-22 03:07:13.051 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: start keyguard going-away transition, info = {id=5 t=TO_BACK f=0x106 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@834776d} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6083fa2} leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x3c0b816 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e32a433} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x8294597 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:13.052 4729 4766 D KeyguardService: Starts IRemoteAnimationRunner: info={id=5 t=TO_BACK f=0x106 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@834776d} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6083fa2} leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x3c0b816 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e32a433} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x8294597 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:13.054 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6ed61cf000 11-22 03:07:13.055 4729 4766 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6f4216f000 11-22 03:07:13.056 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@c09a3f0 11-22 03:07:13.059 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=0 fadeoutDuration=0 11-22 03:07:13.060 4729 4729 D KeyguardUnlock: playCannedUnlockAnimation 11-22 03:07:13.060 4729 4729 D KeyguardUnlock: playCannedUnlockAnimation, surfaceBehindEntryAnimator#start 11-22 03:07:13.063 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ce, vaddr=0x6ed82dd000 11-22 03:07:13.067 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000bb, vaddr=0x6f740f5000 11-22 03:07:13.068 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000cf, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x238, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:13.068 4729 4729 D ProxSensor: [FalsingCollector] unregistering sensor listener 11-22 03:07:13.068 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cf, vaddr=0x6fde50b000 11-22 03:07:13.070 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[441]setEnable::handle[58], enabled[0] 11-22 03:07:13.068 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 1171456, time: 16us, pool:1171456, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:13.070 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=58 0 11-22 03:07:13.070 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 58, enabled = 0 11-22 03:07:13.071 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.071 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.071 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cf, vaddr=0x6ed81bf000 11-22 03:07:13.071 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000bb, vaddr=0x6ed8481000 11-22 03:07:13.073 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.075 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cc, vaddr=0x6ed5882000 11-22 03:07:13.075 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d0, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x238, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:13.076 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d0, vaddr=0x6fde3ed000 11-22 03:07:13.078 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.075 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 1171456, time: 13us, pool:1171456, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:13.080 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.085 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ba, vaddr=0x6f74377000 11-22 03:07:13.085 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d0, vaddr=0x6ed84e7000 11-22 03:07:13.086 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ba, vaddr=0x6ed83fb000 11-22 03:07:13.090 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaiHbcRso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 03:07:13.096 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.113 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.114 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 03:07:13.130 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.135 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.135 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.148 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.149 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.165 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.167 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cc, vaddr=0x7b416eb000 11-22 03:07:13.191 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=581880818 11-22 03:07:13.191 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.206 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.218 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.236 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a7b1000 11-22 03:07:13.246 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.247 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=654639771 11-22 03:07:13.247 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.273 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.284 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.303 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=544259794 11-22 03:07:13.303 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.308 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.320 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:13.356 4729 4729 D KeyguardUnlock: surfaceBehindEntryAnimator#onAnimationEnd 11-22 03:07:13.356 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: onKeyguardExitRemoteAnimationFinished 11-22 03:07:13.359 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.359 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.377 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.415 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=566901428 11-22 03:07:13.415 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.424 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: onKeyguardExitRemoteAnimationFinished#hideKeyguardViewAfterRemoteAnimation 11-22 03:07:13.427 4388 4407 W AudioFlinger: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000004) and output flags (00000002) 11-22 03:07:13.427 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.430 4388 4407 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:56 usage:13 not muted 11-22 03:07:13.435 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cb, vaddr=0x6ed22e5000 11-22 03:07:13.435 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: Old: enaiHbcRso.qingr | New: enaihbcrso.qingr (changed: hr.) 11-22 03:07:13.436 4729 4729 D SbStateController: setState: requested state SHADE!= upcomingState: KEYGUARD. This usually means the status bar state transition was interrupted before the upcoming state could be applied. 11-22 03:07:13.438 4388 4388 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 03:07:13.438 4388 4388 D audioserver: -129 11-22 03:07:13.438 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: true 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: out_write() out_write start up bytes:3840 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xecec9f10 2 960 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream usecase:8 device:0x2 flag:0x2 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x0 usecase=0x8 on 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:1 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:13.441 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 03:07:13.442 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x5 0x8 0x0 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.442 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis in,device:2 usecase:8 11-22 03:07:13.442 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES only_codec_p Route ON 11-22 03:07:13.441 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 0, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x5 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x8 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x5, value1: 0x8, 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0=WD_24BIT 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.442 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.443 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cb, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 03:07:13.446 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: Received new disable state: enaihbcrso.qingr (unchanged) 11-22 03:07:13.449 4729 4729 D CentralSurfaces: updateQsExpansionEnabled - QS Expand enabled: true 11-22 03:07:13.453 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 03:07:13.453 5084 5084 I OverviewComponentObserver: updateOverviewTargets: mIsHomeDisabled=false, isDefaultHomeNull=false, mIsDefaultHome=true 11-22 03:07:13.453 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX1_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 03:07:13.453 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'RIGHT_HIGH' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC0_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4729 4729 D KeyguardService: Finish IRemoteAnimationRunner. 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC1_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS0_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS2_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS3_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis out be in,device:2 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES codec_p Route ON 11-22 03:07:13.454 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'ag_iis0_ext_sel_v1' to 'top_dac_iis' 11-22 03:07:13.454 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#5)android.os.BinderProxy@1f143f9@0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1=WD_24BIT 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.455 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.455 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = RIGHT_HIGH 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.453 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS2 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS3 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.454 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1: 3579:vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1, ag_iis_num=0,value=0, texts->texts[] =top_dac_iis 11-22 03:07:13.455 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route be out,device:2 11-22 03:07:13.456 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open start pcm device:3 config rate:48000 channels:2 format:0 960 0 11-22 03:07:13.458 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open end 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open devices:3 pcm:0xf0700780 48000 48000 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea1bafe8 2 960 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_startup: 7368:scene_fast_startup dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 5718 W audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:set the same value:0 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=4 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: select_devices_new devices 0x2, is in 0 app type:0 sync is 1,force:1 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.457 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device in device:2,is_in:0,force_set:1,actl->usecase:8,in:0,out:2 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_open FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Open Playback 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route_unlock:2 usecase:8 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94122000, size=0xff0 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICES speaker Route ON 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94123000, size=0xff0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[0] =0xffffffc021400000, rtd->dma_cfg_phy[0] =0x94122000, 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[1]=0xffffffc021401000,rtd->dma_cfg_phy[1]=0x94123000, 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] runtime->hw.periods_max*(sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg)=4080, 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg) = 120, size_inout=4080 11-22 03:07:13.459 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'invert' 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer alloc size = 0x20000 for data 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94124000, size=0x20000 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer, sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_buffer buf->area(virt)=0xffffffc021402000, buf->addr(phy)=0x94124000, size=131072 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] Playback rate is [48000], ivsence_dmic_type 0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7428:scene_fast_hw_params dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7451:scene_fast_hw_params data_fmt=VBC_DAT_L16, chan=2, rate =48000 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=52 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=6 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.460 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'HPL' 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_params fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [MCDT] mcdt_dac_dma_enable 1001 mcdt_dma_ap_channel=4 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] (pcm) sprd_pcm_hw_params, cpudai_id=3 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] chan=1 totsize=7680 period=3840 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] desc->src_step=4, dest_step=0 11-22 03:07:13.460 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Chan0 DMA ID=9 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] dma_buff_phys[0] 2484224000 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_params, block 3840 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] src_dw=4, dst_dw=4 frag=0, burst:640, slave_id=9, step=4, ll_cfg_virt_addr=00000000bb695038, ll_cfg_phy_addr=2484215808 ,dst_addr:1447624720, src_addr:2484224000,chan=0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=00000000c9293a31, flag:0, chan=0 node=0 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=0000000062993cb8, flag:0, chan=0 node=1 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Node Size:2 11-22 03:07:13.458 5718 5718 E : [ASoC: PCM ] return 0 11-22 03:07:13.460 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 0,shift=3,get=0 11-22 03:07:13.460 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 8,shift=3,set=1 11-22 03:07:13.460 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.460 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 8,shift=2,get=0 11-22 03:07:13.460 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=2,set=1 11-22 03:07:13.460 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.460 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.460 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 1 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 4438 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device out device:2,is_in:0 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: clear_all_vbc_dg_param_state 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VDG:Music\Handsfree\Playback volme:0 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Apply Gain Control [VBC DAC0 DG Set. 28] 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:0 param_id:75 param_mode:47 default_mode:4b 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_vbc_param:75 case:0 255 255 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VBC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback play:255 dsp_case:0 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:4 param_id:75 param_mode:2e default_mode:4b 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_CODEC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback cur_codec_p_volume:255 volume:0 codec_param:0xebd8f490 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param vol_index:0 out_devices:8 11-22 03:07:13.461 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set dacl_playback_volume :0x3 11-22 03:07:13.462 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpl_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 03:07:13.462 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpr_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 03:07:13.462 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 03:07:13.462 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.462 4522 6216 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6f45649000 11-22 03:07:13.460 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch On 11-22 03:07:13.460 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch On 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_dg_put: 601:vbc_dg_put VBC_DG_DAC0 l:28 r:28 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3149:vbc_profile_put dsp_vbc, value=0x474b0000, 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3151: current_offset=71, mode_max_offset=79 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2672:vbc_profile_try_apply, profile_id:1 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2683:now_mode[1]=1196097536,mode=75, mode_offset=71 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] cmd =11 sharemem_info.id = 1196097536, sharemem_info.type=1, 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] sharemem_info.phy_iram_addr=0x94381210, sharemem_info.size=0x6c4 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=11 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:13.461 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:13.463 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #5: created at 11-22 03:07:12.966 collect-started=0.125ms request-sent=0.247ms started=14.954ms ready=14.905ms sent=76.582ms finished=496.239ms 11-22 03:07:13.465 4729 5265 D KeyguardService: setOccluded(false) 11-22 03:07:13.467 4729 5265 D KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded(false) 11-22 03:07:13.467 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 11-22 03:07:13.467 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.467 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 11-22 03:07:13.471 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.471 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.471 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_enable, line: 1443 11-22 03:07:13.471 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_digital_open, line: 1455 11-22 03:07:13.471 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 03:07:13.474 4729 4729 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load. 11-22 03:07:13.477 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC On 11-22 03:07:13.477 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 03:07:13.478 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] hp_path_event, line: 1932 11-22 03:07:13.480 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.521 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=4, ANA_STS1=0x7a8e 11-22 03:07:13.526 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.527 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.533 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000cf, vaddr=0x7b40333000 11-22 03:07:13.534 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.537 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 03:07:13.537 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.538 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.539 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.539 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.540 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.540 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: onStrongAuthRequiredChanged for userId: 0, flag value: 0 11-22 03:07:13.551 4729 5254 D ResourceTrimmer: Sending TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN. 11-22 03:07:13.554 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10105; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:13.555 4522 6216 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:d4b9947: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 11-22 03:07:13.556 4522 6216 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:d4b9947: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 11-22 03:07:13.561 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.562 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.562 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.563 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10092; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:13.564 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10092; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:13.566 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d0, vaddr=0x7b40215000 11-22 03:07:13.571 4729 4729 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleSetOccluded(false) 11-22 03:07:13.573 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_GPU_DEADLINE_MISSED, 6286, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.573 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6286, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.573 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_GPU_DEADLINE_MISSED, 6299, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.573 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6299, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.574 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 6312, 53875105, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.574 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 6324, 71836802, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.574 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 6332, 71746644, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.574 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 6345, 89099969, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.574 4729 4729 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6373, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.574 4729 4771 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-29 11-22 03:07:13.575 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 6231 11-22 03:07:13.576 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6231:com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a92 for service {com.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME} 11-22 03:07:13.581 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.581 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.581 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.581 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.581 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.582 4729 4729 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 11-22 03:07:13.584 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000ce, vaddr=0x7b400f7000 11-22 03:07:13.586 6231 6231 I putmethod.latin: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 03:07:13.583 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.583 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.585 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.590 6231 6231 E putmethod.latin: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.591 4522 6216 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.593 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 03:07:13.593 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.594 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 1ms 11-22 03:07:13.597 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 11-22 03:07:13.598 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 11-22 03:07:13.600 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.600 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 11-22 03:07:13.601 4522 4905 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 3ms 11-22 03:07:13.605 4522 4597 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10092; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:13.606 6231 6231 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.606 6231 6231 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.609 4522 6216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.614 6231 6231 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 03:07:13.614 6231 6231 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk. target_sdk_version=30, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/LatinIME/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user_de/0/com.android.inputmethod.latin:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 03:07:13.615 6231 6231 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 03:07:13.643 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.643 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.649 6231 6231 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 03:07:13.649 6231 6231 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 03:07:13.649 6231 6231 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 03:07:13.649 6231 6231 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.inputmethod.latin: false 11-22 03:07:13.650 6231 6231 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.inputmethod.latin is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 03:07:13.650 6231 6231 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 03:07:13.653 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.658 4522 4905 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10092. pid: 6231 11-22 03:07:13.665 6231 6231 I LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true 11-22 03:07:13.674 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 1 11-22 03:07:13.674 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.675 4729 4834 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x6eedf34000 11-22 03:07:13.675 6231 6231 D WindowTokenClient: Only apply configuration update to Resources because shouldReportConfigChange is false. 11-22 03:07:13.675 6231 6231 D WindowTokenClient: android.window.WindowTokenClient.attachToDisplayArea:119 android.window.WindowContextController.attachToDisplayArea:107 android.window.WindowProviderService.attachBaseContext:219 android.app.Service.attach:982 android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService:4642 11-22 03:07:13.676 4729 4834 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x6eed5e7000 11-22 03:07:13.676 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:13.679 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:13.681 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.683 4729 4729 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x6eecc9a000 11-22 03:07:13.683 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:13.685 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:13.687 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.687 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x6ed1998000 11-22 03:07:13.687 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 11-22 03:07:13.688 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a4, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 03:07:13.689 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 03:07:13.689 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x7b43660000 11-22 03:07:13.688 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:13.691 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a5, vaddr=0x6ed2c32000 11-22 03:07:13.694 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 11-22 03:07:13.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x00 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x00 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:13.693 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.698 4729 4823 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 11-22 03:07:13.698 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.699 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.699 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 1 11-22 03:07:13.699 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.704 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.706 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a6, vaddr=0x6ed4ba7000 11-22 03:07:13.707 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.711 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.717 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=1 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x7, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x1, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:1 11-22 03:07:13.725 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Start 11-22 03:07:13.726 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.737 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.753 4388 4478 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xb4000076fc542930) throttle end: throttle time(3) 11-22 03:07:13.754 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.755 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.755 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.756 6231 6231 W InputAttributes: No editor info for this field. Bug? 11-22 03:07:13.757 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.767 6231 6251 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.en_US ; version = 1700590033 ; date = ? 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 65, 6429, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6429, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 6436, 15132734, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6455, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 6462, 51735504, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 6482, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6482, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6521, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 65, 6540, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.767 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6540, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:13.768 6231 6251 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.en_US ; version = 1700590033 ; date = ? 11-22 03:07:13.768 5084 5712 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-60 11-22 03:07:13.769 4522 4905 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.775 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.779 5416 5416 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other apk /system/priv-app/UserDictionaryProvider/UserDictionaryProvider.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/priv-app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm64:/system/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.providers.userdictionary:/system/priv-app/UserDictionaryProvider:/system/lib64 11-22 03:07:13.785 6231 6231 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10092; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:13.786 6231 6231 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 11-22 03:07:13.797 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.814 4522 5216 W ActivityTaskManager: Current config: {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} unchanged for IME proc com.android.inputmethod.latin 11-22 03:07:13.811 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.811 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.812 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.814 4522 5216 W ActivityTaskManager: Current config: {1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} unchanged for IME proc com.android.inputmethod.latin 11-22 03:07:13.815 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.819 6231 6231 D WindowTokenClient: Configuration not dispatch to IME because configuration is up to date. Current config={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0}, reported config={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0}, updated config={1.0 ?mcc0mnc [en_US] ldltr sw686dp w686dp h1059dp 280dpi lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 1895) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0 mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0} 11-22 03:07:13.829 4522 5216 D CoreBackPreview: Window{e25fbd u0 InputMethod}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@4dac975, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 03:07:13.832 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.833 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=927716,218996 11-22 03:07:13.833 6208 6208 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:07:13.838 6231 6251 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:en ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726273 11-22 03:07:13.837 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=927716,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=928190 11-22 03:07:13.856 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.870 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.871 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.878 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.885 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.908 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.914 4388 4478 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 03:07:13.914 4388 4478 D audioserver: -129 11-22 03:07:13.928 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.927 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.927 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:13.930 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:13.932 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x00 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:13.947 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.967 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.986 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:13.983 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:13.983 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:13.983 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:14.003 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.017 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:14.021 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x24 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:14.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:14.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:14.039 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:14.039 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:14.046 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.064 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:14.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:14.082 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.102 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.103 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:14.103 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 03:07:14.103 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:14.122 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.141 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.168 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.187 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.207 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.226 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.246 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.266 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.285 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.305 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.324 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.344 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.363 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.382 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.402 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.422 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.441 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.461 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.487 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.507 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.527 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.547 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.566 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.586 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.605 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.625 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.644 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.664 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.684 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.703 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.723 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.743 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.762 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.782 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.802 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.822 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.844 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.864 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.883 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.903 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.923 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.945 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.965 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:14.985 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.005 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.024 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.044 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.063 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.067 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.070 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.086 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.095 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.105 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.107 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:259, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:07:15.107 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 259 11-22 03:07:15.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.108 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:07:15.109 6208 6208 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 142, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:07:15.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.116 6208 6208 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:07:15.118 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4312000, vbat_avg: 4313000, OCV: 4285833, ibat: 137000, ibat_avg: 142000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4818000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 4, frce_full: 1, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 500000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 259, Tbatt: 259, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 923, tperiod: 15 11-22 03:07:15.118 6208 6208 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:07:15.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.121 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:15.121 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [929002]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:15.121 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 218 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped218,cmd_send218 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.127 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.127 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:15.127 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 03:07:15.127 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:15.127 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 ea 2c 0e 00 00 97 00 00 11-22 03:07:15.127 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 217 11-22 03:07:15.127 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:15.127 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=15, rssi_mgmt=-51 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10028, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=159, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:15.127 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:15.128 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:15.128 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [929009]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 219 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped219,cmd_send219 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.128 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:15.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.134 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:15.134 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 03:07:15.134 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:15.134 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 f1 2c 0e 00 00 98 00 00 11-22 03:07:15.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.134 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 218 11-22 03:07:15.134 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.134 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:15.134 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:15.134 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:15.134 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:15.134 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -51 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:15.135 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:15.135 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:15.135 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.139 1105 1105 D vendor.sprd.hardware.vibrator-service: Vibra::perform 11-22 03:07:15.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.139 1105 1105 D vendor.sprd.hardware.vibrator-service: vibra_on 45 11-22 03:07:15.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.142 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.144 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:15.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.145 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.147 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.149 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.152 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.154 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.162 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.163 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.169 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.169 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.171 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.180 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.182 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.186 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.185 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.185 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.187 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.187 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.189 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.189 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.195 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.195 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.198 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.203 1105 1105 D vendor.sprd.hardware.vibrator-service: vibra_off 11-22 03:07:15.200 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.203 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.203 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.203 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.209 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.215 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.221 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.221 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.224 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.225 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.242 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.246 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.252 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.254 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.254 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.255 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.266 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.268 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.277 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.282 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.282 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.288 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.294 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.294 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.299 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.299 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.302 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.302 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.305 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.307 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.307 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.314 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.316 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.320 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.320 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.320 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.323 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.326 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.326 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.331 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.334 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.337 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.337 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.340 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.343 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.345 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.352 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.363 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.363 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.364 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.369 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.372 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.372 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.382 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.380 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.380 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.384 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:15.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.395 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.395 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.404 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.410 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.413 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.416 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.416 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.422 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.421 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.423 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.423 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.424 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.430 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.430 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.434 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.434 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.439 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.441 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.441 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.443 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.443 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.444 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.454 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_GPU_DEADLINE_MISSED, 6834, 9281723, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:15.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.454 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, 6841, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:15.454 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6841, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:15.455 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, 6854, 47400531, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:15.455 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6875, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:15.455 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 6894, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:15.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.454 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.455 5084 5712 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-25 11-22 03:07:15.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.467 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.474 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.476 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.476 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.482 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.479 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.479 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.491 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.493 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.500 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.500 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.505 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.512 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.514 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.514 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.519 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.526 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.534 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.535 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.535 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.535 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.537 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.537 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.542 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.544 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.544 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.548 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.548 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.551 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.555 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.557 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.561 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.570 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.570 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.572 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.578 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.586 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.591 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:15.591 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.597 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:15.601 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.606 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.606 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:15.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:15.626 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.646 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.647 7 7 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=567167260 11-22 03:07:15.647 7 7 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.665 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.685 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.705 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.715 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:15.715 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 03:07:15.715 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:15.724 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.743 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.763 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.782 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.802 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.822 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.841 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.867 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.887 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.907 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.927 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.943 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.963 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:15.982 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.002 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.021 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.047 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.067 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.086 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.106 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.125 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.143 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.163 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.187 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.206 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.226 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.244 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.264 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.284 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.302 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.327 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.345 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.365 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.384 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.404 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.424 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.443 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.463 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.482 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.502 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.522 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.541 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.561 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.587 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.607 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.627 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.645 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.665 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.685 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.704 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.724 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.743 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.763 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.783 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.802 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.822 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.842 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: out_standby 0xef141cf0 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_output_standby 0xef141cf0 audio_app_type:0 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby enter:0xf0700780 standby:0 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea2bba38 2 960 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 E audio_hw_control: get_stream_type_with_pcm_dev stream type:-1 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 E audio_hw_control: start_output_stream stream type:0xffffffff 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: get_usecase_with_mdg, app_type:5, usecase:508 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: set_mdg_mute_unlock, usecase:8, on:1 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:0xf15ece3c 1 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby pcm_close:0xf0700780 11-22 03:07:16.862 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby pcm_close:0xf0700780 success 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:01, step:1024 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:16.862 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Stop 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm E 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_free, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Playback 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_free release id=0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_free fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_free: 7475:scene_fast_hw_free dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_shutdown: 7400:scene_fast_shutdown dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=5 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =5 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x5, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x5, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =5 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:16.863 5287 5287 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 03:07:16.864 5287 5287 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_close FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Close Playback 11-22 03:07:16.865 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 0 11-22 03:07:16.865 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.865 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.866 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.866 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.866 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 0 11-22 03:07:16.866 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.866 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.867 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:16.867 5287 5287 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:17.036 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=3, ANA_STS1=0x7a80 11-22 03:07:17.050 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x8 usecase=0x8 off 11-22 03:07:17.050 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 03:07:17.050 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: vbc_iis_loop_enable:0 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 03:07:17.047 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC Off 11-22 03:07:17.047 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 03:07:17.048 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_disable, line: 1431 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x6 0x0 0x0 0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: close_all_control_unlock enter usecase:0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: IIS MUX OUT DEVICE :only_codec_p Route OFF 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x6 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x6, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = LEFT_HIGH 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:17.052 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'LEFT_HIGH' 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:17.052 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: BE OUT DEVICE :codec_p Route OFF 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:17.051 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:17.052 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.052 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:17.052 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:17.052 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.053 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.053 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.053 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.053 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.054 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.054 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.054 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.054 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.055 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.055 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.055 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICE :speaker Route OFF 11-22 03:07:17.055 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'normal' 11-22 03:07:17.055 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.056 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.056 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.056 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.056 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 0 11-22 03:07:17.057 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'EAR' 11-22 03:07:17.057 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 1 11-22 03:07:17.057 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: clear_mdg_all_mute_state 11-22 03:07:17.058 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:0 11-22 03:07:17.058 4394 5287 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:0 11-22 03:07:17.058 4394 5287 I audio_hw_control: clear_playback_param_state 11-22 03:07:17.058 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: do_normal_output_standby :0xef141cf0 0 exit 11-22 03:07:17.059 4394 5287 I [Awinic]: reset done ! 11-22 03:07:17.059 4394 5287 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done! 11-22 03:07:17.059 4394 5287 D [Awinic]: spin reset done! 11-22 03:07:17.059 4394 5287 D [Awinic]: Reset Done ! 11-22 03:07:17.059 4394 5287 I audio_hw_primary: Awinic reset 11-22 03:07:17.055 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch Off 11-22 03:07:17.055 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch Off 11-22 03:07:17.056 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=3,get=8 11-22 03:07:17.056 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 4,shift=3,set=0 11-22 03:07:17.056 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 4,shift=2,get=4 11-22 03:07:17.056 5287 5287 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 0,shift=2,set=0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC0_DSP mute:00, step:01 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_DAC1_DSP mute:00, step:04 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:17.057 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mdg_put: 467:vbc_mdg_put VBC_MDG_AP01 mute:00, step:01 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:1 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 1, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 03:07:17.058 5287 5287 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3667:audio hal agdsp_access_disable 11-22 03:07:18.142 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:18.142 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [932023]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 220 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:18.142 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped220,cmd_send220 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.142 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.148 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:18.149 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 03:07:18.149 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:18.149 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 b7 38 0e 00 00 99 00 00 11-22 03:07:18.149 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 219 11-22 03:07:18.149 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:18.149 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=14, rssi_mgmt=-50 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10076, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=160, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:18.149 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:18.151 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:18.151 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [932032]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:18.151 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 221 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped221,cmd_send221 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.151 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:18.157 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:18.157 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 03:07:18.157 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:18.157 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 c0 38 0e 00 00 9a 00 00 11-22 03:07:18.157 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 220 11-22 03:07:18.157 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:18.157 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:18.158 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:18.158 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:18.158 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -50 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:18.954 7 7 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=932837,218996 11-22 03:07:18.954 7 7 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:07:18.959 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=932837,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=933311 11-22 03:07:19.061 4522 4606 D ActivityManager: freezing 5686 android.process.media 11-22 03:07:19.115 1255 1255 E charged : charge_set_basp: convert basp = -1 11-22 03:07:19.115 1255 1255 E : failed 11-22 03:07:19.971 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: not satisfy power on start condition. 11-22 03:07:19.971 169 169 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: init_cap = 1000, init_mah = 6346, init_clbcnt = 30551955, cur_clbcnt = 30556248, normal_cap = 1000, data->cc_mah = 1, Tbat = 259, uusoc_vbat = 0, uusoc_mah = 0, cur_1000ma_adc = 662, track_sts = 1 11-22 03:07:20.483 0 0 I : c4 [ C4] [drm] sprd_dpu_disable_vblank() 11-22 03:07:20.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:07:20.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:07:21.165 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:21.165 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [935046]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:21.165 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 222 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.165 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped222,cmd_send222 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.166 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.172 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:21.172 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 03:07:21.172 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:21.172 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 86 44 0e 00 00 9b 00 00 11-22 03:07:21.172 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 221 11-22 03:07:21.172 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:21.172 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:21.172 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:21.172 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:21.172 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=15, rssi_mgmt=-50 11-22 03:07:21.173 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10076, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:21.173 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=160, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:21.173 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:21.173 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:21.174 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:21.174 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [935055]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:21.174 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 223 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped223,cmd_send223 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.174 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:21.180 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:21.180 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 03:07:21.180 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:21.180 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 8f 44 0e 00 00 9c 00 00 11-22 03:07:21.180 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 222 11-22 03:07:21.181 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:21.181 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:21.181 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:21.181 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:21.181 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -50 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:23.948 812 6228 I keystore2: system/security/keystore2/src/watchdog.rs:319 - Watchdog thread idle -> terminating. Have a great day. 11-22 03:07:24.074 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=937957,218996 11-22 03:07:24.074 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:07:24.079 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=937957,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=938431 11-22 03:07:24.079 9 9 I WCN BASE: loopcheck(151) 2023-11-21_18:07:24.79580909 11-22 03:07:24.189 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:24.189 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [938070]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:24.189 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 224 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped224,cmd_send224 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.190 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.196 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:24.196 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 03:07:24.196 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:24.196 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 56 50 0e 00 00 9d 00 00 11-22 03:07:24.196 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 223 11-22 03:07:24.196 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:24.197 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=15, rssi_mgmt=-51 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10093, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=160, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:24.197 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:24.199 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:24.199 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [938080]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:24.199 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 225 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped225,cmd_send225 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.199 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:24.205 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:24.205 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000002d8f5d7c tail:000000002d8f5d7c num:1 11-22 03:07:24.205 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:24.205 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 60 50 0e 00 00 9e 00 00 11-22 03:07:24.205 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 224 11-22 03:07:24.205 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:24.205 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:24.206 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:24.206 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:24.206 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -51 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:27.213 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:27.213 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [941094]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:27.213 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 226 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.213 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped226,cmd_send226 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.214 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.220 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:27.220 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000074c2982a tail:0000000074c2982a num:1 11-22 03:07:27.220 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:27.220 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 26 5c 0e 00 00 9f 00 00 11-22 03:07:27.220 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 225 11-22 03:07:27.220 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:27.220 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=15, rssi_mgmt=-49 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10109, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=160, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:27.220 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:27.222 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:27.222 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [941103]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:27.222 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 227 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped227,cmd_send227 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.222 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:27.228 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:27.228 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000edd7d96d tail:00000000edd7d96d num:1 11-22 03:07:27.228 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:27.228 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 2f 5c 0e 00 00 a0 00 00 11-22 03:07:27.228 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 226 11-22 03:07:27.229 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:27.229 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:27.229 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:27.229 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:27.229 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -49 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:27.651 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_ir_compensation, us = 4340000, rc = 20, upper_limit = 4500000, lower_limit = 4340000, target_cccv = 4343800, ibat_avg = 190200, offset = 100000 11-22 03:07:27.651 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_sprd_vote_callback, VOTE_TYPE_CCCV[4343800] 11-22 03:07:28.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:28.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:28.934 614 614 E : ap watchdog sprd_wdt_fiq start: timeout = 40, pretimeout = 20 11-22 03:07:28.934 614 614 I sprd_wdt: sprd wdt load value timeout =40, pretimeout =20 11-22 03:07:29.193 9 9 I WCN BASE: tx:at+loopcheck=943076,218996 11-22 03:07:29.193 9 9 I WCN BASE: mdbg_tx_cb, chn:0 11-22 03:07:29.198 470 470 I WCN BASE: rx:loopcheck_ack:ap_send=943076,cp2_bootup=218996,cp2_send=943550 11-22 03:07:29.977 344 344 I logd : logdr: UID=2000 GID=2000 PID=6260 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 11-22 03:07:30.211 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: cm_manager_get_jeita_status: jeita status:(2) 2 2, temperature:259, jeita_size:4 11-22 03:07:30.211 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: current-last jeita status: 2-2, current temperature: 259 11-22 03:07:30.212 9 9 I : charger-manager charger-manager: battery_status 1, charging_status 0 11-22 03:07:30.213 7 7 I sc27xx-fgu 64200000.spi: pmic@0:fgu@c00: UUSOC: cur_avg_ma = 206, resistance_moh = 0, ocv_pzero_uv = 3400000, ocv_pzero_cap = 0, ocv_pzero_mah = 0 11-22 03:07:30.213 7 7 W : charger-manager charger-manager: cant not get input_cur. 11-22 03:07:30.215 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: vbat: 4326000, vbat_avg: 4320000, OCV: 4280160, ibat: 240000, ibat_avg: 206000, ibus: 0, vbus: 4632000, msoc: 1000, chg_sts: 4, frce_full: 1, chg_lmt_cur: 1800000, inpt_lmt_cur: 1800000, chgr_type: 3, Tboard: 259, Tbatt: 259, thm_cur: 6000000, thm_pwr: 30000, is_fchg: 0, fchg_en: 0, tflush: 16, tperiod: 16 11-22 03:07:30.216 7 7 I : charger-manager charger-manager: new_uisoc = 1000, old_uisoc = 1000 11-22 03:07:30.236 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:30.236 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [944117]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:30.236 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 228 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped228,cmd_send228 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.237 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.243 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:30.243 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000ce67b78e tail:00000000ce67b78e num:1 11-22 03:07:30.243 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:30.243 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 f5 67 0e 00 00 a1 00 00 11-22 03:07:30.243 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 227 11-22 03:07:30.243 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:30.243 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=14, rssi_mgmt=-49 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10111, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=160, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:30.243 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:30.245 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:30.245 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [944126]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:30.245 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 229 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.245 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped229,cmd_send229 11-22 03:07:30.246 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.246 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:30.252 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:30.252 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000004b71aad6 tail:000000004b71aad6 num:1 11-22 03:07:30.252 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:30.252 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 fe 67 0e 00 00 a2 00 00 11-22 03:07:30.252 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 228 11-22 03:07:30.252 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:30.252 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:30.252 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:30.252 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:30.252 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -49 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:31.164 1110 1110 I : [drm] sprd_dpu_enable_vblank() 11-22 03:07:31.268 4388 4388 W AudioFlinger: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000004) and output flags (00000002) 11-22 03:07:31.268 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.271 4388 4388 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:57 usage:13 not muted 11-22 03:07:31.273 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265464455; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.274 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265452344; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.275 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 266124927; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.276 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265451093; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.275 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.276 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265456536; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.276 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 255940284; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.277 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 236283604; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.278 4388 4388 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 03:07:31.278 4388 4388 D audioserver: -129 11-22 03:07:31.278 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263959004; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.280 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 264304459; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.281 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 264301586; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.281 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 254631730; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.281 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: out_write() out_write start up bytes:3840 11-22 03:07:31.281 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xecec9f10 2 960 11-22 03:07:31.282 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273509367; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.282 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263259275; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.282 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.282 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream usecase:8 device:0x2 flag:0x2 11-22 03:07:31.282 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.282 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_usecase cur :0x0 usecase=0x8 on 11-22 03:07:31.283 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.283 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_l:1 11-22 03:07:31.283 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl: count:0,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:31.283 4394 5718 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 03:07:31.283 4394 5718 I audio_hw_dsp: agdsp_send_msg cmd:0x34 param:0x7 0x8 0x0 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.284 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis in,device:2 usecase:8 11-22 03:07:31.284 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES only_codec_p Route ON 11-22 03:07:31.283 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access: 3651:vbc_put_agdsp_aud_access agcp_access_aud_cnt = 0, agcp_access_a2dp_cnt = 0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:PIPE] aud_pipe_write: aud_pipe_data->channel:2,count:20 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.channel=0x2 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.command=0x34 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter0=0x7 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter1=0x8 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter2=0x0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:PIPE] user_msg_in.parameter3=0x0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x34, value0: 0x7, value1: 0x8, 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x0, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=2 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0=WD_24BIT 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.284 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.288 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194480991; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.295 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 184838306; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.295 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.296 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 185004937; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.295 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.295 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 03:07:31.295 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.296 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX1_WD_SEL' to 'WD_24BIT' 11-22 03:07:31.296 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_IIS_TX0_LRMOD_SEL' to 'RIGHT_HIGH' 11-22 03:07:31.297 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC0_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 03:07:31.297 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_DAC1_IIS_PORT_SEL' to 'VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0' 11-22 03:07:31.297 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS0_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0' 11-22 03:07:31.297 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS2_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel: 2297:vbc_put_iis_tx_width_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1=WD_24BIT 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.298 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'VBC_MUX_IIS3_PORT_DO_SEL' to 'IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2' 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.298 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route iis out be in,device:2 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1d, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.298 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: VBC OUT DEVICES codec_p Route ON 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:29 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel: 2346:vbc_put_iis_tx_lr_mod_sel, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 = RIGHT_HIGH 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.298 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'ag_iis0_ext_sel_v1' to 'top_dac_iis' 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.298 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 197654537; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x1e, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:30 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC0 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.299 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP01_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.296 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_tx_put: 1821:vbc_mux_iis_tx_put, VBC_MUX_IIS_TX_DAC1 to VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.299 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_NORMAL_AP23_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.300 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene bgn### 11-22 03:07:31.300 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:31.300 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.300 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.300 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x15, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:21 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.300 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS0 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC0 11-22 03:07:31.300 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.300 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_OFFLOAD_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.301 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 205907456; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.301 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter launch scene end### 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.301 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS2 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.301 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOIP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.301 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.297 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put: 1972:vbc_mux_iis_port_do_put, VBC_IIS_PORT_IIS3 to IIS_DO_VAL_DAC2 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=8 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.302 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_LOOP_P_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.302 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FM_DSP_CODEC SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x17, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:23 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.298 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1: 3579:vbc_put_ag_iis_ext_sel_v1, ag_iis_num=0,value=0, texts->texts[] =top_dac_iis 11-22 03:07:31.302 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_VOICE_PCM_P SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.302 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Set 'S_FAST_P_SMART_AMP SWITCH' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.302 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route be out,device:2 11-22 03:07:31.302 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open start pcm device:3 config rate:48000 channels:2 format:0 960 0 11-22 03:07:31.304 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open end 11-22 03:07:31.304 4394 5718 I audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream pcm_open devices:3 pcm:0xf0700bc0 48000 48000 11-22 03:07:31.304 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: dev_ctl_get_out_pcm_config AUD_PCM_MM_NORMAL:0xea1bafe8 2 960 11-22 03:07:31.305 4522 5717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194833441; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 5718 W audio_hw_control: _set_mdg_mute:set the same value:0 11-22 03:07:31.305 4522 5717 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher bnds=[292,589][446,862]} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK from uid 10105 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_COMPONENT) result code=0 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: select_devices_new devices 0x2, is in 0 app type:0 sync is 1,force:1 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device in device:2,is_in:0,force_set:1,actl->usecase:8,in:0,out:2 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_enable 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:1,on_off:1,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: switch_vbc_route_unlock:2 usecase:8 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: OUT DEVICES speaker Route ON 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HP mix mode' to 0 11-22 03:07:31.305 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'DAC LRCLK Select' to 'invert' 11-22 03:07:31.306 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL EAR Sel' to 'HPL' 11-22 03:07:31.306 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPL Mixer DACLHPL Switch' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_startup: 7368:scene_fast_startup dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_dac_id: 5362:get_startup_scene_dac_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) dac_id = 0 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] get_startup_scene_adc_id: 5447:get_startup_scene_adc_id scene is VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P(id 3) adc_id = 0 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=620 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=4 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Mixer DACRHPR Switch' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'HPR Pin Switch' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.303 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x4, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =4 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 E : [ASoC:HDST2730] sprd_enable_hmicbias_polling no headset insert! 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_open FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P Open Playback 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94122000, size=0xff0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94123000, size=0xff0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[0] =0xffffffc022400000, rtd->dma_cfg_phy[0] =0x94122000, 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] rtd->dma_cfg_virt[1]=0xffffffc022401000,rtd->dma_cfg_phy[1]=0x94123000, 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] runtime->hw.periods_max*(sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg)=4080, 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sizeof(struct sprd_dma_cfg) = 120, size_inout=4080 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer alloc size = 0x20000 for data 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:MEM] audio_mem_alloc mem_type=5 addr = 0x94124000, size=0x20000 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_ddr32_buffer, sprd_pcm_preallocate_dma_buffer buf->area(virt)=0xffffffc022402000, buf->addr(phy)=0x94124000, size=131072 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] Playback rate is [48000], ivsence_dmic_type 0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7428:scene_fast_hw_params dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_hw_params: 7451:scene_fast_hw_params data_fmt=VBC_DAT_L16, chan=2, rate =48000 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=52 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=6 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x6, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =6 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: FE.VBC ] fe_hw_params fe dai: FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P(3) playback 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [MCDT] mcdt_dac_dma_enable 1001 mcdt_dma_ap_channel=4 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] (pcm) sprd_pcm_hw_params, cpudai_id=3 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] chan=1 totsize=7680 period=3840 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] desc->src_step=4, dest_step=0 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker Function' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Chan0 DMA ID=9 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: Set 'Speaker1 Function' to 1 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 E audio_hw_control: set_ucp_1301_rcv_unlock,can not get mixer:UCP1301_RCV Switch 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: device_access_restore 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_dsp: dsp_sleep_ctrl_pair: count:0,on_off:0,dsp_ctl->agdsp_sleep_status:1 11-22 03:07:31.307 4394 4438 I audio_hw_control: do_select_device out device:2,is_in:0 11-22 03:07:31.308 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: clear_all_vbc_dg_param_state 11-22 03:07:31.308 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VDG:Music\Handsfree\Playback volme:0 11-22 03:07:31.308 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: Apply Gain Control [VBC DAC0 DG Set. 28] 11-22 03:07:31.308 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:0 param_id:75 param_mode:47 default_mode:4b 11-22 03:07:31.308 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_vbc_param:75 case:0 255 255 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_VBC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback play:255 dsp_case:0 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_param: get_audio_param_mode type:4 param_id:75 param_mode:2e default_mode:4b 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: UPDATE_PARAM_CODEC_PLAY:Music\Handsfree\Playback cur_codec_p_volume:255 volume:0 codec_param:0xebd8f490 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param vol_index:0 out_devices:8 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set dacl_playback_volume :0x3 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpl_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 I audio_hw_control: set_sprd_output_devices_param set hpr_playback_volume :0x4 11-22 03:07:31.309 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.310 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.312 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.312 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.312 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.313 4522 4542 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.314 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.314 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@5350da9 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=12 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=945185 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=0 isResizeable=false minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@b767f2e} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{7c85acf com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@713ec5c] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@a7db65, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@16f603a, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null } 11-22 03:07:31.315 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for android.os.BinderProxy@5350da9: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@a7db65, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@16f603a, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] dma_buff_phys[0] 2484224000 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_hw_params, block 3840 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] src_dw=4, dst_dw=4 frag=0, burst:640, slave_id=9, step=4, ll_cfg_virt_addr=000000006c73f914, ll_cfg_phy_addr=2484215808 ,dst_addr:1447624720, src_addr:2484224000,chan=0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=00000000c9293a31, flag:0, chan=0 node=0 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sg_dma_len=3840, periods=2, sg_dma_address=0000000062993cb8, flag:0, chan=0 node=1 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] Node Size:2 11-22 03:07:31.304 5718 5718 E : [ASoC: PCM ] return 0 11-22 03:07:31.306 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 0,shift=3,get=0 11-22 03:07:31.306 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 8,shift=3,set=1 11-22 03:07:31.306 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 8,shift=2,get=0 11-22 03:07:31.306 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dac switch 12,shift=2,set=1 11-22 03:07:31.307 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk Switch On 11-22 03:07:31.307 4438 4438 I : [ASoC:BOARD] Ext Spk1 Switch On 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=9 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0x9, value0: 0x3, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =9 id:3 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.308 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_dg_put: 601:vbc_dg_put VBC_DG_DAC0 l:28 r:28 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3149:vbc_profile_put dsp_vbc, value=0x474b0000, 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_put: 3151: current_offset=71, mode_max_offset=79 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2672:vbc_profile_try_apply, profile_id:1 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] vbc_profile_try_apply: 2683:now_mode[1]=1196097536,mode=75, mode_offset=71 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] cmd =11 sharemem_info.id = 1196097536, sharemem_info.type=1, 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] sharemem_info.phy_iram_addr=0x94381210, sharemem_info.size=0x6c4 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] audio_cmd_copy, write cmd para: txbuf_addr_v=0xffffffc016401000, tx_len=16 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SMSG] warning aud_smsg_recv cache is empty! 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 W : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd channel =0 cmd=11 ENODATA 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd in,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd 684 wait dsp 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_recv_cmd, chan: 0x0, cmd: 0xb, value0: 0x474b0000, value1: 0xffffffff, 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x94380000, value3: 0x0, timeout: 750 11-22 03:07:31.309 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd out,cmd =11 id:1196097536 ret-value:0,repeat_count=1 11-22 03:07:31.317 4522 4555 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.317 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.322 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.322 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.319 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:31.319 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:31.319 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.320 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_power_enable, line: 1443 11-22 03:07:31.320 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_digital_open, line: 1455 11-22 03:07:31.320 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 03:07:31.327 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.328 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] DAC On 11-22 03:07:31.328 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] sprd_codec_sample_rate_setting AD 0 DA 48000 AD1 0 11-22 03:07:31.328 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] hp_path_event, line: 1932 11-22 03:07:31.334 4729 4776 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 11-22 03:07:31.334 4729 4776 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk . target_sdk_version=1000, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/Camera2/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 11-22 03:07:31.336 4729 4776 D SplashScreenView: Build android.window.SplashScreenView{749f663 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 11-22 03:07:31.336 4729 4776 D SplashScreenView: Icon: view: android.widget.ImageView{7224260 V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204f0 android:id/splashscreen_icon_view} drawable: com.android.wm.shell.startingsurface.SplashscreenIconDrawableFactory$ImmobileIconDrawable@fb319 size: 280 11-22 03:07:31.336 4729 4776 D SplashScreenView: Branding: view: android.view.View{d970fde G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204ef android:id/splashscreen_branding_view} drawable: null size w: 0 h: 0 11-22 03:07:31.339 4387 4387 D Zygote : Forked child process 6264 11-22 03:07:31.340 4522 4555 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6264:com.android.camera2/u0a89 for next-top-activity {com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} 11-22 03:07:31.343 4392 4392 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 03:07:31.345 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.348 4729 4834 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:31.349 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d1, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[camera2]#4(BLAST Consumer)4 11-22 03:07:31.349 4522 4863 D CoreBackPreview: Window{a2748e3 u0 Splash Screen com.android.camera2}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@528645e, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 03:07:31.350 4729 6265 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d1, vaddr=0x6f4216f000 11-22 03:07:31.348 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 22us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.350 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 24us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.351 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d2, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[camera2]#4(BLAST Consumer)4 11-22 03:07:31.351 4729 6265 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x6f349f7000 11-22 03:07:31.352 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d3, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[camera2]#4(BLAST Consumer)4 11-22 03:07:31.353 4729 6265 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d3, vaddr=0x6f24bc2000 11-22 03:07:31.353 6264 6264 I android.camera2: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 11-22 03:07:31.352 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 24us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.356 6264 6264 E android.camera2: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 11-22 03:07:31.357 4392 4576 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x6ed4f35000 11-22 03:07:31.366 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #6 createdAt=11-22 03:07:31.289 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=12 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=945185 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=0 isResizeable=false minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{da2f15b Task{cd4f61 #12 type=standard A=10089:com.android.camera.CameraActivity}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{b4cadf8 com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@277d2d1] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@de6a136, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@49ab1a4, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null } 11-22 03:07:31.366 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 11-22 03:07:31.366 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info={id=6 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{da2f15b Task{cd4f61 #12 type=standard A=10089:com.android.camera.CameraActivity}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=12)/@0x82e2655 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{b60a6c1 Task{ae1a7ae #1 type=home}}} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xe98b66d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:31.368 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@5350da9: {id=6 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ac07db7} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=12)/@0xd39fd78 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ccd7924} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xfbbac51 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:31.368 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#6)android.os.BinderProxy@5350da9@0 11-22 03:07:31.368 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@c09a3f0 11-22 03:07:31.369 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for #6 to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@a7db65, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@16f603a, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 11-22 03:07:31.370 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.371 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 11-22 03:07:31.371 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:SC2730] dalr_dc_os_event Dpop sucessed! i=4, ANA_STS1=0x7a8e 11-22 03:07:31.375 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.375 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.379 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.388 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.391 6264 6264 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.392 6264 6264 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.394 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.395 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.400 6264 6264 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=1000, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/system/product/app/Camera2/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.camera2 11-22 03:07:31.401 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:31.401 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [945283]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:31.401 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:31.401 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 230 11-22 03:07:31.401 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped230,cmd_send230 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.402 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:31.403 6264 6264 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 11-22 03:07:31.403 6264 6264 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-5 for unbundled product apk /system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk. target_sdk_version=1000, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system/product/app/Camera2/lib/arm64:/system/product/app/Camera2/Camera2.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.android.camera2:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 11-22 03:07:31.404 6264 6264 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 11-22 03:07:31.409 4522 4561 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading Bluetooth stats: 9 11-22 03:07:31.407 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:31.407 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:000000006187d4d5 tail:000000006187d4d5 num:1 11-22 03:07:31.407 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:31.407 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 83 6c 0e 00 00 a3 00 00 11-22 03:07:31.407 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 229 11-22 03:07:31.407 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:31.407 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=748, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=6, rssi_mgmt=-45 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10117, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=160, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:31.407 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:31.412 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.414 4522 5717 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=945294 mSleepTimeMs=600 mIdleTimeMs=2400 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[300, 300, 300, 300, 300],mRxTimeMs=600}]} 11-22 03:07:31.416 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative user/sys time delta for UID=10090 11-22 03:07:31.416 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times: u=103157 s=118700 Curr times: u=67073 s=84460 11-22 03:07:31.417 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative user/sys time delta for UID=10084 11-22 03:07:31.417 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times: u=119732 s=100157 Curr times: u=85355 s=69698 11-22 03:07:31.417 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative user/sys time delta for UID=10050 11-22 03:07:31.417 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times: u=270471 s=136467 Curr times: u=201877 s=86700 11-22 03:07:31.417 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative user/sys time delta for UID=10092 11-22 03:07:31.417 4522 4561 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times: u=1684148 s=547868 Curr times: u=1717238 s=542208 11-22 03:07:31.419 811 811 W binder:811_4: type=1400 audit(0.0:193): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup18" dev="sysfs" ino=48654 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 03:07:31.423 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup18 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-006b/wakeup/wakeup18): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.423 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-0065/wakeup/wakeup26): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.419 811 811 W binder:811_4: type=1400 audit(0.0:194): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup26" dev="sysfs" ino=49096 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 03:07:31.424 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup16 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:fgu@c00/wakeup/wakeup16): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.419 811 811 W binder:811_4: type=1400 audit(0.0:195): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup16" dev="sysfs" ino=48537 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 03:07:31.424 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup0 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/wakeup/wakeup0): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.419 811 811 W binder:811_4: type=1400 audit(0.0:196): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup0" dev="sysfs" ino=28029 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 03:07:31.425 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup9 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:rtc@200/wakeup/wakeup9): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.419 811 811 W binder:811_4: type=1400 audit(0.0:197): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup9" dev="sysfs" ino=47287 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-22 03:07:31.425 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup14 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:pd@e00/power_supply/sprd-tcpm-source-psy-sc27xx-pd/wakeup14): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.426 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/usb/wakeup22): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.426 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup12 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64570000.hsphy/wakeup/wakeup12): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.426 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup20 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/wireless/wakeup20): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.425 1475 1475 W audit : audit_lost=53 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64 11-22 03:07:31.425 1475 1475 E audit : rate limit exceeded 11-22 03:07:31.427 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup10 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:rtc@200/rtc/rtc0/wakeup10): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.427 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup19 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/battery/wakeup19): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.428 4522 5717 W ActivityTaskManager: takeTaskSnapshot: taskId=10 not found or not visible 11-22 03:07:31.428 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:fchg@400/power_supply/sc2730_fast_charger/wakeup27): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.429 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup17 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-006b/power_supply/bq2560x_charger/wakeup17): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.430 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.430 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup1 (../../devices/platform/gpio-keys/wakeup/wakeup1): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.430 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup25 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:ap-apb/20210000.i2c/i2c-5/5-0065/power_supply/bq2597x-standalone/wakeup25): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.431 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup15 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64200000.spi/spi_master/spi4/spi4.0/64200000.spi:pmic@0:fgu@c00/power_supply/sc27xx-fgu/wakeup15): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.431 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup23 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/wakeup/wakeup23): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.431 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 03:07:31.432 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup13 (../../devices/platform/soc/soc:aon/64570000.hsphy/wakeup/wakeup13): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.432 6264 6264 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 11-22 03:07:31.433 6264 6264 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 11-22 03:07:31.433 6264 6264 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 11-22 03:07:31.433 6264 6264 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.camera2: false 11-22 03:07:31.433 6264 6264 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.android.camera2 is not listed in per-application setting 11-22 03:07:31.433 6264 6264 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-22 03:07:31.433 811 1475 E android.system.suspend-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup21 (../../devices/platform/charger-manager/power_supply/ac/wakeup21): Permission denied 11-22 03:07:31.431 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.431 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.432 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.438 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START 11-22 03:07:31.438 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START 11-22 03:07:31.439 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.625ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.625ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences 11-22 03:07:31.440 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.460ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.835ms] preferences.getLong 11-22 03:07:31.440 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.575ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.440 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2.376ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 2.376ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun 11-22 03:07:31.440 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2.554ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.178ms] UsageStatistics.initialize 11-22 03:07:31.441 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3.190ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.636ms] clearNotifications 11-22 03:07:31.441 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3.190ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.441 4522 5717 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10089. pid: 6264 11-22 03:07:31.466 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.20ms> 11-22 03:07:31.475 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@a3e0d1e 11-22 03:07:31.475 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - START 11-22 03:07:31.476 6264 6264 D CAM_LocationManager: Using LegacyLocationProvider 11-22 03:07:31.484 6264 6264 D CAM_MemoryManagerImpl: Max native memory: 358 MB 11-22 03:07:31.488 6264 6264 I CAM_OneCamFtrCnfgCrtr: CaptureModule? true 11-22 03:07:31.489 4391 4391 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.51ms> 11-22 03:07:31.493 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 17.662ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 3.813ms] Glide.setup 11-22 03:07:31.494 6264 6264 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera 11-22 03:07:31.494 6264 6264 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service 11-22 03:07:31.502 6264 6264 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First FRONT Camera 11-22 03:07:31.504 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 29.035ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [11.373ms] OneCameraManager.get 11-22 03:07:31.505 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.503 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:31.503 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.518 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.521 6264 6291 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.521 6264 6291 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.520 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 0, on: 1 11-22 03:07:31.520 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.524 6264 6292 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 03:07:31.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x00 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x00 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.526 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.527 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.530 6264 6292 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software" 11-22 03:07:31.533 6264 6292 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 03:07:31.533 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 57.833ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [10.567ms] computePictureSizes 11-22 03:07:31.533 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.537 1066 1066 I Codec2-ComponentStore@1.1: getTransactionInfo empty 11-22 03:07:31.542 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.543 6264 6292 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 03:07:31.543 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.543 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 03:07:31.546 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 03:07:31.547 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 03:07:31.547 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.547 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.547 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.547 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.547 6264 6292 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.549 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 03:07:31.548 5718 5718 I : [ASoC:BOARD] hook_spk_aw87xxx id: 1, on: 1 11-22 03:07:31.548 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0058]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.553 6264 6292 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.553 6264 6292 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 03:07:31.553 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 03:07:31.553 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 03:07:31.553 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 03:07:31.553 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 03:07:31.554 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-0059]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.555 6264 6264 W CAM_Log : Tag RoundedThumbnailView is 1 chars longer than limit. 11-22 03:07:31.556 6264 6292 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.556 6264 6292 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.557 6264 6292 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.558 6264 6292 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 03:07:31.558 6264 6292 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 03:07:31.558 6264 6292 D C2Store : Using ION 11-22 03:07:31.560 6264 6292 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#277] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4902 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9d1548 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 0/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/18 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4390 5726 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe2281108 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 95/103 (recycle/alloc) - 8/198 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4902 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9d1548 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 0% recycled; transfers: 18, 67% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4667 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b4918 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/24 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4667 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b4918 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 29% recycled; transfers: 24, 79% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4390 5726 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xe2281108 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 103, 92% recycled; transfers: 198, 96% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4593 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9ce958 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 9/26 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4668 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9ce958 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 29% recycled; transfers: 26, 65% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4667 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b5948 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/24 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4667 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b5948 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 29% recycled; transfers: 24, 79% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4668 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9ba7e8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 9/34 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4668 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9ba7e8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 29% recycled; transfers: 34, 74% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4902 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b0cf8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/34 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.562 4522 4902 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9b0cf8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 29% recycled; transfers: 34, 85% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.562 4729 5235 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9e15f8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/38 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.559 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.563 4729 5235 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9e15f8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 14% recycled; transfers: 38, 84% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.563 4729 5235 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9e6248 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/36 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.563 4729 5235 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9e6248 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 14% recycled; transfers: 36, 83% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.563 6264 6292 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#277] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 41 - OK 11-22 03:07:31.559 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.563 4729 5235 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9db728 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/18 (fetch/transfer) 11-22 03:07:31.563 4729 5235 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb40000707b9db728 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 7, 29% recycled; transfers: 18, 72% unfetched 11-22 03:07:31.564 6264 6292 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#277] Configured output block pool ids 41 => OK 11-22 03:07:31.560 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005a]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.564 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.566 1254 6298 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 41 => got 41 - 0 11-22 03:07:31.565 6292 6292 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6292 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.565 6292 6292 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6292 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.566 6292 6292 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6292 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.566 6292 6292 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6292 , size: 32768, time: 2us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.566 6292 6292 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6292 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.568 5718 5718 I [Awinic] [4-005b]aw_acf_get_prof_desc_form_name: get prof desc down 11-22 03:07:31.570 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I [ASoC: VBC ] scene_fast_trigger: 7501:scene_fast_trigger dai:BE_DAI_ID_FAST_P_CODEC(3) scene:VBC_DAI_ID_FAST_P playback, cmd=1 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I : [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_cmd_no_wait no wait 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] aud_send_msg,cmd: 0x7, value0: 0x3, value1: 0x0, 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I [Audio:SIPC] value2: 0x1, value3: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I [Audio:SMSG] aud_smsg_send: dst=1, channel=0 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] sprd_pcm_trigger, FE_DAI_ID_FAST_P cpu_dai->id = 3 Trigger Playback cmd:1 11-22 03:07:31.574 5718 5718 I : [ASoC: PCM ] pcm Start 11-22 03:07:31.575 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.577 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.575 6298 6298 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6298 , size: 16384, time: 6us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.580 6298 6298 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6298 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.587 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.596 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.596 6264 6264 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.602 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.605 6298 6298 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6298 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.612 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.615 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.615 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.622 6264 6264 I CAM_Profiler: [146.947ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [87.776ms] setContentView() 11-22 03:07:31.622 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.625 6264 6292 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#277] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.625 6264 6292 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#277] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.625 6264 6292 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#277] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.627 1254 1305 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.627 1254 1305 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.628 6264 6292 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.630 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.632 6264 6291 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.633 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.633 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [157.808ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [10.861ms] Configure Camera UI 11-22 03:07:31.636 4522 4697 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.641 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera 11-22 03:07:31.641 6264 6287 W CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Releasing camera without any camera opened. 11-22 03:07:31.642 6264 6264 V CAM_ModulesInfo: EnableCaptureModule = true 11-22 03:07:31.643 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - START 11-22 03:07:31.644 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.980ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.645 6264 6264 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@1b3f227] 11-22 03:07:31.647 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.648 6264 6264 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@1b3f227, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@92d4240] 11-22 03:07:31.649 6264 6264 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@1b3f227, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@92d4240, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@dc6c2be] 11-22 03:07:31.649 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [173.594ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4.189ms] Init Current Module UI 11-22 03:07:31.649 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.init - START 11-22 03:07:31.649 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: init UseAutotransformUiLayout = false 11-22 03:07:31.650 6264 6264 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera 11-22 03:07:31.651 6264 6264 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First FRONT Camera 11-22 03:07:31.654 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.663 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.665 6264 6264 I CAM_Profiler: [ 16.368ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.init - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.666 6264 6264 I CAM_Profiler: [190.362ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [16.768ms] Init CurrentModule 11-22 03:07:31.666 4388 4478 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 03:07:31.667 4388 4478 D audioserver: -129 11-22 03:07:31.670 6264 6264 I CAM_Profiler: [194.764ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.670 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@a3e0d1e 11-22 03:07:31.670 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@a3e0d1e 11-22 03:07:31.673 6264 6304 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.673 6264 6305 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.673 6264 6305 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.673 6264 6304 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.674 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@a3e0d1e 11-22 03:07:31.674 6264 6305 I BpBinder: Trying to attach object ID 0x72ca908d7e to binder ObjectManager 0xb4000071db9e9c30 with object 0xb40000701b9a4130, but object ID already in use 11-22 03:07:31.671 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.671 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.675 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.676 6264 6309 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 03:07:31.676 6264 6308 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 03:07:31.676 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@a3e0d1e 11-22 03:07:31.678 6264 6308 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 03:07:31.678 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 182734110; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.679 6264 6309 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 03:07:31.680 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume(): isKeyguardLocked() = false 11-22 03:07:31.680 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume --> onResumeTasks() 11-22 03:07:31.681 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - START 11-22 03:07:31.681 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraActivity: Build info: treble_arm64_bvS-userdebug 14 UP1A.231105.003 231117 test-keys 11-22 03:07:31.682 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.682 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.684 6264 6309 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 03:07:31.685 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 03:07:31.685 6264 6308 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 03:07:31.686 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 03:07:31.687 6264 6310 D CAM_Storage: External storage state=mounted 11-22 03:07:31.689 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[200000000], timeout[0] 11-22 03:07:31.689 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 200000 0 11-22 03:07:31.689 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 200000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 03:07:31.689 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 03:07:31.690 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.resume - START 11-22 03:07:31.690 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 03:07:31.690 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.440ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.resume - [ 0.027ms] getRemoteShutterListener.onModuleReady 11-22 03:07:31.691 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.692 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.693 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.694 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.695 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 03:07:31.695 6264 6309 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.696 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 03:07:31.696 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.696 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.696 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6308 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.697 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 03:07:31.698 6264 6308 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 8.642ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.resume - [ 4.260ms] mHeadingSensor.activate() 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 8.642ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.resume - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.699 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 18.618ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - [ 9.372ms] mCurrentModule.resume 11-22 03:07:31.700 6264 6264 V CAM_Profiler: [ 19.254ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - [ 0.027ms] mPanoramaViewHelper.onResume() 11-22 03:07:31.700 6264 6264 I CAM_Profiler: [ 19.682ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.700 6264 6264 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@a3e0d1e 11-22 03:07:31.701 6264 6309 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6309 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6306 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved photo metadata, number of items: 0 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6306 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved video metadata, number of items: 0 11-22 03:07:31.702 6264 6306 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorting video/photo metadata 11-22 03:07:31.703 6264 6306 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorted video/photo metadata 11-22 03:07:31.703 6264 6313 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.703 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 499821 11-22 03:07:31.703 6264 6309 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6264 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6313 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.704 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 499821 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.704 6264 6309 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6308 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.705 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6308 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6309 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6309 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 03:07:31.705 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 03:07:31.706 6264 6308 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.707 6264 6264 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 11-22 03:07:31.707 6264 6314 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 03:07:31.708 6264 6309 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#485] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0) 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6314 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.710 6264 6308 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.711 6264 6308 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 03:07:31.712 6264 6309 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#485] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 42 - OK 11-22 03:07:31.712 6264 6308 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 03:07:31.712 6264 6309 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#485] Configured output block pool ids 42 => OK 11-22 03:07:31.713 6264 6308 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#955] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0) 11-22 03:07:31.713 6264 6314 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 03:07:31.714 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 03:07:31.712 6309 6309 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6309 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.712 6309 6309 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6309 , size: 32768, time: 11us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.713 6309 6309 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6309 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.717 6264 6308 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#955] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 43 - OK 11-22 03:07:31.717 6264 6308 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#955] Configured output block pool ids 43 => OK 11-22 03:07:31.717 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.718 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 03:07:31.718 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 03:07:31.718 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.718 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.719 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.719 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.719 6264 6314 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.720 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.721 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 03:07:31.723 6264 6314 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.723 6264 6314 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 03:07:31.724 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 03:07:31.724 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 03:07:31.724 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 03:07:31.724 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 03:07:31.725 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 80000 11-22 03:07:31.725 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 03:07:31.725 6264 6314 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 11-22 03:07:31.725 6264 6314 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 03:07:31.725 6264 6314 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 80000 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 03:07:31.726 6264 6314 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 03:07:31.728 6264 6307 D CAM_MemoryQuery: timestamp=945554, availMem=5622, totalMem=7580, totalPSS=17, lastTrimLevel=0, largeMemoryClass=512, nativePSS=5, dalvikPSS=2, otherPSS=10,threshold=216, lowMemory=false 11-22 03:07:31.727 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.727 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.727 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.732 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.732 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.743 6264 6314 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#279] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 20 - OK (0) 11-22 03:07:31.744 1254 6312 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 42 => got 42 - 0 11-22 03:07:31.744 4522 5216 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window session=Session{fefc90f 6264:u0a10089} callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked:6034 com.android.server.wm.Session.updateRequestedVisibleTypes:690 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:1034 11-22 03:07:31.746 6264 6314 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#279] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 44 - OK 11-22 03:07:31.747 6264 6314 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#279] Configured output block pool ids 44 => OK 11-22 03:07:31.747 1254 6311 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 43 => got 43 - 0 11-22 03:07:31.743 6308 6308 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6308 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.743 6308 6308 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6308 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.743 6308 6308 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6308 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.743 6308 6308 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6308 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.743 6309 6309 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6309 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.746 6308 6308 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6308 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.747 6314 6314 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6314 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.747 6314 6314 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6314 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.747 6314 6314 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6314 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.747 6314 6314 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6314 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.749 1254 6315 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 44 => got 44 - 0 11-22 03:07:31.749 6314 6314 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6314 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.751 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.753 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.751 6312 6312 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6312 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.755 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraActivity: ignoring storage callback after activity pause 11-22 03:07:31.755 6264 6264 V CAM_FocusController: configurePreviewDimensions(RectF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) 11-22 03:07:31.755 6314 6314 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6314 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.755 6312 6312 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6312 , size: 32768, time: 22us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.756 6312 6312 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6312 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.757 6312 6312 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6312 , size: 32768, time: 10us, pool:16384, bud: 16384, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:4 11-22 03:07:31.760 4522 5717 D CoreBackPreview: Window{598d7d2 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@844efa0, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 11-22 03:07:31.758 6315 6315 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6315 , size: 32768, time: 14us, pool:0, bud: 32768, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:8 11-22 03:07:31.758 6311 6311 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6311 , size: 16384, time: 22us, pool:0, bud: 16384, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:4 11-22 03:07:31.765 6311 6311 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6311 , size: 16384, time: 7us, pool:0, bud: 16384, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:4 11-22 03:07:31.770 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.769 6315 6315 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6315 , size: 32768, time: 12us, pool:0, bud: 32768, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:8 11-22 03:07:31.776 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.778 4392 4401 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10089 pid=0 11-22 03:07:31.778 4392 4576 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10089 pid=6264 11-22 03:07:31.778 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10089 => denied (217 us) 11-22 03:07:31.778 4392 4401 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10089 => denied (409 us) 11-22 03:07:31.778 4392 4576 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10089 pid=6264 11-22 03:07:31.779 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10089 => denied (229 us) 11-22 03:07:31.779 4392 4576 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10089 pid=6264 11-22 03:07:31.779 4392 4576 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10089 => denied (131 us) 11-22 03:07:31.779 4392 4401 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10089 pid=0 11-22 03:07:31.779 4392 4401 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10089 => denied (707 us) 11-22 03:07:31.780 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: onLayoutChange 11-22 03:07:31.780 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform 11-22 03:07:31.780 6264 6283 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.mali.config" 11-22 03:07:31.780 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: setAspectRatio: 0.0 11-22 03:07:31.780 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: updatePreviewTransform: 1200 x 1895 11-22 03:07:31.781 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: setAspectRatio: NaN 11-22 03:07:31.781 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: aspect ratio changed from: 0.0 11-22 03:07:31.780 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x11 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x00 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.783 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.783 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.788 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.796 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.797 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.804 4392 4401 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes: getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8) 11-22 03:07:31.804 6264 6283 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:31.806 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform 11-22 03:07:31.806 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraAppUI: SurfaceTexture is available 11-22 03:07:31.806 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: onSurfaceTextureAvailable 11-22 03:07:31.806 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: updatePreviewTransform: 1200 x 1895 11-22 03:07:31.806 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: setAspectRatio: NaN 11-22 03:07:31.806 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: aspect ratio changed from: NaN 11-22 03:07:31.805 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 03:07:31.807 6264 6264 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via view bounds. 11-22 03:07:31.807 6264 6307 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.closeCamera() - START 11-22 03:07:31.807 6264 6307 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.376ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.closeCamera() - [ 0.376ms] mCameraOpenCloseLock.acquire() 11-22 03:07:31.808 6264 6307 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.671ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.closeCamera() - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.808 6264 6307 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.openCameraAndStartPreview() - START 11-22 03:07:31.808 6264 6307 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.262ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.openCameraAndStartPreview() - [ 0.262ms] Acquired mCameraOpenCloseLock 11-22 03:07:31.811 6264 6307 I CAM_OneCamera1Opnr: Opening Camera: CameraId{Api2='0',Api1:0} 11-22 03:07:31.811 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.811 6264 6307 V CAM_ActvCamDevTrckr: Tracking active camera: null 11-22 03:07:31.814 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d4, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[CameraLauncher]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:31.813 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 03:07:31.814 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 32us, pool:9699328, bud: 53248, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:13 11-22 03:07:31.815 6264 6328 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d4, vaddr=0x6f4ff03000 11-22 03:07:31.815 6264 6309 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#485] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.815 6264 6309 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#485] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.816 6264 6309 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#485] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: java.lang.SecurityException: Caller with uid 1047 is not android 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: at com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService.getCallerIdentity(DevicePolicyManagerService.java:2368) 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: at com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService.getCameraDisabled(DevicePolicyManagerService.java:9311) 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: at android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager.getCameraDisabled(DevicePolicyManager.java:8423) 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: at com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy$2.isCameraDisabled(CameraServiceProxy.java:622) 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: at android.hardware.ICameraServiceProxy$Stub.onTransact(ICameraServiceProxy.java:174) 11-22 03:07:31.816 4522 4863 W System.err: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1344) 11-22 03:07:31.817 4522 4863 W System.err: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1275) 11-22 03:07:31.816 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d5, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[CameraLauncher]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:31.817 4389 4389 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID 6264 "com.android.camera2", camera ID 0) and Camera API version 2 11-22 03:07:31.817 6264 6328 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d5, vaddr=0x6f4f4b8000 11-22 03:07:31.818 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d6, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[CameraLauncher]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:31.819 6264 6328 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d6, vaddr=0x6f4eb6b000 11-22 03:07:31.816 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 24us, pool:9699328, bud: 53248, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:13 11-22 03:07:31.817 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 23us, pool:9699328, bud: 53248, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:13 11-22 03:07:31.820 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.820 6264 6309 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.821 1254 1306 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.821 4389 4389 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: com.android.camera2 (PID 6264, UID 10089) 11-22 03:07:31.821 4389 4389 I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 0: Opened 11-22 03:07:31.821 4389 4389 I CameraService: makeClient: Camera2 API, override to portrait 0 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I Cam3Factory: 508, open_: open camera 0 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I sns_drv_u: 5599, sensor_set_HD_mode: is_HD_mode:0 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 3788, sensor_drv_switch_to_specific_tuning_param: SWITCH success 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 3788, sensor_drv_switch_to_specific_tuning_param: SWITCH success 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 3790, sensor_drv_switch_to_specific_tuning_param: FAILED to swtich 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 3790, sensor_drv_switch_to_specific_tuning_param: FAILED to swtich 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 3774, sensor_drv_switch_to_specific_tuning_param: sensor not configured 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 3774, sensor_drv_switch_to_specific_tuning_param: sensor not configured 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 137, SprdCamera3HWI: :hal3: Constructor E camId=0 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 140, SprdCamera3HWI: mCameraId 0,mCameraDevice 0xe8100b04 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 188, SprdCamera3HWI: :hal3: Constructor X 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D Cam3Factory: 592, cameraDeviceOpen: SPRD Camera Hal, camera_id=0 11-22 03:07:31.822 6264 6304 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 317, openCamera: camera3->open E 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 344, openCamera: mCameraSessionActive 1 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 374, openCamera: :hal3: E camId=0 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 647, SprdCamera3OEMIf: :hal3: Constructor E camId=0 11-22 03:07:31.822 1048 3763 I Cam3PowerPerf: 52, SprdCameraSystemPerformance: E 11-22 03:07:31.823 1048 3763 D PowerHALCli: setup: call mSetupDone:1 11-22 03:07:31.823 1048 3763 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnCreate 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D PowerHALCli: PowerHintScene: camera_lowpower 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnCreate 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D PowerHALCli: PowerHintScene: camera_high_perf 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnCreate 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D PowerHALCli: PowerHintScene: camera_perf 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnCreate 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D PowerHALCli: PowerHintScene: camera_lowpower_1 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 208, initPowerHint: PowerHint init done 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 I Cam3PowerPerf: 67, SprdCameraSystemPerformance: X 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 93, getSysPerformance: gCamSysPer: 0xf2f46510, mCameraSessionActive = 1 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 244, setPowerHint: IN, mCurrentPowerHint=0, 1 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 362, setPowerHint: out, mCurrentPowerHint=1 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D vendor.unisoc.hardware.power-service: Enter getSceneIdByName: sceneName:camera_perf 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter camera_perf scene bgn### 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:1, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:31.824 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Enter camera_perf scene end### 11-22 03:07:31.824 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 447, setDfsPolicy: dfs_scene: camveryhigh 11-22 03:07:31.829 6264 6314 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#279] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.829 6264 6314 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#279] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.831 6264 6314 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.832 1254 1306 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.832 6264 6304 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.832 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.833 6264 6313 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.833 6264 6304 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks 11-22 03:07:31.834 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 418, changeDfsPolicy: mCameraDfsPolicyCur: 3 11-22 03:07:31.834 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 187, setCamPreformaceScene: x camera scene:7 11-22 03:07:31.834 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_INIT, preview state = SPRD_IDLE, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 721, SprdCamera3OEMIf: loaded libcamoem.so mHalOem->dso = 0xf244a48f 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 897, SprdCamera3OEMIf: :hal3: Constructor X 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D OEMCam : 970, ioctrl_multi_cameramode: camera_mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D cmr_mem : 1199, camera_set_mem_multimode: camera_mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19296, camera_set_oem_multimode: camera_mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19301, camera_set_oem_masterid: master id 0 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 10972, camera_set_dual_video_mode: dual_video_mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 8127, openCamera: :hal3: E camId=0 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 14902, log_monitor_thread_init: mLogMonitor init, 2 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 1160, getLargestPictureSize: camId=0, max_width=4000, max_height=3000 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 6336 I Cam3OEMIf: 14830, log_monitor_thread_proc: E, 2 11-22 03:07:31.835 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 1136, getLargestSensorSize: camId=0, max_width=4192, max_height=3104 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 8215, openCamera: :hal3: camera_init 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 43, camera_init: camera id 0 autotest 0 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15675, camera_local_int: cxt=0xf3594ff0, client_data=0xf366feb0, master_id=0 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 9453, camera_init_internal: E 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 D cmr_sensor: 160, cmr_sensor_init: oem_handle: 0xf3594ff0, sensor_bits: 0, private_data: 0x0 autotest 0, master_id:0 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 I cmr_sensor: 927, cmr_sns_create_thread: is_inited 0 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 3763 I cmr_sensor: 172, cmr_sensor_init: handle 0xe9968480 created! 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524546 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1051, sensor_open_common: open_common physical_id 0,slotId 0,autotest 0 11-22 03:07:31.836 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 778, sensor_create_ctrl_thread: is_inited 0 11-22 03:07:31.837 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 122, hw_sensor_drv_create: sensor_id:0 11-22 03:07:31.837 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 41, _hw_sensor_dev_init: start open sensor device node. 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 45, _hw_sensor_dev_init: fd 0xa 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 3970, sensor_drv_ic_identify: E 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 707, sensor_get_module_cfg_info: p1:0xef8266e4,p2:0xe93599b8 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 711, sensor_get_module_cfg_info: tab_size:1,4,112 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 716, sensor_get_module_cfg_info: mid1:1,mid2:1,index:0 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 41, sensor_ic_drv_create: sns_drv_cxt:0xf21c0710 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 289, ov13853_drv_init_fps_info: E 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 322, ov13853_drv_init_fps_info: X 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 663, sensor_i2c_init: i2c init ok 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 3993, sensor_drv_ic_identify: i2c_addr:0x10 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 573, hw_sensor_i2c_set_clk: clock = 400000 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 390, sensor_power_on: E:power_on = 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6264 6334 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder) 11-22 03:07:31.838 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 397, hw_sensor_set_mclk: mclk 0, ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.837 6337 6337 I sprd_campd_r8p0: 6337 196 sprd_cam_pw_on : Done, read count 1, cb: sprd_cam_pw_on+0x68/0x138 [sprd_camsys_pw_domain] 11-22 03:07:31.837 6337 6337 I sprd_campd_r8p0: 6337 86 sprd_cam_domain_eb : cb 00000000e92e3d25 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 E mmsys_dvfs_power: on=1 begin 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: notifier_type :1 enter 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: pw opened count 0 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: pw opened count 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : cpp dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 2 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 0 DFS_EN 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : fd dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 2 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 0 DFS_EN 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : isp dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 4 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 0 DFS_EN 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : jpg dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 5 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 0 DFS_EN 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : dcam_if dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 7 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 5 DFS_EN 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I pr_debug ops: dcam_if power_on_nb 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : dcam_axi dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 3 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 1 AUTO_TUNE 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I : mtx dvfs init param: HDSK_EN 1 SW_TRIG_EN 0 WORK_INDEX_DEF 3 IDLE_INDEX_DEF 0 AUTO_TUNE 1 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: notifier_type :1 exit 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 E mmsys_dvfs_power: end 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I SENSOR_CORE: 6337: sprd_sensor_file_open line=680: open sensor file successfully 11-22 03:07:31.838 6337 6337 I SENSOR_DRV: 6337: sprd_sensor_set_mclk L 664: set_mclk 0 11-22 03:07:31.839 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.839 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.840 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.841 6264 6334 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 11-22 03:07:31.841 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 252, hw_sensor_set_avdd_val: vdd_val is 12, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:31.842 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 263, hw_sensor_set_dvdd_val: vdd_val is 12, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:31.843 6264 6334 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] 11-22 03:07:31.843 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 274, hw_sensor_set_iovdd_val: vdd_val is 12, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:31.844 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis 11-22 03:07:31.844 6264 6308 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#955] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.844 6264 6308 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#955] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.844 6264 6308 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#955] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 11-22 03:07:31.845 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 252, hw_sensor_set_avdd_val: vdd_val is 3, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:31.847 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 274, hw_sensor_set_iovdd_val: vdd_val is 6, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:31.847 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 263, hw_sensor_set_dvdd_val: vdd_val is 9, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:31.847 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 11-22 03:07:31.847 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d4, vaddr=0x6ed35e8000 11-22 03:07:31.843 258 258 E selinux : SELinux: Could not stat /sys/devices/virtual/devlink/regulator.15--0-0020: No such file or directory. 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 11-22 03:07:31.848 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: new photos query return num items: 0 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.848 4522 5216 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10089 pid=0 11-22 03:07:31.848 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10089 => denied (204 us) 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.848 4522 5216 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10089 pid=0 11-22 03:07:31.848 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10089 => denied (105 us) 11-22 03:07:31.848 6264 6334 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 11-22 03:07:31.848 4522 5216 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10089 pid=0 11-22 03:07:31.848 4522 5216 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10089 => denied (79 us) 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: } 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6305 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.851 6264 6341 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.852 1254 1306 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.853 6264 6334 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.854 6264 6334 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 11-22 03:07:31.854 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs 11-22 03:07:31.854 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id 11-22 03:07:31.854 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1 11-22 03:07:31.854 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 11-22 03:07:31.855 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.855 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.855 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 80000 11-22 03:07:31.855 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2 11-22 03:07:31.855 6264 6334 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 11-22 03:07:31.855 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 397, hw_sensor_set_mclk: mclk 24, ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.855 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 488, hw_sensor_set_mipi_level: Sensor_SetMIPILevel IN 11-22 03:07:31.855 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 270, ov13853_drv_power_on: (1:on, 0:off): 1 11-22 03:07:31.856 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 447, ov13853_drv_identify: zhengyong mipi raw identify 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 11-22 03:07:31.856 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 453, ov13853_drv_identify: Identify: pid_value = d8, ver_value = 53 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 80000 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis" 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.856 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 455, ov13853_drv_identify: zhengyong this is ov13853 sensor 11-22 03:07:31.856 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 4010, sensor_drv_ic_identify: sensor ic identify ok 11-22 03:07:31.856 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2255, sensor_af_init: sensor ov13853_m1_4lane is focus enable 1 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw" 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2 11-22 03:07:31.856 6264 6334 D CCodec : } 11-22 03:07:31.857 6264 6334 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX) 11-22 03:07:31.855 6337 6337 I SENSOR_DRV: 6337: sprd_sensor_set_mclk L 664: set_mclk 24 11-22 03:07:31.857 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 290, hw_sensor_set_monitor_val: vdd_val = 3 11-22 03:07:31.861 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d6, vaddr=0x6ed2c9b000 11-22 03:07:31.862 4522 4539 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher for user 0: +588ms 11-22 03:07:31.862 6264 6334 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 11-22 03:07:31.862 6264 6334 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 11-22 03:07:31.863 6264 6334 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#197] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 21 - OK (0) 11-22 03:07:31.866 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d4, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 03:07:31.866 4392 5430 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d5, vaddr=0x6ed1998000 11-22 03:07:31.867 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d3, vaddr=0x6ed1011000 11-22 03:07:31.867 6264 6264 V CAM_FocusController: configurePreviewDimensions(RectF(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN)) 11-22 03:07:31.867 6264 6264 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via view bounds. 11-22 03:07:31.868 6264 6264 V CAM_FocusController: configurePreviewDimensions(RectF(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN)) 11-22 03:07:31.868 6264 6264 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via view bounds. 11-22 03:07:31.868 6264 6264 V CAM_FocusController: configurePreviewDimensions(RectF(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN)) 11-22 03:07:31.868 6264 6264 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via view bounds. 11-22 03:07:31.868 6264 6334 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#197] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 45 - OK 11-22 03:07:31.869 6264 6334 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#197] Configured output block pool ids 45 => OK 11-22 03:07:31.869 1048 6337 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 159, _dw9714_drv_power_on: (1:on, 0:off): 1 11-22 03:07:31.869 1048 6337 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 179, _dw9714_drv_set_mode: mode = 2 11-22 03:07:31.869 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2455, sensor_ois_init: sensor ov13853_m1_4lane is focus enable 0 11-22 03:07:31.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.869 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2470, sensor_ois_init: ois_drv_entry not configured:module:0xef8266e4,entry:0x0,ois_ops:0x0 11-22 03:07:31.869 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1134, sensor_set_mode_msg: mode = 0. 11-22 03:07:31.869 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1151, sensor_set_mode_msg: is_async: yes, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 D sns_drv_u: 2516, sensor_otp_module_init: E 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2538, sensor_otp_module_init: otp driver is not configured 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 4440, sensor_drv_open: otp_drv_entry not configured:mod:0xef8266e4,otp_drv:0x0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1997, sensor_set_raw_infor: vendor id 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=16 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 405, sensor_set_export_Info: E 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 620, sensor_set_export_Info: X 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1429, sensor_stream_off: E 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1456, sensor_stream_off: X 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 4452, sensor_drv_open: open success 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526338 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe3031600. 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=10 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 280, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: f_num: 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 281, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 282, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: max_adgain: 16 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 283, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: ois_supported: 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 284, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: pdaf_supported: 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 286, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: exp_valid_frame_num: 1 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 287, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: clam_level: 64 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 289, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: adgain_valid_frame_num: 1 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 290, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: sensor name is: ov13853_m1_4lane 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 292, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: sensor version info is: ov13853_m1 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 293, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: up2hori: 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6337 I sns_ic_drv: 294, sensor_ic_print_static_info: ov13853_m1_4lane: hori2down: 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 3763 D cmr_grab: 94, cmr_grab_init: E 11-22 03:07:31.870 1254 6340 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with poolID 45 => got 45 - 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 3763 I cmr_grab: 116, cmr_grab_init: dcam_fd=0xb 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1206, sensor_set_mode: mode = 0. 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 3763 I cmr_grab: 163, cmr_grab_init: get dcam res w 0 h 0 sn id 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 397, hw_sensor_set_mclk: mclk 24, ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 1033, hw_Sensor_SendRegTabToSensor: E:burst_mode 0, sensor_id 0 11-22 03:07:31.876 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.869 6334 6334 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6334 , size: 32768, time: 6us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x24 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.869 6334 6334 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6334 , size: 32768, time: 7us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.869 6334 6334 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6334 , size: 32768, time: 3us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.869 6334 6334 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6334 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 7803 camcore_open : sprd_img: the camera opened count 1 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 7805 camcore_open : camca: camsec_mode = 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 7298 camcore_module_init : sprd_img: camera dev 0 init start! 11-22 03:07:31.870 6334 6334 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6334 , size: 32768, time: 5us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 7335 camcore_module_init : module[0] init OK ffffffc018eef000! 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 50 cambuf_mdbg_init : reset to 0 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 420 cam_buf_iommudev_reg : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 iommu_hw_en 1 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 420 cam_buf_iommudev_reg : dev 0, iommu_mode 0 iommu_hw_en 1 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 7878 camcore_open : init frm_q ffffff81f10d9058 state_q ffffff81f10d9080 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 7887 camcore_open : sprd_img: open end! 0, ffffffc018eef000, ffffffc018eef000, grp ffffff81f10d9000 11-22 03:07:31.870 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 3824 camioctl_key_set : cam0 get ioctl permission 1 11-22 03:07:31.870 6338 6338 I SENSOR_DRV: 6338: sprd_sensor_set_mclk L 664: set_mclk 24 11-22 03:07:31.871 6346 6346 I CAM_CORE: 6346 6013 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_zoom loop starts ffffffc018ef1290 11-22 03:07:31.871 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 6013 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_alloc_buf loop starts ffffffc018ef1310 11-22 03:07:31.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x24 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.871 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 2245 camioctl_cam_res_get : cam0 get res, flag 0, sensor 0 11-22 03:07:31.871 6348 6348 I CAM_CORE: 6348 6013 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_offline_proc loop starts ffffffc018ef1390 11-22 03:07:31.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.877 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.877 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.878 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2853 dcam_core_pipe_dev_get : get dcam pipe dev: ffffffc022a1d000 11-22 03:07:31.878 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2309 dcamcore_dev_open : enter. 11-22 03:07:31.879 6340 6340 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6340 , size: 32768, time: 8us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.879 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.879 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 3763 D cmr_grab: 206, cmr_grab_init: X 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 6676, camera_grab_init: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.887 4522 4863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6349 D cmr_grab: 1977, cmr_grab_thread_proc: E 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 8329, camera_setting_init: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 9313, camera_res_init: timestamp = 945768. 11-22 03:07:31.887 4522 4863 I ImeTracker: com.android.camera2:c141af1e: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN_STATE 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 0 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 3us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 1 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 4us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 2 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 1us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 3 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 1us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 4 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 9349, camera_res_init: init thread created 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 9357, camera_res_init: async msg sent 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 5 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 2us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2222 dcamcore_context_init : dcam context 6 init done! 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 1us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 E sprd_iommu: sprd_iommu_pool_show()-sprd,iommuvaul6-dcam restore, map_count 0 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2336 dcamcore_dev_open : open dcam pipe dev done! enable 1 11-22 03:07:31.884 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2393 dcamcore_context_get : sw 0, get context 11-22 03:07:31.885 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2444 dcamcore_context_get : Get context id 0 11-22 03:07:31.885 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2393 dcamcore_context_get : sw 1, get context 11-22 03:07:31.885 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.885 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I DCAM_CORE: 3763 2444 dcamcore_context_get : Get context id 1 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 2321 camioctl_cam_res_get : camca get camera res camsec mode 0. 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 4195 isp_core_pipe_dev_get : get isp pipe dev: 0000000036af2502 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3893 ispcore_dev_open : open_start: sec_mode: 0, work mode: 0, line_buf_len: 2592 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 3763 499 isphw_reset : ISP0: reset 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 3763 533 isphw_reset : ISP0: reset end 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_INT : 3763 718 isp_int_irq_request : install isp0 irq_no 41 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_INT : 3763 718 isp_int_irq_request : install isp1 irq_no 42 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3723 ispcore_context_init : isp contexts init start! 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 0, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 1310720, time: 6us, pool:1310720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 2359296, time: 2us, pool:2359296, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CFG : 3763: 409 ispcfg_ctx_init:cfg ctx init done 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 3763 2901 isphw_map_init_cfg : cfg map init start 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3757 ispcore_context_init : isp hw contexts init start! 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_FMCU 3763: 348 isp_fmcu_ctx_desc_get:fmcu 0 , 00000000f16ff41c 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 0, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 2us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_FMCU 3763: 228 ispfmcu_ctx_init:fmcu0 cmd buf hw_addr:0x40140000, sw_addr:0000000004031264, size:12288 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 0, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 3763 , size: 12288, time: 1us, pool:12288, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9175, camera_res_init_internal: timestamp = 945768. 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe3031740. 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 5691, sensor_calic_sns_otp_common: E 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 5697, sensor_calic_sns_otp_common: is_async: yes, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_FMCU 3763: 228 ispfmcu_ctx_init:fmcu1 cmd buf hw_addr:0x40143000, sw_addr:00000000a477544d, size:12288 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3797 ispcore_context_init : isp hw context 0 init done. fmcu 00000000f16ff41c 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3794 ispcore_context_init : no more fmcu or ops 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3797 ispcore_context_init : isp hw context 1 init done. fmcu 0000000000000000 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3794 ispcore_context_init : no more fmcu or ops 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3797 ispcore_context_init : isp hw context 2 init done. fmcu 0000000000000000 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3794 ispcore_context_init : no more fmcu or ops 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3797 ispcore_context_init : isp hw context 3 init done. fmcu 0000000000000000 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I ISP_CORE: 3763 3931 ispcore_dev_open : open isp pipe dev done! 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 2376 camioctl_cam_res_get : sensor 0 w 0 h 0, cam 0, csi_idx 0, sw ctx0, offline ctx1, res.flag 3 11-22 03:07:31.886 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 2386 camioctl_cam_res_get : cam0 get res done 11-22 03:07:31.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.888 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.890 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.890 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.891 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.891 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 123 camioctl_iommu_status_get : iommu_enable:1 11-22 03:07:31.891 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 499 camioctl_cam_security_set : camca : conn = 0, security mode 0, u camsec_mode=0, u work_mode=0 11-22 03:07:31.893 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.893 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe3031740. 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=1f 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 7680, camera_isp_init: multi_mode=0, f_num=200, focal_length=354, max_fps=30, max_adgain=16, ois_supported=0, pdaf_supported=0 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 7685, camera_isp_init: exp_valid_frame_num=1, clamp_level=64, adgain_valid_frame_num=1, prev_skip_num=0, cap_skip_num=0, w=2096, h=1552 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 7689, camera_isp_init: sensor.image_pattern=3, isp.image_pattern=2, is_4in1_sensor=0, is_faceId_unlock=0, long_expose_supported=0 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 7767, camera_get_flash_cali_data: read null : /mnt/vendor/productinfo/camera_flash_calibration_id_0 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 3763 I isp_u_dev: 44, isp_dev_open: fd 11 handle 0xf3009b90 11-22 03:07:31.888 1048 3763 I isp_dev_access: 580, isp_dev_access_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 I isp_alg_fw: 9185, isp_alg_fw_init: camera_id = 0, master 1, is_4in1_sensor 0 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 D isp_alg_fw: 9209, isp_alg_fw_init: cam0 create fw init thread, cxt 0xe8000010 0xe719ed40 11-22 03:07:31.887 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8075, camera_ipm_init: X,done 0 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 6351 D cmr_focus: 131, cmr_focus_init: E 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 I isp_alg_fw: 9226, isp_alg_fw_init: cam0 done, alg enable 1, init status 0 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 I isp_mw : 75, isp_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 I isp_u_dev: 115, isp_dev_get_video_size: get video size width=9248, height=6944 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 D isp_dev_access: 626, isp_dev_access_capability: get video size 9248 6944 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 7712, camera_isp_init: width_limit=9248 11-22 03:07:31.889 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 9510, camera_init_internal: need_wait_init_done_flag 1 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 6812, camera_jpeg_init_async: init jpeg async 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 6351 D cmr_focus: 202, cmr_focus_init: X ret= 0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8578, camera_focus_init: X, ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 6822, camera_jpeg_init_async: send message to jpeg async init thread 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 6580, camera_mm_dvfs_init: X,ret=0, mm_dvfs_handle=0xf2f47590 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 2657, camera_front_lcd_enhance_module_init: flash is not lcd type 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 9577, camera_init_internal: X 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15687, camera_local_int: active_camera_num = 1 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 50, camera_init: camera handle 0xf3594ff0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 504, camera_lls_enable: 0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 552, camera_set_lls_shot_mode: 0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 528, camera_vendor_hdr_enable: 0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_grab: 2441, cmr_grab_set_alloc_size: alloc w =4192,h=3104 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_IDLE, preview state = SPRD_IDLE, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 7352, isp_alg_fw_init_async: cam0 enter 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 455, camera_get_camera_type: done 0 cam_type 0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_sensor: 705, cmr_sensor_get_exif: get sensor context exif addr 0xe9968930 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 5656, ispalg_pm_init: cam0 start 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 6352 I isp_para_update: 2246, isp_pm_raw_para_update_from_file: there is no param file! 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_exif: 134, cmr_exif_init: flash=0 denominator=0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 6354 I cmr_jpeg: 72, cmr_jpeg_init: open lib: libjpeg_hw_sprd.so 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1749, setting_get_exif_info: datetime 2023:11:22 03:07:31 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1780, setting_get_exif_info: zone_buf=+09:00 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1451, get_seconds_from_double: 0.000000, i=2, j=1, num=0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1459, get_seconds_from_double: data=0.000000, num=0, denom=1 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1451, get_seconds_from_double: 0.000000, i=2, j=1, num=0 11-22 03:07:31.890 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1459, get_seconds_from_double: data=0.000000, num=0, denom=1 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1569, setting_update_gps_info: gps_data 2 = 2023:11:21, 18:7:31 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1580, setting_update_gps_info: GPS: Latitude and Longitude is 0, do not write to EXIF: valid=0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 539, setting_get_exif_orientation: rotation degrees: 0, orientation: 1. 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1908, setting_get_exif_info: EXIF width=0, height=0, SPECEXIF width:0, height:0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 17129, camera_get_exif_info: apet 2.000000 focus dist 4294967.500000 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 439, camera_get_sensor_exif_info: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8278, openCamera: camera_id 0, mMultiCameraMode 0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 6354 I jpeg_codec: L 1056, jpeg_init: jpeg_init IN 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 373, camera_get_sensor_info_for_raw: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 6354 D jpeg_codec: L 1064, jpeg_init: jcontext 0xe94c4fc0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 8497, openCamera: sprd_3dcalibration_cap_size w=4192, h=3104 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 8507, openCamera: mIommuEnabled=1 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 8789, setCamSecurity: multi camera mode = 0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 1035, ioctrl_set_cam_security: security mode = 0, work mode = 0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 3763 I cmr_grab: 314, cmr_grab_set_security: security mode:0, work_mode =0 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 6354 E jpeg_codec: L 1091, jpeg_init: fw_decode_buf_size 20480 ,fw_decode_buf 0xe995cc60 11-22 03:07:31.891 1048 6354 D JPG : L 104, jpg_msg_queue_create: queue_handle 0xf304ed70 11-22 03:07:31.891 4392 5430 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d1, vaddr=0x6ecf6c4000 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6354 D JPG : L 259, jpg_msg_post: queue_handle 0xf304ed70, msg type 0xffffff num 0 cnt 40 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6354 I JPG : L 292, jpg_msg_post: jpg_msg_post msg_cur 0xf2b82990 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2229, isp_pm_mode_list_init: is_4in1_sensor = 0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2244, isp_pm_mode_list_init: dump isp pm nr 0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2248, isp_pm_mode_list_init: sensor_name ov13853, param version 0xc000f 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2255, isp_pm_mode_list_init: ae version 1 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6352 W isp_pm : 2264, isp_pm_mode_list_init: specified pm searching list. 0x0, 0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 535924, size hdr1 4256, size1 540180 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 6979, camera_scaler_init: X,ret=0. cxt 0xf3594ff0, handle 0xf30533c0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 7043, camera_rotation_init: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6356 D isp_alg_fw: 6701, ispalg_load_library: cam0 start 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6356 D isp_alg_fw: 6899, ispalg_load_library: cam0 done 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 1123, cmr_preview_init: oem_handle: 0xf3594ff0, sensor_bits: 1, private_data: 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 2721, prev_create_thread: is_inited 0 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6357 I JPG : L 148, jpg_msg_get: jpg_msg_get msg_cur 0xf2b82990 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6357 D JPG : L 160, jpg_msg_get: queue_handle 0xf304ed70, msg type 0xffffff num 0 cnt 40 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6357 I JPG : L 373, jpg_common_routine: before sem_post msg_cur 0xf2b82990 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6357 I JPG : L 377, jpg_common_routine: sem_post msg_cur->sem 0xf2b829a8 11-22 03:07:31.892 1048 6357 I JPG : L 380, jpg_common_routine: after sem_post msg_cur 0xf2b82990 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=0, ptr 0xe66a9300, size 777464 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2408, isp_pm_mode_list_init: block blc 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2365, isp_pm_mode_list_init: discard blk 0x400d for mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2420, isp_pm_mode_list_init: block cmc 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2432, isp_pm_mode_list_init: block gamma 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2365, isp_pm_mode_list_init: discard blk 0x4019 for mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2365, isp_pm_mode_list_init: discard blk 0x401a for mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2365, isp_pm_mode_list_init: discard blk 0x5053 for mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 I JPG : L 297, jpg_msg_post: sem_wait msg_cur 0xf2b82990 msg_cur->sem 0xf2b829a8 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2468, isp_pm_mode_list_init: is ae3x, datap 0xe91cd2b8, data size = 112264 + 200432 + 16 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2365, isp_pm_mode_list_init: discard blk 0x4035 for mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2365, isp_pm_mode_list_init: discard blk 0x5069 for mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2444, isp_pm_mode_list_init: block hsv lut 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D jpeg_codec: L 1102, jpeg_init: jpeg handle 0xe94c4fc0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 0, mode_name = COMMON, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=1, ptr 0xf2b4bd20, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 1, mode_name = prv_0, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=2, ptr 0xf2b501e0, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 2, mode_name = prv_1, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 I JPG_CODEC: L 295, JPEGCODEC_Open:JPEGENC jpg0_addr 0xf38bf000 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 I JPG_CODEC: L 301, JPEGCODEC_Open:jpeg dev fd 14, reg addr 0x0xf38bf000 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D JPG : L 491, jpg_sem_init: jpg_sem_init 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=5, ptr 0xf2b41140, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D JPG_OEM : L 251, sprd_jpeg_init: jpeg handle 0xe94c4fc0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 5, mode_name = cap_0, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D JPG_OEM : L 266, sprd_jpeg_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D cmr_jpeg: 127, cmr_jpeg_init: ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D cmr_oem : 6906, camera_jpeg_init: X 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=6, ptr 0xf2b40010, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 D cmr_oem : 6907, camera_jpeg_init: X,ret=0. cxt 0xf3594ff0, handle 0xf2f49b50 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6354 I cmr_oem : 6783, camera_jpeg_init_async_message_handler: jpeg async init ready 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 6, mode_name = cap_1, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=9, ptr 0xf2b433a0, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 9, mode_name = video_0, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=10, ptr 0xf2b49ac0, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 10, mode_name = video_1, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2311, isp_pm_mode_list_init: size hdr 12336, data_size 0, size hdr1 4256, size1 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2352, isp_pm_mode_list_init: cxt 0xe689f890, sensor ov13853 i=11, ptr 0xf2b47860, size 4256 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2625, isp_pm_mode_list_init: mode = 11, mode_name = video_2, param modify_time : -1987855564 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2667, isp_pm_mode_list_init: temp data size: 2304 11-22 03:07:31.893 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2715, isp_pm_param_init_and_update: img size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6358 D Cam3OEMIf: 14595, ZSLMode_monitor_thread_proc: zsl thread message.msg_type 0x801, sub-type 0x0, ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6358 D Cam3OEMIf: 14602, ZSLMode_monitor_thread_proc: zsl thread msg init 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 1510, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: mode 0 block num 46, total 69, img_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 2788, prev_create_thread: ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 2841, prev_create_cb_thread: E 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 1510, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: mode 1 block num 46, total 69, img_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2755, isp_pm_param_init_and_update: pm set 0, context 0xe689f8b0 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 899, isp_pm_context_init: 0xe689f8b0 0xe6b8a400 num 46 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_blk_raw_gtm: 149, _pm_raw_gtm_init: gtm bypass 0 en 0, map 1 stat 1 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_blk_2d_lsc: 31, _pm_2d_lsc_init: src: 0xe66aa490, tab_num=9, image size 4192 3104, hdr 0xe68a0bd0 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_blk_2d_lsc: 135, _pm_2d_lsc_init: image size 4192 3104, grid 96, 4000, gain_w 25, gain_h 20, (x, y) = (25 20), hdr 0xe68a0bd0 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6351 D cmr_prev: 1144, cmr_preview_init: preview_handle_ptr=0xf2294020 created 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2755, isp_pm_param_init_and_update: pm set 1, context 0xe6998720 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 899, isp_pm_context_init: 0xe6998720 0xe6b8b4a0 num 46 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_blk_raw_gtm: 149, _pm_raw_gtm_init: gtm bypass 0 en 0, map 1 stat 1 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_blk_2d_lsc: 31, _pm_2d_lsc_init: src: 0xe66aa490, tab_num=9, image size 4192 3104, hdr 0xe6999a40 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6352 D isp_blk_2d_lsc: 135, _pm_2d_lsc_init: image size 4192 3104, grid 96, 4000, gain_w 25, gain_h 20, (x, y) = (25 20), hdr 0xe6999a40 11-22 03:07:31.894 1048 6363 D cmr_prev: 3428, prev_cb_thread_proc: cb thread inited 11-22 03:07:31.895 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 D isp_pm : 2791, isp_pm_param_init_and_update: done. 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 I isp_pm : 2829, isp_pm_init: done 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 5670, ispalg_pm_init: cam0 done 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 I ispbr : 1090, isp_br_init: camera_id 0, is_master 1, isp_handle 0xe719ed40 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 I ispbr : 173, user_cnt_inc: init ispbr_context 0xf0011258 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 I ispbr : 234, role_add: set 0 as m 11-22 03:07:31.893 6354 6354 I sprd-jpg 36000000.jpg-codec: jpg pw_on: ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.895 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 7393, isp_alg_fw_init_async: cam0 wait libload 11-22 03:07:31.893 6354 6354 I sprd-jpg 36000000.jpg-codec: jpg_open ret 0 jpg_fp 0000000023311bef 11-22 03:07:31.893 6354 6354 I sprd-jpg 36000000.jpg-codec: mmap c,f38bf000,6000,36000000 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 16176, gyro_monitor_thread_init: E inited=0 11-22 03:07:31.894 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:31.894 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 16614, color_temp_process_init: mcolor_temp_sensor_count 0 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1427, setting_set_sensor_orientation: set sensor_orientation 90 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 8552, openCamera: :hal3: X 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 436, openCamera: :hal3: X 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 365, openCamera: camera3->open X 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 10966, camera_set_ultra_wide_mode: is_ultra_wide 0 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 7404, isp_alg_fw_init_async: cam0 wait libload done 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 3094, initialize: E 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 542, initialize: :hal3: E camId=0 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 555, initialize: :hal3: X 11-22 03:07:31.896 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 3102, initialize: X 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 D isp_alg_fw: 5719, ispalg_ae_init: cam0, get fdr param, num 1, ptr 0xe676278c, size 15564 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 D isp_alg_fw: 5729, ispalg_ae_init: cam0, hdr param is not found. ret 0, num 0, ptr 0xe676278c 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 W isp_alg_fw: 5742, ispalg_ae_init: cam0, mfnr param is not found. ret 0, num 0, ptr 0xe676278c 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 W isp_alg_fw: 5752, ispalg_ae_init: warn: get ae sync param ret 0, num 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 D isp_alg_fw: 5771, ispalg_ae_init: cam0,mode 0, get ae param, num 1, ptr 0xe66e523c, size 312696,cxt->ae_param.bypass[mode] 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 D isp_alg_fw: 990, ispalg_get_aem_param: get blk_num 64 64, set to 64 64 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6366 I isp_alg_fw: 5862, ispalg_ae_init: camera_id 0, is_master 1, is_multi_mode 0, sensor_role 0, flashIC_name (null), flashIC_size 6 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 D isp_alg_fw: 6150, ispalg_af_init: cxt->af_cxt.sw_bypass 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I isp_alg_fw: 6225, ispalg_af_init: camera_id 0, is_support 1, is_master 1, is_multi_mode 0, sensor_role 0, pdaf_type 0, otp_data 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6367 D isp_alg_fw: 6093, ispalg_smart_init: cam0,mode 0, get atm param, num 1, ptr 0xe6766458, size 2952 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6373 I isp_alg_fw: 6263, ispalg_pdaf_init: cam0 no pdaf 0 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6547, ispalg_bypass_init: ae sw bypass123: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6548, ispalg_bypass_init: af sw bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6549, ispalg_bypass_init: awb sw bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6550, ispalg_bypass_init: lsc sw bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I af_ctrl : 564, afctrl_create_thread: af_ctrl thread rtn 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6551, ispalg_bypass_init: afl sw bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I af_ctrl : 619, afctrl_init_adpt: E 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6552, ispalg_bypass_init: pdaf sw bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4340, sprd_afv1_init: Enter 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 6553, ispalg_bypass_init: smart sw bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 E af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4134, af_otp_info_parser: af otp_info_ptr is NULL 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 E af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4175, af_otp_info_parser: af otp_info_ptr = 0x0, module_info_ptr = 0x0. Parser fail ! 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 E af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4218, pd_otp_info_parser: type1 pdaf otp_info_ptr is NULL 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 E af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4253, pd_otp_info_parser: type1 pdaf otp_info_ptr = 0x0, module_info_ptr = 0x0. Parser fail ! 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4434, sprd_afv1_init: is_multi_mode 0, cameraid 0, cur_master_id 0,sensor_role 0, pdaf_type 0 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4435, sprd_afv1_init: width = 2096, height = 1552, win_num = 37 11-22 03:07:31.897 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 2061, af_lib_init: PDAF Tuning NULL! 11-22 03:07:31.898 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.898 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.899 1048 6368 D isp_alg_fw: 6335, ispalg_lsc_init: cam0,mode 0, get lsc param, num 1, ptr 0xe66e4318, size 2048 11-22 03:07:31.900 1048 6368 D isp_alg_fw: 6382, ispalg_lsc_init: lsc version_id 1, set_cb 0xe719ed40 0xebf386cd 11-22 03:07:31.900 1048 6370 E AFv1Lib : 2090, af_init: aflib version 3.2-20220118-fix_pdfirstmove_issue-2020111700 mem 384988 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 E AFv1Lib : 2100, af_init: Build_type:userdebug log_level: 3 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 2109, af_init: camid 0, input_len,tuning_len = 16000 16000 28680, 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 2115, af_init: tuning param struct version 1. 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 W af_sprd_adpt_v1: 1472, if_get_otp: skip invalid otp (infi,macro) = (0,0) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 E AFv1Lib : 2166, af_init: af otp tuning(150, 558), eeprom(150, 558) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 E AFv1Lib : 2190, af_init: saf algo 1, caf roi 40, touchpd 0 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1080, af_calc_random_dacmap: offset_downward: 36, offset_upward: 4 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1094, af_calc_random_dacmap: tuning 265,617, 150,558 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 561, [0](dis,code)(10, 711) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 330, [1](dis,code)(20, 480) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 214, [2](dis,code)(30, 364) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 98, [3](dis,code)(40, 248) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 79, [4](dis,code)(50, 229) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 61, [5](dis,code)(60, 211) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 42, [6](dis,code)(70, 192) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 1, [7](dis,code)(80, 151) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65507, [8](dis,code)(90, 121) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65486, [9](dis,code)(100, 100) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65460, [10](dis,code)(110, 74) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65449, [11](dis,code)(120, 63) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65437, [12](dis,code)(130, 51) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65436, [13](dis,code)(150, 50) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1101, af_calc_random_dacmap: shift_dac_temp 65435, [14](dis,code)(200, 49) 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1049, calibrate_af_vcm_range: l1 = 108, l2 = 135, l3 = 596, l4 = 675 11-22 03:07:31.901 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1172, calibrate_bokeh_limited_range: tuning 157,816,move_step 3; 150,558 11-22 03:07:31.902 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 1032, lens_move_to: pos = 150 11-22 03:07:31.902 1048 6378 D gtm_ctrl: 134, gtm_ctrl_init: E 11-22 03:07:31.902 1048 6370 I sns_drv_u: 2375, sensor_af_set_pos_common: is_async: yes, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:31.900 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.902 1048 6370 E AFv1Lib : 2217, af_init: AF_Algo_new_version: CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_AF_3.2_H1_20220118_1621 11-22 03:07:31.902 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1194, AF_get_range_info: L1 = 108,L4 = 675 11-22 03:07:31.902 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4451, sprd_afv1_init: af->range_L1 108, af->range_L4 675 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 2100, trigger_init: aft tuning param ok 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 161, aft_is_mlog: logtype 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 1974, sprd_caf_trigger_init: aft version id: 0x20220120_lowaembaseprotect 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 E aft_sprd_lib: 1975, sprd_caf_trigger_init: AFT_Algo_new_version: CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_AFT_3.2_H0_20220120_1003 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 1976, sprd_caf_trigger_init: tuning data len 1828 ptr 0xe66e4b18 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 1978, sprd_caf_trigger_init: malloc size 1872, 100984, sum = 102856 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 827, aft_get_tuning_param: aft_tuning.bin is not exist! 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 297, aft_check_param_size: param size all1828, v0:576, v1:1828 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 829, aft_get_tuning_param: load from tuning param.c 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 901, aft_set_proc_cfg_param: aft tuning_param version :1 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 1140, aft_set_proc_cfg_param: version :1, img_blk :1, abort_af_y :10 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 118, DebugProp_Control: support flag: face 1, pd 0, tof 1, afm 1, cafblk 0, imgblk 1, hist 1, gyro 0, gsensor 1, abort 1, need_print_support 0, sc 0 11-22 03:07:31.900 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.903 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.903 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 3762, aft_proc_reset: move face_base (sx ex sy ey) = (0 0 0 0), rollangle 0; stab face_base (sx ex sy ey) = (0 0 0 0), rollangle 0 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 4481, aft_proc_init: mlog 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 4503, aft_proc_init: face_support 1, pd_data_support 0, tof_data_support 1, afm_support 1, caf_blk_support 0, img_blk support 1, hist_support 1 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 4505, aft_proc_init: gyro_support 0, gsensor_support 1, abort_af_support 1, need_rough_support 0, need_print_support 0, scene_change_support 0 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 1996, sprd_caf_trigger_init: aft init done handle : 0xe9a03190 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 2097, sprd_caf_trigger_ioctrl: cmd : 2002 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I aft_sprd_lib: 1301, aft_proc_get_ae_skip_info: select_support :1, skip_line :0 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D AFv1Lib : 1181, AF_get_otp_info: bIsExist = 2, inf,macro 150,558 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4265, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_macro=816,golden_infinity=157,golden_count=10 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =10,golden_vcm = 816 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =15,golden_vcm = 517 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =30,golden_vcm = 316 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =50,golden_vcm = 238 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =60,golden_vcm = 219 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =70,golden_vcm = 207 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =80,golden_vcm = 198 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =100,golden_vcm = 183 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =120,golden_vcm = 172 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4269, set_bokeh_golden_data_info: golden_distance =150,golden_vcm = 157 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4485, sprd_afv1_init: otp bIsExist = 2, (inf, macro) = 150,558. 11-22 03:07:31.903 1048 6370 D isp_dev_access: 690, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6370 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4499, sprd_afv1_init: Exit 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6370 I af_ctrl : 612, afctrl_init_lib: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6370 I af_ctrl : 635, afctrl_init_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6370 I af_ctrl : 706, af_ctrl_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6372 E isp_alg_fw: 5898, ispalg_awb_init: fail to get ae monitor info 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6372 D isp_alg_fw: 990, ispalg_get_aem_param: get blk_num 64 64, set to 64 64 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6372 I isp_alg_fw: 5923, ispalg_awb_init: awb get ae win 0 0 32 24 64 64 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6372 D isp_alg_fw: 5937, ispalg_awb_init: cam0,mode 0, get awb param, num 1, ptr 0xe67317b4, size 65536,cxt->ae_param.bypass[mode] 0 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6372 I isp_alg_fw: 5957, ispalg_awb_init: AWB VERSION = 30000 11-22 03:07:31.904 1048 6366 I ae_ctrl : 704, aectrl_init_adpt: aectrl_init_adpt, major_id:3, minor_id:2 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 I ae_ctrl : 707, aectrl_init_adpt: AE3.X 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 E ae_ctrl : 662, aectrl_init_lib: ae cxt: 0xf21c3030 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8868, ae_sprd_init_v1: bakup_rgb_gain 4369, ob_rgb_gain 1.066650 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8895, ae_sprd_init_v1: sync:is_multi_mode=0, sensor_role=0, ebd_support=0, is_master=1 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 6592, ae_parser_otp_info: single camera,dual ae sync no exist. 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 6649, ae_parser_otp_info: single camera,dual ae sync no exist. 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8912, ae_sprd_init_v1: multiColorLcdEn = 0 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 I flash_lib: 1120, flash_init: flashcorrect_debug 0 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 D flash_lib: 1130, flash_init: FLASH_CORR>flag: 0 debug: 0 flashic: 11-22 03:07:31.905 1048 6366 I flash_lib: 1216, flash_init: FLASH VERSION: CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_FLASH_6.0_H1_20211120_1250 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6367 E ATM : atm version: CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_ATM_3.0_H1_20211130-1904 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6367 I smart_ctrl: 1430, smart_ctl_parse_atm_tuning_param_v1: src ptr 0xe6766458 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6367 I smart_ctrl: 1661, smart_ctl_init: done rtn 0 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6367 I isp_alg_fw: 6110, ispalg_smart_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6378 I gtm_ctrl: 179, gtm_ctrl_init: done ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6378 D isp_alg_fw: 6606, ispalg_gtm_init: cam0 done 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6366 I ae_sprd_adpt: 7239, ae_load_fdr_lib: FDR dlsym ok 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8957, ae_sprd_init_v1: camera_id: 0, is master: 1, is_multi_mode: 0, sensor_role:0 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6366 D Libae[Misc]: 196,ae_lib_init:major_id 3, minor_id 2 11-22 03:07:31.906 1048 6366 I Libae[Misc]: 105,ae_get_mod:AE3.4 branch: trunk : CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_AE_3.X_H40_20220430_1512, compile time:16:25:06-May 20 2022 11-22 03:07:31.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.907 1048 6368 D isp_alg_fw: 6399, ispalg_lsc_init: [ALSC] full_img_size[4192,3104], table_w_h_gird_gridx_gridy[25,20,96,0,0] 11-22 03:07:31.908 1048 6368 I lsc_ctrl: 238, _lscctrl_create_thread: lsc_ctrl thread rtn 0 11-22 03:07:31.908 1048 6351 D cmr_snp : 6922, cmr_snapshot_init: memops 0xf3591f84, alloc 0xebe69b29 0xebe69b29 11-22 03:07:31.908 1048 6351 D cmr_snp : 6926, cmr_snapshot_init: done 11-22 03:07:31.908 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 7995, camera_snapshot_init: default fdr tuing param to null 11-22 03:07:31.908 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8000, camera_snapshot_init: X,Snapshot:0 11-22 03:07:31.908 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8890, camera_create_prev_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.909 1048 6368 E lsc_sprd_adapt: 980, lsc_parser_otp: lsc otp_info_ptr is NULL 11-22 03:07:31.909 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8909, camera_create_hall_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.909 1048 6366 E Libae[Core]: 4852, aec_frame_sync_tune_param_parser: AE_sync param is NULL, just use the default param 11-22 03:07:31.909 1048 6366 E Libae[Core]: 11-22 03:07:31.909 4389 4389 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6368 E lsc_sprd_adapt: 1090, lsc_parser_otp: lsc module_info_ptr = 0x0. Parser fail ! 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D Libae[HM]: 1397,scene_hm_tune_param_parser:none tuning param or unavailable value1 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D Libae[FAE]: 2959,scene_face_tune_param_parser:face_version_v1 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D Libae[Misc]: 210,ae_lib_init:data_type 0 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8740, ae_set_ae_init_param: cam_id 0 mfnr_hdr_thrd_down 300 mfnr_hdr_thrd_up 500 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 218, s_q_open: valid num: exp: 2, sensor gain: 2, isp gain: 1 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9044, ae_sprd_init_v1: is_faceid_unlock [0, 0, 0] 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9078, ae_sprd_init_v1: done, handle: 0xe3401100, cam-id 0, flash ver 1, alg_id 3.2 ver [20190830-1354] 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 I ae_ctrl : 730, aectrl_init_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.910 1048 6366 D isp_alg_fw: 5874, ispalg_ae_init: done. 0 11-22 03:07:31.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9041, camera_create_snp_thread: X 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6368 I lsc_sprd_adapt: 1229, lsc_load_lib: lib lsc v_count : 6, version id: 1, liblsc path :libalsc3.2.so 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3692, af_sprd_set_zoom_ratio: zoom ratio = 1000 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 5538, ispalg_create_thread: cam0 send AI init message 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 7427, isp_alg_fw_init_async: cam0 wait isp alg 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6399 D isp_alg_fw: 6942, ispalg_aithread_proc: cam0 ai_msg_type 0, 0, data 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.911 1048 6399 D isp_alg_fw: 6480, ispalg_ai_init: cameraId: 0 11-22 03:07:31.912 4522 6400 I HidlSensorManager: hidl_ssvc_poll started. 11-22 03:07:31.912 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8929, camera_create_video_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:31.912 1048 6351 I cmr_oem : 9288, camera_init_thread_proc: cb thread inited 11-22 03:07:31.913 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[50000000], timeout[0] 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 D isp_alg_fw: 6030, ispalg_afl_init: cxt->afl_cxt.sw_bypass 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 D isp_alg_fw: 6041, ispalg_afl_init: cxt->afl_cxt.sw_bypass 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I afl_ctrl: 511, afl_ctrl_init: afl version: built data: Aug 25 2021. 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I afl_ctrl: 512, afl_ctrl_init: afl version: built time: 19:03:08. 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6376 E android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, vl53l0_open_dev: Error open stmvl53l0_ranging device,error num:No such file or directory 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I afl_ctrl: 513, afl_ctrl_init: afl version: built rev: 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6376 E android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 347, tof_ctrl_init: fail to open tof dev 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I deflicker: handle = 0xe9845294 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6376 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 375, tof_ctrl_init: done 6 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6376 E isp_alg_fw: 6575, ispalg_tof_init: fail to do tof init 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I deflicker: *handle = 0x0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I deflicker: 118,antiflcker_sw_init:flicker_detection_library_version:CAM_ALGO_ISP_ANTIFLICKER_4.2.4.1_20210825-1902 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I deflicker: 121,antiflcker_sw_init:flicker detection library version:LIBVER[][Aug 25 2021][19:03:09] 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I deflicker: 209,antiflcker_sw_init:inti 0xf311c490 11-22 03:07:31.913 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I afl_ctrl: 483, aflctrl_create_thread: afl_ctrl thread rtn 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I afl_ctrl: 570, afl_ctrl_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1048 6374 I isp_alg_fw: 6053, ispalg_afl_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 189229956; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.914 4522 5216 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 191513214; UID 10089; state: DISABLED 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 D ai_sprd_adpt: 82, ai_sprd_adpt_init: ai_sprd_adpt_init, cameraId:0 11-22 03:07:31.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 85, ai_sprd_adpt_init: 01_aci opt: min_frame_interval: 4. 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 86, ai_sprd_adpt_init: 01_aci opt: max_frame_interval: 150. 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 87, ai_sprd_adpt_init: 01_aci opt: thread_num: 1. 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 88, ai_sprd_adpt_init: 01_aci opt: sync_with_worker: 0. 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 103, ai_sprd_adpt_init: 02_aci opt: min_frame_interval:2, max_frame_interval:150, thread_num:1, sync_with_worker:0, cameraId:0 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I AIC : [AIC_CreateHandle,154]: enter 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I AIC : [AIC_CreateHandle,165]: CAM_ALGO_CV_AIC2_LIBVER[][Mar 14 2022][15:03:11] 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6368 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: [ALSC]: L 748, lsc_init_core: ALSC VERSION: CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_ALSC_3.2_H8_20211129_1330 ! 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I AIC : [SdCreateHandle,41]: CAM_ALGO_CV_SD_LIBVER[][Dec 3 2021][14:18:48] 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,66]: id = 0, dt = 0xf2f497d0 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6368 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: [ALSC]: L 172, alsc_get_eng_cmd: eng_alsc_bypass_otp=0, eng_alsc_bypass=0, eng_alsc_table_index=9 11-22 03:07:31.914 4522 5216 V CameraService_proxy: Non-fixed orientation activity. Crop-rotate-scale is disabled. 11-22 03:07:31.914 1048 6368 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: [ALSC]: L 734, otp_init: lsc otp is not used! 11-22 03:07:31.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.912 6340 6340 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6340 , size: 32768, time: 4us, pool:32768, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 50000 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 50000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 03:07:31.913 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.913 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.916 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,76]: id = 0, dt->threadNum = 1 11-22 03:07:31.916 1048 6368 I lsc_sprd_adapt: 2683, lsc_sprd_init: lsc init success rtn = 0, camera_id = 0 11-22 03:07:31.916 1048 6368 I lsc_ctrl: 185, _lscctrl_init_lib: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.916 1048 6368 I lsc_ctrl: 222, _lscctrl_init_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.916 1048 6368 D isp_alg_fw: 6458, ispalg_lsc_init: Get ALSC ver: 6 11-22 03:07:31.918 4389 4389 D cameraserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 03:07:31.918 4389 4389 D cameraserver: -129 11-22 03:07:31.916 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.916 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.918 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.918 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.919 4394 5287 I audio_hw_ext: ext_contrtol_process:cameraFacing=back 11-22 03:07:31.919 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,93]: dt->net = 0xf3009290 11-22 03:07:31.919 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,94]: dt->net sizeof = 4 11-22 03:07:31.919 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,95]: dt->net [] = 0xe83a2ed4 11-22 03:07:31.919 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,96]: dt->net buffer = 2977352 11-22 03:07:31.920 6264 6307 I CAM_Profiler: [112.219ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.openCameraAndStartPreview() - [111.957ms] mOneCameraOpener.open() 11-22 03:07:31.921 6264 6307 I CAM_Profiler: [112.219ms] GUARD: CaptureModule.openCameraAndStartPreview() - STOP 11-22 03:07:31.922 6264 6302 I CAM_OneCamCreator: Camera support level: LIMITED_YUV 11-22 03:07:31.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.921 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.923 1048 6365 D isp_alg_fw: 8993, isp_alg_fw_ioctl: cam0 cmd 105 wait init done 0 11-22 03:07:31.925 1048 6365 D isp_alg_fw: 8993, isp_alg_fw_ioctl: cam0 cmd 105 wait init done 1 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6372 I isp_alg_fw: 5996, ispalg_awb_init: is_master 1, sensor_role 0, is_multi_mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6365 D isp_alg_fw: 8993, isp_alg_fw_ioctl: cam0 cmd 105 wait init done 2 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6372 I awb_ctrl: 311, awbctrl_create_thread: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6372 I awb_ctrl: 136, awbctrl_init_adpt: back camera, camera_id = 0 11-22 03:07:31.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.926 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.926 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6372 I awb_ctrl: 157, awbctrl_init_adpt: no pram file , Get the trunning param from upper layer! 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6372 I awb_ctrl: 178, awbctrl_init_adpt: lib_param.version_id = 1 (isp3.0) 11-22 03:07:31.926 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 1098, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: [awb_3x] start awb_sprd_ctrl_init 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 839, awbsprd_load_lib: awb lib v_count:7, version_id:1, version_name:libawb.so 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 850, awbsprd_load_lib: dlopen awb lib successful 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 E awb_adpt: 1125, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: load awb lib success! 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 1151, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: is_multi_mode=0 , color_support=1 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 1170, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: start parse the awb_otp_info 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 E awb_adpt: 1000, _awb_parser_otp_info: awb otp info ptr is NULL 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 E awb_adpt: 1072, _awb_parser_otp_info: awb awb_otp_info_ptr = 0x0, module_info_ptr = 0x0. Parser fail ! 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 1172, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: end parse the awb_otp_info 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 1174, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: create the lock thread for awb success! 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6365 D isp_alg_fw: 8993, isp_alg_fw_ioctl: cam0 cmd 105 wait init done 3 11-22 03:07:31.927 1048 6372 E android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: [AWBLIB][awb_init] [1292]awb version: AWB VERSION: CAM_ALGO_ISP_3A_AWB_3.0_H0_20210720-1055awb log info 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6372 E awb_adpt: 327, _awb_read_gain: read_gain from:/data/vendor/cameraserver/camera_0_awb.file, camera_id[0]: 2318, 1024, 1276, 10906 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6365 D isp_alg_fw: 8993, isp_alg_fw_ioctl: cam0 cmd 105 wait init done 4 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6372 D awb_adpt: 1265, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: AWB init: (2318,1024,1276), AWB_OTP rr = 0, rg = 0, rb = 0 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6372 I awb_adpt: 1266, awb_sprd_ctrl_init_v3: done 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6372 I awb_ctrl: 113, awbctrl_init_lib: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6372 I awb_ctrl: 200, awbctrl_init_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.928 1048 6372 I isp_alg_fw: 6003, ispalg_awb_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.929 1048 6352 D isp_alg_fw: 7432, isp_alg_fw_init_async: cam0 wait isp alg done 11-22 03:07:31.929 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 7335, get_prop_ctrl: is_raw_cap 0, tool_eb 0, dbg_hwsim 0, dump_lsc 0, dump_aem 0 11-22 03:07:31.929 1048 6352 I isp_alg_fw: 7436, isp_alg_fw_init_async: cam0 done, alg enable 1, init 1 11-22 03:07:31.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.928 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.931 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.931 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.932 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 1052, hw_Sensor_SendRegTabToSensor: X:reg_count 231, sensor_id 0 11-22 03:07:31.933 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526345 11-22 03:07:31.933 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 5670, sensor_calic_sns_otp: E 11-22 03:07:31.933 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=4 11-22 03:07:31.933 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526344 11-22 03:07:31.933 1048 6338 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 87, dw9714_drv_set_pos: 150 11-22 03:07:31.933 1048 6338 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 38, _dw9714_write_dac_code: 150 11-22 03:07:31.934 6264 6302 I CAM_OneCamCreator: Picture Size Configuration: PictureSizeCalculator.Configuration{native size=4000x3000, crop=Rect(0, 0 - 4000, 3000)} 11-22 03:07:31.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.935 6264 6302 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 236825255; UID 10089; state: ENABLED 11-22 03:07:31.937 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.946 6264 6302 D CAM_CaptureModule: onCameraOpened: com.android.camera.one.v2.initialization.GenericOneCameraImpl@228cd94 11-22 03:07:31.946 6264 6302 D CAM_CaptureModule: starting preview ... 11-22 03:07:31.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.947 6345 6345 I CAM_CORE: 6345 6013 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_capture loop starts ffffffc018ef1210 11-22 03:07:31.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.948 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.951 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:31.951 9 9 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 03:07:31.951 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:31.952 4389 4389 W cameraserver: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 0 with consumer usage flag: 256: Forcing asynchronous mode forstream 11-22 03:07:31.953 4389 4389 W cameraserver: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 0: Overriding format 0x1 to IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED 11-22 03:07:31.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.954 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.954 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 3111, configure_streams: E 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 802, configureStreams: mZslIpsEnable 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 933, configureStreams: :hal3: stream 0: stream_type=3, chn_type=1, w=4000, h=3000, format=35, usage=0x3, hasCallbackStream=1, hasYuv2Stream=0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3Channel: 404, addStream: E: index = 2 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1042, configureStreams: slowmotion=1, high video mode = 0, kMaxBuffers=4 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1087, configureStreams: stream type:3, max_buffers:4 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 684, set_usage_for_preview: usage reserved[1] 0x40000, usage 0x103 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 933, configureStreams: :hal3: stream 1: stream_type=1, chn_type=1, w=1440, h=1080, format=34, usage=0x103, hasCallbackStream=1, hasYuv2Stream=0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3Channel: 404, addStream: E: index = 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1042, configureStreams: slowmotion=1, high video mode = 0, kMaxBuffers=4 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1087, configureStreams: stream type:1, max_buffers:4 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1107, configureStreams: streamList->streams[0]->max_buffers 4 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1107, configureStreams: streamList->streams[1]->max_buffers 4 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8828, setUltraWideMode: mIsUltraWideMode:0, channel:0xf2b00250 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D SprdCamera3Stream: 492, setUltraWideMode: mIsUltraWideMode:0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 I Cam3HWI : 1127, configureStreams: :hal3: camId=0, prev: w=1440, h=1080, video: w=0, h=0, callback: w=4000, h=3000, yuv2: w=0, h=0, cap: w=0, h=0 yuv3: w=0, h=0, 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 14944, setZslIpsEnable: mZslIpsEnable 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15567, camera_set_setting: zsl_ips_en =0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 14950, setFtEnable: mFtEnable 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15573, camera_set_setting: ft_en =0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19730, camera_local_get_sensor_format: sensor_format is 48 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19730, camera_local_get_sensor_format: sensor_format is 48 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19730, camera_local_get_sensor_format: sensor_format is 48 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19730, camera_local_get_sensor_format: sensor_format is 48 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19730, camera_local_get_sensor_format: sensor_format is 48 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 19730, camera_local_get_sensor_format: sensor_format is 48 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8893, setCameraConvertCropRegion: camera 0, crop start_x=0 start_y=0 width=0 height=0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 1160, getLargestPictureSize: camId=0, max_width=4000, max_height=3000 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8926, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mAppRatio 0.000000 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17468, camera_local_set_param: debug_ratio 0.000000 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 6 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8971, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mCameraId=0, zoomRatio=1.000000, mIsUltraWideMode=0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8991, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mIsFovFusionMode 0, capture_aspect_ratio=1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8999, setCameraConvertCropRegion: camId 0 zoom 1.000000 pre_zoom 1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 19496, cmr_preview_get_zoom_factor: zoom_factor is 0.000000 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17528, camera_local_set_param: id=0, zoom_factor_changed=1, zoom=1.000000, orgZoom=0.000000, prev 0, cap 0, video 0 11-22 03:07:31.955 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2037, cmr_preview_update_zoom: zoom_ratio=1.000000, pre_zoom=1.000000, crop (0 1072693248 0 0), prev=0.000000, video=1.000000, cap=1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.956 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 3287, prev_thread_proc: zoom_ratio=1.000000, pre_zoom=1.000000, crop (0 0 0 0), prev=1.000000, video=1.000000, cap=1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.956 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2059, cmr_preview_update_zoom: ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.956 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode 0 11-22 03:07:31.956 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1202, configureStreams: mMultiCameraMode :0 11-22 03:07:31.956 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 3118, configure_streams: X 11-22 03:07:31.958 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.955 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.955 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 123 camioctl_iommu_status_get : iommu_enable:1 11-22 03:07:31.955 3763 3763 I cam_buf : 3763 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:31.955 3763 3763 I CAM_CORE: 3763 123 camioctl_iommu_status_get : iommu_enable:1 11-22 03:07:31.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.957 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.959 6264 6334 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.960 1254 4373 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.960 1254 4373 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 11-22 03:07:31.960 4389 4389 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 6384) 11-22 03:07:31.960 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.960 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.962 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.963 6264 6304 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 11-22 03:07:31.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.964 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,102]: dt->session = 0xf2f01f30 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,107]: dt->net resizeTensor = 0xf3009290 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I AIC : [Detector_create,109]: dt->net resizeSession = 0xf3009290 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I AIC : [aicCreate,213]: id = 0, ctx = 0xf31a4340 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I AIC : [AIC_CreateHandle,198]: exit 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 114, ai_sprd_adpt_init: aci version: built data: Mar 14 2022. 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 115, ai_sprd_adpt_init: aci version: built time: 15:03:11. 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 116, ai_sprd_adpt_init: aci version: built rev: 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I ai_sprd_adpt: 127, ai_sprd_adpt_init: done. 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I ai_ctrl : 295, ai_ctrl_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 I isp_alg_fw: 6497, ispalg_ai_init: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.968 1048 6399 D isp_alg_fw: 6976, ispalg_aithread_proc: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.969 6264 6302 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@1b3f227, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@92d4240, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@dc6c2be, com.android.camera.settings.SettingObserver$Listener@ce4c3c4] 11-22 03:07:31.969 6264 6302 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@1b3f227, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@92d4240, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@dc6c2be, com.android.camera.settings.SettingObserver$Listener@ce4c3c4, com.android.camera.settings.SettingObserver$Listener@57c49e2] 11-22 03:07:31.969 6264 6302 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@1b3f227, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@92d4240, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@dc6c2be, com.android.camera.settings.SettingObserver$Listener@ce4c3c4, com.android.camera.settings.SettingObserver$Listener@57c49e2, com.android.camera.settings.SettingObserver$Listener@d4c5830] 11-22 03:07:31.968 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.968 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.970 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.970 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.971 6264 6413 D CAM_CommandExecutor: Executing command: com.android.camera.one.v2.commands.PreviewCommand@3b2abeb START 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 3153, construct_default_request_settings: E 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 580, constructDefaultMetadata: type = 1 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 3856, constructDefaultMetadata: maxRegionsAe = 1, maxRegionsAwb = 0, maxRegionsAf = 1 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 E CamComm1.0-MD: Mismatched tag type when updating entry eisZoom (-2147483620) of type int32; got type byte data instead 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 4990, constructDefaultMetadata: vcm_result 0 vcm_num 0 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:31.971 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 3162, construct_default_request_settings: X 11-22 03:07:31.973 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.973 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.975 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.975 1048 3763 E CamDevSession@3.5-impl: Function return value error! 11-22 03:07:31.975 1048 3763 E CamDevSession@3.5-impl: Function return value error! 11-22 03:07:31.975 6264 6413 D CAM_CommandExecutor: Executing command: com.android.camera.one.v2.commands.PreviewCommand@3b2abeb END 11-22 03:07:31.975 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d7, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:31.976 6264 6342 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d7, vaddr=0x6f4a4d1000 11-22 03:07:31.975 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 2334720, time: 9us, pool:2334720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:31.975 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:31.977 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 03:07:31.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.977 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.979 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.980 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.980 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.982 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.982 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.984 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.986 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.986 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.987 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:31.990 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#6)android.os.BinderProxy@5350da9@0 11-22 03:07:31.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.989 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.991 4389 6384 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d7, vaddr=0x6f7b987000 11-22 03:07:31.992 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #6: created at 11-22 03:07:31.289 collect-started=0.14ms request-sent=14.657ms started=35.978ms ready=70.506ms sent=74.676ms finished=702.795ms 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d7, vaddr=0xe16f7000 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1532, processCaptureRequest: init done 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 6341, updateIspParameters: update auto exposure_time and sensitivity 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 6345, updateIspParameters: ae mode 2, is_push 1 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 5340, updateWorkParameters: slowmotion 1 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 5545, updateWorkParameters: Enable Zsl = 0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 5561, updateWorkParameters: lens focal len is 4.222000 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 5785, updateWorkParameters: flashInfo.mode=0,value=0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 5810, updateWorkParameters: ae_exposure_compensation=0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 6050, updateWorkParameters: AE target fps min 5, max 30 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 6122, updateWorkParameters: AF control mode 4 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 6300, updateWorkParameters: mCameraId=0, focus_distance=0.000000, ae_precap_trigger= 0, isFaceBeautyOn=0, eis=0, flash_mode=0, ae_lock=0, scene_mode=1, cap_mode=1, cap_cnt=0, jpeg orien=0, zsl=0, 3dcali=0, crop 0 0 4000 3000 cropRegionUpdate=0, am_mode=1, updateAE=1, ae_regions: 0 0 0 0 0, af_trigger=0, af_mode=4, af_state=0, af_region: 0 0 0 0 0, sprd_auto_3dnr_enable:1, android zsl enable = 0,is_smile_capture=0 sprd_3dnr_enabled:0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 255, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10346, setCapturePara: cap_mode = 1,sprd_zsl_enabled=0,mStreamOnWithZsl=0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=0, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=1 11-22 03:07:31.993 4389 6384 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/0 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 11-22 03:07:31.993 4389 6384 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Factory: 660, torchModeStatusChange: notify torch status for 0, new status 0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7570, androidAeModeToDrvAeMode: aeMode 2 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10265, setCameraIspPara: set flash mode capture_state:1 mFlashMode:3 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 929, setting_set_flash_mode: flash_mode:3 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092458011316336 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D ae_sprd_adpt: 6162, ae_get_flash_enable: AE_GET_FLASH_EB: cameraId=0, flash_eb=0, bv=0, on_thr=350, off_thr=380 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 859, setting_flash_mode_to_hw_status: auto flash status 0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 889, setting_flash_handle: flash_hw_status = 0,flash_param->flash_hw_status = 0 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13372, camera_isp_ioctl: flash mode 3 11-22 03:07:31.993 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2828, setAeState: set INACTIVE when changing ae mode 11-22 03:07:31.994 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 2418, ae_set_mode_params: count 0 ae_mode 2 exp_time 0 sensitivity 0 frame_number 0 11-22 03:07:31.994 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:31.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.992 338 338 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 11-22 03:07:31.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.993 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.997 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 21134, camera_set_ae_params: exp_time:0, sensitivity:0, frame_number:0 11-22 03:07:31.997 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7675, androidAntibandingModeToDrvAntibandingMode: antibanding Mode 3 11-22 03:07:31.997 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17327, camera_isp_set_params: flicker 3 11-22 03:07:31.997 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 11-22 03:07:31.997 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 11-22 03:07:31.997 1048 3763 D isp_alg_fw: 1101, ispctl_flicker: afl_mode=3, ret=0, high fps 0, bypass 0 11-22 03:07:31.997 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7600, androidFlashModeToDrvFlashMode: flashMode 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9364, SetCameraParaTag: ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_LOCK, ae_lock = 0 ae_mode 2 mCameraId 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7748, androidSceneModeToDrvMode: scene 1 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15186, camera_set_setting: fdr scene mode:0, cam_id:0, ref_cam_id:0, is_multi_camera_mode_oem:0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5905, camera_set_fdr_flag: fdr is not supported 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1106, setting_set_scene_mode: set scene mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9236, SetCameraParaTag: drvSceneMode: 0, mMultiCameraMode: 0, mIsFDRCapture:0, app_mode:-1 scene_mode 1 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15186, camera_set_setting: fdr scene mode:0, cam_id:0, ref_cam_id:0, is_multi_camera_mode_oem:0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5905, camera_set_fdr_flag: fdr is not supported 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1106, setting_set_scene_mode: set scene mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9249, SetCameraParaTag: directly set scene mode to oen 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7625, androidAwbModeToDrvAwbMode: awbMode 1 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=0, state=0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2892, setAwbState: set INACTIVE when changing awb mode 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7675, androidAntibandingModeToDrvAntibandingMode: antibanding Mode 3 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17327, camera_isp_set_params: flicker 3 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D isp_alg_fw: 1101, ispctl_flicker: afl_mode=3, ret=0, high fps 0, bypass 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 16974, camera_get_sensor_mode_trim: camera_id =0 sns mode =0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 16995, camera_get_sensor_mode_trim: sensor x=0 y=0 w=0 h=0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9063, CameraConvertCropRegion: mCameraId 0 crop 0 0 0 0 sens w/h 0 0. 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 1160, getLargestPictureSize: camId=0, max_width=4000, max_height=3000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 I OEMCam : 422, camera_get_preview_rot_angle: done 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9145, CameraConvertCropRegion: mCameraId = 0, Crop calculated (x=0,y=0,w=0,h=0 rot=0x0) 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 9682, SetCameraParaTag: after crop ae region mCameraId 0, x, y, w, h, 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17349, camera_isp_set_params: AE ROI camera_id 0, x, y , w, h, (0,0,0,0) 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8893, setCameraConvertCropRegion: camera 0, crop start_x=0 start_y=0 width=4000 height=3000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 1160, getLargestPictureSize: camId=0, max_width=4000, max_height=3000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8926, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mAppRatio 0.000000 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17468, camera_local_set_param: debug_ratio 0.000000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 6 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8971, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mCameraId=0, zoomRatio=1.000000, mIsUltraWideMode=0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8991, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mIsFovFusionMode 0, capture_aspect_ratio=1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8999, setCameraConvertCropRegion: camId 0 zoom 1.000000 pre_zoom 1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 19496, cmr_preview_get_zoom_factor: zoom_factor is 1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17528, camera_local_set_param: id=0, zoom_factor_changed=0, zoom=1.000000, orgZoom=1.000000, prev 0, cap 0, video 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2037, cmr_preview_update_zoom: zoom_ratio=1.000000, pre_zoom=1.000000, crop (0 1072693248 0 0), prev=0.000000, video=1.000000, cap=1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 3287, prev_thread_proc: zoom_ratio=1.000000, pre_zoom=1.000000, crop (0 0 4000 3000), prev=1.000000, video=1.000000, cap=1.000000 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2059, cmr_preview_update_zoom: ret 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode 0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2314, setting_set_slow_motion_flag: video_slow_motion_flag=0 11-22 03:07:31.998 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:31.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1236, setting_set_range_fps: min_fps=5, max_fps=30 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2754, setPreviewFps: camera id= 0, min_fps=5, max_fps=30, video_mode=0, mIsSlowmotion:0 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 7700, androidAfModeToDrvAfMode: afMode 4, focus_distance: 0.000000 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9578, SetCameraParaTag: ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE, AfMode 4 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17462, camera_local_set_param: set focus af mode 0x4 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D cmr_focus: 833, af_set_mode: af_mode,af_cxt->af_mode 4,255 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 W cmr_focus: 804, af_mode_to_isp: af_mode 4 isp_af_mode 6 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D cmr_focus: 861, af_set_mode: isp_af_mode 6 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13166, camera_isp_ioctl: af mode 6 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 2897, af_sprd_set_af_mode: af state = caf, focus state = af idle, set af_mode = 2 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 1546, AF_set_af_mode: wtwtwtw 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 1550, AF_set_af_mode: hw_num 37, isp_w 2096, isp_h 1552 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 1552, AF_set_af_mode: af_focus_mode: 1 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 1046, af_set_default_roi: current af->trigger_mode 1 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 829, AF_set_roi: hw_num 37, isp_w 2096, isp_h 1552, multi_mode 0 11-22 03:07:31.999 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Display 0 policy changed 11-22 03:07:31.999 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Previous: {defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, 60.00 Hz]}, appRequestRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz]}} 11-22 03:07:31.999 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Current: DisplayManagerPolicy{defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRanges={physical=[58.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[58.00 Hz, 58.00 Hz]}, appRequestRanges={physical=[58.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[58.00 Hz, 58.00 Hz]}} 11-22 03:07:31.999 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: 0 mode changes were performed under the previous policy 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 856, AF_set_roi: win_num 0, af_roi_mode 2 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 367, calc_default_roi: current roi ratio 40 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 896, AF_set_roi: roi_mode 2, face_roll 0 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 898, AF_set_roi: ori roi AF_Win_X:628, AF_Win_Y:466, AF_Win_W:838, AF_Win_H:620 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 247, split_roi: roll_angle=0 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 300, split_roi: win_x,y,w,h: 628 466 838 620 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 301, split_roi: split_x: 3 split_y: 3 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 786, set_split_wins: hw_num:37, w->Set_Zone_Num:10 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:0(628 466 906 672) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:1(906 466 1184 672) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:2(1186 466 1464 672) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:3(628 672 906 878) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:4(906 672 1184 878) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:5(1186 672 1464 878) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:6(628 880 906 1086) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:7(906 880 1184 1086) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:8(1186 880 1464 1086) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:9(628 466 1466 1086) 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 901, AF_set_roi: face_extend:0 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 421, afm_set_win: camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:31.999 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 724, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm crop_eb: 1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 735, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm crop_size: (528 466 938 620) 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 719, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm win_num: (6 3) 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 745, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm done tile num: (5 2) 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 709, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm win_start: (100 4) win_size (138 204) 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 694, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm work_mode: 1 11-22 03:07:31.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:31.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 2097, sprd_caf_trigger_ioctrl: cmd : 1001 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 1848, aft_set_mode: version : 1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 1853, aft_set_mode: af_mode :2 11-22 03:07:32.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 1822, aft_get_diverse_data: get mode 1 aft param 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 118, DebugProp_Control: support flag: face 1, pd 0, tof 1, afm 1, cafblk 0, imgblk 1, hist 1, gyro 0, gsensor 1, abort 1, need_print_support 0, sc 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 2097, sprd_caf_trigger_ioctrl: cmd : 1002 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 4400, aft_proc_start: trigger started 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3762, aft_proc_reset: move face_base (sx ex sy ey) = (0 0 0 0), rollangle 0; stab face_base (sx ex sy ey) = (0 0 0 0), rollangle 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2676, setAfState: mCameraId=0, Af mode=4, transition cause=0, cur state=0, new state=0,mAf_start_time=0, mAf_stop_time=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3Channel: 1689, start: ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER frame_number 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9378, SetCameraParaTag: mCameraId=0, AF_TRIGGER 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10054, SetCameraParaTag: getCaptureState: SPRD_IDLE, mSprdAppmodeId:-1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2357, setting_set_appmode: setting_set_appmode=-1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9560, SetCameraParaTag: sprd_eis_enabled = 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2303, setting_set_sprd_eis_enabled: sprd_eis_enabled=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10085, SetCameraParaTag: sprddefInfo->sprd_filter_type: 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15603, camera_set_setting: capture_burst 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17306, camera_isp_set_params: set AE mode 1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 9926, SetCameraParaTag: sprd_3dnr_enabled: 0, sprd_auto_3dnr_enable:1, sprd_appmode_id:-1, mIsNeedFlashFired:0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2345, setting_set_3dnr_type: sprd_3dnr_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10036, SetCameraParaTag: mSprd3dnrType: 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2345, setting_set_3dnr_type: sprd_3dnr_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2334, setting_set_3dnr_enable: sprd_3dnr_enable=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10106, SetCameraParaTag: sprddefInfo.sprd_auto_hdr_enables=0, mSprdAppmodeId:-1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10121, SetCameraParaTag: set auto hdr not audio picture mode 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2765, setting_set_auto_hdr: set auto hdr 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 694, setting_set_general: hdr type:17, force_set0, type_val:0, cmd_type_value:-1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2789, setting_set_auto_3dnr: set auto 3dnr 1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 5197, ae_set_3dnr_mode: threednr_mode=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2856, setting_set_logo_watermark: logo watermark=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2879, setting_set_time_watermark: time watermark=0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3Channel: 1968, start: ANDROID_SPRD_ULTRA_DISTORTION_CORRECT_ENABLE 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 10214, SetCameraParaTag: warppro_enable 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15591, camera_set_setting: ultra_wide_pro =0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 4304, setting_set_ultra_distortion_correct_enable: set ultra distortion correctbefore 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 1153, start: channel_type = 1, frame_number = 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 244, setPowerHint: IN, mCurrentPowerHint=1, 1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 271, setPowerHint: current power state is already CAM_POWER_PERFORMACE_ON,state are both 1, just return 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 362, setPowerHint: out, mCurrentPowerHint=1 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 418, changeDfsPolicy: mCameraDfsPolicyCur: 3 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 D Cam3PowerPerf: 187, setCamPreformaceScene: x camera scene:7 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 3706, startPreviewInternal: E camera id 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 10919, camera_set_3dnr_video: is_3dnr_video 0 11-22 03:07:32.000 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D OEMCam : 1083, ioctrl_camera_set_zsl_param: zsl_num = 0, skip_num=0, is_share_buffer =0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 3822, startPreviewInternal: mTopAppId is -2 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2238, setting_set_preview_format: format=16 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2517, setting_set_capture_format: format=16 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2314, setting_set_slow_motion_flag: video_slow_motion_flag=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1236, setting_set_range_fps: min_fps=5, max_fps=30 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2754, setPreviewFps: camera id= 0, min_fps=5, max_fps=30, video_mode=0, mIsSlowmotion:0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2528, setPreviewParams: preview: w=1440, h=1080, format=16 video: w=0, h=0, format=16 calback: w=4000, h=3000, format=16 capture: w=0, h=0, format=16, raw: w=0, h=0, format=48 yuv2: w=0, h=0, format=0, yuv3: w=0, h=0, format=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3865, startPreviewInternal: JPEG thumbnail size = 320 x 240 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3873, startPreviewInternal: mSprdZslEnabled=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15417, camera_set_setting: zsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2258, setting_set_sprd_zsl_enabled: sprd_zsl_enabled=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3877, startPreviewInternal: mHighFpsMode=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2269, setting_set_high_fps_enabled: high_fps_enabled=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3881, startPreviewInternal: mVideoSnapshotType=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2413, setting_set_video_snapshot_type: video_snapshot_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3885, startPreviewInternal: mVideoAFBCFlag=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2801, setting_set_afbc_enable: set AFBC enable 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3947, startPreviewInternal: mCaptureMode=0, mZsl_k_buffer=0, mSprd3dnrType 0, mZslNum 10 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6351 I cmr_oem : 9292, camera_init_thread_proc: wait here 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15855, camera_local_start_preview: zsl_ips_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15859, camera_local_start_preview: ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15867, camera_local_start_preview: zsl_ips_en 0 app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13947, camera_get_preview_param: preview_eb=1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2206, setting_get_refocus_enable: format=16 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3096, setting_get_3dnr_type: get 3dnr type 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5565, camera_set_3dnr_flag: 3dnr flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5598, camera_get_3dnr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3107, setting_get_afbc_enabled: get afbc enabled 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe302f388. 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=1f 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14229, camera_get_preview_param: channel1_eb=0, fmt=0, rot_angle=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14244, camera_get_preview_param: channel2_eb=1, fmt=16, rot_angle=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14257, camera_get_preview_param: channel3_eb=0, fmt=0, rot_angle=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14272, camera_get_preview_param: channel4_eb=0, fmt=0, rot_angle=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2669, setting_get_capture_angle: get cap_angel 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3605, setting_get_rotation_capture: get is_rotation_capture 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3063, setting_get_hdr: get hdr 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5931, camera_set_hdr_flag: flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5905, camera_set_fdr_flag: fdr is not supported 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14379, camera_get_preview_param: get fdr flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 810, setting_get_encode_angle: get encode_angle 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14452, camera_get_preview_param: out_param_ptr->frame_count =1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14488, camera_get_preview_param: sprd zsl_enabled flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14500, camera_get_preview_param: high_fps_enabled 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 14511, camera_get_preview_param: video_snapshot_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2424, setting_get_3dcalibration_enable: 3dcalibration_enable=0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14586, camera_get_preview_param: prev size 1440 1080, pic size 0 0, video size 0 0, android zsl flag 0, prev rot 0 snp rot 0 rot snp 0, zoom mode 1 fd 1 is dv 0 tool eb 0, q 0 thumb q 0 enc angle 0 thumb size 320 240, frame cnt 1, out_param_ptr->flip_on 0, sprd_3dnr_type 0, 4in1 support 0,limited_4in1_width 0, limited_4in1_height 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 1248, cmr_preview_set_param: camera_id 0 frame count 1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8751, prev_set_param_internal: camera_id 0, preview_eb 1, snapshot_eb 0, video_eb 0, tool_eb 0, prev_status 0, zsl_ips_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8759, prev_set_param_internal: preview_size 1440 1080, picture_size 0 0, video_size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7327, prev_get_sensor_mode: E 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7378, prev_get_sensor_mode: preview_eb 1, video_eb 0, snapshot_eb 0, sprd_zsl_enabled 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7382, prev_get_sensor_mode: camera_id 0, prev size 1440 1080, cap size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7385, prev_get_sensor_mode: prev_rot 0, cap_rot 0, is_cfg_rot_cap 0, cfg_cap_rot 0 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_mem : 1188, camera_get_aligned_size: type 1 11-22 03:07:32.001 1048 6361 D cmr_mem : 1188, camera_get_aligned_size: type 1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7430, prev_get_sensor_mode: org_pic_size 0 0, aligned_pic_size 0 0, actual_pic_size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7878, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: search_height = 1080 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe63dc888. 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=11 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 387, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: mode 1, max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 388, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: min_fps: 1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 389, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: is_high_fps: 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 390, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: high_fps_skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7886, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: candidate mode=1, height = 1552, width = 2096, is_high_fps=0 mode_max_fps=0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7930, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: target_mode 1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7878, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: search_height = 3000 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe63dc888. 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=11 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 387, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: mode 1, max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 388, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: min_fps: 1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 389, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: is_high_fps: 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 390, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: high_fps_skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7886, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: candidate mode=1, height = 1552, width = 2096, is_high_fps=0 mode_max_fps=0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe63dc888. 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=11 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 387, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: mode 2, max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 388, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: min_fps: 1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 389, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: is_high_fps: 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 390, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: high_fps_skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7886, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: candidate mode=2, height = 3104, width = 4192, is_high_fps=0 mode_max_fps=0 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7930, prev_get_sn_preview_mode: target_mode 2 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 I cmr_prev: 7567, prev_get_sensor_mode: app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:32.002 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7725, prev_get_sensor_mode: prev_mode 2, video_mode 0, channel0_work_mode 0 chn1_work_mode 0,chn2_work_mode 2, chn3_work_mode 0, channel4_work_mode 0, cap_mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.003 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7750, prev_get_sensor_mode: dvfs_param.cam_mode is 0 11-22 03:07:32.003 1048 6361 D cmr_mm_dvfs: 445, cmr_set_mm_dvfs_param: bps_per_lane 1200 lane_num 4 sn_max_w 4192 sn_max_h 3104 is_high_fps 0 cam_mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.003 1048 6361 I cmr_mm_dvfs: 171, set_dcam_dvfs_policy: set dvfs-> dcam-if done, freq is 256000000 11-22 03:07:32.003 6361 6361 I set_work_freq_store: dvfs freq 256000000 11-22 03:07:32.003 6361 6361 I dvfs_gov_get_target: change freq to 307200000 11-22 03:07:32.003 6361 6361 I dvfs_gov_get_target, gov: dcam_if_dvfs *freq:307200000 11-22 03:07:32.003 6361 6361 I : devfreq_dev_profile-->get_cur_freq,*freq=468000000 11-22 03:07:32.003 6361 6361 I : devfreq_dev_profile-->target,freq=307200000 module->freq = 468000000 11-22 03:07:32.003 6361 6361 I dvfs ops: set_work_freq, governor: dcam_if_dvfs, work_freq=307200000, index=4, 11-22 03:07:32.004 1048 6361 I cmr_mm_dvfs: 280, set_isp_dvfs_policy: set dvfs-> isp done, freq is max 11-22 03:07:32.004 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7769, prev_get_sensor_mode: X 11-22 03:07:32.004 1048 6361 I cmr_prev: 4618, prev_pre_set: camera_id:0 sensor_mode = 2 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 10614, camera_preview_pre_proc: camera id 0 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 10619, camera_preview_pre_proc: sensor work mode 2 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524549 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1134, sensor_set_mode_msg: mode = 2. 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1151, sensor_set_mode_msg: is_async: yes, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526338 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 20243, camera_get_remosaic_type: [0 0 0], {4192 3104] 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1206, sensor_set_mode: mode = 2. 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 397, hw_sensor_set_mclk: mclk 24, ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 1033, hw_Sensor_SendRegTabToSensor: E:burst_mode 0, sensor_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 20253, camera_get_remosaic_type: remosaic_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.005 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8917, prev_set_prev_param: camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.006 1048 6361 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.006 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8967, prev_set_prev_param: high_fps_enabled 0 11-22 03:07:32.006 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8997, prev_set_prev_param: skip_mode 2, skip_num 1, image_format 48 11-22 03:07:32.006 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 9003, prev_set_prev_param: src_img_rect 0 0 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.006 1048 6361 D cmr_common: 145, camera_get_trim_rect2: src_trim_rect 0 0 4192 3104, sn w/h 4192 3104, zoom_ratio 1.000000, dst_aspect_ratio 1.333333 11-22 03:07:32.004 6361 6361 I set_work_freq_store: dvfs freq 512000000 11-22 03:07:32.004 6361 6361 I dvfs_gov_get_target, gov: isp_dvfs *freq:512000000 11-22 03:07:32.004 6361 6361 I : devfreq_dev_profile-->get_cur_freq,*freq=512000000 11-22 03:07:32.004 6361 6361 I : devfreq_dev_profile-->target,freq=512000000 module->freq = 512000000 11-22 03:07:32.006 1048 6361 D cmr_common: 178, camera_get_trim_rect2: output trim rect 27 0 4138 3104 11-22 03:07:32.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 9064, prev_set_prev_param: camera 0 after src_img_rect 27 0 4138 3104 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8170, prev_get_sn_inf: this is RAW sensor 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8184, prev_get_sn_inf: lane_num 4, bits_per_pxl 10, is_cphy 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=0 size=2332800 sum=8 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 12064, Callback_IonMalloc: Do not need malloc,mem_type 0 buffer from framework 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5452, prev_alloc_prev_buf: prev_mem_size 0x239880, mem_num 8 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 0, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.005 6338 6338 I SENSOR_DRV: 6338: sprd_sensor_set_mclk L 664: set_mclk 24 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 1, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.006 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.007 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 2, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.006 9 9 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 3, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 4, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 5, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 6, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5457, prev_alloc_prev_buf: 7, virt_addr 0x0, fd 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=6 size=2332800 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=6 size=2332800 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 4096, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.007 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.008 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 3us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x16, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf419e000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf3052970, TotalIonSize=4096 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5478, prev_alloc_prev_buf: reserved, virt_addr 0xf419e000, fd 0x16 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe63dbb50. 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=11 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 387, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: mode 2, max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 388, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: min_fps: 1 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 389, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: is_high_fps: 0 11-22 03:07:32.008 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 390, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: high_fps_skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11635, camera_channel_cfg: frm_num 0xffffffff 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11647, camera_channel_cfg: sn_size: width=4192, height=3104, camera_id=0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11649, camera_channel_cfg: sn_trim: width=4192, height=3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11652, camera_channel_cfg: scaler_trim: width=4192, height=3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11666, camera_channel_cfg: sensor_max_size: width=4192, height=3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 488, cmr_grab_if_cfg: not support power opt 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 497, cmr_grab_if_cfg: ret 0, if type 1, mode 3, deci 0, status 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 545, cmr_grab_sn_cfg: sn_size.width 4192, height 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 556, cmr_grab_sn_cfg: sn_trim x y w h 0, 0, 4192, 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 570, cmr_grab_sn_cfg: sensor_max_size: w=4192, h=3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11684, camera_channel_cfg: prev rect 27 0 4138 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 5598, camera_get_3dnr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11749, camera_channel_cfg: app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 20243, camera_get_remosaic_type: [0 0 0], {4192 3104] 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 20253, camera_get_remosaic_type: remosaic_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 777, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: frm_num -1, dst width 1440, dst height 1080,slowmotion 0,is_high_fps:0, high_fps_skip_num:0, src_img_fmt 48,dst_img_fmt 16, 4in1 0, fdr 0, is_sync_num 0. 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 789, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: slave ch en 0, fmt 0x3132564e, size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 854, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: 0, 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 856, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: fdr_preview_captured_num = 0, zoom_conflict_ltm = 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 612, cmr_grab_cap_cfg_common: chn_id=1, regu_mode=0, pdaf_ctrl=0 0, deci_factor=0, cfg_isp=0, chn_skip_num=0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 682, cmr_grab_cap_cfg_common: crop_rect in hex:1b,0,102a,c20, crop_rect in dec:27,0,4138,3104, total_rect: 0,0,0,0 11-22 03:07:32.009 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 719, cmr_grab_cap_cfg_common: SPRD_IMG_IO_CHECK_FMT fmt 1 1440 1080 0x3132564e 1 flip:0 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 546 camioctl_sensor_if_set : sensor_if 1 3 2, 0.....mipi 0 10 0 4 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 454 camioctl_mode_set : mode 1 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 568 camioctl_sensor_size_set : cam0, sensor_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 591 camioctl_sensor_trim_set : sensor_trim 0 0 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 615 camioctl_sensor_max_size_set : sensor_max_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 667 camioctl_output_size_set : cam0, scene 0 cap_type 0, fmt 59455247 3132564e 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 681 camioctl_output_size_set : cam0, simulator=0 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 784 camioctl_output_size_set : cam_channel: ch_id 1 high fps 0 0. aux 0 825382478 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 788 camioctl_output_size_set : cam_channel: crop 27 0 4138 3104 dst 1440 1080 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 810 camioctl_ch_id_get : cam_channel: get ch id: 1 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 433 camioctl_function_mode_set : 4in1:[0], rgb_ltm[1], yuv_ltm[0], gtm[1], dual[0], dec 0, fdr_version:0, is_fdr:0, pre_num:0, zoom_conflict_with_ltm 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3251 camioctl_3dnr_mode_set : ch_id 1, need_3dnr 0 11-22 03:07:32.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1021 camioctl_crop_set : cam0 4in1[0],set ch1 crop 27 0 4138 3104. 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1050 camioctl_crop_set : aligned crop 24 0 4144 3104. max 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3801 camioctl_dcam_raw_fmt_set : cam0, ch1 set dcam raw fmt 2 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3803 camioctl_dcam_raw_fmt_set : cam0, ch1 set sensor raw fmt 2 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1146 camioctl_fmt_check : chk_fmt ch 1 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 5379 camcore_channel_init : ch 1 dcam_path(new 1 path_id 1) isp_path(new 1 path_id 0) isp_ctx(new 1) 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 5381 camcore_channel_init : cam0, simulator=0 11-22 03:07:32.009 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3412 ispcore_context_get : cam0 isp slowmotion eb 0 11-22 03:07:32.013 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 1052, hw_Sensor_SendRegTabToSensor: X:reg_count 51, sensor_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.013 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.013 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.014 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.018 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 2281, cmr_grab_get_data_endian: y uv endian 0 2 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 869, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11877, camera_channel_cfg: channel id 1, caller_handle 0xf2294020, skip num 0 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 9132, prev_set_prev_param: prev chn id is 1 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_common: 145, camera_get_trim_rect2: src_trim_rect 0 0 4192 3104, sn w/h 4192 3104, zoom_ratio 1.000000, dst_aspect_ratio 1.333333 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_common: 178, camera_get_trim_rect2: output trim rect 27 0 4138 3104 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 11555, channel2_configure: after src_img_rect 27 0 4138 3104 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8170, prev_get_sn_inf: this is RAW sensor 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 8184, prev_get_sn_inf: lane_num 4, bits_per_pxl 10, is_cphy 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 11270, channel2_alloc_bufs: channel2_fmt=16, w=4000, h=3000 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=56 size=18000000 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.019 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=56 size=18000000 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.020 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe63daaf0. 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=11 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 387, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: mode 2, max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 388, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: min_fps: 1 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 389, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: is_high_fps: 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 390, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: high_fps_skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11635, camera_channel_cfg: frm_num 0xffffffff 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11647, camera_channel_cfg: sn_size: width=4192, height=3104, camera_id=0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11649, camera_channel_cfg: sn_trim: width=4192, height=3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11652, camera_channel_cfg: scaler_trim: width=4192, height=3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11666, camera_channel_cfg: sensor_max_size: width=4192, height=3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 488, cmr_grab_if_cfg: not support power opt 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 497, cmr_grab_if_cfg: ret 0, if type 1, mode 3, deci 0, status 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 545, cmr_grab_sn_cfg: sn_size.width 4192, height 3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 556, cmr_grab_sn_cfg: sn_trim x y w h 0, 0, 4192, 3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 570, cmr_grab_sn_cfg: sensor_max_size: w=4192, h=3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11684, camera_channel_cfg: prev rect 27 0 4138 3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 5598, camera_get_3dnr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11749, camera_channel_cfg: app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 20243, camera_get_remosaic_type: [0 0 0], {4192 3104] 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 20253, camera_get_remosaic_type: remosaic_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 777, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: frm_num -1, dst width 4000, dst height 3000,slowmotion 0,is_high_fps:0, high_fps_skip_num:0, src_img_fmt 48,dst_img_fmt 16, 4in1 0, fdr 0, is_sync_num 0. 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 789, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: slave ch en 0, fmt 0x3132564e, size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 854, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: 0, 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 856, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: fdr_preview_captured_num = 0, zoom_conflict_ltm = 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 612, cmr_grab_cap_cfg_common: chn_id=2, regu_mode=0, pdaf_ctrl=0 0, deci_factor=0, cfg_isp=0, chn_skip_num=0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 682, cmr_grab_cap_cfg_common: crop_rect in hex:1b,0,102a,c20, crop_rect in dec:27,0,4138,3104, total_rect: 0,0,0,0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 719, cmr_grab_cap_cfg_common: SPRD_IMG_IO_CHECK_FMT fmt 2 4000 3000 0x3132564e 1 flip:0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 I cmr_grab: 2281, cmr_grab_get_data_endian: y uv endian 0 2 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 869, cmr_grab_cap_cfg: ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11877, camera_channel_cfg: channel id 2, caller_handle 0xf2294020, skip num 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 14683, camera_set_preview_param: prev mode 2 chn id 1 snp mode 0 snp_chn_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 14684, camera_set_preview_param: rot angle 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13103, camera_isp_ioctl: ae compensation: comp_val=0, range.min=-30, range.max=30, step_numerator=1, step_denominator=10 ae_mode=0, ae_lock=0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 5321, ae_set_exposure_compensation: comp_val=0, ev_value=0.000000, range=[-30,30], lock=0, step_numerator=1, step_denominator = 10 11-22 03:07:32.021 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d8, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x105, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15392, prev_before_set_param: not in previewing, return directly 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13107, camera_isp_ioctl: awb mode 00 1isp param 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13113, camera_isp_ioctl: awb mode 1isp param 9 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13708, camera_isp_ioctl: ERIC set exif 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 6371, camera_after_set: sensor fmt 48, skip num 1 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15440, prev_after_set_param: mode 0, prev_status 0, preview_eb 1, snapshot_eb 0, video_eb 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 1106, setting_set_scene_mode: set scene mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15392, prev_before_set_param: not in previewing, return directly 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 470, setting_isp_ctrl: app_mode:-1, scene_mode:0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 12967, camera_isp_ioctl: setting_param.cmd_type_value 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13017, camera_isp_ioctl: ae scene mode 19 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D isp_alg_fw: 2596, ispctl_scene_mode: set_scene_mode 19, (nr 15 ae 0) 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 5015, ae_set_scene: AE_SET_SCENE 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D isp_alg_fw: 1596, change_scene_param: cam0, smart_eb 0, bypass 0, update 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13708, camera_isp_ioctl: ERIC set exif 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 6371, camera_after_set: sensor fmt 48, skip num 1 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15440, prev_after_set_param: mode 0, prev_status 0, preview_eb 1, snapshot_eb 0, video_eb 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2765, setting_set_auto_hdr: set auto hdr 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 694, setting_set_general: hdr type:17, force_set1, type_val:0, cmd_type_value:0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15392, prev_before_set_param: not in previewing, return directly 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703872 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6375 I ae_sprd_adpt: 5430, ae_set_auto_hdr: hdr_menu 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7713, HandleAutoExposure: sprd_is_hdr_scene = 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 6371, camera_after_set: sensor fmt 48, skip num 1 11-22 03:07:32.022 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x6fdf216000 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15440, prev_after_set_param: mode 0, prev_status 0, preview_eb 1, snapshot_eb 0, video_eb 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 465, setting_isp_ctrl: cmd_type_value=16998092454202703921 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 1299, cmr_preview_start: E 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 4315, setting_get_ultra_distortion_correct_enable: get ultra_widepro after 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 4691, prev_start: is_ultra_wide_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 4748, prev_start: camera_id 0, prev_status 0, preview_eb 1, snapshot_eb 0, need_isp 1,pdaf_type 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 4797, prev_start: is_support_fd 1 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 20243, camera_get_remosaic_type: [0 0 0], {4192 3104] 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6362 D cmr_prev: 3216, prev_swalg_thread_proc: open 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6362 D cmr_prev: 17527, prev_fd_open: is_support_fd 1, is_fd_on 1, fd_handle 0x0x0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 20253, camera_get_remosaic_type: remosaic_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6362 D cmr_ipm : 178, cmr_ipm_open: class_type_max = 17 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6362 D cmr_fd_sprd: 219, fd_open: mem_size = 1555200 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11393, camera_isp_start_video: isp_param.app_mode -1 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe63dc2a0. 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=11 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 387, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: mode 2, max_fps: 30 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 388, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: min_fps: 1 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 389, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: is_high_fps: 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 390, ov13853_drv_get_fps_info: high_fps_skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.022 1048 6362 D cmr_fd_sprd: 245, fd_open: sprd_fd_api 1 fd_img_size 1440x1080 work_mode 2 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 11464, camera_isp_start_video: cur max_fps 30, skip_num 0 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 11503, camera_isp_start_video: sn_max_size: (4192 3104), sn_output_size: (4192 3104), crop: (0 0 4192 3104) 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 11507, camera_isp_start_video: sn_mode=2 max_gain=16 is_high_fps=0 high_fps_skip_num=0 max_fps=30 min_fps=1 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FaceAlign: [FaCreateAlignHandle,46]: FaceAlign Create.In 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 11510, camera_isp_start_video: isp.size:(4192 3104), work_mode=0, dv_mode=0, capture_mode=0, is_snapshot=0 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FaceAlign: [FaCreateAlignHandle,47]: CAM_ALGO_CV_FA_LIBVER[".1557339".1557339][Sep 23 2021][10:05:14] 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 20243, camera_get_remosaic_type: [0 0 0], {4192 3104] 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FaceAlign: [initLogLevel,27]: g_log_level value: 3 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 20253, camera_get_remosaic_type: remosaic_type=0 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FaceAlign: [initLogLevel,30]: g_dump_flag value: 0 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 I isp_alg_fw: 8163, isp_alg_fw_start: cam0 init status 1 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FaceAlign: [initLogLevel,47]: Dump path: /data/vendor/cameraserver/ 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [FaPts7CreateAlignHandle,49]: FaPts7 Create.In 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [FaPts7CreateAlignHandle,50]: CAM_ALGO_CV_FAPTS7_LIBVER[][Sep 23 2021][10:05:07] 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [initLogLevel,26]: g_log_level value: 3 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [initLogLevel,29]: g_dump_flag value: 0 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [initLogLevel,46]: Dump path: /data/vendor/cameraserver/ 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8210, isp_alg_fw_start: work_mode 0,is_dv 0,zsl 0,size 4192 3104,prv_size 4192 3104, 4in1 0, remosaic 0 0 0 0,cxt->app_mode -1 af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 D UMNN : LIBVER[][Feb 5 2021][14:33:39] 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [CreateCNNHandle,37]: USE UMNN_MNN 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cc, vaddr=0x7b416eb000 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cb, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.023 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x7b42038000 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.019 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2101 ispcore_offline_thread_create : isp ctx sw 0 offline thread created. 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E isp_pm : 1447, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: should not be here. mode 19 is NULL 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_pm : 1510, isp_pm_get_all_blocks_compatible: mode 0 block num 46, total 69, img_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_pm : 899, isp_pm_context_init: 0xe689f8b0 0xe6b8a400 num 46 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_pm : 1668, isp_pm_set_param: pm context 0xe689f8b0 for set 0, mode_id 19 remosaic mode 0, size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8277, isp_alg_fw_start: cam 0, pm mode 0x13 0xff, gtm_ltm on -1 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8278, isp_alg_fw_start: debug mode=19,awb_mode=0,cxt->awb_tuning_param.param_num 1 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8286, isp_alg_fw_start: debug2 mode=255,ae_mode=0 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 E awb_adpt: 327, _awb_read_gain: read_gain from:/data/vendor/cameraserver/camera_0_awb.file, camera_id[0]: 2318, 1024, 1276, 10906 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 7687, ispalg_update_alg_param: get gamma tab 0xe68a9d48 for set 0 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 7719, ispalg_update_alg_param: smart gtm 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 7727, ispalg_update_alg_param: debug2 mode=255,atm_mode=0 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 I smart_ctrl: 1430, smart_ctl_parse_atm_tuning_param_v1: src ptr 0xe6766458 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D smart_ctrl: 2941, smart_ctl_ioctl: ATM_IOCTRL_UPDATE_TUNING_PARAM 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 I smart_ctrl: 2682, smart_ctl_calculation: lock smart frame = 5 11-22 03:07:32.024 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d3, vaddr=0x7b423c6000 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 2172, ispalg_smart_set_cb: skip gamma 11-22 03:07:32.024 1048 6361 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 I isp_alg_fw: 8305, isp_alg_fw_start: pdaf_support = 0, pdaf_enable = 0, is_multi_mode = 0 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 7866, ispalg_update_alsc_result: size0 (4192, 3104), size1 (4192 3104), lsc size (4192 3104), grid 96, gridx 0, gridy 0, gain_w 25 gain_h 20 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 I isp_alg_fw: 7879, ispalg_update_alsc_result: [ALSC] lsc_pm_normalization, new_image_size[4192,3104], full_image_size[4192,3104] 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 I isp_alg_fw: 7882, ispalg_update_alsc_result: [ALSC] lsc_pm_normalization case1, n binning 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 D isp_blk_2d_lsc: 176, _pm_2d_lsc_set_param: LSC_NORMAL ISP_PM_BLK_LSC_UPDATE_GRID, new_grid=96, orig=96, hdr 0xe68a0bd0 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 D isp_blk_2d_lsc: 212, _pm_2d_lsc_set_param: image size 4192 3104, grid 96 4000, gain_w 25, gain_h 20, (x, y) = (25 20), hdr 0xe68a0bd0 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 7963, ispalg_update_alsc_result: debug mode=19,ae_mode=0 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3091, lsc_sprd_ioctrl: FW_START, frame_count=0, camera_id=0, lsc_id=1, LSC_SPD_VERSION=6 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3092, lsc_sprd_ioctrl: FW_START, old tab0 address=0xe66aa5a0, lsc table[25,20,96,96] 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3094, lsc_sprd_ioctrl: FW_START, new tab0 address=0xe66aa5a0, lsc table[25,20,96,96], image_size[4192,3104] 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 I lsc_ctrl: 370, lsc_set_monitor: in_param win_size[130,96] win_num[32,32] 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 D isp_alg_fw: 1210, ispalg_set_lsc_monitor: win 16 16 130 96 32 32 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 2000, lsc_read_last_info: camera_id:0, bv:621, bv_gain:735, shutter:0.030000, table_rgb[4429,4557,4417,4413], table_size[25,20] 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6390 I lsc_sprd_adapt: 2029, lsc_preprocess_fwstart_info: FW_START parameter normalization, case1 n binning, gridx=96, gridy=96, lsc_id=1 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 I afl_ctrl: 617, aflnew_ctrl_cfg: AFL TUNE PARAM start 0 ed 3 regin_strat 24412 ed 3 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 E afl_ctrl: 646, aflnew_ctrl_cfg: ERROR REG PARAM 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 E afl_ctrl: 672, aflnew_ctrl_cfg: ERROR REG PARAM 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 I afl_ctrl: 690, aflnew_ctrl_cfg: done:stepx: 0x68cccc, y: 0x677777, x_start 0x0, x_end 0x1060, x_region 68cccc, y 0x677777, x_start_region 0x0, x_end 0x1060 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 990, ispalg_get_aem_param: get blk_num 64 64, set to 64 64 11-22 03:07:32.025 1048 6361 W isp_pm : 1969, isp_pm_get_param: fail to do isp_pm_get_single_block_param, 0 96 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 7594, ispalg_ae_set_work_mode: trigger ae start. 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 I ae_sprd_adpt: 4519, ae_set_video_start: setpriority = 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4529, ae_set_video_start: 3rd app id -2 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4533, ae_set_video_start: sensor mode 2 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D Libae[HM]: 1397,scene_hm_tune_param_parser:none tuning param or unavailable value1 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D Libae[FAE]: 2959,scene_face_tune_param_parser:face_version_v1 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 4215,aec_set_param:AE_SET_TUNE_PARAM 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4585, ae_set_video_start: ct[0]:10000.000000 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4605, ae_set_video_start: sync: is_multi_mode:0, is_master:1, sensor_role:0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1261, ispalg_set_aem_win: win 48 16 64 48 64 64 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1296, ispalg_set_aem_thrd: aem_threshold, rgb high(1000 1000 1000) rgb low(20 20 20) 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 I ae_sprd_adpt: 1882, ae_cfg_monitor_block: rtn=0 win_num(64x64), win_size(64x48) skip=0 mode=1 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4628, ae_set_video_start: shift = 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 0 0 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4844, ae_set_video_start: file expl=3000, gain=735 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4862, ae_set_video_start: last_target=64 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4866, ae_set_video_start: ae_set_app_mode_for_face_start:face_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4889, ae_set_video_start: manual_exptime 0, gain 0, appmode 0, aemode 2 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4917, ae_set_video_start: before:exp_line:3000 exp_time: 30000000 gain:735 dummy 0 frm_len 3000 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4942, ae_set_video_start: ae_set_video_start, ae_update_result_to_sensor,sensor_role:0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 3000,exp_time 30000000, prv_param->exp_line 0, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 I sns_drv_u: 2791, sensor_ic_write_exp_common: is_async: yes, phyid:0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 I sns_drv_u: 2735, sensor_ic_write_gain_common: is_async: yes, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6375 I ae_sprd_adpt: 4988, ae_set_video_start: AE_VIDEO_START cam-id 0 BV 621 lt 10000 W 4192 H 3104 , exp: 3000, gain:735 flash: 0 CAP 0, enable: 0, large_pix_num 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526341 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 168, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: fps = 30.048077 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 173, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: mode = 2, exposure_line = 3000, dummy_line= 8, frame_interval= 30 ms 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3108, af_sprd_set_af_bypass: param = 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8485, isp_alg_fw_start: trigger AF video start. size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3170, af_sprd_set_video_start: af state = caf, focus state = af idle; image width = 4192, height = 3104 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3180, af_sprd_set_video_start: afm_skip_num 0, camera_id = 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 698, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm skip_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 1046, af_set_default_roi: current af->trigger_mode 1 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 829, AF_set_roi: hw_num 37, isp_w 4192, isp_h 3104, multi_mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 856, AF_set_roi: win_num 0, af_roi_mode 2 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 367, calc_default_roi: current roi ratio 40 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 896, AF_set_roi: roi_mode 2, face_roll 0 11-22 03:07:32.026 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 898, AF_set_roi: ori roi AF_Win_X:1258, AF_Win_Y:932, AF_Win_W:1676, AF_Win_H:1240 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 247, split_roi: roll_angle=0 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 300, split_roi: win_x,y,w,h: 1258 932 1676 1240 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 301, split_roi: split_x: 3 split_y: 3 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 786, set_split_wins: hw_num:37, w->Set_Zone_Num:10 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:0(1258 932 1816 1344) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:1(1816 932 2374 1344) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:2(2376 932 2934 1344) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:3(1258 1344 1816 1756) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:4(1816 1344 2374 1756) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:5(2376 1344 2934 1756) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:6(1258 1758 1816 2170) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:7(1816 1758 2374 2170) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:8(2376 1758 2934 2170) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 796, set_split_wins: idx,sx,sy,ex,ey:9(1258 932 2934 2172) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 901, AF_set_roi: face_extend:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 421, afm_set_win: camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 724, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm crop_eb: 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 735, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm crop_size: (1158 932 1776 1240) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 719, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm win_num: (6 3) 11-22 03:07:32.019 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3342 ispcore_callback_set : ctx: 0, cb 0000000049f0092f, 00000000d46f0b92 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 745, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm done tile num: (5 2) 11-22 03:07:32.019 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2709 ispcore_path_get : get path 0 done. 11-22 03:07:32.019 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 5720 camcore_channel_init : dcam(sw_ctx 0 hw_ctx 2), path_id(dcam 1, aux dcam -1, isp 0) 11-22 03:07:32.019 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 16 11-22 03:07:32.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.020 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 546 camioctl_sensor_if_set : sensor_if 1 3 2, 0.....mipi 0 10 0 4 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 454 camioctl_mode_set : mode 1 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 568 camioctl_sensor_size_set : cam0, sensor_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 591 camioctl_sensor_trim_set : sensor_trim 0 0 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 615 camioctl_sensor_max_size_set : sensor_max_size 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 667 camioctl_output_size_set : cam0, scene 3 cap_type 0, fmt 59455247 3132564e 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 709, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm win_start: (100 4) win_size (278 410) 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 694, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm work_mode: 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 690, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 2097, sprd_caf_trigger_ioctrl: cmd : 1005 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 2097, sprd_caf_trigger_ioctrl: cmd : 1002 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 4400, aft_proc_start: trigger started 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3762, aft_proc_reset: move face_base (sx ex sy ey) = (0 0 0 0), rollangle 0; stab face_base (sx ex sy ey) = (0 0 0 0), rollangle 0 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8510, isp_alg_fw_start: is_4in1_sensor 0, work_mode 0, is_high_res_mode 0, af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D isp_dev_access: 690, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm bypass: 0 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=41 size=198144 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=41 size=198144 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 198144, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x18, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf243d000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf3053960, TotalIonSize=204800 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 198144, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x1a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf1e1e000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf30539f0, TotalIonSize=405504 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 198144, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x1c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf19ab000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf3053e40, TotalIonSize=606208 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 198144, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x1e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf1956000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf3053cc0, TotalIonSize=806912 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=42 size=5824 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526342 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=42 size=5824 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 5824, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x20, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf419c000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf3053ba0, TotalIonSize=815104 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 5824, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x22, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf4001000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf3053e70, TotalIonSize=823296 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 5824, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x24, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3fc1000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf30529a0, TotalIonSize=831488 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 5824, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x2df,sensor_gain=0x5b 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x26, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3f7c000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf3054560, TotalIonSize=839680 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=43 size=28128 sum=3 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=43 size=28128 sum=3 11-22 03:07:32.027 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 28128, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x28, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3487000, size=0x7000, heap=0xf30549e0, TotalIonSize=868352 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 28128, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x2a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf33fb000, size=0x7000, heap=0xf3054f50, TotalIonSize=897024 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 28128, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x2c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf33f4000, size=0x7000, heap=0xf3055250, TotalIonSize=925696 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=45 size=3616 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=45 size=3616 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 784 camioctl_output_size_set : cam_channel: ch_id 2 high fps 0 0. aux 0 825382478 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 788 camioctl_output_size_set : cam_channel: crop 27 0 4138 3104 dst 4000 3000 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 3616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 810 camioctl_ch_id_get : cam_channel: get ch id: 2 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x2e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf4079000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf3068120, TotalIonSize=929792 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 3616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x30, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3ffa000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306ec00, TotalIonSize=933888 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 3616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 433 camioctl_function_mode_set : 4in1:[0], rgb_ltm[1], yuv_ltm[0], gtm[1], dual[0], dec 0, fdr_version:0, is_fdr:0, pre_num:0, zoom_conflict_with_ltm 0 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x32, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3fc0000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306d7c0, TotalIonSize=937984 11-22 03:07:32.020 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3251 camioctl_3dnr_mode_set : ch_id 2, need_3dnr 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1021 camioctl_crop_set : cam0 4in1[0],set ch2 crop 27 0 4138 3104. 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 3616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x34, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3f7b000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306e420, TotalIonSize=942080 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=48 size=15616 sum=6 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=48 size=15616 sum=6 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 15616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x36, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3ef5000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306e630, TotalIonSize=958464 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 15616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x38, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3765000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306e900, TotalIonSize=974848 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1050 camioctl_crop_set : aligned crop 24 0 4144 3104. max 4192 3104 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 15616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x3a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf35ba000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306d010, TotalIonSize=991232 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 15616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x3c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3515000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf3071c60, TotalIonSize=1007616 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 15616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x3e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf34f7000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306e540, TotalIonSize=1024000 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 15616, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x40, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf347b000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306ede0, TotalIonSize=1040384 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=47 size=17408 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=47 size=17408 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 17408, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x42, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32f4000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf306eb10, TotalIonSize=1060864 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 17408, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x44, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32ef000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf30719f0, TotalIonSize=1081344 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 17408, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x46, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32ea000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf306e210, TotalIonSize=1101824 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 17408, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x48, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32bf000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf306f080, TotalIonSize=1122304 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3801 camioctl_dcam_raw_fmt_set : cam0, ch2 set dcam raw fmt 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3803 camioctl_dcam_raw_fmt_set : cam0, ch2 set sensor raw fmt 0 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1146 camioctl_fmt_check : chk_fmt ch 2 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 5379 camcore_channel_init : ch 2 dcam_path(new 0 path_id 0) isp_path(new 1 path_id 1) isp_ctx(new 0) 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 5381 camcore_channel_init : cam0, simulator=0 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2709 ispcore_path_get : get path 1 done. 11-22 03:07:32.021 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 5720 camcore_channel_init : dcam(sw_ctx 0 hw_ctx 2), path_id(dcam 1, aux dcam -1, isp 1) 11-22 03:07:32.021 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 548864, time: 11us, pool:548864, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.022 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.022 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.025 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.025 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.025 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 200704, time: 8us, pool:200704, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 200704, time: 1us, pool:200704, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 200704, time: 2us, pool:200704, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=46 size=4096 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 4096, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x4a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3eb5000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306f4a0, TotalIonSize=1126400 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2451, camera_malloc: mem_type=50 size=4096 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.027 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11618, Callback_CommonMalloc: mem_type=50 size=4096 sum=4 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 4096, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x4c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3eb4000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306f7d0, TotalIonSize=1130496 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 4096, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x4e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf397f000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306c170, TotalIonSize=1134592 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 4096, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x50, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf397e000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306f410, TotalIonSize=1138688 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3347, allocCameraMem: buf_size 4096, num_bufs 1, cached 1 11-22 03:07:32.028 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 3405, allocCameraMem: fd=0x52, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf397d000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306fda0, TotalIonSize=1142784 11-22 03:07:32.029 1048 6361 D isp_dev_access: 251, isp_dev_prepare_buf: statis buf size 1138688, handle e72f1bd8 11-22 03:07:32.029 1048 6361 D isp_dev_access: 78, isp_alloc_pmdbg_buf: no alloc for: size 0 num 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8530, isp_alg_fw_start: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 4888, prev_start: channel_bits 6, skip_num 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 11999, camera_channel_start: skip num 0 6 11-22 03:07:32.030 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d0, vaddr=0x6fde3ed000 11-22 03:07:32.033 1048 6416 I FAPTS7 : [FaPts7CreateAlignHandle,63]: FaPts7 Create.Out 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I FaceAlign: [FaCreateAlignHandle,61]: FaceAlign Create.Out 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I cmr_fd_sprd: 1188, fd_create_detector: SPRD FD version: "", platform: 0x0500 camera_type 1 work_mode 2 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I libfacedetect: [FdCreateDetector,66]: FD Top Create.In 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I libfacedetect: [FdCreateDetector,67]: CAM_ALGO_CV_FD_LIBVER[][Jan 24 2022][10:21:38] 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 200704, time: 3us, pool:200704, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 8192, time: 1us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 8192, time: 2us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 8192, time: 1us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I libfacedetect: [DetectorFactoryCreate,75]: platform: 1280 work_mode: 2 engine: 0 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [libFDV3_create, 63]: Create.In 11-22 03:07:32.034 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [libFDV3_create, 64]: CAM_ALGO_CV_FDV3_LIBVER[][Jan 24 2022][10:21:23] 11-22 03:07:32.035 4522 4863 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x6f4548b000 11-22 03:07:32.035 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [init, 109]: model[0] vdsp[0] 11-22 03:07:32.035 1048 6416 D UMNN : LIBVER[][Feb 5 2021][14:33:39] 11-22 03:07:32.027 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 8192, time: 1us, pool:8192, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 28672, time: 4us, pool:28672, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 28672, time: 4us, pool:28672, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 28672, time: 4us, pool:28672, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 1us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 1us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 0us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 0us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 16384, time: 1us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 20480, time: 1us, pool:20480, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 20480, time: 2us, pool:20480, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 20480, time: 2us, pool:20480, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 20480, time: 1us, pool:20480, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 1us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 0us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 1us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 0us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 4096, time: 1us, pool:4096, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.028 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 638 dcamcore_statis_buffer_cfg : statis init done 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 2773 dcam_core_context_bind : sw_ctx_id=0, hw_ctx_id=0, mode=1, cnt=1 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1779 camioctl_stream_on : cam0 stream on online 1, sw_ctx_id = 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1053 camcore_compression_cal : cam0: cap 0 0 0, pre 0 0 0, vid 0 0 0 raw 0 offline 0. 11-22 03:07:32.038 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524550 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3735 camcore_channel_swapsize_cal : shift 0 for full, p=4000 v=1 src=4192, 2592 11-22 03:07:32.038 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526339 11-22 03:07:32.038 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 835, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: All previous async I2C ops finished!!! 11-22 03:07:32.038 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1016, cmr_sns_thread_proc: CMR_SENSOR_EVT_I2C_IS_FREE free 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 3435, camera_get_i2c_ops_status: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524552 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3809 camcore_channel_swapsize_cal : prev bypass size (4192 3104), bin size (4192 3104) 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1334, sensor_stream_ctrl_common: is_async: no, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3812 camcore_channel_swapsize_cal : prev swap size (4192 3104), rds size (2176 1616) 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 4828 camcore_channels_size_init : zoom_solution 1, limit 40 1 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3858 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : src crop prev 24 0 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3865 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : src crop vid 24 0 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3883 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : trim_pv: 24 0 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3885 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : trim_c: 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 3985 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : shift 0, dst_p 1440 1080, dst_v 4000 3000, dcam_out 4144 3104 swap w:4192 h:3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 4017 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : trim isp, prev 0 0 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 4032 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : trim isp, vid 0 0 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 4056 camcore_channel_size_binning_cal : done 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526340 11-22 03:07:32.029 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 6021 camcore_thread_loop : thread cam0_alloc_buf trigger 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1359, sensor_stream_ctrl: on_off 1 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1377, sensor_stream_ctrl: is_cphy 0 0000000000000123 11-22 03:07:32.039 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 424, hw_sensor_mipi_init: Lane num 4, bps 1200, is_cphy 0 11-22 03:07:32.029 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 1534 camcore_buffers_alloc : enter. 11-22 03:07:32.040 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1382, sensor_stream_ctrl: mipi initial ok 11-22 03:07:32.040 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1265, sensor_stream_on: E 11-22 03:07:32.040 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 633, ov13853_drv_stream_on: E 11-22 03:07:32.040 1048 6418 I FaceChecker: [libFaceRect_create, 37]: Create.In 11-22 03:07:32.040 1048 6418 I FaceChecker: [libFaceRect_create, 38]: CAM_ALGO_CV_FACERECT_LIBVER[][Sep 7 2021][15:59:22] 11-22 03:07:32.040 1048 6418 D UMNN : LIBVER[][Feb 5 2021][14:33:39] 11-22 03:07:32.040 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d5, vaddr=0x7b41a79000 11-22 03:07:32.040 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d1, vaddr=0x7b4112c000 11-22 03:07:32.041 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d0, vaddr=0x6ed84e7000 11-22 03:07:32.041 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.042 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000d9, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x105, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:32.042 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d9, vaddr=0x6fde485000 11-22 03:07:32.045 1048 6418 I FaceChecker: [Open, 63]: model[0] outputs[1] 11-22 03:07:32.029 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 1607 camcore_buffers_alloc : cam0, ch_id 1, camsec=0, buffer size: 26023936 (4192 x 3104), num 5 11-22 03:07:32.045 1048 6418 D UMNN : Tensor cls_fc/Softmax: cfg->dimType = 2, output_user->dim_type = 0 11-22 03:07:32.045 1048 6418 I FaceChecker: [Open, 73]: cls_fc/Softmax 11-22 03:07:32.045 1048 6418 I FaceChecker: [libFaceRect_create, 45]: Create.Out 11-22 03:07:32.029 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size:26025984, time: 21us, pool:26025984, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 4593 camcore_channel_size_config : update dcam path 1 size for channel 1 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I DCAM_PATH: 6361 422 dcam_path_size_cfg : cfg bin path done. size 4192 3104 dst 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I DCAM_PATH: 6361 425 dcam_path_size_cfg : scaler 3. trim 24 0 4144 3104 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 4671 camcore_channel_size_config : update channel size done for preview 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 1042 dcamhw_lbuf_share_set : alloc dcam0 linebuf 4672 4672 11-22 03:07:32.029 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 32 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 48 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 322 dcamcore_reserved_statis_bufferq_init : enter 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_buf : 6361 462 cam_buf_iommu_status_get : dev 1, iommu_mode 0 en 1 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6361 , size: 200704, time: 3us, pool:200704, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 283 dcamcore_reserved_buffer_get : sw_ctx_id 0 done. ion ffffff81d6cf7100, size 200704 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 64 11-22 03:07:32.047 4392 4576 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x6ed857f000 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 80 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 96 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 112 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 128 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 144 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 160 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 176 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 192 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 208 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 224 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 240 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 256 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 272 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 288 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 304 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 320 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 336 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 352 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 368 11-22 03:07:32.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 384 11-22 03:07:32.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 400 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 416 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 432 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 448 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 464 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 480 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 496 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 373 dcamcore_reserved_statis_bufferq_init : done 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 510 dcamcore_statis_bufferq_init : done. 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1590 dcamcore_path_cfg : config dcam path1 output reserverd buffer. 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 512 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 528 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 544 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2843 ispcore_path_cfg : reserved buf 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 560 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 576 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 592 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2843 ispcore_path_cfg : reserved buf 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 608 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 624 11-22 03:07:32.030 6361 6361 I cam_queue: 6361 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 640 11-22 03:07:32.030 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size:26025984, time: 23us, pool:26025984, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.031 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size:26025984, time: 14us, pool:26025984, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.033 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size:26025984, time: 20us, pool:26025984, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.036 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size:26025984, time: 1617us, pool:14491648, bud: 11534336, ord 8:11, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I cam_queue: 6347 270 cam_queue_empty_frame_get : alloc 16 empty frames, cnt 656 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 180224, time: 5us, pool:180224, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 1714 camcore_buffers_alloc : hw_ctx_id 0, superzoom w 400, h 300, buf 0000000062cb2f71 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 1763 camcore_buffers_alloc : ch 1, ltm_rgb 1, ltm buffer size: 16384. 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 3us, pool:16384, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 4us, pool:12288, bud: 4096, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:1 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:0, bud: 16384, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:4 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 6347 , size: 16384, time: 2us, pool:0, bud: 16384, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:4 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 1892 camcore_buffers_alloc : ch 1 done. status 0 11-22 03:07:32.037 6347 6347 I cam_buf : 6347 97 cam_buf_mdbg_check : mdbg info: 28, 48, 42, 656, 5, 31, 0, 0 0 1, total_size: 134455296 Bytes 11-22 03:07:32.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.037 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 358 dcamhw_reset : DCAM0: reset. 11-22 03:07:32.037 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 419 dcamhw_reset : DCAM0: reset end 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1936 camioctl_stream_on : csi_switch.csi_id = 0, csi_switch.dcam_id = 0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1330 dcamcore_param_reconfig : dcam0, cxt_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_PATH: 6361 468 dcam_path_skip_num_set : DCAM0 AFM set skip_num 0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 1383 dcamhw_blocks_setstatis : dcam0 set statis done 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 1339 dcamhw_blocks_setall : dcam0 set all 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1356 dcamcore_param_reconfig : dcam0 done 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1933 dcamcore_dev_start : DCAM0 start: ffffffc022a1d008, state = 1, sw0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1986 dcamcore_dev_start : dcam0 start frame idx 0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1076 dcam_core_dcam_if_sync_enable_set : DCAM0 FULL enable frame sync 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1076 dcam_core_dcam_if_sync_enable_set : DCAM0 BIN enable frame sync 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1076 dcam_core_dcam_if_sync_enable_set : DCAM0 3DNR enable frame sync 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I LSC : 6361 237 dcam_init_lsc : w 294, grid len 4000 grid 96 num_t 500 (25, 20) 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 388 cam_reg_trace : dcam0: 0x00000100, cnt 32 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 398 cam_reg_trace : n=8, 00000001 0000010b 00002b01 00000000 05000000 00080000 0500003b 00c38000 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 398 cam_reg_trace : n=8, 00000000 00000006 4000008c 0000000c 0000000c 03030012 0000000c 00000189 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 398 cam_reg_trace : n=8, 80000000 41a15000 84000000 84100000 84200000 40000200 400e1080 84300000 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 398 cam_reg_trace : n=8, 400cc000 400ccf40 84d00000 400c4000 84f00000 400fe000 00090423 0c1f105f 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 401 cam_reg_trace : dcam axim 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 409 cam_reg_trace : 0x0: 0xaa8dc 0x0 0x0 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 409 cam_reg_trace : 0x10: 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 409 cam_reg_trace : 0x20: 0x1011 0x3c00500 0x1400000 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 409 cam_reg_trace : 0x30: 0x8d000000 0x0 0x0 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 409 cam_reg_trace : 0x40: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38416a8 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 2117 dcamcore_dev_start : dcam0 done state = 2 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1979 camioctl_stream_on : stream on done module->dcam_idx = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.038 6361 6361 I cam_buf : 6361 97 cam_buf_mdbg_check : mdbg info: 28, 48, 42, 656, 15, 37, 0, 0 0 1, total_size: 134455296 Bytes 11-22 03:07:32.039 6338 6338 I SENSOR_CORE: 6338: sprd_sensor_io_if_cfg line=430: ret = 0,type 1 open 0 mipi state 0 is cphy 0 11-22 03:07:32.039 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 678 csi_ahb_reset : csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.039 6338 6338 I csi_api : 6338 80 csi_mipi_clk_enable : cnt 0x0 0x4 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 825 phy_csi_path_cfg : phy_csi_path_cfg csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 878 phy_csi_path_cfg : phy_csi_path_cfg csi, id 0 phy 0 reg val 0x10 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 720 csi_controller_enable : csi_controller_enable csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 678 csi_ahb_reset : csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 825 phy_csi_path_cfg : phy_csi_path_cfg csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 878 phy_csi_path_cfg : phy_csi_path_cfg csi, id 0 phy 0 reg val 0x10 11-22 03:07:32.040 6338 6338 I SENSOR_CORE: 6338: sprd_sensor_mipi_if_open line=78: open csi successfully 11-22 03:07:32.040 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.040 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.042 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 548864, time: 21us, pool:524288, bud: 24576, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:6 11-22 03:07:32.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.047 4522 4543 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x6f4548b000 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor Neck/pred_class/Sigmoid: cfg->dimType = 2, output_user->dim_type = 1 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor name: Neck/pred_class/Sigmoid erased 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor Neck/pred_landmark/BiasAdd: cfg->dimType = 2, output_user->dim_type = 1 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor name: Neck/pred_landmark/BiasAdd erased 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor Neck/pred_offset/BiasAdd: cfg->dimType = 2, output_user->dim_type = 1 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor name: Neck/pred_offset/BiasAdd erased 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor Neck/pred_scale/BiasAdd: cfg->dimType = 2, output_user->dim_type = 1 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D UMNN : Tensor name: Neck/pred_scale/BiasAdd erased 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [libFDV3_create, 80]: Create.Out 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 I libfacedetect: [FdCreateDetector,93]: FD Top Create.Out 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6416 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: fd adapt FdCreateDetector hDT ! = NULL!!!!!! 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6362 D cmr_prev: 17593, prev_fd_open: fd_handle 0x0xe9973ca0 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6405 D ai_sprd_adpt: 402, ai_io_ctrl_sync: FD_ON_OFF flag is: 1 11-22 03:07:32.051 1048 6362 D cmr_prev: 17611, prev_fd_open: X 11-22 03:07:32.051 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ce, vaddr=0x6fde733000 11-22 03:07:32.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.045 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.045 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.047 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.047 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.051 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.051 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.054 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.054 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.056 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.057 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x7b410a6000 11-22 03:07:32.057 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ce, vaddr=0x7b400f7000 11-22 03:07:32.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.059 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.057 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000ce, vaddr=0x6ed82dd000 11-22 03:07:32.058 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d9, vaddr=0x6ed84f9000 11-22 03:07:32.058 6264 6264 W CAM_IndicatorIconCtrlr: Trying to sync a pano indicator that is not initialized. 11-22 03:07:32.059 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: Ready for capture. 11-22 03:07:32.059 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraAppUI: onPreviewStarted 11-22 03:07:32.062 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cf, vaddr=0x6fde50b000 11-22 03:07:32.061 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.061 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.063 5084 5562 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cb, vaddr=0x6fde851000 11-22 03:07:32.063 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.063 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.064 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.064 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.066 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.074 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.074 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cf, vaddr=0x6ed81bf000 11-22 03:07:32.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.074 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d9, vaddr=0x7b41020000 11-22 03:07:32.075 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cf, vaddr=0x7b40333000 11-22 03:07:32.075 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cb, vaddr=0x6ed22e5000 11-22 03:07:32.076 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.076 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.076 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.078 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.078 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.080 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6f72483000 11-22 03:07:32.081 5084 5101 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cc, vaddr=0x6f82ef2000 11-22 03:07:32.081 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 7369, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.082 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 7369, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.082 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 7388, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.082 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 7716, 38362110, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.082 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 7791, 54341718, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.082 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 7842, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.082 5084 5712 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-8 11-22 03:07:32.080 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.080 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.082 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene bgn### 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter devfreq_ddr_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/class/devfreq/scene-frequency/sprd-governor/scene_boost_dfs: max 11-22 03:07:32.083 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit launch scene end### 11-22 03:07:32.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.085 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.087 5084 5131 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:f7ae142b: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 11-22 03:07:32.087 6264 6302 D CAM_CaptureModule: onCameraAccessPrioritiesChanged 11-22 03:07:32.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.087 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.088 6264 6302 D CAM_CaptureModule: onCameraAccessPrioritiesChanged 11-22 03:07:32.087 5084 5131 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:f7ae142b: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 11-22 03:07:32.089 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.091 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cd, vaddr=0x6ed61cf000 11-22 03:07:32.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.096 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.112 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.112 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.114 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.116 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.118 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.120 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.122 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.126 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000cc, vaddr=0x6ed5882000 11-22 03:07:32.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.124 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.126 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.126 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.126 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.127 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.128 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.131 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.134 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.135 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.137 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.141 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.144 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.146 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1322, sensor_stream_on: X 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 3560, camera_sensor_streamctrl: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 4929, prev_start: app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 1322, cmr_preview_start: X 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 13327, camera_isp_ioctl: set gtm on off value =0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D isp_alg_fw: 4727, ispctl_gtm_switch: cam0, on: 0 -1 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15927, camera_local_start_preview: camera mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 4315, setting_get_ultra_distortion_correct_enable: get ultra_widepro after 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524551 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1031, cmr_sns_thread_proc: SENSOR_EVT_AF_INIT 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2424, setting_get_3dcalibration_enable: 3dcalibration_enable=0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6337 D cmr_sensor: 1222, cmr_sns_get_ioctl_cmd: SENSOR_FOCUS --> SENSOR_IOCTL_FOCUS 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2473, setting_get_yuv_callback_enable: sprd_yuv_callback_enable=0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 36, arg = 0xe79fa108. 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3282, setting_is_need_flash: is_need=0, flash_mode=3, flash_status=0, flash_hw_status=0, capture_mode=0, shot_num=1 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1442, cmr_sns_af_init: OK to init auto focus 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3292, setting_get_is_need_flash: flash_status 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1033, cmr_sns_thread_proc: SENSOR_EVT_AF_INIT, Done 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3063, setting_get_hdr: get hdr 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5931, camera_set_hdr_flag: flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5905, camera_set_fdr_flag: fdr is not supported 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 19496, cmr_preview_get_zoom_factor: zoom_factor is 1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14811, camera_get_snapshot_param: set ratio range (2.000000 ~ 16.000000), cur_ratio 1.000000, is_mfsr 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3096, setting_get_3dnr_type: get 3dnr type 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5565, camera_set_3dnr_flag: 3dnr flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5598, camera_get_3dnr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14848, camera_get_snapshot_param: cap out_ptr->total_num =1 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 820, setting_get_encode_rotation: get encode_rotation=0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2651, setting_get_flip_on: hal_param->flip_on = 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2499, setting_get_touch_info: touch_param 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 6080, camera_set_touch_xy: touch_info.touchX 0 touch_info.touchY 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 2707, setting_get_sprd_filter_type: get sprd_filter_type = 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3139, setting_get_ee: get ee 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5680, camera_get_ee_flag: ee_flag is : 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 4315, setting_get_ultra_distortion_correct_enable: get ultra_widepro after 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 5713, camera_get_warppro_flag: warppro_flag is : 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 14921, camera_get_snapshot_param: gtm on 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D isp_pm : 1123, isp_pm_get_single_block_param: id = 0x5081, cmd=0, blk_cfg_ptr=0xf18b6870, blk_header_ptr=0x0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 W isp_pm : 1969, isp_pm_get_param: fail to do isp_pm_get_single_block_param, 0 96 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 E isp_alg_fw: 5251, ispctl_get_dre_pro_param: fail to get valid dre_pro param, 6 num 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 E isp_mw : 161, isp_ioctl: fail to do isp_ioctl 11-22 03:07:32.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 W cmr_oem : 13694, camera_isp_ioctl: failed isp ioctl 6 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 14930, camera_get_snapshot_param: there is no dre parameters for camera id =0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 810, setting_get_encode_angle: get encode_angle 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2276, cmr_preview_get_post_proc_param: in 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 14641, prev_update_cap_param: preview_eb 1 , snapshot_eb 0, frame_ctrl 0, frame_count 1, encode_angle 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 17126, prev_get_cap_post_proc_param: cap_rot 0, is_cfg_rot_cap 0, cfg_cap_rot 0, is_normal_cap 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 17212, prev_get_cap_post_proc_param: now cap_rot 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15249, prev_get_scale_rect: camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15259, prev_get_scale_rect: rot 0, cap_zoom_mode 0, cap_org_size 0 0, aligned_pic_size 0 0, actual_pic_size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 15269, prev_get_scale_rect: no scaling 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 17238, prev_get_cap_post_proc_param: rot_angle 0, channel_zoom_mode 0, is_need_scaling 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 17241, prev_get_cap_post_proc_param: cap_org_size 0, 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 17249, prev_get_cap_post_proc_param: snp_size 0 0, actual_snp_size 0 0, dealign_actual_pic_size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 17258, prev_get_cap_post_proc_param: chn_out_frm[0], format 0, size 0 0, fd 0x0, buf_size 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2301, cmr_preview_get_post_proc_param: out, ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 E cmr_oem : 14962, camera_get_snapshot_param: failed to get cap mem(fd is NULL) 1 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15020, camera_get_snapshot_param: X, total num 1, angle 0 actual size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 15024, camera_get_snapshot_param: fdr 0 nr 0 ee 0 3dnr 0 hdr 0 dre 0 filter 0 yuvcb 0 app mode -1 warppro 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15731, show_snap_param: cam 0, req id 0, filter 0 mode 0 hdr 0 fdr 0, 3dnr 0, vid 0 zsl 0 tot_num 1 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15740, show_snap_param: rot ang 0 an_zsl 0, rot_cap 0 ch_id 0 sn_mod 0 hdrn 0 3dnr_n 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15750, show_snap_param: 0 0 0 0 yuv_cb 0, sup 0 nr 0 ee 0 dre 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15758, show_snap_param: req size 0 0, mfsr 0, zoom info 1 1065353216. 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15771, show_snap_param: pix 4000 3000, crop 0 0 0 0, jpegq 0 0, rot 0, angle 0, flip 0, padding 0, thm size 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15777, show_snap_param: setting 0 0, scale 0, de align actual (0 0), cap_org (0 0) 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15788, show_snap_param: actual(0 0), snp (0 0), max(0 0), thm(320 240), rect (0 0 0 0) 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15796, show_snap_param: out 0x0, 0x00000000. cap raw 0x0, 0x00000000, cap yuv 0x0, 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I cmr_oem : 15806, show_snap_param: target 0x0, 0x00000000, jpeg 0x0, 0x00000000, tmyuv 0x0, 0x00000000, thmjpeg 0x0, 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_snp : 7006, cmr_snapshot_prepare: zsl_ips_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_snp : 7088, cmr_snapshot_prepare: zsl_ips_en = 0, mfsr_force_off 1, free buf cnt 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8893, setCameraConvertCropRegion: camera 0, crop start_x=0 start_y=0 width=4000 height=3000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3Setting: 1160, getLargestPictureSize: camId=0, max_width=4000, max_height=3000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8926, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mAppRatio 0.000000 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17468, camera_local_set_param: debug_ratio 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 6 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8971, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mCameraId=0, zoomRatio=1.000000, mIsUltraWideMode=0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8991, setCameraConvertCropRegion: mIsFovFusionMode 0, capture_aspect_ratio=1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 8999, setCameraConvertCropRegion: camId 0 zoom 1.000000 pre_zoom 1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.148 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.150 3763 3763 W CAM_CORE: 3763 292 camioctl_param_cfg : warning: ch scene_id[1] ch_cap en[0] ch_pre en[1] 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 19496, cmr_preview_get_zoom_factor: zoom_factor is 1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.150 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_oem : 17528, camera_local_set_param: id=0, zoom_factor_changed=0, zoom=1.000000, orgZoom=1.000000, prev 1, cap 1, video 0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2037, cmr_preview_update_zoom: zoom_ratio=1.000000, pre_zoom=1.000000, crop (0 1072693248 0 0), prev=0.000000, video=1.000000, cap=1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 3287, prev_thread_proc: zoom_ratio=1.000000, pre_zoom=1.000000, crop (0 0 4000 3000), prev=1.000000, video=1.000000, cap=1.000000 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_prev: 2059, cmr_preview_update_zoom: ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.150 3763 3763 W CAM_CORE: 3763 292 camioctl_param_cfg : warning: ch scene_id[1] ch_cap en[0] ch_pre en[1] 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_IDLE, preview state = SPRD_INTERNAL_PREVIEW_REQUESTED, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2860, setAeState: mCameraId=0, Ae transition cause=1, cur state=0, new state=1 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=0 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 2901, setAwbState: awb transition cause=1, cur state=0, next state=1 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 I Cam3OEMIf: 4006, startPreviewInternal: X CamId=0 TotalIonSize=1142784 TotalGpuSize=0, total_size 1142784 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 3763 D Cam3OEMIf: 1239, start: X 11-22 03:07:32.151 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x13, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=1, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe16f7000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.152 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000da, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:32.152 6264 6278 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000da, vaddr=0x6f4818d000 11-22 03:07:32.153 4389 6384 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000da, vaddr=0x6f7b74d000 11-22 03:07:32.154 1048 3763 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000da, vaddr=0xe0abe000 11-22 03:07:32.154 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.154 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.154 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=1, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.154 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x54, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=2, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe0abe000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.154 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.152 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 2334720, time: 12us, pool:2334720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.154 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000db, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:32.155 6264 6278 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000db, vaddr=0x6f47f53000 11-22 03:07:32.155 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.156 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.156 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.156 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=2, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.156 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x56, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe0884000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.155 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.156 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000dc, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:32.157 6264 6278 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000dc, vaddr=0x6f47d19000 11-22 03:07:32.157 4389 6384 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000dc, vaddr=0x6f7b2d9000 11-22 03:07:32.158 1048 3763 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000dc, vaddr=0xdff03000 11-22 03:07:32.158 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.158 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.158 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=3, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.158 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x58, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xdff03000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.156 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 2334720, time: 11us, pool:2334720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.157 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.160 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 03:07:32.160 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 03:07:32.160 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a7b1000 11-22 03:07:32.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.160 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.162 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.166 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.168 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.172 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.174 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.177 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.176 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.179 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.179 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.181 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.183 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.183 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.184 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.186 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.188 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.190 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.194 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.194 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.197 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.195 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.197 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.199 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.206 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.210 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.212 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000aa, vaddr=0x7b5c80e000 11-22 03:07:32.213 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.212 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.214 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.216 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.216 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.218 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.221 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.221 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.225 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.229 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a8, vaddr=0x7b5a9f2000 11-22 03:07:32.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.227 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.229 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.234 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.233 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.235 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.237 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.238 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.238 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.239 1048 6388 I isp_alg_fw: 5289, ispalg_aethread_proc: set priority to -10 11-22 03:07:32.239 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.0, timestamp 946.120366, aem_is_update 0 11-22 03:07:32.239 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5324, ispalg_aethread_proc: frame_id 0 not ae_calculation 11-22 03:07:32.239 6264 6302 D CAM_CaptureModule: onCameraAccessPrioritiesChanged 11-22 03:07:32.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.240 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.243 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.247 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000a9, vaddr=0x7b5a7b1000 11-22 03:07:32.245 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.245 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.247 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.247 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.247 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.249 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.251 4729 6213 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d3, vaddr=0x6f24bc2000 11-22 03:07:32.253 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.251 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.253 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.256 4729 4775 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda17@3db95bf 11-22 03:07:32.257 4522 4863 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'a2748e3 Splash Screen com.android.camera2 (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 11-22 03:07:32.256 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.256 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.258 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.260 4522 5717 D CoreBackPreview: Window{a2748e3 u0 Splash Screen com.android.camera2 EXITING}: Setting back callback null 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6377 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe5181990. 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6377 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.261 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3692, af_sprd_set_zoom_ratio: zoom ratio = 1011 11-22 03:07:32.260 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.260 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.265 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d3, vaddr=0x6ed1011000 11-22 03:07:32.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.264 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.267 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.267 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.269 4729 5265 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d1, vaddr=0x6f4216f000 11-22 03:07:32.270 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 0, time 946.120336, roi (0 0 4192 3104), data: r 1919565 2789651, g 2126904 976893, b 1064079 1432436 11-22 03:07:32.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.269 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.270 0 0 I : c0 [ C0] ISP_CORE: 5265 80 ispcore_offline_pararm_free : free 0000000036bae6fd 11-22 03:07:32.270 6415 6415 I ISP_CORE: 6415 1720 ispcore_offline_frame_start : sw 0, cam0 , fid 0, ch_id 1, buf_fd 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.272 4729 5265 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x6f349f7000 11-22 03:07:32.272 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.1, timestamp 946.153647, aem_is_update 0 11-22 03:07:32.272 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5324, ispalg_aethread_proc: frame_id 0 not ae_calculation 11-22 03:07:32.272 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.274 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.271 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.274 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.276 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.276 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.278 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.278 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.280 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.281 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x7b406d3000 11-22 03:07:32.281 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x7b45b94000 11-22 03:07:32.282 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d1, vaddr=0x6ecf6c4000 11-22 03:07:32.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.283 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.285 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.287 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.287 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.289 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.294 1048 6377 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.294 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.294 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe5181990. 11-22 03:07:32.294 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.294 1048 6377 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.294 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.291 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.293 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.295 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.297 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.298 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.298 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=676950844 11-22 03:07:32.299 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.299 6349 6349 I CAM_CORE: 6349 7573 camcore_read : get output buffer with reserved frame fd 22, ch 1 11-22 03:07:32.299 6349 6349 I CAM_CORE: 6349 7573 camcore_read : get output buffer with reserved frame fd 22, ch 2 11-22 03:07:32.299 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.301 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.303 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 1, time 946.153616, roi (0 0 4192 3104), data: r 2162688 2749223, g 2436205 734432, b 1187815 1400739 11-22 03:07:32.305 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.2, timestamp 946.186931, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 1 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 I smart_ctrl: 2682, smart_ctl_calculation: lock smart frame = 4 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (2529 14726 153; 16046 1531 16215; 9 15349 2050). 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 2619, ae_set_force_pause: cameraId:0, PAUSE COUNT IS 0, lock: 0, 0, manual_mode:0, call = 20 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9171, ae_if_cts_params: check3:auto 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9174, ae_if_cts_params: check2 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:735 exp_time:30000000 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.306 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 1347, ae_block_num_init: E 11-22 03:07:32.307 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 1376, ae_block_num_init: ae_block_num : 1024, ae_block_use : 196, ae_hist_data_start : 3328 11-22 03:07:32.307 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3795, aft_proc_log_print: afm move diff : 0,diff_thr :0,diff_cnt : 0,g_diff(x,y,z):(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000),aem move diff : (num : r,g,b,cnt) = (0,0,0,0), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.307 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.304 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.307 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.187500, y 0.920000, z 9.543750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.307 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2239,1024,1497) 10126K , fram_count : 0 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2239,1024,1497) 10126K 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[Cvgn]: 148,aec_one_shot_calc_v1:org[k 1.500000, exp 30000000, gain 735], new[k 2.000000, exp 30000000, gain 735] 11-22 03:07:32.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 49999996 gain 882 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 55, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 50000000.000000 gain 890.000000], aftr[exp 49999996 gain 882] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.308 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,1,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:30.00 cur-(s 3000(0.030000s),g 735,dmy 0),nxt:idx:270,(s 4999(0.050000s),g 882,dmy 0) bv:55,cur_l:(f:1,c:0,n:1),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.308 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1261, ispalg_set_aem_win: win 48 16 64 48 64 64 11-22 03:07:32.309 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.309 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 4999,exp_time 49999996, prv_param->exp_line 3000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.309 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 168, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: fps = 19.972038 11-22 03:07:32.309 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 173, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: mode = 2, exposure_line = 4999, dummy_line= 8, frame_interval= 50 ms 11-22 03:07:32.309 4729 4775 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:SURFACE_FLINGER_SCHEDULING, 7856, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.309 4729 4775 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 7856, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.309 4729 4775 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 8382, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x372,sensor_gain=0x6e 11-22 03:07:32.310 4729 4771 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-39 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 30000000, iso_value = 287 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe53833a8. 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.310 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.313 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.312 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.312 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.317 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.319 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.323 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.325 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.327 1048 6377 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.327 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.327 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe5181990. 11-22 03:07:32.327 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.327 1048 6377 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.327 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.328 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.332 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 1, fd 0x13, time 0946.153616s, monotime 0xdc4b267436 11-22 03:07:32.332 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_IDLE, preview state = SPRD_PREVIEW_IN_PROGRESS, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.332 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946153616000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.332 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.332 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 1 frame_timestamp 946153616000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 55, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x13, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=1, timestamp=0xdc4b267436 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6393 I Cam3OEMIf: 6002, receivePreviewFrame: Launch Camera Time:500(ms). 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.335 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x13, vir=0xe16f7000, num=0, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc4b267436 11-22 03:07:32.336 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.336 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=0, frame_num=0, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946153616438 11-22 03:07:32.336 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 0, timestamp = 0xdc4b267436 11-22 03:07:32.336 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.336 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 2, time 946.186897, roi (0 0 4192 3104), data: r 1995926 2758424, g 2087302 1005071, b 1174141 1405562 11-22 03:07:32.338 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000dd, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:32.337 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.3, timestamp 946.220212, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 2 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.339 6264 6342 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000dd, vaddr=0x6f469d5000 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.339 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:735 exp_time:30000000 11-22 03:07:32.338 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 2334720, time: 16us, pool:2334720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.340 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.150000, y 0.881250, z 9.581250), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.340 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Libae[Cvgn]: 148,aec_one_shot_calc_v1:org[k 1.500000, exp 49999996, gain 882], new[k 1.000000, exp 49999996, gain 882] 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 49999996 gain 881 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 55, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 50000000.000000 gain 890.000000], aftr[exp 49999996 gain 881] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,2,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:30.00 cur-(s 3000(0.030000s),g 735,dmy 0),nxt:idx:270,(s 4999(0.050000s),g 881,dmy 0) bv:55,cur_l:(f:1,c:1,n:1),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6388 I smart_ctrl: 2682, smart_ctl_calculation: lock smart frame = 3 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 4999,exp_time 49999996, prv_param->exp_line 4999, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.341 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x371,sensor_gain=0x6e 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.342 4389 6384 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000dd, vaddr=0x6f79fa1000 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 30000000, iso_value = 287 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.342 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.343 1048 3763 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000dd, vaddr=0xe01d2000 11-22 03:07:32.343 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.343 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.343 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=4, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.343 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5a, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe01d2000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.344 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2082,1024,1489) 8590K , fram_count : 1 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2082,1024,1489) 8590K 11-22 03:07:32.344 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=1, alg_in=0, alg_count=0, can_update_dest=1, final output [4429,4557,4417,4413] 11-22 03:07:32.344 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.344 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 1696, ae_stats_move_init_new: ae base_vcm_pos = 150 11-22 03:07:32.344 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3795, aft_proc_log_print: afm move diff : 0,diff_thr :0,diff_cnt : 0,g_diff(x,y,z):(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000),aem move diff : (num : r,g,b,cnt) = (0,0,0,0), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.350 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: onSurfaceTextureUpdated --> updatePreviewTransform 11-22 03:07:32.350 6264 6264 D CAM_CaptureModule: updatePreviewTransform: 1200 x 1895 11-22 03:07:32.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.349 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.351 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: setAspectRatio: 1.3333335 11-22 03:07:32.351 6264 6264 V CAM_TexViewHelper: aspect ratio changed from: NaN 11-22 03:07:32.351 6264 6264 V CAM_CameraAppUI: hiding cover via onSurfaceTextureUpdated 11-22 03:07:32.351 6264 6264 D CameraPerformanceTracker: First preview frame received 11-22 03:07:32.352 6264 6283 E mali_gralloc: Unsupported dataspace standard (0) 11-22 03:07:32.352 6264 6283 D skia : Could not create EGL image, err = (0x3003) 11-22 03:07:32.352 6264 6283 F OpenGLRenderer: frameworks/base/libs/hwui/AutoBackendTextureRelease.cpp Invalid GrBackendTexture. Width==1440, height==1080, protected==0 11-22 03:07:32.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.351 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.354 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=661718515 11-22 03:07:32.354 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.355 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.357 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.356 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.358 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.361 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.363 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 2, fd 0x54, time 0946.186897s, monotime 0xdc4d22421c 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946186897000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6359 D cmr_fd_sprd: 457, fd_transfer_frame: face_count 0 camera_id 0 ref_camera_id 0 ref_camera_id_old 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x54, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=2, timestamp=0xdc4d22421c 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.366 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.367 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.367 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.367 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.367 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.367 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.368 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.368 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x54, vir=0xe0abe000, num=1, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc4d22421c 11-22 03:07:32.368 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.368 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=1, frame_num=1, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946186895900 11-22 03:07:32.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.365 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.369 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 1, timestamp = 0xdc4d22421c 11-22 03:07:32.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.370 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 3, time 946.220175, roi (0 0 4192 3104), data: r 2106874 2753426, g 2070069 1017347, b 1164257 1406146 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 36.39 ms 11-22 03:07:32.372 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000de, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=54 ms 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3272,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:ev_setting.afl_platform_flag !== AFL_LE 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.372 6264 6342 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000de, vaddr=0x6f453fc000 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.372 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.373 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3403,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:afl_status_print fdx=1 cam_id=0 period=1 flat_flag 16 afl_f_v=0 afl_v_v=0 afl_f_frozen=0 afl_v_frozen=0 afl_v_g_frozen=0 afl_v_v_s=0 flat_count=1 cam_id = 0 ret_val = 0 11-22 03:07:32.373 4389 6384 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000de, vaddr=0x6f79d67000 11-22 03:07:32.373 1048 3763 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000de, vaddr=0xdfb4b000 11-22 03:07:32.374 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.374 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.374 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=5, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.374 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3272,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:ev_setting.afl_platform_flag !== AFL_LE 11-22 03:07:32.374 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5c, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xdfb4b000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.374 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3403,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:afl_status_print fdx=2 cam_id=0 period=1 flat_flag 16 afl_f_v=0 afl_v_v=0 afl_f_frozen=0 afl_v_frozen=0 afl_v_g_frozen=0 afl_v_v_s=0 flat_count=2 cam_id = 0 ret_val = 0 11-22 03:07:32.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.371 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 2334720, time: 23us, pool:2334720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.373 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.375 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.375 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3272,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:ev_setting.afl_platform_flag !== AFL_LE 11-22 03:07:32.375 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3403,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:afl_status_print fdx=3 cam_id=0 period=1 flat_flag 16 afl_f_v=0 afl_v_v=0 afl_f_frozen=0 afl_v_frozen=0 afl_v_g_frozen=0 afl_v_v_s=0 flat_count=3 cam_id = 0 ret_val = 0 11-22 03:07:32.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.376 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.378 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.380 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.380 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.382 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.382 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.386 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.4, timestamp 946.270286, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 3 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:735 exp_time:30000000 11-22 03:07:32.389 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.187500, y 0.881250, z 9.620000), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[Cvgn]: 148,aec_one_shot_calc_v1:org[k 1.500000, exp 49999996, gain 881], new[k 1.000000, exp 49999996, gain 881] 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 49999996 gain 880 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 55, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 50000000.000000 gain 890.000000], aftr[exp 49999996 gain 880] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,3,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:30.00 cur-(s 3000(0.030000s),g 735,dmy 0),nxt:idx:270,(s 4999(0.050000s),g 880,dmy 0) bv:55,cur_l:(f:1,c:0,n:1),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.390 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6388 I smart_ctrl: 2682, smart_ctl_calculation: lock smart frame = 2 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 4999,exp_time 49999996, prv_param->exp_line 4999, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x370,sensor_gain=0x6e 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=2, alg_in=0, alg_count=0, can_update_dest=1, final output [4429,4557,4417,4413] 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.391 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.392 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 30000000, iso_value = 287 11-22 03:07:32.392 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.392 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.392 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.392 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.393 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3795, aft_proc_log_print: afm move diff : 0,diff_thr :0,diff_cnt : 0,g_diff(x,y,z):(0.037500,0.038750,0.037500),aem move diff : (num : r,g,b,cnt) = (0,0,0,0), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.393 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2075,1024,1471) 8590K , fram_count : 2 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2075,1024,1471) 8590K 11-22 03:07:32.391 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.391 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.393 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.393 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.397 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.400 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 3, fd 0x56, time 0946.220175s, monotime 0xdc4f1e1074 11-22 03:07:32.400 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946220175000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.401 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x56, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=3, timestamp=0xdc4f1e1074 11-22 03:07:32.401 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 3 frame_timestamp 946220175000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 55, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.65 ms 11-22 03:07:32.400 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.400 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.402 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=0 ms 11-22 03:07:32.402 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.402 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.403 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x56, vir=0xe0884000, num=2, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc4f1e1074 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=2, frame_num=2, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946220175476 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.404 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 2, timestamp = 0xdc4f1e1074 11-22 03:07:32.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.405 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.407 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.410 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.410 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.411 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.413 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.412 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.412 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.414 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.414 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.417 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.418 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.418 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.418 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=6, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.417 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.418 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x54, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe0abe000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.421 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 4, time 946.270252, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 697357 1510432, g 1347570 1213640, b 408056 855285 11-22 03:07:32.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.419 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.421 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.425 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.427 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.434 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.433 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.438 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x7b406d3000 11-22 03:07:32.438 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d3, vaddr=0x7b423c6000 11-22 03:07:32.438 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d1, vaddr=0x7b4112c000 11-22 03:07:32.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.439 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.5, timestamp 946.320350, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 4 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.439 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.439 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.441 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.441 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:882 exp_time:49999996 11-22 03:07:32.440 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.226250, y 0.958750, z 9.658750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 60000000 gain 1099 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 44, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 60000000.000000 gain 1089.000000], aftr[exp 60000000 gain 1099] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,4,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:20.00 cur-(s 4999(0.050000s),g 882,dmy 0),nxt:idx:284,(s 6000(0.060000s),g 1099,dmy 0) bv:44,cur_l:(f:2,c:1,n:1),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 6000,exp_time 60000000, prv_param->exp_line 4999, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 168, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: fps = 16.644474 11-22 03:07:32.441 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 173, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: mode = 2, exposure_line = 6000, dummy_line= 8, frame_interval= 60 ms 11-22 03:07:32.442 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.442 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x44b,sensor_gain=0x89 11-22 03:07:32.443 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] Runtime aborting... 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] Dumping all threads without mutator lock held 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] All threads: 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] DALVIK THREADS (45): 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "main" prio=10 tid=1 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x7339be98 self=0xb40000716b99e6f0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6264 nice=-10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x72cfecb5d8 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 272940769 13805998 384 ) utm=21 stm=5 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x7fccc5a000-0x7fccc5c000 stackSize=8188KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cad70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_wait+76) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0028eeb4 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::renderthread::DrawFrameTask::drawFrame+364) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.graphics.HardwareRenderer.nSyncAndDrawFrame(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.graphics.HardwareRenderer.syncAndDrawFrame(HardwareRenderer.java:484) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.ThreadedRenderer.draw(ThreadedRenderer.java:816) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.ViewRootImpl.draw(ViewRootImpl.java:4939) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performDraw(ViewRootImpl.java:4643) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:3822) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:2465) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:9305) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1339) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1348) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:952) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:882) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1322) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8177) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:971) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=5 tid=8 Waiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c05840 self=0xb40000716b9c2f00 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6274 nice=4 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f83730cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 94731 722885 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f8362d000-0x6f8362f000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00556e24 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+812) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 005586f8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+476) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on <0x06756389> (a java.lang.Class) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:386) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:524) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$ReferenceQueueDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:239) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - locked <0x06756389> (a java.lang.Class) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:145) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=5 tid=9 Waiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c058d0 self=0xb40000716b9bf760 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6275 nice=4 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f83626cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 53192 719039 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f83523000-0x6f83525000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00556e24 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+812) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 005586f8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+476) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on <0x09454f8e> (a java.lang.Object) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:386) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:210) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - locked <0x09454f8e> (a java.lang.Object) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:231) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:309) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:145) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" prio=5 tid=10 Waiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c05960 self=0xb40000716b9c1330 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6276 nice=4 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f8351ccb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 55769 710423 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f83419000-0x6f8341b000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00556e24 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+812) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 005586f8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+476) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on <0x069453af> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:386) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:524) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.sleepUntilNeeded(Daemons.java:428) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - locked <0x069453af> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:408) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:145) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Camera Job Dispatch Thread" prio=5 tid=19 Waiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12dd56a0 self=0xb40000716b9d60f0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6288 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f767f2cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 436730 0 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=4 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f766ef000-0x6f766f1000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00556e24 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+812) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 005586f8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+476) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on <0x070123bc> (a java.util.LinkedList) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:386) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:524) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at com.android.ex.camera2.portability.DispatchThread.run(DispatchThread.java:113) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - locked <0x070123bc> (a java.util.LinkedList) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Camera Job Dispatch Thread" prio=5 tid=21 Waiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12dd6d28 self=0xb40000716b9d2950 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6290 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f745decb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 72192 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f744db000-0x6f744dd000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00556e24 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+812) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 005586f8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Monitor::Wait+476) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on <0x03c7af45> (a java.util.LinkedList) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:386) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:524) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at com.android.ex.camera2.portability.DispatchThread.run(DispatchThread.java:113) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - locked <0x03c7af45> (a java.util.LinkedList) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Runtime worker thread 0" prio=10 tid=2 Native (still starting up) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x0 self=0xb40000716b99cb20 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6266 nice=-20 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x72ce7c1cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 247193 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x72ce7b2000-0x72ce7b4000 stackSize=63KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00696c40 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPool::GetTask+120) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00695fec /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Run+80) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00695ad8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Callback+176) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Runtime worker thread 1" prio=10 tid=3 Native (still starting up) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x0 self=0xb40000716b999380 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6267 nice=-20 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x72bd224cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 138886 0 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x72bd215000-0x72bd217000 stackSize=63KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00696c40 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPool::GetTask+120) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00695fec /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Run+80) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00695ad8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Callback+176) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Runtime worker thread 2" prio=10 tid=4 Native (still starting up) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x0 self=0xb40000716b9a02c0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6268 nice=-20 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x72b5621cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 123807 0 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x72b5612000-0x72b5614000 stackSize=63KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00696c40 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPool::GetTask+120) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00695fec /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Run+80) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00695ad8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Callback+176) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Signal Catcher" prio=10 tid=5 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c401a0 self=0xb40000716b9a1e90 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6270 nice=-20 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6fdd395cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 150962 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6fdd29e000-0x6fdd2a0000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8478 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__rt_sigtimedwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00075f54 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (sigwait64+88) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0065415c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::SignalCatcher::WaitForSignal+332) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00652e8c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::SignalCatcher::Run+268) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Runtime worker thread 3" prio=10 tid=6 Native (still starting up) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x0 self=0xb40000716b99af50 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6269 nice=-20 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x72accc2cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 64884 189423 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x72accb3000-0x72accb5000 stackSize=63KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00696c40 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPool::GetTask+120) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00695fec /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Run+80) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00695ad8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Callback+176) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=7 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc0298 self=0xb40000716b9c66a0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6272 nice=9 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6fdb199cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 166423 804846 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6fdb09a000-0x6fdb09c000 stackSize=1023KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00696c40 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPool::GetTask+120) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 49999996, iso_value = 344 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00695fec /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Run+80) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00695ad8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Callback+176) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=11 WaitingForTaskProcessor 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c057b0 self=0xb40000716b9bdb90 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6273 nice=4 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f8383acb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 77461 1712693 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f83737000-0x6f83739000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d6ac /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::TimedWait+164) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 003acb8c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::gc::TaskProcessor::GetTask+420) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 003ad3e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::gc::TaskProcessor::RunAllTasks+92) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$HeapTaskDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:687) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:145) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "perfetto_hprof_listener" prio=10 tid=12 Native (still starting up) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x0 self=0xb40000716b9c8270 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6271 nice=-20 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6fdb297cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 218153 3203077 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=4 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6fdb1a0000-0x6fdb1a2000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b7774 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (read+4) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0002b360 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libperfetto_hprof.so (void* std::__1::__thread_proxy >, ArtPlugin_Initialize::$_7> >+316) (BuildId: 6d44b12e005807e813beaecc461ae7ab) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "binder:6264_1" prio=5 tid=13 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c802c0 self=0xb40000716b9c4ad0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6277 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f7d314cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 628658 1410116 11 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f7d21d000-0x6f7d21f000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b7a98 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__ioctl+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00070a70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (ioctl+156) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00061294 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver+280) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000615c4 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00061f80 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+112) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0006b5c0 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "binder:6264_2" prio=5 tid=14 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12d00020 self=0xb40000716b9c9e40 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6278 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f7c216cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 11419844 12454614 82 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f7c11f000-0x6f7c121000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 004616b0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JNI::CallBooleanMethodV+456) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000e579c /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod+120) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00196a24 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (JavaBBinder::onTransact+164) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 00076570 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::BBinder::transact+304) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00061b04 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand+1016) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 0006164c /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+160) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 00061f80 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+112) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 0006b5c0 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #10 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #11 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #12 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.443 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #13 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Profile Saver" prio=5 tid=15 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12d40020 self=0xb40000716b9cf1b0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6279 nice=9 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f7adfecb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 193462 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f7ad07000-0x6f7ad09000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d6ac /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::TimedWait+164) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00416d48 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ProfileSaver::Run+308) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0041bf8c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ProfileSaver::RunProfileSaverThread+180) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "RenderThread" prio=10 tid=16 Runnable 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=0 ucsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x12d84450 self=0xb40000716b9cd5e0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6283 nice=-10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f79b04cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=R schedstat=( 65007386 7861887 97 ) utm=2 stm=4 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f79a0d000-0x6f79a0f000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 0055be84 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::DumpNativeStack+172) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 006773e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::DumpStack const+340) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00694f84 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::DumpCheckpoint::Run+916) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0068f1b0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadList::RunCheckpoint+1004) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 0068e1e0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ThreadList::Dump+1412) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 00639f40 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::AbortState::Dump const+228) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 006231a0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Runtime::Abort+1540) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000417d0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::SetAborter::$_0::__invoke+80) (BuildId: 86bef7ce19ab410597d5aa825f150404) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 00011ec8 /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+308) (BuildId: 89df7bea7a0c4aafd4ef1135f5c7cdfa) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 002a4ec0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::AutoBackendTextureRelease::AutoBackendTextureRelease+344) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #10 pc 002a5f2c /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::DeferredLayerUpdater::apply+968) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #11 pc 0028f3ec /system/lib64/libhwui.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void >::operator +636) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #12 pc 0027eca4 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process+600) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #13 pc 002a01c0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop+404) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #14 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #15 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #16 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "CameraManagerGlobal" prio=5 tid=17 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12dd0928 self=0xb40000716b9cba10 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6286 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f78a06cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 339730 9077 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f78903000-0x6f78905000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Camera Handler Thread" prio=5 tid=18 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12dd3eb0 self=0xb40000716b9d7cc0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6287 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f778fccb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 633229 0 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f777f9000-0x6f777fb000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "Camera2 Handler Thread" prio=5 tid=20 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12dd5ae8 self=0xb40000716b9d4520 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6289 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f756e8cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 151269 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f755e5000-0x6f755e7000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "SoundDecoder_1" prio=5 tid=22 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12ec0020 self=0xb40000716b9dd030 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6291 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f734d4cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 18185195 15590919 311 ) utm=1 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f733dd000-0x6f733df000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cae30 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_timedwait+136) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0005d90c /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait+108) (BuildId: 030dd4fd3d2d2941681c51ca0d445ff0) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00013968 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::SoundDecoder::run+252) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0001449c /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void >::operator+64) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014500 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::JavaThread::staticFunction+32) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "binder:6264_3" prio=5 tid=23 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12f000d8 self=0xb40000716b9e92e0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6301 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f722d6cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 1788383 1392308 13 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f721df000-0x6f721e1000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b7a98 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__ioctl+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00070a70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (ioctl+156) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00061294 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver+280) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000615c4 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00061f80 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+112) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0006b5c0 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "queued-work-looper" prio=6 tid=24 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12dd9c18 self=0xb40000716b9dec00 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6293 nice=-2 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f711d8cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 636001 0 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f710d5000-0x6f710d7000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "HwBinder:6264_1" prio=10 tid=25 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12f80020 self=0xb40000716b9e23a0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6297 nice=-16 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f6dcd6cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 32110999 21757074 218 ) utm=1 stm=1 core=5 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f6dbdf000-0x6f6dbe1000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b7a98 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__ioctl+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00070a70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (ioctl+156) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000a004c /system/lib64/libhidlbase.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver+204) (BuildId: e3c481f20e57a562c76ef38f2e94d605) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000a0188 /system/lib64/libhidlbase.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+40) (BuildId: e3c481f20e57a562c76ef38f2e94d605) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 000a13d8 /system/lib64/libhidlbase.so (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+172) (BuildId: e3c481f20e57a562c76ef38f2e94d605) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000aba08 /system/lib64/libhidlbase.so (android::hardware::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: e3c481f20e57a562c76ef38f2e94d605) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "CaptureModule.mCameraHandler" prio=10 tid=26 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x130a6438 self=0xb40000716b9f39c0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6302 nice=-8 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f6bbd8cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 36664611 7170117 134 ) utm=2 stm=1 core=5 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f6bad5000-0x6f6bad7000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "SoundDecoder_1" prio=5 tid=27 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13140438 self=0xb40000716b9db460 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6304 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f6a548cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 31700405 66521174 837 ) utm=2 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f6a451000-0x6f6a453000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cae30 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_timedwait+136) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0005d90c /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait+108) (BuildId: 030dd4fd3d2d2941681c51ca0d445ff0) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00013968 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::SoundDecoder::run+252) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0001449c /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void >::operator+64) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014500 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::JavaThread::staticFunction+32) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "SoundDecoder_1" prio=5 tid=28 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13180020 self=0xb40000716b9f1df0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6305 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f6934acb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 14948028 45168425 374 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=4 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f69253000-0x6f69255000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cae30 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_timedwait+136) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0005d90c /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait+108) (BuildId: 030dd4fd3d2d2941681c51ca0d445ff0) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00013968 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::SoundDecoder::run+252) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0001449c /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void >::operator+64) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014500 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::JavaThread::staticFunction+32) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "AsyncTask #1" prio=4 tid=29 TimedWaiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x130b9f20 self=0xb40000716b9ee650 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6306 nice=10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f6814ccb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 3722078 1466808 13 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f68049000-0x6f6804b000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0066df78 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::Park+1328) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0059bf0c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Unsafe_park +596) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on an unknown object 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:252) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.transfer(SynchronousQueue.java:401) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poll(SynchronousQueue.java:903) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1070) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1131) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "AsyncTask #2" prio=4 tid=30 TimedWaiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x130bbaa8 self=0xb40000716b9f8d30 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6307 nice=10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f67042cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 11900810 1915962 37 ) utm=1 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f66f3f000-0x6f66f41000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0066df78 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::Park+1328) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0059bf0c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Unsafe_park +596) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on an unknown object 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:252) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.transfer(SynchronousQueue.java:401) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poll(SynchronousQueue.java:903) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1070) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1131) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "binder:6264_6" prio=5 tid=31 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x132800d8 self=0xb40000716b9d9890 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6342 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f65f38cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 5284040 5472344 51 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f65e41000-0x6f65e43000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0048d278 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV+440) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000e1ab4 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod+104) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 001481fc /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::JNISurfaceTextureContext::onFrameAvailable+56) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 000c1240 /system/lib64/libgui.so (android::ConsumerBase::onFrameAvailable+172) (BuildId: edcc22c5ca744c88b165ce58ac2ff2e5) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 000943d0 /system/lib64/libgui.so (android::BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener::onFrameAvailable+104) (BuildId: edcc22c5ca744c88b165ce58ac2ff2e5) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 0009e88c /system/lib64/libgui.so (android::BufferQueueProducer::queueBuffer+2940) (BuildId: edcc22c5ca744c88b165ce58ac2ff2e5) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000ce210 /system/lib64/libgui.so (android::BnGraphicBufferProducer::onTransact+1912) (BuildId: edcc22c5ca744c88b165ce58ac2ff2e5) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00076570 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::BBinder::transact+304) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #10 pc 00061b04 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand+1016) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #11 pc 0006164c /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+160) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #12 pc 00061f80 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+112) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #13 pc 0006b5c0 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #14 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #15 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #16 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #17 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "binder:6264_4" prio=5 tid=32 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x132c00d8 self=0xb40000716b9f5590 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6332 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f65e3acb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 331730 495346 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f65d43000-0x6f65d45000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b7a98 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__ioctl+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00070a70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (ioctl+156) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00061294 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver+280) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000615c4 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00061f80 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+112) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0006b5c0 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "AsyncTask #3" prio=4 tid=33 TimedWaiting 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x132463e8 self=0xb40000716ba01840 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6310 nice=10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f63d3ccb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 1258498 1636116 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f63c39000-0x6f63c3b000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0066df78 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::Park+1328) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0059bf0c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Unsafe_park +596) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on an unknown object 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:252) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.transfer(SynchronousQueue.java:401) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poll(SynchronousQueue.java:903) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1070) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1131) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "SoundDecoder_2" prio=5 tid=34 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13340020 self=0xb40000716b9fe0a0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6313 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f62c32cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 14524538 34465195 368 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f62b3b000-0x6f62b3d000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cae30 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_timedwait+136) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0005d90c /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait+108) (BuildId: 030dd4fd3d2d2941681c51ca0d445ff0) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00013968 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::SoundDecoder::run+252) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0001449c /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void >::operator+64) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014500 /system/lib64/libsoundpool.so (android::soundpool::JavaThread::staticFunction+32) (BuildId: 6ce65b9cef6544084c1fd57aa57f4d32) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "binder:6264_5" prio=5 tid=35 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x133800d8 self=0xb40000716ba06bb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6335 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f61a34cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 552539 1973731 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f6193d000-0x6f6193f000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b7a98 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__ioctl+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00070a70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (ioctl+156) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00061294 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver+280) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 000615c4 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 00061f80 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+112) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 0006b5c0 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop+24) (BuildId: b764b57569cb0f8d5d3a5e7601edbd75) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 000edb18 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell+140) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "SurfaceSyncGroupTimer" prio=5 tid=36 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13267830 self=0xb40000716ba0a350 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6327 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f54f10cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 339114 370692 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=5 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f54e0d000-0x6f54e0f000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "hwuiTask0" prio=6 tid=37 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13400020 self=0xb40000716ba0daf0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6329 nice=-2 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f52a47cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 477729 0 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f52950000-0x6f52952000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.446 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cad70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_wait+76) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0005d870 /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::wait+20) (BuildId: 030dd4fd3d2d2941681c51ca0d445ff0) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 002a41d0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::CommonPool::workerLoop+108) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 002a440c /system/lib64/libhwui.so (void* std::__1::__thread_proxy >, android::uirenderer::CommonPool::CommonPool::$_0> > +204) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "hwuiTask1" prio=6 tid=38 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13440020 self=0xb40000716ba19da0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6330 nice=-2 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f52949cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 178692 88962 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f52852000-0x6f52854000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00067bd0 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex+144) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 000cad70 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_wait+76) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0005d870 /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::wait+20) (BuildId: 030dd4fd3d2d2941681c51ca0d445ff0) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 002a41d0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::CommonPool::workerLoop+108) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 002a440c /system/lib64/libhwui.so (void* std::__1::__thread_proxy >, android::uirenderer::CommonPool::CommonPool::$_0> > +204) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "ImageDistributor" prio=5 tid=39 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13543588 self=0xb40000716ba3ae10 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6411 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f4b91acb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 233616 2347807 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f4b817000-0x6f4b819000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "InsetsAnimations" prio=5 tid=40 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1326d3f8 self=0xb40000716b9fc4d0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6343 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f60836cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 14566724 17207465 88 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f60733000-0x6f60735000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "CameraHandler" prio=5 tid=41 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13136410 self=0xb40000716b9f7160 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6407 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f4da24cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 749463 1015307 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=5 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f4d921000-0x6f4d923000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "CameraMetadataHandler" prio=5 tid=42 Native 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13540fb0 self=0xb40000716ba2eb60 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6410 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f602a6cb0 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 1104885 2185654 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f601a3000-0x6f601a5000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.443 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "pool-5-thread-1" prio=5 tid=43 TimedWaiting 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13550cc8 self=0xb40000716ba39240 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6413 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f4b810cb0 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 3571767 0 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f4b70d000-0x6f4b70f000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e20 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+32) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0066df78 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::Park+1328) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0059bf0c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Unsafe_park +596) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on an unknown object 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:252) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.transfer(SynchronousQueue.java:401) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poll(SynchronousQueue.java:903) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1070) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1131) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "pool-2-thread-1" prio=5 tid=44 TimedWaiting 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13552280 self=0xb40000716ba40180 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6420 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f494cccb0 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 131883 0 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f493c9000-0x6f493cb000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 00062e1c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 0025d2e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks+140) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 0066e11c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::Park+1748) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0059bf0c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Unsafe_park +596) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] - waiting on an unknown object 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:252) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1672) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:1188) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:905) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1071) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1131) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "InteractionJankMonitor-Worker" prio=5 tid=45 Native 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=1 ucsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x134c4748 self=0xb40000716ba35aa0 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6422 nice=0 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f47d14cb0 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=S schedstat=( 324846 0 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f47c11000-0x6f47c13000 stackSize=1039KB 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 000b8a58 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__epoll_pwait+8) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 00018edc /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner+188) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00018dc0 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce+120) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 00183604 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce+44) (BuildId: 703a3f8869a77ed2e9efb7e83bbb1267) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:335) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:162) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] Aborting thread: 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] "RenderThread" prio=10 tid=16 Native 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | group="" sCount=0 ucsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x12d84450 self=0xb40000716b9cd5e0 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | sysTid=6283 nice=-10 cgrp=top-app sched=0/0 handle=0x6f79b04cb0 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | state=R schedstat=( 124779770 8060888 191 ) utm=6 stm=6 core=7 HZ=100 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | stack=0x6f79a0d000-0x6f79a0f000 stackSize=991KB 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #00 pc 0055be84 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::DumpNativeStack+172) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #01 pc 006773e8 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::DumpStack const+340) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #02 pc 00671ab0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::Dump const+196) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #03 pc 0063a40c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::AbortState::DumpThread const+56) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #04 pc 0063a06c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::AbortState::Dump const+528) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #05 pc 006231a0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Runtime::Abort+1540) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #06 pc 000417d0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::SetAborter::$_0::__invoke+80) (BuildId: 86bef7ce19ab410597d5aa825f150404) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #07 pc 00011ec8 /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+308) (BuildId: 89df7bea7a0c4aafd4ef1135f5c7cdfa) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #08 pc 002a4ec0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::AutoBackendTextureRelease::AutoBackendTextureRelease+344) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #09 pc 002a5f2c /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::DeferredLayerUpdater::apply+968) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #10 pc 0028f3ec /system/lib64/libhwui.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void >::operator +636) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #11 pc 0027eca4 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process+600) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #12 pc 002a01c0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop+404) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #13 pc 00014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #14 pc 000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] native: #15 pc 00068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] (no managed stack frames) 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F android.camera2: runtime.cc:691] 11-22 03:07:32.444 6264 6283 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 6283 (RenderThread), pid 6264 (android.camera2) 11-22 03:07:32.446 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.446 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.447 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.447 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.447 1048 6388 I smart_ctrl: 2682, smart_ctl_calculation: lock smart frame = 1 11-22 03:07:32.447 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.447 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.448 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3000, lsc_sprd_calculation: sync table, camera id =0 11-22 03:07:32.448 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=3, alg_in=1, alg_count=1, can_update_dest=1, final output [4504,4557,4417,4448] 11-22 03:07:32.448 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2208,1024,1393) 10248K , fram_count : 3 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2208,1024,1393) 10248K 11-22 03:07:32.449 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 4, fd 0x58, time 0946.270252s, monotime 0xdc521a2b08 11-22 03:07:32.449 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.449 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946270252000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.449 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.450 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3795, aft_proc_log_print: afm move diff : 0,diff_thr :0,diff_cnt : 0,g_diff(x,y,z):(0.000000,0.038750,0.076250),aem move diff : (num : r,g,b,cnt) = (139,196,196,1), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.448 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 4 frame_timestamp 946270252000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 44, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x58, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=4, timestamp=0xdc521a2b08 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.451 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.39 ms 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x58, vir=0xdff03000, num=3, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc521a2b08 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=1 ms 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=3, frame_num=3, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946270251784 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 3, timestamp = 0xdc521a2b08 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.452 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.453 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.454 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.456 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d2, vaddr=0x6ed4f35000 11-22 03:07:32.458 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000df, hal_format=IMPL-DEF, mali_format=NV21, afbc=false, usage=CPU_R|GPU_R|WIDE, size=1440x1080, stride=1440, name=SurfaceTexture-0-6264-1 11-22 03:07:32.459 6264 6301 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000df, vaddr=0x6f7329f000 11-22 03:07:32.460 4389 6384 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000df, vaddr=0x6f79b2d000 11-22 03:07:32.461 1048 1331 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000df, vaddr=0xdf846000 11-22 03:07:32.461 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.458 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 2334720, time: 18us, pool:2334720, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.460 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.462 1048 1331 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.462 1048 1331 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.462 1048 1331 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=7, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.463 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5e, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xdf846000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.466 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.466 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=438117350 11-22 03:07:32.467 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.471 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 5, time 946.320317, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 741326 1541952, g 1327578 1221196, b 467775 894967 11-22 03:07:32.468 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.468 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.472 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.473 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.477 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.484 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.489 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.6, timestamp 946.370424, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.489 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 5 11-22 03:07:32.489 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.489 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.489 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.489 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:881 exp_time:49999996 11-22 03:07:32.490 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.111250, y 0.881250, z 9.543750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3000, lsc_sprd_calculation: sync table, camera id =0 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=4, alg_in=1, alg_count=2, can_update_dest=1, final output [4486,4557,4417,4435] 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3795, aft_proc_log_print: afm move diff : 0,diff_thr :0,diff_cnt : 0,g_diff(x,y,z):(0.000000,0.000000,0.037500),aem move diff : (num : r,g,b,cnt) = (141,196,196,2), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.491 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.492 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 70000000 gain 1413 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 42, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 70000000.000000 gain 1403.000000], aftr[exp 70000000 gain 1413] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.493 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,5,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:20.00 cur-(s 4999(0.050000s),g 881,dmy 0),nxt:idx:298,(s 7000(0.070000s),g 1413,dmy 0) bv:42,cur_l:(f:2,c:1,n:2),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.493 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.494 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.494 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 7000,exp_time 70000000, prv_param->exp_line 6000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.494 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 168, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: fps = 14.269406 11-22 03:07:32.494 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 173, ov13853_drv_calc_exposure: mode = 2, exposure_line = 7000, dummy_line= 8, frame_interval= 70 ms 11-22 03:07:32.495 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.495 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x585,sensor_gain=0xb0 11-22 03:07:32.496 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.496 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 49999996, iso_value = 344 11-22 03:07:32.496 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.496 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.496 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.496 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2231,1024,1347) 10453K , fram_count : 4 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2231,1024,1347) 10453K 11-22 03:07:32.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.488 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.490 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.493 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.495 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.499 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 5, fd 0x5a, time 0946.320317s, monotime 0xdc55161aa4 11-22 03:07:32.499 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946320317000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 5 frame_timestamp 946320317000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 42, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5a, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=5, timestamp=0xdc55161aa4 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.40 ms 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x5a, vir=0xe01d2000, num=4, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc55161aa4 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=0 ms 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=4, frame_num=4, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946320317092 11-22 03:07:32.500 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.501 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 4, timestamp = 0xdc55161aa4 11-22 03:07:32.501 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.501 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.501 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.501 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.501 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.502 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.500 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.500 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.504 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.506 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.506 6427 6427 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstoneProto 11-22 03:07:32.507 846 846 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 6283 11-22 03:07:32.508 6427 6427 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 6264 (target tid = 6283) 11-22 03:07:32.509 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.509 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.509 1048 3763 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=8, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.510 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x56, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe0884000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.509 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.511 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.514 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.511 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.520 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 6, time 946.370388, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 622657 1445037, g 1314813 1225193, b 466714 891184 11-22 03:07:32.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.520 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.522 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.523 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.523 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.524 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.524 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.524 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.526 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.529 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.531 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.533 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.533 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.535 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.535 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.535 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.537 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.537 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.539 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.541 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.541 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.545 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.547 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 6, fd 0x5c, time 0946.370388s, monotime 0xdc58121ed5 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946370388000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.7, timestamp 946.430493, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 6 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.549 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 6 frame_timestamp 946370388000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 42, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5c, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=6, timestamp=0xdc58121ed5 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.40 ms 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x5c, vir=0xdfb4b000, num=5, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc58121ed5 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=1 ms 11-22 03:07:32.549 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.550 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=5, frame_num=5, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946370387669 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:880 exp_time:49999996 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 5, timestamp = 0xdc58121ed5 11-22 03:07:32.551 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.035000, y 0.881250, z 9.466249), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 70000000 gain 2048 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 49, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 70000000.000000 gain 2048.000000], aftr[exp 70000000 gain 2048] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,6,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:20.00 cur-(s 4999(0.050000s),g 880,dmy 0),nxt:idx:311,(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0) bv:49,cur_l:(f:2,c:1,n:2),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.552 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 7000,exp_time 70000000, prv_param->exp_line 7000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.553 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.553 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 196, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: chip_value = 0xb3 11-22 03:07:32.553 1048 6375 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 211, ov13853_drv_calc_gain: isp_gain = 0x780,sensor_gain=0xf0 11-22 03:07:32.553 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3000, lsc_sprd_calculation: sync table, camera id =0 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=5, alg_in=1, alg_count=3, can_update_dest=1, final output [4489,4557,4417,4438] 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.552 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.552 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.554 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.554 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=9, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 49999996, iso_value = 343 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x58, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xdff03000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.554 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2216,1024,1388) 10289K , fram_count : 5 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2216,1024,1388) 10289K 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.555 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.555 1048 6377 V aft_sprd_lib: 3805, aft_proc_log_print: ae:0 ,bv_stdev:8, afm(0,0), img(1,0), g:(0,1), p->tri:can(0,0),afm stable :diff = 0, diff_thr = 0,stab_cnt = 0,stab_num = 0,aem stab diff : (num: r,g,b,cnt) = (0,0,0,0),g_diff : (x,y,z,stab_cnt) = (0.076250,0.038750,0.000000,4), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.560 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.562 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.567 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.569 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.571 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.571 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.573 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.575 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.579 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.579 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.580 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 7, time 946.430465, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 208696 510216, g 864370 1192783, b 174963 390474 11-22 03:07:32.581 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3272,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:ev_setting.afl_platform_flag !== AFL_LE 11-22 03:07:32.581 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3403,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:afl_status_print fdx=4 cam_id=0 period=1 flat_flag 16 afl_f_v=0 afl_v_v=0 afl_f_frozen=0 afl_v_frozen=0 afl_v_g_frozen=0 afl_v_v_s=0 flat_count=4 cam_id = 0 ret_val = 0 11-22 03:07:32.582 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3272,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:ev_setting.afl_platform_flag !== AFL_LE 11-22 03:07:32.582 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3403,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:afl_status_print fdx=5 cam_id=0 period=1 flat_flag 16 afl_f_v=0 afl_v_v=0 afl_f_frozen=0 afl_v_frozen=0 afl_v_g_frozen=0 afl_v_v_s=0 flat_count=5 cam_id = 0 ret_val = 0 11-22 03:07:32.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.579 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.582 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.583 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3272,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:ev_setting.afl_platform_flag !== AFL_LE 11-22 03:07:32.583 1048 6404 D deflicker: 3403,antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:antiflcker_sw_process_v2p2:afl_status_print fdx=6 cam_id=0 period=1 flat_flag 16 afl_f_v=0 afl_v_v=0 afl_f_frozen=0 afl_v_frozen=0 afl_v_g_frozen=0 afl_v_v_s=0 flat_count=6 cam_id = 0 ret_val = 0 11-22 03:07:32.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.584 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.588 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.590 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.593 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.596 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.597 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.601 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.603 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.609 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 7, fd 0x54, time 0946.430465s, monotime 0xdc5ba6d336 11-22 03:07:32.610 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946430465000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.607 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.607 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.609 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.609 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.611 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 7 frame_timestamp 946430465000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 49, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.611 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x54, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=7, timestamp=0xdc5ba6d336 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.40 ms 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=0 ms 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.612 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x54, vir=0xe0abe000, num=6, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc5ba6d336 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.613 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=6, frame_num=6, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946430464822 11-22 03:07:32.614 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 6, timestamp = 0xdc5ba6d336 11-22 03:07:32.612 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.612 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.614 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.614 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.615 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.616 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.616 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.616 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=10, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.616 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5a, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe01d2000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.616 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.616 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.619 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.619 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.8, timestamp 946.500577, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.619 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 7 11-22 03:07:32.619 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.619 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.619 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.620 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.620 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.620 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.620 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.620 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.620 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:1099 exp_time:60000000 11-22 03:07:32.621 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 0.958750, y 0.728750, z 9.543750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3000, lsc_sprd_calculation: sync table, camera id =0 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=6, alg_in=1, alg_count=4, can_update_dest=1, final output [4516,4557,4417,4464] 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 70000000 gain 2048 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 61, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 70000000.000000 gain 2048.000000], aftr[exp 70000000 gain 2048] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.622 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,7,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:16.67 cur-(s 6000(0.060000s),g 1099,dmy 0),nxt:idx:311,(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0) bv:61,cur_l:(f:3,c:3,n:2),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.621 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.623 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.623 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 2341, af_data_process_new: af base_vcm_pos = 150 11-22 03:07:32.623 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.623 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.623 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 7000,exp_time 70000000, prv_param->exp_line 7000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.623 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.624 1048 6377 V aft_sprd_lib: 3805, aft_proc_log_print: ae:0 ,bv_stdev:4, afm(0,0), img(1,0), g:(0,1), p->tri:can(0,0),afm stable :diff = 0, diff_thr = 0,stab_cnt = 0,stab_num = 0,aem stab diff : (num: r,g,b,cnt) = (0,0,0,0),g_diff : (x,y,z,stab_cnt) = (0.152500,0.038750,0.077500,5), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.624 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 60000000, iso_value = 429 11-22 03:07:32.624 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.624 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.624 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.625 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2170,1024,1521) 9478K , fram_count : 6 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2170,1024,1521) 9478K 11-22 03:07:32.624 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.624 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.626 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.626 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.629 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.629 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.631 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.633 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.637 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.635 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.638 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.638 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.638 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.639 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.641 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.640 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.642 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.644 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.646 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.647 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.647 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.650 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 8, time 946.500546, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 131555 226272, g 558570 860157, b 69042 131933 11-22 03:07:32.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.649 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.652 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.652 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.652 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.654 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.654 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.656 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.658 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.658 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.660 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.662 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.664 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.666 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.669 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.673 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.671 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.671 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.673 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.673 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.675 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.677 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.679 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 8, fd 0x5e, time 0946.500546s, monotime 0xdc5fd42e52 11-22 03:07:32.680 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946500546000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.680 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.682 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.682 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.683 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 8 frame_timestamp 946500546000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 61, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.683 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5e, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=8, timestamp=0xdc5fd42e52 11-22 03:07:32.683 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.40 ms 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=0 ms 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.684 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x5e, vir=0xdf846000, num=7, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc5fd42e52 11-22 03:07:32.685 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.686 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=7, frame_num=7, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946500546130 11-22 03:07:32.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.686 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.687 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 7, timestamp = 0xdc5fd42e52 11-22 03:07:32.689 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.689 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.9, timestamp 946.570658, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.689 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 8 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=11, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.690 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:1413 exp_time:70000000 11-22 03:07:32.691 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x5c, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xdfb4b000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.691 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 0.881250, y 0.690000, z 9.543750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.691 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 386,aec_cvgn_speed_up:ori: exp 70000000 gain 2048 fps [14.29 30.00] 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Libae[EVP]: 507,aec_cvgn_speed_up:en 0, bv 62, s_max_idx 311, before[exp 70000000.000000 gain 2048.000000], aftr[exp 70000000 gain 2048] change_flag 0 flicker 0 FPS 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.688 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.690 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.690 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.692 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,8,unstb,near_unstb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:14.29 cur-(s 7000(0.070000s),g 1413,dmy 0),nxt:idx:311,(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0) bv:62,cur_l:(f:4,c:4,n:3),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 7000,exp_time 70000000, prv_param->exp_line 7000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=1, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.692 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 70000000, iso_value = 551 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.693 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.693 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.696 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.696 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.696 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3000, lsc_sprd_calculation: sync table, camera id =0 11-22 03:07:32.697 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=7, alg_in=1, alg_count=5, can_update_dest=1, final output [4509,4557,4417,4484] 11-22 03:07:32.697 1048 6377 V aft_sprd_lib: 3805, aft_proc_log_print: ae:0 ,bv_stdev:11, afm(0,0), img(1,0), g:(0,1), p->tri:can(0,0),afm stable :diff = 0, diff_thr = 0,stab_cnt = 0,stab_num = 0,aem stab diff : (num: r,g,b,cnt) = (192,196,196,0),g_diff : (x,y,z,stab_cnt) = (0.228750,0.191250,0.000000,6), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.697 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2133,1024,1572) 8590K , fram_count : 7 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2133,1024,1572) 8590K 11-22 03:07:32.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.695 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.697 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.697 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.699 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.711 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.699 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.701 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.701 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.713 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.703 344 344 I logd : logdr: UID=10089 GID=10089 PID=6427 n tail=500 logMask=8 pid=6264 start=0ns deadline=0ns 11-22 03:07:32.704 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.704 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.706 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.706 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.708 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.708 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.710 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.710 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.720 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 9, time 946.570626, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 99229 105050, g 392355 505434, b 60601 68703 11-22 03:07:32.712 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.714 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.715 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.715 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.716 344 344 I logd : logdr: UID=10089 GID=10089 PID=6427 n tail=500 logMask=1 pid=6264 start=0ns deadline=0ns 11-22 03:07:32.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.717 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.719 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.721 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.723 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.723 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.725 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.726 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.728 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.728 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.730 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.730 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/treble_arm64_bvS/tdgsi_arm64_ab:14/UP1A.231105.003/231117:userdebug/test-keys' 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : Revision: '0' 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64' 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-11-22 03:07:32.520073173+0900 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : Process uptime: 2s 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : Cmdline: com.android.camera2 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : pid: 6264, tid: 6283, name: RenderThread >>> com.android.camera2 <<< 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : uid: 10089 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr -------- 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'frameworks/base/libs/hwui/AutoBackendTextureRelease.cpp Invalid GrBackendTexture. Width==1440, height==1080, protected==0' 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 000000000000188b x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000006f79b03f60 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x4 626f1f382f221f39 x5 626f1f382f221f39 x6 626f1f382f221f39 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x8 00000000000000f0 x9 00000072aaec1250 x10 0000000000000001 x11 00000072aaf14460 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x12 000000000000892b x13 00000005c0443319 x14 00132361cbfcbd80 x15 0000000026762762 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x16 00000072aaf81d08 x17 00000072aaf56290 x18 0000006f797dc000 x19 0000000000001878 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x20 000000000000188b x21 00000000ffffffff x22 0000006f79b05000 x23 0000000000000000 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x24 0000006ffa518000 x25 b4000070db9977d0 x26 0000006f79b05000 x27 b40000701b9abe90 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : x28 00000000000fe000 x29 0000006f79b03fe0 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : lr 00000072aaf05dc0 sp 0000006f79b03f40 pc 00000072aaf05dec pst 0000000000000000 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : 12 total frames 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : backtrace: 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000066dec /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+164) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000062315c /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+1472) (BuildId: 0b4dbd5fb17d65be6fcad4d7aaa0ef1b) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00000000000417d0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::SetAborter(std::__1::function&&)::$_0::__invoke(char const*)+80) (BuildId: 86bef7ce19ab410597d5aa825f150404) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0000000000011ec8 /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+308) (BuildId: 89df7bea7a0c4aafd4ef1135f5c7cdfa) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000002a4ec0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::AutoBackendTextureRelease::AutoBackendTextureRelease(GrDirectContext*, AHardwareBuffer*)+344) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000002a5f2c /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::DeferredLayerUpdater::apply()+968) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.733 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000000000028f3ec /system/lib64/libhwui.so (std::__1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()() (.__uniq.264041412789356548918088680803242235290.c303f2d2360db58ed70a2d0ac7ed911b)+636) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000027eca4 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process()+600) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00000000002a01c0 /system/lib64/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop()+404) (BuildId: 8ecbb82e315f97a6abccf96ab2e8929e) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000000000014dd8 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+284) (BuildId: ab8535da6fc0d3526aee3d4b6edd4117) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00000000000cbaa8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.733 6427 6427 F DEBUG : #11 pc 0000000000068624 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: d6461f6e14dd42d420d9fec487ebd746) 11-22 03:07:32.732 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.732 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.734 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.734 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.737 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.739 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.739 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.741 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.741 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.745 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.749 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 9, fd 0x56, time 0946.570626s, monotime 0xdc6401849f 11-22 03:07:32.749 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946570626000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 9 frame_timestamp 946570626000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 62, ae_stable 0 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x56, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=9, timestamp=0xdc6401849f 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.36 ms 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=0 ms 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x56, vir=0xe0884000, num=8, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc6401849f 11-22 03:07:32.750 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=8, frame_num=8, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946570626207 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.747 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 8, timestamp = 0xdc6401849f 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.751 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.749 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.752 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.752 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.752 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.754 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.753 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.753 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1603, processCaptureRequest: streamType[0]=1 11-22 03:07:32.753 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 1647, processCaptureRequest: captureIntent 1, mOldCapIntent = 1, num_streams 2, prv status 1, snap status 0, vid status 0, yuvcallbackk status 1, yuv2.status 0, yuv3.status 0, captureRequestId 0, mOldRequesId 0, mStreamOnWithZsl 0 11-22 03:07:32.753 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2111, processCaptureRequest: camId=0, bufs_num=1, frame_num=12, cap_intent=1, pic_req=0, first_regular_req=0 11-22 03:07:32.754 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15671, prev_set_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x54, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=4, phy_y=0x0,vir_y=0xe0abe000,fmt=16,buffer_size=0x239880 11-22 03:07:32.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.757 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.759 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.10, timestamp 946.640738, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 9 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:2048 exp_time:70000000 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.760 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 0.881250, y 0.690000, z 9.428750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=8, alg_in=0, alg_count=5, can_update_dest=1, final output [4509,4557,4417,4484] 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.761 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,9,stb,near_stb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:14.29 cur-(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0),nxt:idx:311,(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0) bv:63,cur_l:(f:7,c:6,n:5),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 7000,exp_time 70000000, prv_param->exp_line 7000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2860, setAeState: mCameraId=0, Ae transition cause=3, cur state=1, new state=4 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=2, state=1 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2901, setAwbState: awb transition cause=2, cur state=1, next state=2 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.762 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.759 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.759 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.761 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.763 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 70000000, iso_value = 800 11-22 03:07:32.762 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.763 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.763 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.763 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.764 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.765 1048 6377 V aft_sprd_lib: 3805, aft_proc_log_print: ae:0 ,bv_stdev:8, afm(0,0), img(1,0), g:(0,1), p->tri:can(0,0),afm stable :diff = 0, diff_thr = 0,stab_cnt = 0,stab_num = 0,aem stab diff : (num: r,g,b,cnt) = (196,196,196,0),g_diff : (x,y,z,stab_cnt) = (0.306250,0.230000,0.000000,7), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.766 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2163,1024,1550) 9182K , fram_count : 8 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2163,1024,1550) 9182K 11-22 03:07:32.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.764 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.766 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.768 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.770 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.770 9 9 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 03:07:32.770 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.771 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.772 846 846 E tombstoned: Tombstone written to: tombstone_02 11-22 03:07:32.773 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.773 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.776 4522 6433 W ActivityTaskManager: Force finishing activity com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher 11-22 03:07:32.778 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@335ac74 TransitionRequestInfo { type = CLOSE, triggerTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null } 11-22 03:07:32.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.775 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.778 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.778 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.779 4522 6434 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-22 03:07:32.781 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.781 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.781 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.782 1 1 I init : Untracked pid 6427 exited with status 0 11-22 03:07:32.782 1 1 I init : Untracked pid 6427 did not have an associated service entry and will not be reaped 11-22 03:07:32.783 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.787 4522 4600 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 11-22 03:07:32.783 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.787 4522 4600 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x6 11-22 03:07:32.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.785 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.788 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.789 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Display 0 policy changed 11-22 03:07:32.789 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Previous: {defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRanges={physical=[58.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[58.00 Hz, 58.00 Hz]}, appRequestRanges={physical=[58.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[58.00 Hz, 58.00 Hz]}} 11-22 03:07:32.789 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: Current: DisplayManagerPolicy{defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, 60.00 Hz]}, appRequestRanges={physical=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz], render=[0.00 Hz, inf Hz]}} 11-22 03:07:32.789 4392 4392 I RefreshRateSelector: 0 mode changes were performed under the previous policy 11-22 03:07:32.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.790 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.794 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.795 1048 6379 D isp_alg_fw: 3620, ispalg_bayerhist_stats_parser: cam0, frm 10, time 946.640706, roi (48 16 4144 3088), data: r 78578 86625, g 432844 515115, b 59247 65198 11-22 03:07:32.792 1 1 I init : Untracked pid 6429 exited with status 0 11-22 03:07:32.792 1 1 I init : Untracked pid 6429 did not have an associated service entry and will not be reaped 11-22 03:07:32.793 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.793 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.795 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.795 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.797 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.797 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.801 4392 4392 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 11-22 03:07:32.799 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.799 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.801 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.802 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.803 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.806 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.806 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.808 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.810 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.812 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.814 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.815 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.818 4522 4600 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO_WITH_HEADERS isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4 11-22 03:07:32.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.816 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.819 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.819 1048 6349 D cmr_oem : 3363, camera_send_channel_data: ch_id 1, frame_id 10, fd 0x58, time 0946.640706s, monotime 0xdc682ed9b8 11-22 03:07:32.819 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 17769, prev_fd_send_data: frame_timestamp 946640706000 zoom_ratio 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.820 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1334, fd_thread_proc: image_rotation 90, frame_id 10 frame_timestamp 946640706000 zoom_ratio 0 bright_value 63, ae_stable 1 backlight_pro 0 11-22 03:07:32.820 1048 6359 D cmr_prev: 15748, prev_pop_preview_buffer: cam_id=0, fd=0x58, chn_id=0x1, valid_num=3, index=10, timestamp=0xdc682ed9b8 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 4883, camera_preview_cb: cxt->ft_en 0 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [find, 710]: src:1440x1080 detect:320 face_num=0 0.70 ms 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6393 D cmr_prev: 7778, cmr_preview_get_sn_work_mode: sensor work mode:2 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1422, fd_thread_proc: FdGetFaceCount:0 0 0 0 0 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6416 D cmr_fd_sprd: 1449, fd_thread_proc: 1440x1080, face_num=0, time=1 ms 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe2d2f538. 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=22 11-22 03:07:32.821 1048 6393 D cmr_oem : 21193, camera_local_get_shutter_skew: camera id:0 work mode:2 rolling shutter time:-1 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 5600, PreviewFramePreviewStream: mCameraId=0, prev:fd=0x58, vir=0xdff03000, num=9, width=1440, height=1080, time=0xdc682ed9b8 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6393 W Cam3Channel: 934, getStream: channel has no valied stream(type is 7) 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6363 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=9, frame_num=9, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946640705976 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5945, camera_get_hdr_flag: 0 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6363 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6393 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 9, timestamp = 0xdc682ed9b8 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5155, camera_preview_cb: appmode is -1 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.821 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.822 1048 6363 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.824 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 4428, receivePreviewFDFrame: receive face_num 0.mCameraId 0 ref_camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:32.824 4389 6384 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: Stream 1: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32) 11-22 03:07:32.825 4389 6409 E Surface : queueBuffer: error queuing buffer, -32 11-22 03:07:32.826 6231 6239 W putmethod.latin: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once) 11-22 03:07:32.823 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.823 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.823 6402 6402 I binder_alloc: 6264: binder_alloc_buf, no vma 11-22 03:07:32.823 6402 6402 I binder : 4389:6402 transaction failed 29189/-3, size 4632-0 line 2918 11-22 03:07:32.824 6384 6384 I binder_alloc: 6264: binder_alloc_buf, no vma 11-22 03:07:32.824 6384 6384 I binder : 4389:6384 transaction failed 29189/-3, size 112-0 line 2918 11-22 03:07:32.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.825 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.827 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.827 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:32.827 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.827 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.829 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 5321, ispalg_aethread_proc: sof no.11, timestamp 946.710820, aem_is_update 1 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4192, ispalg_start_ae_process: frame_id 10 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4193, ispalg_start_ae_process: gtm_gain 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 25, get_color_temp_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6388 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 41, sensorhub_read_data: X 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 I sprd_hdr_adapter: L 200, sprd_hdr_adpt_detect: detect current hdr type: 3, detect_in_param: 0xe5383c18, detect_out_param: 0xe5383d78 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 D hdr3 : scndet_hdr3_tuning is NULL, get_default_param! 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 E hdr3 : pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1666, ispalg_ae_set_cb: cxt->gtm_ltm_switch 0 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: WARNING: preview w*h not same as pixel numbers in histogram, w = 4192, h = 3104, pix_count = 0. 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 D sprd_fdr[p]: pixel number in hist256 is 0 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9135, ae_if_cts_params: adv:mode:0 gain:0 exp 0 11-22 03:07:32.830 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 9177, ae_if_cts_params: check1:cxt->ae_q_pars[0]gain: 0 exp_time:0 effect:gain:2048 exp_time:70000000 11-22 03:07:32.829 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.831 1048 6375 D Libae[MV Det]: 94,aec_posture_detect:g sensor(x 1.073750, y 0.805000, z 9.428750), groy(x 0.000000, y 0.000000, z 0.000000), pos_md 0 11-22 03:07:32.829 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.831 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 3406,aec_ev_offset_smooth:offset 0.000000, smooth_offset 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.831 1048 6375 E Libae[FAE]: 1926, face_luma_calc: NO FACE 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1886,aec_metering_calc:COM_TAR 64 mu[64 10]compen[64 10] tf[64 0.000000] 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 1365,aec_hdr_value_calc:hdr[en 0, abl_weight 0, bv 0, ratio 0.000000, value 0] 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Libae[Core]: 2573,aec_alg_status_printf:(auto):ae.m,10,stb,near_stb,face_unstb,unlock,50Hz,fps[14.28, 30.00]:14.29 cur-(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0),nxt:idx:311,(s 7000(0.070000s),g 2048,dmy 0) bv:66,cur_l:(f:7,c:6,n:6),y_l:0,tar_l[61[62,66]67]64 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D isp_alg_fw: 1324, ispalg_set_bayerhist: cam0, bypass 0, mode 1, win 48 16 4144 3088 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7707, HandleAutoExposure: mIsNeedFlashFired = 1 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 303, ae_write_to_sensor: exp_line 7000,exp_time 70000000, prv_param->exp_line 7000, prv_param->dummy 0 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 2880, setAwbState: awb cause=2, state=2 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6406 E awb_adpt: 1373, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: check handle success 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4615, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: smart_proc_in.scene_flag 15 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 4626, ispalg_aeawb_post_process: gian for smart 0.000000 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6388 D isp_alg_fw: 1030, isp_prepare_atm_param: hist2_stats.value_sum(256) tmp 0 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Cam3OEMIf: 7810, HandleIspParams: mExptimeValue = 70000000, iso_value = 800 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.832 1048 6375 D cmr_oem : 4312, camera_isp_evt_cb: af sup 1, af_bypass:0 11-22 03:07:32.833 1048 6388 I isp_blk_cmc10: 268, _pm_cmc10_set_param: cmc_result: (1444 16068 16281; 16355 1144 16294; 27 15979 1402). 11-22 03:07:32.833 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 3014, lsc_sprd_calculation: camera_id=0, frame_count=9, alg_in=0, alg_count=5, can_update_dest=1, final output [4509,4557,4417,4484] 11-22 03:07:32.833 1048 6388 E isp_alg_fw: 3930, ispalg_gtm_process: hist_total is 0, gtm no process !!! 11-22 03:07:32.834 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 3523, fd_data_process: center_index 0, center_area 0, max_index 0, max_area 0, select_index 0 11-22 03:07:32.834 1048 6377 V aft_sprd_lib: 3805, aft_proc_log_print: ae:0 ,bv_stdev:1, afm(0,0), img(1,0), g:(0,1), p->tri:can(0,0),afm stable :diff = 0, diff_thr = 0,stab_cnt = 0,stab_num = 0,aem stab diff : (num: r,g,b,cnt) = (0,0,0,1),g_diff : (x,y,z,stab_cnt) = (0.306250,0.230000,0.115000,8), scene_change_flag 0 11-22 03:07:32.834 1048 6388 D ai_sprd_adpt: 606, ai_io_ctrl_direct: AI_GET_DEBUG_INFO, scence id:0 11-22 03:07:32.831 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.831 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.834 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.835 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.836 1048 6406 D awb_adpt: 1544, awb_sprd_ctrl_calculation_v3: AWB result : (2082,1024,1636) 7473K , fram_count : 9 , camera_id : 0, wb mode: 0; AWB lib 64x64: (2082,1024,1636) 7473K 11-22 03:07:32.836 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.836 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.838 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.840 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.842 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.844 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.844 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.846 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.846 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.850 1254 1306 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c57dd8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 30, 93% recycled; transfers: 29, 93% unfetched 11-22 03:07:32.850 1254 4000 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c592a8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 35, 91% recycled; transfers: 34, 91% unfetched 11-22 03:07:32.850 1254 4374 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c55438 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 30, 93% recycled; transfers: 29, 93% unfetched 11-22 03:07:32.848 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.851 4387 4387 I Zygote : Process 6264 exited due to signal 6 (Aborted) 11-22 03:07:32.851 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[50000000], timeout[0] 11-22 03:07:32.848 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.850 165 165 I binder : undelivered transaction 287326, process died. 11-22 03:07:32.850 165 165 I binder : undelivered transaction 287372, process died. 11-22 03:07:32.851 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.851 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.851 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 50000 0 11-22 03:07:32.851 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 50000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 03:07:32.851 1254 2345 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c56468 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 23, 83% recycled; transfers: 22, 82% unfetched 11-22 03:07:32.851 1048 6377 D Cam3Channel: 1168, channelCbRoutine: E 11-22 03:07:32.852 4522 4551 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.camera2 (pid 6264) has died: fg TOP 11-22 03:07:32.852 1254 2345 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb4000075f8c56b58 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 35, 94% recycled; transfers: 34, 94% unfetched 11-22 03:07:32.853 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: start to disconnect 11-22 03:07:32.853 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: serializationLock acquired 11-22 03:07:32.853 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Shutting down 11-22 03:07:32.853 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: start to cacheDump 11-22 03:07:32.853 1068 1342 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[50000000], timeout[0] 11-22 03:07:32.853 4390 6109 I ResourceManagerMetrics: pushConcurrentUsageReport: No Video Codec Entry for Application[pid(6264): uid(10089)] 11-22 03:07:32.853 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.853 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.853 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 50000 0 11-22 03:07:32.853 1342 1342 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 50000, batch_latency = 0 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 3214, flush: E 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 2969, flush: :hal3: E camId=0 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 244, setPowerHint: IN, mCurrentPowerHint=1, 1 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 271, setPowerHint: current power state is already CAM_POWER_PERFORMACE_ON,state are both 1, just return 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 362, setPowerHint: out, mCurrentPowerHint=1 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 418, changeDfsPolicy: mCameraDfsPolicyCur: 3 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 187, setCamPreformaceScene: x camera scene:6 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe7efbd30. 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=13 11-22 03:07:32.855 1048 1330 D Cam3Channel: 1992, stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1877, cancelAutoFocus: E 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_setting: 4725, cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash: cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 319, cmr_focus_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 327, cmr_focus_stop: is_need_abort_msg 0x1 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 330, cmr_focus_stop: af_cancelled 0x3 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 345, cmr_focus_stop: ret= 0 X 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 I OEMCam : 160, camera_cancel_autofocus: done 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1897, cancelAutoFocus: X 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 1251, stop: channel_type = 1, frame_number = 12 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 4028, stopPreviewInternal: E mCameraId=0 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 484, af_thread_proc: AF stop 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 488, af_thread_proc: camera_id = 0 is_need_abort_msg = 1 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 3093, isPreviewIdle: SPRD_PREVIEW_IN_PROGRESS 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1131, af_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1080, af_quit: E 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1101, af_quit: set autofocus quit 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_IDLE, preview state = SPRD_INTERNAL_PREVIEW_STOPPING, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 6353 D cmr_oem : 13171, camera_isp_ioctl: isp_cmd =24 af mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 16052, camera_local_stop_preview: E 11-22 03:07:32.856 1048 1330 D cmr_prev: 1334, cmr_preview_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.857 4390 6109 I ResourceManagerMetrics: pushConcurrentUsageReport: Concurrent Codec Usage Report for the Process[pid(6264): uid(10089)] is Peak { AudioDec[ SW: 3 ] } Peak Pixels: 0 11-22 03:07:32.856 4522 4540 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10089 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5045, prev_stop: E camera_id 0, prev_status 2, isp_status 1, preview_eb 1, snapshot_eb 0 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5091, prev_stop: channel_bits 6 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524552 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1334, sensor_stream_ctrl_common: is_async: no, phyid: 0 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526340 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1359, sensor_stream_ctrl: on_off 0 11-22 03:07:32.857 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1429, sensor_stream_off: E 11-22 03:07:32.857 4522 4556 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10089 pid 6264 in 0ms 11-22 03:07:32.857 4522 4659 I ImeTracker: com.android.camera2:1bc88057: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_REMOVE_CLIENT 11-22 03:07:32.858 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3074, af_sprd_set_af_cancel: cancel af state = caf 11-22 03:07:32.858 4522 4913 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{598d7d2 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher} 11-22 03:07:32.858 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1120, af_quit: X, ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.858 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1140, af_stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.858 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 490, af_thread_proc: timestamp = 946739. 11-22 03:07:32.858 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 657, ov13853_drv_stream_off: E 11-22 03:07:32.858 4522 4913 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '598d7d2 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 11-22 03:07:32.856 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.858 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.859 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.860 4522 4659 I ImeTracker: com.android.camera2:1bc88057: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 11-22 03:07:32.861 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(0), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.861 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.863 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.863 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.865 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.867 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.869 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.871 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.874 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.877 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:32.878 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.876 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.878 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.880 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.882 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.883 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:32.883 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:32.883 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.884 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.884 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.886 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.889 1060 1086 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e0, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 03:07:32.887 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.890 5084 6440 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e0, vaddr=0x6fde7cb000 11-22 03:07:32.891 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e1, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 03:07:32.889 1086 1086 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1086 , size: 9752576, time: 17us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.891 5084 6440 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e1, vaddr=0x6f82ef2000 11-22 03:07:32.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.889 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.889 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.890 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 16us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.891 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.891 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.891 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9752576, time: 16us, pool:9752576, bud: 0, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:0 11-22 03:07:32.892 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e2, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=VRI[QuickstepLauncher]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 11-22 03:07:32.892 5084 6440 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6f72483000 11-22 03:07:32.893 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: Failed to deliver inset control state change to w=Window{598d7d2 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher EXITING} 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:584) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.insetsControlChanged(IWindow.java:479) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.notifyInsetsControlChanged(WindowState.java:3802) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController.lambda$notifyPendingInsetsControlChanged$3(InsetsStateController.java:343) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController.$r8$lambda$8yykPRG1GyNq_J17QvL9d5xANMc(InsetsStateController.java:0) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.executeAfterPrepareSurfacesRunnables(WindowAnimator.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.animate(WindowAnimator.java:202) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.lambda$new$1(WindowAnimator.java:99) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.$r8$lambda$aHNu1uhcqxihX5NZc4McDDQPAyw(WindowAnimator.java:0) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.doFrame(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1337) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1348) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:952) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:878) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1322) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.893 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 03:07:32.893 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.893 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.895 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.897 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.901 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.899 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.901 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.905 4522 4913 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6ea2214000 11-22 03:07:32.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.904 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.906 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.908 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.910 5084 5562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 11-22 03:07:32.911 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e3, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x238, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:32.912 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e3, vaddr=0x6fde50b000 11-22 03:07:32.913 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.911 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.911 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 1171456, time: 19us, pool:1142784, bud: 28672, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:7 11-22 03:07:32.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.914 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.915 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.918 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e4, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=CPU_RW|GPU_RW|HWC, size=1200x2000, stride=1200, name=screenshot 11-22 03:07:32.919 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6ed61f4000 11-22 03:07:32.916 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.916 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.918 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 9601024, time: 21us, pool:9568256, bud: 32768, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:8 11-22 03:07:32.918 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.918 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.920 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.920 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.921 4522 4913 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6e98312000 11-22 03:07:32.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.923 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.925 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.927 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.928 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #7 createdAt=11-22 03:07:32.777 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = CLOSE, triggerTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null } 11-22 03:07:32.929 4522 4539 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 11-22 03:07:32.930 4522 4539 V WindowManager: info={id=7 t=CLOSE f=0x10 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{b60a6c1 Task{ae1a7ae #1 type=home}}} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xe98b66d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{da2f15b Task{cd4f61 #12 type=standard A=10089:com.android.camera.CameraActivity}}} m=CLOSE f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=12)/@0x82e2655 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{a319841 token=android.os.Binder@dc56328})/@0xdc03778 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:32.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.929 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.931 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.931 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.932 4729 4761 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f42194000 11-22 03:07:32.932 4729 5725 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f34a1c000 11-22 03:07:32.932 5084 5535 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f58581000 11-22 03:07:32.933 4729 4761 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f42194000 11-22 03:07:32.933 4729 4766 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f34a1c000 11-22 03:07:32.933 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.934 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e5, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x238, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:32.934 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e5, vaddr=0x6f74805000 11-22 03:07:32.933 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 1171456, time: 19us, pool:1114112, bud: 57344, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:14 11-22 03:07:32.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.935 4729 4901 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f42194000 11-22 03:07:32.935 4729 5265 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6f349f7000 11-22 03:07:32.933 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.935 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.937 1060 1060 I gralloc4: allocate: id=424000000e6, hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=SPLIT, usage=GPU_RW|HWC|BACKBUF, size=1200x238, stride=1200, name=VRI[Taskbar]#0(BLAST Consumer)0 11-22 03:07:32.937 5084 5562 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e6, vaddr=0x6f72365000 11-22 03:07:32.937 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@335ac74: {id=7 t=CLOSE f=0x10 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@138a236} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x696596a sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@24db537} m=CLOSE f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=12)/@0xf3e8e5b sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{a319841 token=android.os.Binder@dc56328})/@0x26486f8 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:32.938 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#7)android.os.BinderProxy@335ac74@0 11-22 03:07:32.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.936 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.936 1060 1060 I ion_system_heap_allocate,tid: 1060 , size: 1171456, time: 20us, pool:1114112, bud: 57344, ord 8:0, 4:0, 0:14 11-22 03:07:32.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.938 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.940 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.940 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@c09a3f0 11-22 03:07:32.940 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@7d71aa4 11-22 03:07:32.941 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@f8c800d 11-22 03:07:32.941 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@4e4abc2 11-22 03:07:32.941 4729 4766 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found 11-22 03:07:32.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.940 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.943 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:32.943 9 9 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:32.942 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6ed61f4000 11-22 03:07:32.943 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.942 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@bbe6dd3 11-22 03:07:32.943 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@9bd3d10 11-22 03:07:32.943 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@88e1009 11-22 03:07:32.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.943 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.943 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:32.943 4729 4729 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e4, vaddr=0x6f42194000 11-22 03:07:32.944 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=7 t=CLOSE f=0x10 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@138a236} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x696596a sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@24db537} m=CLOSE f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=12)/@0xf3e8e5b sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{a319841 token=android.os.Binder@dc56328})/@0x26486f8 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1200, 2000) d=0}]} 11-22 03:07:32.946 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@d55c20e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@378142f, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }} 11-22 03:07:32.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.945 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.948 4729 4766 D RemoteTransitionHandler: Found filterPair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@d55c20e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@378142f, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }} 11-22 03:07:32.949 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for #7 to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@d55c20e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@378142f, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome } 11-22 03:07:32.947 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.947 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.950 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.952 4729 4766 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6f349f7000 11-22 03:07:32.952 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@88e1009 11-22 03:07:32.953 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.952 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.954 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.954 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.956 5084 5535 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6f5655c000 11-22 03:07:32.957 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.958 1048 6338 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 673, ov13853_drv_stream_off: X 11-22 03:07:32.959 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 1456, sensor_stream_off: X 11-22 03:07:32.959 1048 6338 I hw_sensor: 477, hw_sensor_mipi_deinit: close mipi 11-22 03:07:32.959 1048 6361 I cmr_oem : 3560, camera_sensor_streamctrl: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:32.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.956 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.958 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.959 6338 6338 I SENSOR_CORE: 6338: sprd_sensor_io_if_cfg line=430: ret = 0,type 1 open 1 mipi state 1 is cphy 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 767 csi_controller_disable : csi_controller_disable csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6338 6338 I csi_driver: 6338 901 phy_csi_path_clr_cfg : phy_csi_path_clr_cfg csi, id 0 phy 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6338 6338 I csi_api : 6338 168 csi_mipi_clk_disable : cnt 0x0 0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.959 6338 6338 I csi_api : 6338 437 csi_api_close : csi api close ret: 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1446 camioctl_stream_off : cam 0 stream off. state: 5 module->cur_sw_ctx_id: 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 233 dcamhw_stop : dcam0 stop 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 358 dcamhw_reset : DCAM0: reset. 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 419 dcamhw_reset : DCAM0: reset end 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=1, int=14 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=2, int=12 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6361 D cmr_grab: 1551, cmr_grab_cap_stop: ret = 0 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6361 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=17, int=11 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5108, prev_stop: app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6362 D cmr_prev: 3220, prev_swalg_thread_proc: close 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6362 D cmr_prev: 17627, prev_fd_close: is_support_fd 1, is_fd_on 1 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=21, int=11 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=22, int=11 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=23, int=2 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=26, int=12 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=27, int=12 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6405 D ai_sprd_adpt: 402, ai_io_ctrl_sync: FD_ON_OFF flag is: 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_INT: 6361 986 dcam_int_tracker_dump : DCAM0 i=29, int=11 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6362 D cmr_oem : 13194, camera_isp_ioctl: isp_cmd = 53, face_num = 0 11-22 03:07:32.960 1048 6362 D isp_alg_fw: 3361, ispctl_face_area: cxt->face_num: 0, cxt->app_id -2 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 2172 dcamcore_dev_stop : stop all 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 2196 dcamcore_dev_stop : stop dcam pipe dev[0] state = 1! 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1526 camioctl_stream_off : clear ch 1, dcam path 1, isp path 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 2898 camcore_dcam_callback : stream off or paused. put frame ffffff80e76b3c00, state:4 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 2898 camcore_dcam_callback : stream off or paused. put frame ffffff80e76b6000, state:4 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 2898 camcore_dcam_callback : stream off or paused. put frame ffffff80e76b4800, state:4 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 2898 camcore_dcam_callback : stream off or paused. put frame ffffff80e76b4400, state:4 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 2898 camcore_dcam_callback : stream off or paused. put frame ffffff8112976400, state:4 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 1460 dcamcore_path_put : put dcam0 path 1 done 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1526 camioctl_stream_off : clear ch 2, dcam path 1, isp path 0x1 11-22 03:07:32.959 6415 6415 I ISP_CORE: 6415 2019 ispcore_offline_thread_loop : isp context 0 thread stop. 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2058 ispcore_offline_thread_stop : offline thread stopped. wait 1 ms 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 2069 ispcore_offline_thread_stop : wait time 500 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3613 ispcore_context_put : free context 0 without users. 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3691 ispcore_context_put : sw 0, postproc out buffer unmap 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 0 : 22 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 1 : 22 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 2 : 22 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 4 : 22 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 5 : 22 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 6 : 22 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 11 : 11 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 12 : 11 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_INT : 6361 793 isp_int_isp_irq_sw_cnt_trace : done 0 13 : 11 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 74, off 0, kaddr 0xffffffc018163000 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 74, off 1024, kaddr 0xffffffc018163400 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 74, off 2048, kaddr 0xffffffc018163800 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 74, off 3072, kaddr 0xffffffc018163c00 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 76, off 0, kaddr 0xffffffc01825b000 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 78, off 0, kaddr 0xffffffc01831f000 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 80, off 0, kaddr 0xffffffc018355000 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3142 ispcore_statis_buffer_unmap : ctx 0 free buf 82, off 0, kaddr 0xffffffc018451000 iova 0x00000000 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I ISP_CORE: 6361 3710 ispcore_context_put : done, put ctx_id: 0 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 521 dcamcore_statis_bufferq_deinit : enter 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 543 dcamcore_statis_bufferq_deinit : done. 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 593 dcamcore_statis_buffer_unmap : done 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 301 dcamcore_reserved_buffer_put : dcam0, ion 0000000027a255e4 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 499 isphw_reset : ISP0: reset 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 533 isphw_reset : ISP0: reset end 11-22 03:07:32.959 6361 6361 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 6361 2901 isphw_map_init_cfg : cfg map init start 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 E sprd_iommu: sprd_iommu_pool_show()-sprd,iommuvaul6-isp restore, map_count 3 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 E sprd_iommu: sprd_iommu_pool_show()-Warning! buffer iova 0x40000000 size 0x140000 sg 0xffffff81237a8600 buf 00000000a1409da3 map_usrs 1 should be unmapped! 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 E sprd_iommu: sprd_iommu_pool_show()-Warning! buffer iova 0x40140000 size 0x3000 sg 0xffffff810a891300 buf 0000000030f91d8a map_usrs 1 should be unmapped! 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 E sprd_iommu: sprd_iommu_pool_show()-Warning! buffer iova 0x40143000 size 0x3000 sg 0xffffff811b1b0400 buf 00000000c0a9b556 map_usrs 1 should be unmapped! 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 I DCAM_CORE: 6361 2798 dcam_core_context_unbind : sw_id=0, hw_id=0 unbind success 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 I cam_buf : 6361 97 cam_buf_mdbg_check : mdbg info: 11, 11, 0, 656, 3, 0, 0, 0 1 1, total_size: 3780608 Bytes 11-22 03:07:32.960 6361 6361 I CAM_CORE: 6361 1724 camioctl_stream_off : cam 0 stream off done. 11-22 03:07:32.961 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.961 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.962 1048 6416 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: fd adapt FdDeleteDetector begin !!!!!! 11-22 03:07:32.962 1048 6416 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: fd adapt FdDeleteDetector hDT is not null !!!!!! 11-22 03:07:32.962 1048 6416 I libfacedetect: [FdDeleteDetector,100]: FD Top Delete.In 11-22 03:07:32.962 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [libFDV3_delete, 87]: Delete.In 11-22 03:07:32.962 1048 6416 I FaceChecker: [libFaceRect_delete, 52]: Delete.In 11-22 03:07:32.963 1048 6416 I FaceChecker: [libFaceRect_delete, 60]: Delete.Out 11-22 03:07:32.964 4392 4401 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6ed61cf000 11-22 03:07:32.965 1048 6416 I FDV3 : [libFDV3_delete, 95]: Delete.Out 11-22 03:07:32.965 1048 6416 I libfacedetect: [FdDeleteDetector,109]: FD Top Delete.Out 11-22 03:07:32.965 1048 6416 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: fd adapt FdDeleteDetector end !!!!!! 11-22 03:07:32.965 1048 6362 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4449, ae_set_video_stop: AE tabl param def_index 210, def_tar:64 max_index:311 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 4455, ae_set_video_stop: face_flag 0 cur_lum 6 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6375 I ae_sprd_adpt: 4485, ae_set_video_stop: AE_VIDEO_STOP(in preview) cam-id 0 BV 66 BV_backup 66 E 7000 G 2048 lt 10000 W 4192 H 3104,enable: 1 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3217, af_sprd_set_video_stop: af state = caf, focus state = af idle 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 2097, sprd_caf_trigger_ioctrl: cmd : 1003 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 4430, aft_proc_stop: trigger stopped 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 690, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm bypass: 1 11-22 03:07:32.966 1048 6390 D lsc_sprd_adapt: 1958, lsc_save_last_info: camera_id:0, bv:42, bv_gain:1413, shutter:0.070000, table_rgb[4509,4557,4417,4484], table_size[25,20] 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D isp_alg_fw: 8575, isp_alg_fw_stop: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 10658, camera_preview_post_proc: flash_status=0 11-22 03:07:32.967 5084 5535 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6f5655c000 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=0 sum=8 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=6 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=6 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5208, prev_stop: is_restart 0, recovery_status 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=55 sum=0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=55 sum=0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=56 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=56 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=8 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=8 sum=1 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=2 sum=0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6393 D Cam3OEMIf: 7158, HandleStopPreview: state = SPRD_INTERNAL_PREVIEW_STOPPING 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 10720, Callback_ZslFree: mZslHeapNum 0 sum 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 12937, releaseZSLQueue: para changed.size : 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5264, prev_stop: fdr free zsl raw buf 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=63 sum=0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 10919, Callback_ZslRawFree: mZslRawHeapNum 0 sum 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=66 sum=3 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=66 sum=3 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=68 sum=8 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=68 sum=8 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 7163, prev_free_zsl_raw_buf: X, cap_fdr_mem_num: 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 6361 D cmr_prev: 5295, prev_stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D cmr_prev: 1365, cmr_preview_stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 16172, camera_local_stop_preview: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_IDLE, preview state = SPRD_IDLE, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 4120, stopPreviewInternal: X Time:111 ms camera id 0 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1292, stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 1251, stop: channel_type = 2, frame_number = 12 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 4165, cancelPictureInternal: E, state SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 W Cam3OEMIf: 4190, cancelPictureInternal: not taking a picture (state SPRD_IDLE) 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1292, stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 6935, unmapInputBuffer: unmapInputBuffer: E 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 6938, unmapInputBuffer: stop reprocess jpeg encode,unmap InputBuff 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 6940, unmapInputBuffer: unmapInputBuffer: X 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 3003, flush: :hal3: clear all buffers 11-22 03:07:32.967 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=10, frame_num=10, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946848743014 11-22 03:07:32.968 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 10, timestamp = 0xdc74953e66 11-22 03:07:32.963 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.963 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.966 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.968 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 2630, handleCbDataWithLock: bufferstatus:1 11-22 03:07:32.969 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=11, frame_num=11, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946848743014 11-22 03:07:32.969 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 11, timestamp = 0xdc74953e66 11-22 03:07:32.970 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 2630, handleCbDataWithLock: bufferstatus:1 11-22 03:07:32.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.969 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.971 4389 4389 E Camera3-Stream: returnBuffer: Stream 1: timestamp 946848743014 is not increasing. Prev timestamp 946848743014 11-22 03:07:32.971 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2506, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId=0, i->frame_num=12, frame_num=12, i->req_id=0,i->bNotified=0, timestamp:946848743014 11-22 03:07:32.971 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 2541, handleCbDataWithLock: mCameraId = 0, notified frame_num = 12, timestamp = 0xdc74953e66 11-22 03:07:32.972 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 2630, handleCbDataWithLock: bufferstatus:1 11-22 03:07:32.972 4389 4389 E Camera3-Stream: returnBuffer: Stream 1: timestamp 946848743014 is not increasing. Prev timestamp 946848743014 11-22 03:07:32.972 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.972 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.972 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.972 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 796, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 3031, flush: :hal3: re-clear all buffers 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 796, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 3060, flush: :hal3: X 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3HWI : 3222, flush: X 11-22 03:07:32.974 4389 4389 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: E 11-22 03:07:32.974 4389 4389 I CameraLatencyHistogram: ProcessCaptureRequest latency histogram (13) samples: 11-22 03:07:32.974 4389 4389 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 inf (max ms) 11-22 03:07:32.974 4389 4389 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 30.77 53.85 0.00 7.69 7.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%) 11-22 03:07:32.971 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 3238, close_camera_device: :hal3: camId=0 camera3->close E 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 450, closeCamera: :hal3: E camId=0 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 244, setPowerHint: IN, mCurrentPowerHint=1, 1 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 271, setPowerHint: current power state is already CAM_POWER_PERFORMACE_ON,state are both 1, just return 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 362, setPowerHint: out, mCurrentPowerHint=1 11-22 03:07:32.971 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 418, changeDfsPolicy: mCameraDfsPolicyCur: 3 11-22 03:07:32.973 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.973 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 187, setCamPreformaceScene: x camera scene:6 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524548 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1379, cmr_sns_ioctl: cmd = 45, arg = 0xe7efbcf0. 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 408, ov13853_drv_access_val: sensor ov13853: param_ptr->type=13 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3Channel: 1992, stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1877, cancelAutoFocus: E 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_setting: 4725, cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash: cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 319, cmr_focus_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 327, cmr_focus_stop: is_need_abort_msg 0x1 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 330, cmr_focus_stop: af_cancelled 0x3 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 484, af_thread_proc: AF stop 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 488, af_thread_proc: camera_id = 0 is_need_abort_msg = 1 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1131, af_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1080, af_quit: E 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1101, af_quit: set autofocus quit 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 6353 D cmr_oem : 13171, camera_isp_ioctl: isp_cmd =24 af mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 345, cmr_focus_stop: ret= 0 X 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I OEMCam : 160, camera_cancel_autofocus: done 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1897, cancelAutoFocus: X 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 1251, stop: channel_type = 1, frame_number = 12 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 4028, stopPreviewInternal: E mCameraId=0 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 3093, isPreviewIdle: SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 4053, stopPreviewInternal: Preview is idle! stopPreviewInternal X 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 4120, stopPreviewInternal: X Time:0 ms camera id 0 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1292, stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.974 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 280, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 1251, stop: channel_type = 2, frame_number = 12 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 4165, cancelPictureInternal: E, state SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 W Cam3OEMIf: 4190, cancelPictureInternal: not taking a picture (state SPRD_IDLE) 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 1292, stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 W Cam3Channel: 796, channelClearAllQBuff: channel has no valied stream 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 962, closeCamera: :hal3: E camId=0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 974, closeCamera: torch_enable=0, flashInfo_info_available=1, flashInfo_mode=0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 991, closeCamera: camera state = SPRD_IDLE, preview state = SPRD_IDLE, capture state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 996, closeCamera: reprocess jpeg encode failed,unmap InputBuff 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 5925, camera_get_fdr_flag: cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited =0 cxt->snp_cxt.is_fdr= 0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 5926, camera_get_fdr_flag: fdr_flag =0 cxt->swa_cxt_fdr.inited 0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_setting: 4725, cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash: cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 319, cmr_focus_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 327, cmr_focus_stop: is_need_abort_msg 0x1 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 330, cmr_focus_stop: af_cancelled 0x3 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D cmr_focus: 345, cmr_focus_stop: ret= 0 X 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 I OEMCam : 160, camera_cancel_autofocus: done 11-22 03:07:32.975 4389 4389 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.5/legacy/0 torch status is now AVAILABLE_OFF 11-22 03:07:32.975 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.975 4389 4389 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3074, af_sprd_set_af_cancel: cancel af state = caf 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1120, af_quit: X, ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1140, af_stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 490, af_thread_proc: timestamp = 946856. 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 484, af_thread_proc: AF stop 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 488, af_thread_proc: camera_id = 0 is_need_abort_msg = 1 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1131, af_stop: E 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1080, af_quit: E 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1101, af_quit: set autofocus quit 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 6353 D cmr_oem : 13171, camera_isp_ioctl: isp_cmd =24 af mode 0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3Factory: 660, torchModeStatusChange: notify torch status for 0, new status 1 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 16511, gyro_monitor_thread_deinit: E inited=1, Deinit = 0 11-22 03:07:32.975 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 16517, gyro_monitor_thread_deinit: Waiting for gyro 11-22 03:07:32.975 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:32.976 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 3074, af_sprd_set_af_cancel: cancel af state = caf 11-22 03:07:32.976 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1120, af_quit: X, ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.976 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 1140, af_stop: X 11-22 03:07:32.976 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 490, af_thread_proc: timestamp = 946857. 11-22 03:07:32.977 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e1, vaddr=0x6ed5882000 11-22 03:07:32.980 4522 6439 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e3, vaddr=0x6ec7efb000 11-22 03:07:32.976 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.976 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.978 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.978 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.981 4392 4576 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e0, vaddr=0x6ed4f35000 11-22 03:07:32.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.981 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.983 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.983 5084 5535 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d9, vaddr=0x6fde485000 11-22 03:07:32.984 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e3, vaddr=0x6ed83db000 11-22 03:07:32.984 4522 4543 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e3, vaddr=0x6ec7efb000 11-22 03:07:32.985 1068 1068 D SensorHub: SPRD[512]batch::handle[1], flags[0], period_ns[200000000], timeout[2000000000] 11-22 03:07:32.986 4522 6439 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:30e8d2d1: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 11-22 03:07:32.986 4522 6439 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:30e8d2d1: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 11-22 03:07:32.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.985 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.986 1068 1068 I sprd-sensorhub: buf=1 0 200000 2000000 11-22 03:07:32.986 1068 1068 I sprd-sensorhub: handle = 1, rate = 200000, batch_latency = 2000000 11-22 03:07:32.987 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 16531, gyro_monitor_thread_deinit: X inited=0, Deinit = 1 11-22 03:07:32.987 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 16681, color_temp_process_deinit: mcolor_temp_sensor_count 0 11-22 03:07:32.987 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3021, setCameraState: X: camera state = SPRD_INTERNAL_STOPPING, preview state = SPRD_IDLE, capture state = SPRD_IDLE focus state = SPRD_IDLE set param state = SPRD_IDLE 11-22 03:07:32.988 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 1046, closeCamera: :hal3: deinit camera 11-22 03:07:32.988 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 9594, camera_deinit_internal: E 11-22 03:07:32.988 1048 1330 I cmr_oem : 2683, camera_front_lcd_enhance_module_deinit: flash is not lcd type 11-22 03:07:32.988 1048 6354 I cmr_oem : 6792, camera_jpeg_init_async_message_handler: exit here 11-22 03:07:32.988 1048 1330 I cmr_oem : 6865, camera_jpeg_deinit_async: send exit message to jpeg async init thread 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 6921, camera_jpeg_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 1330 I jpeg_codec: L 1556, jpeg_deinit: jpeg_deinit in 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 1330 D JPG : L 502, jpg_sem_wait: jpg_sem_wait 0xe94c4fe8 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 1330 D JPG : L 259, jpg_msg_post: queue_handle 0xf304ed70, msg type 0x200000 num 0 cnt 40 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 1330 I JPG : L 292, jpg_msg_post: jpg_msg_post msg_cur 0xf2b829b0 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 6357 I JPG : L 148, jpg_msg_get: jpg_msg_get msg_cur 0xf2b829b0 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 6357 D JPG : L 160, jpg_msg_get: queue_handle 0xf304ed70, msg type 0x200000 num 0 cnt 40 11-22 03:07:32.989 1048 6357 I jpeg_codec: L 918, jpeg_thread_proc: jpeg:JPEG Thread Proc In 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 E jpeg_codec: L 837, _jpeg_stop: jpeg:jpeg is deinited 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 373, jpg_common_routine: before sem_post msg_cur 0xf2b829b0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 377, jpg_common_routine: sem_post msg_cur->sem 0xf2b829c8 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 380, jpg_common_routine: after sem_post msg_cur 0xf2b829b0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 1330 I JPG : L 297, jpg_msg_post: sem_wait msg_cur 0xf2b829b0 msg_cur->sem 0xf2b829c8 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 1330 D JPG : L 259, jpg_msg_post: queue_handle 0xf304ed70, msg type 0x1ffffff num 0 cnt 40 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 1330 I JPG : L 292, jpg_msg_post: jpg_msg_post msg_cur 0xf2b829d0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 148, jpg_msg_get: jpg_msg_get msg_cur 0xf2b829d0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 D JPG : L 160, jpg_msg_get: queue_handle 0xf304ed70, msg type 0x1ffffff num 0 cnt 40 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 365, jpg_common_routine: timestamp = 946871. 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 373, jpg_common_routine: before sem_post msg_cur 0xf2b829d0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 377, jpg_common_routine: sem_post msg_cur->sem 0xf2b829e8 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 380, jpg_common_routine: after sem_post msg_cur 0xf2b829d0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 D JPG : L 391, jpg_common_routine: thread exit 0x0xf304f3a0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 6357 I JPG : L 396, jpg_common_routine: thread exit 0x0xf304f3a0 11-22 03:07:32.990 1048 1330 I JPG : L 297, jpg_msg_post: sem_wait msg_cur 0xf2b829d0 msg_cur->sem 0xf2b829e8 11-22 03:07:32.988 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.991 1048 1330 I JPG : L 464, jpg_thread_destroy: join jpg msg thread successful 11-22 03:07:32.991 1048 1330 D JPG : L 307, jpg_msg_queue_destroy: queue_handle 0xf304ed70 11-22 03:07:32.988 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.991 1048 1330 I JPG : L 318, jpg_msg_queue_destroy: free msg_cxt->msg_head 0xf2b82990 11-22 03:07:32.991 1048 1330 I jpeg_codec: L 1578, jpeg_deinit: free FW BUF 11-22 03:07:32.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.991 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.991 1048 1330 I JPG_CODEC: L 327, JPEGCODEC_Close:jpeg dev close 11-22 03:07:32.992 1048 1330 D JPG_OEM : L 347, sprd_jpeg_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.992 1048 1330 D cmr_jpeg: 463, cmr_jpeg_deinit: ret 0 11-22 03:07:32.992 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 6944, camera_jpeg_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:32.992 1048 1330 D cmr_setting: 4725, cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash: cmr_setting_cancel_notice_flash 11-22 03:07:32.992 1048 1330 I cmr_focus: 210, cmr_focus_deinit_notice: E 11-22 03:07:32.992 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:32.992 1048 1330 D cmr_grab: 1637, cmr_grab_deinit_notice: isp_cb_enable 0 11-22 03:07:32.993 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 7799, camera_isp_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:32.993 1048 1330 I cmr_oem : 10954, camera_get_af_support: af_support 1 11-22 03:07:32.993 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 1235, AF_get_softlanding_info: Enter 11-22 03:07:32.993 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 1254, AF_get_softlanding_info: cur_pos 150, target_pos 133 11-22 03:07:32.993 1048 6377 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4072, af_sprd_adpt_outctrl: camera_id 0, softland_pos[0] 133, softland_sleep[0] 12, move_cnt 1 11-22 03:07:32.993 1048 6377 D af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4079, af_sprd_adpt_outctrl: camera_id 0, param_cnt 1 11-22 03:07:32.994 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d9, vaddr=0x6ed84f9000 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: Failed to deliver inset control state change to w=Window{598d7d2 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher EXITING} 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:584) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.insetsControlChanged(IWindow.java:479) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.notifyInsetsControlChanged(WindowState.java:3802) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController.lambda$notifyPendingInsetsControlChanged$3(InsetsStateController.java:343) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController.$r8$lambda$8yykPRG1GyNq_J17QvL9d5xANMc(InsetsStateController.java:0) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.executeAfterPrepareSurfacesRunnables(WindowAnimator.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacementNoTrace(RootWindowContainer.java:811) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement(RootWindowContainer.java:756) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:177) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:126) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:115) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer$Traverser.run(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:57) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4522 4543 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 11-22 03:07:32.994 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e5, vaddr=0x6ed82bd000 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 18508, cmr_get_sensor_soft_landing: SOFT_LANDING_INFO:[cam_id 0, param_cnt 1, param->pos 133, param->sleep_us 12] 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 7815, camera_isp_deinit: set soft landing info:[cam_id 0, param_cnt 1, param->pos 133, param->sleep_us 12] 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 1330 I cmr_sensor: 301, cmr_sensor_af_softlanding: sensor_id 0, pos_count 1 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524556 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1572, sensor_af_softlanding: E 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1577, sensor_af_softlanding: slot_id: 0 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 6337 D sns_drv_u: 1558, af_lens_move_to: pos = 133 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 6337 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 87, dw9714_drv_set_pos: 133 11-22 03:07:32.995 1048 6337 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 38, _dw9714_write_dac_code: 133 11-22 03:07:32.995 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e3, vaddr=0x7b463c3000 11-22 03:07:32.995 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d9, vaddr=0x7b41020000 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 I isp_alg_fw: 9270, isp_alg_fw_deinit: cam0 send AI sync wait 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 6399 D isp_alg_fw: 6942, ispalg_aithread_proc: cam0 ai_msg_type 3, 0, data 0x0 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 6399 I isp_alg_fw: 6955, ispalg_aithread_proc: cam0 wait here 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 6399 D isp_alg_fw: 6976, ispalg_aithread_proc: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 I isp_alg_fw: 5587, ispalg_destroy_thread_proc: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.996 1048 1330 I gtm_ctrl: 126, gtmctrl_destroy_thread: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 1330 I gtm_ctrl: 218, gtm_ctrl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4516, sprd_afv1_deinit: Enter 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 D isp_dev_access: 690, isp_dev_access_ioctl: afm bypass: 1 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 I aft_sprd_lib: 4527, aft_proc_deinit: deinit 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 2237, af_deinit: Enter 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 D AFv1Lib : 2290, af_deinit: Exit! Ret = 0 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 I af_sprd_adpt_v1: 4546, sprd_afv1_deinit: Exit 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 I af_ctrl : 487, afctrl_deinit_adpt: af_deinit is OK! 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 6377 I af_ctrl : 489, afctrl_deinit_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.995 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 1330 I af_ctrl : 587, afctrl_destroy_thread: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.997 1048 1330 I af_ctrl : 756, af_ctrl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.998 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8594, ae_sprd_deinit_v1: cam-id 0 11-22 03:07:32.998 1048 6375 D ae_sprd_adpt: 8596, ae_sprd_deinit_v1: done 11-22 03:07:32.998 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:32.998 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:32.999 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=618121610 11-22 03:07:32.999 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 6390 I lsc_sprd_adapt: 2593, lsc_sprd_deinit: done rtn = 0 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 6390 I lsc_ctrl: 60, _lscctrl_deinit_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 1330 I lsc_ctrl: 83, _lscctrl_destroy_thread: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 1330 I lsc_ctrl: 325, lsc_ctrl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 1330 D smart_ctrl: 191, smart_ctl_save_stash: save_smart camera_id = 0 11-22 03:07:32.999 1048 1330 D smart_ctrl: 205, smart_ctl_save_stash: read smart file 11-22 03:07:33.000 1048 1330 D smart_ctrl: 228, smart_ctl_save_stash: save smart file ok 11-22 03:07:33.000 1048 1330 D smart_ctrl: 234, smart_ctl_save_stash: camera[0] = smart_save[0] = 63 11-22 03:07:33.000 1048 1330 D smart_ctrl: 234, smart_ctl_save_stash: camera[0] = smart_save[1] = 2048 11-22 03:07:33.000 1048 1330 D smart_ctrl: 234, smart_ctl_save_stash: camera[0] = smart_save[2] = 9182 11-22 03:07:33.000 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.001 1048 1330 I smart_ctrl: 2901, smart_ctl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.001 5084 5535 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x6fdf216000 11-22 03:07:33.001 1048 6406 I awb_adpt: 1322, awb_sprd_ctrl_deinit_v3: done 11-22 03:07:33.001 1048 6406 I awb_ctrl: 83, awbctrl_deinit_adpt: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.001 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.001 1048 1330 I awb_ctrl: 334, awbctrl_destroy_thread: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.001 1048 1330 I awb_ctrl: 442, awb_ctrl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 1330 I afl_ctrl: 713, aflctrl_destroy_thread: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 1330 I deflicker: 225,antiflcker_sw_deinit:deinit 0xf311c490 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 1330 I afl_ctrl: 773, afl_ctrl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I ai_sprd_adpt: 648, ai_sprd_adpt_deinit: enter 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [AIC_DeleteHandle,210]: enter 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,227]: step1 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,231]: step2 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,235]: step3 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,237]: id = 0, ctx = 0xf31a4340 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,241]: step4 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,112]: step1 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,114]: step2 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,116]: step3 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,118]: step4 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,120]: step5 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,122]: step6 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,124]: step7 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,126]: step8 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,128]: step9 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,130]: step10 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,132]: step11 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [sdThreadDestroy,134]: step12 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,244]: step5 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,247]: step5.1 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,249]: step5.2 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,252]: step6 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,254]: step7 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,256]: step8 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,258]: step9 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,158]: step1 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,161]: step2 11-22 03:07:33.002 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,163]: id = 0, dt = 0xf2f497d0 11-22 03:07:33.003 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,166]: step3 11-22 03:07:33.003 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,167]: dt->net = 0xf3009290 11-22 03:07:33.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.000 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.002 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.004 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.005 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.007 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1587, sensor_af_softlanding: X 11-22 03:07:33.007 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,178]: step4 11-22 03:07:33.007 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1047, cmr_sns_thread_proc: SENSOR_EVT_AF_SOFTLANDING, Done 11-22 03:07:33.007 1048 6405 I AIC : [Detector_release,182]: exit 11-22 03:07:33.007 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,261]: step10 11-22 03:07:33.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.007 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 6405 I AIC : [aicRelease,267]: step11 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 6405 I AIC : [AIC_DeleteHandle,212]: exit 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 6405 I ai_sprd_adpt: 664, ai_sprd_adpt_deinit: done 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 I ai_ctrl : 342, ai_ctrl_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 I isp_alg_fw: 6643, ispalg_deinit: done 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 I ispbr : 1123, isp_br_deinit: camera_id 0 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 I ispbr : 275, role_delete: delete m 0 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 I ispbr : 197, user_cnt_dec: de-init ispbr_context 0xf0011258 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 960, isp_pm_context_deinit: start. 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 983, isp_pm_context_deinit: done. 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 2114, isp_pm_mode_list_deinit: cxt 0xe689f890, i=0, ptr 0xe66a9300, free size 777464 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 2114, isp_pm_mode_list_deinit: cxt 0xe689f890, i=1, ptr 0xf2b4bd20, free size 4256 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 2114, isp_pm_mode_list_deinit: cxt 0xe689f890, i=2, ptr 0xf2b501e0, free size 4256 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 2114, isp_pm_mode_list_deinit: cxt 0xe689f890, i=5, ptr 0xf2b41140, free size 4256 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 2114, isp_pm_mode_list_deinit: cxt 0xe689f890, i=6, ptr 0xf2b40010, free size 4256 11-22 03:07:33.008 1048 1330 D isp_pm : 2114, isp_pm_mode_list_deinit: cxt 0xe689f890, i=9, ptr 0xf2b433a0, free size 4256 11-22 03:07:33.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.009 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.011 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.013 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 I isp_pm : 2927, isp_pm_deinit: done 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 41, num 4, mfd 24 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=41 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=41 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x18, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf243d000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf3053960, TotalIonSize=942080 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3053960) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x1a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf1e1e000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf30539f0, TotalIonSize=741376 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf30539f0) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x1c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf19ab000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf3053e40, TotalIonSize=540672 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3053e40) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x1e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf1956000, size=0x31000, heap=0xf3053cc0, TotalIonSize=339968 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3053cc0) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 42, num 4, mfd 32 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=42 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=42 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x20, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf419c000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf3053ba0, TotalIonSize=331776 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3053ba0) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x22, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf4001000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf3053e70, TotalIonSize=323584 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3053e70) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x24, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3fc1000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf30529a0, TotalIonSize=315392 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf30529a0) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x26, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3f7c000, size=0x2000, heap=0xf3054560, TotalIonSize=307200 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3054560) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 43, num 3, mfd 40 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=43 sum=3 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=43 sum=3 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x28, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3487000, size=0x7000, heap=0xf30549e0, TotalIonSize=278528 11-22 03:07:33.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.014 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf30549e0) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x2a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf33fb000, size=0x7000, heap=0xf3054f50, TotalIonSize=249856 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3054f50) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x2c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf33f4000, size=0x7000, heap=0xf3055250, TotalIonSize=221184 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3055250) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 45, num 4, mfd 46 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=45 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=45 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x2e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf4079000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf3068120, TotalIonSize=217088 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3068120) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x30, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3ffa000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306ec00, TotalIonSize=212992 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306ec00) 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.009 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x32, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3fc0000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306d7c0, TotalIonSize=208896 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306d7c0) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x34, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3f7b000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306e420, TotalIonSize=204800 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306e420) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 48, num 6, mfd 54 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=48 sum=6 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=48 sum=6 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x36, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3ef5000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306e630, TotalIonSize=188416 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306e630) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x38, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3765000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306e900, TotalIonSize=172032 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306e900) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x3a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf35ba000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306d010, TotalIonSize=155648 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306d010) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x3c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3515000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf3071c60, TotalIonSize=139264 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3071c60) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x3e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf34f7000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306e540, TotalIonSize=122880 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306e540) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x40, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf347b000, size=0x4000, heap=0xf306ede0, TotalIonSize=106496 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306ede0) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 47, num 4, mfd 66 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=47 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=47 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x42, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32f4000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf306eb10, TotalIonSize=86016 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306eb10) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x44, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32ef000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf30719f0, TotalIonSize=65536 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf30719f0) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x46, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32ea000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf306e210, TotalIonSize=45056 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306e210) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x48, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf32bf000, size=0x5000, heap=0xf306f080, TotalIonSize=24576 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306f080) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 46, num 1, mfd 74 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=46 sum=1 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=46 sum=1 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x4a, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3eb5000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306f4a0, TotalIonSize=20480 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306f4a0) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D isp_dev_access: 302, isp_dev_free_buf: free 50, num 4, mfd 76 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=50 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=50 sum=4 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x4c, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf3eb4000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306f7d0, TotalIonSize=16384 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306f7d0) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x4e, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf397f000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306c170, TotalIonSize=12288 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306c170) 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.010 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x50, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf397e000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306f410, TotalIonSize=8192 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306f410) 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x52, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf397d000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf306fda0, TotalIonSize=4096 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf306fda0) 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.011 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.012 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e5, vaddr=0x7b462a5000 11-22 03:07:33.012 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x7b410a6000 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 1330 I isp_alg_fw: 9342, isp_alg_fw_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 1330 I isp_dev_access: 602, isp_dev_access_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 1330 I isp_mw : 111, isp_deinit: done 0 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 7827, camera_isp_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 9387, camera_res_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.012 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d8, vaddr=0x6ed857f000 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9234, camera_res_deinit_internal: E 11-22 03:07:33.012 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8012, camera_snapshot_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 2513, camera_free: mem_type=70 sum=2 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D Cam3OEMIf: 11573, Callback_CommonFree: mem_type=70 sum=2 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D Cam3OEMIf: 11603, Callback_CommonFree: X 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_snp : 4178, snp_destroy_thumb_thread: X, ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_snp : 3959, snp_destroy_proc_cb_thread: X, ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.013 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8030, camera_snapshot_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_prev: 1170, cmr_preview_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_setting: 3118, setting_get_appmode: get appmode -1 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_prev: 1181, cmr_preview_deinit: app_mode = -1 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 2798, prev_destroy_thread: E is_inited 1 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 2812, prev_destroy_thread: destory prev assist thread 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 I cmr_prev: 2816, prev_destroy_thread: destory prev zsl thread 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.014 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.015 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:33.015 1048 6363 D cmr_prev: 3449, prev_cb_thread_proc: cb thread exit 11-22 03:07:33.015 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_prev: 1224, cmr_preview_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8590, camera_focus_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_focus: 226, cmr_focus_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 494, af_thread_proc: AF exit 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6353 D cmr_focus: 495, af_thread_proc: timestamp = 946897. 11-22 03:07:33.016 4392 5063 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e6, vaddr=0x6ed7fa3000 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_focus: 256, cmr_focus_deinit: X,ret =0 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8608, camera_focus_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8518, camera_setting_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8536, camera_setting_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 7055, camera_rotation_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cpp_u_dev: 123, cpp_rot_close: ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 7073, camera_rotation_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 6991, camera_scaler_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 I cmr_scale: 569, cmr_scale_close: scale close device enter 11-22 03:07:33.016 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 I cpp_u_dev: 237, cpp_scale_close: scale close device exit 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 7008, camera_scaler_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8235, camera_ipm_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8287, camera_ipm_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9161, camera_deinit_thread: E 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8953, camera_destroy_prev_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 8976, camera_destroy_hall_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9000, camera_destroy_video_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9098, camera_destroy_snp_thread: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9167, camera_deinit_thread: X 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 D cmr_oem : 9263, camera_res_deinit_internal: X 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 6351 I cmr_oem : 9297, camera_init_thread_proc: camera exit 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 6997, transitionState: owner = 0, lock = 1 11-22 03:07:33.017 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 7026, transitionState: changeState: SPRD_INTERNAL_STOPPING --> SPRD_INIT 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 7833, HandleStopCamera: out, state = SPRD_INIT 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 9434, camera_res_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 959, cmr_sns_thread_proc: evt 524547 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1521, sensor_close_common: E 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 D sns_drv_u: 2549, sensor_otp_module_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2557, sensor_otp_module_deinit: not register otp driver, no need to release 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 D sns_drv_u: 2560, sensor_otp_module_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2288, sensor_af_deinit: af_softland_flag: 2 ,slot_id: 0 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 290, hw_sensor_set_monitor_val: vdd_val = 12 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: 159, _dw9714_drv_power_on: (1:on, 0:off): 0 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 D sns_drv_u: 2305, sensor_af_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 2327, sensor_ois_deinit: not register ois driver, return directly 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 896, sensor_destroy_ctrl_thread: is_inited 1 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 819, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: evt 526337 11-22 03:07:33.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.016 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.018 6337 6337 I SENSOR_CORE: 6337: sprd_sensor_io_if_cfg line=430: ret = 0,type 1 open 1 mipi state 0 is cphy 0 11-22 03:07:33.019 6337 6337 I SENSOR_DRV: 6337: sprd_sensor_set_mclk L 664: set_mclk 0 11-22 03:07:33.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.019 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6338 I sns_drv_u: 878, sensor_ctrl_thread_proc: EXIT DONE! 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1429, sensor_stream_off: E 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1456, sensor_stream_off: X 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 477, hw_sensor_mipi_deinit: close mipi 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 686, sensor_i2c_deinit: i2c deinit ok 11-22 03:07:33.018 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 390, sensor_power_on: E:power_on = 0 11-22 03:07:33.019 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 397, hw_sensor_set_mclk: mclk 0, ret 0 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 252, hw_sensor_set_avdd_val: vdd_val is 12, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 263, hw_sensor_set_dvdd_val: vdd_val is 12, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 274, hw_sensor_set_iovdd_val: vdd_val is 12, set result is =0 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I ov13853_m1_9863a1c10: 270, ov13853_drv_power_on: (1:on, 0:off): 0 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I hw_sensor: 146, hw_sensor_drv_delete: hw dev delete 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1017, sensor_context_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I sns_drv_u: 1533, sensor_close_common: X 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 6337 I cmr_sensor: 1130, cmr_sns_close: close sensor ok 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 1330 I cmr_sensor: 1071, cmr_sns_destroy_thread: is_inited 1 11-22 03:07:33.020 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.021 1048 1330 D cmr_grab: 223, cmr_grab_deinit: E 11-22 03:07:33.021 1048 1330 I cmr_grab: 1938, cmr_grab_kill_thread: write OK 11-22 03:07:33.021 1048 6349 I cmr_grab: 1997, cmr_grab_thread_proc: TX Stopped, exit thread 11-22 03:07:33.022 1048 6349 D cmr_grab: 2176, cmr_grab_thread_proc: X 11-22 03:07:33.022 1048 1330 I cmr_grab: 1940, cmr_grab_kill_thread: wait OK 11-22 03:07:33.022 1048 1330 I cmr_grab: 234, cmr_grab_deinit: close fd 11-22 03:07:33.022 1048 1330 I cmr_grab: 239, cmr_grab_deinit: SPRD_IMG_IO_PUT_DCAM_RES 11-22 03:07:33.020 6337 6337 I SENSOR_DRV: 6337: sprd_sensor_set_mclk L 664: set_mclk 0 11-22 03:07:33.020 258 258 E selinux : SELinux: Could not stat /sys/devices/virtual/devlink/regulator.15--0-0020: No such file or directory. 11-22 03:07:33.020 6337 6337 I SENSOR_CORE: 6337: sprd_sensor_file_release line=750: sensor: release 0 11-22 03:07:33.021 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 7755 camcore_write : user stop camera 0 11-22 03:07:33.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.021 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.021 6349 6349 I CAM_CORE: 6349 7559 camcore_read : No valid frame buffer. tx stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 2432 camioctl_cam_res_put : cam0 put res state: 1 11-22 03:07:33.022 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 1435 camioctl_stream_off : cam0 state: 1 11-22 03:07:33.022 6348 6348 I CAM_CORE: 6348 6018 camcore_thread_loop : thread cam0_offline_proc should stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6348 6348 I CAM_CORE: 6348 6028 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_offline_proc thread stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6345 6345 I CAM_CORE: 6345 6018 camcore_thread_loop : thread cam0_capture should stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6345 6345 I CAM_CORE: 6345 6028 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_capture thread stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6346 6346 I CAM_CORE: 6346 6018 camcore_thread_loop : thread cam0_zoom should stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6346 6346 I CAM_CORE: 6346 6028 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_zoom thread stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 6018 camcore_thread_loop : thread cam0_alloc_buf should stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 6347 6347 I CAM_CORE: 6347 6028 camcore_thread_loop : cam0_alloc_buf thread stop. 11-22 03:07:33.022 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:1 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.022 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[1]! 11-22 03:07:33.023 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:0 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.023 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[0]! 11-22 03:07:33.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.023 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.023 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[0]! 11-22 03:07:33.024 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:2 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.024 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[2]! 11-22 03:07:33.025 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:3 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.025 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[3]! 11-22 03:07:33.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.026 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.026 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:4 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.026 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[4]! 11-22 03:07:33.027 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:5 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.027 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[5]! 11-22 03:07:33.027 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 768 dcamcore_pmctx_deinit : sw_ctx_id:6 ctx[0] done 11-22 03:07:33.027 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2492 dcamcore_context_put : put dcam ctx[6]! 11-22 03:07:33.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.028 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.028 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2364 dcamcore_dev_close : dcam dev disable done enable 0 11-22 03:07:33.028 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2871 dcam_core_pipe_dev_put : put dcam pipe dev:ffffffc022a1d000, s_dcam_dev:ffffffc022a1d000, users: 1, enable: 0 11-22 03:07:33.028 1330 1330 I DCAM_CORE: 1330 2882 dcam_core_pipe_dev_put : free dcam pipe dev ffffffc022a1d000 11-22 03:07:33.030 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:33.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.030 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 1330 2827 isphw_stop : ISP0:ISP_AXI_AXIM_CTRL 0x4002020 INT STATUS 0x2f 0x2f 0x2f 0x2f 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_CORE: 1330 3710 ispcore_context_put : done, put ctx_id: 0 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_FMCU 1330: 362 isp_fmcu_ctx_desc_put:fmcu 0. 00000000f16ff41c 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 0 : 22 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 1 : 22 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 2 : 22 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 4 : 22 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 5 : 22 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 6 : 22 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 11 : 11 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 12 : 11 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_INT : 1330 750 isp_int_isp_irq_cnt_trace : done 0 13 : 11 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_CORE: 1330 3856 ispcore_context_deinit : isp contexts deinit done! 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_CFG : 1330: 434 ispcfg_ctx_deinit:Done 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 1330 499 isphw_reset : ISP0: reset 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_HW_IF_L6: 1330 533 isphw_reset : ISP0: reset end 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_CORE: 1330 3972 ispcore_dev_close : isp dev disable done 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_CORE: 1330 4214 isp_core_pipe_dev_put : put isp pipe dev:0000000036af2502, s_isp_dev:0000000036af2502, users: 1 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I ISP_CORE: 1330 4226 isp_core_pipe_dev_put : free isp pipe dev 0000000036af2502 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 2475 camioctl_cam_res_put : put camera res for sensor 0 res 3 done. 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 7924 camcore_release : sprd_img: cam release start. 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 7947 camcore_release : cam 0, state 0 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 7949 camcore_release : used: 1, module ffffffc018eef000, ffffffc018eef000, grp ffffff81f10d9000 11-22 03:07:33.031 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 1435 camioctl_stream_off : cam0 state: 0 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_DRV: : 6344 253 sprd_flash_ctrl : ctrl: led_index 3 status 0x0 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_OCP8137: 6344 240 sprd_flash_ic_close_torch : torch_led_index:3, idx:3 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_OCP8137: 6344 325 sprd_flash_ic_close_preflash : torch_led_index:3, idx:3 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_OCP8137: 6344 410 sprd_flash_ic_close_highlight : torch_led_index:3, idx:3 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_CORE: 6344 41 sprd_cam_flash_ctrl : 0 set flash 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_DRV: : 6344 253 sprd_flash_ctrl : ctrl: led_index 3 status 0x0 11-22 03:07:33.031 6344 6344 I FLASH_CORE: 6344 41 sprd_cam_flash_ctrl : 0 set flash 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 I cmr_grab: 259, cmr_grab_deinit: p_grab->fd closed 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 I cmr_grab: 261, cmr_grab_deinit: mode_enable = 0 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 D cmr_grab: 276, cmr_grab_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 6702, camera_grab_deinit: X,ret=0 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 I cmr_mm_dvfs: 91, cmr_mm_dvfs_deinit: mm_dvfs_instance 0xf2f47590 mm_dvfs_handle 0xf2f47590 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 8016 camcore_release : release ffffff81f10d9058 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 I cmr_mm_dvfs: 98, cmr_mm_dvfs_deinit: X 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 9634, camera_deinit_internal: active_camera_num =0 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 D cmr_oem : 9638, camera_deinit_internal: X 11-22 03:07:33.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 6358 D Cam3OEMIf: 14595, ZSLMode_monitor_thread_proc: zsl thread message.msg_type 0x802, sub-type 0x0, ret 0 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 6358 D Cam3OEMIf: 14617, ZSLMode_monitor_thread_proc: zsl thread msg exit 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 6358 D Cam3OEMIf: 14626, ZSLMode_monitor_thread_proc: zsl monitor thread exit 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 D cmr_msg : 361, cmr_msg_post: CMR_THREAD_EXIT_EVT 11-22 03:07:33.033 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 14921, log_monitor_thread_deinit: mLogMonitor deinit, 1 11-22 03:07:33.032 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 1069, closeCamera: :hal3: X CamId=0 TotalIonSize=4096 TotalGpuSize=0, total_size 4096 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 903, ~SprdCamera3OEMIf: :hal3: Destructor E camId=0 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 3449, freeAllCameraMem: :hal3: E 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 10936, Callback_CaptureFree: mSubRawHeapNum 0 sum 0 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 11320, Callback_Sw3DNRCapturePathFree: TotalGpuSize=0 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 D Cam3OEMIf: 3431, freeCameraMem: fd=0x16, phys_addr=0x0, virt_addr=0xf419e000, size=0x1000, heap=0xf3052970, TotalIonSize=0 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3052970) 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 3592, freeAllCameraMem: :hal3: X CamId=0 TotalIonSize=0 TotalGpuSize=0, total_size 0 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 I Cam3OEMIf: 951, ~SprdCamera3OEMIf: :hal3: X 11-22 03:07:33.034 1048 1330 I Cam3PowerPerf: 71, ~SprdCameraSystemPerformance: E 11-22 03:07:33.035 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 481, releaseDfsPolicy: release dfs_scene: camveryhigh 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I cam_buf : 1330 97 cam_buf_mdbg_check : mdbg info: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 0, total_size: 0 Bytes 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 E mmsys_dvfs_power: on=0 begin 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: notifier_type :2 enter 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: pw opened count 1 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : cpp dvfs power_off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : fd dvfs power off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : isp_dvfs power off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : jpg_dvfs power off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : dcam dvfs power off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : dcam_axi dvfs power off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I : mtx_dvfs power off 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I mmsys_notify_call_chain: notifier_type :2 exit 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 E mmsys_dvfs_power: end 11-22 03:07:33.032 1330 1330 I sprd_campd_r8p0: 1330 108 sprd_cam_domain_disable : cb 000000006a04b8e6 11-22 03:07:33.033 1330 1330 I sprd_campd_r8p0: 1330 158 sprd_cam_pw_off : Done, read count 1, cb: sprd_cam_pw_off.3+0xa0/0x12c [sprd_camsys_pw_domain] 11-22 03:07:33.033 1330 1330 I CAM_CORE: 1330 8038 camcore_release : sprd_img: cam 0 release end. 11-22 03:07:33.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.035 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.037 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.038 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.038 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.040 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.040 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.042 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 418, changeDfsPolicy: mCameraDfsPolicyCur: 0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 244, setPowerHint: IN, mCurrentPowerHint=1, 0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 362, setPowerHint: out, mCurrentPowerHint=0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D PowerHALCli: ~PowerHintScene: camera_lowpower 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnDestroy 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D PowerHALCli: ~PowerHintScene: camera_perf 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D PowerHALCli: ~PowerHintScene: camera_lowpower_1 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnDestroy 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D PowerHALCli: ~PowerHintScene: camera_high_perf 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service: PowerHintScene Enter OnDestroy 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D vendor.unisoc.hardware.power-service: Enter getSceneIdByName: sceneName:camera_perf 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D PowerHALCli: ~PowerHALManager: call E 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D PowerHALCli: ~PowerHALManager: call X 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 233, deinitPowerHint: deinit.CurrentPowerHint status=0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3PowerPerf: 76, ~SprdCameraSystemPerformance: X 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3PowerPerf: 110, freeSysPerformance: mCameraSessionActive = 0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit camera_perf scene bgn### 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0xf3686ff4) 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 5068, getMinFocusDistance: camera0 min focus distance:0mm 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 W Cam3Setting: 5074, getMinFocusDistance: sensor fail to configure min_focus_distance 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 1964, initStaticParametersforLensInfo: lens_statics_info: cameraId 0, mini_focus_distance 10.000000, hyperfocal_distance 2.000000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 2099, initStaticParametersforScalerInfo: cameraId=0, largest_sensor_w=4192, largest_sensor_h=3104 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3Setting: 2290, initStaticParametersforScalerInfo: id=0 format=35 11-22 03:07:33.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D sns_drv_u: 5294, sensorGetPhyId4Role: can't find sensor_role 5 at facing 0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 2306, initStaticParametersforScalerInfo: cameraId = 0, ultrawide_id = 255, max_digital_zoom = 10.000000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 2321, initStaticParametersforScalerInfo: log_parameters_Scaler_statics_info:0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 1813, initStaticParametersforSensorInfo: persist.vendor.cam.sensitivityRange.id0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 1823, initStaticParametersforSensorInfo: 50, 9000 50, 9000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 1858, initStaticParametersforSensorInfo: android.sensor.info.timestampSource is REALTIME 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 D Cam3Setting: 1864, initStaticParametersforSensorInfo: log_parameters_sensor_statics_info:0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3Setting: 1100, getJpegStreamSize: jpeg_stream_size = 19337736 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq: 1820000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3Setting: 3243, initStaticParameters: cameraId:0, availabe_ai_scene:2, sprd_ai_scene_type_current:0,pdaf_type=0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 530, closeCamera: :hal3: X 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 200, ~SprdCamera3HWI: :hal3: Destructor E camId=0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 3262, close_camera_device: fdr set multi mode to single 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I Cam3HWI : 3266, close_camera_device: :hal3: camera3->close X mCameraSessionActive 0 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000de, vaddr=0xdfb4b000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_min_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000dd, vaddr=0xe01d2000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_set: enable:0, duration: 0, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/scaling_max_freq: 2028000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000df, vaddr=0xdf846000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: Enter common_clear: 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000dc, vaddr=0xdff03000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000da, vaddr=0xe0abe000 11-22 03:07:33.045 1081 1081 D PowerHAL: ###Exit camera_perf scene end### 11-22 03:07:33.046 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000db, vaddr=0xe0884000 11-22 03:07:33.046 1048 1330 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d7, vaddr=0xe16f7000 11-22 03:07:33.044 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.046 4389 4389 W Camera3-OutputStream: disconnectLocked: While disconnecting stream 0 from native window, the native window died from under us 11-22 03:07:33.046 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000b7, vaddr=0x7b40d9e000 11-22 03:07:33.047 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x7b423c6000 11-22 03:07:33.047 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d7, vaddr=0x6f7b987000 11-22 03:07:33.047 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e6, vaddr=0x7b46187000 11-22 03:07:33.047 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d0, vaddr=0x7b40215000 11-22 03:07:33.047 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000da, vaddr=0x6f7b74d000 11-22 03:07:33.047 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000db, vaddr=0x6f7b513000 11-22 03:07:33.047 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000dc, vaddr=0x6f7b2d9000 11-22 03:07:33.047 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000dd, vaddr=0x6f79fa1000 11-22 03:07:33.048 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000de, vaddr=0x6f79d67000 11-22 03:07:33.046 4389 4389 I binder : 4389:4389 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 96-0 line 2728 11-22 03:07:33.047 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.047 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.048 4389 4389 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000df, vaddr=0x6f79b2d000 11-22 03:07:33.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.049 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.052 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.054 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.054 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.055 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.055 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.055 4389 4389 W Camera3-OutputStream: disconnectLocked: While disconnecting stream 1 from native window, the native window died from under us 11-22 03:07:33.055 4389 4389 I CameraLatencyHistogram: Stream 1 dequeueBuffer latency histogram (14) samples: 11-22 03:07:33.055 4389 4389 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 inf (max ms) 11-22 03:07:33.055 4389 4389 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 85.71 7.14 0.00 7.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%) 11-22 03:07:33.056 4389 4389 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: X 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 6264 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 D cameraserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 D cameraserver: -129 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: start to disconnect 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: serializationLock acquired 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 D Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Shutting down 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: E 11-22 03:07:33.058 4389 4389 I Camera2ClientBase: ~Camera2ClientBase: Client object's dtor for Camera Id 0 completed. Client was: com.android.camera2 (PID 6264, UID 10089) 11-22 03:07:33.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.056 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.058 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.058 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.059 4389 4389 I Camera3-Device: disconnectImpl: E 11-22 03:07:33.059 4389 4389 I Camera3DeviceInjectionMethods: injectionDisconnectImpl: Injection camera disconnect 11-22 03:07:33.059 4389 4389 E CameraService: binderDied: Java client's binder died, removing it from the list of active clients 11-22 03:07:33.059 4522 4913 W ForegroundServiceTypeLoggerModule: API event end called before start! 11-22 03:07:33.060 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.061 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.063 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.065 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.067 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.067 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.069 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.071 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.073 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.075 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.071 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.077 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.079 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.081 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.084 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.084 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.086 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.088 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.090 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.092 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.094 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.096 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.098 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.100 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.100 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.102 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.104 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.106 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.108 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.110 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.110 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:0 min_freq=384000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=384000000 11-22 03:07:33.110 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=0 cur_freq=750000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=384000 volt=700000 gpu_power_on=0 gpu_clock_on=0 11-22 03:07:33.110 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.113 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.116 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.115 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.117 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.119 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.120 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.121 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.123 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.130 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:33.130 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.133 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.137 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.136 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.139 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.142 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.145 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.152 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e1, vaddr=0x7b40451000 11-22 03:07:33.158 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.159 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.161 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.165 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:33.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.164 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.167 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.167 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.170 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.171 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.171 6208 6208 E : mali GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_freq_volt index=3 cur_freq=384000 cur_volt=700000 --> freq=750000 volt=800000 gpu_power_on=1 gpu_clock_on=1 11-22 03:07:33.171 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.173 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.176 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.177 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.187 1061 1112 I gralloc4: register: id=424000000e0, vaddr=0x7b3fb04000 11-22 03:07:33.187 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.194 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.192 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.195 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.198 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.200 5084 5084 D b/260135164: updateIconAlphaForHome - setIconsAlpha(1), isTaskbarPresent: true 11-22 03:07:33.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.201 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.204 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.208 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.211 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.216 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.216 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.217 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.221 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d5, vaddr=0x6ed1998000 11-22 03:07:33.221 4392 4392 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d6, vaddr=0x6ed2c9b000 11-22 03:07:33.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.220 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.222 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d4, vaddr=0x7b448fa000 11-22 03:07:33.223 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d6, vaddr=0x7b43660000 11-22 03:07:33.223 1061 1112 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d5, vaddr=0x7b41a79000 11-22 03:07:33.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.223 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.226 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.227 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.227 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.227 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.230 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.231 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.234 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.235 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.236 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.238 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.241 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.254 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.257 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.257 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.260 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:33.260 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [947141]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 231 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped231,cmd_send231 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.260 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.262 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.265 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.266 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:33.266 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:00000000116ea3a1 tail:00000000116ea3a1 num:1 11-22 03:07:33.266 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:33.266 773 773 I : 00 38 6c 00 c5 73 0e 00 00 a4 00 00 11-22 03:07:33.266 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 230 11-22 03:07:33.266 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT] 11-22 03:07:33.266 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:56 [WIFI_CMD_LLSTAT]rsp received 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: beacon_rx=8, rssi_mgmt=-46 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: on_time=10173, tx_time=89 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: rx_time=161, on_time_scan=0, 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put radio data 11-22 03:07:33.266 1070 1070 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: start to put iface data 11-22 03:07:33.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.268 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.268 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:33.268 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: [947149]ctx_id 0 send[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:33.268 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, completion begin=0X0 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: tx_cmd cmd_send num: 232 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_alloc] 287 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_push_list_enqueue] 384 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 314 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.275 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_wakeup_tx] 316 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push] 685 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 771 771 W : sc2355, sprdwl_tx_work_queue, fw_awake = 0 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 845 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_work_func] 841 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 612 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 570 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 578 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_send] 597 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 637 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_enqueue] 336 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 640 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_pop_list_flush] 344 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_tx_cmd_pop_list,head:000000003829ef47,tail:000000003829ef47,num:1,cmd_poped232,cmd_send232 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_buf_list_free] 301 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.268 776 776 I WCN BASE: [wcn_sipc_sblk_push_list_dequeue] 652 chn[16] 11-22 03:07:33.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.272 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.274 773 773 I WCN BASE: wcn_sipc_sblk_notifer 742 index:17 event:2 11-22 03:07:33.274 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle: channel:17 head:0000000077e520f0 tail:0000000077e520f0 num:1 11-22 03:07:33.274 773 773 I : sc2355 sprdwl-wlan CMD hex dump(len = 12) 11-22 03:07:33.274 773 773 I : 00 10 1d 00 cd 73 0e 00 00 a5 00 00 11-22 03:07:33.274 773 773 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_sc2355_rx_handle rsp_event_cnt 231 11-22 03:07:33.274 769 769 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id 0 recv rsp[WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION] 11-22 03:07:33.274 769 769 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: cmd->refcnt=1 11-22 03:07:33.274 4393 4393 I sc2355 sprd-wlan: sprdwl_timeout_recv_rsp, ret=749, completion done=0X0 11-22 03:07:33.274 4393 4393 E sc2355 sprd-wlan: ctx_id:0 cmd_id:16 [WIFI_CMD_GET_STATION]rsp received 11-22 03:07:33.274 4393 4393 I sc2355 87000000.cpwcn-btwf: sprd-wlan wlan0: sprdwl_cfg80211_get_station signal -46 noise=0, txlegacy 0 txmcs:6 txflags:0x:4a,rxlegacy 0 rxmcs:1 rxflags:0x:a 11-22 03:07:33.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.275 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.279 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.280 4522 4542 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{6f02c8 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher t12 f} isExiting} 11-22 03:07:33.283 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=628804642 11-22 03:07:33.283 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.292 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.292 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.296 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.300 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.302 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.302 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.306 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.308 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#7)android.os.BinderProxy@335ac74@0 11-22 03:07:33.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.310 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.312 4522 4536 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000e2, vaddr=0x6ea2214000 11-22 03:07:33.313 4522 4539 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #7: created at 11-22 03:07:32.777 collect-started=0.117ms request-sent=0.286ms started=10.216ms ready=77.747ms sent=148.948ms finished=534.531ms 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: Exception thrown during dispatchAppVisibility Window{598d7d2 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher EXITING} 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:584) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.dispatchAppVisibility(IWindow.java:546) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.sendAppVisibilityToClients(WindowState.java:3271) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.sendAppVisibilityToClients(WindowContainer.java:1221) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowToken.setClientVisible(WindowToken.java:409) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.setClientVisible(ActivityRecord.java:6946) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.postApplyAnimation(ActivityRecord.java:5637) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.commitVisibility(ActivityRecord.java:5580) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.Transition.finishTransition(Transition.java:1151) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.TransitionController.finishTransition(TransitionController.java:868) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowOrganizerController.finishTransition(WindowOrganizerController.java:396) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at android.window.IWindowOrganizerController$Stub.onTransact(IWindowOrganizerController.java:286) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowOrganizerController.onTransact(WindowOrganizerController.java:181) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1344) 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 W WindowManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1275) 11-22 03:07:33.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.314 4522 4536 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 6264 SIG: 9 11-22 03:07:33.313 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.317 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.315 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.318 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.321 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.324 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.329 4522 4542 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 6264 11-22 03:07:33.327 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.330 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.333 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.336 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.335 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.339 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 11-22 03:07:33.339 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.339 4729 4766 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 11-22 03:07:33.339 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.339 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.342 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.343 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.345 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.347 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.350 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.355 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.354 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.357 4392 4392 E BpTransactionCompletedListener: Failed to transact (-32) 11-22 03:07:33.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.357 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.360 4392 4406 I gralloc4: unregister: id=424000000d4, vaddr=0x6ed35e8000 11-22 03:07:33.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.360 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.362 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.366 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.368 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.371 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.374 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.377 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.377 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.381 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.384 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 76, 8975, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 76, 8975, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 8975, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 8994, 0, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 8994, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 76, 9013, 148098696, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 76, 9013, 148098696, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 68, 9032, 143055568, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 65, 9064, 91190503, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5084 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 9079, CUJ=J 11-22 03:07:33.388 5084 5712 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-9 11-22 03:07:33.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.387 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.389 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.392 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.394 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.395 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.395 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.396 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.395 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.396 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.398 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.401 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.403 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.406 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.409 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.412 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.412 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.415 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.417 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.418 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.422 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.424 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.424 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.426 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.426 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.432 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.429 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.431 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.435 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.437 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.440 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.442 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.444 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.447 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.449 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.450 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.451 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.451 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.453 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.455 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.455 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.457 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.459 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.462 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.463 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.464 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.467 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.467 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.470 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.472 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.475 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.476 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.477 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.479 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.482 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.485 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.487 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.489 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.494 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.492 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.492 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.494 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.497 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.499 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.502 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.505 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.507 9 9 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.507 9 9 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.507 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.510 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.510 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.512 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.513 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.515 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.516 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.518 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.521 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.523 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.525 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.528 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.530 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.532 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.532 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.535 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.535 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.538 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.540 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.543 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.553 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.558 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.556 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.558 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.561 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.561 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.563 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.563 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.563 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.565 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.568 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.568 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.573 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.572 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.575 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.577 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.580 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.583 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.586 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.589 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.592 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.594 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.596 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.596 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.599 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.602 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.602 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.605 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.608 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.610 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.614 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.613 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.619 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=750000000 11-22 03:07:33.619 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.619 4406 4406 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_set_boost gpu_boost_level =10 11-22 03:07:33.623 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.626 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0xa0 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.626 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: interrupt occurs 11-22 03:07:33.630 458 458 I bq2560x_chg 5-006b: bq2560x_dump_register: [REG_0x00]=0x04 [REG_0x01]=0x1a [REG_0x02]=0x9e [REG_0x03]=0x20 [REG_0x04]=0x78 [REG_0x05]=0x8f [REG_0x06]=0x64 [REG_0x07]=0x4c [REG_0x08]=0x34 [REG_0x09]=0x00 [REG_0x0a]=0x80 [REG_0x0b]=0x3c 11-22 03:07:33.633 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.652 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.678 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.683 6208 6208 E : GPU_DVFS kbase_platform_modify_target_freq gpu_boost_level:10 min_freq=750000 max_freq=750000 target_freq=398896036 11-22 03:07:33.683 6208 6208 E devfreq 23100000.gpu: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 11-22 03:07:33.697 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.717 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.737 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.757 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.777 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.797 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.818 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.838 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.858 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.878 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.898 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.918 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.938 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.959 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:33.961 1240 1240 W uniber : CPUs balance changed 11-22 03:07:33.963 1240 1240 W uniber : ACTION_RESET triggered 11-22 03:07:33.980 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:34.001 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:34.022 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:34.043 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:34.064 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:34.084 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done ! 11-22 03:07:34.106 4394 5718 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !