Reads a Dublin Core Tabular Application Profile, with some extensions, and converts it to SHACL.
WARNING: beta version, use at own risk.
Always install in a virtual environment (venv).
pip install tap2shacl
or install from github.
(venv) $ git clone
(venv) $ cd TAP2SHACL
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-c ] [-ns ] [-a ] [-s ]
example: path/to/ tap.csv
tap2shacl includes several modules that deal with reading and processing the application profile:
- APClasses Provides python data classes for metadata application profiles, with methods to populate them.
- dctap-python Reads and carries out basic validation of a DCTAP instance. (This is a frozen version of dctap-python)
- TAP2AP uses dctap-python to read a DC TAP (Dublin Core Tabular Application Profile), and some other config files, and converts it to a python application profile (APClasses).
- AP2SHACL exports the python application profile as SHACL.
Other dependencies are either from the python standard library (e.g. urllib, csv) or mature external packages (notably rdflib).