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cmd/compile/internal/ssa: tighten non-faulting loads
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This change introduces alias analysis into the ssa
backend, and uses it to tighten some loads with their uses.

Since stack loads are non-faulting, tighten is now often able
to postpone loading function return values until their uses.
Given code like

    res, ok := fn()
    if !ok {
    // use res

The 'res' return value won't be loaded until after examining 'ok.'

Fixed golang#19195

Change-Id: Ibe35216e1bc3b0ff937cee9b3bac64f40f087b61
  • Loading branch information
philhofer committed Mar 19, 2017
1 parent 2805d20 commit a8b0e6b
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Showing 3 changed files with 494 additions and 2 deletions.
260 changes: 260 additions & 0 deletions src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/alias.go
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
package ssa

import "fmt"

type aliasAnalysis struct {
// A partition is a region of memory
// that is known to be distinct from
// other memory partitions; pointers
// to two different partitions do not alias.
// A pointer with no known partition may
// alias a pointer with a known partition.
partitions sparseMap
allocs sparseSet

func (a *aliasAnalysis) reset() {

func (a *aliasAnalysis) partition(v *Value) int32 {
return a.partitions.get(v.ID)

// Table of functions known to produce unique pointers.
// The return value is at offset
// byteoff+(ptroff * Frontend().TypeBytePtr().Size())
var knownAllocs = []struct {
byteoff int64 // bytes to add to frame address
ptroff int64 // pointer widths to add to frame address
name string // symbol name
{ptroff: 1, byteoff: 0, name: "runtime.newobject"}, // newobject(*_typ) unsafe.Pointer
{ptroff: 3, byteoff: 0, name: "runtime.makeslice"}, // makeslice(*_typ, int, int) slice
{ptroff: 1, byteoff: 16, name: "runtime.makeslice64"}, // makeslice64(*_type, int64, int64) slice
{ptroff: 2, byteoff: 0, name: "runtime.newarray"}, // newarray(*_typ, int) unsafe.Pointer
{ptroff: 5, byteoff: 0, name: "runtime.growslice"}, // growslice(*_type, slice, int) slice

// Is this the return value of a function known
// to produce unique pointers? If so, return
// the value ID of the call site.
func isunique(f *Func, v *Value, ptrsize int64) (ID, bool) {
// match (Load (OffPtr [off] (SP)) (StaticCall {sym}))
if v.Op == OpLoad && v.Args[0].Op == OpOffPtr &&
v.Args[1].Op == OpStaticCall && v.Args[0].Args[0].Op == OpSP {
off := v.Args[0].AuxInt
sym := v.Args[1].Aux

for _, known := range knownAllocs {
argoff := (known.ptroff * ptrsize) + known.byteoff
if off == argoff && isSameSym(sym, {
return v.Args[1].ID, true
return 0, false

func (aa *aliasAnalysis) init(f *Func) {
aa.partitions = *newSparseMap(f.NumValues())
aa.allocs = *newSparseSet(f.NumValues())

// guard against symbols being matched more than once
sympart := make(map[string]int32)

// guard against static call sites getting matched more than once
callmap := newSparseMap(f.NumValues())

// zero is the partition for SP;
// start counting at 1
base := int32(1)

ptrsize := f.Config.Types.BytePtr.Size()

// Partitions are:
// - Each allocation
// - Each stack slot
// - Each global symbol
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if vid, ok := isunique(f, v, ptrsize); ok {
if callmap.contains(vid) {
aa.partitions.set(vid, callmap.get(vid), v.Pos)
} else {
callmap.set(vid, base, v.Pos)
aa.partitions.set(vid, base, v.Pos)

} else if v.Op == OpSP {
aa.partitions.set(v.ID, 0, v.Pos)

} else if v.Op == OpAddr {
part, ok := sympart[symname(v.Aux)]
if !ok {
sympart[symname(v.Aux)] = base
part = base
aa.partitions.set(v.ID, part, v.Pos)

// peel away OffPtr and Copy ops
func offsplit(a *Value) (ID, int64) {
var off int64
for {
switch a.Op {
case OpOffPtr:
off += a.AuxInt
case OpCopy:
a = a.Args[0]
break outer
return a.ID, off

const (
mustNotAlias = -1 // pointers must be distinct
mayAlias = 0 // pointers may or may not be distinct
mustAlias = 1 // pointers are identical

func overlap(off0, width0, off1, width1 int64) bool {
if off0 > off1 {
off0, width0, off1, width1 = off1, width1, off0, width0
return off0+width0 > off1

// alias returns the relationship between two pointer values and their
// load/store widths. One of mustNotAlias, mayAlias, and mustAlias will
// be returned. The null hypothesis is that two pointers may alias.
func (a *aliasAnalysis) alias(b *Value, bwidth int64, c *Value, cwidth int64) int {
if b == c {
if bwidth != cwidth {
return mayAlias
return mustAlias

bbase, cbase := ptrbase(b), ptrbase(c)
if bbase == cbase {
// two pointers derived from the same
// base pointer can be proven distinct
// (or identical) if they have constant offsets
// from a shared base
bid, boff := offsplit(b)
cid, coff := offsplit(c)
if bid == cid {
if boff == coff && bwidth == cwidth {
// identical addresses and widths
return mustAlias
if overlap(boff, bwidth, coff, cwidth) {
return mayAlias
return mustNotAlias
return mayAlias

// At this point, we know that the pointers
// come from distinct base pointers.
// Try to prove that the base pointers point
// to regions of memory that cannot alias.
bpart, cpart := a.partition(bbase), a.partition(cbase)
if bpart != cpart && bpart != -1 && cpart != -1 {
return mustNotAlias
if bpart == cpart {
return mayAlias

// Allocations cannot alias any pointer that
// the allocation itself does not dominate.
// No allocation dominates arguments.
sdom := b.Block.Func.sdom()
if a.allocs.contains(bbase.ID) && a.allocs.contains(cbase.ID) {
// We should have already handled this case.
b.Fatalf("new allocations should have different partitions")
if a.allocs.contains(bbase.ID) &&
(cbase.Op == OpArg || !sdom.isAncestorEq(bbase.Block, cbase.Block)) {
return mustNotAlias
if a.allocs.contains(cbase.ID) &&
(bbase.Op == OpArg || !sdom.isAncestorEq(cbase.Block, bbase.Block)) {
return mustNotAlias

return mayAlias

// given a load or store operation, return its width
func ptrwidth(v *Value) int64 {
if v.Op == OpLoad {
return v.Type.Size()
if !v.Type.IsMemory() {
v.Fatalf("expected memory, got %s", v.LongString())
t, ok := v.Aux.(Type)
if !ok {
v.Fatalf("aux for %s is not a Type", v.LongString())
return t.Size()

// find the base pointer of this address calculation
func ptrbase(v *Value) *Value {
for v.Op == OpOffPtr || v.Op == OpAddPtr || v.Op == OpPtrIndex || v.Op == OpCopy {
v = v.Args[0]
return v

func symname(sym interface{}) string {
return sym.(fmt.Stringer).String()

// clobbers return whether or not a memory-producing
// value must be ordered with respect to the given load
func (a *aliasAnalysis) clobbers(mem, load *Value) bool {
if mem.Op == OpPhi {
mem.Fatalf("unexpected Phi")
if mem.Op == OpSelect1 {
mem = mem.Args[0]
switch mem.Op {
case OpInitMem:
return true
case OpVarDef, OpVarKill, OpVarLive:
// VarDef/VarLive/VarKill clobber autotmp symbols.
// Figure out if the load references the same one.
base := ptrbase(load.Args[0])
return base.Op == OpAddr && base.Args[0].Op == OpSP && symname(base.Aux) == symname(mem.Aux)
case OpKeepAlive:
return mem.Args[0] == load
case OpCopy, OpConvert:
return false
if mem.MemoryArg() == nil {
mem.Fatalf("expected a memory op; got %s", mem.LongString())
// calls and atomic operations clobber everything
if opcodeTable[mem.Op].call || opcodeTable[mem.Op].hasSideEffects || mem.Type.IsTuple() {
return true
// at this point, mem must be a store operation
return a.alias(mem.Args[0], ptrwidth(mem), load.Args[0], ptrwidth(load)) != mustNotAlias
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/loop_test.go
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func TestLoopConditionS390X(t *testing.T) {
Valu("mem", OpInitMem, TypeMem, 0, nil),
Valu("SP", OpSP, TypeUInt64, 0, nil),
Valu("ret", OpAddr, TypeInt64Ptr, 0, nil, "SP"),
Valu("ret", OpAddr, TypeInt64Ptr, 0, c.Frontend().Auto(TypeInt64), "SP"),
Valu("N", OpArg, TypeInt64, 0, c.Frontend().Auto(TypeInt64)),
Valu("starti", OpConst64, TypeInt64, 0, nil),
Valu("startsum", OpConst64, TypeInt64, 0, nil),
Expand Down

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