R package version 1.1.4
is required to use scDist
. In development, R
version 4.0.0 and
greater were used, but there may be compatibility with previous
From the R console, devtools::install_github("phillipnicol/scDist")
Installation should take less than a minute on a standard machine.
The input to scDist
is a normalized count matrix and correpsonding
metadata that describes what condition and patient each cell belongs to.
In this demo, we create a simulated dataset with 10 cell types. The demo
should take less than a minute to run on a standard machine. The code is
also modifiable to see how scDist
performs for different parameter
Generate simulated data with 10 cell types and 5 patients in each group:
sim <- simData(nct=10,N1=5,N2=5)
dim(sim$Y) #Normalized counts
## [1] 1000 5100
rownames(sim$Y) <- 1:1000
## response patient clusters
## 1 1 1 a
## 2 1 1 a
## 3 1 1 a
## 4 1 1 a
## 5 1 1 a
## 6 1 1 a
Now we apply scDist:
out <- scDist(sim$Y,sim$meta.data,fixed.effects = "response",
## ================================================================================
The results data frame gives a summary of the estimated distance and uncertainty for each cell type
## Dist. 95% CI (low) 95% CI (upper) p.val
## a 33.044137 32.281250 33.82516 0.0000099999
## b 10.870614 8.007240 13.73925 0.0048399516
## c 9.885715 5.217373 13.39083 0.4479655203
## d 15.240428 13.991557 16.58055 0.0000099999
## e 18.897089 18.201092 19.64802 0.0000099999
## f 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.9478205218
## g 33.022750 32.519064 33.55178 0.0000099999
## h 22.591648 21.749534 23.49203 0.0000099999
## i 16.613041 15.731826 17.54432 0.0000099999
## j 16.371930 15.131200 17.60823 0.0000099999
The true distances are
names(sim$D.true) <- letters[1:length(sim$D.true)]
## a b c d e f g h
## 31.497609 4.408609 5.153658 10.700209 15.551271 2.764961 31.310492 19.893417
## i j
## 13.349565 13.045934
We can also plot the results
To get a plot of genes that are associated with the perturbation use
distGenes(out, cluster = "a")
If you use scDist
in your work, please cite:
Nicol, P.B., Paulson, D., Qian, G., Liu, X.S., Irizarry, R.A., and Sahu, A.D. (2024). Robust identification of perturbed cell types in single-cell RNA-seq data. Nature Communications. Vol 15(7610). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-51649-3.