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Added initial Changelog for version 2.0.
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corpsee committed Jun 14, 2020
1 parent 2dd4463 commit 3ddd486
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 0 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Changelog 2.0

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to
[Semantic Versioning](

## [2.0.0 (Rick Sanchez)]( (2019-xx-xx)

[Full Changelog](

### Changed

- **Minimal PHP version increased to 7.1 (from 5.6)**.

### Removed

- **Deprecatins from versions 1.x**:
- Cronjob worker: "php-censor:run-builds" (Use daemon worker instead: "php-censor:worker").
- Project configs "phpci.yml" and ".phpci.yml" (use ".php-censor.yml" instead).
- "PHPCI_*" interpolation and env variables (Use "PHP_CENSOR_*" instead).
- Global application config section "b8.database" (Use "php-censor.database" instead).
- [Codeception] Option "path" (Use option "output_path" instead).
- [Grunt] Option "grunt" (Use options "binary_path" and "binary_name" instead).
- [Gulp] Option "gulp" (Use options "binary_path" and "binary_name" instead).
- [PHPCodeSniffer] Option "path" (Use option "directory" instead).
- [PHPCpd] Option "path" (Use option "directory" instead).
- [PHPDocblockChecker] Option "path" (Use option "directory" instead).
- [PHPMessDetector] Option "path" (Use option "directory" instead).
- [PHPUnit] Option "directory" (Use option "directories" instead).
- [Shell] Option "command" and commands list without any named option. Use option "commands" instead.
- [PackageBuild] Special variables for plugin ("%build.commit%", "", "%build.branch%", "%project.title%", "%date%" and "%time%"). Use interpolated variables instead ("%COMMIT_ID%", "%BUILD_ID%", "%BRANCH%", "%PROJECT_TITLE%", "%CURRENT_DATE%", "CURRENT_TIME").
- [MySQL and PostgreSQL] Options "pass" for plugins MySQL and PostgreSQL. Use option "password" instead.
- [MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite] Queries list without option for plugins MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Use the options "queries" instead.
- [MySQL] Imports list without option for plugin MySQL. Use the options "imports" instead.
- [Mage, Mage3] Section "mage" and "mage3" in the global application config and option "bin". Use the plugin options "binary_path" and "binary_name" instead.

## Other versions

- [0.x Changelog](/docs/
- [1.0 Changelog](/docs/
- [1.1 Changelog](/docs/
- [1.2 Changelog](/docs/

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