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Mantis 18854 Link click stores urls with trailing space (#196)
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* Remove any surrounding white space from the URL

* Improve readability by removing commented-out and unreachable code

* Remove unused variable $urlbase and unnecessary assignments of $linkUUID
  • Loading branch information
bramley authored and michield committed Sep 13, 2017
1 parent fe27ac2 commit 1d52d1c
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 88 deletions.
103 changes: 15 additions & 88 deletions public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php
Expand Up @@ -494,52 +494,31 @@ function sendEmail($messageid, $email, $hash, $htmlpref = 0, $rssitems = array()

if (CLICKTRACK && $hash != 'forwarded' && !empty($userdata['id'])) {
$urlbase = '';
// let's leave this for now
if (preg_match('/<base href="(.*)"([^>]*)>/Umis',$htmlmessage,$regs)) {
$urlbase = $regs[1];
} else {
$urlbase = '';
# print "URLBASE: $urlbase<br/>";

// convert html message
// preg_match_all('/<a href="?([^> "]*)"?([^>]*)>(.*)<\/a>/Umis',$htmlmessage,$links);
preg_match_all('/<a (.*)href=["\'](.*)["\']([^>]*)>(.*)<\/a>/Umis', $htmlmessage, $links);

// to process the Yahoo webpage with base href and link like <a href=link> we'd need this one
// preg_match_all('/<a href=([^> ]*)([^>]*)>(.*)<\/a>/Umis',$htmlmessage,$links);
$clicktrack_root = sprintf('%s://%s/lt.php', $GLOBALS['public_scheme'], $website.$GLOBALS['pageroot']);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($links[2]); ++$i) {
$link = cleanUrl($links[2][$i]);
$link = cleanUrl(trim($links[2][$i]));
$link = str_replace('"', '', $link);
if (preg_match('/\.$/', $link)) {
$link = substr($link, 0, -1);
$linkUUID = 0;

$linktext = $links[4][$i];

//# if the link is text containing a "protocol" eg http:// then do not track it, otherwise
//# it will look like Phishing
//# it's ok when the link is an image
// if the link is text containing a "protocol" eg http:// then do not track it, otherwise
// it will look like Phishing
// it's ok when the link is an image
$linktext = strip_tags($linktext);
$looksLikePhishing = stripos($linktext, 'https://') !== false || stripos($linktext, 'http://') !== false;

if (!$looksLikePhishing && (preg_match('/^http|ftp/i', $link) || preg_match('/^http|ftp/i',
$urlbase)) && !strpos($link, $clicktrack_root)
if (!$looksLikePhishing
&& preg_match('/^http|ftp/i', $link)
&& !strpos($link, $clicktrack_root)
) {
// take off personal uids
$url = cleanUrl($link, array('PHPSESSID', 'uid'));

// $url = preg_replace('/&uid=[^\s&]+/','',$link);

// if (!strpos('http:',$link)) {
// $link = $urlbase . $link;
// }

$linkUUID = clickTrackLinkId($messageid, $userdata['id'], $url, $link);

$masked = "H|$linkUUID|".$cached[$messageid]['uuid'].'|'.$userdata['uuid'] ^ XORmask;
Expand All @@ -565,48 +544,7 @@ function sendEmail($messageid, $email, $hash, $htmlpref = 0, $rssitems = array()

// convert Text message
// first find occurances of our top domain, to avoid replacing them later

// hmm, this is no point, it's not just *our* topdomain, but any

if (0) {
preg_match_all('#(https?://'.$GLOBALS['website'].'/?)\s+#mis', $textmessage, $links);
// preg_match_all('#(https?://[a-z0-9\./\#\?&:@=%\-]+)#ims',$textmessage,$links);
// preg_match_all('!(https?:\/\/www\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/#~\?+=&%@-_]+)!mis',$textmessage,$links);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($links[1]); ++$i) {
// not entirely sure why strtolower was used, but it seems to break things
// $link = strtolower(cleanUrl($links[1][$i]));
$link = cleanUrl($links[1][$i]);
if (preg_match('/\.$/', $link)) {
$link = substr($link, 0, -1);
$linkid = 0;
if (preg_match('/^http|ftp/i', $link) && !strpos($link, $clicktrack_root)) {
$url = cleanUrl($link, array('PHPSESSID', 'uid'));
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (messageid,userid,url,forward)
values(%d,%d,"%s","%s")', $GLOBALS['tables']['linktrack'], $messageid, $userdata['id'], $url, $link));
$req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select linkid from %s where messageid = %s and userid = %d and forward = "%s"
', $GLOBALS['tables']['linktrack'], $messageid, $userdata['id'], $link));
$linkid = $req[0];

$masked = "T|$linkid|$messageid|".$userdata['id'] ^ XORmask;
$masked = urlencode(base64_encode($masked));
$newlink = sprintf('%s://%s/lt.php?tid=%s', $GLOBALS['public_scheme'],
$website.$GLOBALS['pageroot'], $masked);
$textmessage = str_replace($links[0][$i], '<'.$newlink.'>', $textmessage);
//now find the rest
// @@@ needs to expand to find complete urls like:
// or secure

preg_match_all('#(https?://[^\s\>\}\,]+)#mis', $textmessage, $links);
// preg_match_all('#(https?://[a-z0-9\./\#\?&:@=%\-]+)#ims',$textmessage,$links);
// preg_match_all('!(https?:\/\/www\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/#~\?+=&%@-_]+)!mis',$textmessage,$links);
//# sort the results in reverse order, so that they are replaced correctly
$newlinks = array();
Expand All @@ -617,28 +555,18 @@ function sendEmail($messageid, $email, $hash, $htmlpref = 0, $rssitems = array()
$link = substr($link, 0, -1);

$linkUUID = 0;
if (preg_match('/^http|ftp/i', $link)) {
// && !strpos($link,$clicktrack_root)) {
$url = cleanUrl($link, array('PHPSESSID', 'uid'));

$linkUUID = clickTrackLinkId($messageid, $userdata['uuid'], $url, $link);

if (0) {
$masked = "T|$linkUUID|".$cached[$messageid]['uuid'].'|'.$userdata['uuid'] ^ XORmask;
$masked = base64_encode($masked);
//# 15254- the encoding adds one or two extraneous = signs, take them off
$masked = preg_replace('/=$/', '', $masked);
$masked = preg_replace('/=$/', '', $masked);
$masked = urlencode($masked);
} else {
$masked = $linkUUID . $cached[$messageid]['uuid'] . $userdata['uuid'];
$uuidLength = strlen($linkUUID);
$masked[14] = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(1)), 0, 1);
$masked[$uuidLength + 14] = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(1)), 0, 1);
$masked[$uuidLength * 2 + 14] = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(1)), 0, 1);
$masked = str_replace('=', '', base64_encode(hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $masked))));
$masked = $linkUUID . $cached[$messageid]['uuid'] . $userdata['uuid'];
$uuidLength = strlen($linkUUID);
$masked[14] = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(1)), 0, 1);
$masked[$uuidLength + 14] = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(1)), 0, 1);
$masked[$uuidLength * 2 + 14] = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(1)), 0, 1);
$masked = str_replace('=', '', base64_encode(hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $masked))));

$masked .= '&hm='.hash_hmac(HASH_ALGO, sprintf('%s://%s/lt.php?tid=%s', $GLOBALS['public_scheme'], $website.$GLOBALS['pageroot'], $masked), HMACKEY);
Expand All @@ -651,7 +579,6 @@ function sendEmail($messageid, $email, $hash, $htmlpref = 0, $rssitems = array()

// print $links[0][$i] .' -> '.$newlinks[$linkUUID].'<br/>';
$textmessage = str_replace($links[1][$i], '[%%%'.$linkUUID.'%%%]', $textmessage);
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