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added file merger service
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rvosa committed Jun 11, 2012
1 parent 82a113c commit 51dd4c3
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions cpan/api/lib/Bio/PhyloTastic/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
package Bio::PhyloTastic::PhyleMerge;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::Phylo::Factory;
use Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger;
use Bio::Phylo::IO qw'parse unparse';
use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT ':objecttypes';

# instantiate factory object
my $fac = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new;

# if true, names are stripped of single and double quotes
my $unquote;

# if provided a string, that string (e.g. _) is replaced with quotes
my $whitespace;

# number of parts to keep
my $parts;

# Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger
my $log;

sub run {

# process command line arguments
my ( @infiles, @deserializers, $outfile, $serializer, $verbose );
'infile=s' => \@infiles,
'deserializer=s' => \@deserializers,
'outfile=s' => \$outfile,
'serializer=s' => \$serializer,
'unquote+' => \$unquote,
'whitespace=s' => \$whitespace,
'parts=i' => \$parts,
'verbose+' => \$verbose,

# instantiate logger
$log = Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger->new(
'-level' => $verbose,
'-class' => __PACKAGE__,

# create merged object
my $merged_project = $fac->create_project;
$log->info('created new merger object');

# parse files, add data to merged project
'-format' => $deserializers[$_],
'-file' => $infiles[$_],
'-project' => $merged_project,
) for 0 .. $#infiles;
$log->info('parsed '.scalar(@infiles).' input files');

# extract all taxa blocks
my @taxa = map { $_->_type == _TAXA_ ? $_ : $_->make_taxa } @{ $merged_project->get_entities };
$merged_project->delete($_) for @taxa;
$log->info('number of non-taxa blocks in project: '.scalar @{ $merged_project->get_entities });
$log->info('number of taxa blocks to merge: '.scalar @taxa);

# normalize names
$_->visit(\&nameprocessor) for @taxa;
$log->info('cleaned up taxa names');

# merge the taxa blocks
my $merged_taxa = $taxa[0]->merge_by_name( @taxa[1..$#taxa] );

# serialize object
my $string = unparse(
'-format' => $serializer,
'-phylo' => $merged_project,

# write output
open my $fh, '>', $outfile or die $!;
print $fh $string;

# cleans up taxon names before attempting merge
sub nameprocessor {
my $taxon = shift;
my $name = $taxon->get_name;

# convert something (e.g. underscores) to spaces
if ( $whitespace ) {
$name =~ s/\Q$whitespace\E/ /g;

# strip quotes
if ( $unquote ) {
$name =~ s/['"]//g;

# keep $parts words
if ( $parts ) {
my @parts = split /\s/, $name;
$name = join ' ', @parts[ 0 .. $parts - 1];

# assign clean name
$taxon->set_name( $name );


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