[2017-06-21 17:58:01.446] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 17:59:01.018] SQL error (5): database is locked [2017-06-21 17:59:01.019] DB-GC error: Deleting queries due to age of entries failed! [2017-06-21 17:59:01.020] SQL error (21): (null) [2017-06-21 17:59:01.021] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2017-06-21 17:59:01.021] ----------------------------> FTL crashed! <---------------------------- [2017-06-21 17:59:01.022] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2017-06-21 17:59:01.022] > Please report a bug at https://github.com/pi-hole/FTL/issues [2017-06-21 17:59:01.022] > and include in your report already the following details: [2017-06-21 17:59:01.023] > [2017-06-21 17:59:01.023] > Received signal: Segmentation fault [2017-06-21 17:59:01.024] at address: 16 [2017-06-21 17:59:01.024] with code: SEGV_MAPERR (Address not mapped to object) [2017-06-21 17:59:01.024] > Memory usage (structs): 686720 [2017-06-21 17:59:01.025] > Memory usage (dynamic): 22921 [2017-06-21 17:59:01.025] > [2017-06-21 17:59:01.025] > Thank you for helping us to improve our FTL engine! [2017-06-21 17:59:01.026] FTL terminated! [2017-06-21 19:22:25.198] ########## FTL started! ########## [2017-06-21 19:22:25.201] FTL branch: (no branch) [2017-06-21 19:22:25.202] FTL hash: v2.9.2 [2017-06-21 19:22:25.202] FTL date: 2017-06-19 21:16:56 +0200 [2017-06-21 19:22:25.202] FTL user: pihole [2017-06-21 19:22:25.203] Notice: Found no readable FTL config file [2017-06-21 19:22:25.203] Using default settings [2017-06-21 19:22:25.204] Starting config file parsing [2017-06-21 19:22:25.204] SOCKET_LISTENING: only local [2017-06-21 19:22:25.204] TIMEFRAME: Rolling 24h [2017-06-21 19:22:25.204] QUERY_DISPLAY: Show queries [2017-06-21 19:22:25.205] AAAA_QUERY_ANALYSIS: Show AAAA queries [2017-06-21 19:22:25.205] MAXDBDAYS: max age for stored queries is 365 days [2017-06-21 19:22:25.216] Finished config file parsing [2017-06-21 19:22:25.244] Found no other running pihole-FTL process [2017-06-21 19:22:25.267] PID of FTL process: 2625 [2017-06-21 19:22:26.870] Gravity list entries: 110161 [2017-06-21 19:22:26.870] No blacklist present [2017-06-21 19:22:26.871] No wildcard blocking list present [2017-06-21 19:22:26.900] Database initialized [2017-06-21 19:22:26.900] Starting initial log file parsing [2017-06-21 19:22:26.901] Reading from /var/log/pihole.log.1 (rw-r--r--) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.903] Notice: Increasing queries struct size from 0 to 10000 (320.10 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.904] Notice: Increasing overTime struct size from 0 to 100 (323.30 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.904] Notice: Increasing forwarded struct size from 0 to 4 (323.37 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.926] New forward server: router.asus.com (0/4) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.926] Notice: Increasing domains struct size from 0 to 1000 (343.39 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.927] Notice: Increasing clients struct size from 0 to 10 (343.59 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.929] New client: WinDesktop (0/10) [2017-06-21 19:22:26.945] New client: (1/10) [2017-06-21 19:22:27.117] New client: android-2d99ce889c795451 (2/10) [2017-06-21 19:22:27.136] New client: WinTab (3/10) [2017-06-21 19:22:27.496] New client: android-fe964b1b885d23db (4/10) [2017-06-21 19:22:27.921] Reading from /var/log/pihole.log (rw-r--r--) [2017-06-21 19:22:29.012] New client: Office-PC (5/10) [2017-06-21 19:22:57.128] Notice: Increasing queries struct size from 10000 to 20000 (684.00 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:57.144] Notice: Increasing overTime struct size from 100 to 200 (687.24 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:58.745] Notice: Increasing domains struct size from 1000 to 2000 (709.43 KB) [2017-06-21 19:22:59.160] Finished initial log file parsing [2017-06-21 19:22:59.161] -> Total DNS queries: 14273 [2017-06-21 19:22:59.161] -> Cached DNS queries: 7259 [2017-06-21 19:22:59.161] -> Blocked DNS queries: 586 [2017-06-21 19:22:59.162] -> Unknown DNS queries: 0 [2017-06-21 19:22:59.162] -> Unique domains: 1021 [2017-06-21 19:22:59.162] -> Unique clients: 6 [2017-06-21 19:22:59.163] Successfully accessed setupVars.conf [2017-06-21 19:22:59.164] Listening on port 4711 for incoming connections [2017-06-21 19:59:01.022] SQL error (5): database is locked [2017-06-21 19:59:01.023] DB-GC error: Deleting queries due to age of entries failed! [2017-06-21 19:59:01.072] SQL error (21): (null) [2017-06-21 20:59:01.078] SQL error (5): database is locked [2017-06-21 20:59:01.079] DB-GC error: Deleting queries due to age of entries failed! [2017-06-21 20:59:01.082] SQL error (21): (null) [2017-06-21 20:59:01.083] SQL error (21): (null) [2017-06-21 21:00:00.075] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:00:00.075] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:00:00.076] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:01:00.079] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:01:00.080] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:01:00.080] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:01:00.081] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [2017-06-21 21:01:00.081] DB thread - SQL error: database is locked [............] [2017-06-21 21:59:01.161] DB thread - SQL error: library routine called out of sequence [2017-06-21 21:59:01.161] DB thread - SQL error: library routine called out of sequence [2017-06-21 21:59:01.162] DB thread - SQL error: library routine called out of sequence [2017-06-21 21:59:01.163] DB thread - SQL error: library routine called out of sequence [2017-06-21 21:59:01.163] DB thread - SQL error: library routine called out of sequence [2017-06-21 21:59:01.164] DB thread - SQL error: library routine called out of sequence