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(EN) Independently check ports inside & outside your network

browolf edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 7 revisions

If present, the docker container needs to be stopped before you try this.


Download and install nodejs from

(windows installer msi)

(you don't need the chocolatey addon option)

Create file

In explorer navigate to c:\users\yourname, on the view tab, tick "file name extensions"

on the home tab, "new item", text document change the name to ports.js

Edit File

open notepad, open ports.js paste the code from this page

change hostname for internal ip of your computer

change port for 31400

Run Server

open command prompt go to c:\users\yourname

C:\users\yourname> node ports.js

it should say server running at ...... (information you changed)

Test Server Inside your computer

In a web browser go to http://yourcomputerIP:31400

If you get the page hello world, the server is working.

Test Server Inside your network

With another computer or mobile phone in your house on your wifiyou can run an intermediate test

In a web browser go to http://yourcomputerIP:31400

If you get the page hello world, the port is open and working inside your network at least.

Test Server outside your network

Find your external ip at

Go to this website

Type in the address http://ipaddress-from-whatsmyip:31400

If you get the hello world page, your port forwarding is working from the outside world.

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