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Hari Recipes

A database of recipes from the top recipe sites, with all the junk removed, organized and searchable. Inspired by:

This project would not be possible without Recipe Scrapers Python library.



sh ./
docker compose up --build



Windows does not support unzipping .gz files from the command line. You will need to use a third-party GUI tool like 7zip (consider this your punishment for using Windows)

Manually unzip ./data/recipes.sqlite.gz

docker compose build

Developer Tools

This project has only been tested for Python 3.12.7 and is not guaranteed to work on other systems/versions.


Crawls all the websites in websites.json and uses some metadata to save all urls which contain recipes.

python -m


Loops over every url in all_recipes.csv and saves them to recipes.json

python -m


Make sure all recipes conform to the Pydantic RecipeData model, saves them to recipes_validated.json

python -m


Test out the search functionality in the commandline.

python -m


Generates the sqlite file from recipes_validated.json if none exists. Runs an example SQL statement.

python -m src.service.db


Run dev server

fastapi dev ./src/service/

API should be available at http://localhost:8000


This website is extremely easy to host on the web as well. Caddy makes it stupidly easy to configure SSL. You just need an A record pointing to your public IP.

git clone
# download files
sh ./
# open ports
sh ./
# set domain name
# run docker container
docker compose up

There are some environment variables you can configure in the docker-compose file as well:

  • FLOAT_32_SEARCH -- default 0, enables search with full-precision vectors. Slow and memory intensive.
  • BINARY_EMBEDDINGS -- default 1, when enabled, rescoring of search matches is disabled. Less accurate results, but smaller memory footprint (by about 500MB)
  • CUDA -- defualt 0, enables CUDA usage


To get this project to run on smaller VMs, we need to restrict memory usage. The first memory-saving feature is to put our recipe data into a SQLite file that can live on-disk. Query speed with batching is slower than reading from a list in-memory, but negligible compared to the time taken up by the similarity search.

The second thing we can do is decrease the precision of our vector embeddings. The embeddings are float32 by default. We can quantize these to binary without losing much accuracy. This also gives us a 100x speedup in search.

Keeping the full-sized embeddings in memory for rescoring takes up about 500MB. We can skip the rescoring step, but this affects our accuracy quite a bit. The most relevant search result wont always be at the top now. Increasing the number of search results can help, but it's not as convenient for users. However, my goal for deployment is to get this to fit on a $5 Digital Ocean droplet, so the user will have to suffer unless they decide to self-host (Consider this the second punishment).

Memory Usage
In-Memory 4.4GB
SQLite float32 0.84GB
SQLite binary 0.36GB

Why Hari?

"JustRecipes" was taken on Squarespace. I liked the idea of making a reference to Hari Seldon from Foundation, who works to preserve human knowledge in a big-ass encyclopedia. Looking into it though, the word hari had serendipitous meanings in other languages.

Hari Seldon Is an important character in the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov.

Hari in Japanese 針 means "needle". Hari Recipes allows you to search for a needle in a haystack.

Hari (Sanskrit: हरि) is among the primary epithets of the Hindu preserver deity Vishnu, meaning 'the one who takes away' (sins).[1] It refers to the one who removes darkness and illusion, the one who removes all obstacles to spiritual progress. Ok maybe this one is a bit of a stretch, but Hari Recipes removes all of the obstacles (SEO blogspam and LLM spam) to spiritual progress (finding a recipe for Szechuan Pork Ribs).

Hari also sounds like "Hurry" which describes what I want from a recipe search experience. I don't want to click through 30 different popups and cookie consent forms. I just want to know the ratio of sugar to water for the love of God.

But really, I just like the way it sounds.


  • go back and clean up the recipes list, remove any recipes that don't have real instructions or ingredients lists