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Vested Token Migration

The vested token migration Aragon app allows you to migrate one Aragon MiniMe Token into another. Migrations are subject to vesting, a Merkle root determines which vesting shedules are considered valid.

The App exposes the following functions:

  • function setVestingWindowMerkleRoot(bytes32 _root) Allows a permitted address with the SET_VESTING_WINDOW_MERKLE_ROOT_ROLE to set the root of the vesting windows Merkle Tree
  • function migrateVested( address _receiver, uint256 _amount, uint256 _windowAmount, uint256 _windowVestingStart, uint256 _windowVestingEnd, bytes32[] _proof) Allows anyone with a valid vesting window to migrate their tokens
  • function calcVestedAmount(uint256 _amount, uint256 _time, uint256 _vestingStart, uint256 _vestingEnd) public view returns(uint256) Utility function to calculate the amount vested


We require the following dependencies to be installed on your machine

  • node tested with 12.18.3
  • yarn tested with 1.22.4
  • frame tested with 0.3.1 (currently broken on Windows 10)

Get started developing

Run the following commands to get started.

yarn build
yarn test
yarn coverage

Generating vesting windows

npx buidler generate-mints-json --token 0x5f5e9ed11344dadc3a08688e5f17e23f6a99bf81 --network mainnet
npx buidler generate-windows-json  --vesting0-duration 94608000 --vesting0-till 1583178715 --vesting1-duration 47304000 --vesting1-till 1587290630 --vesting2-duration 31536000 --vesting2-till 9999999999
## log merkle root
npx buidler generate-proof

Minting testnet tokens

npx buidler mint-tokens --tokenManager [manager address] --network [network]

Setting vesting window window merkle root on the app

dao exec <dao-address> <migration-app-address> setVestingWindowMerkleRoot <bytes32 merkle root> --environment aragon:rinkeby --use-frame


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