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Project submission guidelines

Pierre Depaz edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

Project submission (per person):

  1. Your project needs to be online on your website. If it's not hosted on your server, then have an .html on your webpage which links to it.
  2. Send me an archive file (.zip/.rar/etc) containing:
    • your write-up
    • the code of the project (front-end and back-end)
    • a text file with the URL where i can find the project

Project presentation:

  1. What is the problem you wanted to address?

  2. What was the solution you offered?

  3. Show the project

  4. Show the code (everyone in the group explains something)

  5. How did it go when you tested it with someone else?

  6. Conclusion on whether it was a success or a failure, and what you learned.