Fast inference for high-D receptive fields using Automatic Smoothness Determination (ASD) in Matlab
- general method for regression problems with smooth weights
Description: Performs evidence optimization for hyperparameters in a Gaussian linear regression model with a Gaussian Process (GP) prior on the regression weights, and returns maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the weights given optimal hyperparameters.
- Download: zipped archive
- Clone: clone the repository from github:
git clone
Launch matlab and cd into the directory containing the code
( fastASD/
). -
Run script "setpaths.m" to set local paths:
> setpaths
cd to directory demos:
> cd demos
Examine the demo scripts for example application to simulated data:
- illustrate estimation of a 1D (e.g. purely temporal) receptive field using fastASD.test_fastASD_2D.m
- for 2D (e.g. 1D space x time ) receptive field with same length scale (i.e. smoothness level) along each axis.test_fastASD_2Dnonisotropic.m
- for 2D receptive field, but with different length scale (smoothness) along each axis.test_fastASD_3D.m
- for 3D (e.g. 2D space x time) receptive field.
More advanced demo scripts:
- model with multiple vectors of regression weights for different covariates, each of which should be smooth (e.g. 1 filter governing stimulus and 1 governing running speed). -
- run ASD for weight vectors which are not evenly spaced in time (or space), -
- same but for non-uniformly sampled 2D data, e.g. for inferring a rat hippocampal place fields from location data that does not sit on a 2D grid. (See, e.g., Muragan et al 2017 )
The ASD model includes three hyperparameters (for 1D or isotropic prior):
- prior variance of the regression weightslen
- length scale, governing smoothness (larger => smoother).sig^2
- variance of the observation noise (from Gaussian likelihood term).
The only change for non-isotropic version is to have a different length scale governing smoothness in each direction.
code returns MAP estimate of RF, posterior confidence intervals of the RF, and confidence intervals on hyperparameters based on the inverse Hessian of the marginal likelihood.
Computational efficiency of this implementation comes from using a spectral (Fourier basis) representation of the ASD prior, which is also known as Gaussian, or Radial Basis Function (RBF), or "squared exponential" covariance function.